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Military Academy of NBC Protection, VA RBZ. Military Academy of the Russian Chemical Plant - the main educational and methodological center for military radiation, chemical and biological protection of the Tymoshenko Russian Chemical Protection Plant

Russian Chemical Defense Troops

Radiation, chemical and biological protection troops are the most important integral part Armed forces of the Russian Federation. Many lives depend on the speed of their action, because it is not easy to clearly and accurately identify which biological weapon struck.

Without chemical weapons, without radiation - be it in the form of a nuclear bomb or a peaceful atom - a nuclear power plant is now impossible to imagine almost any news release. The world is discussing whether chemical or bacteriological weapons have been found in this or that country, nuclear power plants are operating unstable, and more and more countries are conducting nuclear tests. Representatives of the RCBZ troops have a hard time, because they are fighting against an invisible enemy. In this article we will tell you in as much detail as possible about this branch of the military.

History of the RKhBZ troops

Chemical weapons have been around for over 100 years. Industrial production of the first weapons of mass destruction for military use began in 1916. During World War I, the army of the Kaiser's Germany used poison gas against Entente troops in Western Front. This substance was called mustard gas (from the city of Ypres, where the first gas attack in history took place).

Until the end of the war, poisonous gases were used by both sides - both the countries of the Central Bloc and the Entente. The first means of gas protection appeared, mass produced for the needs of the army. Also in 1917-1918, the first special military units and formations appeared, which became the prototype of modern RCBZ troops.

Later, the term chemical attack will be supplemented by such types of threats as radiation and biological attacks. They will appear a little later, after the Americans dropped the first nuclear bombs in history on Japan. You can see a video about the consequences of the combat use of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki right now on our website.

Currently, military personnel of RCBZ units are subjected to serious tests during exercises. The soldiers of the units spend difficult days during their service, but the hardening received during these years will be useful to them during the elimination of the consequences of man-made disasters or enemy attacks. You can also watch a video of one of these RCBZ exercises below.

In 2017, it is planned to introduce a real robot into the Russian Chemical Defense Troops. Lieutenant General Eduard Cherkasov reported this in one of his interviews. He also said that by the end of 2020 there should be a complete update of the RCBZ weapons. Let us quote the general’s words verbatim.

“By the way, the very first “robots” in the Armed Forces appeared precisely in the Russian Chemical Defense Forces to solve special tasks. These are mobile robotic complexes KPR and robots, remotely controlled for radiation and chemical reconnaissance RD-RKhR, which are standard means of formations and military units of the Russian Chemical Defense Bureau protection," said Eduard Cherkasov.

It is very pleasing that radiation protection troops are taken care of at the highest level.

Units of the RKhBZ troops of the Russian Armed Forces

A short list of RCBZ parts:

  • 27th Brigade RKhBZ (military unit 11262, Kursk);
  • 39th Regiment of the Russian Chemical Defense Plant (military unit 16390, Oktyabrsky village);
  • 28th Brigade RKhBZ (military unit 65363, Kamyshin);
  • 29th Brigade RKhBZ (military unit 34081, Yekaterinburg);
  • 140th central base of the Russian Chemical Defense Plant (military unit 42733, Khabarovsk);
  • 564 about RKhBZ (military unit 33464, Kursk);
  • 254th separate battalion of the Russian Chemical Defense Plant (military unit 34081-3, Topchikha village);
  • 349th BKh RKhBZ (military unit 54730, Topchikha village);
  • 16th Brigade RKhBZ (military unit 07059, Galkino village);
  • 135th OBKhZ Far Eastern Branch;
  • 200th Rapid Response RCBZ Detachment (military unit 83536);
  • 282nd training center of the Russian Chemical Defense Forces of the Moscow Military District (military unit 19893).

Of course, in addition to the above military units, there are also a sufficient number of individual RCBZ battles, storage bases and other formations and units of the RCBZ that are part of combined arms formations.

RCBZ Academy in Kostroma

Let's begin our fascinating story about the Russian Chemical Defense Plant in Russia with a description of the academy where future officers are trained. This multi-level academy is located in the city of Kostroma. Back in Soviet times, Kostroma was a source of military chemists. The educational institution is considered higher and the level of education in it is very decent. The full name of the academy is: Military Academy radiation, chemical and biological protection named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Tymoshenko.

You can write a lot about this academy, because its history goes back more than 80 years. It is worth noting that the RCBZ Academy was among the first such educational institutions to be awarded the Battle Banner.

RCBZ in Kamyshin

The further story will be about the military units of the Russian Chemical Defense Plant. Let's start with the modern part, which is based in the city of Kamyshin. The radiation, biological and chemical protection. It was founded in 2011 and is equipped with the most advanced technology. The equipment of this brigade will be the envy of all similar military units. It is very difficult to get to serve in Kamyshin; you need to be better than many competitors. The brigade is planned to be used in the most difficult and dangerous military operations.

RCBZ in Noginsk

A training unit is based in the city of Noginsk, where both privates and sergeants receive physical and mental training. The training center is the largest in the Russian Federation. The head of the center is Pastukhov, who is responsible for last years took the piece to a new level. Preparations there are carried out in three directions.

Scouts are trained separately from flamethrowers, and sergeants also train according to their own separate program. Both civilians and military personnel can get a job in the unit. All conditions for service have been created on the territory of the garrison.

