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Chemistry teacher of the Federal State Educational Standards program. Chemistry curriculum

The manual is intended for students in grades 9-11 who want to deal with environmental issues, as well as deepen their knowledge of chemistry. Also, this manual will be useful not only for schoolchildren, but also for heads of clubs whose topics are close to this one, and chemistry teachers working in chemistry classes.
As part of the course “Chemical and physicochemical methods for analyzing environmental objects,” taught at the laboratory of ecology and biomonitoring of the Ecological and Biological Center “Krestovsky Island” in St. Petersburg, students become familiar with the basic methods of analyzing environmental objects in theory and in practice. The goal is to develop skills in working in the laboratory, broaden students' horizons and respect for nature. A career-guiding feature is the connection between analytical chemistry, ecology, biology, and medicine.
The manual contains general provisions, concepts and theories prevailing in chemistry. The most important laws on which chemistry in general, and analytical chemistry in particular are based, are described, as well as the most appropriate experimental techniques for schoolchildren.
The manual contains six parts. Each part contains chapters on each of the analysis methods with a brief theoretical description focused on the analysis of environmental objects.
The manual presents 24 laboratory works with instructions for implementation.

Target audience: for teachers

The work program of the chemistry course for grade 8 is compiled on the basis of the state standard of basic general education in chemistry, an approximate program of basic general education in chemistry, as well as the chemistry course program for general education institutions (Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry course program for grades 8-11 of general education institutions / O. S. Gabrielyan - 2nd ed., revised and supplemented - M.: Bustard, 2010), recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The work program in chemistry is based on the original program of G.E. Rudzitisa, F.G. Feldman for grades 8 - 9 (basic level).
The work program specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives the distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying topics and sections of the academic subject, taking into account interdisciplinary and intrasubject connections, the logic of the educational process, and the age characteristics of students. The work program defines a list of demonstrations, laboratory experiments, practical exercises and calculation problems.

Target audience: for 8th grade

When developing an elective course, I chose the topic “Solving complex chemical problems” not by chance. As my short experience of working at school has shown, it is more difficult for children to understand problems than theoretical material. Thematic planning devotes little time to solving problems. This course really helped me teach the kids how to solve chemistry problems. The course program can be used as a supplement to the thematic plan.

The work program of the chemistry curriculum for grade 10 is compiled on the basis of an approximate federal program of basic general education in chemistry for grades 8 - 11; chemistry course programs for grades 8 - 11 of general education institutions, author O.S. Gabrielyan (2010). The program is designed for 68 hours per year (2 hours per week). The work program includes: goals and objectives of the work program, educational and methodological set, course content, requirements for the results of mastering educational material in organic chemistry, calendar and thematic planning and information and methodological support.

The work program in chemistry is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state educational standard of basic general education at the basic level, on the basis of an approximate program in chemistry for a primary school and on the basis of the program of the author's chemistry course for grades 8-11 by O.S. Gabrielyan (the principles of developmental and educational education are the basis of teaching and learning. The sequence of studying the material is: structure of the atom → composition of matter → properties). The work program is intended for studying chemistry in the 8th grade of a secondary school using the textbook by O.S. Gabrielyan "Chemistry. 8th grade". Bustard, 2013 The textbook complies with the federal component of the state educational standard for basic general education in chemistry and implements the author’s program of O.S. Gabrielyan.

Target audience: for 8th grade

The work program was developed on the basis of the Federal component of the state standard of general education; standard of secondary (complete) general education in chemistry and biology. The program of the elective course “Analytical Chemistry” is aimed at students in the 11th grade of secondary schools. The course is designed for 1 year, the total duration is 34 hours, of which 16 hours are devoted to practical exercises.

Target audience: for 11th grade

This work program determines the content of chemical training for students at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 2” and is compiled on the basis of the Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education, the Requirements for the Results of Basic General Education presented in the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and the Model Program in Chemistry. It specifies the content of subject topics, suggests the distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course, the sequence of studying topics and sections, taking into account inter- and intra-subject connections, the logic of the educational process, and the age characteristics of students.
According to the 2004 BUP, 35 hours are provided for studying chemistry in the 10th grade, and according to the Curriculum of the MBOU “Lyceum No. 2”, the same 35 hours.
The course is systematic and is determined by the basic level of education, including the study of the basics of organic chemistry in the 10th grade.
Textbook Gabrielyan O.S. "Chemistry" - 10th grade. Textbook for general education institutions. M., Ed. "Bustard", 2012

Target audience: for 10th grade

This work program determines the content of chemical training of students at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 2” and is compiled on the basis of the Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education, Requirements for the Results of Basic General Education presented in the Federal State Educational Standard of Second Generation General Education and the Model Program in Chemistry. It specifies the content of subject topics, suggests the distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course, the sequence of studying topics and sections, taking into account inter- and intra-subject connections, the logic of the educational process, the age characteristics of students. The course is studied according to the textbook Gabrielyan O.S. "Chemistry" - 9 Class. Textbook for general education institutions. M., Ed. "Bustard", 2012 (included in the FP of teaching aids for the 2014-2015 academic year).

Target audience: for 9th grade





Document status

The approximate program specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours among the sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying topics and sections of the academic subject, taking into account interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections, the logic of the educational process, and the age characteristics of students. The approximate program defines a list of demonstrations, laboratory experiments, practical exercises and calculation problems.

Information and methodological

Organizational planning

The approximate program is a guideline for the compilation of original educational programs and textbooks. The sample program defines the invariant (mandatory) part of the chemistry course in high school at a basic level, beyond which there remains the possibility of the author's choice of a variable component of the educational content. Compilers of chemistry curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring and determining the sequence of studying educational material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the exemplary program contributes to the preservation of a unified educational space and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to building a chemistry course in high school at a basic level.

Document structure

The sample program includes three sections: an explanatory note; main content with an approximate (in the modality “no less than”) distribution of training hours by sections of the course and a possible sequence of studying topics and sections; requirements for the level of training of secondary (complete) school graduates in chemistry at the basic level. The sample program contains minimal but functionally complete content.

The main problems of chemistry are the study of the composition and structure of substances, the dependence of their properties on the structure, the design of substances with given properties, the study of the laws of chemical transformations and ways to control them in order to obtain substances, materials, and energy. Therefore, no matter how the author’s programs and textbooks differ in the depth of interpretation of the issues being studied, their educational content should be based on the content of the sample program, which is structured into five blocks: Methods of knowledge in chemistry; Theoretical foundations of chemistry; Inorganic chemistry; Organic chemistry; Chemistry and life. The content of these educational blocks in the author's programs can be structured by topic and detailed taking into account the author's concepts, but should be aimed at achieving the goals of chemical education in high school.


The study of chemistry in high school at a basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

· mastering knowledge about the chemical component of the natural scientific picture of the world, the most important chemical concepts, laws and theories;

· mastering the ability to apply acquired knowledge to explain various chemical phenomena and properties of substances, assessing the role of chemistry in the development of modern technologies and the production of new materials;

· development of cognitive interests and intellectual abilities in the process of independent acquisition of chemical knowledge using various sources of information, including computer ones;

· instilling confidence in the positive role of chemistry in the life of modern society, the need for a chemically literate attitude towards one’s health and the environment;

· application of acquired knowledge and skills for the safe use of substances and materials in everyday life, agriculture and production, solving practical problems in everyday life, preventing phenomena harmful to human health and the environment.

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 70 hours for compulsory study of the academic subject “Chemistry” at the stage of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level.

The sample program is designed for 70 teaching hours. At the same time, it provides for a reserve of free teaching time in the amount of (7) teaching hours (or 10%) for the implementation of original approaches, the use of various forms of organizing the educational process, the introduction of modern teaching methods and pedagogical technologies.

The sample program provides for the development of general educational skills and abilities in students, universal methods of activity and key competencies. In this direction, the priorities for the academic subject “Chemistry” in high school at a basic level are: the ability to independently and motivatedly organize one’s cognitive activity (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result); use of elements of cause-and-effect and structural-functional analysis; determination of the essential characteristics of the object being studied; the ability to substantiate judgments in detail, give definitions, and provide evidence; assessing and adjusting one’s behavior in the environment, fulfilling environmental requirements in practical activities and in everyday life; the use of multimedia resources and computer technologies for processing, transmitting, systematizing information, creating databases, presenting the results of cognitive and practical activities.

Learning outcomes

MAIN CONTENT (70 hours)


Scientific methods of knowledge of substances and chemical phenomena. The role of experiment and theory in chemistry. Simulation of chemical processes.



Modern ideas about the structure of the atom.

Atom. Isotopes. Atomic orbitals. Electronic classification of elements ( s-, p- elements). Features of the structure of electronic shells of atoms of transition elements. The periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements by D.I. Mendeleev, their ideological and scientific significance.

Chemical bond

Covalent bond, its varieties and mechanisms of formation. Oxidation state and valence of chemical elements. Ionic bond. Cations and anions. Metal connection. Hydrogen bonding, its role in the formation of biopolymer structures.


Qualitative and quantitative composition of a substance. Substances of molecular and non-molecular structure. Crystal lattices.

Reasons for the diversity of substances: isomerism, homology, allotropy.

Pure substances and mixtures. Methods for separating mixtures and their use. Phenomena that occur during the dissolution of substances - destruction of the crystal lattice, diffusion, dissociation, hydration.

True solutions. Ways to express the concentration of solutions: mass fraction of solute. Dissociation of electrolytes in aqueous solutions. Strong and weak electrolytes.

The concept of colloids and their significance (sols, gels).

Chemical reactions

Classification of chemical reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry according to various criteria. Features of reactions in organic chemistry.

Ion exchange reactions in aqueous solutions. Hydrolysis of inorganic and organic compounds. Aqueous solution environment: acidic, neutral, alkaline. Hydrogen value (pH) of the solution.

Thermal effect of a chemical reaction.

Redox reactions. Electrolysis of solutions and melts. Practical application of electrolysis.

The speed of the reaction, its dependence on various factors. Catalysts and catalysis. An idea of ​​enzymes as biological catalysts of protein nature.

Reversibility of reactions. Chemical equilibrium and methods of its displacement.


Dissolving colored substances in water (copper sulfate ( II ), potassium permanganate, ferric chloride ( III)).

Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalyst (manganese oxide ( IV ) and enzyme (catalase).

Tyndall effect.

Laboratory experiments


Classification of inorganic compounds. Chemical properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds.

Metals. Electrochemical voltage series of metals. General methods of obtaining metals. The concept of metal corrosion. Methods of protection against corrosion.

Non-metals. Redox properties of typical nonmetals (for example, hydrogen, oxygen, halogens and sulfur). General characteristics of the subgroup of halogens (from fluorine to iodine). Noble gases.


Samples of metals and non-metals.

Sublimation of iodine.

Making iodine alcohol tincture.

Mutual displacement of halogens from solutions of their salts.

Samples of metals and their compounds.

Combustion of sulfur, phosphorus, iron, magnesium in oxygen.

Interaction of alkali and alkaline earth metals with water.

Interaction of copper with oxygen and sulfur.

Experiments on metal corrosion and protection against it.

Laboratory experiments

Interaction of zinc and iron with solutions of acids and alkalis.

Acquaintance with metal samples and their ores (working with collections).

Acquaintance with samples of non-metals and their natural compounds (working with collections).

Recognition of chlorides and sulfates.

Practical lessons

Receiving, collecting and recognizing gases.

Solving experimental problems on the topic “Metals and non-metals”.


Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds. Chemical properties of the main classes of organic compounds.

Theory of the structure of organic compounds. Carbon skeleton. Radicals. Functional groups. Homologous series, homologues. Structural isomerism.

