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Test stand-alone applications. Test in the Russian language on the topic "Applications" (8th grade) Tests in the Russian language on the topic application

Control testing on the topic “Separate applications”

for 9th grade students

1 Why did you, hero, need to see the Robber Ant, when when he appears it is enough to tremble and subside.

2. The governor, his new owner, did not oppress them at all, he even loved young Tolochanov, but his quarrel with his wife continued; She could not forgive him for his deception and ran away from him with someone else.

3. It wasn't a dream. His room, a real room although a little too small, but an ordinary room, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls.

4. Among other things, they said that the wife of the headman Mavra, a healthy and intelligent woman, had never been anywhere further than her native village in her entire life...

5. Well, it’s not far to look, two months ago a certain Belikov, a teacher of the Greek language, my friend, died in our city.

6. But on Elena’s face at three o’clock in the afternoon the arrows showed the lowest and most depressed hour of her life - half past five.

7. My mother-in-law Avdotya Vasilyevna Aksenova, born under serfdom, a simple illiterate “woman from Ryazan”, was distinguished by a deep philosophical turn of mind...

8. We learned that our crazy grandfather Pyotr Kirillich was killed in this house by his illegitimate son Gervaska, a friend of our father and cousin of Natalya.

9. All around there was a kind of sluggish bedlam going on - such a pause after a stormy Sabbath.

10. This old man, pale and fragile, like a porcelain figurine, is, in my opinion, Coffier, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce.

11. In the city of Moscow, he, this man, suddenly received the right to exist, acquired meaning and even significance.

12. The best days of the year have arrived - the first days of June.

13. Only she, this heroic mitten, is too much for people to bear.

14. Katya, Danilova’s fiancée, remains unmarried.

15. Gatchina and Pavlovsk, the residences of the grand ducal couple, have remained to this day, despite new plans and reconstructions, monuments of the era of Paul.

16. I suspect that her husband, the peaceful Abkhaz prince, had to endure more crude forms of manifestation of her despotic temperament.

17. Moreover, her face was similar to her mother, and her mother, some kind of princess with eastern blood, suffered from something like black melancholy.

18. I don’t know how much game they killed that day, or how they measured their triumphant booty, but they destroyed silence, the most precious quality of the blue world.

19. My grandmother - a devout, somewhat romantic Catholic - loved to visit cemeteries in different cities and then talk about them.

20. As a true artist, Pushkin did not need to choose poetic means for his works, but for him all objects were equally filled with poetry.

Answers to the training exercise on the topic "Separate applications"

Let's check the answers.

2. its new owner

3. real, perhaps too small, but ordinary room

4. the woman is healthy and intelligent

5. Greek teacher, my friend

6. half past five

7. simple illiterate “woman from Ryazan”

8. friend of our father and cousin of Natalia

9. such a pause after a stormy Sabbath

10. Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce

11. this person

12. first days of June

13. this heroic glove

14. Danilova’s bride

15. residences of the grand ducal couple

16. to the peaceful Abkhaz prince

17. some kind of princess with eastern blood

18. the most expensive quality of the blue world

19. devout, somewhat romantic Catholic

20. like a true artist

Dedicated Applications

Task #1
Mark the false and true statements.

Indicate true or false answer options:
__ application is a special type of definition
__ application is expressed as a noun
__ application can only be expressed by a noun and its dependent words
__ appendix is ​​always separated from the noun by commas or a hyphen

Task #2
Select an offer that will separate the application.

1) Our good friend Pavlusha is coming on Wednesday.
2) Poor engineer Karpov stopped short and fell silent.
3) Pavel Pavlovich Aksakov, the grandson of the Decembrist, spoke like a conspirator.
4) Suddenly Masha saw her old teacher Afanasy Ignatievich.

Task #3
Choose a sentence that does not place a hyphen between the application and the noun.

Choose one of 4 answer options:
1) The mischievous shepherd blew loudly on his shepherd’s pipe.
2) So the beauty of spring came to visit us.
3) Ilya the hero is one of the most striking images of Russian folklore.
4) Old man Yegorych slowly walked out of the entrance, vigilantly looking around.

Task #4
Select offers whose applications will be separated.

1) A passionate lover of painting, Yegor decided to definitely visit this exhibition.
2) He is a skilled musician and played perfectly now.
3) The petty gossip Avdotya ran at a brisk trot from entrance to entrance.
4) The general, a brave warrior and a skilled strategist, thoughtfully examined the map.

