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"Fun English" Early Childhood Education Program

The work program is compiled on the basis of the author’s program by M.Z. Biboletova. in English for grades 5 - 11. Textbook of Biboletova M.Z. English with pleasure “Enjoy English” for 2nd grade of general education institutions. 1 hour per week (34 hours per year) per academic year

The main objective of the course: to develop the child’s cognitive abilities, relying on speech experience in their native language. Important: do not deviate from the basic principle of clarity and imagery; be guided by the principle “do as I do”, “speak as I do”; teach the language exclusively in practice, without the use of even elementary theoretical linguistic concepts

Objectives: Educational: creating the initial basis for the development of speech abilities; developing skills and abilities to independently solve the simplest communicative and cognitive problems in oral speech; expanding, with the help of English, the child’s ideas about the world around them and language as a means of cognition and communication; Correctional and developmental: development and correction. perception, attention, linguistic memory, imagination; development of speech culture, as well as a culture of communication, development of students’ creative abilities in various fields using a foreign language Educational: nurturing in children a sustainable interest in learning a new language, nurturing the desire and ability to enter the world of a different culture

The following approaches should be taken into account in the learning process: 1. Use various means of encouragement. 2. Form a positive image of the teacher in children, which increases the child’s reflexive abilities. 3. Systematically introduce vocabulary. 4. Take into account children’s short-term memory, systematically return to previously covered material and include it in subsequent classes. 5. Teach complete speech structures, which contributes to the development of speaking skills. 6. Give preference to frontal and individual work. This helps to establish a favorable psychological climate in the group and removes language barriers. 7. Take into account the psychophysical characteristics and health status of each student.

Main sections of the program: I. Introduction. (The meaning of the English language. English-speaking countries.) II. Acquaintance. (Greeting and introduction.) III. Puppet theater. (Names of animals, personal pronouns, verbs of motion.) IV. Fun counting. (Introduction with English counting up to 5, plural nouns.) V. Colors. (Introduction to the names of color shades.) VI. Multi-colored garden. (Names of vegetables and fruits.) VII. There is a time for everything. (Seasons, parts of the day, weather .) VIII.Family.(Family members.) IX.Where do we live?(Habitat, housing). X. Repetition. (Repetition and consolidation of the studied material. Testing of acquired knowledge.)

Main stages of study: 1. Preparatory: greeting, setting goals and objectives of the lesson, repeating previously learned vocabulary. 2. Basic: activation of learned vocabulary, completing tasks, games, questioning, knowledge control. 3. Final: introduction to new vocabulary, homework, summing up.

1. Personal psychological barriers in students due to unusual sounds of foreign speech, words and phrases that are strange for children, and random associations with their native speech. 2. Mastering a foreign language remains an insufficiently motivated type of cognitive activity. 3. Many children are characterized by weak short-term auditory memory, a short period of concentration, and difficulties in mastering and remembering new concepts and skills. Learning difficulties:

Sections: Foreign languages

Foreign language teacher of the highest category Larisa Mikhailovna Shiryai
11th grade student Natalya Valerievna Stakheeva

Explanatory note

Contradictions and problems that arose in the educational process. Resource support for the implementation of an individual program

Since 2001, Natalya Stakheeva has been studying in a specialized mathematics class.

She has a high level of training in English, as she studied the language additionally for two years under the guidance of a teacher and independently;
- not satisfied with the content of the material on the subject in the mathematical profile, as well as the pace of completion of the program;
- not satisfied with the level of preparation of students in the group;
- not satisfied with the lack of modern teaching aids at school;
- understands the need for language proficiency at a functional level for a qualified specialist in any field, and will study the language at the university chosen for admission;
- I would like to master the humanities program in English;
- I would like to free up study time for myself in the second half of 2004 to prepare for final exams in selected subjects and entrance exams to a university;
- has the ability to independently learn the language;
- has a computer and Internet access at home.

Realizes the discrepancy between the student’s requests and the content of the mathematics program;
- would like, based on the student’s abilities, for the student to achieve level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- considers it possible to use the student’s design skills in mastering the content of the subject;
- can provide additional material and software;
- can use the opportunity for specialized training and create an individually oriented program for a specific student, since the school participates in the Federal experiment on “Modernization of the structure and content of general education.”

Program goals:

Mastering the English language program for a course of complete secondary education during the 1st half of the 2003-2004 academic year;
- creating conditions to ensure in-depth study of a foreign language;
- ensuring continuity between general and vocational education, more effective preparation of the student for mastering the English language program at a higher educational institution.

Program objectives:

Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions that would ensure active stimulation of self-valued educational activities in the student based on self-education, self-development, self-expression in the course of mastering the English language;
- formation of self-educational competence, i.e. ability to maintain and improve the level of English language proficiency in the process of self-education;
- creating conditions for the development of thinking skills (generalization, abstraction, comparison, - grouping, analysis, synthesis, inference);
- ensuring the success of mastering the program;
- maintaining the health of the child;
pairing the humanities program with the program of entrance exams in English at the university to ensure continuity in education;
- achieving the appropriate level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages;
- completion of work on the textbook by Kuzovlev V.R. grades 10-11, on the textbook by Klementieva T.B. “Happy Engish 3.”

Requirements for practical knowledge of English

It is assumed that the level of mastery of the content of the English language program corresponds to the threshold level (B1) of the “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”, that is, the student:

Can understand generally clear, standard messages on familiar topics found in academic and leisure settings;
- communicates in most situations that arise while traveling around the country of the language being studied;
- constructs simple coherent statements on familiar topics;
- describes events, dreams and briefly explains opinions.

Description of skills

Listening - can understand the main ideas in clear, standard statements on familiar topics regularly encountered in school and leisure activities. Can understand the basic content of many radio/television programs dealing with current events or matters of professional/personal interest where the presentation is relatively slow and understandable. 3–4% of unfamiliar words are allowed. Playing duration is 3 – 5 minutes.

Reading – Can understand short texts that primarily consist of high-frequency everyday or specialized lecture. Can understand descriptions of events, feelings, desires in letters of a personal nature. Reads in order to extract complete, basic, partial information.

Speaking Dialogue speech– can communicate in various situations that arise while traveling around the country of the language being studied. Can enter into conversation without preparation on familiar topics of a personal or everyday nature (family, hobbies, work, travel, current events). The volume of replicas is at least 10. Monologue speech- can simplify phrases to describe events, desires, hopes. Can briefly justify and explain opinions and plans. Can tell a story, the content of a book/movie and describe the feelings it evokes. The volume of the statement is at least 20 phrases. Letter- can write a simple coherent text on topics of a personal nature or close to the student. Can write a personal letter, describing his experiences and impressions. Knows how to fill out a questionnaire and write an autobiography.

The student can:

Compare the cultural characteristics of different countries in the world of life (lifestyle, traditions and customs), drawing on information from other school subjects;
- use modern information technologies to expand linguistic and regional knowledge and enhance communication skills.

Product: a student who has completed the upper secondary school program ahead of schedule and has reached the threshold level of English language proficiency established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Language competence

Graphics and spelling: within the scope of basic school. Writing new vocabulary on topics of the senior stage and in connection with the humanitarian profile.

