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The test on the history of the Nizhny Novgorod region is cool. Topic: History of the Nizhny Novgorod region

The history of Nizhny Novgorod land goes back to hoary antiquity. Archaeological excavations have shown that tribes of the Balakhna Neolithic culture lived on the territory of our region in the 3rd – 2nd millennium BC. It got its name from the most typical site excavated near the modern city of Balakhna. The Balakhna residents settled in small villages of 25-30 adults. The villages were located in compact groups. In addition to the outskirts of Balakhna (Bolshoye Kozino, Maloe Kozino), archaeologists discovered such groups in the area of ​​the cities of Pavlovo, Dzerzhinsk (Gavrilovka, Zhelnino, Volodarsk), Gorodets (Serkovskaya, Sokolskaya), N. Novgorod (in Sormovo, Molitovka, on the Mokhovy Gory). Encampments of the Balakhna people were found on the Linda River (Lindovskaya, Ostreevskaya), in Povetluzhie, in the valley of the Tesha River and in other places.

The Balakhna people were hunters and fishermen. Judging by the tools found, they knew how to grind, polish, chisel and saw stone, and make pottery. They knew weaving from plant fibers. In the second half of the 2nd millennium BC, they learned to smelt metal, knew hoe farming, and were engaged in animal husbandry.

A few kilometers southeast of Seima station, archaeologists discovered the Seima burial ground, which dates back to the 15th - 12th centuries BC. Fragments of vessels, bronze cast chisel-shaped socketed axes, large spearheads, knives, and daggers were found here. Along with bronze tools, flint ones were also discovered: arrowheads, saws, and fragments of drilled tools. In addition, there were unexpected finds - objects made of jade, an amber bead, although there are no deposits of jade and amber in the region. The finds of this site indicate extensive connections between ancient people from the northern seas to Central Asia and Baikal. The most valuable materials were included in the exhibition of the State historical museum in Moscow.

Excavations of other sites and burial grounds tell about the life and occupations of people of the Bronze and Iron Ages: Churkinsky burial ground (area of ​​the city of Balakhna), Sergachsky burial ground, discovered in Kozhina Sloboda (1st - 3rd centuries AD), Gaginsky and Khirinsky - near the city Arzamas (mid-1st millennium AD), Bogorodskoye, Rusinikhinskoye, Odoevskoye, Devil's settlements on Vetluga.

In the 1st millennium AD, Mordovian tribes lived along the Tesha, Piana, Alatyr, Kudma, and Oka rivers. In Povetluzhie - Mari. A small territory along the Oka before its confluence with the Volga was occupied by the Muroma.

In the 12th century, the first Slavic settlements appeared at the mouth of the Oka. Farmers from the southwest, from the principalities Kievan Rus at the time of its collapse, and from the north-west, from the Vladimir-Suzdal land, they infiltrated into free, sparsely populated lands and settled in families and groups along the banks of the Oka and Volga. The Slavs settled among the indigenous inhabitants, developing, first of all, the lands of today's Gorodetsky, Balakhninsky, and Borsky districts.

History of the Nizhny Novgorod region from ancient times to the end of the 15th century - 6th grade

Textbook: F.A. Seleznev - N. Novgorod NIRO -2016

Generalization test for Chapter 1 “Ancient inhabitants of the Nizhny Novgorod region”

1 . How many years ago did sudden global warming occur?

A) 10-15 thousand years ago

B) 5-7 thousand years ago

B) 2 thousand years ago

2. Scientists divide human history into:

A) Golden, ruby, platinum centuries

B) Stone, Bronze, Iron Ages

B) Wooden, tin, brass centuries

3. Archaeological sites include:

A) sites, burial grounds, fortifications

B) Elks, wild boars, mammoths

B) Dugouts, huts, tents

4. A group of monuments of the same time and type is united by the concept:

A) Ancient culture

B) Modern culture

B) Archaeological culture

5 . Match:

Name of culture

Where are archaeological sources found?