Hydrocarbons: alkanes, alkenes and dienes, alkynes, arenes. Natural sources of hydrocarbons: oil and natural gas.

Oxygen-containing compounds: mono- and polyhydric alcohols, phenol, aldehydes, monobasic carboxylic acids, esters, fats, carbohydrates.

Nitrogen-containing compounds: amines, amino acids, proteins.

Polymers: plastics, rubbers, fibers.


Examples of hydrocarbons in different states of aggregation (propane-butane mixture in a lighter, gasoline, paraffin, asphalt).

Production of ethylene and acetylene.

Qualitative reactions to multiple bonds.

Laboratory experiments

Acquaintance with samples of plastics, fibers and rubbers (working with collections).

Acquaintance with samples of natural hydrocarbons and products of their processing (working with collections).

Acquaintance with samples of food, cosmetic, biological and medical sols and gels.

Making models of molecules of organic compounds.

Detection of unsaturated compounds in liquid petroleum products and vegetable oil.

Qualitative reactions to aldehydes, polyhydric alcohols, starch and proteins.

Practical lessons

Identification of organic compounds.

Recognition of plastics and fibers.


Chemistry and health. Medicines, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, mineral waters. Problems associated with the use of medications.

Chemistry in everyday life. Detergents and cleaning products. Rules for safe work with household chemicals. Household chemical literacy.

Industrial production of chemicals using the example of sulfuric acid production.


Samples of medicines and vitamins.

Samples of hygiene and cosmetics products.

Laboratory experiments

Introducing samples of medications from a home first aid kit.

Introducing samples of detergents and cleaning products. Studying instructions on their composition and use


As a result of studying chemistry at a basic level, the student must


· the most important chemical concepts: substance, chemical element, atom, molecule, relative atomic and molecular masses, ion, allotropy, isotopes, chemical bonding, electronegativity, valence, oxidation state, mole, molar mass, molar volume, substances of molecular and non-molecular structure, solutions, electrolyte and nonelectrolyte, electrolytic dissociation, oxidizing agent and reducing agent, oxidation and reduction, thermal effect of reaction, rate of chemical reaction, catalysis, chemical equilibrium, carbon skeleton, functional group, isomerism, homology;

· basic laws of chemistry: conservation of mass of substances, constancy of composition, periodic law;

· basic theories of chemistry: chemical bonding, electrolytic dissociation, structure of organic compounds;

· essential substances and materials: basic metals and alloys; sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric and acetic acids; alkalis, ammonia, mineral fertilizers, methane, ethylene, acetylene, benzene, ethanol, fats, soaps, glucose, sucrose, starch, fiber, proteins, artificial and synthetic fibers, rubbers, plastics;

be able to

· call studied substances according to the “trivial” or international nomenclature;

· determine: valency and oxidation state of chemical elements, type of chemical bond in compounds, ion charge, nature of the environment in aqueous solutions of inorganic compounds, oxidizing agent and reducing agent, belonging of substances to various classes of organic compounds;

· characterize : elements of small periods according to their position in the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev; general chemical properties of metals, non-metals, main classes of inorganic and organic compounds; structure and chemical properties of the studied organic compounds;

· explain: dependence of the properties of substances on their composition and structure; the nature of the chemical bond (ionic, covalent, metallic), the dependence of the rate of chemical reaction and the position of chemical equilibrium on various factors;

· on recognition of the most important inorganic and organic substances;

· conductindependent search for chemical information using various sources (popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources); use computer technology to process and transmit chemical information and present it in various forms;

· safe handling of flammable and toxic substances and laboratory equipment;

· preparing solutions of a given concentration in everyday life and at work;

· critical assessment of the reliability of chemical information coming from various sources.





Document status

The approximate chemistry program is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education.

The approximate program specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours across the main sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying topics and sections of the academic subject, taking into account interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections, the logic of the educational process, and the age characteristics of students. The approximate program defines a list of demonstrations, laboratory experiments, practical exercises and calculation problems.

The sample program performs two main functions:

Information and methodological the function allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​the goals, content, general strategy of teaching, educating and developing students using the means of a given academic subject.

Organizational planning the function involves highlighting the stages of training, structuring the educational material, determining its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each stage, including for the content of the intermediate certification of students.

The sample program is a guideline for the compilation of original curricula and textbooks and determines the invariant (mandatory) part of the chemistry course in high school at the profile level, beyond which there remains the possibility of the author's choice of a variable component of the educational content. Compilers of chemistry curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring and determining the sequence of studying educational material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the exemplary program contributes to the preservation of a unified educational space and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to the construction of a chemistry course in high school at the profile level.

Document structure

The sample program includes three sections: an explanatory note; main content with an approximate (in the modality “no less than”) distribution of training hours by sections of the course and a possible sequence of studying topics and sections; requirements for the level of training of secondary (full) school graduates in chemistry at the profile level. The sample program contains minimal but functionally complete content.

General characteristics of the subject

The main problems of chemistry are the study of the composition and structure of substances, the dependence of their properties on the structure, the design of substances with given properties, the study of the laws of chemical transformations and ways to control them in order to obtain substances, materials, and energy. Therefore, no matter how the author’s programs and textbooks differ in the depth of interpretation of the issues being studied, their educational content should be based on the content of the sample program, which is structured into five blocks: Methods of scientific knowledge; Fundamentals of theoretical chemistry; Inorganic chemistry; Organic chemistry; Chemistry and life. The content of these educational blocks in the author's programs can be structured by topic and detailed taking into account the author's concepts, but should be aimed at achieving the goals of chemical education in high school.


Studying chemistry in high school at a specialized level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

· mastering the knowledge systemabout the fundamental laws, theories, facts of chemistry necessary for understanding the scientific picture of the world;

· mastery of skills:characterize substances, materials and chemical reactions; perform laboratory experiments; carry out calculations using chemical formulas and equations; search for chemical information and evaluate its reliability; navigate and make decisions in problematic situations;

· development cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of studying chemical science and its contribution to the technical progress of civilization; complex and contradictory ways of developing ideas, theories and concepts of modern chemistry;

· nurturing confidencethe fact that chemistry is a powerful tool for influencing the environment, and a sense of responsibility for the use of acquired knowledge and skills;

· application of acquired knowledge and skillsfor: safe work with substances in the laboratory, at home and at work; solving practical problems in everyday life; prevention of phenomena harmful to human health and the environment; carrying out research work; conscious choice of a profession related to chemistry.

Place of the subject in the basic curriculum

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates hours for compulsory study of the academic subject “Chemistry” at the stage of secondary (complete) general education at the profile level.

The sample program is designed for 210 teaching hours. At the same time, it provides a reserve of free teaching time in the amount of (21) teaching hours (or 10%) for the implementation of original approaches, the use of various forms of organizing the educational process, the introduction of modern teaching methods and pedagogical technologies.

General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity

The sample program provides for the development of general educational skills and abilities in students, universal methods of activity and key competencies. In this direction, the priorities for the academic subject “Chemistry” in high school at the profile level are: the ability to independently and motivatedly organize one’s cognitive activity (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result); use of elements of cause-and-effect and structural-functional analysis; research of simple real connections and dependencies; determination of the essential characteristics of the object being studied; independent selection of criteria for comparison, comparison, evaluation and classification of objects; searching for the necessary information on a given topic in sources of various types; the ability to substantiate judgments in detail, give definitions, and provide evidence; explanation of the studied provisions using independently selected specific examples; assessment and adjustment of one’s behavior in the environment, implementation of environmental requirements in practical activities and in everyday life; the use of multimedia resources and computer technologies for processing, transmitting, systematizing information, creating databases, presenting the results of cognitive and practical activities.

Learning outcomes

The results of the “Chemistry” course are given in the “Requirements for the level of graduate training” section, which fully complies with the standard. The requirements are aimed at the implementation of activity-based, practice-oriented and personality-oriented approaches; students' mastery of intellectual and practical activities; mastering knowledge and skills that are in demand in everyday life, allowing one to navigate the world around them, and that are significant for preserving the environment and one’s own health.

The “Be able to” section includes requirements based on more complex types of activities, including creative ones: explain, study, recognize and describe, identify, compare, define, analyze and evaluate, conduct an independent search for the necessary information, etc.

The heading “Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life” presents requirements that go beyond the educational process and are aimed at solving various life problems.

MAIN CONTENT (210 hours)


Scientific methods for studying chemical substances and transformations. The role of chemical experiment in the knowledge of nature. Simulation of chemical phenomena. The relationship between chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology. Natural science picture of the world.


Analysis and synthesis of chemical substances.


Atom. Models of atomic structure. Nucleus and nucleons. Nuclides and isotopes. Electron. Electron dualism. Quantum numbers. Atomic orbital. Distribution of electrons among orbitals in accordance with the Pauli principle and Hund's rule. Electronic configuration of an atom. Valence electrons. Ground and excited states of atoms.

Electronic classification of chemical elements (s-, p-, d-elements). Electronic configurations of atoms of transition elements.

Modern formulation of the periodic law and the current state of the periodic system of chemical elements by D.I. Mendeleev. Periodic properties of elements (atomic radii, ionization energy) and substances formed by them.

Molecules and chemical bonding. Covalent bond, its varieties and mechanisms of formation. Characteristics of covalent bonds. Complex connections. Electronegativity. Oxidation state and valency. Hybridization of atomic orbitals. Spatial structure of molecules. Polarity of molecules. Ionic bond. Metal connection. Hydrogen bond. Intermolecular interactions. The uniform nature of chemical bonds.

Substances of molecular and non-molecular structure. Modern ideas about the structure of solid, liquid and gaseous substances. Crystalline and amorphous substances. Types of crystal lattices (atomic, molecular, ionic, metallic). Dependence of the properties of substances on the type of crystal lattices.

Reasons for the diversity of substances: isomerism, homology, allotropy, isotopy .

Classification and nomenclature of inorganic and organic substances.

Pure substances and mixtures. Dispersed systems. Colloidal systems. True solutions. Dissolution as a physical and chemical process. Thermal phenomena during dissolution. Ways to express the concentration of solutions: mass fraction of solute, molar and molal concentration.

Chemical reactions, their classification in inorganic and organic chemistry.

Patterns of chemical reactions. Thermal effects of reactions. Thermochemical equations. The concept of enthalpy and entropy. Gibbs energy. Hess's law and consequences from it.

The speed of the reaction, its dependence on various factors. Law of mass action. Elementary and complex reactions. Reaction mechanism. Activation energy. Catalysts and catalysis (homogeneous, heterogeneous, enzymatic).

Reversibility of reactions. Chemical balance. Equilibrium constant. Shift of equilibrium under the influence of various factors. Le Chatelier's principle.

Electrolytic dissociation. Strong and weak electrolytes. Dissociation constant. Ion exchange reactions. Solubility product. Acid-base interactions in solutions. Amphoteric. Ionic product of water. Hydrogen value (pH) of the solution.

Hydrolysis of organic and inorganic compounds. The importance of hydrolysis in biological metabolic processes. Application of hydrolysis in industry (saponification of fats, production of hydrolytic alcohol).

Redox reactions. Electronic and electron-ionic balance. Direction of redox reactions. A range of standard electrode potentials. Corrosion of metals and its types (chemical and electrochemical). Methods of protection against corrosion.

Chemical current sources. Galvanic and fuel cells, batteries. Electrolysis of solutions and melts. Electrolytic production of alkali, alkaline earth metals and aluminum. Practical application of electrolysis.


Models of ionic, atomic, molecular and metal crystal lattices.

Models of molecules of isomers and homologues.

Preparation of allotropic modifications of sulfur and phosphorus.

