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Topic in French: youth and the Internet. Topic in French “Internet dans notre vie” (Internet in our lives)

Slang of modern French youth

Competent speech plays a huge role in the life of any person, including young people. The speech of adults often differs from the speech patterns of young people. Youth is the period when a person considers himself an adult, craves independence in everything, and strives for communication. Often, as a result of communication, a special “youth language” arises, the so-called youth slang. This is a special language among the youth of any country. It is very expressive, reflects both positive and negative processes occurring around. Very often, youth slang, in contrast to the norms of literary language, is rude and familiar, and sometimes has a humorous attitude towards the subject of speech.

Common features of youth slang are: informality, ease of communication, unpreparedness of speech. In this case, facial expressions, gestures, emotionality, surrounding friends and the situation itself where the conversation takes place play a big role. All this allows you to create your own language tools and simplify the form of expressing your thoughts.

The word has always been the main significant unit of language in all countries of the world. Words in language serve to designate specific objects, their characteristics, and actions. Language, in turn, determines the stylistics of speech, which analyzes the peculiarities of the functioning of linguistic means in the specific conditions of their use.

Youth slang is a phenomenon that reflects the processes of modern society that influence speech skills and the creation of a special “language” among young people. The word-formation features of such a language are distinguished by expressiveness, evaluativeness, incomplete sentences, free, relaxed, and often vulgar word order. Youth slang is a kind of protest against the rote, monotonous, boring figures of speech that we hear and read in the media.

Thus, using certain expressions in their environment, young people seem to separate themselves from other segments of society and create their own internal community.

Features of youth slang

Young people in all countries of the world are trying to stand out in everything: clothing, behavior and, of course, the peculiarities of their spoken language. Typically, this speech is used by people aged 14 to 25 in casual communication with peers. Such communication occurs thanks to a special youth slang. At the same time, youth vocabulary is open and free, and the vocabulary is constantly updated through borrowings, special turns of phrase and expanding the meaning of common words used. Human society is formed by various social groups, which are characterized by special elements of spoken language. Penetrating into the literary language, into the speech of people, these elements of slang have a certain, unusual linguostylistic function. Thus, youth slang consists of words and phraseological units that arose and were originally used in individual social groups and reflected the holistic orientation of these groups. Then these words began to be used by all members of society, and the words themselves mostly retain an emotional-evaluative character, although sometimes the “sign” of evaluation changes. The speech of people who are not directly related to one or another professional or social group acquires a special emotional and expressive coloring in these varieties of language.

Linguists have several points of view on the existence of youth slang or its absence. Famous Russian linguist and lexicographer I.R. Halperin denies the existence of slang. He deeply studied the research of English learned lexicographers, based on their experience in compiling English dictionaries. These studies have shown that often the same words in different dictionaries have different linguistic recognition. In some dictionaries they are recognized as “sleg”, “vernacular”, while in others they are recognized as corresponding to the norm of the literary language. I. R Galperin proposes to use the term “slang” as a synonym for the English equivalent “jargon”

According to Halperin, slang can be understood by all people, but they perceive the use of these words as something not quite ordinary or as a “perversion of normal language.”

However, Academician A.A. Shakhmatov suggested pointing out the existence of such a phenomenon, and not getting carried away with promoting the denial of slang and indicating how to speak.

Having examined in detail the above definitions of slang, we came to the conclusion that slang is a functional style, characterized by high emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, inventiveness, flexibility and humor. Slang is generally neutral, with the exception of taboo slang, which is used in special communicative situations. Slang, unlike argot and jargon, tries to penetrate all social classes, thereby violating the generally accepted rules of speech behavior.

Youth slang is the language of young people. It is present in any country, often has no borders, and penetrates easily and naturally into the speech of young people through communication, the stage, and pop culture. It differs in that the words that young people use are synonyms for ordinary words, but have a certain emotional connotation. This feature of the language serves as a boundary for communication between people of the same age group from 15 to 25 years. Thanks to this feature, youth slang is often incomprehensible to people of other age categories. The reasons for the use of youth slang are: firstly, the desire of young people to communicate with each other, remaining incomprehensible to outsiders; secondly, the desire for verbal expressiveness, which is difficult to achieve using only literary vocabulary; thirdly, linguistic differentiation between generations, which is explained by the increasing pace of life, which the older generation does not always keep up with. The advent of mobile phones, e-mail, and Internet chats has led to the fact that in the language of young people, simple verbal structures are more common, with the help of which you can convey your thoughts as quickly as possible. And this, in turn, causes criticism from the conservative-minded part of society. Youth slang is present in all countries of the world without exception, which is confirmed by sociolinguistic research; it is present in all modern languages, including French.

The rich, stylistically colored youth language differs from the standard French language by the presence of vocabulary with a more or less pronounced familiar coloring.

Youth slang in French often arises as a protest against verbal cliches or as a desire to distinguish oneself and look original, which is typical of young people. Teenagers, using youth slang, strive to express their critical or ironic attitude towards the adult world, show themselves to be more independent, and gain popularity among their peers. By speaking a special “fashionable language,” young people strive to distinguish themselves from adult native speakers or to disguise the meaning of what is being said.

Thus, youth slang can be called the encrypted or “secret” language of French youth, which is understandable only within their own circle. The words of the so-called “secret language” differ from the generally accepted speech norm in many linguistic parameters. For example, youth language uses diverse vocabulary: foreign words, professionalisms, vulgarisms, abbreviations, metaphors, etc.

Youth slang is gradually taking its place in the French language. Films, radio and television programs, printed materials for teenagers and young people, computer games contribute to its spread.

Grammatical features of the Verlan language

The French language develops and changes along with the development and changes of French society. It is the social problems that are the most acute for French society that resonate in the youth language with its unique and stylistically colored vocabulary. Making an attempt to analyze the lexical features of the youth language becomes relevant in the context of expanding international contacts: internships, tourist trips, cultural exchanges, etc. Studying this phenomenon can help young people be in the thick of things, introduce them to the language of the street, modern literature and cinema. First of all, it is important to understand the reasons for the emergence of youth language, which consist in the desire to express an ironic, often critical attitude towards the world of elders; stand out from the crowd, be original; to be a speaker of the modern “fashionable language” (le céfran branché); express protests against verbal cliches; get away from inexpressive, everyday speech; gain popularity among young people; hide the meaning of what is being said from others and “strangers”.

So, youth language is a hidden, encrypted, secret language (langage cryptique), a kind of teenage verbal “repertoire”. Youth slang is a means of communication for a large number of people; its speakers are, as a rule, people 12-30 years old. It includes elements of such varieties of conventional languages ​​as argot, verlan, largonzhi, borrowings, vulgarisms, etc. The source can be foreign languages, both their literary component and colloquial ones, and it is possible to use a literal translation. Of particular interest is the variant of the youth language “verlan” - “language in reverse” (verlan - à l’ envers), characteristic of young people aged 15-17 years. This is a variant of a conventional language in which syllables are rearranged so that the first syllable becomes the last, for example: musique - zicmu (music), père - reup (father), chien - yench (dog), bizzare - zarbi (strange), fou - ouf (fool, madness), salut-luss (hello, bye), discret - s'crédi (secret). Usually, not all words are translated into verlan, but only the most common and entrenched in the language. Initially, verlan served as a secret language. In the second half of the 20th century, new formations of verlan replenished the general slang and became a well-known expressive vocabulary with an element of language play. And today, in such dictionaries as le Petit robert and larousse, the words ripou (pourri), meuf (femme), etc. are present. But it is safe to say that Verlan is one of the old language games. The first formations of “verlan” can be found in the 18th century, when the French writer Voltaire came up with his pseudonym by swapping the syllables in the name of his hometown Tervo. However, verlan became most widespread in the 20th century. If until the 70s it was used by poorly educated people from disadvantaged neighborhoods, then at the end of the 20th century it began to be used in various social circles thanks to its popularization by musical and film works. For example, Reno’s famous song “laisse Béton” of 1978 or the films of Claude Zidi “Scoundrels” (“les ripoux”) 1984, “Hate” (“la haine”) by Mathieu Kassovitz 1995, the repertoire of rap groups “ntM”, “les sages” poètes de la rue" are permeated with the vocabulary of verlan. Turning to the question of the speakers of this language and their habitat, we should turn to the vocabulary of the inhabitants of the suburbs and remote quarters of Paris, in which a large number of emigrants live. Their spoken language is influenced by the various cultures of numerous countries from which many of them came (the countries of the Maghreb and Black Africa), the Creole language, not to mention the Gypsy language, which is present in the language of today's youth as well as in yesterday's argot. Young people want to be different from their elders, both in their localities and in society. They do not want to speak either the dull language of radio and television presenters, or the sophisticated language of intellectuals. Their language exists as a language of communication for all youth with its local variants and social nuances, but it has a bright folk coloring. This is also shown by our lexico-stylistic analysis of the language of the characters in M. Kassovitz’s film “Hate”. When analyzing youth language, attention should be paid to the psychological component of youth vocabulary, its emotional expressiveness, expressiveness, desire for specific images, pronounced shades of admiration or disdain, exaggeration of emotions, humiliation and causticity, disrespect. An analysis of the film “Hate” by Mathieu Kassovitz shows that the youth language, and in particular Verlan, although it is popular in many strata of society, its main speakers remain residents of remote areas, children of emigrants. Having analyzed phrases containing Verlan words from the film “Hate” from the point of view of the parts of speech that are most susceptible to Verlanization, it was revealed that 71 phrases containing words in Verlan were used in the vocabulary of the film’s characters. Often the same phrase, which is the most common, is repeated by different characters in the film. As a result of lexical analysis, the following was established: in terms of parts of speech, nouns are most susceptible to verlanization - 16 words in verlan out of 30 are formed from nouns: caillera - racaille, keuf - flic - policier, rebeu - arabe, turevoi - voiture, meuf - femme, oinj - joint, demer - merde, roeus - soeur, cepla - place, ouf - fou, renoi - noire, genar-argent, tebê - bête. Also, but to a lesser extent, verbs and adjectives are subject to verlanization. In the film, 6 verbs and verbal forms are represented by verlan: téma - maté, péta - tapé, pécho - chopé (participes passés), berflam - flamber, goleri - rigoler (infinitifs); 5 adjectives: péfli - flippé, vénère - nérveux, relou - lourd, zarbi - bizzare,