Task #5
Look at the word combinations below. As is known, the application is not separated by a hyphen from the word being defined if a “genus-species” relationship arises between the two words (that is, one concept is broader, and the second is narrower). The appendix is ​​also not separated by a hyphen if it can be replaced by a cognate adjective.
Mark the pairs of appendices and qualified nouns that do not need a hyphen.

Select several of 4 answer options:
1) baby hedgehog
2) boletus mushroom
3) owl bird
4) Svisloch river

Task #6
Punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences

Select several of 4 answer options:
1) Forester Andrei Zheltov, a weather-beaten old man, was sitting on a bench near the hut.
2) Seeing us, five people, the forester stood up and smiled.

3) The dispatcher, an unusually rosy-cheeked and tall girl, approached the engineers and offered them tea.
4) Insolent and cynic by nature, Innocent, of course, behaved in the most defiant manner.

Task #7
Mark the sentences containing the error.

Select several of 4 answer options:
1) A German spy, Otto Meerlinck, was detained yesterday morning.
2) Murka the cat gave birth to kittens yesterday in the basement.
3) Warrior Arseny accomplished a great feat on the battlefield.
4) I am an unrecognized poet, and therefore I do not want to study.

Task #8
Read sentences with applications taken from literary texts. Mark the sentence that has incorrect punctuation.

Choose one of 4 answer options:
1) Faithful sister to misfortune, hope will awaken joy and joy in a dark dungeon... (A. Pushkin)
2) And the smart raven bird sat down, sitting on a tree near the fire (N. Nekrasov)
3) The wind, the breaker of silence, makes noise, sliding in the darkness along the wall (M. Lermontov)
4) Onegin, my good friend, was born on the banks of the Neva... (A. Pushkin)

Task #9
Match correctly.

Please select a match for all 4 answer options:
1) you must insert a hyphen
2) it is necessary to separate it with commas
3) application is missing
4) the application is not isolated

I have a summons for citizen Ivanov.
__ We will sail along the river, along the Moscow River.
__ He ​​is handsome, everyone knew that.
__ The son of an engineer, Lesha, easily understood any technology.

Task #10
Punctuation marks are placed correctly in sentences.

Select several of 4 answer options:
1) At the end of the nineteenth century, Denisov Uralsky, already a famous stone artist, was still studying for pennies.
2) They walked to the other end of the village, where a former Red Army soldier who participated in the war lived.
3) A hussar regiment flew out of the gate, the beauty of all cavalry regiments.
4) The hostess, a woman about twenty-five years old, is kneading dough on the table.

1) (2 points) Correct answers:
2) (1 b.) Correct answers: 3;
3) (2 points) Correct answers: 4;
4) (3 points) Correct answers: 1; 2; 4;
5) (5 points) Correct answers: 1; 2; 3;
6) (3 points) Correct answers: 1; 3;
7) (3 points) Correct answers: 1; 3;
8) (3 points) Correct answers: 2;
9) (4 points) Correct answers:
10) (3 points) Correct answers: 1; 3;



1) Which sentence is NOT complicated by a separate application? (There are no punctuation marks.)

    Stars hiding deep thoughts, by what power do you captivate the soul?

    And the wind, the silence breaker, makes a noise as it slides in the darkness along the wall.

    Here they didn’t forget me, the old man.

    It was the beginning of July, the most cheerful time of the year.

2) Isolated members of a sentence are called:

1. sentence members related to the same sentence member, answering the same question, performing the same syntactic function

2. members of a sentence, distinguished by meaning and intonation
all members of a sentence except the subject and predicate

3) Among sentences 1-4, find a sentence with a separate common application related to the personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer. (1) We, of course, did not bleed, but still, we, young and cheerful people, were sometimes too cold and hungry. (2) But no one complained. (3) Downstairs, on the ground floor of the store, an art group was engaged in bustling and somewhat suspicious activity. (4) At the head of this enterprise was an old grumpy painter, known in Odessa under the nickname “King of Signs.” (Paustovsky K.)

4) Among sentences 1-4, find a sentence with a common application. Write the number of this offer.(1) Next to the lightning there is in the same poetic row the word “dawn” - one of the most beautiful words in the Russian language. (2) This word is never spoken loudly. (3) It is impossible to even imagine that it could be shouted. (4) Because it is akin to that established silence of the night, when a clear and faint blue shines over the thickets of a village garden. (Paustovsky K.)

