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Trauma 4 lines human design. Your genetic trauma

When I look at someone's bodygraph, I don't start with certainties or the Sun and Earth of the Personality. My attention has always been focused on genetic trauma. Because most often a person does not want to hear about how unique and wonderful he is. It is useless to tell him about his wonderful gifts if the path to them is blocked by a huge stone called genetic trauma. When you begin to move this stone away little by little, it becomes easier to move on.

All information about trauma lies in the subconscious and the door there opens only when a person has a request. Or a response. Or it doesn't appear. Or there is a desire to immediately slam the door there. Because everything associated with trauma raises pain and the desire to protect oneself from memories and experiences.

The following picture comes to me: we are all walking through the forest, not through a meadow, not across a plain, not in the mountains, but precisely in a forest. Some people know how to light a fire, some are brilliant in the way they pitch a tent, some are excellent at cooking dinner. These are generators. Someone has nothing at all, it's me, the reflector :O) , grow up. No tent, no sleeping bag, no duffel bag, no sandwiches :-j And where I will sleep today, what I will eat, with whom, and in what company I will go depends on my ability to interact with others in this forest. And what prevents me from moving forward is a fallen tree, stone, hole, etc.

I feel very keenly who I am walking next to. The mood of the crowd and each individual. Especially if he has a tent, a warm blanket and food and he wholeheartedly invites me to go with him. But, I understand so clearly that he is going in the wrong direction, and we are about to get into something unpleasant, I try to warn them, they don’t hear me. It's a little upsetting, but not too much. Because I learned to stay alone in this forest. This is much better for yourself even. It is better to learn to hear yourself well and remain confident than to wander along with the crowd and stumble upon obstacles.

What does it mean to disassemble programs? I realized that I was simply pushing the pain aside, I didn’t want to go there, I didn’t see that my true purpose was hidden behind this stone in the middle of the road. When you begin to experience fear, guilt, shame, it is as if you buy them a ticket to the front row in the auditorium and, having received the right to exist, they no longer hit so hard. And then they actually help you grow.

Genetic trauma is encoded in the bodygraph by the number of the activation line of the subconscious Mars (red on the Design side).



    A very interesting thing is happening. I accidentally looked into the Gene Keys group, and there was a post about the transformation of Trauma into Vocation. As I understand it, nothing is accidental. And the fact that we are now in the fourth quarter of transformation is also no coincidence. It is important. So that we don't get stuck in our path.

    Transformation of Trauma into Vocation

    Expensive! I already wrote in one of the posts that the more you work with people, the more obvious it becomes that the whole whirlwind of our “problems” in life revolves mainly around Genetic trauma - it literally determines our thoughts and actions. Entire layers of our experience and many years of life are associated with an attempt to overcome it, to break out... As a result, on the contrary, we again and again find ourselves in situations where we live our own trauma and all hope for change disappears.

    It is obvious to me that everything that happens to us is optimal and has its own purpose, as well as some kind of key that can be discovered and open the door to new interesting realities. And finally I have a vision of what trauma is in our lives and what role it plays. I analyzed my life, as well as the experiences and feelings of the people I work with, and realized simple thing- it is trauma in its polarity that gives us the feeling of life itself, returns us to the body, makes us feel here, in ourselves, in our programs!

    Try to separate it, what remains? How will you feel? Remember the story of your life, are you even alive without it? These are the polarities:

    1 line. Suppression, lack of freedom - despotism
    2nd line. Denial of you by others, disconnection - denying and blaming others
    3 line. Humiliation - Pride
    4 line. Rejection, abandonment - Rejection of others
    5 line. Self-blame - Blaming others
    6 line. Lack of intimacy - Frustration

    Therefore, genetic trauma, despite all its collective scale, can and should be transformed! To do this, you need to look very honestly into yourself and find what makes you feel alive, what brings you back to your body. And then the subconscious does not need to modulate the usual difficult feelings. It is important to be honest with yourself here, because simple things like food, sports, sex are often just a distraction and do not give a feeling of Life.

    Richard Rudd calls transformed trauma “Calling” and in the description along the lines there are clues to what fills our lives with energy. We will publish in subsequent posts.

    Here are the short keys:
    1 line - Creativity, bear fruit
    Line 2 - Inspire others and be a muse for creators
    3rd line - Novelty, advanced ideas, money, vision of all life plans
    Line 4 - Warmth and communication, connecting people
    5 line - Leadership and responsibility
    Line 6 - Producing, patronage

    Remember, awareness gives us the opportunity to choose - at what frequencies to live this life, what to tune in to.

    Only a year later a vision of what I was playing with appeared. First of all, the injury corresponding to the profile lines is played out. Moreover, the trauma that corresponds to the personality line is felt more strongly, and the one that is in the design is buried deeper.

    For example, I have a 5/1 profile, in the chart the activation of red Mars is the trauma of denial. First of all, in my life, almost from my birth, guilt was played out - 5 trauma. As soon as I encountered advanced esotericists, I asked everyone how it was that the child had just been born, had just learned to walk, and there were such frantic projections of guilt and punishment on him, this constant oppressive feeling of guilt, why, where, why. The answer to this question unfolded only after studying my map and.

    Then suppression and everything else were strung onto guilt, like a rod. Over time, this tree has become so overgrown with program branches that you no longer understand where it’s coming from and why. So it is important that there is a request and a desire to see what kind of trunk is there and how rooted it is in life.

    @Iris, created from your topics. Thank you very much for your work! :-bd

    No matter how much I look, I still can’t understand to what extent this has something in common with? Which are considered not tied to the bodygraph and inflicted directly by parents - but taking into account, so to speak, “karma of the family”, when everyone who received an injury, if he has not worked through it, can inflict it on the next generation, etc. And which a person, in principle, may not have.

    I believe it is connected like this: whoever is “written in his or her birth” will have a stronger effect on him. And whoever doesn’t have shame and conscience about a bodygraph, no matter how much shame you put, you’ll injure him, or you’ll injure him locally, weakly.

