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House theme in English for children. Summary of an open lesson on the topic "My house"

Margarita Nechitailenko
OOD in English “Home Sweet Home”

Subject: “Home sweet ho me"

Integration of areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development,

Purpose of the lesson: Development of children’s communication skills in situations based on this plot, identifying the level of development of speech perception by ear.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of joy and pride in one’s home, to instill love and respect for one’s country and the countries of the language being studied, tolerance and interest in learning foreign language through game situations; develop attention, perseverance, memory;

Educational: identify the level of communication skills based on the plot of “Home Sweet Home”, the ability to perceive speech by ear;

Developmental: practice students in using vocabulary on the topic, expand lexical and grammatical material.

Equipment: computer, CD with songs, Mr. doll. Tongue, demonstration cards (pieces of furniture, animals, soft toys, magnetic board, magnets, a box with bear masks, a message in a bottle, letters with tasks, material for reflection.

1. On the board hang pictures of a mouse, a bear, a giraffe, (phonetic exercise).

2. A box containing a spoon and fork (rhymes).

3. Letter from an alien inhabitant (song).

4. (new words).

5. Table with a hero (encouragement).

Progress of direct educational activities.

I. Organizational moment.

Children sit on chairs.

Teacher: Good morning, my friends.

Good morning, Margarita Nikolaevna

2. Finger exercises.

Children, and our fingers may be offended by us, let's help them greet each other (children do the exercise Hello, hello, hello to you). Today we have guests, they also speak English, welcome them.

Children, tell me, what do you like to play or do more? Let's not study today, we'll just play. Jack came to visit us today. He is in a hurry to visit his friend Spot, but to get to his house, he must go through an enchanted forest, where there are many, many difficult tasks. And Jack is afraid to go alone. He asks you to guide him and help him solve all the riddles. Shall we help? Then let's go to the enchanted forest! And here is the path (arrows made of colored paper on the floor).

3.Phonetic exercise.

- Guys, oh, who came to us? (children's answers) He asks you to help him make a window in his house by doing exercises for his tongue

Once upon a time there lived a little tongue in a house without a window.

On English spoke a little.

I did exercises in the morning - [l], [m], s, ,

I made my bed,

Brushed my teeth, cleaned the house,

He opened the doors wide - [p], [w].

He went out for a walk,

Breathe fresh air - [h].

The tongue, when it was walking,

It froze very quickly.

Pressed the tip with his teeth

And trembled - [uh].

After running a little, he warmed up.

And then such a sound was heard - .

The tongue is tired of living in a dark house,

And he decided to break through a window in the ceiling.

He raised the tip of his tongue,

He started knocking on the ceiling - [t], [d].

II. Main part.

1. Setting goals. Activation of lexical skills

- So, we are going on a trip where we will play many games, and we will understand how many new words you remember on the topic “My Sweet Home”, tell you what houses you live in, and how much you love your houses, and with the game yes In a good mood, the road to Spot’s (our friend) house will be quick and tireless. Look at this magical book, now I’ll read to you how everyone needs to have their own home, and at the same time let’s do the math in English

2.Reading the Poem “Ten Midsummers”

Ivan lived in his hut and his name in English was “one”

The second one came to that hut and everyone began to call him “two”

The third one came to the hut, look. His name in English is “three”

The fourth one came in and they sheltered him. There are now four of them, which means “four”

The fifth one came in, now their five the sixth one is “six”,

And “seven” is the seventh; in the hut there is no longer room to stand even a foot.

The eighth knocks: “Open quickly,” - now there are eight of them or “eight.”

The ninth entered, which means they became “nine”.

The tenth shouts: “Where should I hang my hat? And they became “ten”, which means ten.

The Ivans live in a hut, sitting, albeit cramped, but not offended.

Guys, what is this? (Envelope) Now we will read what is written in the letter.

“Hello guys, my name is Pam. I flew to you from another planet. Here on planet Earth everything is not the same as in my homeland. The houses and rooms are not the same. Please tell me what you can see in your group room.”

(name words denoting furniture)

Pin individually .What is this? - It’s a…

Is it a? - Yes, it is // No, it is not. It's a...

3. Speech warm-up “Snowball”

Look, here is a snowball, it is so small that it will become big, now we will roll it (passing it to each other). Let’ play the game “Snowball” Children name words in a chain, each repeats the words of the previous ones and adds one of their own.

