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How much social scholarships are paid to low-income students? State social scholarship: who is eligible and how to get it? In-kind form of providing social support to citizens

The scholarship has always been, albeit not large, but tangible financial support. Students with preferential status - those with disabilities or those who have lost their parents - are especially in dire need of this payment. The state provides social scholarships for them.

To receive a social scholarship, a student needs to collect a package of documents and go through the registration procedure.

Who can apply

Payments of this kind are provided only to certain categories of student citizens:

  • persons who are disabled or veterans after participating in hostilities;
  • persons affected by radiation during man-made accidents or disasters;
  • citizens with first or second disability groups;
  • orphans who have lost their parents (adoptive parents or guardians).

Grounds and procedure for provision

To confirm membership in one of the preferential category groups, you must provide the documents required by law, including a certificate from the local social service agency. The package of collected documentation will be the basis for issuing a scholarship.

Another preferential category is low-income students. For them, the order of assignment of payments is observed. The priority category is appointed by a special commission, whose members determine the degree of social vulnerability of students.

The following order is observed:

  1. Students with parents with first or second group disabilities.
  2. Students with non-working parents of retirement age.
  3. Members of large families studying at a university.
  4. Members of single-parent families who are students.
  5. Students with children of their own.

Where and with what documents should I apply?

To apply for financial assistance, you should contact the relevant committee or the dean’s office. The main document is the original certificate issued by the authority social protection.

Sometimes, along with the application, they are submitted directly to the accounting department of the university or college. All details of registration in a particular case must be clarified in the dean’s office.

Typically, a documentation package consists of only two points:

  • the original certificate issued by the social service authority;
  • and a statement drawn up in the name of the head of the educational institution.

Getting help

Registration always begins with collecting documents and submitting them to the local social service office. Here the student is given an appropriate certificate confirming his need for social assistance.

You must provide:

  • passport (after verification of information it will be returned to the applicant);
  • a document specifying the income of each family member (this includes compensation, wages, pensions, subsidies, scholarships);
  • a work book is provided for non-working family members;
  • paper from the place of permanent registration confirming the composition of a particular family;
  • a document on the amount of the scholarship accrued for the last three months (issued by the accounting department of the educational institution);
  • a certificate confirming your studies at this educational institution.

If a student receives an increased scholarship, for example, for academic success, he can count on additional assistance only in exceptional cases. Such an exception is one’s own family, for which the person is the sole breadwinner.

Dates of issue

After submitting the application along with a package of documents, it is reviewed within 10-14 working days. Then a certificate is issued.

Anyone in life may experience a difficult life situation that they are not able to cope with on their own. This could be illness, serious injury or disability, loss of a breadwinner, or low financial security of the family.

If such a problem happens to a student, the state is obliged to support him, namely, to award an additional social scholarship. We’ll talk about what scholarships there are and how to apply for them in our article.

What is a social scholarship and who can receive it?

In addition to the standard (and for some outstanding students), some students are eligible to receive additional monthly payments. Social scholarship- this is intended for undergraduate and graduate students studying full-time at the expense of the state (not under a financial contract) and experiencing financial difficulties. In other words, for the state to provide you material support of this kind, you must, firstly, be a state employee, and secondly, fall under one of the following categories of students who are entitled to a social scholarship:

1. Orphans, that is, those whose parents were deprived of parental rights before they came of age, as well as children who found themselves without parental care. TO last group include students whose parents:

  • Missing;
  • They are in prison;
  • Incapacitated;
  • Unknown.

The status confirmed by the benefit remains assigned to the student until he reaches the age of twenty-three.

2. Disabled people:

  • Disabled children (persons under eighteen years of age who have been diagnosed with incurable diseases);
  • Disabled people of the first and second groups (adults whose health status was recognized as corresponding to one of these groups);
  • Disabled children from childhood (people with lifelong incurable diseases).

3. Persons whose health has been undermined by the harmful effects of radiation as a result of any radiation disaster.

4. Participants in hostilities and persons injured while serving under a contract
Contractors who served for 3 or more years:

  • in the army
  • in the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the FSB of the Russian Federation or executive authorities

5. Social scholarship is provided and low-income students. These include:

  • Adult disabled people of the third group;
  • Members of large families;
  • Persons from single-parent family(families of a single mother (father));
  • Students whose parents are disabled people of the first or second group;
  • Those who have created a family, especially if there is a child (children);
  • Students whose family income is below the subsistence level (the minimum wage is different for different regions of the country).

Where to go and how to apply for a social scholarship

First of all, those applying for this type of financial assistance need to contact social security (administration of social protection of the population) at the place of registration, registration or temporary registration, where employees will advise you and issue a list necessary documents(however, you can find this information on the Internet).