    IvanesS please :) This topic seems very important to me. If not the main one.

    I think it has a lot in common with the traumas of Liz Burbo. The design is stitched into the body, and Liz Bourbeau also argues that the body shows trauma.

    How does this play out in the clan, in the family? Yes, everything is basically very simple. Great expectations are placed on each newly arriving member of the clan that he will work out and transform what the previous ones could not. When a person dies, all the information about his life, along with achievements and problems, is collected in a large bubble, like in a kind of file, and is taken out or printed at the birth of the child.
    This path can be traced in large families, especially when people are rich and correctly use the energy of money, these programs, like a transitional red pennant, go to children, the only question is how they assimilate these programs. It happens that they remain unpacked. This can also be seen very well in poor families, but no one is interested in hearing about the poor :) )

    Good afternoon, Iris! Very interesting topic, thank you! It turns out that there are direct indications of the general tendency of personality development, and it all depends on which pole she chooses - aggressive or passive, but it can also be mixed. It looks like masochism, sadism or sado-maso... probably not very far from the truth.... For example, I was interested in the question of 7 or 8 month old children, all of them. whoever I met, already in adulthood, “went” 1 or 3 lin. And if you take astrology, the natal chart, then, as a rule, Saturn “tried” very hard...., especially with the Sun and the rising sign... And in the design, there are gates that aggravate one or another pole, where it will lead. Your opinion would be interesting.

  • A very interesting topic, and it all depends on which pole she chooses - aggressive or passive, but it can also be mixed.

    Good afternoon, LORA! I didn’t quite understand you, what kind of direct instructions these were. :-/ Yes, on a bodygraph you can find many answers or keys to the problems of an adult. But this is so individual. Man is conditioned with childhood each in his own way. Masochism, sadism... I would never like to predict such things, because this is already a concrete distortion of personality development. And there are such strong differences, such a gulf between adults and today’s children. I use this knowledge rather to correct behavior.

    Why exactly 7 and 8 month old children? Are the 1st and 3rd lines some kind of common conditioning?

    in design, there are gates that aggravate one or another pole, where it will lead

    You put it as if DC is something like a training manual, I am more inclined towards its practical use for leveling behavior if a person has a request to trace where he has deviated from true path development, on the path of soul development and why he has so many problems.
  • Good afternoon Very interesting about injuries. I recently began to understand design, but I think I already know about my injury. It's very interesting to figure out how to work with it. According to this classification, the 4th “Rejection” resonates most with me. I know that the feeling of being “needed” makes you feel alive and gives you strength. But apparently self-hypnosis like “Everyone and myself needs me” is not enough... Tell Iris, how exactly can you work with trauma?

    @Margo, when I say working through trauma, I mean the following. First, I begin to fully consider how I experience the trauma, what impact it has on my life, how much I see the opposite parts of this trauma. And how I build relationships based on this trauma, these mental constructs, I bring the trauma to the top as a principle of motivation, by the way, this can be so powerful that you don’t even immediately feel that all your actions are based on trauma.

    In your case, watch how you reject the mechanism itself, people, ideas, proposals, novelty, yourself in physics, and so on. The way you are rejected, you and everything that comes from you is also obligatory. We observe, we are surprised, we accept it in ourselves, we recognize it, we designate its right to exist, we note on the energy plane that it has become “easier”, only then does elaboration begin. This must be fully lived. Honestly and after considering all the details. Having received the entrance ticket, the trauma necessarily reveals itself. And be sure to see the other side of rejection - acceptance. You did this more than once, you just didn’t analyze it in detail, and this is important for elaboration.

    There is a suspicion that

    the feeling of being “needed” makes you feel alive and gives you strength

    in fact, getting stuck in one of the branches of the mental pendulum, increasing the sense of self-importance. That's why you state that

    self-hypnosis like “Everyone needs me and myself” is not enough

    and it does not give development. By inflating the neediness, you do not notice the uselessness, which will definitely “thank you.” It's like a spring, when it is wound too much, it will burst. Or it might hurt.
  • Well, yes, I don’t yet understand what “line in Mars of Design” means

    Margo, look at your bodygraph, to the left and right of it there are two columns with the designations of the planets and numbers, the eighth from the top is Mars, look at the number after the dot - that’s it, the line :)

    Thank you, it's quite suitable

  • And even if it is determined, you should not think that all other injuries were avoided. You need to read about everyone to know them by sight :-@

    I want to share my thoughts on this matter.
    Projector.5/1.G. According to the bodygraph, the line of Mars is 2. Reading all the traumas and looking through my life, I caught myself thinking that I am living through all the traumas sequentially, in waves, covering the circle both in the immediate future and globally throughout my life (53 years). In some critical situations, all these feelings boil inside me at the same time. And when I was young, it was difficult to cope with all this bouquet, and even now sometimes it drags me to the very bottom. Reading various philosophical literature, researching causes, understanding, accepting responsibility and experience help to equalize both the situation and your state of mind. So I already lived through some gene keys, at the subconscious level. I came across DC recently, it’s a unique and interesting system, I’m gradually mastering it. So here is the question with line of trauma 2. How correct is it to work through only one line in life? When you see the whole picture, it is easier to track the details in yourself and in others. Wittingly or unwittingly, everyone, at some point in time, encounters every trauma in life.

Everyone has genetic trauma - how to recognize and heal yours? First, you should familiarize yourself with Mars and understand its significance in the Human Design system. Mars is masculine energy. It identifies aspects of a person's design and personality that characterize their behavior during moments of conflict and stress (adrenaline rush periods). These qualities show his incredibly strong, but “immature” energy, the uncontrolled manifestation of which can lead to destructive or negative consequences, both for the person himself and for the people around him.

MARS: Immaturity

It is amazing that Mars is present in 61 of the 64 gates and only the 20th, 8th and 7th gates are free from its influence. It is these three gates that clearly indicate the true nature of Mars. Mars is passive (in the sense of hibernation) until it awakens. Once this force starts moving, it becomes uncontrollable. This is a trinity of Yang energies, where the Sun is the father, Mercury is the eldest son (reflected by the light of the father) and Mars is the younger son, free from responsibility.