guélar – largué. Pronouns, prepositions, and borrowings are rarely verlanized. In the analyzed text, only 3 such examples were found: the pronoun aç – çа; preposition àl ​​– là; borrowing teshi – shit. It should be noted that each word in verlan has its own emotional, often expressive connotation, which confirms the status of such youth slang as verlan. This is a language of protest against verbal cliches, the monotony of dull everyday speech and, in the end, simply as a desire to say a sharp word, to distinguish oneself, to be original, which is so characteristic of youth at all times. Youth languages ​​have been recorded all over the world, but in French they affected the structure of the language, even changing the information and rhythm of phrases, the special combination of vowels and some consonants. Currently, Verlan is becoming the language of thousands of immigrating young people. In the 80s xx century Tahar Ben Zhelun’s book “French Hospitality” was published. Racism and Maghreb immigration". It examines the need for the Maghreb community in connection with French colonization, immigration to France, and to solve the problem of living together within French society. This problem is also important for the children of immigrants: born in France, they often cannot speak their native Arabic, and if they return to their home country, they and their families are treated as immigrants. They receive a double blow from the Muslim society and from the liberal one.

a society that recognizes them as not entirely its own limits their residence to residential areas, “sonacotra” areas. They become segregated and racist crimes are committed. These young people, referred to as the “second generation,” mobilized using their Verlan language. Verlan is always subversive, he is an enemy of the established order. Gradually, it emerges from a little-used means of communication and begins to spread widely in society. Moreover, the germs of the language of the future are born in it. Verlan is used by various youth subcultures in France. The formation of subcultures is closely related to the phenomenon of deviance, which sociologists and psychologists interpret as a deviation from generally accepted norms of behavior. In conclusion, it should be noted that the analysis of Verlan makes it possible to assert that studying the youth language of France will help to better imagine the features and originality of the national picture of the world, to understand the nationally specific features of the mentality of French youth. Understanding and knowledge of slang introduces you to the natural linguistic environment and represents a unique opportunity for inclusion in an active dialogue between cultures.

The role of argot in French

Argo is an expressive lexical subsystem of colloquial speech, which is characterized by great expressive potential and rapid changes in lexical composition, and which penetrates all levels of modern French. From the point of view of modern linguistics, the French language can be considered in vertical and horizontal sections. The horizontal division is caused by the existence of a dialect division of the French language. Consequently, in horizontal differentiation, regional variants - dialects - are considered. The vertical division is explained by the existence of social groups that use one or another sociolect. In addition to the literary language, it distinguishes colloquial language, vernacular, argot and jargon. Analyzing the evolution of the definition of argot, we can conclude that in its development argot has gone from a linguistic taboo to a special lexical subsystem of the literary and colloquial language.
Argo and other related social dialects are the result of the influence of social factors on the existence and development of the language. These social factors can be summarized as follows: In any society, people are categorized and grouped together. The social composition and prestige of the social category to which the group belongs influences the greater or lesser use of profanity. The higher the prestige of a social category, the more people use normative language and vice versa.

Nowadays, the role of argot in the French language has noticeably increased, as evidenced by research conducted by Russian, French and other scientists. The content of the term “argot” has changed significantly. According to V.V. Chemistry, modern argotisms are units with relative stability and mass usage, tending to expand the scope of use and transition into mass vernacular.

The dictionary of the French language of the 19th and 20th centuries “Treasure of the French language” (Trésor de la langue française. Dictionnaire de la langue du XIX e et du XX e siècle), edited by P. Imbs, characterizes argot as “a language or a special vocabulary that is created within certain social or professional groups and through which the individual demonstrates his membership in the group and his difference from the majority of native speakers." The Parisian argot and the argot of educational institutions are given as examples. The dictionary entry of this dictionary has been supplemented with the following definition: argo - “any conventional sign used for secret communication, any conventional act or manner of behavior characteristic of representatives of the same group and allowing them to understand each other.”

The “Large Dictionary of the French Language Larousse” (Grand Larousse de la langue française) presents the term “argot” as words and expressions inherent in representatives of any profession, social group and existing outside the common language.

Argotisms are present in the vocabulary of every modern Frenchman, since they significantly simplify the understanding of any phenomena and increase the speed of assimilation of any information material. Not so long ago, the term “argot” denoted the language of closed groups of people; nowadays, this term can characterize the peculiarities of the language of certain segments of society, for example, youth. In the French language today there is the concept of “modern argot”. This linguistic phenomenon is also called “la langue djeunz” (“la langue des jeunes”) - the language of youth. In addition, there are “langue des cités” or “argot des cités”, in which residents of the suburbs of megacities communicate.

As for youth argot, it retains the self-identifying function and the function of isolation. However, the widespread use of the language of SMS messages and hip-hop culture, which actively manifest themselves in all age categories of young people, contributes to the unification of argot and the entry of new words from the class of argotisms into the everyday lexicon.

In the field of mass communication, argot appears as a “bait” for the reader, a means of attracting the attention of a particular target audience. Here we can talk about the influence of the addressee factor. Thus, in the modern French press there are often examples of references to youth argot in articles for youth readers. The argotic phraseological unit mouiller sa liquette means to make great efforts. It is obvious that referring to youth argot in the language of the press involves influencing a specific audience - young people.
The connotative effect of a phraseological image is, as a rule, stronger than the effect of a “lexical” image - ivre - drunk - plein comme une barrique; eau - water - sirop de grenouille, sirop de parapluie. For example: Le dernier disque “Au coeur de la nuit” est en train de se prendre une peau de banane - where “Se prendre une (peau) de banane” means to fail. Consequently, it is obvious that the figurative possibilities of these argotic phrases are greater than those of the corresponding lexemes.
Social and linguistic factors have led to the fact that spoken language and argot have gone beyond the everyday communicative sphere. There is a certain expansion of colloquial forms in the literary language. This expansion of argot and colloquial language is determined by two trends: democratization and intellectualization of modern speech. The first trend is that spoken language rises to levels previously inaccessible to it and functions in both oral and written form. The second trend, which is becoming universal, is associated with the involvement of science and politics in the sphere of everyday communication, that is, on the one hand, the spoken language is enriched with ever new terms and lexical innovations, and on the other, the social rank of entire layers of colloquial vocabulary, professionalisms, and general slang is increasing and even individual vulgarisms. For example: “Trois a quatre millions de Français crapahutent allegrement sur les 38,000 kilometeres de sentiers” - “crapahuter” - walk (argot).


Slang remains with young people, as an island of naturalness and freedom from the old world of adults. So, slang was, is and will be. Is it good or bad? The question appears to be illegitimate. Slang can neither be banned nor abolished. It changes over time, some words die, others appear, just like in any other language. Of course, it’s bad if slang completely replaces a person’s normal speech, but it’s impossible to imagine a modern young person without slang at all. The main advantages here are expressiveness and brevity. It is no coincidence that slang is currently used in the press and even in literature (and not only in the detective genre) to add liveliness to speech.

Youth vocabulary is the most open and open system in the modern French language, the vocabulary of which is constantly updated due to not only borrowing and expanding the meaning of commonly used words from the main vocabulary fund, but also thanks to other actively occurring processes of word formation (nominalization, reduplication, compounding, lexicalization, abbreviation and etc.)

The words of the youth lexicon, as a rule, are not the main, but secondary names of any concepts; they are characterized by an emotionally expressive coloring (the words of youth slang are designed to convey one or another attitude towards the reality they call: from playfully ironic to grossly vulgar); the use of these words is limited to a certain social group.

The main thing in this linguistic phenomenon is a departure from everyday life, play, irony, a mask. Relaxed youth slang seeks to escape the boring world of adults, parents, and teachers.

Youth slang is similar to its speakers: it is harsh, loud, and impudent. It is the result of a peculiar desire to change the world in a different manner, as well as a sign of “I am mine.” The language here reflects the inner aspirations of young people brighter and stronger than clothes, hairstyles, or lifestyle.

In conclusion, I would like to note that studying and understanding youth slang helps students and high school students to join the language environment and understand the peculiarities of the mentality of their foreign peers. This is especially true in conditions of expanding intercultural contacts.

The importance of studying slang in the learning process is indicated by the fact that ignorance of slang significantly complicates communication between young people from different countries.