P1-a door P2- a door, a table P3- a door, a table, a carpet…

4. Development of listening skills

After the bear destroyed the mansion, the animals got lost in the forest, let's help them find their houses.

(pictures of animals - a bear, a mouse, a giraffe and three houses - are attached to the board; children listen to the texts with descriptions and connect them with arrows).

Be attentive & listen to my stories? Whose house is it?

*My house is not big. It is small. My house is a hole. It's nice. (A Mouse)

* My house is big. It is high. My house is not low. It is beautiful. (a giraffe)

* My house is low. It is not high. My house is dark. I like to sleep in my house. (a bear)

5.Physical training minute

Oh, it seems we woke up the bear, and it’s time for him to get up, wake up, little bear, you’ve been lying down, do some exercises with us

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, look around.

Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground…

6. Formation of communication skills

Here's the box. Let's see what's in it. Lesha, open the box and show us all what lies there. (handing out pictograms)

Wherever we are, we always return... home. What kind of houses do you have? Or does someone live in an apartment?

I show the pictogram and remember what it means

I live in a small house. I have a table in my house.

6. Game "Fair"

(one child goes to the board on which illustrations of furniture are attached with magnets and names who will receive the gift. The recipient names the item in English and receives it as a gift, then at the fair he gives another child a gift, etc.) - I want to have a sofa…

Plea se.

- Yes, it's a message in a bottle. I wonder what it says there.

- Let's sit in the clearing and read the message. You know, guys, I will need your help. Some words have been blurred by droplets of water, so when I read this message, help me. There are also new words here, you should remember them:

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthay, dear Spot,

Happy Birthday to you!

– Let’s also tell Spot what new words we learned.

– So we got to our friend Spot’s birthday party. He is very grateful to us... For this he treats you with sweets.

I. Final part.

– You did great today! And they solved riddles, sang a song, and learned new words.


Look at the tree growing near Spot's house, but there are no flowers on it yet - let's help them appear. If you were interested in traveling to the Spot, attach a red flower, and if there were difficulties along the way, attach a pink one. Children attach flowers.

for preschool children preparatory group

on the topic:

« My room ».

Goals classes : enternewvocabularyBytopic « Myroom»: a house, room, a table, a bed, a sofa, a chair, a vase, a flower, a clock, a lamp, a door, a floor, a ceiling, a window, a TV set, a carpet, a cupboard. Train children to pronounce sounds correctly; secure vegetables and fruits. Learnnewwords: a house, room, a table, a bed, a sofa, a chair, a vase, a flower.

Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop, presentation “My Room”, song« Familyfingersong», pictures with vegetables and fruits in an envelope, toy monkey, presentation "Myhouse", pictures for the game "Ayellowsofa/ lamp/ door", children's furniture (table, chair, bed, desk), sounds, pictures with animals.

Move classes :

1. Greetings .

Uch .: - Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you!

D .: - Good morning!

2. Phonetic exercise .

Now we will stretch our tongue. Sounds[w], [l], , [g], , [n], [z], [s], [ѳ], [q], , , [n], [d], [t], [p ].

3. Repetition lexical material. "Vegetables and fruits."

Teacher: - A monkey came to us today. Let's say how to say monkey in English.

Children:a monkey

The monkey really wants to meet you.

Toymonkey: - What is your name?

Answerschildren. - My name is......

The monkey brought his favorite fruits and vegetables. (It’s like a monkey talking into the teacher’s ear).

Guys, she says that he can eat fruits and vegetables only if you name them in English. language.(Envelope with vegetables and fruits)

Well done,that's fine. Now let's count how many vegetables and fruits we have on the table. Children count (1,2….10).

The monkey has many friends; they live in the forest. Forest in English forestforest , let's say this word.

The toy monkey “speaks” into the teacher’s ear.

Teacher: Ahhh, I understand. The monkey offers you to play one interesting game.

4. “Guess who’s friend” monkeys? Cards with images of animals, picture down, are laid out on the floor in a circle, children run around them, stop at a signal, opposite the card, turn it over and name the animal, for example,I have got a bear . The game is repeated 2 times.

4. Studying new material.

The monkey toy “speaks” quietly to the teacher. Guys, the monkey really enjoyed playing with you.. And she would like to stay with you for a few days. But for this she needs to sleep and eat somewhere.

I suggest making a room for her.A room.

What does a monkey need in order for it to eat?

Children: table.

Right. The teacher puts a toy table on the table and calls ita table

Teacher: What will the monkey sit on?