Mars is an immature energy, unable to contribute through the 8th gate or lead through the 7th and in the present moment (20), but it is a force that will have to be dealt with. Once it comes into play, that's when problems can arise. It is like a huge ship in the sea - if you make it sail, it will be very difficult to stop it, regardless of whether it is on the right course or not. Many people think that this term “immaturity” can be applied to personality, but it is only applicable to energy.

Once put into action, the energy of Mars quickly gains momentum due to its awareness. In our mythology, it was this ability that made him a warrior. Mars is not peace-loving, but in general, he is indifferent to battle. But once summoned, its ability to intensify can lead to mindless cruelty, where the energy can overwhelm the most fundamental moments.

Remember that Mars has a fundamental tendency to "hibernate" and, despite being able to accept that a problem exists, will not necessarily do anything about it unless forced to. However, when forced, this person may begin to constantly search for someone who will help him, and the energy he will use in the search will blind him, regardless of whether he is helped or not.

Let’s say if Mars of Design is in the 4th gate of the Folly of Youth, in the gate of formulating, finding answers. For example, in the 6th line of Excess: repeated and deliberate abuse of norms will not escape punishment. It is dangerous to ignore the values ​​of logic, the value of asking questions and calling out patterns. With Mars in this line, your mind is lazy, but again, if it is turned on, it will invariably have the ability to break through to logic.

Once Mars thinks he has the answer, be careful: thinking he has the answer is much more important to him than whether the answer is correct. Now we come to the heart of the matter. One of the most important themes you will encounter as you explore your design is the genetic trauma embedded within each of us. Through the lens of our trauma, from childhood we build many layers of defenses that literally seal the hidden gifts within us. Over time, we get used to living this way, and recognizing our trauma becomes very difficult.

There are 6 types of injuries:

1. Trauma of suppression
2. The trauma of denial
3. Shame Trauma
4. The trauma of rejection
5. Trauma of guilt
6. The Trauma of Separation

The type of genetic trauma you have is encoded in your chart under the activation line number of your subconscious Mars (red on the Design side, number after the dot). If you don't know what we're talking about, just build your rave map using this one and see what number you have in the place indicated on the diagram. This is your type of genetic trauma.

For example, there will be number 4, the trauma of rejection. Even if you have a different line, I highly recommend that you read the information on the trauma of rejection. Each trauma is complex and deep for its bearer, but the trauma of rejection is universal for all humanity. To one degree or another, most people live it, with rare exceptions. Fear of being rejected, abandoned, unloved... Many poems and songs have been written about this, and a large number of films have been made.

The fourth line intensifies with romance and nourishes “love” creativity. This is the level of heart and heart pain. Each of us probably painfully remembers those moments in life when we felt it especially acutely. But now that you know about it, it will stop leaving such a heavy imprint on your perception of life. Even without working through it in any particular way, life will become easier simply from the realization that it was given to you in order to, at a certain time, launch processes in you that bring your development and strength to you.

Deciphering the types of genetic injuries:

1. Genetic trauma 1st line - Suppression
2. Genetic trauma 2 lines - Denial
3. Genetic trauma 3 lines - Shame
4. Genetic trauma 4 lines - Fear of rejection and betrayal
5. Genetic trauma 5th line - Guilt
6. Genetic trauma 6th line - Separation

Genetic trauma 1st line - Suppression

Suppression is the most ancient, primal trauma. This is the fear of the elements, of wild animals.
On a collective level, it expresses hidden and repressed fear. Eg. suppression of the child’s nature - dominant parents, teachers. People are very sensitive to suppression, either out of fear of being suppressed by others around them, or by suppressing others in self-defense. Very few people are willing to look into the source of their suffering of their own free will.

Our human way of responding to suffering is to close ourselves off, to cut ourselves off from own feelings and from other people. However, a more powerful and effective approach is to open your heart and fully embrace what life offers you. Your destiny throughout your life is to deal with the trauma of repression. Don't take it personally, it's just in your nature, observe it.

The trauma of suppression contains a strong potential for deep transformation, which will also affect future generations. One way to do this is to be deeply honest with yourself and recognize and accept your fear. Honesty towards yourself is sometimes even more difficult than external honesty. All you have to do is allow it to happen, allow yourself to look deep into yourself, into your shadows. Allow yourself to see those feelings that go with you through life as a background.

Become aware of these feelings and understand that they cannot hurt you. You feel all of humanity within you, it is the fear that drove our ancestors and it controls the world today.

The trauma of suppression is familiar to many, but if you have Mars activated in the first line, it is genetic for you. In most cases, you live your suffering from the inside without throwing it out. Not only do you not talk about it, but you also hold on to it. For this reason, people with 1st trauma may find it very difficult to express other feelings. They feel cut off from their world and often feel like there is something wrong with them. This is also the very prototype of the game of victim and pursuer. You are either depressed or you are suppressing.

Every time you are offended and have a desire to blame someone, evaluate honestly and frankly how you yourself provoke such situations, how you like to suppress yourself from the inside, playing out childhood patterns over and over again.

The trauma of suppression has a favorite scheme in life - to find a person or situation that will limit you as much as possible in everything, and become unhappy in this, so that at some point you can break all the “fetters” and break free, feeling pleasure in contrast. But only to again find a situation in which you will suppress yourself thoroughly.

Healing: Honesty

Remember, suppression is an absolute illusion, which, of course, looks like a solid reality if it is your native trauma. Don’t lie to yourself, learn to recognize it, accept it as part of your life. Let it play out, but remain aware. Look at your life and tell yourself honestly how happy you are. Ask yourself what is missing, what hurts you the most. When you learn to live with the answers to these questions, it will become a powerful inclusion for you.

On the other hand, behind this trauma lies boundless creativity, incredible creative energy. The Gate of Mars from the Design side shows you in which area your creative nature can reveal itself. Don't suppress your talents!