RCBZ in Yekaterinburg

Military town 29th separate brigade RKhBZ is located within the city of Yekaterinburg. The brigade is currently 29 years old. Over the years, she has taken part in many rescue operations. For example, in May 1989, members of the brigade took part in eliminating the consequences of an accident on one of the oil pipelines in the city of Artemovsk.

In the shortest possible time, it was possible to eliminate the consequences of the accident and prevent oil products from causing even greater damage to the environment. At the moment, the soldiers of the unit continue the glorious traditions of past generations.

RCBZ in Kursk

The Kursk brigade of radiation, chemical and biological protection was formed after the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. The main task of the brigade is to quickly respond to chemical, biological or radiation attacks, as well as eliminate the consequences of man-made disasters. It was because of the Chernobyl accident that became the impetus for the formation of this brigade.

The USSR realized that no country could cope without fighters from such military units. Chemistry students The brigades in the city of Kursk are proud that they are the only ones who represent this branch of the military in the Central Military District. The RCBZ equipment in this unit is the most modern, which facilitates the work and service of both ordinary soldiers and officers.

How to celebrate RCBD Day in Russia

The RCBZ troops, like any other branch of the military, have their own holiday, which, as mentioned above, is celebrated on November 13th. RCBZ Troops Day in Russia is usually not held en masse, but in a small circle.

Most festive events take place on the territories of military units. Often, during celebrations, demonstration exercises take place, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off. These exercises take place not only on the day of the celebration, but also several days before it begins. You can see one of these teachings right now on our website.

Each fighter will proudly take to the streets of his hometown on November 13, wearing his dress uniform. Passers-by who meet him on this holiday will look at this soldier with respect and follow him with a bit of envy, because serving in the ranks of the RCBZ troops is very honorable.

RCBD Day in Russia may not be the largest holiday, but for many people serving in this branch of the military, it is special and ranks on par with such holidays as New Year, or birthday. Therefore, any present that you can give them on a given day will undoubtedly please every representative of the chemical defense troops.

I would like to say that this branch of the military may not belong to the elite, but in modern world, military personnel of the RKhBZ troops have become indispensable. More and more often the news reports about new explosions at nuclear power plants or leaks of petroleum products. It is the chemical fighters who have to eliminate all this. protection. Also, during military conflicts, warring parties often use all possible chemical or biological attacks, the consequences of which are also eliminated by soldiers of this type of military.

It is also worth noting that this branch of the military is closest to some areas of the subculture since the 80s. If a civilian conscript is close to such trends as steampunk, cyberpunk, industrial, post-apocalypse - welcome to the RCBZ troops! All these movements are closely connected in their aesthetics and image with various gas masks, respirators, chemical protective suits and symbols of radiation or biological danger.

Symbols of the RCBZ

It is worth noting that there are currently three types of emblem. The small emblem is a regular golden hexagon with 4 red rings in the middle. The middle emblem is very similar to the small one, but it has double headed eagle silver-colored with outstretched wings, who holds in his paws a smoke torch and an arrow covered in flames.

The large emblem consists of a small one, on top of which is an eagle, and around it is a golden oak broom. For RCBD Day - 2016 you can find products with any symbols of this type of troops on our website.

Souvenirs and gifts on RCBD Day

On November 13, any soldier of the chemical defense forces deserves to receive a nice gift. Any item with RCBZ symbols will undoubtedly be an excellent gift for your friend or relative.

RKhBZ souvenirs, which you can easily and simply find on the website of the country’s largest military trader “Voenpro,” will delight you and your friends, because their selection is quite decent, and the quality of the products is at the highest level. Buy a gift for your family and friends on RCBD Day 2016 right now and don’t worry about this issue in the future.


Please contact our managers if you have any questions.

A. Ermolin- Good afternoon to everyone who is listening to us, the “Military Council” program is on air. Our guest, our expert today is Igor Anatolyevich Kirillov, head of the Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, Major General. Igor Anatolyevich, hello.

I. Kirillov- Hello.

A. Ermolin- Not the first time in this studio, not the first time on this air, Igor Anatolyevich. Let us, however, remind our listeners about the history of creation, how the academy came into being. Today I said goodbye to my loved ones at home, I said the word RCBZ, everyone was with such surprise: what does this mean? Let's tell you what the RCBZ is, and in general about the glorious path of your academy.

I. Kirillov- The Military Academy was formed on May 13, 1932, this year we are celebrating our 85th anniversary, this is a big event for us associated with such a solemn... Well, not a round, but such a significant date. 85 years old... Since 2006, the Military Academy has been located in the city of Kostroma, uniting under its wing, so to speak, the previously existing military academy, the Saratov School, the Kostroma School, the Tambov School. Now this is a whole layer of training for students, cadets, and cadets with secondary vocational education, and, first of all, a scientific company, which we created 2 years ago.

A. Ermolin- That is, all the military schools that matched your profile, right? That's when the consolidation took place...

I. Kirillov- Yes, we united.

A. Ermolin- Well, this is... Can we say that the academy is that same military training and scientific center, or one of them? Or does the academy have its own special status?

