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Business card of the country according to the geography of America. Countries of South America: features of the continent

South America is a continent of geographical records. Here is the world's longest mountain range - the Andes, the highest peak of the western and southern hemispheres, as well as the highest extinct volcano - Mount Aconcagua, the highest mountain lake - Titicaca, the largest lowland - the Amazon, as well as the world's highest active volcano - Llullaillaco and the deepest river on the planet - which, together with the Ucayali tributary, becomes the longest river on Earth.

The word “America” in the name of this continent was first used by Martin Waldseemüller, putting on his map the Latin version of the name Amerigo Vespucci, who, in turn, was the first to suggest that the open lands were not related to India, but were the New World, previously unknown to Europeans.

The continent's area is 17.8 million km2, it is in fourth place in the world, behind Africa and North America. The continent has a very large extent from north to south, which greatly affected its natural and climatic conditions. The coastline is very slightly indented. There is not a single large bay along its entire length. In the north there is only one thing - the Caribbean Sea, which washes the mainland.

Indigenous peoples came here along the Isthmus of Panama, having first settled where their ancestors migrated from Eurasia. Apparently, this became possible because during this period there was an ice age on Earth, and the Bering Strait was covered with ice, which created an unobstructed path for ancient people. But due to the great distance from the center of human origin, South America was settled relatively late - only 15-10 thousand years ago.

The continent became known to Europeans at the end of the 15th century with the voyage of Christopher Columbus. Columbus himself, having visited many islands of the new part of the world and South America itself, as is known, until the end of his life he thought that he had discovered the West Indies. For a long time, until the 18th century, the internal parts of the continent remained a blank spot on the map. Therefore, Alexander Humboldt’s journey to the forests of South America and their further description became essentially the second discovery of the continent.

South America was almost completely divided between two European states: and, therefore, to this day it is inhabited by people from these countries who mixed with the indigenous population. For the same reason, the mainland speaks Portuguese and Spanish. South America, as initially with its discovery, became a continent of colonies, however, they became independent countries much earlier than in Africa. Today in South America, only French Guiana remains an overseas region, all other countries are completely sovereign.

A list of geographical objects for 7th grade students that you need to know and mark on the contour map:

Extreme points(North: Gallinas metro, South: Froward metro, Western: Parinhas metro, Eastern: Cabo Branco metro)
Cape Horn (in general, Cape Horn is not the southern island point of the mainland, because 100 km south of it there is a group of Diego Ramirez islands that belong to South America, but this very famous cape is in the school atlas, and you need to know it :))
Seas: Caribbean
Bays: La Plata
Straits: Magellan, Drake,
Islands: Falkland Islands,

Countries of South America: features of the continent

The countries of South America attract many tourists with their pristine nature and special flavor. From childhood, everyone knows about the wilds of the Amazon, colorful carnivals, fiery dances, and exotica. Of course, civilization has significantly changed the map of South America, and there are practically no unexplored places on it. But the legendary attitude towards the exoticism of this distant land remains, and people strive to visit there. Those wishing to visit these countries need to know at least a little about them. Wikipedia about South America provides the necessary minimum set of information.

Continent Information

The geographical position of South America can be imagined: the mainland is located mostly in the Southern Hemisphere of the globe, and only a small part of it is in the Northern Hemisphere. The location of the continent on the planet is fixed by the following extreme points of South America and their coordinates: north - Cape Gallinas (12°27'N, 71°39'W);

continental south - Cape Froward (53°54'S, 71°18'W); island south – Diego Ramirez (56°30′ S, 68°43’ W); west - Cape Parinhas (4°40' S, 81°20' W); east - Cape Cabo Branco (7°10' S, 34°47' W). South America has a territory of 17.9 million square meters. km, and the total population is about 387.5 million people.

The history of the development of the continent is divided into 3 characteristic periods:

  • Autochthonous civilizations: the stage of formation, flourishing and complete collapse of local civilizations (Indian ethnic groups, including the Incas).
  • Colonization (XVI-XVIII centuries): almost the entire continent had the status of Spanish and Portuguese colonies. The period of the birth of statehood.
  • Independent stage. It is characterized by extremely unstable political and economic development, but the final formation of state borders.

Geological and climatic features

If you look at the extreme points of South America, you can see that the continent stretches for a long distance from north to south, which causes a variety of geological forms and climatic zones. In general terms, the geological structure can be assessed as the existence of a mountainous western part and a flat east. The average height of mainland South America is about 580 m above sea level, but mountain ranges with fairly high peaks predominate in the west. Almost along the entire western coast of the ocean stretches a mountain range - the Andes.