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1 Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University (252). Philology. Art history. Vol. 61. S A. A. Sidorov THE ROLE OF INTERNET COMMUNICATION BY YOUTH IN THE ECOLOGY OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE This article identifies the problem of the influence of youth communication on the Internet on the modern French language. The main formats of communication of young French people on the Internet and their features are considered. The word-creating techniques used in the process of Internet communication, the level of their demand and the degree of influence on the ecology of the French language are analyzed. Key words: Internet communication, word-creating techniques, blog, forum, website, ecology of the French language, development of the language system. The entry of the Internet into human life has facilitated the solution of a number of problems and accelerated the process of achieving goals in the field of communication. Communication on one of the most popular networks in the world has raised an entire generation of young people. For them, life without the Internet no longer seems possible, which determines the key directions of development in the language system as a mandatory tool for Internet communication. This code is gradually acquiring universal multilingual status. On the one hand, we are witnessing the degeneration and simplification of any language in the world, on the other hand, on the basis of this language, a new multi-level system is being built, available only for use by initiates. French is no exception in this case. Young French people spend a huge part of their lives on various forums, blogs, chats, Internet diaries, guest books, social networks, as well as on various websites and in other formats. Language is a huge mineral resource that needs to be utilized to the fullest. In this case, the speech of youth can be considered as a source of the most valuable and rare elements of enrichment for the entire language system 1. The language of youth itself today plays an important role in the ecology of the entire system of the modern French language. From the position of ecolinguistics, as a current trend in linguistics, a comprehensive analysis of modern youth slang on French-language Internet pages is necessary: ​​a description of its semantic, word-formation and syntactic parameters, identification of the main lexical-semantic fields and basic cultural units that determine the linguistic and speech characteristics of the youth language of the Internet -communication. An interesting and rich source of factual material for us were the blogs, forums and chats beloved by young French people, on the study of which we will focus our attention in the framework of this article. In the process of analyzing material from Internet sources, we combined forums, blogs and chats into one common group, since they have a similar structure, namely: they are compiled by the users themselves, and not by the site administration. As a rule, this happens spontaneously, without checking spelling and punctuation, so it is here that word creation realizes itself more clearly than on the main pages of youth sites. A slight difference is observed only in the level of spontaneity of the messages left, which can be classified as follows. Blog English blog from web blog, “online journal or diary of events” is a website whose main content is regularly added posts, images or multimedia 2. Characterized by the highest maximum frequency of spell checking. However, the special style of an Internet page can manifest itself in the form of changes in lexical units. Forum is special software for organizing communication between website visitors 2. There is less control over spelling. Inflections are used to speed up the process of writing a message and highlight the message from the mass of similar ones. English chats chat “conversation” is a means of communication between users over the network in re-

2 The role of Internet communication among young people in the ecology of the French language in real time, as well as software that allows organizing such communication 2. The lowest frequency of checking is used, and often its complete absence in order to respond to the interlocutor’s message as quickly as possible. At the same time, the number of techniques for changing lexical units increases 2. The first of the forums we analyzed, consider the forum of site 3. Here, youth word formation techniques were no longer isolated cases, but more diverse methods of word creation, bordering on the ability to barely grasp the meaning of the message: mn ex a casse 2 sem apre environ il me redemande de ressortir avc lui je ne se pa si je doi ressortir avec lui: love: This message differs from the normalized version by the absence of punctuation, the exclusion of unpronounceable letters, the absence of icons, and the use of universal messages enclosed between two colons expressing emotion. Such universal symbols are called “emoticons” in certain electronic messaging systems. Similar messages within this forum are replete with the same methods of word formation, which allows us to estimate the frequency of use of certain symbols: eux moi je pense ke sa doit etre due a la cigarette ou sinn c un trouble tre grave et rare Abbreviations and replacement of letters are observed here, lack of icons and punctuation marks. In a message from another section of the forum we observe similar slang transformations: : coucou: Alors voila, piti ble m! Euh Prenez votre fauteuil et un petit café parce ke sa risque d être long! In this excerpt from the monologue, there are letter abbreviations, as well as an element expressing the expressive coloring of the message, formed by concluding a word between the colons, which helps to better understand the mood of the author of the text. A less frequent technique within this forum should be recognized as verlanization, or rather its special type of verlanization of letters: oui je sia smais j ai des problme pour ecrire 3. In this example, the words sais sia, problm problèmes are verlanized. Sometimes messages in this form are duplicated by the author’s explanations or a version of the message in compliance with the literary norm, since during communication it becomes obvious to the author himself that not everyone understands him. Next, let us turn to the most frequently used methods of word formation on the website of the “emo” youth movement www. The site functions and is designed as a forum, which will allow us to immediately trace the main preferences of its visitors in word creation. The main section of the forum is called Etre EMO, with quoi?, in which there is already a letter replacement of the combination with est with one letter s. The first message in this section begins with the words: With koia être EMO? C est koua l etat d esprit des EMO? The word quoi is replaced by koua. Although this spelling retains the original pronunciation of the word. Also in some places the icons are missing and the combination with est is replaced by the equivalent c. Further messages use similar techniques: je voudrais savoir si je pouvais avoir des adresse msn demoo pkc il son tro beau. Some nouns lack final consonants to mark the plural. There are also no apostrophes or symbols; letter abbreviations are used. All the techniques used serve to speed up typing and save time. The next site that aroused our scientific interest was the site fr, the very name of which already speaks of its youth orientation. A variety of young people, as well as representatives and fans of the hip-hop movement and rappers, leave their messages here. The first section we visited was the Rap section, dedicated to rap and hip-hop culture. Some messages are composed in the form of freestyle (improvisation in rap; recitation of a rhymed rhythmic recitative composed by the performer on the go) (For example, one of them: j ai le style qui piqe les yeu, tro nerveu, un mc comme vince fai pas lon feu, ta voulu clashé THC mé ta q la po sur les os 3. This sentence is replete with such techniques as letter abbreviations using truncated endings: piqe, yeu, tro, nerveu, fai, q la, replacing the ending with another similar phonetically, but different in spelling, in order to shorten the length of the ending: clashé, mé, ta, po. Next, we analyzed the site’s forum. In various sections of the forum, a huge number of young people communicate, whose age they themselves indicate

3 128 A. A. Sidorov in his communications. Analysis of the latter reveals a certain trend: the younger the age, the more cases of using modified forms of lexical units. On the one hand, young guests of the forum strive to show themselves as “their own”, experienced and strive to look older and more original: Hey!!! jm appelle Marylene!! It's 13 ans!! chui emo weuuuw!! alors laisser tous votre msn!!!))) p.s.: Allez vouar mon skyblog =-D. Using this example, we can consider the methods of letter abbreviations: jm appelle instead of jе t аррllе, сhui is not only a letter, but also a phonetic abbreviation of the literary analogue of je suis. According to our statistics, this is one of the most frequently used abbreviations among French youth. In the verb voir, vowel sounds are replaced with phonetically similar sounds to oi vouar. The anglicism skyblog is used, denoting a storage system for online diaries. The emotional coloring of the sentence is expressed by the interjection weuuuw, emoticons))) and a set of symbols =-D, symbolizing three hearts and a smiling face. Also, a more detailed analysis of the features of the syntax and vocabulary of a number of messages allows us to conclude that among the members of the Francophone Internet community there may be speakers of other linguistic cultures and insufficiently literate people, which provides additional flavor to the French language of young people on the Internet. In neighboring sections of the forum, we also found a large number of examples indicating the enormous frequency of word changes among French youth. For example: oui c meme kestion ke je voulé te posé. Here, letter abbreviations are used (с instead of с est), abbreviation assistant (tete instead of tête), letter substitutions corresponding to equivalent sounds (kestion and ke instead of question and que, respectively), as well as replacement of endings with shorter ones (voulé and pose instead of vouler and poser respectively). Almost every word in this message has been modified in some way. Or this example: dc je ne sias pas comb1 de temps je dois les faire pousser ni si je dois procéder a des lissages ou mm aller chez le coiffeur, in which we observe the letter abbreviation dc instead of donc, the technique of texto, which replaces with the help of digital designations of combinations of letters. In this case, a number is selected that is similar in sound to part of the word used: sot1 instead of combien. The message is completely missing punctuation and partially absent. On the other hand, we can observe one of the most common letter abbreviations in the Internet environment: tt instead of tête. On this forum there are messages containing an excessive number of techniques for consideration, almost every word is “coded”: jvoule savoir si quelqun voudre b1 me passer son msn pr maider a devenir un emo (je sais, c un pe marrant com jdis sa)j pasque jen ai vrement envie c pas un truc que je prend a la legere [This example uses techniques that clearly characterize texto, namely: reduction of apostrophes: jvoule instead of je voulais, a form characteristic of the literary norm of the French language, quelqun instead of quelqu un, maider instead of m aider, jdis instead of je dis, jen instead of j en, absence of diacritics in the phonetic analogues of the original spelling of verb endings: voule, voudre instead of voulais and voudrais, respectively, a instead of à and in verb endings even in a simplified version of the spelling for correct phonetic reading the supposed accent aigu over the vowel e is missing. The following techniques that attract attention in this message are the replacement of combinations of letters with a digital designation that is phonetically similar to the sound of the letters: b1 instead of bien (and this replacement is only an approximate phonetic analogue of the nasal sound), the replacement of some letter combinations with others, shorter and convenient to write: vrement instead of vraiment, where the “substitute” does not fully correspond to the phonetic parameters of the original lexeme, com instead of the literary norm comme, in which there is a nasal sound in contrast to the form used in the message, letter abbreviations pr instead of pour, c instead of c est , pe instead of peut. Also in the example under consideration there are phonetic abbreviations: pasque (in oral speech the union parce que is often pronounced without the sound r to simplify the phonetic structure and ease of pronunciation). In addition, the two parts of the conjunction parce que are combined into one word pasque for ease of typing. It is also necessary to note the use of universal symbols “emoticons”, expressing positive, sometimes playful emotions. In the speech of young Frenchmen within the Internet space, we find completely