Genetic trauma 2 lines - Denial

2nd line trauma is an exploration of the nature of anger. Pay attention to why you get angry at other people - this is where the secret to your denial lies. Denial is expressed through anger and transferring blame to another person, which is self-defense. A person does not see anyone but himself, does not know how to restrain his feelings, and if anger manifests itself, he immediately gives it vent (mainly on loved ones). Others may provoke you by denying your point of view or denying you in general. The challenge here is not to blame, but to see that the source is yourself!

Denial in no way makes people evil. It is as strong an illusion as suppression, rejection and all other traumas. Absolutely all people carry such pain in their souls, the degree of which is the same, only its expression differs. The second line is the most blind at first, but it has great potential for compassion and acceptance of others. There is potential for very deep healing here, you just have to see how you are in denial. This is not an effort of will, but a constant observation of your life.

Sit quietly and remember the events of your life path to recognize how this pattern works. Cases involving parents can be especially valuable. When did your trauma activate? When have you felt that you and your nature are not recognized or that the world does not meet your expectations?

Healing: Relaxation

Again, this is not personal to the injury. This is the wound of humanity. Your greatest gift is relaxation, and relationships can become very simple when you notice your denial. Another word to describe relaxation is gentleness. Be softer towards people, no matter what they do, and then your life will be filled with a feeling of lightness and deep rhythm. And anger can be redirected towards creativity! Just change its focus from personalities to external actions. You can start cleaning, start drawing, and the like.

It is also useful to relax through breathing. Your life may be lived in a rhythm of relaxation, and your rising anger may be expressed in many ways. creative ways. Ask yourself: how relaxed are you? How simple is your life? Many people notice their denial only after some serious events, when life directly plunges them into their own denial, with only one goal - to finally be noticed.

Your anger is just your own reaction and often has nothing to do with the person. Your partner or any other person is simply playing this role out of love for you, to bring you to awareness. This is how we all plunge each other into trauma in order to emerge into healing. Here are some phrases from people with denial trauma that may help you recognize yourself:

“There is me and there is the whole world with its stupid wrong opinion”;
“Sometimes I’m not at all interested in what’s going on inside people”;
"Injury? What other injury? I don't have any injury! I don’t care, maybe others have it, but I don’t”;
"How! How can I deny if he is wrong?!”

There is one good technique that will certainly be useful to you in life: when they are talking to you, and you do not understand what they are trying to convey to you, try the following: in a calm voice, without getting irritated, tell your interlocutor: “stop, let’s look into it a little more.” Concentrate on your breathing, move your attention to the tip of your nose and let go of your thoughts. Rely on the other person's speech, let it become the sound passing through you. Don't try to parse it into words, just feel its overall meaning.

From my experience, I will say that for several people in my practice, the trauma of denial turned into self-flagellation, something like self-denial. After a strong insight, when the person finally saw that he was the cause, he felt a feeling of helplessness. It’s easy to deny, but in the new awareness a stupor begins.

Don't deny yourself, look deep, relax. When you realize that no one wants to hurt you, that you start all the processes yourself, you will finally feel free.

In the 17th gene key you will read about “Omniscience”. This is the siddhi that removes the seal of Negation.
You can experience amazing joy, bliss and ease when you realize that you no longer need to defend yourself from the world, that it does not want to harm you and is not at all full of idiots. Our trauma is always the other side of our calling, our social talents. One of the siddhiic abilities of Negation is All-Acceptance, amazing ability accept another and see the depth of his sacred wound.

When Denial is accepted and transformed, it becomes the gift of Marketing. Here are all its main points:

– Focus on relationships with people, courage, ability to respond;
- Lack of effort. Conductor of information to the world;
– Connects people with the right ideas;
– Strives to find a person, idea or product that he wants to improve and bring to light in this world;
– Show the value of something to others;
– Inspiration, a spark that is passed on to others.

Genetic trauma 3 lines - Shame

This is a shame to be yourself - “I’m not like everyone else,” “I’m not valuable enough for others,” “I don’t meet the requirements of others.” Fear of not being valuable. People with this trauma cover up their shame of inadequacy through some kind of activity (they take on many responsibilities, help others, are socially active). This way they prove to everyone that they are valuable.

They are characterized by sacrificial relationships (in the family, at work, with children). When such a person is caught in his fear of failure, his reaction is usually either to laugh it off or to “turn the arrow” on others. In an aggressive form, such people shame others. The key to this problem is not to run away from blaming situations, but to surrender - to open up, trust, enter into your shame and understand that there is nothing to be ashamed of.

You are able to see strategically, having great potential for money, as well as an ease with it - easy come, easy go. At a deep level, shame gives you the feeling that you are not worth much, which can cause you to spend your energy trying to prove your worth. These people may appear to be work-obsessed.

In the beginning, it can be very uncomfortable to acknowledge and accept yourself as you are. Everyone wants to avoid shame, not to see it. You try to keep your life busy with activities as much as possible so as not to realize how you really feel. People with shame trauma tend to engage in other unnecessary activities to prove their worth.

As soon as they are recognized, they immediately run away: some into business, some into humor, and some simply get up and leave (physically or mentally).

Healing: Humor

It is important for you not to leave, but to stay and fully experience your fear. It is not necessary to understand these feelings, it is important to simply not leave. Just let others see you from the inside, naked.

Recognize your worth, love yourself. The greatest gift is humor, which grows from intimate contact with one’s feelings. You are able to see the humor of life around you, and laugh at who you are and how your life is going.

Genetic trauma 4 lines — Fear of rejection and betrayal

Rejection is the fear of being rejected, abandoned. This is the fear of betrayal. This then becomes a desire to reject others before they can reject you. The key to solving the problem is tenderness and care towards yourself and others. You need to learn to take care of yourself. The trauma of rejection develops a desire for communication, a desire to give other people the feeling that you are not alone.

Even if you have a different line, I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information on the trauma of rejection, and on everyone else too, because we all experience these themes in one way or another through our environment; in our lives they can play out both occasionally and regularly. This information will also help you understand others better.