Dissolution of colored substances in water (copper (II) sulfate, potassium permanganate, iron (III) chloride).

Dependence of reaction rate on concentration and temperature.

Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalyst (manganese (IV) oxide) and an enzyme (catalase).

Samples of food, cosmetic, biological and medical sols and gels.

Tyndall effect.

Laboratory experiments

Determination of the nature of the solution environment using a universal indicator.

Carrying out ion exchange reactions to characterize the properties of electrolytes.

Practical lessons

Preparation of a solution of a given molar concentration.

Identification of inorganic compounds.


Characteristic chemical properties of metals, nonmetals and main classes of inorganic compounds.

Hydrogen. Position of hydrogen in the Periodic Table. Isotopes of hydrogen. Hydrogen compounds with metals and non-metals. Water. Water hardness and ways to eliminate it. Heavy water.

Halogens. General characteristics of the halogen subgroup. Features of fluorine chemistry. Hydrogen halides. Preparation of hydrogen halides. The concept of chain reactions. Hydrohalic acids and their salts are halides. Qualitative reaction to halide ions. Oxygen-containing chlorine compounds.

Application of halogens and their most important compounds.

Oxygen, its physical and chemical properties, production and use, occurrence in nature. Allotropy. Ozone, its properties, production and use. Oxides and peroxides. Hydrogen peroxide, its oxidizing properties and application.

Sulfur. Allotropy of sulfur. Physical and chemical properties of sulfur, its production and use, occurrence in nature. Hydrogen sulfide, its physical and chemical properties, production and use, occurrence in nature. Sulfides. Sulfur (IV) oxide, its physical and chemical properties, preparation and application. Sulfur oxide (VI), its physical and chemical properties, preparation and application. Sulfurous acid and sulfites. Sulfuric acid, properties of dilute and concentrated sulfuric acids. Sulfuric acid as an oxidizing agent. sulfates. Qualitative reactions to sulfide, sulfite and sulfate ions.

Nitrogen, its physical and chemical properties, production and use, occurrence in nature. Nitrides. Ammonia, its physical and chemical properties, production and use. Ammonia water. Formation of ammonium ion. Ammonium salts, their properties, preparation and use. Qualitative reaction to ammonium ion. Nitric oxide (II), its physical and chemical properties, preparation and application. Nitric oxide (IV), its physical and chemical properties, preparation and application. Nitric oxide (III) and nitrous acid, nitric oxide (V) and nitric acid. Properties of nitric acid, its preparation and use. Nitrates, their physical and chemical properties, application.

Phosphorus. Allotropy of phosphorus. Properties, production and use of white and red phosphorus. Phosphine. Phosphorus oxides (III and V). Phosphoric acids. Orthophosphates.

Carbon. Allotropy of carbon (diamond, graphite, carbyne, fullerene). Activated carbon. Adsorption. Properties, production and use of coal. Calcium, aluminum and gland. Carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide, their physical and chemical properties, production and application. Carbonic acid and its salts (carbonates and bicarbonates). Qualitative reaction to carbonate ion.

Silicon, allotropy, physical and chemical properties of silicon, production and use, occurrence in nature. Silanes. Silicon(IV) oxide. Silicic acids, silicates. Silicate industry.

Noble gases. Compounds of noble gases. Application.

Alkali metals. General characteristics of the subgroup. Physical and chemical properties of lithium, sodium and potassium. Their production and use, their presence in nature. Oxides and peroxides of sodium and potassium. Caustic alkalis, their properties, preparation and use. Alkali metal salts. Recognition of sodium and potassium cations.

Alkaline earth metals. General characteristics of the subgroup. Physical and chemical properties of magnesium and calcium, their production and use, occurrence in nature. Calcium and magnesium salts, their significance in nature and human life.

Aluminum, its physical and chemical properties, production and use, occurrence in nature. Aluminosilicates. Amphotericity of aluminum oxide and hydroxide. Aluminum salts.

Transition elements (silver, copper, zinc, chromium, mercury, manganese, iron), structural features of atoms, physical and chemical properties, preparation and application. Oxides and hydroxides of these metals, the dependence of their properties on the degree of oxidation of the element. The most important salts of transition elements. Oxidizing properties of chromium and manganese salts in the highest oxidation state. Complex connections of transition elements.

General methods of obtaining metals. The concept of metallurgy. Alloys (ferrous and non-ferrous). Production of iron and steel.


Interaction of metals with nonmetals and water.

Experiments on corrosion and protection of metals from corrosion.

Interaction of calcium oxide with water.

Eliminate water hardness.

Qualitative reaction to calcium and barium ions.

Proof of the mechanical strength of the aluminum oxide film.

Ratio of aluminum to concentrated nitric acid.

Samples of metals, their oxides and some salts.

Preparation and properties of chromium (III) hydroxide.

Oxidative properties of dichromates.

Combustion of iron in oxygen and chlorine.

Experiments to determine the relationship of iron to concentrated acids.

Preparation of iron (II) and (III) hydroxides, their properties.

Synthesis of hydrogen chloride and its dissolution in water.

Mutual displacement of halogens from their compounds.

Obtaining allotropic modifications of oxygen and sulfur.

Interaction of sulfur with hydrogen and oxygen.

The effect of concentrated sulfuric acid on metals (zinc, copper) and organic substances (cellulose, sucrose).

Dissolving ammonia in water.

Obtaining nitric acid from nitrates and becoming familiar with its properties: interaction with copper.

Thermal decomposition of ammonium salts.

Production of carbon monoxide (IV), its interaction with water and solid sodium hydroxide.

Preparation of silicic acid.

Familiarization with samples of glass and ceramic materials.

Laboratory experiments

Familiarization with samples of metals and alloys.

Conversion of calcium carbonate to bicarbonate and bicarbonate to carbonate.

Preparation of aluminum hydroxide and study of its properties.

Hydrolysis of aluminum salts.

Oxidation of chromium (III) salt with hydrogen peroxide.

Oxidative properties of potassium permanganate and potassium dichromate in different media.

Interaction of iron hydroxides with acids.

Interaction of iron (II) salt with potassium permanganate.

Qualitative reactions to iron(II) and (III) salts.

Familiarization with samples of cast iron and steel.

Solving experimental problems on the recognition of metal compounds.

Study of the properties of hydrochloric acid.

Introduction to sulfur and its natural compounds.

Recognition of chloride, sulfate and carbonate ions in solution.

Interaction of ammonium salts with alkali.

Familiarization with different types of fertilizers. Qualitative reactions to ammonium salts and nitrates.

Solving experimental problems on substance recognition.

Familiarization with different types of fuel.

Familiarization with the properties of carbonates and bicarbonates.

Practical lessons

Obtaining and collecting gases (oxygen, ammonia, carbon monoxide (IV), etc.), experiments with them.

Determination of carbonate content in limestone.

Elimination of temporary water hardness.

Study of the reduction properties of metals.

Experiments characterizing the properties of metal compounds.

Experimental tasks on obtaining and recognizing substances.

Experimental establishment of connections between classes of inorganic compounds.

Calculation problems

Calculation of the mass fraction of a chemical element in a compound.

Establishing the simplest formula of a substance based on the mass fractions of chemical elements.

Calculation of volumetric ratios of gases in chemical reactions.

Calculation of the mass of substances or volume of gases from a known amount of substance of one of the reacting or resulting substances.

Calculation of the thermal effect based on data on the amount of one of the substances participating in the reaction and the released (absorbed) heat.

Calculations using equations when one of the substances is taken in the form of a solution of a certain concentration.

Calculations using equations when one or more substances are taken in excess.

Calculation of the mass or volume of a reaction product from the known mass or volume of a starting substance containing impurities.

Determination of the yield of the reaction product from the theoretically possible.

Calculation of reaction enthalpy.

Calculation of entropy changes in a chemical process.

Calculation of the change in the Gibbs energy of the reaction.

Calculation of the mass or volume of a solute and solvent to prepare a certain mass or volume of a solution with a given concentration (mass, molar, molal).


Basic principles of the theory of the structure of organic compounds. Chemical structure as the order of connection and mutual influence of atoms in molecules. The property of carbon atoms to form straight, branched and closed chains, single and multiple bonds. Homology, isomerism, functional groups in organic compounds. Dependence of the properties of substances on the chemical structure. Classification of organic compounds. Main directions of development of the theory of chemical structure.

Formation of single, double and triple carbon-carbon bonds in the light of ideas about the hybridization of electron clouds. Ionic and free radical cleavage of covalent bonds.

Saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes), general composition formula, homological difference, chemical structure. Covalent bonds in molecules sp 3-hybridization. Zigzag structure of the carbon chain, the possibility of rotation of the links around carbon-carbon bonds. Isomerism of the carbon skeleton. Systematic nomenclature. Chemical properties: combustion, halogenation, thermal decomposition, dehydrogenation, oxidation, isomerization. The mechanism of the substitution reaction. Synthesis of hydrocarbons (Wurtz reaction). Practical significance of saturated hydrocarbons and their halogen-substituted. Obtaining hydrogen and unsaturated hydrocarbons from saturated hydrocarbons. Determination of the molecular formula of a gaseous hydrocarbon by its density and mass fraction of elements or by combustion products.

Unsaturated hydrocarbons of the ethylene series (alkenes). sp 2 and sp- hybridization electron clouds of carbon atoms, ?- and ?-bonds. Isomerism of the carbon skeleton and the position of the double bond. Nomenclature of ethylene hydrocarbons. Geometric isomerism. Chemical properties: addition of hydrogen, halogens, hydrogen halides, water, oxidation, polymerization. Mechanism of addition reaction. Markovnikov's rule. Production of hydrocarbons by dehydrogenation reaction. Application of ethylene hydrocarbons in organic synthesis. The concept of diene hydrocarbons. Rubber as a natural polymer, its structure, properties, vulcanization. Acetylene is a representative of alkynes - hydrocarbons with a triple bond in the molecule. Features of the chemical properties of acetylene. Preparation of acetylene, use in organic synthesis.

Aromatic hydrocarbons. Electronic structure of the molecule. Chemical properties of benzene: substitution reactions (bromination, nitration), addition (hydrogen, chlorine). Benzene homologues, isomerism in a series of homologues. Mutual influence of atoms in a toluene molecule. Preparation and use of benzene and its homologues. The concept of pesticides and their use in agriculture in compliance with environmental protection requirements.

Comparison of the structure and properties of saturated, unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons. Interrelation of homological series.

Natural sources of hydrocarbons and their processing. Natural and associated petroleum gases, their composition and use in the national economy. Oil, its composition and properties. Products of fractional distillation of oil. Cracking and aromatization of petroleum products. Environmental protection during oil refining and transportation of petroleum products. Octane number of gasoline. Ways to reduce the toxicity of vehicle exhaust gases. Coking of coal, coking products. The problem of obtaining liquid fuel from coal.

Alcohols and phenols. Atomicity of alcohols. Electronic structure of the functional group, polarity of the O – H bond. Homologous series of saturated monohydric alcohols. Isomerism of the carbon skeleton and position of the functional group. Primary, secondary, tertiary alcohols. Nomenclature of alcohols. Hydrogen bonding between molecules, its influence on the physical properties of alcohols. Chemical properties: combustion, oxidation to aldehydes, interaction with alkali metals, hydrogen halides, carboxylic acids. Shift of electron bond density in the hydroxyl group under the influence of substituents in the hydrocarbon radical. Application of alcohols. The toxicity of alcohols has a detrimental effect on the human body. Preparation of alcohols from saturated (through halogen derivatives) and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Industrial synthesis of methanol.

Ethylene glycol and glycerin as representatives of polyhydric alcohols. Features of their chemical properties, practical use.