5) Gusev, an avid hunter and fisherman, approached the guys. (E. Kokovin)

1) Non-separated applications
2) Separate definition
3) Isolated definitions expressed by adjectives
4) Dedicated applications

6) Specify the type of definition in the sentence: Vityuten, a common visitor to our central forests, is twice the size of an ordinary pigeon. (E. Dubrovsky)

1) Standalone distributed application
2) Separate inconsistent definition
3) A separate definition expressed by an adjective
4) A separate agreed definition expressed by an adjective with dependent words

7) Please indicate an offer that does not have a separate application.(There are no punctuation marks.)

1) Turgenev could not help but irritate the new people “raznochintsev”, who were very left-leaning, with his lordliness.

2) Neither glory bought with blood, nor peace full of proud trust, nor cherished legends of dark antiquity stir in me a joyful dream.

3) The pleasure of the battle of life is inaccessible to them loons.

4) Grech, a dense little man in horn-rimmed glasses, was a friendly host.

8) A separate application is available in the following proposals:

1) Inspired by success, the lieutenant thought about the situation calmly and


2) Struck by an unpleasant guess, Yakov Lukich lowered his eyes, gasped and

He quickly worked with his fingers.

3) And then he, this sparrow-like boy, noticed that his brown eyes

the pilot is filled with tears.

4) Engineer Ananyev, Nikolai Anastasevich, was thick-set and broad-shouldered.

9)Among offers 1-5, find offers with a separate application. Write the numbers of these sentences.

(1) There was a little boy with us. (2) He was only nine years old, but he tolerated spending the night in the forest and the cold of autumn dawns well. (3) Much better than us adults, he noticed and told everything. (4) He was an inventor, but we, adults, really loved his inventions. (5) We could not, and did not want to, prove to him that he was telling a lie. (Paustovsky K.)

10). Among offers 1-4, find offers with a separate application. Write the numbers of these sentences.(1) Katerina Petrovna knew that Nastya now had no time for her, the old woman. (2) They, the young people, have their own affairs, their own incomprehensible interests, their own happiness. (3) It's better not to interfere. (4) Therefore, Katerina Petrovna very rarely wrote to Nastya, but thought about her all the days, sitting on the edge of the dented sofa so quietly that the mouse, deceived by the silence, ran out from behind the stove, stood on its hind legs and for a long time, moving its nose, sniffed the stale air. (Paustovsky K.)

11). Among offers 1-7, find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

(1) In the evening, on the eve of the battle, the army commander spoke by phone with his division commanders. (2) From each he received a report that preparations for the offensive were completed or would be completed before dawn. (3) He wished everyone good luck, but did not completely believe them all. (4) Therefore, the officers immediately went to the command posts of the units. (5) Brigadier Commissar Umanen, a member of the army’s military council, had been touring the formations since the morning. (6) At night he called and reported that the army was ready for action, but the deteriorating weather was causing concern about the outcome of the operation. (7) The commander confirmed, however, the order to attack. (Beryozko G.)

Test on the topic “Separate definitions and applications”

1. Isolated members of a sentence are called:

1) members of the sentence related to the same member of the sentence, answering the same question, performing the same syntactic function;
2) members of the sentence, distinguished by meaning and intonation;
3) all members of the sentence, except the subject and predicate.

2. The definition expressed by the participial phrase is isolated when it is found:

1) before the word being defined;
2) after the word being defined;
3) anywhere in the sentence.

3. Definitions and applications related to the personal pronoun are separated if:

1) before a pronoun;
2) anywhere in a sentence;
3) after the pronoun.

4. Definitions and applications preceding the word being defined are separated if:

1) they are common;
2) they have additional circumstantial meaning;
3) they are consistent.

5. Applications with HOW are separated if:

1) how can you replace “as”;
2) how can I replace it?
3) always.

6. Indicate a sentence with a separate definition:

1) Birds are either sleeping or dozing.
2) The road winds between two tracks overgrown with green grass.

7. Explain the placement of commas in the sentence: There was a field all around, lifeless, dull.

1) the definition comes after the word being defined;
2) the definition is always isolated.

8. Explain the placement of a comma in a sentence: Captivated by the excitement of the hunt, I ran through the dense bush.

1) the definition refers to a personal pronoun;
2) the definition comes before the word being defined.

9. Explain the placement of a comma in a sentence: Attracted by the light, the butterflies flew in and circled around the lantern.

1) the definition comes before the word being defined;
2) the definition has an additional circumstantial meaning.