Any close relationship is built on six traumas (aka talents) and combinations of their interactions.
If Mars of Design is activated by the 4th line in your bodygraph, you were born with the genetic trauma of rejection. This means that as a child you most likely experienced abandonment and rejection through your parents.

Don't forget that trauma is already imprinted in your DNA at the moment of birth, but it requires some kind of external impulse, a "trigger", to become active part your life and your psyche. Most people experience a “broken heart” during adolescence due to unrequited love. Then, as we grow, the trauma of rejection turns into defenses within us. Out of fear of rejection, we learn to protect our hearts from this deep-seated pain. As a result, in life we ​​begin to reject another person, fearing that he will abandon us first.

Moreover, rejection is not only about broken relationships and divorces—rejection can be very subtle. It takes a great deal of awareness and honesty to see how you do this. We manifest it through words or body language without even realizing it. It only takes seconds when we, defensively, demonstrate our non-acceptance to the other. Sometimes it’s only by a person’s reaction that we realize that we’ve already pushed him away.

Healing: Tenderness

Your greatest gift is tenderness. Tenderness first for yourself, and then for others. You will learn to be gentle with yourself when you are in pain and to be gentle with others when they are in pain. Thus, one's own tenderness becomes a weapon, after which there is nothing more to be afraid of. All rejection of any kind occurs due to a lack of self-love. We are afraid that we might be offended, but in reality no one else can be responsible for our openness. We ourselves open or close our hearts.

Look carefully at the Shadow of the corresponding Gene Key in the light of this fear, the fear of rejection. The Shadow theme here relates to your willingness or unwillingness to face the fear of rejection. On the other hand, the Gift and Siddhi of this key will help you understand exactly what qualities you need in order to find the basis of this fear and neutralize it.

The 4th line often carries its fear in the form of tension spreading in the chest area. Many people completely forget how freedom from this sensation can feel, because they don’t even notice its presence in the body. When your heart softens, you feel immense joy and relief at chest level.
The word "mitigation" is key for the 4th injury. You need to learn to be soft and gentle with yourself when you are hurt and towards other people when they are in pain. The more skill you have in softening your heart, the easier your relationships will become.

No longer will you be a victim of someone else's need to push away, and even if someone treats you cruelly, you will have your own immediate reaction - letting go of the pain through tenderness and gentleness. We can clearly see how one trauma touches another. Out of fear of Rejection, we begin to blame the other for Lack of Love, feel our Unworthiness if we are abandoned, and experience Separation and Loneliness.

In fact, the most important thing is always to see that the other person, just like you, is acting out of trauma, and his actions are not directed against you personally - he is simply at war with himself. Not everyone is ready to accept this knowledge, and there is no point in conveying this to everyone. The most important thing we can do for the world is to take care of ourselves and cleanse our hearts of anger and resentment.

The best thing you can do when working internally with yourself is to return to difficult moments in life and relive them, filling them with acceptance. This way you will heal your aura and launch new opportunities in your life. We need to learn to live our lives not from trauma, without using the usual methods of defense. At first, it's like learning to walk again. It takes time for a skill to become a part of our life, and for emotions not to knock us out of a state of awareness.

The 4th line of trauma is the natural talent of warmth. Such people know how to GIVE a feeling of closeness and participation - such communication where no one is left. You always feel involved. Somewhere it feels like being accepted into a family, as if you are a soul mate by right of your existence. This is a truly amazing feeling of spiritual comfort and warmth. At the social level, this trauma is transformed into a Vocation. And when we finally transform this theme in relationships, we will have a wonderful opportunity to express our talents in a collective way.

And here they are Gifts of the 4th line:

− The ideal of open, heartfelt communication;
− Success in business, working closely with people;
— Diplomacy, focus on the right thing, the gift of persuasion;
— They take control and lead everyone to a common ideal;
− Solitude for rest and social activities for the common good;
− Impact on humanity;
− The gift of opening people’s hearts;
− Make others feel included.

Genetic trauma 5th line - Guilt

You feel guilty yourself or play on the guilt of others by making them feel guilty. You see the negative energy of “I’m being blamed” in everything. Such people are often loners. Everyone is familiar with the feeling that the world is unfair. The key is forgiveness. Forgiveness of yourself, others, fate. The solution will be to work with people in the role of manager, coordinator, optimizer.

In the context of the Shadow, this trauma is one of the most complex. At the same time, such people cannot stand complexity and litigation, preferring that everything be simple and practical. Because of this, they can rarely maintain long-term relationships, as they cannot stand doing something just because they “have to.” You feel a lot of pressure from others to be someone or something, and you either run away from it or start conforming, but in both cases it doesn't last long.

You tend to enter into a victim state or attract people into your life who are themselves in this role. You can also manipulate people by playing on guilt, but then regret and complications invariably come on different levels. Sometimes, you end up giving up on the relationship altogether.

Healing: Forgiveness

It is impossible to solve this problem through the mind. It is important to simply begin to feel the vibrations of fear in your body, without becoming a victim of it. You need to transform this fear through the power of forgiveness, first of all yourself. Stop feeling guilty for unjustified accusations of other people, for being who you are, and also forgive those around you for not meeting your expectations.

Heals this trauma with the siddhi of the 4th Gene Key, Forgiveness. When you read the information about it, it will greatly help you to understand even more deeply what features your trauma has, and how you can accept it by getting closer and establishing communication with others.

The reverse side of the 5th trama is calling:

– In a global sense, he is a conductor of new consciousness. I must ask myself the question: how can I serve people and this land?
Keyword- the power that comes with forgiveness. After forgiveness, you begin to see the main thing in life;
– The ability to be solely responsible for the success or failure of an enterprise;
– Dissemination of self-reinforcing knowledge;
– Radiation of power (for everyone in their own field, for example, through motherhood, various types of management);
– Taking responsibility humbly and easily is like oxygen for the soul.

