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The structure and significance of the nervous system. Nervous regulation

Lesson topic: Nervous regulation. The structure and significance of the nervous system.
To develop knowledge about the structure of the nervous system and its functions.
Reveal the dependence of the functions performed on the characteristics of nerve cells, the reflex principle of the nervous system, the mechanism of nervous regulation;
Continue developing the skills and techniques of students’ mental activity: comparison, analysis, generalization, introspection.
Equipment: Computer, multimedia projector, screen.

During the classes:
1. Updating knowledge about the nervous system, structural features, and operating principles; about reflex.
What types of nervous system are shown in the picture?
What are the structural features of each type of nervous system?
What is a reflex?

2. Studying new material.

2.1. Neuron is the basis of the nervous system. Types of neurons, properties and functions. Synapse.
You already know that the existence of an organism in a complex, constantly changing world is impossible without coordination and regulation of its activities. This is primarily what the nervous system does. The nervous system is a set of structures in the human body that unites the activities of all organs and systems and ensures the functioning of the body as a whole in its constant interaction with the external environment. The nervous system perceives external and internal stimuli, analyzes this information, selects and processes it, and, in accordance with this, regulates and coordinates the functions of the body.
NS value:
1. ensures the maintenance of homeostasis
2. ensures coordinated functioning of all organs and systems of the body
3. carries out the orientation of the organism in the external environment and adaptive reactions to its changes
4. forms the basis of mental activity: speech, thinking, social behavior.
The nervous system is formed mainly by nervous tissue, the main element of which is a nerve cell with processes (axon and dendrites), which have high excitability and the ability to quickly conduct excitation.
A – dendrites. B – nerve cell body. C – axon.
Neurons are the basis of the nervous system. The nervous system is a neuron consisting of a nerve cell body and processes - axon and dendrites. In addition to nerve cells, the structure of the nervous system includes neuroglial cells, which perform a supporting function in it and also participate in the metabolism of nerve cells.
Interaction between neurons occurs through contacts between them.
These contacts are called synapses. (recording the definition in a notebook) In the area of ​​contact between the ending of one neuron and the surface of another, in most cases, a special space is preserved - the synaptic cleft.
The main functions of neurons: perception of stimuli, their processing, transmission of this information and formation of a response.
Depending on the type and course of nerve processes (fibers), as well as their functions, neurons are divided into: a) sensory, receptor (afferent), the fibers of which conduct nerve impulses from receptors to the central nervous system; their bodies are located in the spinal ganglia or ganglia of the cranial nerves; b) motor (efferent), connecting the central nervous system with effectors; their bodies and dendrites are located in the central nervous system, and axons extend beyond its boundaries (with the exception of efferent neurons of the autonomic nervous system, the bodies of which are located in the peripheral ganglia); c) intercalary (associative) neurons, serving as connecting links between afferent and efferent neurons; their bodies and processes are located in the central nervous system.
2.2. The structure and significance of the nervous system (conversation with elements of the story, working with a textbook, drawing up diagrams). (support diagrams in notebook).
The nervous system, depending on its location, is conventionally divided into central and peripheral. The central group includes the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral group includes nerves (cranial and spinal), nerve ganglia and nerve endings.
Nerves are bundles of long processes of nerve cells that extend beyond the brain and spinal cord. The bundles are covered with connective tissue that forms the nerve sheaths.
Nerve ganglia are clusters of neuron bodies outside the central nervous system.
Receptors are the nerve endings of the branching processes.
The development and differentiation of the structures of the nervous system in humans led to its division into the somatic and autonomic nervous systems.
The somatic nervous system regulates the work of skeletal muscles, skin, and communicates the body with the environment.
The peculiarity of the structure of the autonomic nervous system is that its fibers extending from the central nervous system do not reach the working organ directly, but first enter the peripheral ganglia, where they end on cells that send axons directly to the innervated organ.
Depending on where the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system are located and some of its functional features, the autonomic nervous system is divided into 2 parts: parasympathetic and sympathetic.
2.3. Reflex principle of the nervous system. Reflex, types of reflexes, instincts.. Examples of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes).
The main patterns of activity of the central nervous system are associated primarily with the characteristics of the reflex arc - the structural basis of each reflex act. A reflex arc is the path along which a nerve impulse travels.
For simplicity, the reflex arc is usually depicted as a chain of a number of single cells of different kinds: a receptor cell, a sensory (afferent), intercalary and motor (efferent) nerve cells, and an executive cell. In fact, the reflex arc unites many such chains, the specific links of which are not a single cell of one kind or another, but an ensemble of interconnected homogeneous cells.
The reflex arc can be simple or complex.
The entire set of reflex reactions of the body is divided into two main groups: unconditioned reflexes - innate, carried out along hereditarily fixed nerve pathways, and conditioned reflexes acquired during the individual life of the body through the formation of temporary connections in the central nervous system.
Questions for conversation:
What unconditioned and conditioned reflexes do you know?
What is a necessary condition for the formation of conditioned reflexes in animals?
Innate forms of behavior (unconditioned reflexes) were developed in the process of evolution and are the same result of natural selection as the morphological, physiological and other characteristics of the organism. They are genetically strictly defined, therefore, in taxonomy, one of the criteria for a species is behavioral. Unconditioned reflexes are very diverse. They can be classified as follows.
1. Reflexes aimed at preserving the internal environment of the body. These are food, drinking, as well as homeostatic reflexes (maintaining a constant body temperature, optimal breathing and heart rates, etc.).
2. Reflexes that arise when the conditions of the body’s external environment change. These are situational reflexes (flock behavior, nest building, exploratory and imitative reflexes) and defensive reactions.
3. Reflexes associated with the preservation of the species - sexual and parental
Such reflexes are species specific, i.e. characteristic of all representatives of this species. The range of stimuli that trigger them is genetically strictly determined (food, pain, the smell of an individual of the opposite sex, etc.). I.P. Pavlov called such reflexes unconditioned, and the stimuli that triggered them were called reinforcers.
The second group of reflexes are acquired responses that are formed as a result of the repeated combination of any indifferent (initially insignificant) stimulus with reinforcement. Such reflexes are individual; they are produced under certain conditions in each individual, can disappear during life or be replaced by other similar reflexes and are not transmitted to offspring. Formation of writing skills, use of tools.