Children: chair

Right. The teacher puts a chair and calls ita chair

Teacher: - What does it take for a monkey to sleep?

Children: bed

The teacher sets up the bed and calls,and bed

Teacher: Tell me, what is there in the room? I'll tell you (points to the ceiling, floor, window, door).

In Russian

Subject. My room.

In English

My room .








A flower

Let's name these words in English and learn the poemceiling , floor , window , door

I can see the ceiling.

I can see the floor.

I can see a window.

I can see a door.

Well, today we had fun playing and made a cozy room for the monkey. Before we say goodbye to the monkey, let's sing him a song about the monkey and his family.

5. Song " Family finger song ».

The monkey toy thanks the children.

6. Physical education " Hands up ».

7. Game « Parts Houses " “Parts of the house.”

Guys, look at the screen (presentation “My Apartment”). You see parts of the apartment. This is the bedroom, this is the kitchen, this is the bathroom, this is the living room, this is the dining room.This is a bedroom, this is a kitchen, this is a bathroom, this is a living room, and this is a dining room.

8. Game “A yellow sofa/ lamp/ door.”

Now, look around. Let's name the colors of our furniture.A yellow sofa/ lamp/door.

Well done.

9. Song " Clean up ».

Clean up, clean up.
Everybody, let's clean up.
Clean up, clean up.
Put your things away.
(Repeat 3x)

Clean up! Clean up!

Clean up! Put your things away.
Pick up your toys.
Pick up your books.
Pick up your shoes.
Put your things away.

Clean up, clean up.
Everybody, let's clean up.
Clean up, clean up.
Put your things away.

10. Summing up.

Teacher: - What did we repeat today in class, guys? (children's answers).

What new words did you remember?

The children answer.

Say in English, please.

Well done! Well done ! Everything worked out great for us .

And now, the lesson is over! Good by e.

Learning English is difficult without the right materials at hand. But don't panic!Today we have a new addition to our collection - a series of educational cards “My Home”. Download for free and learn the names of rooms in English.
Sets of educational cards are very popular among children's teachers. Teachers use them to attract the child's attention, learn new vocabulary and diversify the lesson. In addition, bright cards perfectly develop memory, logic and creative thinking.
Today we are giving you a series of educational materials on the topic “My Home” 🏡. You can download the cards for free.

How to work with cards: teaching objects and rooms in the house with your baby

Exercise 1. Listen and repeat

This is the simplest exercise. The child remembers english words through frequent repetition. It's simple:
- Show the card to the baby and say the word.
- Ask him to repeat it.
The task can be varied with the help of emotions. Say the words happy, sad, surprised, loudly or in a whisper. Your child will definitely enjoy copying you in different voices. First, name the word evenly and clearly, then start playing, changing the intonation. This way, repeating the same thing over and over will turn from a monotonous activity into a fun game.

Exercise 2. “Label your home”

Use the cards as labels for all items around the house. Attach the “bed” card to the bed, place the “table” card on the dining table, and put the “mirror” card on the mirror. Do this with your child, naming all the words in turn. Every time the child sees the cards in front of him, he will repeat the words and remember their spelling.

Exercise 3. Find the mistake

When the child gets used to the “labels” in the house, swap a few of them.

Invite your child to find the labels that are mixed up.

Here you will find a description of how to make an interesting material for children from a simple A4 sheet, from which they can learn the names of rooms in English, as well as some interior items.

This house caught my eye a long time ago, I posted it in my VKontakte group. Having created a topic here on the site, I decided to post it here too. I hope many people will like this idea and be able to successfully use it in their lessons with children. My kids loved this house. Children generally like pictures, and if they somehow transform, change, open up, then this causes great delight. Well, we, with such pictures that attract their attention, are pursuing our goal - learning new or repeating vocabulary on the desired topic.

This is the house:

bedroom, kitchen, garage, front door

Let's expand it:

bathroom, living room, dining room

From such a house you can learn not only the names of the rooms ( living room, kitchen, garage, bedroom etc.), but also interior items ( sofa, arm-chair, sink, bed, picture etc.), prepositions of place ( behind, in front of, on etc.).

Children will be interested in making such a house as a craft:

You can prepare signs with the names of the rooms in advance so that the children stick them on their houses.

You can also add rooms to back side house.
For example:

study- cabinet
games room— gaming
laundry room / washing room- laundry
library- library

If you find the material interesting, share it with your friends on social networks.

Target: formation of lexical and grammatical skills.