Genetic trauma 6 lines — Separation

Separation can be described as the shock of birth, separation from the mother, the desire for reunion through receiving a sense of unity. Such people are very susceptible to other people's pain and are extremely gentle by nature. In relationships they are looking for depth, merging. They have complaints against their partner that he is not so sensitive and require constant presence. They close themselves off from people.

The key to this trauma is self-care. Philanthropy and concern for improving the lives of all humanity is a real talent. This injury is very unusual, and in my opinion, people with this injury are the most sensitive. I myself have a profile of 6/2.

Separation in partnership is the desire to connect with another person, to become one with him, as if to return to the unity of life through another. I know men who have this trauma and find it difficult to leave their girlfriend even on a business trip; it seems so scary to be alone. There is also another part that constantly says “no, this person is not close enough to me, why then is all this necessary”...

Practice shows that a person with the trauma of separation finds himself inside as if broken into parts, as if different aspects of the soul do not see and do not recognize each other. Then it really becomes obvious that everything begins and ends only within ourselves, and the outside world is just a reflection.

This line contains enormous wisdom and the very essence of any of our suffering, which again and again returns us to the theme of separation from the whole, from God, from the Universe. And here lies the strong potential for deep healing for oneself, one’s surroundings, humanity. Therefore, I had no other choice than to engage in consultations and trainings

The 6th line expresses the dilemma of human awareness in modern times. Through the mind we live the experience of separation from existence. Our modern awareness is primarily located in the brain, but identifies with the body and the physiological and psychological functions associated with the body. Part of our healing process collective trauma is to evolve yourself into new system awareness, allowing you to live the experience of inextricable awareness, one with the Whole.

Healing: Accepting Your Separateness

The 6th trauma is always a little apart from the other traumas, as if completely cut off from its true source. To heal the 6th trauma, you need to become aware of your sense of separateness, which can take a long time. This is a difficult and slow process.

If you have a 6th line in the area of ​​Primary Trauma, then you most likely have already found yourself in the previous paragraph. If not, you either have one of the 5 previous traumas, or you live within the mental framework built throughout your life since childhood in order to somehow cope with this world.

The 6th line includes hyper-sensitive children, so they are often misunderstood. This trauma carries with it the potential for a genetic mutation of our very way of being aware, meaning that such children may stand out from others. Ideally, they need time and space to find their direction without any external pressure. However, within our society, these children's sensitivity quickly falls asleep, so your journey will involve reawakening these early gifts.

Look at the Shadow of the Gene Key of this sphere, and you will feel the special vibrations that you perceived as a child. Awakening people with 6th line trauma takes time and there is no quick fix. Many at a conscious age begin to look for spiritual teachers in order to restore the Gifts and Siddhis of their childhood, which is very wise on their part.

Also, loneliness is a very strong theme in life, so this line is very difficult for partnerships. Sometimes you may feel as if you are separated by a high wall from outside world which is inhabited by other people. It is important for you to see and understand that you are not a victim of the system or someone else’s mistakes, and only you yourself can return yourself to this world. You need to learn to turn yourself on again and again.

People born with the trauma of separation have the feeling that part of their consciousness is somewhere outside, and they have been looking for it all their lives, wanting to connect. To some extent this is true. She needs time to grow, undergo transformation and come back. Such people need to take care of themselves, allowing life to take its own course and sooner or later discover the meaning of what is happening.

The 6th line brings with it great wisdom. Ultimately, through their journey, they will become the people who most deeply understand the essence of the collective wounds in each person. Such people sometimes go through long periods of loneliness and separation from others, when they do not feel real warmth. But in the end they realize that it's all for the better. This is part of the mission for which they came into this world.

Gifts of the 6th line of Vocation:

— Investment;
— Love for humanity;
– Gift of clear perception;
– New vision;
– Foresight;
– Invest money, energy in people and projects that are recognized as viable and serving the benefit of humanity;
– Due to a long-term vision, they ensure the viability of any enterprise;
– High ideals and goals, generosity towards others.

The theme of Trauma can be expressed either very clearly or in the form of outbursts.

Remember that we are initially dependent and limited by other people, in particular those closest to us. Therefore, we can have a whole set of Traumas, both our own and those of others. Full work will consist of monitoring your injury and using the methods described above. Decoding your Rave Cards you can purchase at the bottom of the page.

Gene keys

There are many difficult places in our country. One of them is red Mars. Unconscious action.

It is complex because in an unprocessed form it is reproduced unconsciously, and even destructive for relationships and fulfillment in life.

It's no joke: Mars is responsible for conflicts, attack, and defense, as well as for all external manifestations. Actions on the physical plane. The way we act unconsciously in situations of defending our interests.

Here you will find scandals in couples, conflicts within the team, and leadership skills that help you express yourself constructively and effectively.

Fortunately, Life is a well-thought-out game! And there is a key for each quest 😉 That’s why they appeared as a separate area of ​​​​knowledge.

In this video I look specifically at red Mars: its lines, which are called Genetic Trauma. Everyone has one.

Mars is a way of acting, defending one’s interests, the ability to insist on one’s own. And today in meditation it occurred to me that this is the “inner warrior”. Or an internal hysteria in an unprocessed version. The more we work through this shadow, the more convincing and effective our actions become. Less scandals, insults, hysterics - more results.

They look in the bodygraph as the red Mars line number (injury) and the black Mars line number ( emotional reaction). We recommend taking into account the trauma of your parents and loved ones, those with whom you lived before puberty. These trauma patterns may also have been actively absorbed by you.

One of the most important themes in Hologenetics is the genetic trauma inherent in each of us. Through the prism of our trauma, since childhood, we have been building numerous layers of defenses that literally seal the gifts hidden in us... Over time, we get used to living like this, and recognizing our trauma becomes very difficult, but you just have to let go of this illusion, and the perception of the world can radically transform!