The ability to form such connections is inherent only in the cerebral cortex. The formation of conditioned reflex connections allows the body to adapt most perfectly and subtly to constantly changing conditions of existence. Conditioned reflexes were discovered and studied by I.P. Pavlov in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The study of conditioned reflex activity of animals and humans led him to the creation of the doctrine of higher nervous activity (HNA) and analyzers. Each analyzer consists of a perceiving part - a receptor, conducting pathways and analyzing structures of the central nervous system, necessarily including its higher department. The cerebral cortex in humans and higher animals is a collection of cortical ends of analyzers; it carries out the highest forms of analytical and integrative activity, providing the most perfect and subtle forms of interaction of the body with the external environment.
The reflex arc conducts excitation in only one direction - from the receptor end to the executive organ. This is due to the structural and functional polarization inherent in all nerve cells: at the terminal branches of the axons of each neuron there are microstructural formations, the so-called. synapses through which it contacts the bodies or dendrites of other neurons and unilaterally transmits its activity to them. The body's diverse external and internal receptors, specialized in the process of evolution for the subtle and perfect perception of individual, qualitatively specific types of energy - light, sound, thermal, mechanical and chemical, transform them into the process of nervous excitation, which in the form of rhythmic impulses is transmitted sequentially from one unit reflex arc to others. Excitation on its multi-stage path to the final link undergoes significant changes in rhythm, intensity, speed and character. In the executive organs, reflex excitation can generate a variety of effects due to the specific features of the structure and functions of the executive organs themselves (muscles, glands, blood vessels, etc.).
2.4. The principle of direct and feedback in the functioning of the nervous system.
Of great importance for the normal course of reflex activity is the mechanism of so-called feedback, afferentation - information about the result of a given reflex reaction, arriving along afferent pathways from the executive organs. Based on this information, if the result is unsatisfactory, restructuring of the activity of individual elements can occur in the formed functional system until the result corresponds to the level required for the body.
2.5. The role of I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlova in the development of the doctrine of reflexes. (student messages). (If time is available in class)
Materials for student reports about scientists I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov are located on the website Single window of access to educational resources. Russian education. System of federal educational portals.
4. Consolidation of knowledge.
Conversation on the questions “Test your knowledge”
Independent work on drawing textbook p. 52-53
5. Homework assignment. P.50 – 55, notes in notebooks.
6. Reflection.