4 The role of youth Internet communication in the ecology of the French language are incredibly unique ways of word creation that are difficult for adult speakers of this language to understand, not to mention those who study it or use it as a second language. Such messages are relatively rare, but they are also found on some official websites. Thus, on the forum of the site com, almost all the techniques characteristic of texto are used, a detailed consideration of which should be devoted to several serious articles. This message is posted in the section “a koi sert lamour”: Je dit a tous les gens ke lamou donne des ailes mais en pleine alien peux oci tré bien couper lamour kan on é petition croi ke c le bonheur kon va direct se marier avoir d enfant kan on é petit on c dja le nombr denfan kon va avoir komen i von saplé é tt pr lé mek c pa tro sa mé bn mdr é pui plu on grandi plus on voi ke lamour et dur o fon franchmen les tout début c super c génial ta limpréssion ke t o paradis é desfoi ya d egue e d ti truk ki von metr la haine ds ta vie tu te fra trompé desfoi humilier ou tn copin te fra cocu c tu véra mé par experience surtout ne vous prener surtout pala tete ac kelkun ki nen vo pa la peine et surtout o memen ou vous vous pozeré tro de kestion ke tora plu de sentiment é ke tu doutera de ne réfléchi pa tro é fonc 5. Obviously, a detailed analysis of this example is a whole independent study of word creation techniques in modern French language of youth. In this article, we will focus on listing the main methods of speech modernization used in this message. We are faced with letter abbreviations (dja, bn, mdr, c), with the absence of apostrophes (lamou, denfan), with shortening of writing by selecting letter combinations similar in sound to the normalized form (é, mé, o, koi, oci), with omission of diacritics in positions where their spelling is determined by the norm (the goal is to shorten the spelling of the word). In addition, there are no punctuation marks at all; the text looks like one sentence. All the indicated techniques serve to speed up typing, which is one of the main tasks of texto. These types of texts are often typed from the keyboard of mobile phones and other intercom devices. The next area of ​​research within this article is chats, the specifics of the language of which we will talk about later. Unlike forums and guest books, chats allow you to instantly leave information and receive it, i.e. be in constant, uninterrupted contact with the Internet community. Here messages are not stored for long due to their huge number. Speeding up the communication process entails reducing the volume of each message. The most convenient form of communication in this regard is a replica. Sentences and short texts lose their positions in favor of brevity. The chat, which seems interesting to us for consideration, quite clearly illustrates the word-creative picture among French youth. Let's look at the following passage: Elf: GaeLle: tu fais quoi avec ton ordi? GaeLle: Heuu rien Elfi pourquoi? Elf: tu respire? GaeLle: Oui GaeLle: Et baille comme une morue GaeLle: Oui comme une morue je m assume bien Elf: rrooo mé nn t pas morue! Elf: tu dis nimporte koua GaeLle: Looool GaeLle: Non, mais après on dira que je suis pretentieuse Miss_N: mais c un peu vrai quand mm BliSs: XD Miss_N: lol Miss_N: Elfi fait plein de bisous sur GaeLle Elf: enfin sur la morue Swiss_Lulu: se_xy_femme change de pseudo stp GaeLle: se_xy_femme moi aussi mais je ne le dis pas rolala Swiss_Lulu: GaeLle modeste tu le dis ou pas? Gaelle: Swiss_Lulu non ca ne fait pas partie de mon vocabulair! Swiss_Lulu: okay 4 This passage clearly demonstrates the frequency of use of certain word formation techniques in French youth chats. Regardless of the topic of the chat, the purpose of communication, as a rule, is making acquaintances, discussing other chat participants and all sorts of pressing problems. Unlike guest books, forums and blogs, there is much less strict censorship here. The administrator can only deny its author access to the chat after leaving an objectionable message. The techniques used in this chat excerpt are abbreviations of both letters (nn instead of non) and abbreviations of endings (ordi instead of ordinateur), lack of punctuation (except for the exclamation mark), frequent use of interjections (heuu, rrooo,

5 130 A. A. Sidorov rolala) and argotic phrases (baille comme une morue), replacement of letter combinations with combinations similar in sound (mé mais, koua - quoi), introduction of anglicisms into the message (looool, lol laughing out loud, okay - OK) and universal symbols (XD symbol, depicting a laughing face with squinted eyes). In some cases there are no diacritics (pretentieuse prétentieuse, ca - ça). Having analyzed forums and chats, we would like to pay attention to word creation within blogs. When getting acquainted with this format of communication among young people, every desire to “decorate” the text becomes obvious. This is due to the fact that the blog is managed by the user himself; it is he who decides which message from another user to leave and which to delete, to whom to allow access to his page and to whom to restrict it. As a result of the above, blogs become a “field of active activity” for word formation. There are certain rules here, like on forums, but blogs are more prone to chaotic use of word-creation techniques. Let's turn to blog com, its author is cendrillon33, a student from Perpignan. The preference column states the following RAP, R N B, HIP HOP, Br f pl iin d cho$ S:p. The 133t speak technique is widely used here (a method of replacing letters with symbols and numbers, which in their writing are close to the original spelling). In this example, the letter e is replaced by a symbol. They also use techniques that are rarely found on the Internet: for example, using fonts of different sizes (cho$ S - choses), doubling a vowel (pl iin - plein), writing a universal emoticon symbol (:p depicts a smiling face with its tongue sticking out). In the next blog we reviewed, a Parisian student with the name docn92110 registered at, we took for research a message with the following content: sa serait trop long a expliquer et il et rare que les gens lisent tout mais je trouve que skyrock et un bon ptit passe temps et on peut faire de drole de rencontre comme faire des rencontre interressante 6. This message appears in the “about myself” section; there is no thoughtless use of word creation techniques, which makes it easier to read and understand the information contained even for the uninitiated. However, the author nevertheless speeded up the typing, this can be seen in the omission of icons (a à, drole - ô), the absence of punctuation marks, minor letter abbreviations (ptit - petit) 5. Next blog user dleny (college student, 19 years old ) provides more techniques for analysis. Thus, one of the posts (blog post) contains the following information: YeAh!! petite scéance foto chez loulou! trop ma 2eme maison lol ^_^ gros zibouxx a (caption for the photo) 7. This small sentence contains a huge number of word creation and other techniques, such as: Americanism YeAh exclamation expressing agreement, Anglicism lol out of loud, use of fonts of different sizes (in this case, uppercase and lowercase letters), which introduces rather an aesthetic rather than a semantic load, the absence of punctuation marks, the omission of diacritics (2eme - 2ème, a - à), the universal symbols emoticons (^_^ - meaning a face with squinted eyes, drawing like a rose). In addition, the technique of verlan (zibouxx bisous), widespread and beloved by French youth, is used here, while the letter composition of the word is changed. In the process of studying youth Internet slang and its role in the ecology of the modern French language, we have worked through a significant amount of factual material, which made it possible to identify the main word-creating techniques that change the traditional system of the French language and determine the levels affected by the process of ecology of its entire system and trends in subsequent development. It has been established that among the main word-creating innovations among youth are letter abbreviations, widespread use of Americanisms and Anglicisms, changes in the letter composition of the word, absence or substitution of punctuation marks, the introduction of universal symbols, omission of diacritics and apostrophes, verlanization, phonetic equivalents, interjections, digital substitutions, argot , 133t speak, use of fonts of different sizes. As a result of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the use of the above word-creation techniques, the most popular ones in the Internet environment were identified. Among the latter, it is worth noting letter abbreviations, lack of punctuation, Americanisms and Anglicisms, universal symbols, interjections and omission of diacritics.