I. Kirillov- I think yes, the military academy is a forge for training highly qualified, highly educated specialists in the field of radiation chemical (inaudible) protection. This is confirmed by the fact that foreigners are studying here, and the number of countries is increasing every year, and interest in the problems of training specialists in this field is growing.

A. Ermolin- Why is this relevant?

I. Kirillov- With us... We live in a world that is not calm. We have a threat in the field of radiation, chemical and biological safety. Specialists in this field, they are in demand not only for the Ministry of Defense, but also for other federal executive authorities. Therefore, I think that due to the fact that we are the only university that trains specialists in this field, graduates are in demand.

A. Ermolin- And your graduates, they receive comprehensive training, that is, radiation, chemical, biological protection. Or is there some specificity? Well, for example, if we take the same biological weapons, then this is a special, huge layer of people in general who must understand and understand this. This is essentially what military scientists should be like.

I. Kirillov- We train in two specialties. If you do not disclose your specialty, this is a command profile of education, and an engineering profile of education. Moreover, for the engineering education profile we recruit with different approaches, this is higher knowledge in the field of chemistry and biology, and we graduate specialists who are intended more for positions in research laboratories. Researchers, research institutes and centers.

A. Ermolin― The first question has already come from St. Petersburg from a user who signed his initials A.N.: are young people interested in such specialties? Well, indeed, rare specialties in general. How are you doing with the competition, and in general, how many young people are trying to get into you?

I. Kirillov- Well, I would like to construct the answer in several directions. Well, first of all, here’s a competition that we had last year in a number of specialties, we had up to 5 people per place. This is such a strong help, there are many to choose from. I understand that we have requirements for the level of training in chemistry, it is somewhere comparable to the level of training upon admission to medical institutions. And we need graduates who, well, let’s speak chemistry fluently. For this reason, we even organized additional training for those entering universities. Free courses, they run from December, for six months. This is not coaching, but we take a closer look at those who turn to us, set priorities, who needs to be taken on, with whom to work, so that they really express the intention to act.

A. Ermolin- So, this is a system of pre-university training?

I. Kirillov- Yes, a system of pre-university training, we are implementing it for the second year in a row. She showed that this is relevant. Now, if last year we had about 45 young people who expressed a desire to study chemistry for additional time, then this year we have 95 of them.

A. Ermolin- Are these face-to-face courses?

I. Kirillov- These are courses, they are free, anyone can go to the website of the military academy and sign up.

A. Ermolin- Oh, well, these are remote courses, right? Or (inaudible).

I. Kirillov- No, this is Kostroma.

A. Ermolin- In Kostroma, right?

I. Kirillov- Yes, we are working on the issue of making these courses remote, and this is probably the future.

A. Ermolin- But so far only those who live in Kostroma have an advantage?

I. Kirillov- Kostroma, Kostroma region, we are still working (inaudible).

A. Ermolin- Tell me, how is the academy organized? Well, from the point of view, first of all, of the structure, what departments do you have, what faculties, what... Well, I don’t know what training centers There is?

I. Kirillov- The Academy is structurally composed of management, of three faculties: the command and engineering faculty, the command faculty, and the special faculty where foreigners study. Of the 17 departments, we opened 2 departments last year. These are the departments that are interested in (inaudible) the Department of Biological Defense, and the Department of Automation of Troop Command. We have come to the conclusion that the volume of material that goes into these areas requires the allocation of a separate area of ​​study, separate laboratories, separate teaching staff, and separate researchers.

A. Ermolin- Both departments, right?

I. Kirillov- Both departments. Therefore, we have 17 departments left; in addition, we have a number of more than a dozen research laboratories. Regarding the educational and material base, I will say that we have 6 educational buildings, about 30 laboratories of various fields, but they are in the fields of radiation, chemical, and biological safety.

A. Ermolin- And from the point of view of the content of education, this is the share of, say, subjects, courses related to obtaining, well, such a wide general education, Yes? And what part does specialization occupy? You have a specialty, right? IN new system.

I. Kirillov- Yes, in the new education system there is a specialty. Although it does not quite fit the (inaudible) system that we have... The Minister of Defense made a decision that we should have (inaudible), and this is absolutely correct. It is very difficult to train an engineer in our educational profile in 4 years. What share? We are all like universities... Ministry of Defense. The Ministry of Education switched to the federal state educational standard. From September 1, 16 (inaudible) three plus, which gives more opportunities to implement the direction of specialist training. As for the blocks of disciplines, they are divided into 3 parts, so to speak. This is a block of military disciplines, the main of which are tactics, strategy, radiation chemical and biological protection. The troops are engaged in ensuring the implementation of tasks by the branches and branches of the armed forces. This is a block of humanitarian disciplines, the main of which are psychology, personnel management, and a block of exact disciplines. This is one block, I think it should be noted separately - this is the study of biology and chemistry. If we take chemistry, then we probably have more than 10 disciplines that are studied only in this chemistry. We are serious about chemistry, we train specialists... It’s hard to study.

A. Ermolin- This is good.

I. Kirillov- This is good, this is a help. But this month we held the Chemistry Olympiad. Due to the fact that we have only one military university with a chemical focus, we are holding an interregional Olympiad. That is, this... Those universities participating are the Mendeleev State Technical University, the Ivanovo Chemical-Technological University, and a number of civilian universities; Olympiads are held on the basis of the military academy. Here we had an Olympiad, about 180 people took part. Military Academy... It’s impossible to say that it took first place because it was the organizer. But she showed good results, well, she actually took first place. There is something to strive for.