Development of a lesson on the topic “Structure and significance of the nervous system. Nervous regulation” introduces students to the structure and classification of the nervous system, determines the relationship between the nervous system and the work of internal organs. Children learn to work independently with the text of the textbook, think logically and formulate the results of logical operations in oral and written form.



The structure and significance of the nervous system. Nervous regulation.

Goals: understand the structure and classification of the nervous system; structure of nervous tissue, neuron, gray and white matter, nerves, nerve ganglia; the essence of the concepts “reflex”, “reflex arc” and their classification. Form concepts: independently work with the textbook text, extract the necessary information from it; think logically and formulate the results of mental operations in oral and written form.

Tasks: show the leading role of the nervous system in regulating the functioning of organs and ensuring a unified system of the body; form an idea of ​​the structure and functions of the spinal cord; show the connection between the concepts of “reflex” and “spinal cord function”; develop the ability to apply knowledge to explain phenomena.

Equipment: tables: diagram of the structure of the nervous system, “Nerve cells and diagram of the reflex arc”; video "Reflex Arc"

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Biological dictation.

Students define concepts from the previous lesson.

  1. Learning new material.
  1. The meaning of the nervous system.

A conversation summarizing the students’ knowledge acquired in different lessons and in different articles of the textbook “Biology: Man.”

The functions of the nervous system are written on the board. Students must support each point with examples and facts from previously studied topics.

  1. Anatomical classification of parts of the nervous system.

A story with elements of conversation. Drawing up a diagram of the “Nervous System”

  1. Spinal cord

Structure of the spinal cord (teacher explanation)

Spinal cord lies in the spinal canal and in adults is a long (45 cm in men and 41-42 cm in women), somewhat flattened from front to back cylindrical cord, which at the top directly passes into the medulla oblongata, and at the bottom ends with a conical point at the level of the II lumbar vertebra. Knowledge of this fact is of practical importance (in order not to damage the spinal cord during a lumbar puncture for the purpose of taking cerebrospinal fluid or for the purpose of spinal anesthesia, it is necessary to insert a syringe needle between the spinous processes of the III and IV lumbar vertebrae).

Internal structure of the spinal cord.The spinal cord consists of gray matter containing nerve cells and white matter made up of myelinated nerve fibers. Gray matter , lies inside the spinal cord and is surrounded on all sides by white matter. Gray matter forms two vertical columns located in the right and left halves of the spinal cord. In the middle of it is a narrow central canal, the spinal cord, running the entire length of the latter and containing cerebrospinal fluid. White matter consists of nerve processes that make up three systems of nerve fibers:

  1. Short bundles of associative fibers connecting parts of the spinal cord at different levels (afferent and interneurons).
  2. Long centripetal (sensitive, afferent).
  3. Long centrifugal (motor, efferent).

Functions of the spinal cord (Teacher's story, demonstration of the unconditioned knee reflex, image of the reflex arc of the knee reflex)

Reflex - an involuntary act, a quick response of the body to the action of a stimulus, carried out with the participation of the central nervous system and under its control. This is the main form of nervous activity in the body of multicellular animals, including humans.

You know from your zoology course that an organism is born with a large set of ready-made, innate reflexes. Some reflexes are developed during life under certain environmental conditions. What are such reflexes called (unconditioned and conditioned, respectively).