What documents and certificates are needed?

  1. Certificate of family composition(list of persons registered at the same address as you). This document is issued at the passport office at the place of registration upon presentation of a passport or at the housing and communal services. If the student lives in the private sector, he provides an extract from the house register. It is important to note that this document is valid for only 10 days, so it is recommended to leave its receipt for last.
  2. Certificate of income all family members within 3 last months(income includes pensions, scholarships, salaries, etc.). A working person takes this certificate from the employer upon application (form 2-NDFL), a pensioner - from a pension fund, a student - from a university, etc., that is, from the organization to which the citizen is assigned.
  3. Certificate of fact of training.
  4. Certificate of (non)receipt of scholarship another type.
  5. Passport.

Upon completion of the calculation of the student’s family income in social security, he is issued a certificate, which must be submitted to the dean’s office or social educator (details vary by institution) along with an application written in the form prescribed by the institution, during September.

The scholarship is awarded for 1 year and is paid monthly.

Refusal to receive a scholarship and suspension of its payment

  1. If you provide false information or an incomplete package of documents educational institution has the right to refuse to pay a social scholarship to a student.
  2. A student who has academic debts at the time of application will also not receive a social scholarship
  3. Payment of benefits is terminated when a student develops academic debt at the end of the session and is resumed when it is eliminated.

The student should be aware that non-payment of social scholarships due to absenteeism when the student is in good academic performance is illegal. If your educational institution does this, its leadership is breaking the law by exceeding their official authority.

How much is the social scholarship?

Each educational institution generates the amount of “social benefits” independently, depending on the scholarship fund. It's no secret that social scholarships in college are smaller than in universities. However, at the state level, the Government of the Russian Federation decided that the amount of the social scholarship should be not less than 730 rubles for students of secondary specialized educational institutions(technical schools, colleges, etc.). In universities(universities, academies, institutes) minimum amount of social scholarship 2,010 rubles.

It is paid provided that the student studies at 4 and 5. Its minimum amount is 6,307 rubles.

Thus, in order to receive a state social scholarship, you must:

  • Analyze your financial situation and decide whether you fall into one of the appropriate categories;
  • Submit the full package of necessary documents for consideration to social security;
  • Present a certificate from social security with a statement written on its basis at your educational institution;
  • Remember that the right to receive a social scholarship must be confirmed annually, that is, every year you must re-collect and submit the relevant documents. Many people find the procedure for applying for this benefit quite complicated and refuse the right to additional financial assistance, not wanting to deal with bureaucracy and “paperwork.” However, a social scholarship is a good financial help, especially for students, so it’s still better not to be lazy and apply for it.

We also invite you to watch a video about who is entitled to a social scholarship under the new legislation:

Today we will talk about the scholarship, so eagerly awaited by every student who is entitled to it. In particular, we will look at how to apply for a social scholarship, tell you in what cases it is awarded, and what documents need to be collected for this.

Social state scholarship is provided for by law monthly payment to low-income students studying on a budget, and whose families have an income below the established subsistence level.

Grounds for applying for a social scholarship

In order to find out how to apply for a social scholarship, a student needs to contact the dean’s office or the relevant committee of his educational institution.

In mandatory cases, a social scholarship must be awarded to:

  • Orphan students and those who are left without a guardian.
  • Disabled people of groups 1 and 2.
  • To students who suffered as a result radiation disasters and accidents.
  • Students who are legally recognized as veterans and disabled combatants.

The basis for awarding a scholarship is the provision of the necessary documents that confirm membership in a preferential category and a certificate from the social welfare service.

For other students who are recognized as low-income, a social scholarship is issued immediately after the mandatory category. The order of appointment of such a scholarship is determined by a specially created commission and depends on the degree of social vulnerability of students.

  1. Who have parents with disabilities of the 1st and 2nd groups.
  2. Who has non-working, retired parents?
  3. Students from a large family.
  4. Students from single-parent families.
  5. Students with children.

The basis for awarding a scholarship is the original certificate from the social welfare service. In addition, in some cases, a student must submit documents to the trade union committee that confirm that he belongs to a priority category that requires financial support.

How to apply for a social scholarship

To apply for a social scholarship, a student needs to provide only one certificate to the dean’s office of his university or college (sometimes directly to the accounting department) - it is obtained from the social service at the place of registration or temporary registration. In addition to the certificate, an application is written addressed to the rector or director (a request to award a scholarship based on the issued certificate). An application must be written in order for an order to be issued to assign you the requested benefit.