Pronunciation side of speech: expanding the set of intonation structures for expressing feelings and emotions;

Lexical aspect of speech:

active knowledge of 1100-1500 lexical units; the volume of vocabulary for reading and listening in the amount of at least 2600 lexical units;
idiomatic expressions, evaluative vocabulary, cliché remarks of speech etiquette, reflecting the cultural characteristics of the countries of the language being studied;
synonyms, antonyms, word formation.

The grammatical aspect of speech:

syntax: the use of a simple (uncommon, common) sentence with a verbal nominal predicate, the use of impersonal sentences, constructions with there is- there are, various sentences according to the purpose of the statement, complex sentences and their types, direct and indirect speech, coordination of tenses;


numeral name (quantitative, ordinal);
pronouns: personal (nominative, objective cases), possessive (absolute, dependent forms), demonstrative, reflexive, interrogative, indefinite (some, any, no, every, their derivatives), pronouns one, it, generalizing pronouns;
verb: system of verbal tenses of active and passive voice, features of the use of tenses, imperative mood, modal verbs and their substitutes, used to, would, to get used to, to be used to, to be going to, phrasal verbs, conditional sentences with different degree of probability, mood of verbs;
adverbs: degrees of comparison of adverbs, place of adverbs in a sentence;
noun: number, case, gender, article, use of articles;
adjective: degrees of comparison of adjectives, comparative constructions with adjectives;
numeral: quantitative, ordinal, fractions, percentages;
prepositions: place of prepositions in a sentence, specificity of prepositions for, during, since;

Subject content of the speech:

Situations of everyday communication in social, everyday, cultural and educational spheres. Foreign language and profession.

Speech competence

Speaking: all types of monologue and dialogue based on expanded topics and vocabulary in situations of formal and informal communication in social, everyday, cultural, educational and professional spheres. Polylogue in the form of discussion and business conversation in compliance with the norms of speech etiquette. Public speaking (in connection with what has been seen, read). Presentation of a sociocultural portrait of the native country and the countries of the language being studied. Assessment or characterization of events, facts of modern life in one’s own country and the countries of the language being studied.

Listening: understanding the main content of statements made by native speakers of the target language in situations of everyday and professional communication; extracting selective information from audio and media texts of various genres within the selected topic; extracting significant information from spoken texts;

Reading original texts of various genres using various types of reading: introductory, viewing, searching, studying. Annotation. Elementary linguistic analysis, translation from English into native language;

Writing: presenting information about yourself, writing abstracts of an oral (written) message, writing personal and business letters, filling out questionnaires of various types. Drawing up a summary, abstract, annotation, text, characteristics of literary characters;

Sociocultural competence

Expanding the volume of regional geographic information due to new issues and topics of speech communication. English as a means of national communication in the country, as a language of international communication. Famous public figures, discoverers, scientists, writers, artists of their country and English-speaking countries, their contribution to the development of national and world culture.

Thematic planning

“Western Democracies. Are They Democratic?”

Shall, should and modal verbs.

Kuzovlev V.P. 10-11 Unit 2; “English” No. 3/2003, p.5; CD Professor Higgins.

“Is the System of Social Welfare Fair?”

Adjective modifiers.

The numeral. Subordinate clauses with conjunctions and prepositions.

Kuszovlev V.P. 10-11 Unit 5; CD Professor Higgins; Guzeeva K.A. English Grammar.

“What Helps you to Enjoy Yourselves?”

Relative clause. Adjective modifiers. Emphatic sentences. Exclamatory sentences.

Kuszovlev V.P. 10-11 Unit 6; “English” No. 21/2003 p.14; Speak Out No. 1-6 2001; English Grammar Support, p.615.

“Inventions that Shook the World”

Kuszovlev V.P. 10-11 Unit 7.

“Welcome to Australia”.

Review of all Verb Tenses. Active and Passive Voices Compared.

Klementieva T.B. 10 – 11 Unit 1; Guzeeva K.A. English Grammar p. 93-132; CD Professor Higgins.

“School life”.

Infinitive, Gerund, Participle. Personal letter.

Klementieva T.B. 10 – 11 Unit 2; Guzeeva K.A. English Grammar p. 167-191; CD Professor Higgins.


Modal verbs. Articles.

Klementieva T.B. 10 – 11 Unit 3; Guzeeva K.A. English Grammar p. 144-157, 167-191; CD Professor Higgins

"The Olympic Games".

Reported Speech. Types of Questions.

Klementieva T.B. 10 – 11 Unit 4; Guzeeva K.A. English Grammar, p. 136, 240-244, 214-227; CD Professor Higgins.

“Australian Wild life”.

Subjunctive mood. Nouns.

Klementieva T.B. 10 – 11 Unit 5; Guzeeva K.A. English Grammar p. 160-161, 42-46; CD Professor Higgins.

“Music and art”.

Verb to be, to have. Adjective adverbs.

Klementieva T.B. 10 – 11 Unit 6; Guzeeva K.A. English Grammar p. 60-68, 192-196; CD Professor Higgins. English Grammar Support p. 619-620.

"Work Experience".

Suffixes, prefixes. Curriculum Vitae. Business letter.

Klementieva T.B. 10 – 11 Unit 7; Bogatckyi A.I. English Business Course; English Grammar Support p. 597-598; “English” No. 15/2003, p.5.

Certification tasks and certification forms

A credit control system is implemented after each block of educational material mastered independently by the student. Between tests, consultations are held once a week.

Topics for speaking and writing

Kuzovlev V.P.Unit2

AB Ex. 3 p.20; AB Ex. 5 p.57; AB Ex. 9 p.26; AB Ex. 1 p.50

“English” No. 3 2003 p.5 AB Ex.5 p.23 Test Kuzovlev V.P. 10-11 p.65

Kuzovlev V.P. Unit5

AB Ex. 4 p.63; AB Ex. 1.2 p.146; AB Ex. 2 p.151; AB Ex. 1 p.160; Phrases p.162

Test Kuzovev V.P. 10-11 p.170

My favorite film.

My favorite play.

Heart in my life.

Kuzovlev V.P.Unit6

AB Ex. 1 p.185; AB Ex. 1 p.192; AB Phrases p.201

Test Kuzovlev V.P. 10-11 p.242 Project.


Scientists and their

Kuzovlev V.P. Unit 7

AB Ex. 1 p.226; AB Ex. 2 p.238; AB Ex. 2 p.232

Test Kuzovlev V.P. 10-11 p.242 Afanasieva O.V. Tests p.142, 88

Klementieva T.B. "Happy English-3" Unit1

Kaufman K.I.Work book

p. 11 Ex. 6; p. 13 Quiz; p. 34 Quiz; p. 39 Quiz; p. 51 Quiz; p. 62 Test

Klementieva T.B. “Happy English 3” p.79, p.78; Kaufman K.I. Work book 1

p.41 Test, p.44 Test, p.39, Test, p.59 Test.

Education in the USA, the UK and Australia (compared).

Education in Russia.

My school. My school day.

Workbook: p.23 Test; p.24 Test; p.36 Test; p.31 Ex.6; p.33 Ex. 1.3

Klementieva T.B. “Happy English 3”; p.121 listening,

p.125 dictation; Kaufman K.I. Work book 1 p.27 Test

Personal Heritage

Russian travelers

Work book: p.47 Test 1; p.48 Test 2; p.54 Ex. 4; p.61 Test

Klementieva T.B. “Happy English 3” p. 164 listening,

p. 169 dictation; Kaufman K.I. Work book 2 p.49 Test

The history of Olympic Games.