Phenols. The structure of phenols, the difference in structure from aromatic alcohols. Physical properties of phenols. Chemical properties: interaction with sodium, alkali, bromine. Mutual influence of atoms in a molecule. Methods for protecting the environment from industrial waste containing phenol.

Aldehydes. Structure of aldehydes, functional group, its electronic structure, features of the double bond. Homologous series of aldehydes. Nomenclature. Chemical properties: oxidation, addition of hydrogen. Preparation of aldehydes by oxidation of alcohols. Preparation of acetaldehyde by hydration of acetylene and catalytic oxidation of ethylene. Application of formic and acetaldehyde.

The structure of ketones. Nomenclature. Features of the oxidation reaction. Preparation of ketones by oxidation of secondary alcohols. Acetone is the most important representative of ketones, its practical use.

Structure of carboxylic acids. Electronic structure of the carboxyl group, explanation of the mobility of the hydrogen atom. Basicity of acids. Homologous series of saturated monobasic acids. Nomenclature. Chemical properties: interaction with some metals, alkalis, alcohols. Change in the strength of acids under the influence of substituents in the hydrocarbon radical. Features of formic acid. The most important representatives of carboxylic acids. Preparation of acids by oxidation of aldehydes, alcohols, and saturated hydrocarbons. The use of acids in the national economy. Soaps as salts of higher carboxylic acids, their cleaning effect.

Acrylic and oleic acids as representatives of unsaturated carboxylic acids. The concept of acids of different basicity.

Genetic relationship of hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids.

Structure of esters. Reversibility of the esterification reaction. Hydrolysis of esters. Practical use.

Fats as esters of glycerol and carboxylic acids. Fats in nature, their properties. Transformations of fatty foods in the body. Hydrolysis and hydrogenation of fats in technology, fat processing products. The concept of synthetic detergents (SDCs) - their composition, structure, and properties. Protecting nature from SMS pollution.

Classification of carbohydrates.

Glucose as the most important representative of monosaccharides. Physical properties and occurrence in nature. The structure of glucose. Chemical properties: interaction with metal hydroxides, oxidation, reduction, fermentation reactions. Use of glucose. Fructose as an isomer of glucose.

Brief information about the structure and properties of ribose and deoxyribose.

Sucrose. Physical properties and occurrence in nature. Chemical properties: formation of sugars, hydrolysis. Chemical processes for obtaining sucrose from natural sources.

Starch. The structure of macromolecules from glucose units. Chemical properties: reaction with iodine, hydrolysis. Conversion of food starch in the body. Glycogen.

Cellulose. The structure of macromolecules from glucose units. Chemical properties: hydrolysis, formation of esters. Application of cellulose and its derivatives. The concept of artificial fibers using the example of acetate fiber.

Structure of amines. Amino group, its electronic structure. Amines as organic bases, interaction with water and acids. Aniline, its structure, reasons for the weakening of basic properties in comparison with amines of the limiting series. Preparation of aniline from nitrobenzene (Zinin reaction), significance in the development of organic synthesis.

The structure of amino acids, their physical properties. Isomerism of amino acids. Amino acids as amphoteric organic compounds. Synthesis of peptides, their structure. Biological significance of amino acids.

General concept of heterocyclic compounds. Pyridine and pyrrole as representatives of nitrogen-containing heterocycles, their electronic structure, aromatic character, differences in the manifestation of basic properties. Purine and pyrimidine bases that are part of nucleic acids.

Proteins as biopolymers. Basic amino acids that form proteins. Primary, secondary and tertiary structure of proteins. Properties of proteins: hydrolysis, denaturation, color reactions. Conversions of food proteins in the body. Advances in the study of the structure and synthesis of proteins.

Composition of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA). The structure of nucleotides. The principle of complementarity in the construction of the DNA double helix. The role of nucleic acids in the life of organisms.

General concepts of the chemistry of high molecular weight compounds: monomer, polymer, structural unit, degree of polymerization, average molecular weight. The main methods for the synthesis of high-molecular compounds are polymerization and polycondensation. Linear, branched and spatial structure of polymers. Amorphous and crystalline structure. Dependence of polymer properties on structure.

Thermoplastic and thermoactive polymers. Polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polymethyl methacrylate, phenol-formaldehyde resins, their structure, properties, application. Composites, features of their properties, prospects for use.

The problem of rubber synthesis and its solution. The variety of types of synthetic rubbers, their specific properties and applications. Stereoregular rubbers.

Synthetic fibers. Polyester (lavsan) and polyamide (nylon) fibers, their structure, properties, practical use.

Problems of further improvement of polymer materials.


Determination of the elemental composition of methane (or propane-butane mixture) from combustion products.

Models of hydrocarbon and halogen derivative molecules.

The ratio of saturated hydrocarbons to solutions of acids, alkalis, and potassium permanganate.

Combustion of ethylene, interaction of ethylene with bromine water and potassium permanganate solution.

Showing samples of products made of polyethylene and polypropylene.

Decomposition of rubber when heated and testing for unsaturation of decomposition products.

Obtaining acetylene (by the carbide method), burning it, reacting with bromine water and a solution of potassium permanganate.

Benzene as a solvent, combustion of benzene. 9. The ratio of benzene to bromine water and potassium permanganate solution.

Nitration of benzene.

Toluene oxidation.

Quantitative release of hydrogen from ethyl alcohol.

Comparison of properties in the homologous series (water solubility, combustion, interaction with sodium).

Interaction of ethyl alcohol with hydrogen bromide.

Preparation of ethyl acetate.

Interaction of glycerol with sodium.

Displacement of phenol from sodium phenolate with carbonic acid.

Interaction of stearic and oleic acids with alkali.

Soap hydrolysis.

The ratio of oleic acid to bromine water and potassium permanganate solution.

Samples of monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides.

Interaction of glucose with an ammonia solution of silver oxide, relation to fuchsinous acid.

Hydrolysis of sucrose.

Hydrolysis of cellulose.

Experiments with methylamine (or other volatile amine): combustion, alkaline properties of the solution, formation of salts.

Evidence of the presence of functional groups in amino acid solutions.

Reaction of aniline with hydrochloric acid and bromine water.

Dyeing fabric with aniline dye.

Samples of plastics, synthetic rubbers and synthetic fibers. Testing plastics, synthetic rubbers and synthetic fibers for electrical conductivity.

Comparison of the properties of thermoplastic and thermoactive polymers.

Laboratory experiments

Modeling hydrocarbon molecules.

Preparation of ethylene and experiments with it.

The relationship of rubber and rubber to organic solvents.

Dissolution of glycerin in water, its hygroscopicity.

Interaction of glycerol with copper (II) hydroxide.

Oxidation of formic (or acetaldehyde) with silver oxide and copper (II) hydroxide.

Interaction of aldehyde with fuchsinous acid.

Oxidation of alcohol to aldehyde.

Solubility of acetone in water, acetone as a solvent, ratio of acetone to oxidizing agents.

Preparation of acetic acid from salt, experiments with it.

Solving experimental problems on the recognition of organic substances.

The ratio of fats to water and organic solvents.

Proof of the unsaturated nature of fats.

Saponification of fats.

Comparison of the properties of soap and synthetic detergents.

Interaction of glucose solution with copper (II) hydroxide.

Interaction of sucrose with metal hydroxides.

Interaction of starch with iodine, hydrolysis of starch.

Familiarization with samples of natural and artificial fibers.

Solving experimental problems on the production and recognition of organic substances.

Study of the properties of thermoplastic polymers (polyethylene, polystyrene, etc.): thermoplasticity, flammability, relation to solutions of acids, alkalis, oxidizing agents.

Detection of chlorine in polyvinyl chloride.

Relation of synthetic fibers to solutions of acids and alkalis.

Obtaining threads from nylon resin or lavsan resin.

Practical lessons

Preparation and study of the properties of organic substances (ethylene, acetic acid, etc.).

Recognition of organic substances by characteristic reactions.

Determining whether a substance belongs to a certain class.

Synthesis of organic matter (bromoethane, ester).

Hydrolysis of fats and carbohydrates.

Experimental establishment of genetic connections between substances of different classes.

Recognition of plastics and chemical fibers, study of their properties.

Calculated tasks

Finding the molecular formula of a gaseous hydrocarbon based on its density and mass fraction of elements or combustion products.


Chemical processes in living organisms. Biologically active substances. Chemistry and health. Problems associated with the use of medications.

Chemistry in everyday life. Detergents and cleaning products. Rules for safe work with household chemicals.

General principles of chemical technology. Natural sources of chemicals.

Polymers. Plastics, fibers, rubbers. New substances and materials in technology.

Chemical pollution of the environment and its consequences.

Problems of safe use of substances and chemical reactions in modern life. Toxic, flammable and explosive substances.

Sources of chemical information: educational, scientific and popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources.


Samples of medicinal products.

Samples of vitamins.

Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using an inorganic catalyst (manganese (IV) oxide) and an enzyme (catalase).

Action of salivary amylase on starch.

Samples of ceramics, metal and glass ceramics and products made from them.

Samples of toxic, flammable and explosive substances.

Practical lessons

Introducing samples of medicinal products.

Introducing samples of vitamins.

Introducing samples of chemical sanitation and hygiene products.

Acquaintance with samples of ceramics, metal ceramics and products made from them.

Studying instructions for the use of medicinal, explosive, toxic and flammable drugs used in everyday life.

RESERVE TIME - 21 hours.


As a result of studying chemistry at the profile level, the student must


· the role of chemistry in natural science, its connection with other natural sciences, significance in the life of modern society;

· the most important chemical concepts: substance, chemical element, atom, molecule, mass of atoms and molecules, ion, radical, allotropy, nuclides and isotopes, atomic s -, p -, d -orbitals, chemical bond, electronegativity, valence, oxidation state, orbital hybridization, spatial structure of molecules, mole, molar mass, molar volume, substances of molecular and non-molecular structure, complex compounds, disperse systems, true solutions, electrolytic dissociation, acid-base reactions in aqueous solutions, hydrolysis, oxidation and reduction, electrolysis, chemical reaction rate, reaction mechanism, catalysis, heat of reaction, enthalpy, heat of formation, entropy, chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constant, carbon skeleton, functional group, homology, structural and spatial isomerism , inductive and mesomeric effects, electrophile, nucleophile, main types of reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry;

· basic laws of chemistry: law of conservation of mass of substances, periodic law, law of constancy of composition, Avogadro’s law, Hess’s law, law of mass action in kinetics and thermodynamics;

· basic theories of chemistry: atomic structure, chemical bonding, electrolytic dissociation, acids and bases, structure of organic compounds (including stereochemistry), chemical kinetics and chemical thermodynamics;

· classification and nomenclature inorganic and organic compounds;

· natural springs hydrocarbons and methods for their processing;

· substances and materials widely used in practice: basic metals and alloys, graphite, quartz, glass, cement, mineral fertilizers, mineral and organic acids, alkalis, ammonia, hydrocarbons, phenol, aniline, methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol, glycerin, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, glucose, sucrose, starch, fiber, amino acids, proteins, artificial fibers, rubbers, plastics, fats, soaps and detergents;

be able to

· call studied substances according to “trivial” and international nomenclatures;

· determine : valence and oxidation state of chemical elements, ion charge, type of chemical bond, spatial structure of molecules, type of crystal lattice, nature of the medium in aqueous solutions, oxidizing agent and reducing agent, direction of equilibrium shift under the influence of various factors, isomers and homologues, belonging of substances to different classes organic compounds, the nature of the mutual influence of atoms in molecules, types of reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry;

· characterize : s - , p- And d-elements according to their position in the periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev; general chemical properties of metals, non-metals, main classes of inorganic compounds; structure and properties of organic compounds (hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, amines, amino acids and carbohydrates);

· explain : dependence of the properties of a chemical element and the substances formed by it on their position in the periodic system D.I. Mendeleev; dependence of the properties of inorganic substances on their composition and structure; nature and methods of formation of chemical bonds; the dependence of the rate of a chemical reaction on various factors, the reactivity of organic compounds on the structure of their molecules;

· perform a chemical experiment by: recognition of the most important inorganic and organic substances; obtaining specific substances belonging to the studied classes of compounds;

· conduct calculations using chemical formulas and reaction equations;

· realize independent search for chemical information using various sources (reference, scientific and popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources); use computer technology to process and transmit information and present it in various forms;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

· understanding the global problems facing humanity: environmental, energy and raw materials;

· explanations of chemical phenomena occurring in nature, everyday life and in production;

· environmentally conscious behavior in the environment;

· assessing the impact of chemical environmental pollution on the human body and other living organisms;

· safe work with substances in the laboratory, at home and at work;

· determining the possibility of chemical transformations occurring under various conditions and assessing their consequences;

· recognition and identification of essential substances and materials;

· assessment of the quality of drinking water and individual food products;

· critical assessment of the reliability of chemical information coming from various sources.