In the northern part there is the elevated Guiana Highlands, and in the eastern part there is the Brazilian Plateau. Between these two hills, a large area is occupied by the Amazon Lowland, formed by the river of the same name. The mountain system is a young geological formation and is characterized by volcanic activity, as well as fairly frequent earthquakes.

A significant area in the southwest of the continent was captured by the lifeless Atacama Desert. In addition to the Amazon, the lowland plains are formed by 2 more large rivers - the Orinoco (Orinoco Lowland) and the Parana (La Plata Lowland).

The natural zones of South America change with distance from the equator - from the very hot equatorial zone in the north of the continent to the cold polar zone in the extreme south (in areas approaching Antarctica). The main climatic zones are the equatorial zone, the subequatorial zone (on both sides of the equator), tropical, subtropical and temperate zones.

The tropical and subequatorial zones cover most of South America, causing a characteristic alternation of very wet and extremely dry periods. The Amazonian lowland is dominated by an equatorial climate with constant humid heat, and closer to the south of the continent, first a subtropical and then a temperate climate appears. In flat areas, i.e. over a large area of ​​the northern part of the continent, the air warms up to 21-27°C all year round, but in the south, temperatures of 11-12°C can be observed even in summer.

Taking into account the geographical location, the winter season in South America is June-August, and the summer season is December-February. Seasonality clearly manifests itself only with distance from the tropics. In winter in the south of the continent, temperatures often drop to frost. The high humidity of South America should be highlighted - it is considered the wettest continent. At the same time, the Atacama Desert is one of the places where any precipitation is very rare.

Natural features of the continent

The diversity of climatic zones also leads to a diversity of natural manifestations. The Amazonian jungle, which occupies a vast territory, is a kind of calling card. In many places of impenetrable forests no human has yet set foot. Given the area they occupy, these jungles are called “the lungs of the planet.”

The Amazon forest and other plains of the equatorial and tropical zones amaze with the abundance of flora species. The vegetation is so dense that it is almost impossible to pass. Everything grows upward, towards the sun - as a result, the height of vegetation exceeds 100 m, and tiered life occurs at different heights. Vegetation can be distributed at 11-12 levels. The most characteristic jungle plant is the ceiba. There are a large number of different types of palm trees, melon tree and many other varieties of flora.

The most famous animals of South America live in the Amazon region. Here you can see the rarest representative of the fauna - the sloth. Selva becomes a haven for the smallest bird in the world - the hummingbird, and a large number of amphibians (including the poisonous frog). Huge anacondas are amazing, the record holder among rodents is calibara, tapirs, freshwater dolphins, jaguars. Only here there is a wild cat - the ocelot. Crocodiles live in large numbers in the Amazon itself and its tributaries. The predator, the piranha fish, has become legendary.

After the Amazonian jungle, it’s the savannahs’ turn. Only here can you find the quebracho tree with very hard wood. Small savannah forests give way to steppe. The fauna of savannahs is also capable of striking with its inhabitants. South Americans are especially proud of their armadillos. In the savannas there are anteaters, rheas (ostriches), pumas, kinkajous, and spectacled bears. Llamas and deer graze in the steppe areas. In mountainous areas you can find mountain llamas and alpacas.

Natural attractions

The natural attractions of South America can safely include entire areas that amaze with their originality and pristine nature. Unique in all respects is the southern tip of the continent - the island of Tierra del Fuego, blown by Antarctic winds and storms. The entire mountain range (Andes) with its frozen and active volcanoes and pointed peaks can also be called unique. The highest peak is very beautiful - Aconcagua Peak (6960 m).

The continent's river system is represented by large rivers. It is in South America that there is the highest waterfall - Angel, as well as the most powerful waterfall - Iguazu. The South American lakes are very beautiful - Titicaca, Maracaibo, Patus.

Statehood on the continent

As they liberated themselves from the colonialists, states formed on the continent. By the 21st century, the list of South American countries with independence includes 12 states. This list also includes 3 territories administered by other countries.