Sport in my life.

Sport and health.

Klementieva T.B. “Happy English 3” Unit 4.

Kaufman K.I. Work book 2: p.72 Test 1, 2; p.78 Test.

Klementieva T.B. “Happy English 3” p.207 dictation; Kaufman K.I. Work book 2

Environmental problems.

Australian wild life.

Klementieva T.B. “Happy English 3” Unit 5.

Kaufman K.I. Workbook 3: p.7 Ex. 2; p.12 Test

Klementieva T.B. “Happy English 3” p.243 dictation, p.242 listening; “English” No. 21/2003 p.14.

Music in my life.

Galleries in Russia and in the UK.

The USA, Historical Famous Painters.

Klementieva T.B. “Happy English 3” Unit 6

Workbook 3: p.34 Ex. 2; p.36 Ex. 2; p.37 Ex. 1

Klementieva T.B. “Happy English 3” p.276 dictation,

p.279 listening; Kaufman K.I. Work Book3

p.39 Test; “English” No. 21/2003 p.14.

Curriculum Vitae.

Business Letter.

Choosing Profession.

Klementieva "Happy English-3" Unit7

Work Book 3: p.72 Test; p.64 Ex.2; p.66 Ex.2

Klementieva T.B.

“Happy English” 3p.311 Listening, p.314 Dictation; Kaufman K.I. Work book3

Preparation for Final Test.

Final Test.(DEMO EGE 2003)

Features of the educational process

accelerated completion of the program;
use of a communicative approach in teaching;
use of computers in teaching;
the learning process is person-oriented;
the basis of learning is the student’s active, motivated, independent mental activity;
block division of language material;
scoring control system;
linguistic and regional studies orientation;
principles for constructing individual training:
students’ independent choice of pace, time for submitting reports and methods of work.


  1. English language. Large reference book for schoolchildren and those entering universities, M, “Drofa”, 1998;
  2. Afanasyeva O. V. Training tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, Rostov-on-Don, “Phoenix”, 2003;
  3. Bogatsky I. S. “English language business course”, Kyiv, “Logos”, 1999;
  4. Guzeeva K. A.. English language, Reference materials, M, “Enlightenment”, 1992;
  5. English language program edited by Galskova N.D., M, “Enlightenment”, 1994;
  6. Periodicals:
    The concept of the structure and content of general secondary education in 12-year school, UG, No. 50, 1999;
    Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. “Foreign languages ​​at school”, No. 5, 2000;
    Organization of specialized training in the 11th grade of a general education institution in the 2002-2003 academic year. Letter of recommendation, “YaSh”, No. 1, 2002;
    Requirements for the level of training of graduates. Mandatory minimum content of education (project), “English”, No. 43, 2001;

7. Textbooks:

  1. Kaufman K.I., Kaufman M.Yu.. Workbooks for the textbook Klementyeva T.V. “Happy English –3”, Obninsk, “Titul”, 1998;
  2. Klementyeva T.V. “Happy English –3”, Obninsk, “Title”, 1998;
  3. Kuzovlev V.P. English language grades 10-11. M, “Enlightenment”, 2001;
  4. Kuzovlev V.P. Workbook for the textbook for grades 10-11, M, “Enlightenment”, 2001.
  5. CD “Professor Higgins”

state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region secondary school with. Malyachkino municipal district Shigonsky Samara region


At the meeting of the Ministry of Defense, Deputy Director for HR Director

Protocol No. ___ GBOU Secondary School s. Malyachkino State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School s. Malyachkino

"__" _____2016 ________/Zhulkova E.Yu./ ___________/Bolbas N.V./

_______________ “___”________2016 Order No. ____ dated ________

Adapted educational program

in English

3rd grade

Program Compiler:

Yanushevich A.Yu.


Explanatory note

The adapted work program of the “English language” curriculum for grade 3 was developed on the basis of an approximate adapted basic general education program for primary general education for students with mental retardation and in accordance with the author’s program “English language course program for the educational complex “English with pleasure” for 2-4 classes" - Obninsk: Title, 2013. edited by M.Z. Biboletova

The program is designed in accordance with:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 03/09/2004 No. 1312 “On approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 19, 2014 No. 1598 “On approval of the federal state educational standard for primary general education of students with disabilities”;

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On approval of SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions for students with disabilities”;

The adapted English language educational program is aimed at meeting both the general and special educational needs of a child with disabilities.

The program details and reveals the content of the standard, determines the general strategy for teaching, educating and developing students through the means of the academic subject in accordance with the goals of learning English, which are defined by the standard.

The program is designed for students with insufficient language training, mental retardation, and limited health capabilities.

When drawing up the program, the following characteristics of children were taken into account: unstable attention, small memory capacity, difficulties in reproducing educational material, immaturity of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison), poorly developed reading, speaking and writing skills.

The learning process for such schoolchildren is of a correctional and developmental nature, aimed at correcting the students’ developmental deficiencies and gaps in knowledge and is based on the subjective experience of schoolchildren and connections with real life.


Prepare the child for real communication in a foreign language in social and everyday situations at a basic level;

- creating conditions for the social adaptation of students by increasing their English-language literacy, creating the basis for painless integration of the child into modern society through knowledge of the basics of the English language.


    developing ideas about the English language as a means of communication that allows one to achieve mutual understanding with people who speak/write in English, learn new things through spoken and written texts;

    ensuring communicative and psychological adaptation of younger schoolchildren to

new linguistic world to overcome the psychological barrier in the future and

using English as a means of communication;

    expanding the linguistic horizons of younger schoolchildren; mastering elementary linguistic concepts accessible to primary schoolchildren and necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level;

    development of personal qualities of a junior schoolchild, his attention, thinking, memory and

imagination in the process of participation in simulated communication situations, role-playing games; in the course of mastering language material;

    development of the emotional sphere of children in the process of educational games, educational performances with

use of English;

    introducing younger schoolchildren to new social experiences by playing various roles in English in game situations typical for family, everyday, and educational communication;

    spiritual and moral education of the student, understanding and observance of such

moral principles of the family, such as love for loved ones, mutual assistance, respect for parents, care for younger ones;

    development of cognitive abilities, mastering the ability to coordinate work with various components of the educational and methodological set (textbook, workbook, audio application, multimedia application, etc.), the ability to work in pairs, in a group.

General characteristics of the subject “English”

The content of the English language course is selected taking into account the psychological and socio-age needs of children with disabilities studying in adapted educational programs. The most difficult topics to understand have been simplified and the requirements for students’ knowledge and skills have been reduced.

Features of the mental development of children studying according to adapted educational programs, first of all, insufficient formation of mental operations. All this determines additional correctional tasks aimed at developing the cognitive activity of students and creating conditions for understanding the work being performed. The logic and structure of the course remain unchanged. The sequence of studying sections and topics remains the same, only their content has been revised.

Thus, the English language course helps to reveal the personal potential of students with disabilities. The adapted program provides students with the opportunity to develop at their own pace, based on their own educational abilities and interests. Also to realize the goals and objectives of the education of students with disabilities, regardless of their health status, the presence of physical disabilities, and to provide the opportunity for socialization in the process of learning a foreign language.

Adapted educational programs and is aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality of students, promotes their mental development, and provides civic, aesthetic, and moral education. The content of the training is practical.