10. Specify an offer with a separate application:

1) Zhelna, this black bird with a fiery head, squealed pitifully somewhere.
2) Soft and silvery, it merged with the blue southern sky.

11. Indicate a sentence in which a comma is needed before HOW:

1) He now works (1) as a technician.
2) Of course (1) as a kind person, he loved people more than he did not love.

12. Indicate the sentence where the highlighted words are separated by commas:

1) Full of thought, I once walked along the high road.
2) Stems of dried grass ringing in the wind cover the wild steppe.

13. Indicate where commas should be placed:

The steppe (1) that is (2) a treeless and endless plain (3) surrounded us on all sides.
1) 1, 3. 2) 2, 3. 3) 1, 2.

14. Indicate the way to express the definition in a sentence:

Fountains like sugar loaves splashed on the water. (V. Trenev)

with dependent words

15. Indicate the way to express the definition in a sentence:

The farewell sounds of a waltz could be heard from the loudspeaker installed above the captain's bridge. (I. Grebenyuk)
1) Separate non-widespread definition
2) A separate definition expressed by an adjective

4) A separate definition expressed by a participial phrase

16. Indicate the type of definition in the sentence:

The forester’s grandson Vanya Malyavin, a boy of about fifteen, loved to listen to our conversations. (K. Paustovsky)
1) Separate common definition
2) Standalone distributed application
3) A separate definition expressed by an adjective
4) Non-separated non-distributed application

17. Indicate the way to express the definition in a sentence:

The grass, juicy, fresh, was full of large golden-yellow flowers. (Z. Sorokin)
1) Separate definition
2) Separate definitions expressed by participles
3) Isolated non-common definitions expressed by adjectives
4) Dedicated applications

18. Indicate the type of definition in the sentence:

A lodger from the second floor, engineer Gusev, an avid hunter and fisherman, approached the guys. (E. Kokovin)
1) Non-separated applications
2) Separate definition
3) Isolated definitions expressed by adjectives
4) Dedicated applications

19. Indicate the type of definition in the sentence:

Amazed, Uvarov could not tear his surprised gaze away from Akim. (M. Alekseev)

2) Separate undistributed application
3) Separate non-widespread definition
4) Separate common definition

20. Indicate the way to express the definition in a sentence:

The young willow tree, with green overhanging branches, trembled from the blows of the swell. (V. Korolenko)
1) A separate definition expressed by a participial phrase
2) A separate agreed definition expressed by an adjective with dependent words
3) A separate definition expressed by an adjective
4) Separate inconsistent definition

21. Indicate the type of definition in the sentence:

Vityuten, a common visitor to our central forests, is twice the size of an ordinary pigeon. (E. Dubrovsky)
1) Standalone distributed application
2) Separate inconsistent definition
3) A separate definition expressed by an adjective
4) A separate agreed definition expressed by an adjective with dependent words

22. Indicate the way to express definitions in a sentence:

They dug a trench on the densely forested slopes of the hills stretching along the valley of the Svetlaya River. (L. Knyazev)
1) Non-standalone application
2) Non-separate definition
3) Separate definitions expressed by participial phrases
4) Separate and non-separate definitions, expressed by participial phrases

1. - 2)
2. - 2)
3. - 2)
4. - 2)
5. - 2)
6. - 2)
7. - 1)
8. - 1)
9. - 2)
10. - 1)
11. - 2)
12. - 1)
13. - 1)
14. - 3)
15. - 4)
16. - 2)
17. - 3)
18. - 4)
19. - 3)
20. - 4)
21. - 1)
22. - 4)

How well do you know your native language?


Spelling and punctuation are quite important topics that most Internet users now blatantly omit. If your knowledge of the Russian language is important to you and you value it, then try taking the tests in the “”. Different difficulty levels, different questions and a great opportunity to test your own knowledge.


The main screen shows a list of available tests, of which there are 4. But this is for now, because in the next updates, the developer will definitely supplement what is already there. To start taking the test, you need to select the difficulty level and then click on the “Start Test” button. After this, you will be asked a certain number of questions, each of which contains 4 answers. One of them is definitely correct, but we need to find which one. To move on to the next question, mark the correct answer and click the “Next” button. Upon completion of the test, you will be given a score, the number of points you have scored, and the percentage of the population who have the same score. What's most interesting is that after finishing the test you cannot see the correct answers, so you will have to think through the answers yourself and try to pass the test again.


There are no settings in the application, and there is nothing to change in it yet. Everything works offline, stable and correct. To summarize: “” is a good way to test your knowledge. Enjoy!