To obtain the appropriate certificate, you need to provide the following documents to the social welfare service:

  1. Original passport (will be returned).
  2. A certificate confirming the student’s studies at a specific educational institution.
  3. A document from the accounting department of the educational institution about the amount of the accrued scholarship based on the last three months.
  4. Certificate from the passport office from the place of permanent registration about family composition.
  5. Certificate of income for each family member. Income is considered wage, pension, subsidy, scholarship, and other various compensation. Non-working family members provide the original work record book.

Why do you need to collect so many certificates?

The fact is that in order to assign you a certain status, you need to calculate the average income for each family member. Since they cannot apply for a social scholarship without reasons, these reasons must be established and one of them is the average income of each person in your family, if it does not exceed the subsistence level.

By the way, if you receive a significantly increased scholarship for academic success, the amount of which exceeds the cost of living established in a given region, then most likely you will not be given additional money. Or they will pay, but in exceptional cases (for example, if you are the only breadwinner or if you have children, so to speak, your own student family).

What to do next?

After submitting a package of documents to the SZN, within 15 days (in practice, immediately), the authorized department of this organization reviews the submitted documents, calculates the average family income and issues a certificate confirming the student’s right to receive the appropriate social scholarship. This certificate is issued in any month and is valid for one year. Therefore, it must be provided annually.

Having received such a certificate, the student submits it to the dean’s office of the educational institution along with an application of the appropriate form for the accrual of a social state scholarship.

The social scholarship is paid every month for one year. The amount of the social scholarship is determined independently by the educational institution, but cannot be less than the legally established minimum amount of the scholarship.

Answers to questions on the topic

Question: Is it possible to assign a social scholarship to a C student?

Answer: yes, it is possible if it does not have session tails.

Question: Why was the payment of the social scholarship suspended?

Answer: There are two main possible reasons:

  1. the student has arrears for the session;
  2. When preparing a certificate in the SZN, part of the family’s income was hidden, then discovered - the grounds for payments became invalid.

Question: How to apply for a social scholarship for a student studying in a paid department?

Answer: no way, such scholarships are paid only to state employees. However, this student may receive special awards - a presidential or university scholarship. In addition, for those who pay for their education, there is the possibility of receiving tax deductions.

Social scholarships for low-income students in 2020 will be provided along with other types of government support. Government Russian Federation comprehensive assistance is provided to applicants in matters of creating appropriate conditions for admission, as well as in obtaining education away from their home. Thus, the state encourages young people to study and acquire useful skills for future employment.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The possibility of receiving a scholarship for low-income students in 2020 is fixed by the norms of current legislation. In particular, the articles of federal regulations set out the grounds and conditions for the implementation of all types of support from the state. It has also been established that regional authorities can make changes to the size, as well as to the list of beneficiaries claiming preferences.

In addition, the title “” is assigned at the local level, based on the cost of living indicators in the territory of the subject of the Federation. As for the administration of educational institutions, they also take an active part in the formation of social funds. scholarships for low-income students. Representatives of the university administration, the trade union committee, as well as student council. At a meeting of the commission, a decision is made on the amount of benefits.

Table No. 1 “Legal regulation of the issue”

Date of adoption of the Law and assigned number Document title and main provisions
“On education on the territory of the Russian Federation” – records whether a social scholarship is available large families, as well as students from low-income families. Establishes the conditions for assigning payments, as well as the procedure for implementing social policy.
“On the amount of scholarship payments to preferential categories of the population” - approves the list of types of financial assistance that a university student can count on, as well as their amounts.
“On the rules for providing social assistance” establishes an algorithm of actions within the framework of which social politics in the field of financial support for students.

In addition, it is necessary to additionally take into account regional regulations, as well as administrative documents of higher educational institutions.

Social scholarship – what is it?

According to the norms of federal legislation, students studying full-time at higher educational institutions may qualify for payment of a regular cash benefit - a scholarship. Social scholarships for low-income and large families are one of the categories of scholarship payments.

The difference between this type of benefit and general scholarships lies in the amount of assignments, as well as who can apply for benefits. Among the common features - compensation of payments is carried out from state budget or from the municipal treasury.

Despite the fact that the amount of the social scholarship is fixed individually by each university, it cannot be lower than the total amount of payment.

Who is entitled to cash payments?

Social scholarships for students from low-income families are provided only to those students who are studying full-time and on a budget. Additionally, you need to obtain a beneficiary certificate. To do this, you must meet at least one of the following conditions:

  • official recognition of children as orphans (only in the event of the death of the mother and father or recognition of them as missing);
  • deprivation of both parents of parental rights;
  • students with status (regardless of the group and circumstances of receiving the disease);
  • employees of military units or law enforcement agencies;
  • children whose family income does not reach the subsistence level.