The main principle of the program is the principle of correctional orientation. Particular attention is paid to the correction of specific disorders existing in pupils, using the principle of educational and developmental orientation of education, the principle of scientific nature and accessibility of education, the principle of systematic and consistent teaching, the principle of clarity in training, the principle of an individual and differentiated approach to training, etc.

Methods :

      • Verbal - story, explanation, conversation;

        Visual - observation, demonstration;

        Practical – exercises;

        Methods of presenting new knowledge;

        Methods of repetition, consolidation of knowledge;

        Methods of applying knowledge;

        Control methods.

The most effective methods of teaching children with disabilities are:

    visual and practical method (visualization of writing words, recognition and memorization, exercises in speech situations);

    role-playing games (in the process of this technology, students adapt to social conditions, mastering social roles), conversations (students interact in dialogues-questions, dialogues encouraging action, monologues-self-presentations);

    Visual learning tools are widely used to visualize word spelling, recognition and memorization;

    work according to standard/sample;

    modeling of speech situations, repetition, portioned expansion of vocabulary;

    using the physical response method to test knowledge of clichés and words, the method of teaching reading whole words, copying, memorization, working with a bilingual dictionary, phrasebook. Repetition of educational material on the topic being studied or previously studied material should be an element of each lesson.

Technologies used in the educational process.

1. Personally-oriented technologies.

2. Differentiated learning.

3. Technologies for activating cognitive interests and creative independence of students.

4. Technologies of traditional teaching.

5. Game-based learning technology.

6. Health-saving education and life safety.

7. Project-based teaching methods.

Homework is usually not assigned. In some cases, students can be instructed to collect certain information (for example, parents’ place of work, their position, etc.)

Classes are conducted in classroom format.

Types of lessons:

    Lesson on communicating new knowledge (lesson on initial study of the material);

    Lesson in the formation and consolidation of knowledge and skills (practical lesson);

    Lesson on generalizing and systematizing knowledge (repeating and generalizing lesson);

    Combined lesson;

    Tests are used to control students' learning skills

Place of the subject in the school curriculum

In accordance with the Federal Basic Curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation, 68 hours (2 hours per week) are allocated for studying the subject "English" in the 3rd grade.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student with mental retardation

Students with mental retardation are children who have deficiencies in psychological development, confirmed by the PMPK, and which prevent them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions.

The category of students with mental retardation is the most numerous among children with disabilities and a heterogeneous group of schoolchildren. The causes of mental retardation may include organic and/or functional deficiency of the central nervous system, constitutional factors, chronic somatic diseases, unfavorable upbringing conditions, mental and social deprivation. Such a variety of etiological factors determines a significant range of severity of disorders - from conditions approaching the level of the age norm to conditions that require differentiation from mental retardation.

All students with mental retardation experience, to one degree or another, severe difficulties in mastering educational programs due to insufficient cognitive abilities, specific disorders of psychological development (school skills, speech, etc.), disorders in the organization of activities and/or behavior. Common to all students with mental retardation are, to varying degrees, pronounced deficiencies in the formation of higher mental functions, a slow pace or uneven development of cognitive activity, and difficulties in voluntary self-regulation. Quite often, students experience impairments in speech and fine manual motor skills, visual perception and spatial orientation, mental performance and the emotional sphere.

AOP NOO is addressed to students with mental retardation who, by the time they enter school, have reached a level of psychophysical development close to the age norm, but are noteddifficulties of voluntary self-regulation,manifested in conditions of activity and organized behavior, and signs of general socio-emotional immaturity. In addition, this category of students may show signs of mild organic failure of the central nervous system (CNS), expressed in increased mental exhaustion with a concomitant decrease in mental performance and resistance to intellectual and emotional stress. In addition to the listed characteristics, students may experience typical, to varying degrees, dysfunctions in the areas of spatial representations, visual-motor coordination, phonetic-phonemic development, neurodynamics, etc. But at the same time, stable forms of adaptive behavior are observed.

Pedagogical characteristics on

Date of birth

Training class_ 3


Criteria and specific examples of wording

1.Organization of training

Training program


Duration of study at this educational institution for this program

Form of study

Attending lessons in all subjects with the class

2. Educational activities

Formation of motivation for educational activities

Learning motivation: partially formed,gaming motivation remains the leading one, learning interests are formed with difficulty and to a minimal extent

Success in mastering program material, indicating external reasons in case of success or failure (due to behavioral disorders, frequent illnesses, somatic weakness, limited/fragmented stock of ideas, knowledge about the environment; violations... etc.)

Program material is partially assimilated.The greatest difficulties arise when reading and writing due to the poor development of phonemic awareness and lack of interest in this type of activity. He is often distracted and violates discipline in class.

Features of educational and cognitive activities

He is aware of the learning task, but does not always accept it - depending on his mood.

He has a weak ability to keep up with a learning task and is often distracted in class. Unable to plan independent actions and needs constant help from the teacher.

Often, when difficulties arise, he makes contact with the teacher, using his help.

Does not have the ability to be critical of his work and does not strive to correct mistakes.

Deciphering the features of mastering educational knowledge, skills and abilities

During auditory perception of educational material and

When writing “by ear”, he has difficulty understanding what he hears.

For better memorization, repeated repetition of words and sentences is required.

He poorly understands the meaning of what he read, reproduces the content only with the help of questions from the teacher.

She is able to partially comprehend the proposed educational material only when it is more vivid and of interest to the child himself.

She is not capable of independent learning activities and often performs them only based on a model.

Features of mental development

Temperament type


Representative system (dominant modality when receiving and processing information


Leading hemisphere

Left hemisphere

Features of cognitive processes

The attention is steady. Switching attention is difficult. The child does not immediately move from one type of exercise to another; it takes time. The attention span is sufficient - 2 - 3 objects. The girl's involuntary attention predominates.

Her performance is unstable due to rapid fatigue. The volume of tasks completed per lesson is less than half the norm.

The ability to navigate in space is formed at a sufficient level.

A child is characterized by a visual-figurative type of memory. Memory is unstable and short-term. The process of forgetting dominates.

Understands materials only after additional lessons, completes tasks extremely slowly, blindly uses known “patterns”, and is unable to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

The girl has insufficient vocabulary. Unable to formulate thoughts independently.

Features of the emotional-volitional sphere and personal characteristics

By temperament, the child is very emotional, irritable, and capable of aggressive actions.

The child's self-esteem level is too high.Often boasts about what has not yet been done.

Does not always carefully control his words and actions. A child's actions are often intentional. Doesn't take critical comments or advice seriously and doesn't try to correct shortcomings. Occasionally he listens to fair comments and tries to take them into account.

He very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.

Features of communication

Easily enters into conversation with both adults and other children. Treats the teacher with respect and recognizes his authority. Loves to talk about what happened at home. The ability to work in a team requires improved organization of behavior and constant monitoring by the teacher.

Planned results of students with mental retardation mastering the adapted general education program of primary general education

The program ensures that primary school graduates achieve certain personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Personal results studying a foreign language in primary school are: a general understanding of the world and as a multilingual and multicultural community; awareness of oneself as a citizen of one’s country; awareness of language, including foreign, as the main means of communication between people; acquaintance with the world of foreign peers using the means of the foreign language being studied through children's folklore, some examples of children's fiction, traditions).