The list of countries is as follows:

  • Brazil. The largest state - with an area of ​​more than 8.5 million square meters. km and with a population of 192 million people. The capital is Brasilia, and the largest city is Rio de Janeiro. The official language is Portuguese. The most spectacular and tourist-attracting event is the carnival. This is where the main beauties of the Amazon, Iguazu Falls, and beautiful Atlantic beaches are located.
  • Argentina. The second largest country in terms of size and population (area - more than 2.7 million sq. km, population - about 40.7 million people). The official language is Spanish. The capital is Buenos Aires. The main tourist attractions are the Museum of the End of the World in Ushuaia (in the very south of the continent), silver mines, Patagonia with Indian exoticism, and a nature reserve with waterfalls.
  • Bolivia. A state in the central part of the continent without access to the ocean. The area is almost 1.1 million square meters. km, and the population is 8.9 million people. The official capital is Sucre, but in fact its role is played by La Paz. Main attractions: Lake Titicaca, eastern slopes of the Andes, Indian national events.
  • Venezuela. The northern part of the continent with access to the Caribbean Sea. Area – slightly more than 0.9 million square meters. km, population – 26.4 million people. The capital is Caracas. Here is Angel Falls, Avila National Park, and the longest cable car.
  • Guyana. Located in the northeast and washed by the ocean. Area – 0.2 million square meters. km, population - 770 thousand people. The capital is Georgetown. Almost everything is covered with jungle, which attracts eco-tourists. Attractions: waterfalls, national parks, savannah.
  • Colombia. Country in the northwest, with an area of ​​1.1 million square meters. km and a population of 45 million people. The capital is Bogota. It has a visa-free regime with Russia. Famous for its historical museums, beaches, national parks.
  • Paraguay. It occupies almost the center of South America, but has no access to the ocean. Territory – 0.4 million square meters. km, population – 6.4 million people. The capital is Asuncion. Monuments from the Jesuit period are well preserved.
  • Peru. Located in the west of the mainland, on the Pacific coast. Area – slightly less than 1.3 million square meters. km, and the population is 28 million people. The capital is Lima. The main monuments of the Inca state are located here - Machu Picchu, the mystical Nazca Lines, and more than 150 museums.
  • Suriname. The northeastern part of the continent, with a territory of about 160 thousand square meters. km and a population of 440 thousand people. The capital is Paramaribo. Routes to the Atabru, Kau, Uanotobo waterfalls, the Galibi Nature Reserve, and Indian settlements are open for tourists.
  • Uruguay. A country in the southeastern part of the mainland with its capital in Montevideo. Area – 176 thousand square meters. km, population – 3.5 million people. Famous for its colorful carnival. Tourists are attracted by the beautiful beaches and architectural attractions.
  • Chile. The state stretches along the Pacific coast and is limited by the high ridge of the Andes. Area – 757 thousand square meters. km, population – 16.5 million people. The capital is Santiago. The country has developed balneological treatment and ski centers. There are beautiful beaches and national parks.
  • Ecuador. A country in the northeastern part with a territory of slightly more than 280 thousand square meters. km and a population of almost 14 million people, with the capital Quito. The most attractive places are the Galapagos Islands, national park, lakes, Ingapirku monuments, museums.

In addition to independent states, South America contains territories governed by other states: Guiana (an overseas territory of France); The South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia (administered by Great Britain), as well as the Falkland or Malvinas Islands, which have been long disputed between Great Britain and Argentina.

The countries of South America are considered quite attractive for tourists from around the world. Here you can enjoy pristine nature, historical monuments, and relax on beautiful beaches.

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Lesson topic : Latin America. "Business card" of the region.

Target :To form independent activity of students in assessing the EGP,

characteristics of the economy and population of Latin American countries.

Tasks :1. Form an idea of ​​the countries of Latin America.

2. Assess natural resource potential.

3.Characterize the population.

4. Develop skills and abilities to independently find and highlight the most important skills

work with a map and additional material; note-taking, skill

work in a group, individually, draw conclusions.

5. Continue to cultivate interest in the subject of geography, the desire to increase

motivation to search and acquire geographical knowledge, tolerant attitude

a sense of patriotism towards the peoples of the world.

Equipment : Teaching materials, political and physical maps of the world, presentations, cards

with tasks.

Lesson type : a lesson in the formation and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities.


textbook V. P. Maksakovsky, Economic and social geography of the world, M.,

Education. 2014; atlas 10th grade, M., Bustard, 2015, presentation “Countries

Latin America", wall-mounted physical and political maps of the world, disk

virtual school “Cyril and Methodius” Geography lessons 10th grade, Latin lesson

America is the “business card” of the region.


will be able to use the atlas maps to determine the features of the EGP of Latin American countries,

identify industries of specialization, compare population density.