Intensify the use of LE on the topics “House” (house, flat), “Color” (red, blue, green, yellow, white), “Counting and numbers” (from 1 to 5), “Quality” (big, small, nice ), “Animals” (cat, mouse, dog, frog, duck).

Introduction of new LE on the topics “House” (wall, roof).

Improve your listening comprehension and use in speech of previously learned RO: I live in a house. My house is big. It is a roof. A roof is red.

Train children in pronouncing sounds.


Colored cups and a small toy dog.

Toys: cat, mouse, dog, frog, duck.

Pictures: house, apartment.

Walls and roofs of houses (cut out of cardboard): blue, red, yellow, green, white. The basket in which these figures lie. Magnetic board and magnets for assembling houses.

Cards with numbers from 1 to 5.

Tape recorder. Audio recordings of songs.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

The teacher and children greet each other with a rhyme:

Hello, hello, hello to you

Hello, hello, I am glad to see you.

2. Speech exercise

Teacher: How are you today, children? How are you, Denis? (The teacher asks a question to all children in turn)

Children: I am fine (bad, okay).

3. Phonetic exercise

Children, with the help of a teacher, practice previously learned sounds.

4. Activation of previously studied LE

Game “Where is my dog?”

Teacher: Children, today animals came to visit us. Meet the first guest. (Shows a small dog) What is it?

Children: It is a dog.

Teacher: Yes, it is a dog. My dog ​​is small. My dog ​​likes to play. What does the dog like to do? That's right, play. Let's play with my dog. (Places colorful cups on the table and pronounces the names of colors in English together with the children) Sleep! (Hides a dog under one of the glasses) Wake up! Where is my dog? (Children guess by calling the color in English) Good for you! Well done, you guessed everything correctly. Now let's say goodbye to the dog. Good bye, dog!

Children: Good bye, dog!

5. Improving previously learned ROs

Teacher: What is it? (Shows pictures: house, apartment)

Children: A house. It is a house. A flat. It is a flat.

Teacher: Where do you live? (The teacher asks a question to all children in turn)

Children: I live in a house. I live in a flat.

Teacher: Is your house big or small? (The teacher asks a question to all children in turn)

Children: My house is big. My house is small. My flat is big. My flat is small.

Teacher: Is your house nice? (The teacher asks a question to all children in turn)

Children: Yes, my flat is nice.

Game "Translator"

Teacher: Children, meet the next guests. (Shows cat and mouse toys) What is it?

Children: It is a mouse. It is a cat.

Teacher: All right! A cat and a mouse. Our guests want to play a game with us. They will talk about their houses, and we will translate, we will “work” as translators.

A cat: I live in a house. My house is big. My house is nice.

A mouse: I live in a house. My house is small. My house is very nice.

6. Physical exercise

Performing a song with the movements “Clap, clap, clap your hands.”

7. Introduction of new LE

Teacher: Guys, let's look at this house. Look at the house! It is a roof. (Points to the roof.) A roof – a roof – a roof.

Children: A roof – a roof – a roof

Teacher: What color is a roof? (Children name the color of the roof.) Yes, a roof is red. It is a wall. (Points to the wall of the house) A wall – a wall – a wall.

Children: A wall - a wall - a wall.

Teacher: What color is a wall? (Children name the color of the wall.) Yes, a wall is blue.

I have a basket, let's see what's in it. (The basket contains parts of houses cut out of cardboard. Children take turns taking them out and answering the teacher’s questions.) What is it? What color is it? (During the children’s answers, the teacher collects 5 houses on a magnetic board.)

8. Improving listening comprehension and use in speech of previously learned LOs with new LEs

Teacher: Guys, we have a lot of houses. Let's count them. (During the counting, a number from 1 to 5 is placed next to each house.) In addition to the cat and mouse, other guests came to us. Who is this?

Children: A dog, a frog, a duck.

Teacher: They prepared riddles for us. Now each animal will tell about its house. And we will guess what house this guest lives in and give his house number.

Teacher: (On behalf of the cat.) I live in a house. My roof is red. My wall is blue.

9. Summing up. Parting

Teacher: You guessed everything correctly, but it’s time for our guest to leave.

Children: Good bye, cat! Good bye, dog! (They say goodbye to all animals.)

Teacher: Well done, guys! You did a very good job! Let's remember what we did today. Now it's time to say goodbye.

The teacher and children say goodbye to each other with a rhyme:

Good bye, good bye, I don’t like to say.

Good bye, good bye, and have a nice day.