1. Education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for human rights, freedoms and responsibilities:

    value attitude towards one’s small homeland, family traditions; state symbols, native language, to Russia;

    elementary ideas about the cultural heritage of the small Motherland;

    initial experience of understanding the values ​​of national culture;

    initial experience of participation in intercultural communication and the ability to represent the native culture;

    initial ideas about the rights and responsibilities of man and citizen.

2. Education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness:

    elementary ideas about moral norms and rules of moral behavior, including ethical standards of relationships in the family, class, school, as well as between speakers of different cultures;

    initial ideas about the humanistic worldview: kindness, the desire to bring joy to people; caring, humane attitude towards all living things; generosity, sympathy; camaraderie and mutual assistance;

    the desire to make the right moral choice: the ability to analyze the moral side of one’s actions and the actions of other people;

    respectful attitude towards parents, respectful attitude towards elders, caring attitude towards younger ones;

    moral and ethical experience of interaction with peers, older and younger children, adults in accordance with generally accepted moral and ethical standards;

    a friendly attitude towards other participants in educational and gaming activities based on ethical standards.

3. Fostering respect for the culture of the peoples of English-speaking countries:

    basic understanding of the cultural heritage of English-speaking countries;

    initial experience of intercultural communication;

respect for different opinions and cultures of other peoples.

4. Nurturing a value-based attitude towards beauty, forming ideas about aesthetic ideals and values ​​(aesthetic education):

    elementary ideas about the aesthetic and artistic values ​​of the native culture and the culture of English-speaking countries;

    initial experience of emotional comprehension of folk art, children's folklore, cultural monuments;

    initial experience of self-realization in various types of creative activity, the formation of the need and ability to express oneself in accessible types of creativity;

    motivation to realize aesthetic values ​​in the space of school and family;

    attitude towards learning as a creative activity.

5. Fostering diligence, a creative attitude to learning, work, life:

    value attitude to work, study and creativity, hard work;

    needs and initial skills to express oneself in various types of creative activity that are accessible and most attractive to the child;

    discipline, consistency, perseverance and independence;

    initial experience of participation in educational activities to master a foreign language and awareness of its significance for the student’s personality;

    initial skills of cooperation in the process of educational and gaming activities with peers and adults;

    careful attitude towards the results of one’s own work, the work of other people, school property, textbooks, personal belongings;

    motivation for self-realization in cognitive and educational activities;

    curiosity and desire to expand horizons.

6. Formation of a value-based attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle:

    a value-based attitude towards your health, the health of loved ones and people around you;

    initial ideas about the role of physical culture and sports for human health;

    initial personal experience of health-saving activities.

7. Fostering a value attitude towards nature and the environment (environmental education):

    value attitude towards nature;

    initial experience of an aesthetic, emotional and moral attitude towards nature.

Meta-subject results foreign language learning in primary school are:

Development of the ability to interact with others when performing different roles within the limits of the speech needs and capabilities of a primary school student;

Development of the student’s communicative abilities, the ability to choose adequate language and speech means to successfully solve an elementary communicative task;

Expanding the general linguistic horizons of younger schoolchildren;

Development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of a primary school student; formation of motivation to learn a foreign language;

Mastering the ability to coordinate work with different components of the educational and methodological set (textbook, audio CD, etc.)

The substantive results of studying a foreign language in primary school are: mastery of initial ideas about the norms of a foreign language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical); the ability (within the scope of the course content) to find and compare linguistic units such as sound, letter, word.

As a result of studying the subject, students should be able to:

Communication skills by type of speech activity

In line with the conversation

1. Dialogue form

Be able to lead:

etiquette dialogues in typical situations of everyday and educational communication;

dialogue questioning (request for information and response to it) based on a picture and model, the volume of dialogic statements is 2-3 replicas on each side;

dialogue is a call to action.

2. Monologue form

Be able to use the basic communicative types of speech: description, story,characteristic (personzhey) based on the picture (small volume).

In line with listening

Listen and understand:

speech of the teacher and classmates during communication in the lesson and respond verbally/non-verbally to what is heard.

In line with reading

read aloud the words of the vocabulary being studiedand understandsmall dialogues,built on the studiedlanguage material; find the necessary information (character names, where the action takes place, etc.).

In line with the letter

Know and be able to write letters of the English alphabet.


the ability to extract words, phrases and sentences from the text.

Language tools and skills in using them

English language

Graphics, calligraphy, spelling. Bletters of the English alphabet. Basic letter combinations. Sound-lettercompliance. Apostrophe.

Phonetic side of speech. Ppronunciation and auditory discrimination of English sounds and sound combinationsRussian language Compliance with pronunciation standards: longitude andshortness of vowels, lack of devoicing of voiced consonantsat the end of a syllable or word, lack of softening of consonants before vowels. Diphthongs.Connecting “r” (there is/there are). Emphasis on a word or phrase. Lack of emphasis on function words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions). Division of sentences into semantic groups.Rhythmic and intonation features of narrative, incentiveand interrogative (general and special question) sentenceny.Intonation of enumeration.

Lexical side of speech. Lexical units, serviceliving communication situations, within the scope of primary school topics, in the amount of 300 lexical units for assimilation, the simpleststable phrases, evaluative vocabulary and speechcliches as elements of speech etiquette, reflecting the culture of English-speaking countries. International words (for example,doctor, film).

The grammatical side of speech. Basic communicative types of sentences: narrative, interrogative,incentive. General and special questions. Question words: what, who, when, where, why, how. Orderwords in a sentence. Affirmative and negative sentences. A simple sentence with a simple verbal predicate (He speaks English.), a compound nominal predicate (My family is big.) and a compound verbal predicate (I like to dance. She can skate well.) Incentive sentences in affirmative (Help me, please.) and negative (Don’t be late!) forms.Impersonal sentences in the present tense (It is cold. It’s five oclock.). Sentences with the phrase there is/there are. Simple common sentences. Offerswith homogeneous members.

Verb constructions I’d like to... Singular and plural nouns (formed byrules and exceptions), nouns with indefinite, definite and zero articles.

Pronouns: personal (in the nominative and objective cases), possessive, interrogative, demonstrative (this/these, that/those),indefinite (some, any - some cases of use).

Adverbs time(yesterday, tomorrow, never, usually,often, sometimes).Adverbs of degree (much, little, very).

Cardinal numbers (up to 100), ordinal numbers (up to 10).

Most common prepositions: in, on, at, into, to,from, of, with.

Sociocultural awareness

In the process of teaching a foreign language in primary school, students become familiar with: the names of countries fromthe language being learned; with some literary characterspopular children's works; with plots of some popular fairy tales, as well as short workschildren's folklore (poems, songs) in a foreign language; with elementary forms of speech and non-speech behavior common in the countries of the language being studied.

A 3rd grade student will learn:

Reproduce graphically and calligraphically correctly all the letters of the English alphabet (semi-printed writing of letters, letter combinations, words);

Use the English alphabet, know the sequence of letters in it;

Distinguish letters from transcription signs.

Apply basic rules of reading and spelling (the ability to apply them when reading and writing).

Group words in accordance with the learned reading rules;

Check the spelling of a word using a dictionary

Phonetic side of speech

A 3rd grade student will learn:

Pronounce all sounds of the English alphabet;

Distinguish by ear the sounds of the English and Russian alphabet;

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Observe the intonation of the enumeration;

Adequately pronounce and distinguish by ear the sounds of the foreign language being studied

Lexical side of speech

A 3rd grade student will learn:

Recognize the studied lexical units, including phrases, within the subject area in written and oral text;

Use active vocabulary in the communication process in accordance with the communicative task;

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Recognize simple word-forming elements;

Rely on linguistic guesswork in the process of reading and listening (international and complex words).