Let us consider the mechanism of the reflex using the example of the knee reflex. All organs of the body have receptors - sensitive nerve endings that convert stimuli into nerve impulses. They are also found in the thigh muscle. If you hit the tendon ligament just below the knee, the muscle is stretched and excitation occurs in its receptors, which is transmitted along the sensory (afferent) nerve to the motor (efferent) nerve, the body of which is located in the spinal cord. Through this neuron, the nerve impulse reaches the same muscle (working organ), and it contracts, extending the leg at the knee joint. Clusters of neurons of the central nervous system that cause a certain reflex action are calledreflex centersthese reflexes. The knee reflex occurs when not one, but many receptors located in one area of ​​the body are stimulated -reflexogenic zone (receptive field).

Thus, the material basis of the reflex isreflex arc- a chain of neurons that forms the path of a nerve impulse during a reflex.

Using this example, fill out the table “Reflex Arc Links” from memory:

Reflex arc links

Link functions

1. Receptor

Conversion of irritation into nerve impulses

2. Sensitive (afferent, centripetal) neuron

Conduction of impulses to the central nervous system

3. Central nervous system (spinal cord or brain) CNS

Analysis, processing of received signals and their transmission to the motor neuron

4. Executive (efferent, centrifugal) neuron

Conducting an impulse from the central nervous system to the working organ

5. Effector - nerve ending in the executive organ

Response - effect (contraction in a muscle, secretion in a gland)

Watch the video “Reflex Arc”

  1. Connection between the spinal cord and the brain(teacher explanation)
  1. Consolidation of knowledge.

Frontal written work.

Complete the definitions.

Nerve ganglia are clusters of ______________

Nerves are clusters of ___________________

A reflex is the _____________________ of the body on _____________________, which is carried out with the help of _______________.

1. What is called a reflex?
2. In the dark, entering your room, you accurately locate the switch and turn on the light. Is your movement towards the switch an unconditioned or conditioned reflex? Justify your answer.
3. How many links does the reflex arc include?
4. What anatomical structures are represented by each section of the reflex arc?
5. Is it possible to implement a reflex if one of the links of the reflex arc is disrupted? Why?
6. In some people, the knee reflex is weak. To strengthen it, they suggest clasping your hands in front of your chest and pulling them in different directions. Why does this lead to an increase in the reflex?

HomeworkTextbook by A.G. Dragomilova, R.D. Masha § 46, 49. Workbook No. 2 tasks 150-153, 158, 181.

1 Physiological regulation– this is the active management of the body’s functions and its behavior to maintain an optimal level of vital activity, constancy of the internal environment and metabolic processes in order to adapt the body to changing environmental conditions.

Mechanisms of physiological regulation :

  1. humoral.

Humoral physiological regulation To transmit information, it uses body fluids (blood, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.). Signals are transmitted through chemicals: hormones, mediators, biologically active substances (BAS), electrolytes, etc.

Features of humoral regulation :

    does not have an exact addressee - with the flow of biological fluids, substances can be delivered to any cells of the body;

    the speed of information delivery is low - determined by the speed of flow of biological fluids - 0.5-5 m/s;

    duration of action.

Neural physiological regulation for the processing and transmission of information is mediated through the central and peripheral nervous system. Signals are transmitted using nerve impulses.

Features of nervous regulation:

    has an exact addressee - signals are delivered to strictly defined organs and tissues;

    high speed of information delivery – nerve impulse transmission speed – up to 120 m/s;

    short duration of action.



Carried out with the help of chemicals through body fluids (blood, lymph, tissue fluid)

It is carried out using a nerve impulse that occurs in a nerve cell in response to irritation.

Mediators are hormones, electrolytes, mediators, kinins, prostaglandins, various metabolites, etc.

Mediators are mediators.

As a rule, it affects several organs at once - a wide area of ​​​​action

Most often affects certain organs and tissues - local area of ​​​​action

Regulation is slow - the response to the action of humoral regulation occurs after some time.

Hundreds or thousands of times faster than humoral - the response to action occurs instantly. It takes a fraction of a second to transmit a nerve signal.

The effect of regulation is long-lasting, long-lasting.

The effect of regulation is short-term

Functions: Provides longer adaptive responses

Functions: launches rapid adaptive reactions when changing the external or internal environment

There is no sharp boundary between nervous and hormonal regulation. For example, the transfer of excitation from one nerve cell to another or an executive organ occurs through a mediator, which is similar to humoral regulation (similar to hormones); in addition, some nerve endings release active substances into the blood. And finally, the closest connection between these mechanisms can be traced at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. So, nervous and humoral regulation mutually influence each other and are combined into a single neurohumoral regulatory system.