The list of applicants for social benefits cannot be supplemented, so other categories of students will not be able to receive such payments.

Payment amounts

Social The scholarship for low-income students in 2020 will be awarded to applicants based on individual academic performance. Therefore, an excellent student will receive much more than students with mediocre grades.

Table No. 2 “What is the social income of students in 2020”

Name Implementation procedure
Academic Since there are no academic results yet upon admission to study, each freshman is guaranteed payment of financial assistance. Support is provided until the end of the first session and amounts to one and a half thousand rubles. The amount is standard and does not differ depending on the institution. No additional documents are required to obtain privileges.
Basic After passing the full package of exams at the first session, the amount of deductions is recalculated. So, if the session is passed only with grades “4” and “5”, the payment amount will be two thousand rubles. Allowances will be granted prior to graduation based on satisfactory examination scores.
Social Depending on the average score based on the results of the session, the amount of deductions may be increased by the administration of the educational institution. No uniform requirements to the volume of payments, but they cannot be lower than 2000 rubles.
Increased Excellent students may qualify for larger payments. As a rule, the amount of assistance reaches the level of the regional subsistence level. Therefore, the social scholarship for low-income students in 2020 in Bashkortostan will differ from the amount of deductions paid in the capital.

Important! Social benefits are not related to the total amount of deductions during study. Therefore, students who do not belong to preferential categories of the population receive smaller amounts of assistance.

How to apply

According to federal legislation, scholarships are provided to students regardless of the citizen’s registration address. Therefore, even nonresident students will receive compensation immediately after entering the educational institution. In order to qualify for support, the student must provide the educational institution with documents confirming their preferential status.

To obtain a beneficiary certificate, you must complete the following steps:

  • collection of documents confirming the legality of applying for an additional scholarship;
  • obtaining a certificate from the educational institution, which indicates the form of study, as well as the amount of payments received;
  • independent appeal to the social protection authorities located at the citizen’s place of registration.

After social security prepares a certificate confirming large families or low family income, you need to submit it to the university administration, which decides on the advisability of increasing benefits.

What documents are needed

Social scholarships for low-income students in 2020 will be provided upon presentation of the following necessary documents:

  • passport;
  • an extract from the educational institution indicating the duration and form of study, as well as the amount of deductions for the previous three months (this document is necessary to calculate the average per capita income of the student’s family);
  • a document from the municipality confirming the composition of the student’s family;
  • statements of income of all members of the student’s family.

If a child comes to study from another region, he must confirm his place of temporary residence in the city where the university is located.

Hello student! Studying is always wonderful, but I want to talk about the financial side of the issue. And what, for diligent study at the university there is a kind of “salary”, which everyone simply calls a “scholarship”. It is these social payments that I would like to talk about in more detail, since for many university students this is the main source of income.

Social scholarship is a monthly cash payment that has a fixed value and is provided as financial assistance to needy graduate and undergraduate students.

The size of such payments is different every academic year; moreover, social scholarships in different regions also have excellent indicators; and this depends on the city budget, which is formed each time at the beginning of the calendar year.

Only students who study for free, that is, on the budget, can count on this form of payment, and this fact is explained by the fact that the money is allocated from the federal budget.

This is good help for the student, so if you have the opportunity to receive it, you should not refuse, but provide all the necessary documents to the relevant authorities (in this case, the dean’s office of the university).

Academic and social scholarship are two different concepts, and the assignment of the latter in no way affects the scholarship that students with an average score of 4 and above receive every month at approximately the same period.

The social scholarship is paid additionally, and the monthly income received allows you to feel at least a little financial independence and confidence in the future.

Social scholarship amount increases every year, as does the standard of living modern student. If in the 2010–2011 academic year the amount was 1,650 rubles, then in the 2013–2014 academic year this figure increased to 2,010 rubles (minimum).

By the way, not only university students, but also students of colleges or vocational schools can count on a social scholarship, and the monthly payment for this category is 730 rubles (minimum).

It would seem that the money is small, but you should not refuse it, since, as you know, it certainly will not be superfluous, especially for a student with his unlimited needs.

Who is entitled to a social scholarship?

One should not naively believe that all categories of students can count on a social scholarship.

This is an erroneous reasoning, and only the following categories of students at universities, colleges, and vocational schools can receive monthly payments:

1. Children are orphans;

2. Disabled people of groups 1 and 2 only;

3. Children are Chernobyl victims;

4. Disabled people and combat veterans;

5. Students raising children;

6. Students from large families;

7. Family students;

8. Students with parents - disabled people of groups 1 and 2;

9. Students from single-parent families;

10. Students with children with disabilities of group 3.

To receive the required payments, the first step is to contact the academic department of the university, and then submit all the required documents to officially confirm your status.