Recognize lexical units, the simplest set phrases, evaluative vocabulary and cliche remarks as elements of speech etiquette that reflect the culture of the countries of the language being studied (use and recognition in speech).

Learn about word formation methods (composition and affixation), about borrowings from other languages ​​(international words).

The grammatical side of speech

A 3rd grade student will learn:

Use speech patterns with verbs to have, to be, modal and semantic verbs in the present tense;

Use the correct word order in a sentence;

Use singular and plural;

A 3rd grade student will have the opportunity to learn:

Recognize words in the text and differentiate them according to certain characteristics (nouns, adjectives, modal/semantic verbs).

Contents of the subject.

(3rd grade, 68 hours)


Number of hours

Welcome to Green School!! Acquaintance, Name, age.

Since a student with mental retardation receives an education that is fully consistent in terms of final achievements by the time of completion of training with the education of students who do not have health limitations, within the same period of study,thematic planning coincides with planning for 3rd grade.


Lesson topic

Lesson type

Corrective work







Communicative UUD






Welcome to Green School!” (18 hours )

Acquaintance: name, age.


Working off speech cliche “What is your name? How old are you? How are you ? through the use of audio materials, cards, and work in pairs.

Be able to:

Say hello

and answer the greeting;

Introduce yourself and

find out your partner's name



interests, educational motives, formation

foundations of civil identity

The ability to consciously and voluntarily construct speech



Need for communication with adults and peers

Ability to interact with adults and peers




1. TV.

2. Personal computer.

3. Interactive whiteboard.

4.Screen and sound aids (presentations, cartoons)

The program includes sections:

— Explanatory note

— Educational and thematic plan

— Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students by the end of the academic year

— Educational and methodological kit

— Calendar and thematic planning

Explanatory note (special (correctional) class).

The work program for the 8th grade is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of general education (2004), an approximate program of basic general and secondary (complete) education in a foreign language, an English language course program for the teaching materials New English course for Russian schools (5-9 classes) (O.V. Afanasyeva, I.M. Mikheeva) and in accordance with the Federal basic curriculum and model curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2004. No. 1312.

This academic subject is aimed at the formation and development of communicative competence in English in the totality of its components - speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive, development and education of the student using a foreign language.

The educational process in this class is carried out in accordance with the level

General education programs of the second stage of education: basic general education according to the program for mass schools, adapted to the characteristics of the psychophysical development of the child.

The explanatory note is drawn up taking into account the main objectives:

1. form the foundations of functional literacy and basic learning skills and

communication, give the student an idea of ​​national and world culture.

2.correct the developmental gap of the student, eliminating gaps in knowledge and

ideas about the world around us, to overcome deficiencies resulting from developmental disorders, including deficiencies in mental activity, speech, motor skills, and behavior regulation.

This course provides for mastering knowledge in the volume of the basic core of the compulsory educational course, uniform for educational institutions of the Russian Federation. In addition, it provides for the correction of developmental deficiencies and individual work aimed at overcoming difficulties and mastering various types of activities.

“Foreign Language” is presented as a course, the goal of which is to master foreign language communication, ensuring the formation of elementary communicative competence.

Number of hours according to the curriculum:

Per week - 2 hours

Total - 68 hours

Planned control works - 16:



RequirementsTo knowledge, skills andSkills Students by the end of the school year

Students must Know:

The main meanings of the studied lexical units (words, phrases) in accordance with the subject content of speech provided by the program for this stage, the main methods of word formation (affixation, compounding, conversion);

Features of the structure of simple (affirmative, exclamatory, incentive) and complex sentences of the English language; intonation of various communicative types of sentences;

Signs of the studied grammatical phenomena (aspectual forms of verbs and their equivalents, articles, nouns, degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs, pronouns, numerals, prepositions);

Basic norms of speech etiquette (cliche remarks, the most common evaluative vocabulary) adopted in the country of the language being studied;

Culture of Great Britain, USA (lifestyle, way of life, customs, traditions, holidays, world-famous attractions, outstanding people and their contribution to world cultures), similarities and differences in the traditions of their country and the countries of the language being studied.

Students must Be able to:

In the area of ​​speaking:

Communicate on the following topics:

— Traveling around Russia and abroad.

- Appearance. Youth fashion. Purchases. Healthy lifestyle.

— School education. Subjects studied.

— Countries of the language being studied: Great Britain and the USA.

- Nature. Environmental problems.

— A man and his profession.

— English is the language of international communication.

— Music, cinema, theater.

Conduct a dialogue within the designated topics:

Etiquette dialogue;

Dialogue questioning;

Dialogue of an incentive nature;

Dialogue exchange of opinions.

Express facts and events using types of speech such as narration, message, description;

State the main content of what you read based on the text;

Express your opinion in connection with the text read and listened to;

In the field of listening:

Understand the main content of simple authentic texts related to various communicative types of speech (message/story);

Be able to determine the topic and facts of the message, identify semantic milestones; highlight the main thing, omitting the secondary;

Selectively understand the necessary or interesting information in messages of a pragmatic nature based on linguistic guesswork and context.

In the field of writing and writing:

Make extracts from the text;

Make a plan for the text;

Write holiday greetings and express wishes (up to 30 words, including address);

Fill out questionnaires, forms, indicating your first name, last name, gender, age, citizenship, address;

Write a personal letter based on the sample.

Due to the psychological characteristics of this class, the work program is focused on the use of the textbook: the 4th year of study (authors O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva) has been reduced to 68 hours (instead of 102 hours).

Educational and methodological kit

The work program is focused on using the textbook:

English language. 4th year of study. 8th grade: textbook for general education institutions, authors O. V. Afanasyeva, I. V. Mikheeva, Moscow: Bustard, 2010;

Teaching aids for teachers:

1. Book for teachers for the textbook by O. V. Afanasyev (Drofa, 2007)

Additional literature for teachers:

1. Audio cassette

2. Magazine “Foreign languages ​​at school”

3. Newspaper “First of September”

Additional literature for students:

1.Workbook No. 1,2

Thematic planning in 8th (special correctional) grade

Correctional program (VII type) in the academic subject "English" 2nd grade (home education) based on the textbook "English in Focus". Authors: Bykova N.I., Dooley D., Pospelova M.D., Evans V. The English language teaching program in grade 2 is based on a student-centered approach. The program is focused on a basic English language course for students with developmental disabilities, which is based on one hour per week, 35 hours per academic year (home-based learning)



Considered at the meeting “Agreed” “I approve”

Methodological Council Deputy Director for Water Resources Director

Protocol No. _______ MBOU Tokarevskaya secondary school No. 1 MBOU Tokarevskaya secondary school No. 1

from "___" ________20 __________/_______________

Full name Full name

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Correctional program (VII type) in the academic subject "English" 2nd grade (home education)

MBOU Tokarevskaya secondary school No. 1

2013-2014 academic year

Teacher: Baranova S.V., English teacher

Tokarevka 2013


The program is based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, the Basic English Language Course Program

The English language teaching program in grade 2 is based on personal

oriented approach. The program is focused on a basic English language course for students with developmental disabilities, which is based on one hour per week, 35 hours per academic year.