A. Ermolin- And who, from some of these serious chemical, chemical-technological universities, guys also participated, right?

I. Kirillov- Yes, we participated. So I said, Ivanovo, Moscow universities, RSTU named after Mendeleev, this is a very serious university. We try to communicate more often with universities on these civil issues. By exchanging experiences, we grow not only in our individual structure.

A. Ermolin- Well, from personal experience, including, and in general, knowing the military education system, it has its advantages and disadvantages. At one time they joked that if you don’t want to, we’ll force you, right? If you can’t, we’ll teach you, and it worked. Because it’s impossible to get bad grades at a military school, right? Because you will be deprived of everything sweet. And it was believed that... Well, it’s like a military school prepares such, very good artisans. Very good, very high level, Yes? But at the same time, I’ll also add that for those who are motivated to study, who want to learn, you won’t be able to study after lights out, your time is strictly limited. Self-preparation is over, whether you like it or not, there’s a parade coming up again, right? That is, for fans of studying... Well, this is also my personal opinion, right? Well, let’s just say, it’s not a very favorable condition at a military university, right? Although in general the education is strong, reliable, and firmly (inaudible) in the mind.

I. Kirillov- You know, I had a situation like this just recently. We are preparing for the Olympiad, which is held among universities of the Ministry of Defense, in mathematics. And if, for example, my cadets are eager to compete in olympiads in chemistry and biology, then in mathematics, somehow they had a misunderstanding. I collected them... We have a large number of potential excellent students who graduate with honors. This is (inaudible) 4th - 3rd year and I began to explain, I say, look, the situation that was when you were studying has changed, and this is the one that is now. We have free access to the Internet and online classes. This is the creation of an electronic library, electronic textbooks. Now the military academy is not a socially closed structure. That is, if a cadet wrote a plan, and he is supposed to work in a library on the territory of a military academy, or outside the territory of a military academy, he is calm (inaudible). We don’t lock them into this, we communicate more and conduct classes with universities, we have invited teachers from other universities.

A. Ermolin- Well, yes. We must tell our listeners that in our time the cadets were all conscripts until graduation, right? And now your conscripts are probably only in their first year, right?

I. Kirillov- Well, by law they must conclude a contract before the end of the second year. We made it so that after the first year, military cadets who... He studies well. We conclude with them earlier, who have achieved success in sports, who have achieved success in studies, why not?

A. Ermolin- Well, that is, when you’re 18 years old, you’re already...

I. Kirillov- Yes Yes.

A. Ermolin- But let’s say the benefits that a contract worker is entitled to, there is a dormitory, there is free access, and so on. It’s also like this, we serve in the same company, I’m already free to leave, right? But others don't. Or, after all, a contract is a contract, but some specific benefits are still given...

I. Kirillov- Well, military personnel who are already contract soldiers come to the first year, these are those who came from the armed forces.

A. Ermolin- Well, yes.

I. Kirillov- And those citizens of the Russian Federation who came from civilian life, we’ll say that, right? And those who have a contract, they have the right to freely exit. We somehow smooth out this situation; there is an organization of work based on (inaudible) psychological state. Psychologists are working, we are coping with this task.

A. Ermolin- Well, Misha writes from Saratov region with resentment, with bitterness: how did this happen to our Saratov Khimdym? After all, there was always an abundance of people interested, and the base was excellent, and the teaching staff.

I. Kirillov- Saratov School... After all, the number of graduates should be set, and it should correspond to the tasks that they will then solve. Such a number of military schools no longer met the needs. I agree about the wonderful teachers. Yes, at the military university, it was then a branch of the military academy. At the Saratov Military Institute at one time, there were wonderful teachers at the military school. But even now the military academy meets all the requirements. Currently, 28 Doctors of Science, 210 Candidates of Science teach at the Military Academy, and participate in numerous works in both closed and open fields. Therefore, if a young man from Saratov wants to study, let him come to Kostroma, we will welcome him with open arms this year.

A. Ermolin- Well, most likely this is a graduate, maybe even retired, right? Maybe he even studied in Saratov, judging by that... Well, I don’t know, for some reason it seemed to me. How are you with foreign languages? Now, in fact, in order to be aware of... Well, let's say, the latest scientific discoveries, you need to be very fluent, well, at least in English.

I. Kirillov- Regarding the English language, last year the military academy was the organizer of the international English language Olympiad for cadets. 46 teams and more than 180 participants took part in this Olympiad. There were 32 teams from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the rest were teams from universities, the center of Moscow participated (inaudible), they participated both as invitees and as a member of the jury. The Military Academy took first place. This is provided that English language(inaudible).

A. Ermolin- Has this already happened in Kostroma?

I. Kirillov- Not specialized, yes. But the jury was not local, that is, I believe that we are able to prepare. We pay a lot of attention to the study of foreign languages, our main focus is German and English. We have a strong department of foreign languages. This is due to the fact that we have interest from foreign countries for training. If, for example, when I came to the academy, it was the 14th year, we had... Students from 19 countries, now we have students from 25 countries.