Will be able to find reliable information in the textbook,

analyze (including highlighting the main thing, dividing the text into parts) and summarize,

draw conclusions, define concepts; build logically sound



Determine the goal, problem in educational activities,

Put forward versions, choose means to achieve goals in the group and


Plan activities in educational and life situations

Evaluate the degree and methods of achieving goals in educational and life

situations, correct mistakes independently


Express your opinion (in a monologue, dialogue)

Understand the other's position.

It is worthy to correct your opinion under the influence of counterarguments

admit it's wrong

Create oral and written texts to solve various communication problems – with

with help and independently

Organize work in pairs, groups (independently determine goals, roles,

ask questions, develop solutions)

Use ICT as a tool to achieve your goals


Reasonably evaluate your own and others’ actions in clear and unambiguous terms

ambiguous situations (including educational ones), based on universal human

moral values

Be aware of your emotions, adequately express and control, understand

other people's emotional state

Become aware of your character traits, interests, goals, positions, your

ideological choice.

During the classes:

1. Org. moment.

Teacher : Hello, sit down. Coffee, football, carnival, Machu Picchu, poncho

What countries are you associated with?

Students: Brazil, Peru, Mexico.

Teacher: Okay, well done. Today we begin to study Latin countries

America. It’s hard to imagine that in the 21st century, not a country, but

an entire continent that is considered typical to this day, with all its “cons”

backwardness, part of the “third world”.

2. Studying new material (conversation). Slide 1.

Teacher: Latin America is the region of the Western Hemisphere between the United States

and Antarctica. It includes Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and

South America. In total, the region includes 33 sovereign states, as well as 14

countries that are possessions of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and the USA.

The area of ​​the region is 21 million km2. The length from north to south is 13 thousand km, from west to

east 5 thousand km.

Slide 2.

Question. 1. Which countries in L.A. have more favorable EGP?

island states. The exceptions are Bolivia and Paraguay.

Working with the textbook. (Country cards).

Teacher: Let's get acquainted with the political system of the countries of L.A. Write to

notebook, which countries are federal states.

Students: Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, other countries


Teacher : Okay, how do countries differ in terms of their political system?

Students :All are either republics or states within the commonwealth,

led by Great Britain. Slide 4.5.

Teacher: Okay. Now let's work in groups. Each group has its own question, 2

minutes for discussion.

Working with the 7th grade atlas and textbook. Slide 6.

Group 1 answer. We had a question “Relief, placement of the main forms of relief,

minerals". According to the topography of the country, L.A. can be divided into 2 groups:

mountainous in the west and plain in the east. In the heat of the moment, the longest mountains on Earth

Andes (South America) and Cordillera (North America). In the east

The world's largest lowland is located in the Amazon, Brazilian

plateau, La Plata plain. The relief is varied. The region is also rich

minerals. There is oil, natural gas - Lake Maracaibo,

Gulf of Mexico, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals: iron. ore, lithium, copper,

nickel, tin, gold, silver, saltpeter, sulfur. It’s not for nothing that Andes means

Teacher : Okay, group 2.

Group 2 answer: We had a question: “In what climatic zones is it located?

region". As we remember from 7th grade, America is the wettest continent on Earth,

due to its geographical location. The countries of L.A. are located in all

climatic zones except the polar ones. The most favorable climate

conditions in the subtropical and subequatorial zones. It's warm here, it's falling out

sufficient rainfall, but in the south it’s cold, breathing affects

Antarctica, and due to the flat terrain in the east, cold air masses

can travel far to the north. Also in the mountains, the climate depends on the altitude. Conclusion:

The climate is varied.

Teacher : Okay, group 3.

Group 3 answer: We had a question: “Inland waters, placement on the territory.”

There are many record holders in South Africa - this is the longest and deepest river

world - Amazon, with numerous tributaries, in the north of the river. Orinoco, on it

the highest waterfall in the world is located - Angel, a river flows in the east

Maracaibo in the north, in the Titicaca mountains.

Teacher : Well done, group 4.

Group 4 answer: We had a question: “Natural areas, plant and animal

world". The nature of L.A. is diverse. A huge area is occupied by equatorial forest -

same wood, red, sandalwood. Sloths, jaguars, tapirs, many

monkeys, birds, insects, freshwater dolphins, electric

stingrays, piranhas and many other fish. Steppe or pampa - almost everything is plowed or

Teacher: Well done, we remembered 7th grade. Now let's talk about the population of L.A.

Working with the textbook.

Q: What is the population of the region?

A: 570 million people (2012)

Q: Which countries have a population of over 100 million? people

A: Mexico, Brazil - 5th place in the world.

Q: Which countries have more than 50 million people?