There are 6 genetic injuries in total:

1. Suppression

2. Denial

4. Rejection (betrayal)

6. Separation

We also highlight one more, seventh trauma of all humanity:

7. Injustice

A person is already born with a certain trauma, and in childhood he is its recipient - this is how it manifests itself and is launched in his life. Further, growing up, a person begins to defend himself - and begins to distribute his trauma to others, that is:

1. Suppressed suppresses

2. The one who is denied denies everything and everyone around him.

3. The shamed person shames

4. The devotee rejects

5. The accused accuses

6. The divided separates himself from the whole world.

The shadow of this sphere holds back our inner potential. Traumas trigger each other. You don’t have to see a person’s bodygraph to see one of his injuries (or several). These are frequencies imprinted in our DNA. Every injury has a reverse side - Siddhi (see the corresponding gene key. People who have the corresponding gates activated heal your injury - if they are in acceptance of their naturalness, and doubly injure - when in the shadows):

1. Suppression - Divine Intent (40)

2. Denial - Omniscience (17)

3. Shame – Universal Love (25)

4. Rejection (betrayal) – Epiphany (43)

5. Guilt - forgiveness (4)

6. Separation is truth (63)

Description of each injury and its healing (25 GK Universal Love heals all 6 injuries):

1. Trauma of suppression

Healing with Honesty (40 GK – Divine Intent)

Fear of suppression and control. Often parents, out of “love,” are the first to activate this trauma: by suppressing and controlling the child, expecting him to realize their projections, they do not allow his nature to develop. Further, other types of suppression can influence in the same way: cultural, social, etc.

Over time, this trauma becomes external: you attract people who suppress you, or out of fear you yourself begin to suppress others. This leads to closing off from the world and fear of opening your heart, going into the depths, which leads to shallow breathing that prevents you from connecting with yourself. Such people often find it difficult to tell others their deepest feelings. They may feel own world cut off and separated and think that there is something wrong with them.

Your pattern for dealing with suffering is to keep it inside and bottle it up.

Healing: Honesty

Take a close and honest look at the shadow of this sphere and see it as an archetype that humanity has suppressed for centuries. All your life you are called to deal with the trauma of repression, do not take it personally, it is simply inherent in your nature, observe it.

Admit what is happening to you and tell your loved ones about it. Open your heart and go deep, without fear that you will be controlled and suppressed through this. To unblock this topic, being honest with yourself is essential. Allow yourself to breathe deeply.

2. The trauma of denial

Healing by relaxation (17 GC – Omniscience)

They look outward all the time and deny that there is anything wrong with them. The most difficult trauma: a person does not see it and denies it. All of life is full of reminders and signs that it is time for them to look within. Everything around is screaming about this, repeating situations often occur that require rethinking: “Maybe it’s not the world, but something wrong with me, since it’s the same thing all the time?”

Out of fear that others want to cause pain through denial of their nature, they react to any criticism with anger, which they are unable to restrain inside. By seeing this denial in yourself, by observing your life, you can recognize the pattern. When there is recognition, anger can be used for completely different purposes, for example, for creativity as a kind of motor.

Healing: Relaxation

Again, not personal. This is the wound of humanity. It is useful to relax through breathing. This is your gift - relaxation. Your life can be lived in the rhythm of relaxation. Rising anger can be expressed in many creative ways.

3. Shame Trauma

Healing with humor (25 GK – Universal Love)

At a deep level, shame makes you feel like you're not worth much, and you can spend your energy trying to prove that you're valuable. These people may appear to be work-obsessed. Therefore, sometimes the third line cannot be reached at all. Line 2 at least yells at you! And the third runs away before you even notice her vulnerability. In the beginning, it can be very uncomfortable to acknowledge and accept yourself as you are. Everyone wants to avoid shame, not to see it. 3 lines try to occupy their lives with activities as much as possible, so as not to realize how they really feel. Often engages others to prove their worth. Life is used as an excuse to distract themselves from the pain they are experiencing. They are capable of undressing others out of their own shame of being naked. When they are seen, they have a feeling of “bareness”, vulnerability, as if something is wrong, there is no value in something. As soon as they are recognized, they immediately leave: some into business, some into humor, and some get up and run away (physically or mentally)

Healing: Humor

It is important for you and the third line not to leave, but to stay enough to live out your fear “I am worthless.” It is not necessary to understand these feelings. It's important to just not leave. Stay and be in it. Just let others see you naked. Recognize your worth, love yourself. The greatest gift is humor (it grows from intimate contact with one’s feelings). You are able to see the humor of life around you, laugh at how you yourself are and how your life happens.

4. The trauma of rejection

Healing with tenderness (43 GC – Insight)

It's all about defense here. The fear of rejection, which makes you defensive, costs protection around the heart. As a child, perhaps you were a receiver of this topic, then a source. Reject another so that he does not reject you. And such rejection can be very subtle - simply through body movement or tone of voice. And it can look like anger (lack of kindness). Often you only realize you've pushed someone away after you've already seen their reaction. The fear of abandonment lights the shadow of this key. The 4th line carries this fear as a subtle tension that spreads in the chest area. Many people even forget what it’s like to live without this tension. As soon as the heart opens, incredible joy and lightness spreads in the chest.

Healing: Tenderness

Your greatest gift is tenderness. Tenderness, first to yourself, then to others. You will learn to be gentle with yourself when you are in pain and to be gentle with others when they are. Thus, one's own tenderness becomes a weapon in the theme of rejection and there is nothing more to be afraid of.

5. Trauma of guilt

Healing through forgiveness (4 GC – Forgiveness)

One of the most difficult in the context of shadow. At the same time, she hates complexity and proceedings. All 5s like everything to be simple and practical. Because of this, they often cannot be in a relationship for a long time, since they cannot stand doing something because they “should”. Feel a lot of pressure from others to be someone or something and either run away from it or start conforming, and in both cases it doesn't last long. They enter the victim state or attract people into their lives who are in this role. They can also manipulate people by playing on feelings of guilt. So, if we talk about relationships: “I can’t live without you!” Then comes invariably regret and complications at different levels. Sometimes they end up giving up on the relationship altogether.