The purpose of teaching English:

To form the communicative competence of pupils on the basis of their mastery of language, linguistic and sociocultural skills.


1. Shape

The ability to carry out oral communication in standard situations, including making short coherent messages about yourself and your environment.

Ability to listen and understand short messages;

2. To form a friendly and tolerant attitude towards the values ​​of English culture, optimism and a pronounced personal position in the perception of the world, in the development of national identity based on familiarity with the life of their peers in the UK, with examples of English culture.

3. Develop cognitive abilities, thought processes, broaden your horizons.

The effectiveness of teaching children with mental retardation in special schools and equalization classes is ensured by adequate conditions, a special curriculum, correctional techniques and methods of teaching and education. Improving the educational process for such children is associated with the need for adaptation

curricula while maintaining the overall qualifying volume of educational content. When adapting the program, the main attention is paid to children’s mastery of practical skills and abilities, reducing the amount of theoretical information.

When learning a foreign language, children experience certain difficulties:

The assimilation of lexical material, syntactic structures and their main use in oral speech occurs slowly;

The perception of grammatical categories and their application in practice is difficult;

Characteristically, problems arise when listening to oral speech, especially connected texts, as well as difficulties in mastering forms of dialogic speech.

During the learning process, students master the main types of speech activity: reading, speaking (oral speech), listening.

Writing is used only as a learning tool that promotes a more solid assimilation of lexical and grammatical material, as well as improving reading and speaking skills.

The basis of education in the 2nd grade is learning to read, while in a comprehensive school education is based on oral learning.

The tasks are more specific, practically oriented.

The teacher constantly helps students carefully monitor their work, indicates specific sections for repetition and selects effective but feasible exercises to eliminate mistakes.

The main attention is paid to the selection of texts for reading. The material is carefully selected - a lexical and grammatical minimum, taking into account the feasibility of its assimilation and the interests of children of this age. International vocabulary is expanding, which is easy to understand when reading. Recognition of such words contributes to the development of guesses, in addition, sound-letter correspondences are reinforced.

Tests at the end of each quarter, as well as final tests, are excluded.

In grade 2, training is conducted according to clearly developed thematic sections, the number of which is not reduced. However, the volume of material studied undergoes significant changes.

In the 2nd grade, the volume of lexical material is reduced to 350 words, which is determined by the low ability of schoolchildren to learn new words. On

Reading and translating what is read is allocated more classroom time.

Particular attention is paid to translation, since in this case children understand the meaning of what they read and thus their fear of unfamiliar text disappears.

New vocabulary is practiced in sentences. This type of work is combined with work with a dictionary, and not new exercises are given at home, but those worked out in class.

Listening to texts is reduced, the volume of written exercises based on grammatical phenomena difficult for children to master is reduced, and the remaining ones are carefully analyzed.

When teaching children dialogical speech, everyday situations that are easy to understand and played out are used. Dramatization is one of the most effective methods in the formation of this type of speech activity.


Requirements for teaching dialogic speech

Answer the question affirmatively using all the basic types of simple sentences.

Object using negative sentences.

Request information using interrogative sentences with question words (what, who, where, how, how many, how old, whose)

Express a request using incentive sentences.

React positively (negatively) to a request or wish, using speech clichés like Yes (No).

Requirements for teaching monologue speech

Describe the picture, your own drawing.

Make a short message about yourself, about a friend, about your home, family, about your city, village, about your knowledge.

Requirements for teaching writing

Writing training is aimed primarily at mastering writing techniques and the most basic communication skills for correspondence.

Maintain a dictionary

Pronunciation of sounds, mastery of intonation

clearly pronounce and distinguish by ear all sounds and basic sound combinations of the English language;

observe longness and brevity of vowels, firm attack;

deafen consonants at the end of a syllable or word;

observe word stress, especially in complex words;

master the intonation of affirmative, interrogative (with and without a question word) and incentive sentences.

They must know: all the letters of the alphabet, basic letter combinations and sound-letter correspondences; basic spelling rules.

Lexical side of speech

Master a productive lexical minimum, which covers approximately 400 - 500 lexical units and also includes stable phrases and cliche remarks.

This is first of all:

greetings, addresses to peers, adults;

terms of kinship, designation of age, profession;

names of human qualities;

The grammatical side of speech

The main types of English simple sentences, reflecting the structural minimum (so-called speech patterns).

Use the verb “to be” in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in the Present Simple in full and short forms,

personal pronouns in the nominative case, possessive pronouns,

possessive case of a noun, demonstrative pronoun this, connecting conjunction and, indefinite article a/an, prepositions of place in, on, under, Let`s structure…

Communicative types of sentences: affirmative; interrogative (with and without a question word); negative; incentive.

Students must master:

the main cases of using nouns with definite, indefinite and zero articles; cardinal numbers from 1 to 20, negation not, no


Listen and understand the teacher's speech


Completely master the technique of reading aloud: correlate the graphic image of a word with the sound image, pronounce the text correctly, observe the emphasis in words and phrases, the basic rules for reading letters and letter combinations, and correctly intonate.

Visually perceive and recognize the studied material (words, phrases,

sentences), realize their meaning and meaning in the text.

Master the ability to fully understand the content of texts based entirely on the material studied.

Educational and thematic planning

By English language

Classes 2 (home education type VII)

Teacher Baranova S.V.

Number of hours

Total 35 hours; per week 1 hour

Planning is based on

work program in English for grade 2

Textbook "English in Focus"

Further reading

English in pictures. Publishing house "Russian Encyclopedic Partnership", Moscow, 2003


Name of sections and topics

Total hours

Let's get started!


Introductory module “Hello! My family"


Module 1 “My Home”


Module 2 “My birthday”


Module 3 “My animals”


Module 4 “My toys”


Module 5 “My Vacations”




Calendar and thematic planningEnglish lessons in 2nd grade (home-based learning VII species)

Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", Moscow, 2012

Number of hours per year - 35, per week - 1 hour Compiled by the teacher of MBOU Tokarevskaya Secondary School No. 1 Baranova S.V.


Lesson topic

Lesson type

Content elements

Requirements for the level of training of students

Universal learning activities




Let's get started!

Familiarization with speech clichés on the topic “Greeting”, development of dialogical speech skills.

  • Conduct an etiquette dialogue in everyday communication situations (greet, say goodbye, find out how you are doing, introduce yourself, ask about age).
  • All letters of the English alphabet and basic letter combinations are reproduced graphically and calligraphically correctly (in semi-printed font).
  • Distinguish letters from transcription icons.
  • Use the verb “to be” in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences in the Present Simple in full and short forms, personal pronouns in the nominative case, possessive pronouns, possessive case of a noun, question words (what, who, where, how, how many, how (old), whose, demonstrative pronoun this, connecting conjunction and, indefinite article a/an, prepositions of place in, on, under, Let`s structure…
  • Operate with question words in productive speech.

Personal results are:

  • a general understanding of the world as a multilingual and multicultural community;
  • awareness of oneself as a citizen of one’s country;
  • awareness of language, including foreign, as the main means of communication between people;
  • acquaintance with the world of foreign peers using the means of the foreign language being studied (through children's folklore, some examples of children's fiction, traditions).