Department of Education of the Bolshesosnovsky Municipal District

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Bolshesnovskaya secondary school"


Minutes of the meeting, decision of the teachers' council, protocol No. 1 of August 28, 2015.

methodological association Director of MBOU "Bolshesnovskaya Secondary School"

teachers _________________ ____________________ O.A. Liskova


By chemistry

Level of study (grade): basic general education: 8 grades

Number of hours 68 (2 hours per week)

Teacher Degtereva Alena Grigorievna

The program is developed based on programs of basic general education in chemistry (basic level) and the original program of O.S. Gabrielyan, A.V. Kuptsova Program of basic general education in chemistry. 8-9 grades. M: Bustard, 2012.

With. Bolshaya Sosnova


Chemistry work program

8th grade (2 hours per week, 68 hours per year)

1. Explanatory note

The work program in chemistry is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state educational standard of basic general education at the basic level, based on the approximate chemistry course program for grades 8-9 of general education institutions O.S. Gaborielyan (O.S. Gabrielyan Chemistry course program for grades 8-11 of educational institutions" M. Bustard, 2009.

The work program is intended for studying chemistry in the 8th grade of school using the textbook by O.S. Gabrielyan "Chemistry. 8th grade". Bustard, 2012. The textbook complies with the federal component of the state educational standard for basic general education in chemistry and implements the author’s program of O.S. Gabrielyan. Included in the federal list of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in general education institutions for the 2015/2016 academic year. The textbook is certified “Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.”

In accordance with the federal basic curriculum for basic general education and in accordance with the curriculum of the Bolshesnovskaya Secondary School, the program is designed to teach a chemistry course in the 8th grade for 2 hours per week (68 hours per year).

Number of tests per year – 5

Number of practical works per year – 7

2. Course objectives

The study of chemistry in basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    development essential knowledge about the basic concepts and laws of chemistry, chemical symbolism;

    mastery of skills observe chemical phenomena, conduct a chemical experiment, make calculations based on chemical formulas of substances and equations of chemical reactions;

    development cognitive interests and intellectual abilities in the process of conducting a chemical experiment, independent acquisition of knowledge in accordance with emerging life needs;

    upbringing attitude to chemistry as one of the fundamental components of natural science and an element of universal human culture;

    application of acquired knowledge and skills for the safe use of substances and materials in everyday life, agriculture and production, solving practical problems in everyday life, preventing phenomena harmful to human health and the environment.

3. Course structure


Number of hours


Atoms of chemical elements.

Simple substances.

Compounds of chemical elements.

Changes occurring in substances.



As a result of studying chemistry, the student must


    chemical symbolism : signs of chemical elements, formulas of chemical substances and equations of chemical reactions;

    the most important chemical concepts : chemical element, atom, molecule, relative atomic and molecular masses, ion, chemical bond, substance, classification of substances, mole, molar mass, molar volume, chemical reaction, classification of reactions, electrolyte and non-electrolyte, electrolytic dissociation, oxidizing agent and reducing agent, oxidation and recovery;

    basic laws of chemistry : conservation of mass of substances, constancy of composition, periodic law;

be able to

    call: chemical elements, compounds of the studied classes;

    explain: the physical meaning of the atomic (ordinal) number of a chemical element, the numbers of the group and period to which the element belongs in the periodic system D.I. Mendeleev; patterns of changes in the properties of elements within small periods and main subgroups; the essence of ion exchange reactions;

    characterize: chemical elements (from hydrogen to calcium) based on their position in the periodic table D.I. Mendeleev and the structural features of their atoms; connection between the composition, structure and properties of substances; chemical properties of the main classes of inorganic substances;

    define: composition of substances according to their formulas, belonging of substances to a certain class of compounds, types of chemical reactions, valency and oxidation state of an element in compounds, type of chemical bond in compounds, the possibility of ion exchange reactions;

    make up : formulas of inorganic compounds of the studied classes; diagrams of the structure of atoms of the first 20 elements of the periodic table D.I. Mendeleev; equations of chemical reactions;

    address with chemical glassware and laboratory equipment;

    recognize empirically: solutions of acids and alkalis, chloride, sulfate, carbonate ions;

    calculate: mass fraction of a chemical element according to the formula of the compound; mass fraction of the substance in solution; amount of substance, volume or mass by amount of substance, volume or mass of reactants or reaction products;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life For:

    safe handling of substances and materials;

    environmentally conscious behavior in the environment;

    assessing the impact of chemical environmental pollution on the human body;

    critical assessment of information about substances used in everyday life;

    preparing solutions of a given concentration.

4. Thematic planning.

Course "Inorganic chemistry" 8th grade (basic level)

P / P


Basic Concepts

Knowledge, skills, planned results

Means of education

Forms of organization of the educational process



Chemistry -

science of

substances, their properties and transformations

Chemistry, substance, properties of substances.

Know: definition of concepts - chemistry, substance, properties of substances.

Be able to:characterize the physical properties of substances

Textbook, notebook.

Glass products and

aluminum Molecular models

Lesson of learning new knowledge



§ 1, ex.

3, 6, 10

Transformations of substances.

The role of chemistry

in life


Chemical phenomenon, physical phenomena, chemical reaction

Know: concept of chemical reaction

Be able to: distinguish chemical reactions from physical phenomena

Copper wire, alcohol lamp, chalk, hydrochloric acid, test tube

Combined lesson


ex. 12.


Periodic table of chemical elements. Chemical element signs

Structure of P.S.: period, series, group, subgroup, signs of chemical elements

Know: signs of the first 20 chemical elements

Be able to: determine the position of a chemical element in the P.S., name chemical elements

Table "Mendeleev's periodic table of chemical elements"

Combined lesson


ex. 5

Chemical formulas. Relative atomic and molecular mass

Chemical formula, law of constancy of the composition of a substance, qualitative and quantitative composition, Ar, Mr. Atomic mass unit.

Know : determination of the chemical formula of a substance, formulation of the law of constancy of composition, pembrace and write down chemical formulas of substances.

Be able to : determine the composition of substances using a chemical formula; belonging to simple and complex substances


Combined lesson


ex. 1, 2, 8

Mass fraction of the element in the compound

Calculate the molecular weight and mass fraction of an element in a chemical compound

Be able to: calculate the mass fraction of a chemical element in a compound

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson


ex. 6, 7. Practical work 1-2,



job number 1.


with laboratory

equipment. Rules for safe work in the chemical laboratory .

Practical work 1

Rules for safe work in a chemical laboratory.


alcohol lamp,

test tube,


glass, quantity

bah, water,

graduated cylinder, headlight


cup, candle, matches

Practical lesson

Page 174


Basic information about the structure of atoms.

The structure of the atom. Nucleus (protons, neutrons), electrons.

Be able to: explain the physical meaning of the chemical serial number. element

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Lesson of learning new knowledge


ex. 3, 5

Isotopes as varieties of chemical atoms



Know: definition of the concept – chemical element

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson


ex. 3

Electrons. The structure of electronic shells of atoms of chemical elements

Structure of electronic shells of atoms of 20 PS elements

Be able to: explain the physical meaning of the group number, period, draw diagrams of the first 20 elements of the system

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson


ex. 12

Periodic table of chemical elements and atomic structure

Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements. Groups and periods of the periodic table

Know : formulation of the periodic law. Be able to: explain the patterns of changes in the properties of elements within small periods and main subgroups, characterize the chemical. elements based on their position in the PS and the structural features of their atoms.

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson

§8, 9,

ex. 3-5

Ionic bond

The structure of molecules. Chemical bond. Ionic bond

Know: definition of concepts - chemical bond, ion, ionic bond. Be able to: determine the type of chemical bond (ionic) in a compound

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson


ex. 2

Covalent nonpolar chemical bond

Covalent nonpolar bond

Be able to: determine the type of chemical bond (covalent nonpolar) in a compound.

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson

§ 10,

ex. 1-5

Covalent polar chemical bond

Covalent polar bond.

Be able to: determine the type of chemical bond (polar covalent) in a compound

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson

§ eleven,

ex. 1-4

Metal chemical bond

Concept of metal bond

Know : definition of a metallic bond, explain the properties of metals based on the type of chemical bond, find similarities and differences with covalent and ionic bonds.

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson

§ 12, ex. 13

Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Atoms of chemical elements”

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Test No. 1.

Atoms of chemical elements

Notebook, PSHE

Lesson on verification and evaluation of educational documents


Simple substances are metals.

Simple substances metals

Know: general physical properties of metals.

Be able to: characterize the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of metals.

Textbook, notebook

Lesson of learning new knowledge


Simple substances are non-metals. Allotropy.

Elements, nonmetals, allotropy

Be able to : characterize the physical properties of nonmetals. Understand the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of non-metals.

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson


Amount of substance. Molar mass

Amount of substance, mole, molar mass.

Know: definition of the concept of “mole”, “Molar mass”

Be able to: calculate the molar mass from the formula of a compound, the mass of a substance and the number of particles from the amount of a substance.

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson


Molar volume of gases. Avogadro's law.

Molar volume

Know: determination of the molar volume of gases.

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson


Solving calculation problems.

Be able to: calculate the volume of gases by its amount of substance or number of gas molecules.

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson


Generalization of knowledge on the topic “Simple substances”

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge

Test No. 2.

Simple substances

Notebook, PSHE

Lesson on verification and evaluation of educational documents


Oxidation state. Binary compounds

The concept of valency and S.O. Drawing up formulas of compounds according to S.O.

Be able to: determine the valency and oxidation state in binary compounds, draw up formulas of compounds according to the oxidation state, name binary compounds

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Lesson of learning new knowledge


Oxides. Volatile hydrogen compounds

The main classes of compounds are oxides, LANs

Be able to: determine whether a substance belongs to the class of oxides, name them, draw up formulas of oxides

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson



Main classes of compounds - bases

Be able to: determine whether a substance belongs to the class of bases, name them, draw up formulas of bases

Know: qualitative reaction to the recognition of alkalis.

Combined lesson



Main classes of compounds - acids

Be able to: determine whether a substance belongs to the class of acids, name them, make acid formulas Know: formulas and names of acids, qualitative reaction to recognize acids

Textbook, notebook, solubility table

Combined lesson


28 29



Main classes of compounds - salts

Be able to: determine whether a substance belongs to the class of salts, name them, draw up formulas of salts

Textbook, notebook, solubility table

Combined lesson


Main classes of inorganic substances

Main classes of compounds

Be able to: determine whether a substance belongs to the corresponding class of compounds, name and draw up formulas of substances.