3 Reflex– this is a strictly predetermined reaction of the body to external or internal irritation, carried out with the obligatory participation of the central nervous system. A reflex is a functional unit of nervous activity.

Types of reflexes according to the nature of the response(based on biological characteristics) are divided into food, sexual, defensive, motor, etc.

According to the level of closure of the reflex arc reflexes are divided into:

    spinal - close at the level of the spinal cord;

    bulbar - close at the level of the medulla oblongata;

    mesencephalic - closes at the level of the midbrain;

    diencephalic - close at the level of the diencephalon;

    subcortical – close at the level of subcortical structures;

    cortical - close at the level of the cerebral cortex.

Depending on the nature of the response reflexes can be:

    somatic – motor response;

    vegetative - the response affects internal organs, blood vessels, etc.

According to I.P. Pavlov, reflexes are distinguished unconditional and conditional.

For a reflex to occur, two prerequisites are necessary:

    a sufficiently strong stimulus that exceeds the excitability threshold

    reflex arc

Principles of reflex regulation according to Pavlov I.P. The elementary form of nervous activity is reflex- the body’s response to irritation of receptors, which consists in the occurrence, change or cessation of the functional activity of organs, tissues or the whole organism and is carried out with the participation of the central nervous system. I.P. Pavlov formulated the basic principles of reflex theory: determinism, analysis and synthesis and structurality: 1) principle of determinism(causality principle) - any reflex reaction is causally determined. Every activity of the body, every act of nervous activity is caused by a specific cause, influence from the external world or the internal environment of the body; 2) the principle of unity of the processes of analysis and synthesis As part of a reflex reaction, the nervous system analyzes, i.e. distinguishes, with the help of receptors, all existing external and internal stimuli and, based on this analysis, forms a holistic response - synthesis; 3) principle of structure- an absolutely necessary condition for the implementation of a reflex is the structural and functional integrity of all parts of the reflex arc. Below we will consider the structure of the para- and sympathetic reflex arcs.

4 Somatic (animal) reflex arc

The receptor link is formed by afferent pseudounipolar neurons, the bodies of which are located in the spinal ganglia. The dendrites of these cells form sensory nerve endings in the skin or skeletal muscles, and the axons enter the spinal cord as part of the dorsal roots and are directed to the dorsal horns of its gray matter, forming synapses on the bodies and dendrites of interneurons. Some branches (collaterals) of the axons of pseudounipolar neurons pass (without forming connections in the dorsal horns) directly into the anterior horns, where they end on motor neurons (forming with them two-neuron reflex arcs).

The associative link is represented by multipolar interneurons, the dendrites and bodies of which are located in the posterior horns of the spinal cord, and the axons are directed to the anterior horns, transmitting impulses to the bodies and dendrites of effector neurons.

The effector link is formed by multipolar motor neurons, the bodies and dendrites of which lie in the anterior horns, and the axons leave the spinal cord as part of the anterior roots, go to the spinal ganglion and then, as part of the mixed nerve, to the skeletal muscle, on the fibers of which their branches form neuromuscular synapses (motor, or motor, plaques).

5 Autonomic reflexes

The autonomic nervous system does not have its own afferent nerve pathways. Reflex excitation of the efferent vegetative pathways is caused by irritation of the same receptors and afferent pathways, the irritation of which causes motor reflexes. However, irritation of reflexogenic zones and afferent fibers of internal organs, characterized by particularly slow conduction of excitation, in most cases causes reflexes of internal organs, or autonomic reflexes. Most of the afferent fibers of the internal organs enter the spinal cord along the dorsal roots.

Reflexes of the sympathetic system, due to the distribution of sympathetic fibers throughout the body, are not limited, but widespread, involving many organs.