MetasubjectThe results of learning English in primary school are:

  • developing the ability to interact with others when performing different roles within the limits of the speech needs and capabilities of a primary school student;
  • development of the student’s communicative abilities, the ability to choose adequate language and speech means to successfully solve an elementary communicative task;
  • expanding the general linguistic horizons of younger schoolchildren;
  • development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the primary school student;
  • formation of motivation to learn a foreign language;
  • possession of the ability to coordinate work with different components of the educational and methodological set (textbook, audio CD, etc.)

Subject resultsstudying English in primary school are: mastering initial ideas about the norms of the English language (phonetic, lexical, grammatical); the ability (within the scope of the course content) to find and compare linguistic units such as sound, letter, word.

A. In the communicative sphere, i.e. in proficiency in English as a means of communication):

Speech competence in the following types of speech activity

In speaking:

  • conduct an elementary etiquette dialogue in a limited range of typical communication situations, dialogue-questioning (question-answer) and dialogue-incitement to action;
  • be able to talk about yourself/family/friend at a basic level, describe an object/picture, and briefly characterize a character.

In listening:

  • understand the teacher's speech by ear

In reading:

  • read aloud short texts based on the studied language material, observing the rules of reading and the necessary intonation;
  • read texts to oneself, including both studied language material and individual new words, and understand their main content, find the necessary information in the text.

In writing:

  • master writing technique;

Linguistic competence (proficiency in language means)

  • adequate pronunciation and auditory discrimination of all sounds of the English language, compliance with the correct stress in words and phrases;
  • application of basic reading and spelling rules learned in 2nd grade;

Sociocultural awareness

  • knowledge of the names of the countries of the language being studied, some literary characters of famous children's works, plots of some popular fairy tales written in English, small works of children's folklore (poems, songs); knowledge of basic norms of speech and non-speech behavior adopted in English-speaking countries.

B. In the cognitive sphere:

  • the ability to recognize grammatical phenomena that are absent in the native language, for example articles;
  • the ability to act according to a model when performing exercises and composing one’s own statements within the scope of primary school topics;
  • ability to use reference material presented in the form of tables, diagrams, rules;
  • ability to use a bilingual textbook dictionary (including transcription), a computer dictionary;

IN. In the value-orientation sphere:

  • familiarization with the cultural values ​​of another people through works of children's folklore, through direct participation in tourist trips.

G. In the aesthetic sphere:

  • mastery of basic means of expressing feelings and emotions in a foreign language;

D. In the labor sphere:

  • the ability to follow a planned plan in your academic work;
  • ability to keep a dictionary (dictionary notebook).

My letters!

(a-h) , formation of word reading skills.

My letters!

Familiarization with the letters of the English alphabet(i-g) , development of reading skills

My letters!

Formation of reading skills

Familiarization with the letters of the English alphabet(r-z) , formation of the skill of reading words, formation of the skill of writing. Development of listening skills.

Letter combinations

Formation of skills in reading and writing words with letter combinations “sh”, “ch”, “th”, “ph”


Combined lesson

Familiarization with commands, development of reading skills, development of motor coordination. Improving the skill of dialogical speech on the topic “Acquaintance”.

Glad to see you!

My family

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic, development of lexical reading skills

Family members

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic “Colors”, development of lexical reading skills.


My home

Combined lesson

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic “Items of Furniture”, development of lexical skills in reading and speaking. Improving lexical reading skills on the topic “Family”. Development of listening skills.

Where's Chuckles?

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic “Rooms in the House”, development of lexical reading skills. Development of dialogical speech skills.

In the bathroom!

Improving phonetic, lexical reading and speaking skills on covered topics. Development of movement coordination.

In the bathroom!

Formation of the skill of reading words with letters"e" in a closed syllable, words with a letter combination“ee” , improving lexical skills in reading and speaking on covered topics.

Letter e in a closed syllable

It's my birthday!

Lesson on learning new material

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic, numerals from 1 to 10, development of lexical skills in reading and speaking.

  • They conduct a questioning dialogue (about their favorite food, favorite holidays, hobbies) and a motivating dialogue (they report about the weather and advise what to wear).
  • Describe family members, favorite foods, birthday celebrations.
  • Listen to the teacher's speech


Development of reading skill.

Combined lesson

Development of lexical skills in reading and speaking on the topic, development of listening skills.

Delicious food

Improving reading skills.

My favorite food!

Development of monologue speech skills on the topic “Food”, improvement of reading skills.

What's on the table? H shading words with letter"c".

Improving lexical and grammatical reading skills. Formation of the skill of reading words with letters"c".

My animals!

Lesson on learning new material

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic “Names of animals”, familiarization with the modal verb “can” and verbs of motion. Development of lexical and grammatical reading and speaking skills.

  • Based on the sample, they write a short story about their family, their favorite food, their favorite holiday, as well as a happy birthday greeting.
  • Follow the norms of pronunciation of English sounds when reading aloud

I love animals

Combined lesson

Development of lexical and grammatical skills in speaking and reading on the topic. Development of motor coordination

I can jump!

Combined lesson

I can run

Combined lesson

Development of monologue speech skills on the topic “I can!”, development of reading skills

At the circus! Reading words with letter"i"

Combined lesson

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic and development of reading skills

My toys!

Lesson on learning new material

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic and prepositions of place, development of lexical skills in speaking and reading.

  • Understand the teacher's speech by ear,
  • They expressively read aloud and silently short texts, built both on the studied language material and containing individual unfamiliar words.
  • Prepositions of place: next to, between, on the left of, on the right of, indefinite and definite articles, plural nouns
  • Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Past Simple of the verb "to be"

The expression “be going to”, Present Perfect

Prepositions of "place"

Combined lesson

Improving lexical skills in speaking and reading on the topics “Toys”, “Prepositions of place”,

She has blue eyes!

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic “Appearance”, development of lexical skills in reading and speaking.

Wonderful little bear!

Development of monologue speech skills on the topics “Toys”, “Appearance”. Development of reading and listening skills.

Reading words with letter"y"

Formation of the skill of reading previously learned words with letters"y"

My vacation!

Familiarization with vocabulary on the topic “Weather and clothing”, development of lexical reading skills

  • They conduct a questioning dialogue (ask what lessons are available at school, what they do in different lessons, ask each other about their favorite lesson).
  • They respond verbally or non-verbally to what they hear.
  • They read aloud and silently short texts, built both on the studied language material and containing individual new words.
  • They visually perceive the text, recognize familiar words, grammatical phenomena, and fully understand its content.
  • Verbs “to be”, “have got”, “can”, construction “May I...?”, possessive pronouns, Present Continuous, prepositions of direction and movement: over, through, into, out of, up, down
  • Present Simple, adverbs of manner of action, adverbs of frequency of action: always, usually, sometimes, never, prepositions of time: in, on, at
  • Verbs “must/mustn`t”, “have to”, “should/shouldn`t”, pronouns in the objective case

Past Simple (regular verbs)

Vocabulary on the topic “Weather and clothing”

Combined lesson

Improving lexical reading skills on the topic “Weather and clothing”


Development of monologue speech skills on the topic “Weather and clothing”, development of reading skills.

Windy and cold, clothes

Development of monologue speech skills on the topic “Weather and clothing”, development of listening and reading skills.

Reading words with letters“c”, “k”,

Formation of the skill of reading words with letters“c”, “k” , letter combination"ck" using previously learned words as an example.


  1. Textbook "English in Focus"
  1. Workbook "English in Focus"