6 The role of online communication among young people in the ecology of the French language Being partially controlled by censorship and for political reasons, most sites (in this case, forums) use only a certain number of techniques. The status of the official website is very important for gaining authority among young people, therefore the information contained on the main information pages should be easy to read not only for those initiated (“our own”), but also for newly arrived casual visitors. Chat rooms and blogs are less subject to censorship and provide a wide field for self-expression. Here we see a vivid picture of word creation, limited only by the user’s imagination. There is no clear age differentiation in the use of certain techniques. Validity and accuracy of use according to the context of the message is characteristic of older site visitors. No gender-specific features influencing the use of characteristic techniques were noted. Territorial differentiation was not taken into account when conducting this analysis, since in the field of word creation within the Internet space, isolating and studying this aspect is incorrect, since the Internet is a communication format that belongs to the entire society, where the rights of everyone are positioned as equal. The main reasons for using such a wide range of various word-creating techniques, in our opinion, are the desire for the fastest possible communication with others like oneself and the desire to express oneself as clearly as possible. Regarding the prospects for the development of the entire system of the modern French language under the influence of Internet communication among young people, we dare to make the following assumption. The general trends are obvious - everything is moving towards a literal reduction in the composition of the word (those combinations that form one sound are simplified), towards digital replacements of phonetic equivalents (phonetic units that are close to them in sound). Americanisms and Anglicisms will remain relevant in light of the demand for the English language itself in the world today and in the future. Verlan and various types of argot may gradually lose their relevance, because today in Internet communication French youth prefer other methods of word creation. Thus, it should be noted that the Internet today has already significantly influenced the French language in its traditional classical form. The techniques we have studied actively penetrate into the everyday life of French adults (professional activities, everyday life, leisure and other areas). Under certain conditions, the possibility of using in the future some of the word creation techniques we have considered in the state printed media in large quantities does not seem so incredible. Notes 1 Shamne, N. L. Theoretical foundations for constructing an algorithm for ecolinguistic monitoring / N. L. Shamne, A. N. Shovgenin // Vestn. VolSU WITH Wikipedia: free encyclopedia. URL: 3 URL: 4 Forum rap, clash. URL: 5 URL: com. 6 Blogs - URL: com/blog. 7 Dleny's blog URL:

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BBK Ш147.11-7 UDC 811.133.1 FEATURES OF FORMATION OF “ADDITIONAL CLAUSES” ON THE MATERIAL OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE O.S. Weingart The article discusses the features of the emergence of additional clauses

Parcours 4: Sages comme des images Image et évaluation Analyze du contenu de la partie orale de EGE Unified State Examination 2015 Victoria Vyacheslavovna Nikolaeva, expert consultant of the commission for checking tasks with detailed

Past tense in French Listen to an audio lesson with additional explanations The past tense in French is formed in several ways. Auxiliary verb avoir + verb in

Answers alter ego a2 >>> Answers alter ego a2 Answers alter ego a2 Il est urgent que vous installiez un chauffe-eausolaire. All files related to this book are presented for review only in the form of links

French. Grade 11 Demo version 2017 UCH - 2 Unified state exam in the FRENCH LANGUAGE Explanations for the demo version of the ORAL PART of control measurement materials

Technological map of the lesson Class: 5 "A", MBOU "Gymnasium", Chernogorsk Subject: French (second foreign language, 1st year of study) Teacher: Dygdala E.V. Topic: Family Lesson type: systematization game lesson

Municipal budgetary educational institution "School 1" of Bogorodsk Adopted at a meeting of the pedagogical council Minutes of 08/30/2017 1 Approved by order of the school director dated 08/31/2017 433

Subject 3rd grade Calendar and thematic planning of the academic subject “Russian Language” within the framework of the OS “School 2100” for the 2015-2016 academic year 170 hours Lesson topic Date Content element Requirements for the level of preparation

Kostyukova Larisa Mikhailovna,

foreign language teacher,

MOAU "Secondary School No. 7"

Novotroitsk, Orenburg region.

French language, 11th grade.

French. Grades 10-11: textbook. for general education organizations/

E.A. Grigorieva, E. Yu Gorbacheva, M.R. Lisenko. – M.: Enlightenment,


Level of training: basic.

Lesson topic : “Youth problems”, within the topic: “Aquellesportesfrapper»?

The purpose of the lesson: Developing the ability to use language as a means of communication on a topic.


Educational: develop the skills of dialogic and monologue speech on the topic being studied, and include the studied vocabulary in oral statements.

Developmental: develop imagination, expand students’ knowledge on the topic of “drugs.”

Educational: to form personal qualities: giving up bad habits, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, respecting the opinion of another person.

Equipment: textbook, blackboard, tape recorder with disk, teaching material.

During the classes:

    Organizing time. Greetings. Creating a favorable language atmosphere. 2 minutes.

Professeur: Bonjour! Asseyezvous! Jesuiscontentedevousvoir! Quelledatesommesnousaujourd" hui? Comment Ç ava? Quiest absent?

Ecoutez le plan de notre leçon:

Nous allons répéter les mots sur le thème: la consommation de la drogue.

Nous allons parler de la consommation de la drogue.

Nous allons parler des causes qui pousse un individu à se droguer.

    Main part.

Repetition of vocabulary. Words and expressions are written in two columns; it is necessary to find an equivalent translation. 10 min .

. Annex 1.

An exercise on substituting words according to their meaning into sentences.Appendix 2.

Assignments are checked in class: mutual testing and self-testing, and points are assigned based on the completion of the first point of the plan. The result of the work is analyzed.

Dialogue conversation .

Parquoi les adolescents commencent à se droguer?

Est – ce que la plupart veut échapper au mal de vivre?

Qu"est-ce que tout le monde éprouve?

Quelle merite à la drogue?

Quelle association destros qui fait la toxicomane?

Listening to the text " J " ai plonge ´à 17 ans " 13min.

Completing the task before listening.

Trouvez l´équivalent russe des mots et des expressions dans le dictionnaire/

Working with a dictionary. Each student is given certain words.

Avoirledroitdefaireqch- have the right to do something.


En dehor de qch –outside.

Le pire -worse.

Justifier ses decisions-explaintheirsolutions.


Se procurer du hach ​​- get hashish.

Se render compte de qch – givereportVhowor.

Toucher le fond –visitonhimselfday.

Récupérer –pick up.

La deception amoureuse –lovedrama.

LeSAMU– ambulance service.

Monologue speech. Work in groups. Each group is given sentences in a free order. If necessary, correct mistakes and compose a story based on the text they listened to.Appendix 3 . The work is assessed in each group. Criteria: correction of logical errors in sentences and logically correct sequence of the story.

Points are awarded for the second stage of student work - self-assessment.

A game "Journalist». 9min.

The strongest student is selected and asks questions on the topic “Youth Problems.” Crocshang themselvesonblackboard:

periode difficile pour les jeunes .

un bon travail

l "argent de poche

des problems psychologiques.

A strong student makes up questions based on these lines. The rest answer each question within 2 minutes.

The teacher evaluates the work and helps students express their thoughts based on the vocabulary they have learned.


On dit que cette periode est difficile pour les jeunes. Pourquoi?

- On doit trouver la place dans la society. Nous voudrions etre certains de notre situation dans cinq, dix ou vingt ans.

- Qu"est-ce qu"il faut faire pour obtenir un bon travail?

- Pour l"obtenir il faut être instruit. A la fin de l"enseignement secondaire on choisit un etablissement de l"enseignement superieur, un college ou une ecole professionnelle.

- L "argent de poche pour quels buis est-il necessaire?

Nos parents nous assurent un logement, la nourriture et les vetements dont nous avons besoin mais il est necessaire d"avoir l"argent de poche pour payer les cassettes, les livres, les hobbies.

- Y a-t-il des problems psychologiques pour les jeunes?

Les problémes psychologiques peuvent кtre plus compliques pour les jeunes que les problemes financiers: les relations avec les parents, avec les amis, l "amour malheureux.

3. Control. 7min.

Executing the test. Mutual control.Appendix No. 4.

4. Summing up the lesson. Marking and self-reflection of work. 2 minutes.

5.Homework. Write a letter to a friend who has a drug problem. 2 minutes.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin"

University of the Foreign languages

Department of Second Foreign Language and Methods of Teaching It

Coursework on French stylistics



  • Introduction
  • Conclusions on the first chapter
  • Chapter 2.Features of word formation and functioning of slang units
  • 2.3 Polysemy as a way of word formation (Polysemie)
  • 2.4 Neologisms and borrowings
  • Conclusions on the second chapter
  • 3.1 Slang in SMS
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Applications


Often adults do not understand the language spoken by the younger generation. When foreigners learn French, profanity is not studied as deeply as literary vocabulary. And often students of linguistic faculties encounter speech difficulties when communicating with native speakers. Leafing through French-language periodicals, listening to radio and television programs, participating in Internet forums, young people discover a large number of “indecent” words. The younger generation communicates with each other in a language that is not spoken by teachers at school or their parents.

Relevance The research is that slang, being an integral part of the language, represents one of the most pressing and controversial problems of modern lexicology. This work contributes to solving the problem of definition, essence and main distinctive features of the phenomenon being studied.

Object This work is French slang.

Subject The work is slang, as well as its semantic and functional features.

Purpose This work is a comprehensive description of slang as one of the subsystems of the modern French language and identifying the specifics of the functioning of slang.

To achieve this goal, the following were set tasks:

1. study the existing definitions of the concept “slang”;

2. study the problems of etymology of slang;

3. reveal the word-formation potential of modern slang, indicating the ways of slang formation and the sources of its replenishment;

4. identify the specifics of the functioning of the units of the phenomenon being studied.

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The work used a continuous sampling method, the principles of a systematic and holistic approach to the study of this phenomenon, a descriptive method (techniques such as observation, comparison, juxtaposition, generalization, classification of the analyzed material, interpretation); word-formation analysis, which helps to understand the formation of the structure of slang units; also methods of observation, systematization and linguistic interpretation of the studied material.

Theoreticalimportance The work lies in the fact that it is a contribution to the further development of the issue of slangisms in the French language.