However, as practice shows, students in these categories cannot always count on financial benefits.

What are we talking about?

1. It is not possible to obtain a social scholarship if the university or other educational institution does not have sufficient funds in its scholarship fund to provide students with a social scholarship.

2. If during September (the next school year) the student does not provide the trade union committee with a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of registration about the provision of a social scholarship, then he certainly will not see the promised payments, at least for the current academic year.

So it is very important not to delay resolving this issue, because the money will definitely not be wasted!

So the possibility of receiving social benefits depends not only on rights and regulations, but also on the financial capabilities of the university and the efficiency of students.

Documents required to receive a social scholarship

To receive a social scholarship, a student must collect a package of documents standard for all regions of the Russian Federation, and then submit it to the social security service at the place of registration.

Of course, you will have to run around to different authorities, but in the end the result is worth it.

So what kind of certificates do they require in social security?

1. Certificate of family composition from the housing office at the place of registration;

2. Certificate from the dean’s office about studying at the university on a budgetary basis;

3. A certificate from the university accounting department about the accrual or non-award of the scholarship;

4. Certificates of income of all family members;

5. Additional edits as necessary.

When the package of documents is available, it must be submitted to the social security service, and its employees, after carefully studying the application and the documentation attached to it, will determine the feasibility of the social scholarship.

If it is required, then a certificate “about the provision of social benefits” will be issued on a special form, with which you must come to the educational department of the university.

Payments, as a rule, begin from the next month. They do not depend on the size of the academic scholarship, although they can go to the same bank account.

Requirements for a certificate of social scholarship

In order not to confuse anything or make any mistakes, I decided to write those important points that relate to the certificate itself and the requirements for its execution and provision:

2. The certificate must be subsidized by September of the current year, otherwise it will not be taken into account for the provision of a social scholarship.

3. The decision to provide a social scholarship must be made before October 10 of the current year.

4. The certificate provides a social scholarship for a period of one year.

5. In addition to the certificate issued on a special form, the trade union committee of the university also needs to additionally present all copies of the documents on the basis of which the social scholarship was awarded.

Only after all these nuances and actions can you safely count on a social scholarship, the amount of which will be negotiated individually and depend on a number of factors.

Useful information for students

Receiving a social scholarship is good financial assistance, which allows a student to slightly improve their financial condition, live with dignity and obtain the required level of knowledge in their chosen professional field.

However, you should not perceive this cash payment as a “sharu”, since one fine day you may lose such additional income.

What should every student remember?

The rules are simple:

1. If a student is expelled from the university, he is deprived of a social scholarship, whatever the reasons for this circumstance.

2. If there is academic debt, the student is also deprived of the right to receive the supposed social scholarship.

If there is one, then payments stop until he pulls up all his “tails”.

3. When paying a social scholarship, the student’s performance in each semester is taken into account, and not throughout the year.

This is a kind of incentive to study well without debt.

4. The social scholarship also applies to those students who receive higher education at European universities, but free of charge.

5. After a year, you must re-collect the required package of documents in order to receive another certificate of social scholarship.

So this is a very “fragile” payment, which you can lose at one fine moment due to your poor performance or carelessness.

Delays in social scholarship payments

Sometimes it happens that a social scholarship is paid untimely, and without good reason.

This is illegal, and a student with a relevant question must contact the dean’s office and resolve the situation.

If the university administration fails to act, there are other authorities that will ensure timely payment of the social scholarship.

After observing the situation, I came to the conclusion that good study at a university means not only improving one’s own qualifications, but also a good one, and most importantly, a stable monthly income, which students benefit from.

Sometimes there is no need to look for part-time work when the university pays well.

So this issue is worth thinking seriously about, especially if your status allows it. Studying well and excellently is not only prestigious, but also economically profitable.

Today it has become reliably known that, according to statistics, 30% of all university students in the Russian Federation receive social scholarships.

This is a colossal amount of money that the state is willing to pay from the budget to improve literacy and develop the population, train highly qualified personnel and ensure a bright future for its undoubtedly powerful state.

Conclusion: I hope that you no longer have questions about what a social scholarship is and how it differs from an academic scholarship. In fact, these are two different government payments that are only partially interrelated.

The student site has many other useful articles, but this publication is definitely worth reading, if only for self-development.

Now you know for sure what is a social scholarship, and what categories of students are entitled to it!