1. Balakhna culture – Neolithic (4-3 thousand BC)

1. From the upper Volga region to the river. Oki s. Dyakonovo

2. Volosovo culture Eneolithic (3-2 thousand BC)

2. p. Sakony, Ardatovsky district and Arzamas, Balakhna

3. Seima-Turbino culture, Bronze Age (16th century BC)

3. From the upper reaches of the Volga to the Oka and Kama rivers; village of Churkino, Balakhninsky district; Fatyanovo, Yaroslavl province

4. Fatyanovo culture – Bronze Age (2 thousand BC)

4. p. Pozdnyakovo Navashinsky district

5. Pozdnyakovskaya culture – Bronze Age (2 thousand BC)

5. Siberia, Ural, p. Turbino near Perm

6. Dyakonovskaya culture - Iron Age (1st millennium BC - first half of the 1st millennium AD)

6. Navashinsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region. village Volosovo

6. In the 1st millennium AD. on the territory of the modern Nizhny Novgorod region lived representatives4 Finno-Ugric peoples: Muroma, Merya, and..., and....., (add)

7. The Russian prince liberated the peoples of the Volga region from the heavy Khazar yoke....(who?)

A) Oleg

B) Svyatoslav

B) Yaroslav the Wise

8. There is one in the row superfluous word. Which? What does this series have in common?

Vein, necklace, belt, temple rings, ring-shaped rings.

9. Fill in the missing letters correctly in the words:

1) Volga Bulgaria;

2) Pagan;

3) Kh-zarsky K-ganat;

1 option
1. In what year was Nizhny Novgorod founded?
A) 1221; b) 1500; c) 1508; d)1227
2.The name of which prince is associated with the foundation Nizhny Novgorod?
A) Ivan 3 b) Yuri Vsevolodovich c) Dmitry Konstantinovich d) Vasily 3 3. How many round towers were there in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin?
A) 14 b) 11 c) 8 d) 5
4. On which tower was the observation post and command of the Kremlin defense located?
A) Tainitskaya b) Pantry c) Koromyslov d) Sentinel
5.Science. dealing with the study of geographical names is...
A) geography b) morphology c) toponymy d) heraldry
6.Name the Great Nizhny Novgorod residents known to you. Tell us about one of them.
7. In what year was the fair moved from Makaryev to Nizhny Novgorod?
A) 1805; b) 1817; c) 1822; d) 1807
8.Which country brought the most goods to the Nizhny Novgorod Fair?
A) Persia b) China c) India d) England
9.Name the second city by population in the region:
A) Arzamas b) Bor c) Dzerzhinsk d) Kstovo
10.Name the city in the region - the center of “Golden Khokhloma”
A) Gorodets b) Vetluga c) Semenov d) Bor
11.What peoples live in the neighborhood of the Nizhny Novgorod region?
12.What animal is depicted on the coat of arms of the Nizhny Novgorod region?
A) elk; b) deer c) bear d) lion
13.Which city became the center of the 2nd militia during the Time of Troubles?
A) Ryazan b) Nizhny Novgorod c) Kostroma d) Yaroslavl
14. By whose decree was the Nizhny Novgorod province formed?
A) Peter 1 b) Catherine 2 c) Peter 2 d) Anna Ioannovna

Historical local history. Test at the end of the year. 7th grade.
Option 2.
1. In what year was the most ancient city Nizhny Novgorod region? What is it called?
does it happen? _____________________
A) 1152, b) 1052, c) 1221, d) 1021
2. The name of which prince is associated with the beginning of the construction of the stone Nizhny Novgorod
A) Ivan 3 b) Yuri Vsevolodovich c) Dmitry Konstantinovich d) Vasily 3
3. How many square towers were there in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin? A) 13 b) 11 c) 8 d) 5
4. How many towers have survived to this day?
A) 13 b) 11 c) 8 d) 5
5.The name of which tower has a legendary origin?
A) Tainitskaya b) Pantry c) Koromyslova d) Hourly
6. Hydronym is the name of a geographical object ______________________
A) originating from the names of peoples and tribes;
B) owned locality;
B) belonging to a river, lake, swamp or other water source;
D) associated with the name of the relief elements of a given area
7. Name the names of the Great Nizhny Novgorod residents. Tell us about any of them.
8. Who was the main architect of the Nizhny Novgorod fair?
A) P. Fryazin b) A. Betancourt c) D. Kennan9. The fair had a _______________ character:

A) provincial b) All-Russian c) international d) European
10. The bus production plant is located in:
A) Dzerzhinsk b) Pavlovo c) Trans-Volga region d) Balakhna
11.Center of chemistry in the region:

A) Pavlovo b) Vyksa c) Arzamas d) Dzerzhinsk
12.The icon that became a symbol of the salvation of Rus' from enemies in the Time of Troubles6
A) Kazan Icon of the Mother of God; b) Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God;
B) Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God; d) Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God
13. Sarov is a large _________________
A) tourist center; b) sea ​​port; in the mall; d) nuclear center
research and military industry 14. Which village in the Nizhny Novgorod region was visited by A.S. Pushkin more than once?
Keys to the test in historical local history.
Option 1 Option 2
1. A 1. a. Gorodets
2. B 2. A
3. B 3. D
4. A 4. B
5.V 5.V
6. Vel. Nizhny Novgorod residents 6. V
7. B 7. great people of Nizhny Novgorod
8. B 8. B
9.B 9.B
10.B 10.B
11. Tatars, Mordovians, Chuvash, Mari 11.G
12.B 12.A
13.B 13.G
14. A 14. B. Boldino

Svetlana Gukova
Quiz “Secrets of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin”

* How many towers are there in Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin? (Thirteen.)

*What is the main tower Kremlin? (Dmitrievskaya.)

*Which tower was recently restored? (Zachatievskaya.)

* On which tower is the icon of St. George located? (On Dmitrievskaya.)

* Why does this icon matter for Nizhny Novgorod special meaning? (Because our city was founded Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich.)

* In which tower are the exhibitions organized? (In Dmitrievskaya.)

* Which towers are square? (Dmitrievskaya, Nikolskaya, Ivanovskaya, Georgievskaya, Zachatievskaya.)

* What round towers do you know? (Pantry, Rocker, Taynitskaya, Northern, Belaya, Borisoglebskaya, Porokhovaya.)

*Which tower is the oldest? ( Ivanovskaya: this is where construction began Kremlin.)

* Associated with the name of which tower secret? What is this secret? (WITH Taynitskaya: this tower had secret exit to the river.)

* Why is one of the towers given the name North? (it is located north of Taynitskaya Tower.)

*Which tower was the clock installed on? (On the Sentry.)

* Where did the name Pantry Tower come from? (The tower was used to store ammunition, weapons, tools, documents, etc., hence its name.)

* Why is the tower called White? (By the color of its lower tier.)

* Where does the name Nikolskaya Tower come from? (From St. Nicholas Church, which stood opposite it.)

* What are the names of the Borisoglebskaya and St. George towers associated with? (One is named after the Church of Saints Boris and Gleb, the other - after the Church of Saint George on the Escarpment.)

* Which tower stands the monument to Chkalov? (At Georgievskaya.)

* How did the name Powder Tower come about? (It contained two powder magazines.)

Children receive chips for correct answers. The winner receives a medal "Connoisseur Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin» .

Publications on the topic:

Notes on drawing for the senior group “Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin” Drawing on the theme: “Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin.” Prepared by: MBDOU teacher No. 30 Maykop, Dubova Valentina Alekseevna. Goals: to teach.

As part of my work on patriotic education, I decided to make a model of the Kremlin and make it so that children could have as much as possible.

Project “History, sights, symbols of the Nizhny Novgorod region” Project “Nizhny Novgorod region. Symbolism. Attractions"

Abstract of a comprehensive joint educational activities for children preparatory group on the topic: “Construction from building materials.

Program objectives: - continue to introduce children to their native land; consolidate the concepts: the Kremlin, Spasskaya Tower, chimes. - strengthen the skill.

More and more attention began to be paid to the patriotic education of children. Cultivating patriotism is not a simple and continuous process, it’s a lot.

Summary of the local history lesson “Little guides about the history of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin” Little guides talk about the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin Progress of the event: Preliminary work: individual conversations with parents.