Practicalimportance lies in the possibility of using the results of this work in lecture courses on stylistics and lexicology.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the concept of slang

1.1 Etymology of the concept "slang"

In a broad sense, language is a system of oral and written communication tools that serves for communication between individuals of a certain social group. Among such tools are the vocabulary of a particular language. The vocabulary of a language can be divided into literary and non-literary. Literary ones include:

1) book vocabulary, often in writing;

2) everyday vocabulary, limited by rules and standards of use, such as;

3) neutral vocabulary;

Non-literary vocabulary is divided into:

1) professionalism;

2) vulgarisms;

3) jargon;

4) argo.

The non-literary part of vocabulary arises in everyday life, in certain professional conditions and is of a colloquial nature. But often such words become commonplace in the colloquial speech of representatives of different social classes and professions, and even pass into the category of literary vocabulary and are included in dictionaries. Brief definitions of these lexical groups:

Professionalisms- these are words, often terms used by small groups of people united by a certain profession.

Vulgarisms- these are colloquial words that are not used by educated people, unacceptable by the canons of the literary language, but common among people of lower social status.

Jargonisms- these are words that duplicate literary expressions, but are understandable only to people of certain groups united by common interests or common professional skills.

Argo- the language of any socially closed group of people, characterized by the specificity of the vocabulary used, the originality of its use, but not having its own phonetic and grammatical system. Unlike jargon, argot has no professional attachment and can be used regardless of profession. For example, in modern French, argotic words are used both by young people from poor neighborhoods and by managers with higher education. By using argot, a person emphasizes his membership in a group and his difference from the bulk of the population.

The term "slang" is borrowed from English and translated means:

1. The speech of a socially or professionally isolated group, as opposed to a literary language;

2. A variant of colloquial speech (including expressively colored elements of this speech) that do not coincide with the norm of the literary language.

The Oxford English Dictionary gives us a more prosaic interpretation of this concept: “a language of a purely colloquial type, considered to be a lower level of speech than standard literary speech and containing either new or ordinary words used in some special sense.” It must be admitted that this translation does not provide a clear definition of the concept of “slang” and clear criteria for slang from argot. Currently, youth society is not a closed group and the speech of young people reflects the specific interests rather than their professional affiliation.

So what is the difference between youth slang and other types of vocabulary?

Firstly, youth refers to the age category from approximately 14 to 26 years. It is teenagers who most actively use emotional slang expressions and strive to isolate themselves in groups of their own kind.

Slang are words that are often seen as violating the norms of standard language. At the same time, these are very expressive, ironic words that serve to designate all phenomena of everyday life and not only in the communication of certain societies.

Slang has the same characteristics as classic slang: exclusivity and an indication of belonging to a certain group. However, the emergence language SMS and dissemination of culture hip-hop caused the following phenomena:

1) allowed this linguistic layer to enter “society”, far beyond the boundaries of the poor neighborhoods where it was mainly used. This made it possible to move this style from the category of actual argot to the category of vernacular. Most often, quite old slang words that have had time to get used to them become normal. At the same time, the word loses its eccentric connotation.

2) caused some linguistic unification of this style at the Francophonie level, even if small regional details continue to exist. Due to scientific and technological progress and the emergence of more modern means of communication, the time it takes to move information is significantly reduced. The emergence of new vocabulary units occurs precisely in the capitals, and only then they move to the periphery. But some of its elements reach the periphery, and some are born there. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, several waves have been noted in the development of youth slang.

Modern youth French slang is a huge linguistic value. It is due to social, geographical, political, cultural reasons.

Using slang is also a way to get around literary taboos imposed by society. Everyday language shows a certain restraint in naming certain phenomena. Slang, being a colloquial form of language, can address these realities in an allegorical form. This explains why slang vocabulary is so rich in topics such as sexuality, drug use, violence, and crime. First of all, the property of slang is used to circumvent public censure and, secondly, to indicate belonging to the world of forbidden things.

Speaking about the sources of vocabulary replenishment in youth slang, among others, we can also highlight a common interethnic feature - borrowings from the English language. This phenomenon is explained by cultural standards brought to many countries from the United States through the pop industry and computer products. Also, the erasure of political and administrative boundaries and the growing phenomena of globalization contribute to the penetration of new words. This influence is noticeable not only in French, but also in Russian. Also, these borrowings more often occur in areas of activity in which a system of national terms or concepts has not yet developed. This happens, for example, in modern economics, in information or nanotechnologies.

Secondly, youth slang most often reflects the interests of this age category. By speaking in a special “encrypted language,” young people strive to distinguish themselves from adults or to disguise the meaning of discussions. Also, teenagers more often associate themselves with the city, where the manner of speaking reflects their belonging to a certain quarter. The one who understands belongs to this group. Teenagers, using slang, strive to stand in opposition to the rest of the world, to be critical of the values ​​and achievements of other generations. Thanks to the use of their special language, young people feel like members of a closed community.

And thirdly, this vocabulary often includes quite vulgar words. Geographical and political conditions influence in their own way. A special surge in the use of such vocabulary occurred in the 70s of the 20th century. For example, the large influx of African and Arab populations into France amid massive urbanization has created many colloquial neologisms in the French language. Vernacular, since more often the level of education of migrants is quite low. And often the media play along with young people, using a large number of slang words on the verge of the literary norm. On every page of youth magazines we will find similar words designed to attract as many young people as possible to read these publications. (Appendix 5)

Thus, these three observations do not allow youth slang to be classified as a single group of non-literary words and force us to consider it as a separate semantic category. A common property for any language is the ability of slang to isolate young people from other age groups. This allows us to define the term youth slang as words used by people of a certain age category, replacing everyday vocabulary and distinguished by a colloquial and sometimes rudely familiar connotation.

1.2 Commonly used argot (argot commun)

Common or common argot, sometimes called jargo (fr. jargot ), comes from the classical argot. In the 20th century, argot no longer serves to shock the bourgeoisie, as in the time of Victor Hugo. The use of argotisms by the intelligentsia of the 70s was rather the invention of new ways of self-expression. Having lost over time its function to encode information and going beyond the boundaries of a certain group, such argot passes into the category of commonly used vocabulary. It takes on a rather playful form, the interlocutors “play”, reproducing speech that does not name, but implies. Such vocabulary is well represented in dictionaries containing argot from the past, forgotten and no longer used by the group since the time when it became understandable to third parties. "Fashionable" French ( fran h ais branch th ) 80s of the 20th century is a classic example of common argot. In the formation of this style, primacy belongs to polysemy, ambiguity of meaning. For example, French super reveals a wide semantic field when translating texts. And ordinary French bonjour takes on a strikingly ironic meaning in the slogan: " Un verre h a va , trois verre s bonjour les d th g V ts ".

You can also highlight words that have directly passed from the category of argot into common vocabulary, for example: bagarre , b aston , f ou .

Widely represented in fran h ais branch th Anglicisms: gay , too - much and others. Some borrowings have undergone adaptation according to the rules of the French language: top - niveau , videodisque , disque compact

At the same time, youth slang and general argot are very closely related and often copy one another. In the formation of slang and general argot, the same methods of word formation are widely used: abbreviation, suffixation, prefixation, compounding, inversion, various types of tropes (fr. verlan, troncation, resuffixation, expression etc.). Also closely related are topics for communication that use certain vocabulary: these are aspects of life associated, for example, with being a student, problems at school, relationships with the opposite sex, drugs, fashionable clothes.

You can compile a whole dictionary of words and expressions of a language belonging to a “fashionable” language or “ fran h ais branch th " , currently popular among French youth. Here are just some examples: pigger - comprendre(understand), leboucan - le bruit(noise), lepote - le copain(buddy), lebi-bop,leportablelemobile - le tйlйphone de poche(cellular telephone) , lebahut - le lyce(lyceum), lameuf - la femme(woman), letrac - la peur(fear) , bosser - travailler(work), lefric,lamaille,lesballes - l"argent ( money), letoubib - le mеdecin(doctor), jem"enfiche - for m"est йgale(I don't care), jesuisfauchе - je n"ai pas d"argent(I have no money), jesuiscrevе - je suis fatigуй(I'm tired), avoirunmalfou - avoir des difficultеs(experience difficulties) yenamarre - j"en ai assez(I'm over it), labagnole,lapoubelle - la voiture(automobile), lesclopes - les cigarettes, j"ailatrouille - j"ai peur(I'm scared), j"aiunpetitcreux - j"ai faim(I am hungry) , dabdaron - pеre(father), dabesse,daronne,doche - world(mother).