The autonomic nervous system carries out two types of reflexes: functional and trophic. The functional effect on organs is that irritation of the autonomic nerves either causes organ function or inhibits it (“trigger” function). The trophic influence is that the metabolism in organs is directly regulated and thereby determines the level of their activity (“corrective” function). The reflex activity of the autonomic nervous system includes autonomic segmental reflexes, axon reflexes, the arc of which closes outside the spinal cord, within the branches of one nerve (such reflexes are characteristic of vascular reactions), as well as visceral-visceral reflexes (for example, cardiopulmonary, viscerocutaneous, which, in particular, cause the appearance of areas of skin hyperesthesia in diseases of internal organs) and cutaneous-visceral reflexes (which are used when applying local thermal procedures, reflexology, etc.). The autonomic nervous system includes segmental apparatuses (spinal cord, autonomic ganglia, sympathetic trunk), as well as suprasegmental apparatuses - the limbic-reticular complex, hypothalamus.

Membrane receptor- a molecule (usually a protein) on the surface of a cell, cellular organelles, or dissolved in the cytoplasm, specifically reacting by changing its spatial configuration to the attachment of a molecule of a certain chemical substance to it, transmitting an external regulatory signal and, in turn, transmitting this signal inside the cell or cellular organelle , often with the help of so-called second messengers or transmembrane ionic currents.

6 The simplest reflex arc in humans is formed by two neurons - sensory and motor (motoneuron). An example of a simple reflex is the knee reflex. In other cases, three (or more) neurons are included in the reflex arc - sensory, intercalary and motor. In a simplified form, this is the reflex that occurs when a finger is pricked with a pin. This is a spinal reflex; its arc passes not through the brain, but through the spinal cord. The processes of sensory neurons enter the spinal cord as part of the dorsal root, and the processes of motor neurons exit the spinal cord as part of the anterior root. The bodies of sensory neurons are located in the spinal ganglion of the dorsal root (in the dorsal ganglion), and intercalary and motor neurons are located in the gray matter of the spinal cord.

The simple reflex arc described above allows a person to automatically (involuntarily) adapt to changes in the environment, for example, withdrawing a hand from a painful stimulus, changing the size of the pupil depending on lighting conditions. It also helps regulate processes occurring inside the body. All this helps maintain the constancy of the internal environment, that is, maintaining homeostasis. In many cases, a sensory neuron transmits information (usually through several interneurons) to the brain. The brain processes incoming sensory information and stores it for later use. Along with this, the brain can send motor nerve impulses along the descending pathway directly to the spinal motor neurons; spinal motor neurons initiate the effector response.

7 Excitability is the ability of highly organized tissues (nervous, muscular, glandular) to respond to irritation by changing physiological properties and generating the excitation process. The nervous system has the highest excitability, then muscle tissue and finally glandular cells. Excitation is a reaction of a living cell to irritation, developed in the process of evolution. With V., the living system moves from a state of relative physiological rest to activity (for example, contraction of muscle fibers, secretion of glandular cells, etc. The threshold of irritation is a measure excitability tissue, which can be measured using an ascilograph.

Basic physiological properties of excitable tissues Excitability- the ability of tissue to respond to irritation with excitation. The excitability of envy depends on the level of metabolic processes and the charge of the cell membrane. An indicator of excitability - the threshold of irritation - is the minimum strength of the stimulus that causes the first visible response of the tissue. Stimuli are: subthreshold, threshold, suprathreshold. Excitability and irritation threshold are inversely proportional quantities. Conductivity- the ability of tissue to conduct excitation along its entire length. The conductivity indicator is the speed of excitation. The speed of excitation through skeletal tissue is 6-13 m/s, through nervous tissue up to 120 m/s. Conductivity depends on the intensity of metabolic processes, on excitability (directly proportional). Refractoriness(non-excitability) - the ability of a tissue to sharply reduce its excitability when excited. At the moment of the most active response, the tissue becomes inexcitable. There are:

    absolutely refractory period - the time during which the tissue does not respond to absolutely any pathogens;

    relative refractory period - the tissue is relatively inexcitable - excitability is restored to its original level.