Healing: Forgiveness

It is impossible to solve this issue through the mind. It is important to simply begin to feel the vibrations of fear in your body. But at the same time he does not become a victim of this fear. Transformation through the power of forgiveness, first of all, of yourself and others. Stop feeling guilty for unjustified projections of other people, for being who you are. And also forgive those around them for not meeting your expectations.

6. The Trauma of Separation

Healing with care (63 GC - Truth) Hypersensitive children carry the potential for a genetic mutation of awareness, so they look different from others. It is important for them to be given the opportunity to develop themselves in their own direction without pressure. In our society, such children are often strongly homogenized (“why are you so different, just fit into the system”) and their awareness quickly falls asleep. Looking at the shadow of this key, you will see what you picked up in childhood. Many people with this trauma feel loneliness, forcing them to withdraw from the world into a spiritual life. Awakening the 6th line takes time, there are no quick methods.

Healing: Caring for yourself and others

It is important to see that you are not a victim of the system and other people's mistakes. Just bring yourself back to life, no one else will do it. Start taking care of yourself to bring your heart back to people, start caring for others and the world around you. Through caring, when you care, you will begin to come alive. When you learn to take care of yourself, of people, of the world around you, you will find yourself at the center of the greatest transformation that is already happening.

Fourth line genetic trauma - Fear of rejection and betrayal.

Even if you have a different line, I highly recommend that you read the information on the trauma of rejection, and on everyone else too. One way or another, we all experience these themes through our environment; in our lives they can be played occasionally or regularly! Additionally, this information will give you more insight into others. Any close relationship is built on six traumas (aka talents) and combinations of their interactions.

If Mars of Design is activated by the 4th line in your bodygraph, you were born with the genetic trauma of rejection. This means that as a child you were most likely a recipient of this theme, experiencing abandonment and rejection through your parents. Don't forget, trauma is already imprinted in your DNA at the moment of birth, but it is waiting for some external impulse, looking for a “trigger” to become an active part of your life and your psyche. To do this, our most loving loved ones play this difficult role for us. Most also experience heartbreak during adolescence due to unrequited love.

Then, as we grow, the trauma of rejection turns into an arsenal of weapons and defenses within us. Out of fear of being rejected, we learn to protect, to “arm” our hearts from this deep-seated pain.

As a result, in life we ​​begin to reject another person, fearing that he will abandon us first (anticipatory strike). Moreover, rejection is not only broken relationships and divorces - rejection can be very subtle! It takes a great deal of awareness and honesty to see how you do this. We show this through words or body language without even realizing it... These are just seconds when, defensively, we demonstrate our non-acceptance to others. Sometimes only by a person’s reaction do we understand that we have already pushed him away.

Healing: Tenderness

Your greatest gift is tenderness. Tenderness, first to yourself, then to others. You will learn to be gentle with yourself when you are in pain and to be gentle with others when they are. Thus, one's own tenderness becomes a weapon in the theme of rejection and there is nothing more to be afraid of.

From own experience I will say that some people with this trauma constantly abandon others and in society play out the model of a kind of fatal heartthrob, identifying with this role as more beneficial for their self-esteem.

ALL rejection comes from a lack of self-love. We are afraid that we might be offended, but in reality no one else can be responsible for our openness! We ourselves open/close our hearts.

Look closely at the shadow of the corresponding Gene Key in the light of this fear, the fear of rejection. The theme of shadow here relates to your willingness or unwillingness to face the fear of rejection. On the other hand, the Gift and Siddhi of this key will help you understand exactly what qualities you need in order to find the basis and de-energize this deep fear.

The 4th line often carries its fear in the form of tension spreading in the chest area. Many people completely forget how freedom from this sensation can feel, without even noticing its presence in the body... When your heart softens, you feel immense joy and relief at chest level. The word “mitigation” is the key word for the 4th injury. You need to learn to be soft and gentle with yourself when you are in pain, and to be soft and gentle with others when they are in pain. Don't forget that the trauma of rejection is universal! And its carriers can launch healing into our collective field. The more skill you have in softening your heart and letting go of rigid defenses, the easier your relationships will become. No longer will you be a victim of someone's need to push away, and if someone even treats you cruelly, you will have your own immediate reaction - through tenderness and gentleness, letting go of the pain.

We can clearly see how one trauma touches another. Out of fear of rejection, we begin to Blame the other for Lack of Love, to feel our Unworthiness if we are abandoned, to experience Separation and Loneliness, etc. In fact, the most important thing is always to see that the other person, just like you, is acting out of trauma, his actions are not directed against you personally, he is at war with himself (just like you)!

Not everyone is ready to accept this knowledge, and there is no point in conveying this to everyone. The most important thing we can do for the world is to take care of ourselves and cleanse our hearts of anger and resentment.

In the Hologenetic Profile, R. Rudd gives an important key for internal work - returning to difficult moments in life and reliving them, filling them with acceptance. This is how we heal our aura and launch new opportunities in our lives.

We need to learn to live our lives outside of trauma, without playing along with habitual defense patterns. At first, it’s like learning to walk again; it takes time for the skill to become a part of our life, so that emotions don’t knock us out of a state of awareness.

The fourth line of trauma is the natural talent of warmth. Such people know how to GIVE a feeling of belonging. Such communication where no one is abandoned. You always feel included: in some ways it feels like being accepted into a family, as if by right of your existence you are already a soul mate. It is truly an amazing feeling of spiritual comfort and warmth next to such people.

At the social level, this trauma is transformed into a Vocation. The moment when we transformed this topic in relationships opens up the opportunity for us to express our talents in the collective.

And here they are gifts 4 lines:
Heart Sales (director) - the one who speaks. The fear of rejection can make this difficult for them, and this is what needs to be overcome.

− They came to set an example of open communication, to speak from the heart.

− They can also be very successful in business. Film director - works closely with people, diplomacy, focus, gift of persuasion. They take control and lead everyone towards a common ideal, hence the parallels with sales themes.

− Strong theme of solitude (for relaxation) and social activity for the common good.

− They came to influence humanity.

− The gift of opening people's hearts.

− Sales as an excuse to open hearts.

− Make others feel included.