Conclusions on the first chapter

In foreign linguistics, slang is mainly considered at the lexical level. Although the meanings of words in slang are often determined by gestures, sounds, and intonation, slang is primarily words or groups of words.K. Able, describing the group language of college students at North Carolina State University, gives an example of college students identifying signs of “slang syntax,” one of which is the unusual emotional use of the definite article, as in an example like: “Susan set me up with her big brother. She”s the homie". However, according to K. Eble, syntax does not play an important role in defining slang, since individual words or phraseological units fit normally into existing grammatical models and patterns. A similar point of view is shared by L. Andersson and P. Thrudgill. They note , that “when people talk about slang, they mean words, not grammar or pronunciation,” and that “the features that could be considered typical of slang grammar are too few in comparison with the huge number of words related to slang. Consequently, slang is first and foremost a matter of vocabulary."9 Finally, one can turn to the authoritative slang dictionaries of Partridge, Wentworth and Flexner, where the compilers clearly define slang as a special vocabulary with a specific meaning and scope of use. Thus, the content the debate about which linguistic level is more legitimate to consider slang comes down to the following: First of all, slang is a special vocabulary, the use of which is sometimes, in certain situations (contexts), accompanied by deviations from the literary norm at other linguistic levels (phonetic, grammatical and etc.). Slang is not a style or substyle of speech, it, according to many researchers, penetrates into all styles of speech. Slang is implemented mainly in oral speech and manifests itself especially when it is used not in a narrow limited circle, but by people not directly related to the environment or social group where slang is formed.The main difficulty is to determine which vocabulary is classified as slang, how to distinguish between slang, argot, jargons and other layers or layers of colloquial vocabulary. As L.S. rightly noted at the time. Burdin, “an attempt to define the unknown through the unknown cannot be considered valid”10. It is worth noting that slang is one of the subsystems of the language. Language systems are usually based on various possibilities for imposing and removing prohibitions (prohibitions on the entry and exit of lexemes, prohibitions on changes and the immutability of meanings that determine the synchronous existence of the lexical-semantic system, both in the literary language and in slang). Slang has its own norm, existing along with the norm of the literary language, and slang vocabulary in the overwhelming majority of cases is based on metaphor.

Chapter 2. Features of word formation and functioning of slang units

2.1 Characteristic features of youth slang in French

Youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is determined not only by age, but also by social, ethnic, and political ones. Just as doctors, system administrators, rappers or thieves can form their own slang vocabulary, young people, representing a social group, are also capable of creating such a linguistic layer. Even if they are not united by a common professional activity, young people nevertheless represent a special society.

Researchers, noting lexical differences, syntactic, phonetic, spelling and other features, traditionally recognize any jargon as a subsystem of the national language. Of course, different social groups use their own concepts and expressions, but a common language base can still be easily traced. Common to all studies is the idea that spoken language is, first of all, a reflection of the life of society." La langue est comme un arbre elle perd des branches mortes se ramifie, se renouvelle! Ainsi les mots apparaissent vivent et meurent. Mais cette mort n"est pas forcement dеfinitive, il suffit d"un rien, pour que le mot, tel un phйnix, renaisse de ses centres"In addition to the streets or schoolyards, we may encounter youth vocabulary on the pages of publications, in television programs or on the Internet.

Slang has the following features:

1. Linguisticcommunitycertaingroups, which arises not on the basis of verbal style, but on the basis of the sharing of common views and values. Individual slang for a group becomes an emblem of the participants’ belonging to this group.

2. DominationrepresentativeANotcommunicativefunctions. When a teenager says " chou e tte " (cool) instead of "bon", he means not only the translated meaning of the word (i.e. the meaning, for example, "good"), but something else. And if you try to convey this "something", then it will turn out to have approximately the following content - a thought containing an emotional assessment of the phenomena of the dialogue.

3. Lexicondifferentreferencegroupsmatchesonlypartly. The generation of 70-80s has the most developed vocabulary. Youth slang is formed mainly by the age category from 12-15 to 24-25 years. Sociolinguists emphasize that adolescent communities are twofold: they are not just about obvious groups such as school classes, sports sections or extracurricular activities. These are also reference groups that teenagers are guided by when forming their views, manner of behaving and speaking, dressing, etc.

4. Slangremainsmostmobilepartlanguage. With the changing interests of young people and growing up, outdated concepts are quickly forgotten and new ones come to replace them. If in any other slang a word can exist for decades, then in youth slang only over the past decade of rapid global progress an incredible number of words have appeared and gone down in history. The youth language uses diverse vocabulary: foreign words, professionalisms, vulgarisms, abbreviations, metaphors.

5. Slang is also characterized by such techniques as:

· reduction of syntactic structures, shortening of sentences or incompleteness of phrases;

· incorrect grammatical agreement of words in sentences, the use of pleonasms and repetitions, lack of conjunctions in complex sentences, which can be either low literacy or a desire to give a special character to statements;

· an abbreviation that has not yet become an independent lexical unit;

· use of a direct interrogative form without inversion;

· carelessness and vernacular style;

· use of pronoun on instead of nous as a subject;

· lowering of a particle ne in negative constructions;

· swallowing syllables during pronunciation and transferring such phonetics in writing.

One of the features of colloquial French speech is that in the flow of speech some letters are “swallowed” and even. syllables. And the greatest difficulty for foreigners to perceive and understand are slang words and phrases. For example: fais gaffe = fais attention, avoir la trousse , A voir la trouille = avoir peur, bises (bisous ) = je t" embrasse, le bail = le contrat, ben = et bien, crevе = triс fatigуй, bouffeur = manger, je m" en f iche = for m" est йgale, elle prend de la bouteille = elle vieillit, avoirunmalfou= avoir des difficultés, y en a marre = j" en ai assez, chouette = jolie moche = mauvais or laid, une boote = une enterprise, filez ! = foutez le camps ! = partez!.

Word formation in slang occurs according to the laws of the national language. (Appendix 2). At the same time, youth slang contains all the features of general argot - methods of word formation, the use of coded words, and some expressions. Many words and expressions of classical argot have received a second life in the language of modern youth.

The expansion and change in the spheres of human activity gave rise to many neologisms formed in accordance with the means of the French language.

2.2 Word formation using word abbreviations (troncation)

In French, words can be abbreviated in different forms. Shortened elements are subtracted at the beginning of a word or phrase, at the end, in a word they can also be doubled or accompanied by rearrangement of syllables, suffixation, prefixation.

Depending on the pronunciation, the last or first vowel sound in words is reduced. The combination of decreasing sounds with suffixation is also a way of word formation. For example, slang words formed in the way troncation : le prof (le professeur), interro (l" interrogation), instit (l"instituteur), provo (le proviseur), le dirlo (le directeur), le proprio (le proprietaire), un imper (un impermeable). According to the principle of abbreviation, not only a word, but also an entire expression can be formed. Examples of abbreviation of set expressions: bon app - bon appétit, A plus - A plus tard , S . V . P . - s"il vous plaоt, MDR - mort de rire, TP - travaux pratiques - (school argot. practical or laboratory classes).

In Appendix 2 “Examples of word formation Troncation” you can see some words formed as a result of the reduction of phonemes; words formed by a combination of reduction and rearrangement of syllables are also presented.

Let's look at the most common methods.

1. Apheresis(aphеrise) - omission of the first letter of a word. For example: bl And me ( problem), cipal ( municipal), gnon (oignon), pitaine (capitaine), ricain ( amеricain), leur (contrfleur), teur (inspector), zic (musique).

2. Apocope(apocope) - omitting the last syllable. For example: auto ( automobile), gyo ( geographie), info (information), Max ( Maximilien), a ccr o (accrocher).

3. Syncope (syncope) - dropping one letter or syllable within a word. For example: j"m ( Gros bizoux a ma Touffette que j"m plus que tout au monde… ") instead j"aime, aimer . P"tit (petit).

4. Apheresis+ endearingsuffix+ doublingsyllables(redoublement hypocoristique). For example: fifille , fillette (fille), fan - fanfan (enfant).

Cases of abbreviation of expressions can be found not only in the written speech of young people, but also in quite official cases, such as posters and indicative inscriptions. For example, in Lausanne, Switzerland, the Museum of Modern Art is labeled " MUDAC " (M us th e des arts contemporary ), in the media field a recent abbreviation PAF appeared thanks to the reduction " paysage audiovisual fra n h ais ".

2.3 Polysemy as a method of word formation (Polysemie)

To impart emotional coloring and to encode information, speakers often use the same words with different meanings. In addition, “forbidden topics” create the need to circumvent taboos, which is solved by playing with different meanings of the word. Speech tropes such as metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche are closely related to polysemy. This method of word formation enriches the language emotionally, allowing you to discuss “forbidden” topics, people, parts of the body, veiling the words, but at the same time using specific vocabulary. For example, metaphorAndmetonymy: casquettes - les contrafleurs; poulet guignol - agent de police chauffer - ennuyer, fatiguer; capter - comprendre, bвtons - jambes, ktre en galеre - ne pas avoir l"argent, porte-manteau - les épaules, l a dynamite - la cocapne, une poubelle - une voiture en mauvais etat.

Allegory: la tкte (head) - la tronche la poire, la bouille, la fiole, la carafe, la bille la fraise, la citrouille, la bobine, la gueule (mot grossier mais tris commun!)"

Words can change their meaning to the opposite. For example: WITH" est l "enfer ! ( A nightmare!), d "enfer (cool, amazing). Un look d "enfer ! - ClassWithny outfit! Vachement ( simple amazing). Elle est vachement bien ! - She amazing good! J "te raconte pas - V opposite sense - I'll tell you Necessarily! Tu m'tonnes! - ironic I This already I know.