Textbook, notebook, solubility table

Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge


Crystal lattices

Crystalline and amorphous substances. Types of crystal lattices

Be able to : characterize and explain the properties of substances based on the type of chemical bond and type of crystal lattice

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson


Pure substances and mixtures

Pure substances and mixtures

Know: methods for separating mixtures, natural mixtures: air, natural gas, oil, natural waters.

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson


Mass and volume fraction of mixture (solution) components

Mass (volume) fraction of a substance

Be able to:

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson


Solving calculation problems

Be able to: calculate the mass fraction of a substance in a solution and the volume fraction of the components of the mixture

Textbook, notebook

Lesson on consolidation of ZUN


Job № 2

Preparation of a sugar solution with a certain mass fraction of sugar in the solution.

Be able to: prepare solutions of given concentrations

Textbook, notebook

Practical lesson


Generalization of knowledge on the topic “Compounds of chemical elements”

Textbook, notebook PSHE

Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge

Test No. 3Compounds of chemical elements

Notebook, PSHE

Lesson on verification and evaluation of educational documents


Physical phenomena

Methods for separating mixtures. Purification of a substance. Filtration.

Know: Methods for separating mixtures

Textbook, notebook

Lesson of learning new knowledge


Chemical reactions

Chemical reaction. Conditions and signs of chemical reactions.

Know: definition of the concept of “chemical reaction”, signs of chemical reactions, types of reactions by absorption or release of energy.

Textbook, notebook

Lesson of learning new knowledge


Chemical equations

Equation and diagram of a chemical reaction. Conservation of mass of a substance during a chemical reaction

Know: definition of “chemical reaction”

Be able to: draw up equations of chemical reactions based on the conservation of the law of mass of substances

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson


Practical work No. 3Signs of chemical reactions

Be able to: identify signs of chemical reactions

Textbook, notebook

Practical lesson

Calculations using chemical equations

Calculation using chemical equations of the mass, volume or amount of one of the reaction products based on the mass of the starting substance

Be able to : calculate using chemical equations the mass, volume or amount of one of the reaction products based on the mass of the starting substance

Textbook, notebook PSHE

Combined lesson


Decomposition reactions. Compound reactions.

Decomposition reactions, compound reactions

Be able to: distinguish decomposition reactions and compound reactions from other types of reactions, draw up equations for reactions of this type

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson

§29, 30

Substitution reactions.

Substitution reactions

Be able to: distinguish substitution reactions from other types of reactions, draw up equations for reactions of this type

Know: flow conditions and be able to draw up reaction equations for the interaction of metals with solutions of acids and salts, using the activity series of metals.

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson


Exchange reactions.

Exchange reactions

Be able to: distinguish exchange reactions from other types of reactions, draw up equations for reactions of this type, determine the possibility of exchange reactions proceeding to completion.

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson


Types of chemical reactions using the properties of water as an example

Be able to: draw up equations for the reactions of decomposition, combination, substitution and exchange (hydrolysis) using the example of the interaction of water with various substances

Know: types of chemical reactions using the example of the properties of water, the concept of “hydroxides”

Textbook, notebook




Generalization of knowledge on the topic “Classes of inorganic substances. Types of chemical reactions

Textbook, notebook

Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge



Test No. 4Changes occurring in substances

Notebook, PSHE

Lesson on verification and evaluation of educational documents




Dissolution. Solubility of substances in water.

Solutions, dissolution process. Solubility of substances in water. Highly soluble, slightly soluble and poorly soluble substances.

Know: definition of the concept of “solutions”, conditions for the dissolution of substances in water.

Be able to: use the solubility table.

Textbook, notebook

Lesson of learning new knowledge




Electrolytic dissociation

Electrolytes, non-electrolytes. Electrolytic dissociation. Strong and weak electrolytes.

Know: definition of the concepts “electrolyte”, “non-electrolyte”, “electrolytic dissociation”, “strong electrolyte”, “weak electrolyte”, understand the essence of the ED process.

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson




Basic provisions of the TED

Ions, cations, anions

Know: main provisions of the TED

Textbook, notebook

Combined lesson




Ionic reaction equations

Ion exchange reactions

Be able to: draw up equations for ion exchange reactions and understand their essence. Determine the possibility of ion exchange reactions occurring.

Textbook, notebook, solubility table

Combined lesson


53 54


Acids in the light of TED, their classification and properties.

Classification of acids and their chemical properties in the light of TED.

Know: classification and chemical properties of acids

Be able to: draw up reaction equations in molecular and ionic form that characterize the properties of acids

Textbook, notebook, solubility table

Combined lesson




Bases in the light of TED, their classification and properties.

Classification of bases and their chemical properties in the light of TED.

Know: classification and chemical properties of bases

Be able to: draw up reaction equations in molecular and ionic form, characterizing the properties of bases

Textbook, notebook, solubility table

Combined lesson




Oxides in the light of TED, their properties

Classification of oxides and their chemical properties in the light of TED.

Know: classification and chemical properties of oxides

Be able to: draw up reaction equations in molecular and ionic form that characterize the properties of oxides

Textbook, notebook, solubility table

Combined lesson




Salts in the light of TED, their properties.

Classification of salts and their chemical properties in the light of TED.

Know: classification and chemical properties of salts

Be able to: draw up reaction equations in molecular and ionic form that characterize the properties of salts

Textbook, notebook, solubility table

Combined lesson


58 59


Genetic relationships between the main classes of inorganic compounds.

Chemical properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds. Genetic relationships between the main classes of inorganic compounds.

Be able to: draw up equations of chemical reactions characterizing the chemical properties and genetic relationships of the main classes of inorganic compounds in molecular and ionic form

Textbook, notebook, solubility table. PSHE

Combined lesson




Test No. 5Dissolution. Solutions. Properties of electrolyte solutions.

Notebook, solubility table. PSHE

Lesson on verification and evaluation of educational documents



Practical work No. 4.

Ionic reactions

Practical lesson



Practical work No. 5.

Practical lesson



Practical work No. 6.

Practical lesson



Practical work No. 7.

Practical lesson



Classification of chemical reactions. Redox reactions

Redox reactions. Oxidizing agent, reducing agent. Oxidation, reduction.

Know: definition of the concepts “oxidizing agent”, “reducing agent”, “oxidation”. "recovery"

Be able to: identify oxidizing agents and reducing agents, distinguish ORR from other types of chemical reactions, classify reactions into different types.

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson




Exercise in composing redox reactions

Be able to: identify oxidizing agents and reducing agents, distinguish ORR from other types of chemical reactions, classify reactions into different types, arrange coefficients in ORR using the electronic balance method

Combined lesson




Properties of substances of the studied classes of substances in the light of ORR.

Be able to: consider the chemical properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds from the standpoint of the teaching of ORR.

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Combined lesson



Generalization of knowledge on OVR.

Textbook, notebook, PSHE

Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge

5 Distribution of educational material

1 quarter

9 weeks

2nd quarter

7 weeks

3rd quarter

10 weeks

4th quarter

8 weeks


34 weeks

Number of hours







1. Introduction

2. Atoms of chemical elements

3. Simple substances

4. Compounds of chemical elements

5. Changes occurring with substances

6. Solutions. Dissolution. Properties of electrolyte solutions

7. Generalization and systematization of knowledge


Test papers

"Atoms of chemical elements"

"Simple substances"

"Compounds of chemical elements"


occurring with substances"

"Dissolution. Solutions. Properties of electrolyte solutions"


Practical work

Introduction to laboratory equipment

nim. Rules for safe work in a chemical laboratory


Preparation of a sugar solution with a certain mass fraction of sugar in the solution

    Signs of chemical reactions

    Ionic reactions

    Conditions for chemical reactions between electrolyte solutions to complete

    Properties of acids, bases and salts

    Solving experimental problems.


6. Criteria for assessing student knowledge

Verbal Response Score

Mark “5”: the answer is complete and correct based on the theories studied, the material is presented in a certain logical sequence, in literary language, the answer is independent.

Mark “4”: the answer is complete and correct based on the studied theories, the material is presented in a certain logical sequence, while two or three minor errors were made, corrected at the request of the teacher.

Mark “3”: the answer is complete, but a significant mistake was made or the answer is incomplete or incoherent.

Mark “2”: when answering, the student’s misunderstanding of the main content of the educational material is revealed or significant errors have been made that the student cannot correct with the teacher’s leading questions.

Mark "1": no response

Evaluation of tests

Mark “5”: the answer is complete and correct, a minor error is possible.

Mark “4”: the answer is incomplete or no more than two insignificant errors were made.

Mark “3”: the work is at least half completed, one significant error was made, and two or three insignificant errors were made.

Mark “2”: the work is less than half completed or contains several significant errors.

Mark “1”: work not completed

Assessment of problem solving skills

Mark “5”: there are no errors in logical reasoning and solution, the problem was solved in a rational way.

Mark “4”: there are no significant errors in logical reasoning and solution, but the problem was not solved in a rational way or no more than two insignificant errors were made.

Mark “3”: there are no significant errors in logical reasoning, but there is a significant error in mathematical calculations.

Mark “2”: there are significant errors in logical reasoning and decision.

Mark “1”: no answer to the task.

Evaluation of experimental skills

Mark “5”: the work was completed completely and correctly, correct observations and conclusions were made, the experiment was carried out according to plan, taking into account TB, organizational and labor skills were demonstrated.

Mark “4”: the work was completed correctly, the correct conclusions and observations were made, but the experiment was not completed completely or minor errors were made in working with substances.

Mark “3”: the work was completed correctly, the experiment was completed at least halfway, but a significant error was made during the experiment, in the explanation, in the design of the work, in compliance with safety rules.

Mark “2”: two or more significant errors were made during the experiment, in the explanation, in the design of the work, in compliance with safety rules when working with substances.

Mark “1”: the student does not have experimental skills, the work has not been completed.

7. Material and technical base:

Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, magnetic board, fume hood.

Electronic resources:

CD "General and inorganic chemistry". Educational collection.

CD “Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius” - M.: Education, 2001

CD "Inorganic chemistry grade 8-9". Educational collection.

CD "Tutor". Educational collection.

Visual aids:

Periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev

Electrochemical voltage series of metals

Table of solubility of salts, acids, bases.

Indicator table

8. Information and methodological support

Main literature:

  1. Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry course program for grades 8-11 in general education institutions. – M.: Bustard, 2009.

  2. Chemistry. 8th grade: textbook. for general education institutions / O.S. Gabrielyan. M: “Bustard”, 2012. – 270, p. : ill.

    Teacher's handbook. Chemistry. 8th grade / O.S. Gabrielyan, N.P. Voskoboynikova, A.V. Yashukova. – M.: Bustard, 2008.

    Chemistry. 8th grade: tests and tests for the textbook O.S. Gabrielyan "Chemistry. 8th grade” / O.S. Gabrielyan, P.N. Berezkin, A.A. Ushakova et al. – 8th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2010. – 158, p.

    Chemistry. 8th grade: workbook for the textbook O.S. Gabrielyan "Chemistry. 8th grade” / O.S. Gabrielyan, A.V. Yashukova. – 6th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2010. – 176 p. : ill.

Additional literature:

  1. We study chemistry in the 8th grade: a didactic manual for the textbook by O.S. Gabrielyan "Chemistry. 8th grade” for students and teachers – 5th ed., revision and additional. – Moscow: “BLIK and K”, 2004. – 224 p.

  2. Didactic cards-tasks in chemistry: 8th grade: for the textbook O.S. Gabrielyan Chemistry. 8th grade” / N.S. Pavlova. – M.: Publishing house “Examination”, 2004. – 159, p. (Series “Training and Methodological Kit”).