A. Ermolin- Well, after all, you probably had an Olympiad, and your specialization was still, well, not literary, not conversational.

I. Kirillov- Yes, we have...

A. Ermolin- You are not interested in philological delights, are you?

I. Kirillov- We have a more military orientation.

A. Ermolin- Both military and engineering... Or...

I. Kirillov- Military and engineering. Not chemical exactly, but military and engineering.

A. Ermolin- That is, a military translation, right?

I. Kirillov- Military translation, a story there, a report. There were several degrees of preparation, several competitions for participation.

A. Ermolin- Tell us a little more about your teachers. Especially about those who teach disciplines that are generally so complex and in demand today. Well, if we talk about engineering training, or technological training. The same mathematics, chemistry. What kind of people are these, where do you get them?

I. Kirillov- We exchange with research institutes, (inaudible) aviation-chemical military defense institutes, we have two of them, plus branches. We hire specialists from there; we have them well trained and with extensive scientific experience. These are invited teachers, well, that’s according to plan.

A. Ermolin- Here are the references to Lomonosov. Someone was seriously offended by the topic of military education culture. “The sciences cannot tolerate coercion and violence,” said Mikhailo Lomonosov, no stranger to chemistry.

I. Kirillov- Well, who would argue.

A. Ermolin- Yes, I would probably answer absolutely the same way. And what is it like? educational and material base Academy, taking into account those specifics? Well, now engineering education In general, it is actively developing in the world, right? And it is generally believed that a future engineer should already be, well, an engineer every day, starting from the first year. That is, to work, live and study in the context in which he will work after graduating from university or academy. What kind of engineering capabilities, research capabilities, laboratory capabilities are there in terms of logistics?

I. Kirillov- There’s a feeling that, for example, chemistry is just test tubes... No, we’ve moved away from that a long time ago. These are not only reagents, these are modern devices, these are (inaudible) devices based on (inaudible) mobility, this is equipment of both imported and Russian origin. (Inaudible) of them is the most modern, continuous training on this equipment. Well, there are several tens of millions of devices on which cadets work starting from the first year, gain experience, and get practical training in research institutes. This part relates more to the engineering profile of training. Because commanders, we are training more platoon commanders, well, because combining everything is too much. And we must also take into account the specifics of each serviceman, each cadet, what he is more inclined to do. Therefore, we specialize in the fifth year, this is the direction of biology, this is the direction of radiation chemical safety, and the command profile of training.

A. Ermolin- Oh, that is, in the fifth year you have such depth.

I. Kirillov- More in depth, yes. Although the training profile is engineering, he begins training in intensive training programs in the field of chemistry and biology, starting from the first year, they have a larger volume.

A. Ermolin- But there is no such attitude towards commanders, let’s say that well, guys, you are in charge there, you don’t need to be great scientists. Don’t they feel it themselves? And don’t those same commanders have a desire to gnaw on the granite of science in the same way as non-commanders?

I. Kirillov- We have several facts of transition from command to engineering faculty, and back. Because, well, some feel that the materials are not being absorbed to the extent that is presented. There we are looking for the opportunity to transfer to the command faculty. It is solvable, permitted by law

A. Ermolin- Well, that is, it is. We will take a break here, I want to remind our listeners that the “Military Council” program is on the air, hosted by Anatoly Ermolin in the studio, our guest today is Igor Anatolyevich Kirillov, head of the Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Timoshenko, General Major, we are talking about the RCBZ military academy. We'll see you after a short break.

A. Ermolin- We continue the meeting of the “Military Council”, hosted by Anatoly Ermolin in the studio. Our expert, our guest today is Igor Anatolyevich Kirillov, head of the Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, Major General. Igor Anatolyevich, what about the girls? I couldn’t help but ask this question because if I don’t ask it, then the tape starts to crack.

I. Kirillov- This year we are recruiting a platoon of girls, this is a conscious decision, due to the demand for specialists, we will say female specialists in certain positions at research institutes. The requirement for them will be the same as for entering the military educational institution. In terms of psychological preparation, physical preparation, and the peculiarity for entering a military academy is high score in chemistry.

A. Ermolin- Will the girls mostly be from the surrounding regions, or will it vary?

I. Kirillov- No, here... We have cadets from all regions.

A. Ermolin- And there is some kind of proportion where it was possible... By which one could determine, after all, the majority of which regions come. Or are you trying to somehow set quotas so that it is evenly distributed?

I. Kirillov- We (inaudible) are not the majority.

A. Ermolin- Not the majority?

I. Kirillov- Not the majority.

A. Ermolin- But there is, right?

I. Kirillov- But there is. Moreover, it is not such a large percentage, it is somewhere in the range of 10-15%.

A. Ermolin- And girls, will this be a new experience for you? That is, while you have...

I. Kirillov- No, we had such experience from 6 to 13, we recruited them. They released them, mostly we issued them from the Federal Office for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons. We have come to the conclusion that there is a need to continue this fruitful work; there are many advantages of the work. Here are female graduates... Girls, they are more diligent on many issues, more focused on results, more responsible. For the most part, they study better, so the need for such specialists, at this level, has now arisen again, so the decision was made to recruit.

A. Ermolin- You just mentioned where the girls of the first intake were distributed. And I caught myself thinking that I didn’t ask you, but in general... In general, what are your graduates’ professional career trajectories, what do they do, what problems do they solve?