Appearance neologisms occurs both through borrowings from other languages ​​and the adaptation of new words to the rules of the French language. Some new words appear to denote new concepts that do not have synonyms in the native language, some reflect more of the “spirit of the times.” A significant part of borrowings came into the French language from Arabic. Years of colonization, followed by waves of immigration from North African countries, are reflected in the vocabulary of young people. Such borrowings denote everyday objects, phenomena of everyday life and culture that differ from Western ones. For example: se faire m"a rabouter (rendez-vous), baraka (chance) and others - see (Appendix 3)

A huge layer of language is represented by borrowings from the English language. For more than 30 years, French linguists have been concerned about such a massive expansion of Anglicisms. And although some scientists insist that the use of a large number of Anglicisms is more a characteristic of the speech of adolescents, it can be noted that the use of such words even gave rise to such a concept as franglais - from francais and anglais (a term denoting the French language, significantly modified under the influence of English). Changes concern not only vocabulary, but sometimes also syntax. At the same time, many borrowings are mastered by the language or its subsystems (in our case, slang) in accordance with the basic rules. For example: top - niveau ( from English top), tchatcher (from the English "chat"). To be fair, it should be noted that some borrowings can be called inevitable, such as " week - end ". Many Anglicisms are borrowed from drug-related environments: se shooter ( inject). Many words from the English language came with the development of information technology. Here, teenage slang closely coexists with the professional jargon of information technology specialists. For example: Switch th (from English switch) - connected, checker (from English tocheck) - check. (Appendix 4)

INthissamelayervocabularyCanhighlightneologisms, are calledt " lesmots- valises". Are formedsuchwordsbydrawing upfrompartstwowordsnew. For example: clavardage - clavieretbavardage, courriel - courieretèlectronique, franglais - francaisetanglais, informatique - informationetautomatique, alicament - alimentetmedicine.

Conclusions on the second chapter

1. Replenishment of slang occurs in exactly the same way as replenishment of the entire vocabulary. Thus, we can distinguish the following ways of forming slang units: foreign language borrowings, metaphorization, affixation, abbreviation, contraction, antonomasia, compounding.

2. The main functions of slang include nominative, cognitive, emotional-evaluative, expressive, ideological, identification, and time-saving.

3. There are certain types of slang that relate to a certain profession or class of society. The most important and popular are: cockney, student, Internet slang

Chapter 3. Practical part. Examples of slang usage

3.1 Slang in SMS

With the development of mobile communications, teenage speech has acquired a new style necessary for instant messaging. The number of characters on the keyboard of a mobile device is limited. To save time and means of transmission, the language of teenagers has created simple constructions with which you can convey your thoughts as quickly as possible. Later, this style penetrated into other areas of the Internet - the language of chat rooms and forums. And here slang helps to quickly type a message on the device’s keyboard that is similar to the standard language, but as abbreviated as possible. This process affected not only teenagers, but also all lovers of electronic novelties.

This style has some characteristic features:

· Phonetic letter without diacritics: " koi" instead of " quoi "

· Representation of syllables using numbers or signs: " G" instead of " j"ai "

· Abbreviations that have become SMS stamps: " MDR " instead of "mort de rire", " LOL" instead of "Laugh out Loud".

· Abbreviations of words: " perso" " - personnel, " slt " - salut, " bjr" - bonjour.

· Smileys or other graphic images to convey emotions. For example: ":-)", which represents a smiling face.

This style causes a lot of controversy and criticism regarding its use among Internet users. On the one hand, this is the speed of information transfer, the ability to compress the maximum amount of information, expressiveness in the absence of voice means, and a sense of belonging to a certain community. On the other hand, reading such messages is difficult due to the unconventional use of characters, the spelling level is very low, and the messages are clogged with unnecessary information.

3.2 Chat or instant messaging

The word "chat" is borrowed from English ( to chat - chat) and means the exchange of instant (written) messages in real time. In modern French, the verb "" appeared to denote communication in chat rooms. chatter", and it is especially common in modern franglais. In Canada, the Quebec French Language Committee proposed a more "French" word" clavardage " (derived from clavier + bavardage) and subsequently this term was included in the Petit Larousse of the 2004 edition with the following interpretation: "Communication informelle entre plusieurs personnes sur l"internet, par échange de messages affichés sur leurs écrans". If you want to "chat" ( chatter), you are using software that allows you to connect to an instant messaging server. (For example: ape. andromede. net/ chat. See Appendix 7). Here you must select a nickname under which you will participate in the discussion room. All classrooms are organized by discussion topics, ages, and geographic location. From a regular email account messengers ( or instant messaging services) differ in that the conversation takes place in real time. Most modern instant messengers also contain in their interface information about contacts, the presence or absence of a subscriber, and the possibility of general or private discussion. The style of IM language is very similar to that of SMS. For example: " g rien a dire" instead of " j"ai rien A dire" ; " koi " - instead of quoi, " qqn pr discuter?" instead of Y a-t-il quelquen pour discuter?, " ...envie de dial " instead of envie de dialogue, " slt " - salut, " ca vatte?" - Comment for-va? ; Kikoolol - Compilation words kiko(from French "coucou" " ) and English LOL weta"wikipedia est ton amie" - We we see Not only abbreaviation, But And allegory, koi29, koid9 abbreviation for standard quoi de neuf?" - " What newOth?".

Here we see the formation with the phonetic proximity of the following words: " deux" (number 2 ) And " de" (pretext), and " neuf" (new) And " neuf" (number).


In that work:

· the features of the argot of the modern French language are considered;

· methods of word formation of youth vocabulary are considered;

· the reasons for the popularity of slang in the youth community are analyzed;

· examples of the use of slang words and expressions in youth colloquial speech and in the language of media sources are given;

· glossaries of the most frequently occurring slang words and expressions, classified by method of formation, have been compiled;

· gained experience in analytical work with texts.

In conclusion, I would like to note that studying and understanding youth slang helps all foreign language learners to join the language environment. This is especially true for people working in the field of intercultural communications. Unfortunately, the modern system of teaching foreign languages ​​is rather built on the study of classical speech. Leafing through the foreign press or listening to the radio, one may be surprised to note that a DJ’s speech or an article on music is completely incomprehensible to people who seem to speak French! If you ignore this layer of vocabulary, you cannot say with confidence that you know the language perfectly. Slang can be noted not only as colloquial words, but also as interesting linguistic phenomena, emotional expressions that are used in everyday life. It is informal vocabulary that makes it possible to understand what the lives of young people are actually filled with.

For example, translation competence includes the ability to understand the source text and the ability to create text in the target language. In addition, translation competence also includes elements of two cultures that come into contact in the translation process. Youth slang arises as a special type of speech communication and is a reflection of cultural phenomena of society.

The use of slang gives speech a special emotional coloring. Ever-accelerating scientific and technological progress has led to the emergence of new terms, and the growing processes of globalization have contributed to the very rapid penetration of new words into many modern languages. This process is inherent in any language, English, French, Russian. General linguistics includes the study of such aspects of language as sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, spelling, syntax, grammar, morphology, the basis of the origin and principles of development of a particular language. These aspects make it possible to identify and study ongoing language changes. Youth slang is very changeable and is at the forefront of the development of modern language. We constantly observe the penetration of argotisms, anglicisms, and professionalisms into the literary language. Computers appeared - he accepted, the Internet appeared - he quickly mastered the technologies associated with it, communication via mobile communications gave rise to the SMS style. We live in an age of rapid technological development. Information is transferred at enormous speed. We don't know what will be fashionable tomorrow, but it will certainly be reflected in the vocabulary of young people.

But often the expansion of non-literary words used in the press, on television, and on the radio can also indicate a certain decline in speech culture.


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Annex 1

Examples of word formation "verlan" (Empty cells mean the absence of this variant of the word)

Source word

Last vowel change

Rearrangement method



Features of youth slang and the main sources of its formation. Functioning of slang units in journalistic text. Characteristics of the borrowing process. Determining the specifics of borrowing as a source of youth slang formation.

course work, added 01/21/2011

Slang as an object of linguistic research. Units of slang and ways of their occurrence in the English language. Research and characteristics of rhyming, mobile, student, everyday slang. Interaction of jargon and social networks.

course work, added 06/13/2014

Definition of slang as a special type of vocabulary. General characteristics, thematic groups, principles of functioning and lexical-semantic classification of youth slang. Analysis of the main ways and means of formation of Russian youth slang.

thesis, added 11/17/2010

Studying the essence and etymology of youth slang - a lexicon on the phonetic and grammatical basis of the national language, distinguished by its familiar coloring. Abbreviations consisting of numbers as one of the elements of slang in Chinese youth chat rooms.

course work, added 06/13/2012

Definition of the essence of the concept "general slang". Criteria for identifying units of general slang according to the scope of its use. Replenishment of the vocabulary of general slang. Formation of units of general slang. The role of sources of replenishment of general slang in the Russian language.

course work, added 01/12/2016

Definition and cultural and historical background of slang. Its manifestation is in the work of singer Rihanna. The concept of youth slang in scientific literature, its semantic groups, place, functions and role in the formation of language. Studying the material of foreign songs.

course work, added 01/14/2014

Distinguishing slang from related concepts: jargon, argot, dialectisms, vulgarisms. Reasons for using slang. Functional types of slangisms. Stylistic functions of slang. Semantic fields and functional orientation of youth slang.

thesis, added 04/07/2018

History of the study and features of the functioning and word formation of English slang units. Cockney, especially the slang of drug addicts and college students. Conceptual and semantic groups of slangisms. The functioning of slang in fiction.

thesis, added 07/07/2012

Theoretical modeling of the translation process. The concept, role and place of slang in modern speech culture. The influence of the English language on the formation of computer slang in the Russian language. Analysis of word formation methods for computer game names.