    Khomchenko I.G. Solving problems in chemistry. – M.: Novaya Volna Publishing House LLC, 2005. – 256 p.

    Glinka N.L. General chemistry. Publishing house "Chemistry", 1979 www . edios . ru – Eidos – center for distance education

    16. www . km . ru / education - educational materials and dictionaries on the website “Cyril and Methodius”

    1. - digital library.

Approximate program of secondary (complete) general education in chemistry (basic level)

Document status

The approximate chemistry program is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the State Standard of Secondary (Complete) General Education.

The approximate program specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours among the sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying topics and sections of the academic subject, taking into account interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections, the logic of the educational process, and the age characteristics of students. The approximate program defines a list of demonstrations, laboratory experiments, practical exercises and calculation problems.

The sample program performs two main functions.

Information and methodological function allows all participants in the educational process to gain an understanding of the goals, content, general strategy of teaching, educating and developing students through the means of a given academic subject.

Organizational planning function provides for the identification of stages of training, structuring of educational material, determination of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each stage, including for the content of the intermediate certification of students.

The approximate program is a guideline for the compilation of original educational programs and textbooks. The sample program defines the invariant (mandatory) part of the chemistry course in high school at a basic level, beyond which there remains the possibility of the author's choice of a variable component of the educational content. Compilers of chemistry curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring and determining the sequence of studying educational material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the exemplary program contributes to the preservation of a unified educational space and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to building a chemistry course in high school at a basic level.

Document structure

The sample program includes three sections: an explanatory note; main content with an approximate (in the modality “no less than”) distribution of training hours) by sections of the course and a possible sequence of studying topics and sections; requirements for the level of training of secondary (complete) school graduates in chemistry at the basic level. The sample program contains minimal but functionally complete content.

General characteristics of the subject

The main problems of chemistry are the study of the composition and structure of substances, the dependence of their properties on the structure, the design of substances with given properties, the study of the laws of chemical transformations and ways to control them in order to obtain substances, materials, and energy. Therefore, no matter how the author’s programs and textbooks differ in the depth of interpretation of the issues being studied, their content should be based on the content of the sample program, which is structured into five blocks: 1. Methods of knowledge in chemistry. 2. Theoretical foundations of chemistry. 3. Inorganic chemistry. 4. Organic chemistry. 5. Chemistry and life. The content of these educational blocks in the author's programs can be structured by topic and detailed taking into account the author's concepts, but should be aimed at achieving the goals of chemical education in high school.


The study of chemistry in high school at a basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

Mastering knowledge about the chemical component of the natural scientific picture of the world, the most important chemical concepts, laws and theories;

mastery of skills apply the acquired knowledge to explain various chemical phenomena and properties of substances, assess the role of chemistry in the development of modern technologies and the production of new materials;

development cognitive interests and intellectual abilities in the process of independent acquisition of chemical knowledge using various sources of information, including computer ones;

upbringing conviction in the positive role of chemistry in the life of modern society, the need for a chemically literate attitude towards one’s health and the environment;

application of acquired knowledge and skills for the safe use of substances and materials in everyday life, agriculture and production, for solving practical problems in everyday life, and preventing phenomena harmful to human health and the environment.

Place of the subject in the basic curriculum

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 70 hours for compulsory study of the academic subject “Chemistry” at the stage of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level.

The sample program is designed for 70 teaching hours. It provides a reserve of free educational time - 7 academic hours (10%) for the implementation of original approaches, the use of various forms of organizing the educational process, the introduction of modern teaching methods and pedagogical technologies.

General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity

The sample program provides for the development of general educational skills and abilities in students, universal methods of activity and key competencies. In this direction, the priorities for the academic subject “Chemistry” in high school at a basic level are: the ability to independently and motivatedly organize one’s cognitive activity (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result); use of elements of cause-and-effect and structural-functional analysis; determination of the essential characteristics of the object being studied; the ability to substantiate judgments in detail, give definitions, and provide evidence; assessing and adjusting one’s behavior in the environment, fulfilling environmental requirements in practical activities and in everyday life; the use of multimedia resources and computer technologies for processing, transmitting, systematizing information, creating databases, presenting the results of cognitive and practical activities.

Learning outcomes

The results of the “Chemistry” course are given in the “Requirements for the level of graduate training” section, which fully complies with the standard. The requirements are aimed at the implementation of activity-based, practice-oriented and personality-oriented approaches; students' mastery of intellectual and practical activities; mastering knowledge and skills that are in demand in everyday life, allowing one to navigate the world around them, and that are significant for preserving the environment and one’s own health.

The “be able to” category includes requirements based on more complex types of activities, including creative ones: explain, study, recognize and describe, identify, compare, define, analyze and evaluate, conduct an independent search for the necessary information, etc.

The heading “use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life” presents requirements that go beyond the educational process and are aimed at solving various life problems.

MAIN CONTENT(70 hour, reserve 7 hour)

1. Methods of knowledge in chemistry (2 hours)

Scientific methods of knowledge of substances and chemical phenomena. The role of experiment and theory in chemistry. Simulation of chemical processes.


Analysis and synthesis of chemical substances.

2. Theoretical foundations of chemistry (18 hours)

Modern ideas about the structure of the atom

Atom. Isotopes. Atomic orbitals. Electronic classification of elements ( s -, p-elements.). Features of the structure of electronic shells of atoms of transition elements. Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev, their ideological and scientific significance.

Chemical bond

Covalent bond, its varieties and mechanisms of formation. Oxidation state and valence of chemical elements.

Ionic bond. Cations and anions. Metal connection. Hydrogen bonding, its role in the formation of biopolymer structures. The uniform nature of chemical bonds.


Qualitative and quantitative composition of a substance. Substances of molecular and non-molecular structure. Crystal lattices.

Reasons for the diversity of substances: isomerism, homology, allotropy.

Pure substances and mixtures. Methods for separating mixtures and their use. Phenomena that occur during the dissolution of substances - destruction of the crystal lattice, diffusion, dissociation, hydration.

True solutions. Ways to express the concentration of solutions: mass fraction of solute. Dissociation of electrolytes in aqueous solutions. Strong and weak electrolytes.

The concept of colloids and their significance (sols, gels).

Chemical reactions

Classification of chemical reactions in inorganic and organic chemistry according to various criteria. Features of reactions in organic chemistry.

Ion exchange reactions in aqueous solutions. Hydrolysis of inorganic and organic compounds. Aqueous solution environment: acidic, neutral, alkaline. Hydrogen value (pH) of the solution.

Thermal effect of a chemical reaction.

Redox reactions. Electrolysis of solutions and melts. Practical application of electrolysis.

The speed of the reaction, its dependence on various factors. Catalysts and catalysis. The idea of ​​enzymes as biological catalysts of protein nature.

Reversibility of reactions. Chemical equilibrium and methods of its displacement.


Models of ionic, atomic, molecular and metal crystal lattices

Models of molecules of isomers and homologues.

Preparation of allotropic modifications of sulfur and phosphorus.

Dissolving colored substances in water (copper sulfate ( II ), potassium permanganate, iron (III) chloride).

Dependence of reaction rate on concentration and temperature.

Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a catalyst (manganese oxide ( IV ) and enzyme (catalase)).

Samples of food, cosmetic, biological and medical sols and gels.

Tyndall effect.

Laboratory experiments

Determination of the nature of the solution environment using a universal indicator.

Carrying out ion exchange reactions to characterize the properties of electrolytes.

3. Inorganic chemistry (13 hours)

Classification of inorganic compounds. Chemical properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds.

Metals. Electrochemical voltage series of metals. General methods of obtaining metals. The concept of metal corrosion. Methods of protection against corrosion.

Non-metals. Redox properties of typical nonmetals (for example, hydrogen, oxygen, halogens and sulfur). General characteristics of the subgroup of halogens (from fluorine to iodine). Noble gases.


Samples of metals and non-metals.

Sublimation of iodine.

Making iodine alcohol tincture.

Mutual displacement of halogens from solutions of their salts.

Samples of metals and their compounds.

Combustion of sulfur, phosphorus, iron, magnesium in oxygen.

Interaction of alkali and alkaline earth metals with water.

Interaction of copper with oxygen and sulfur.

Experiments on metal corrosion and protection against it.

Laboratory experiments

Interaction of zinc and iron with solutions of acids and alkalis.

Acquaintance with metal samples and their ores (working with collections).

Acquaintance with samples of non-metals and their natural compounds (working with collections).

Recognition of chlorides and sulfates.

Practical lessons

Receiving, collecting and recognizing gases.

Solving experimental problems on the topic “Metals and non-metals”.

Identification of inorganic compounds.

4. Organic chemistry (25 hours)

Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds. Chemical properties of the main classes of organic compounds.

Theory of the structure of organic compounds. Carbon skeleton. Radicals. Functional groups. Homologous series, homologues. Structural isomerism.

Hydrocarbons: alkanes, alkenes and dienes, alkynes, arenes. Natural sources of hydrocarbons: oil and natural gas.

Oxygen-containing compounds: mono- and polyhydric alcohols, phenol, aldehydes, monobasic carboxylic acids, esters, fats, carbohydrates.

Polymers: plastics, rubbers, fibers.


Examples of hydrocarbons in different states of aggregation (propane-butane mixture in a lighter, gasoline, paraffin, asphalt).

Production of ethylene and acetylene.

Qualitative reactions to multiple bonds.

Laboratory experiments

Acquaintance with samples of plastics, fibers and rubbers (working with collections).

Acquaintance with samples of natural hydrocarbons and products of their processing (working with collections).

Acquaintance with samples of food, cosmetic, biological and medical sols and gels.

Making models of molecules of organic compounds.

Detection of unsaturated compounds in liquid petroleum products and vegetable oil.

Qualitative reactions to aldehydes, polyhydric alcohols, starch and proteins.

Practical lessons

Identification of organic compounds.

Recognition of plastics and fibers.

5. Chemistry and life (5 hours)

Chemistry and health. Medicines, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, mineral waters. Problems associated with the use of medications.

Chemistry in everyday life. Detergents and cleaning products. Rules for safe work with household chemicals. Household chemical literacy.

Industrial production of chemicals using the example of sulfuric acid production.

Chemical pollution of the environment and its consequences.


Samples of medicines and vitamins.

Samples of hygiene and cosmetics products.

Laboratory experiments

Introducing samples of medications from a home first aid kit.

Introducing samples of detergents and cleaning products. Study the instructions for use.