I. Kirillov- We issue not only for the Ministry of Defense, we issue for other federal executive authorities. This means the FSB, the FSO, this is the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this is the Russian Guard. In terms of sending graduates to the Ministry of Defense, these are two main areas. These are the most talented, the most prepared, these are research organizations. And for those who are more likely to have a command profile of training, these are command positions that are primary in the armed forces.

A. Ermolin- These are the research institutes that you mentioned... Of course, I understand that these are such research institutes, this is one of the most closed topics, many science fiction films are shown about such closed research institutes. Mostly some kind of crime genre, right? But nevertheless, if possible, we have one listener, he already wrote to us, right? But all this talk about bioweapons, about some kind of insects, deadly flies... Is there any truth to it? Is this what research institutes do?

I. Kirillov— Research institutes deal with biological safety issues. And if a person has information in the field of biological threats, then he understands in principle what (inaudible) institutions are doing. (Inaudible) everyone is involved, all developed countries, so biological safety is one of the issues of state security, it is very serious. Look, what happened in the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug is connected with the loss of livestock, right? And the timely adoption of measures made it possible to localize this problem. Military personnel and scientific personnel of the troops (inaudible) chemical (inaudible) defense took part in this.

A. Ermolin- But such outbreaks, they also have a natural character, right? That is, not related to any (inaudible).

I. Kirillov- Yes, (inaudible) natural, that’s why our climate is warming and cooling for various reasons.

A. Ermolin- Bird flu is breaking out in our area right now, but we won’t discuss this topic. Tell me, now this is a very correct topic - these are scientific companies. You have such a scientific company, but in general, what is it, what does it look like, what do the military personnel who serve there do?

I. Kirillov- Let's start with who is currently serving in our scientific company? These are the graduates. There is a list, these are Bauman MSTU, Ivanovo State Chemical University (inaudible), St. Petersburg National research university information technologies of mechanics and optics. Moscow State University fine chemical technologies named after Lomonosov. Yaroslavsky... I have a large list here, at the moment we are studying here... 40 people serve and work. A picture of each of them, right? This is what a young man is like there, who graduated from Baumanka, so to speak, with an average grade of, for example, 4.9. We have one who graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University with a grade of 5.0. That is, this level is very high, before we select people for the scientific company, they undergo an interview, undergo testing, undergo a survey and the direction of the activity that we are engaged in. We have several areas of activity in the scientific company, at the moment there are 7 of them. This is the direction of radiation safety, this is the direction of chemical safety, the direction of biological safety, so let’s say there are three of them, this information Technology, and its branching in two directions. These are materials and equipment used in the armament of military equipment, and the direction chemical analysis. We are trying to recruit university graduates in these seven areas. They are given a specific task, preferably if the graduates already come with that diploma work, which is aimed at our interest, that they can be realized. They have the opportunity to realize themselves in the future in some areas. One of which is... This year we graduated... Well, last year, in '16, 20 people graduated, 5 people received it after finishing their service in the scientific company, military rank lieutenant, and continued to serve... One at the Academy of Radiation Chemical Biological Defense is ours, and 4 people at the research organizations of the aviation chemical defense troops (inaudible). This is interesting, we are waiting... We will have the next recruitment from June 1, you can submit your data through the Ministry of Defense website, which has scientific mouths, their recruitment, We are waiting for the gifted people whom we use. They have the opportunity to incarnate, this is the first thing. Secondly, you need to understand that we provide them with work, which... It pays quite well. A researcher earns 80 thousand and above, this is a good salary.

A. Ermolin- This is in a year

I. Kirillov- This is in a year, yes, in a year. That is, I believe that for a person who wants to connect his life with scientific activities, and to have financial support for this issue even at the first stage is significant...

A. Ermolin- And during the year, not like conscripts, right? They count. That is…

I. Kirillov- They are considered conscripts, but they live separately with us, they do not live in our barracks, they live in our hotel-type hotel, they have a goal other than... At the first stage, they undergo combined arms training for a month, during which we we make them a military man (inaudible). They have general-arms training subjects, but their main... Their goal is scientific activity.

A. Ermolin- So, they are conducting research?

I. Kirillov- Yes, they are conducting research.

A. Ermolin- And scientific supervisors are assigned...

I. Kirillov- We assign scientific supervisors. We attach not only from the military academy, but we also attach from our research institutes. There are results, we showed them at the 2016 forum, this area is interesting, I won’t disclose it. But there are some peculiarities: those who study with us sign a contract of non-disclosure of secrets, so we immediately inform you that part of your activities will subsequently be limited. Well, there are pros and cons, everywhere the work requires...

A. Ermolin- But the fact that they receive the military rank of lieutenant is what the law requires? Or only where someone really wants to, and who remains to serve...

I. Kirillov- No, these are those who, upon completion of service in the scientific company, sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense. But the initiator, represented by the Ministry of Defense, is the head of the research departments or units from which these graduates are in demand, that is, this is not for everyone. Here are five we selected.