A: There are no such countries.

Q: Over 10 million people.

A: Guatemala, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina.

Teacher: The modern ethnic composition of the population of L.A. has developed under

exposure to 3 components.


Indian tribes European Africans

and ethnic settlers since the 16th century


More than half of the population are descendants of mixed marriages: mestizos, mulattoes, Sambos.

Teacher: Let's see how the population is distributed across the territory.

Uch eniki : The population is not evenly distributed, the highest population density

along the coast.

Teacher : The population of L.A. is characterized by 3 features:

1. On least populated region of the world 27 people/km2

2. Uneven placement.

3. Plateaus and mountains have been developed; nowhere does the population rise as high as

Teacher: Fine. Next question: Where is the highest population density?

Students : - SE of the Brazilian Plateau.

-Subtropics of Chile.

-Around the bay and lake of Maracaibo.

Teach l: What is the level of urbanization in these countries?

Students : High - 80%, 40 cities - millionaires.

Teacher : Where are the largest agglomerations?

Students : 1 place - Greater Mexico City - 20 million people, San -Paulo- about 20 million, Buines -

Aires - 10 million people

Teacher : The urban population is growing due to migrants from the countryside and large

natural growth. Type 2 reproduction. For L.A. characteristically false

urbanization - the urban population is growing, but the economically active population is not,

constant influx of rural population, the authorities cannot provide housing,

jobs, slums are growing, crime is rising. (Fig. 95)

The amazing natural world of South America

Slide 2

The wettest continent

Slide 3

The wettest continent

  • Slide 4

    Inhabitants of South America

    Slide 5

    The business card of South America is the hummingbird

    Sizes from 5 to 20cm

    Capable of pollinating flowers with its long beak

    Equatorial rainforests

    Selva (Spanish)

    Slide 6


    Huge, brightly colored beak.

    Despite this, it is not easy to spot a toucan in the jungle

    Variably humid forests

    Slide 7

    Savannas and woodlands (llanos and campos - Spanish, Port.)

    Jaguar is a real warrior!

    Powerful jaws, huge jumps, heavy weight, crushing teeth and claws!

    Slide 8

    The height of an adult male at the withers is 120 cm, the neck is long and thin, the head is relatively small, the ears are high and pointed.

    Areas of high altitude and steppe (pampa - Spanish)

    Slide 9

    Savannas and woodlands (llanos and campos)

    They are nocturnal.

    They can run quite fast and can swim. When in danger they flee.

    They feed on insects: ants, termites.


    Slide 10

    Size: from 5-15 meters

    Grayish-green color.

    The anaconda can prey on chickens, ducks and even dogs!

    The world's largest anaconda snake

    Slide 11

    Variably humid forests

    Skull lengthened

    Anteaters do not have teeth, but the poloric section of the stomach is equipped with powerful muscles that help drag food.


    Slide 12

    The body is laterally compressed, high, up to 60 cm long.

    Powerful jaws bear sharp wedge teeth

    Attack fish and other animals


    Toothy fish - piranha

    Slide 13

    Moist equatorial forests (selva - Spanish)

    Eat plant foods

    Inhabits tall tropical forests

    They fly well, reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h.

    Ara parrots

    Slide 14

    Forest animals that love water.

    In forests, tapirs feed on fruits, leaves and berries.

    Variably humid forests

    Guatemala (Spanish: Guatemala), Republic of Guatemala is a state in Central America. The largest in terms of population (13 million people in 2008) of the Central American republics. The population is mainly mestizos (58%) and Indians (40%). Spanish state of Central America 2008 mestizos Indians At the beginning of the 20th century, the bulk of the population of Guatemala were Indians (65% in the 1920s), but there is a process of mixing Indians with mestizos, and they are moving into the category of so-called “ladinos” (they switch to Spanish language, culture and customs).XX century

    There are several theories regarding the origin of the name of the state of Honduras, but to date none of them has scientific basis. According to one legend, the name of the country comes from a statement by Christopher Columbus during his last, fourth voyage to the New World in 1502. His ship was caught in a severe storm, and when he managed to escape, he said: “Gracias a Dios que hemos salido de estas ... and then he added ... honduras” (translation: “I thank God that we have come out of these depths”). This phrase gave the name to Cape Gracias a Dios and the country of Honduras. The depths off the coast of Honduras are really great, so this name could have been given independently of the said phrase of Columbus. [The first mention of the name "Honduras" to refer to the area west of Cape Gracias a Dios appeared in texts in 1607. Christopher Columbus 1502)