Refractoriness index - the duration of the refractory period (t). The duration of the refractory period in skeletal muscle is 35-50 ms, and in nervous tissue - 0.5-5 ms. Tissue refractoriness depends on the level of metabolic processes and functional activity (inverse relationship). Lability(functional mobility) - the ability of tissue to reproduce a certain number of excitation waves per unit of time in exact accordance with the rhythm of applied stimulation. This property characterizes the rate at which excitation occurs. Lability indicator: the maximum number of excitation waves in a given tissue: nerve fibers - 500-1000 impulses per second, muscle tissue - 200-250 impulses per second, synapse - 100-125 impulses per second. Lability depends on the level of metabolic processes in the tissue, excitability, and refractoriness. For muscle tissue, to the four listed properties, a fifth is added - contractility.

Biology, 8th grade

Topic “Regulation and coordination”

Testing on the topic “Nervous regulation.

The structure and significance of the nervous system"

Task 1. Choose the correct answer.

1. Specialized cells that form the basis of the nervous system:

a) nephrons; b) neurons; c) neutrons; d) neuroglia.

2. Dendrites and axons form …………. substance of the spinal cord and brain:

a) white; b) gray; c) insertion; d) nervous.

3. The accumulation of neuron bodies outside the central nervous system is called: a) nerves; b) dendrites;

c) axons; d) nerve nodes.

4. Nerve endings located on the branches of neuron processes

are called: a) nerves; b) neurons; c) receptors; d) synapses.

5. Nervous system, made up of nerves, ganglia and nerves

endings are called: a) central; b) humoral; c) peripheral;

d) autonomous.

6. A cluster of neuron cell bodies forms …………. substance of the spinal and brain

brain: a) white; b) gray; c) insertion; d) nervous.

7. Bundles of long processes of nerve cells extending beyond the brain and

spinal cord are called: a) nerves; b) dendrites; c) axons; d) nerve nodes.

8. Neurons that analyze information and make decisions are called:

a) sensitive; b) insertion; c) motor.

9. The back and brain form the ………… nervous system: a) central;

b) humoral; c) peripheral; d) autonomous.

10. The body's response to environmental influences or changes

its internal state, performed with the participation of the nervous system,

called: a) nerve impulse; b) reflex arc; c) irritability;

d) reflex.

11. The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions form ………….. nervous

system: a) central; b) vegetative; c) peripheral; d) humoral

12. Neurons that conduct nerve impulses from the surface of the body and internal

organs to the spinal cord and brain are called: a) sensitive;

b) insertion; c) motor.

13. Reflexes that prevail throughout life are called: a) conditioned;

14. A simple reflex arc includes…….. neurons: a) 7; b) 5; at 3; d) 10.

15. The nervous system that regulates the functioning of skeletal muscles is called:

a) central; b) somatic; c) peripheral; d) autonomous.

16. The path along which a nerve impulse passes is called: a) nerve

path; b) reflex path; c) reflex arc; d) arc of irritability.

17. Reflexes that are inherited are called: a) conditioned;

b) autonomous; c) unconditional; d) vital.

18. Neurons conducting impulses - commands from the brain and spinal cord

to working bodies are called: a) sensitive; b) insertion;

c) motor.

19. The reflex arc can be: a) simple and complex; b) simple and

multi-stage; c) complex and autonomous; d) autonomous and somatic.

20. The second name of the autonomic nervous system: a) central;

b) humoral; c) peripheral; d) autonomous.

21. Ways to regulate the functions of physiological systems in the body

human: a) only humoral; b) only nervous; c) central and

peripheral; d) nervous and humoral.

22. Special contacts where nerve cells connect to each other

are called: a) dendrites; b) axons; c) synapses; d) receptors.

23. Regulation that, in your opinion, occurs faster in the body:

a) humoral; b) nervous; c) central and peripheral; d) nervous and


24. The missing component in the reflex arc (motor

neuron, part of the central nervous system, organ that responds to irritation, sensitive

neuron and …………..) is called: a) nerve impulse; b) receptor;

c) nerve ganglion; d) synapse.

Task 2. Look carefully at the pictures. Determine what's on them

shown in numbers?

Fig. 1. Structure of the nervous system Fig. 2 Structure of the autonomic nervous