A. Ermolin- How do you study, and are there many students from abroad? What language do they study in?

I. Kirillov- As I already said, we have students from 25 countries, right? These are the countries of Armenia, Abkhazia, (inaudible), there are Algeria, Cambodia, (inaudible), Mali, Tajikistan, even from Saudi Arabia. Training takes place in Russian. This means that due to the fact that the program is structured in such a way that the military personnel who arrived to us without knowledge of the Russian language, for a year they are in a special program... Why did I say that our foreign language department is very advanced in that regard, and they offer such a degree in a year (inaudible) that a serviceman after a year according to the regular program... He begins teaching after a year.

A. Ermolin- That is, Russian is like a foreign language for foreigners.

I. Kirillov- Well, here’s an example: for the level of training, a Vietnamese serviceman defended himself as a candidate last year chemical sciences. Having arrived at the initial stage, absolutely (inaudible) in Russian. That is, here...

A. Ermolin- And how long did it take him?

I. Kirillov- Year

A. Ermolin- One year?

I. Kirillov- One year. This allowed him to study according to the program in Russian, he studied for 5 years, graduated, and defended.

A. Ermolin- A, clear. Well, in general, 6 years actually works out?

I. Kirillov- Yes, 6 years.

A. Ermolin- Tell me, this is how the interaction between the academy and the troops is structured? What kind of internship system could there be, could cadets or trainees participate in exercises?

I. Kirillov- In the third year, cadets undergo their first internship.

A. Ermolin- And you have both cadets and listeners, right?

I. Kirillov- Yes. In the first year, cadets undergo an internship as a squad commander, deputy platoon commander, in the fifth year, cadets undergo an internship as a platoon commander. This is part of the training of cadets. In addition, they participate in demonstration classes and exercises during their internship. They are participating... Well, for example, just now they were holding competitions within the framework of “Safe Environment”. This is a competition for military personnel of the radiation chemical and biological protection reconnaissance forces. The cadets participated and took third place, but their training as drivers was more of a letdown. Well, because professionals are already coming from universities, and these are still future lieutenants, this is not the most important task. That is, in terms of speed, they move along routes slower than cadets. Students undergo internships in positions in which they will be assigned after graduation, these are in management bodies, in brigades, in regiments. And besides this, we carry out constant professional development of the teaching staff, who also undergo internships and practical training in various positions (inaudible). That is, we have a constant relationship with the troops.

A. Ermolin- But those lieutenants, and especially, as I understand it, are graduates of the command profile. That’s when they find themselves in their first officer positions in the army, well, maybe not even their first, right? So what do they do in practice? That's why you're in the regiment, right? Need an RHBZ officer? In conditions of so far, thank God, right? Such serious tests for the armed forces as practical actions under conditions of radiation chemical and bacteriological attack, right? Or an attack, it has not yet been necessary to act, as far as I know. Well, let's not remember those exercises after the war when our first atomic bombs were tested.

I. Kirillov- The radiation chemical and biological defense troops are dual-purpose troops. This is performing tasks as if in war time, these tasks, right? There is an identification of the assessment of the radiation chemical and biological situation, the protection of personnel, the use, and consequences of the chemical and biological weapons used. This is a reduction in the visibility of troops and objects. Even in wartime, this is a series of tasks, right? In peacetime... Well, for example, ensuring radiation chemical biological safety of the Olympic Games in Sochi was carried out by radiation chemical and biological protection troops, and they carried them out in full. Both identification and readiness to eliminate consequences. Monitoring the situation means eliminating the consequences of emergency situations(inaudible) we say yes, for example. The set of tasks is large. Therefore, graduates are in demand in various fields. Directions that troops perform in both peacetime and wartime.

A. Ermolin- Now we are talking a lot about super modern uniforms, “Ratnik” combat equipment, and so on. What happens to the well-known combined arms protective kits? Do they somehow fit into these innovations, or does everything remain the same?

I. Kirillov- Good question. So the main thing is that it is timely. As far as radiation chemical and biological safety is concerned, yes, new types of gas masks and fundamentally new means of protection are being introduced into service with the armed forces and ground forces. But I think this is not the platform, and not the conversation, (inaudible) where we can discuss it.

A. Ermolin- Fine. But in principle, it’s clear that you have a clear government order, your specialists are in demand, but suddenly this happens, and in fact, just recently this was not uncommon, right? When an officer is forced to seek revenge for civilian employment. Let's say, that experience, that knowledge, that qualification, those diplomas that... Help in this selection of an officer?

I. Kirillov- The Military Academy trains military personnel before their discharge. We have two directions, two specialties for which we train them. This is the focus civil defense, this is the implementation of almost the same tasks, only in the conditions of training specialists there at civilian enterprises. Or the direction of readiness of forces and means for liquidation (inaudible). It's in demand. We are pleased to accept former military personnel who have completed their service to carry out training, training in positions researchers... Well, depending on the area of ​​their application, right? Junior researchers, and a number of other specialties at the military academy.

A. Ermolin- That is, for civilian positions, right? Military personnel.

I. Kirillov- Yes. We also do not ignore those who have completed their service. The year before last, a veteran organization of aviation chemical biological defense troops was created. She works. It is headed by the former chief of troops, General (inaudible) Evgeniy Gennadievich. They have done a lot of work, we do not forget those who completed their service in the radiation chemical military protection forces. That's why…

A. Ermolin- But if we talk not so much about respect for veterans, but about the knowledge that they possess. Well, in fact, even in the theory of knowledge management there is a phrase that knowledge, like people, ages, retires, and die. And very often... 30-40 years pass, right? And suddenly there are some very important topical issues, suddenly no one knows where to get this information, how this problem was solved there at that time. Is there any such system?