As a result of studying chemistry at a basic level, the student must:

Know (understand)

the most important chemical concepts:

substance, chemical element, atom, molecule, relative atomic and molecular masses, ion, allotropy, isotopes, chemical bonding, electronegativity, valence, oxidation state, mole, molar mass, molar volume, substances of molecular and non-molecular structure, solutions, electrolyte and non-electrolyte , electrolytic dissociation, oxidizing agent and reducing agent, oxidation and reduction, thermal effect of reaction, rate of chemical reaction, catalysis, chemical equilibrium, carbon skeleton, functional group, isomerism, homology;

basic laws of chemistry: conservation of mass of substances, constancy of composition, periodic law;

basic theories of chemistry: chemical bonding, electrolytic dissociation, structure of organic compounds;

the most important substances and materials: basic metals and alloys; sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric and acetic acids; alkalis, ammonia, mineral fertilizers, methane, ethylene, acetylene, benzene, ethanol, fats, soaps, glucose, sucrose, starch, cellulose, proteins, artificial and synthetic fibers, rubbers, plastics;

be able to

call studied substances according to “trivial” or international nomenclature;

define: valence and oxidation state of chemical elements, type of chemical bond in compounds, ion charge, nature of the medium in aqueous solutions of inorganic compounds, oxidizing agent and reducing agent, belonging of substances to various classes of organic compounds;

characterize: elements of small periods according to their position in the periodic system D.I. Mendeleev; general chemical properties of metals, non-metals, main classes of inorganic and organic compounds; structure and chemical properties of the studied organic compounds;

explain: dependence of the properties of substances on their composition and structure; the nature of the chemical bond (ionic, covalent, metallic), the dependence of the rate of chemical reaction and the position of chemical equilibrium on various factors;

perform a chemical experiment on recognition of the most important inorganic and organic substances;

conduct independent search for chemical information using various sources (popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources); use computer technology to process and transmit chemical information and present it in various forms;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

Explanations of chemical phenomena,

occurring in nature, everyday life and at work;

Determining the possibility of chemical transformations occurring under various conditions and assessing their consequences;

Environmentally competent behavior in the environment;

Assessment of the impact of chemical environmental pollution on the human body and other living organisms;

Safe handling of flammable and toxic substances and laboratory equipment;

Preparation of solutions of a given concentration in everyday life and at work;

Critically assessing the reliability of chemical information coming from various sources.


Document status

The sample chemistry program is based on the federal component of the state standard of basic general education.

The approximate program specifies the content of the standard, gives an approximate distribution of teaching hours among the sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying topics and sections, taking into account inter- and intra-subject connections, the logic of the educational process, and the age characteristics of students. The approximate program defines a list of demonstrations, laboratory experiments, practical exercises and calculation problems.

The sample program performs two main functions:
The information and methodological function allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​the goals, content, general strategy of teaching, educating and developing students through the means of a given academic subject.
The organizational planning function involves identifying stages of training, structuring educational material, determining its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each stage, including for the content of the intermediate certification of students.

The sample program is a guideline for compiling original educational programs and textbooks. The sample program defines the invariant (compulsory) part of the chemistry course in primary school, outside of which there remains the possibility of the author's choice of a variable component of the educational content. At the same time, the authors of chemistry curricula and textbooks can offer their own approach in terms of structuring and determining the sequence of studying educational material, as well as ways to form a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development and socialization of students. Thus, the exemplary program contributes to the preservation of a unified educational space and provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various approaches to the construction of a chemistry course in a primary school.

Document structure

The sample program includes three sections: an explanatory note; main content with an approximate (in the modality “no less than”) distribution of teaching hours among sections of the course and a possible sequence of studying topics and sections; requirements for the level of training of graduates of basic school in chemistry. The sample program presents minimal content, but functionally complete content.

General characteristics of the subject

The main problems of chemistry are the study of the composition and structure of substances, the dependence of their properties on the structure, the design of substances with given properties, the study of the laws of chemical transformations and ways to control them in order to obtain substances, materials, and energy. Therefore, no matter how the author’s programs and textbooks differ in the depth of interpretation of the issues being studied, their educational content should be based on the content of the sample program, which is structured into six blocks:

Methods of knowledge of substances and chemical phenomena. Experimental Fundamentals of Chemistry; Substance; Chemical reaction; Elementary fundamentals of inorganic chemistry; Initial ideas about organic substances; Chemistry and life. The content of these educational blocks in the author's programs can be structured by topic and detailed taking into account the author's concepts, but should be aimed at achieving the goals of chemical education.

The study of chemistry in basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:
mastering the most important knowledge about the basic concepts and laws of chemistry, chemical symbolism;
mastering the skills to observe chemical phenomena, conduct a chemical experiment, make calculations based on chemical formulas of substances and equations of chemical reactions;
development of cognitive interests and intellectual abilities in the process of conducting a chemical experiment, independent acquisition of knowledge in accordance with emerging life needs;
nurturing an attitude towards chemistry as one of the fundamental components of natural science and an element of universal human culture;
application of acquired knowledge and skills for the safe use of substances and materials in everyday life, agriculture and production, solving practical problems in everyday life, preventing phenomena harmful to human health and the environment.
Place of the subject in the basic curriculum
For the compulsory study of the academic subject “Chemistry” at the stage of basic general education, the federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 140 hours. Including 70 hours in grades VIII and IX, based on 2 teaching hours per week.

The sample program is designed for 140 teaching hours. It provides a reserve of free educational time in the amount of 14 teaching hours (or 10 for the implementation of original approaches, the use of various forms of organizing the educational process, the introduction of modern teaching methods and pedagogical technologies.

General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity
The sample program provides for the development of general educational skills and abilities in students, universal methods of activity and key competencies. In this direction, the priorities for the academic subject “Chemistry” at the level of basic general education are: the use of various methods (observations, measurements, experiments, experiments) to understand the surrounding world; conducting practical and laboratory work, simple experiments and describing their results; use of various sources of information to solve cognitive problems; compliance with the norms and rules of behavior in chemical laboratories, in the environment, as well as the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Learning outcomes
The results of studying the “Chemistry” course are given in the section “Requirements for the level of training of graduates”, which fully complies with the standard. The requirements are aimed at the implementation of activity-based, practice-oriented and personality-oriented approaches; students' mastery of intellectual and practical activities; mastering knowledge and skills that are in demand in everyday life, allowing one to navigate the world around them, and that are significant for preserving the environment and one’s own health.

The “Be able” section includes requirements based on more complex types of activities, including creative ones: explain, characterize, define, compose, recognize empirically, calculate.

The heading “Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life” presents requirements that go beyond the educational process and are aimed at solving various life problems.

MAIN CONTENT (140 hours)

Chemistry as part of natural science. Chemistry is the science of substances, their structure, properties and transformations.
Observation, description, measurement, experiment, modeling. The concept of chemical analysis and synthesis.
Rules for working in a school laboratory. Laboratory glassware and equipment. Safety regulations.
Separation of mixtures. Purification of substances. Filtration.
Weighing. Preparation of solutions. Obtaining salt crystals. Carrying out chemical reactions in solutions.
Heating devices. Carrying out chemical reactions when heated.
Methods for analyzing substances. Qualitative reactions to gaseous substances and ions in solution. Determining the nature of the environment. Indicators.
Obtaining gaseous substances.

Samples of simple and complex substances.
Magnesium combustion.
Dissolving substances in various solvents.
Laboratory experiments
Familiarity with samples of simple and complex substances.
Separation of mixtures.
Chemical phenomena (calcination of copper wire; interaction of chalk with acid).
Practical lessons
Familiarization with laboratory equipment. Rules for safe work in a chemical laboratory.
Cleaning contaminated table salt.
Preparation of a solution with a given mass fraction of dissolved substance.

SUBSTANCE (25 hour).
Atoms and molecules. Chemical element. The language of chemistry. Signs of chemical elements, chemical formulas. Law of constancy of composition.
Relative atomic and molecular masses. Atomic mass unit. Amount of substance, mol. Molar mass. Molar volume.
Pure substances and mixtures of substances. Natural mixtures: air, natural gas, oil, natural waters.
Qualitative and quantitative composition of a substance. Simple substances (metals and non-metals). Complex substances (organic and inorganic). Main classes of inorganic substances.
Periodic law and periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleeva. Groups and periods of the periodic table.
The structure of the atom. Nucleus (protons, neutrons) and electrons. Isotopes. The structure of the electron shells of the atoms of the first 20 elements of the periodic system D.I. Mendeleev.
The structure of molecules. Chemical bond. Types of chemical bonds: covalent (polar and non-polar), ionic, metallic. The concept of valency and oxidation state. Drawing up formulas of compounds by valency (or oxidation state).
Substances in solid, liquid and gaseous states. Crystalline and amorphous substances. Types of crystal lattices (atomic, molecular, ionic and metallic).

Chemical compounds amount of substance in 1 mole.
Model of the molar volume of gases.
Collections of oil, coal and their products.
Introduction to samples of oxides, acids, bases and salts.
Models of crystal lattices of covalent and ionic compounds.
Sublimation of iodine.
Comparison of physicochemical properties of compounds with covalent and ionic bonds.
Samples of typical metals and non-metals.
Calculation problems
Calculation of the relative molecular mass of a substance using the formula.
Calculation of the mass fraction of an element in a chemical compound.
Establishing the simplest formula of a substance based on the mass fractions of elements.

Chemical reaction. Equation and diagram of a chemical reaction. Conditions and signs of chemical reactions. Conservation of mass of substances during chemical reactions.
Classification of chemical reactions according to various criteria: the number and composition of the starting and resulting substances; changes in oxidation states of chemical elements; absorption or release of energy. The concept of the speed of chemical reactions. Catalysts.
Electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Electrolytic dissociation of acids, alkalis and salts in aqueous solutions. Ions. Cations and anions. Ion exchange reactions.
Redox reactions. Oxidizing agent and reducing agent.

Reactions illustrating the main features of characteristic reactions
Neutralization of alkali with acid in the presence of an indicator.
Laboratory experiments
Interaction of magnesium oxide with acids.
Interaction of carbon dioxide with lime water.
Obtaining precipitates of insoluble hydroxides and studying their properties.
Practical lessons
Carrying out experiments demonstrating the genetic relationship between the main classes of inorganic compounds.
Calculation problems
Calculations using chemical equations of the mass, volume or quantity of one of the reaction products based on the mass of the original substance and the substance containing a certain proportion of impurities.

Hydrogen, physical and chemical properties, production and application.
Oxygen, physical and chemical properties, production and application.
Water and its properties. Solubility of substances in water. The water cycle in nature.
Halogens. Hydrogen chloride. Hydrochloric acid and its salts.
Sulfur, physical and chemical properties, occurrence in nature. Sulfur(VI) oxide. Sulfuric acid and its salts. Oxidizing properties of concentrated sulfuric acid. Sulfurous and hydrosulphuric acids and their salts.
Ammonia. Ammonium salts. Nitrogen, physical and chemical properties, production and application. Nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen oxides (II and IV). Nitric acid and its salts. Oxidative properties of nitric acid.
Phosphorus. Phosphorus (V) oxide. Orthophosphoric acid and its salts.
Carbon, allotropic modifications, physical and chemical properties of carbon. Carbon monoxide – properties and physiological effects on the body. Carbon dioxide, carbonic acid and its salts. Carbon cycle.
Silicon. Silicon(IV) oxide. Silicic acid and silicates. Glass.
Position of metals in the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements D.I. Mendeleeva. The concept of metallurgy. Methods for obtaining metals. Alloys (steel, cast iron, duralumin, bronze). General chemical properties of metals: reactions with non-metals, acids, salts. A range of metal stresses.
Alkali and alkaline earth metals and their compounds.
Aluminum. Amphotericity of oxide and hydroxide.
Iron. Oxides, hydroxides and salts of iron (II and III).


Interaction of sodium and calcium with water.
Samples of non-metals.
Allotropy of sulfur.
Obtaining hydrogen chloride and dissolving it in water.
Recognition of chlorine compounds.
Crystal lattices of diamond and graphite.
Production of ammonia.
Laboratory experiments
Acquaintance with samples of metals and alloys (working with collections).
Dissolution of iron and zinc in hydrochloric acid.
Displacement of one metal by another from a salt solution.
Acquaintance with samples of natural compounds of non-metals (chlorides, sulfides, sulfates, nitrates, carbonates, silicates).
Acquaintance with metal samples, iron ores, aluminum compounds.
Recognition of chloride, sulfate, carbonate anions and cations of ammonium, sodium, potassium, calcium, barium.
Practical lessons
Obtaining, collecting and recognizing gases (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide).
Solving experimental problems in chemistry on the topic “Obtaining metal compounds and studying their properties.”
Solving experimental problems