I. Kirillov- Yes, (inaudible) the chief of troops, together with the military academy, is preparing a series... In the 18th year, the 100th anniversary of the troops of radiation chemical and biological protection. A number of publications dedicated to this date are being prepared. They are historical, by year. This work is very painstaking, and veterans are involved in it. Because (inaudible) is really correct. That a lot is forgotten, but most often what is forgotten is repeated again. And if some questions are missed, it’s better to ask the veterans than to go through the rake all over again. That is, there is no need to reinvent the wheel, this is a great experience...

A. Ermolin- It must be a system.

I. Kirillov- It must be a system.

A. Ermolin- (Inaudible) such a real big system.

I. Kirillov- Yes, the work has been organized, and the publication of these publications is planned. Some of them were closed, some were opened (inaudible) at the end of this year.

A. Ermolin- Well, we have literally a minute and a half left there. Tell us how parade preparation distracts you from your main tasks.

I. Kirillov- No, the parade preparation is distracting, but I will say that the people who went through the parade are different people

A. Ermolin- That's for sure, I'm signing.

I. Kirillov- Yes, these are other people. They are growing up. Those people whom I (inaudible) for the first time at the parade, and the parade for me turns out to be the military academy (inaudible) for the third time. Well, as the head of the academy I will lead. The people who spent 2 months of preparation are not the same people I brought them there. These are older people, they are responsible. They have a well-formed team. It is united, every man for himself. He has one thought, the main thing is to be seen by his loved ones, relatives, to show himself. It's an honor for him. In this regard, this is a future officer, we educate them in this way.

A. Ermolin- Well, we have to put an ellipsis on this. I want to remind you that the “Military Council” program was on air, our expert, our guest today is Igor Anatolyevich Kirillov, head of the Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, come see us again Igor Anatolyevich .

I. Kirillov- Thank you very much, come and visit us.

A. Ermolin- WITH








I Full name (in accordance with the Charter). abbreviation

Full name: Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops and Engineering Troops named after Marshal Soviet Timoshenko" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Short name: Military Academy of the Russian Chemical Defense and Engineering Troops named after Marshal Soviet Timoshenko or VA Russian Chemical Defense and IV.

II Address (actual, legal, postal, telephones, fax, email addresses)

Actual address: Kostroma, Gorky street.

Legal address:

Tel.: educational department (8-49, 399-739,

HR department (8-49

Fax: (8-49

Email: (e-mail) - *****@***ru.

Certificate of state accreditation issued Federal service on supervision in the field of education and science of July 17, 2009,
series AA No. registration No. 000.

For great services in training highly qualified officers for the Armed Forces of the USSR and the development of Soviet military science, the academy was awarded the Order of the October Revolution. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 1, 2001.

For great services in the preparation and education of command personnel for the Bulgarian People's Army, for his contribution to strengthening fraternal friendship
and cooperation between the Armed Forces of the People's Republic of Bulgaria
and the USSR, and in connection with the 50th anniversary of its creation, the academy was awarded the Order of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, 1st degree. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 1, 2001.

For the outstanding role that the academy played in the formation and training of personnel of the revolutionary Armed Forces, in the constant improvement of the operational, combat and political training of their units and for the invaluable contribution that the academy made to strengthening the country's defense capability, the academy was awarded the Order of Antonio Maceo. Decree of the Presidium of the State Council of the Republic of Cuba dated January 1, 2001 No. 000.

For its services in training military personnel and for its contribution to the country’s defense capability, the academy was awarded a government award of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic - the Medal “For Services to the CSA”, 1st degree. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic of March 2, 1990 No. 000.

For its services in training highly qualified personnel for the Vietnamese People's Army, strengthening the defense capability and protecting the republic, the academy was awarded the Vietnamese Order of Military Merit.
I degree. Decree of the State Council of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam dated January 1, 2001.

From August 1, 2010, in accordance with the requirements of the directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. D-112 “On the organization of training in higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for contract military personnel intended for military positions to be filled by sergeants ( foremen)" and in pursuance of the instructions of the chief of the NBC protection troops Armed Forces Russian Federation at the Military Academy of NBC Protection Troops and Engineering Troops, training of career sergeants in military registration specialties of NBC protection has been organized.

In order to provide the basics public policy in the field of ensuring chemical and biological safety of the Russian Federation, since September 2010, the academy has organized training of specialists under the federal target program “National system of chemical and biological safety of the Russian Federation for the year”.

Today, the Military Academy of the Russian Chemical Defense Troops and Engineering Troops is a training and methodological center for the Russian Chemical Defense Troops, training specialists for all Armed Forces, as well as power ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. Within the academy's walls, scientific and pedagogical personnel receive serious training for higher military educational institutions and research institutions.

Every year, the Day of Formation of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops is celebrated in a solemn atmosphere on November 13 and the Day of Formation of the Academy on May 13. In 2007, the anniversary took place - 75 years since the formation of the academy, and in November 2008, the radiation, chemical and biological protection troops celebrated the anniversary - 90 years since the formation of the troops.