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When will the meeting with aliens happen? Encounters with UFOs, dangerous activities of aliens on Earth

Humanity has very little time left to thoroughly prepare for a meeting with extraterrestrial civilizations. Two Americans who are involved in space exploration claim that the first meeting with aliens will take place in 2025. Sed Shostak, professor, author of a book about extraterrestrial aliens, claims that he, together with Alex Barnett, managed, based on mathematical calculations, to prove that a meeting with aliens is inevitable, and it will happen in no more than fifteen years.

The executive director of the Chabot Space Center and the leading specialist of the SETI program, who have been receiving signals from space for a long time, as a result of long and painstaking work associated with decoding the signals, managed to derive a formula by which this meeting can be calculated. Scientists have predicted not only the date of meeting with creatures from another civilization, but also to determine the signs by which we recognize them. Taking into account the biological and physical indications of most planets on which intelligent beings can live, space researchers have come to the conclusion that aliens will look like robots with large eyes and large facial features. Creatures with well-developed body parts will be able to understand and speak to us.

The aliens will amaze us with their unusually tall height and intellectual abilities. Aliens will be ready to dialogue with us on equal terms as soon as they understand and appreciate our desire to communicate with them. To most readers of the book, the scientists' evidence seems far-fetched. American scientists especially insist on fiction. But, oddly enough, ordinary people believe that a meeting with aliens will definitely take place and the further existence and development of our planet depends on what it will be like.

The Americans believe that it is not worth just sitting and waiting for aliens to come to us; it is better to make an attempt to enter near-Earth space and establish permanent observation bases on the Moon and other planets. To begin with, at least begin the colonization of Mars, and then move on to other planets, more or less studied by humanity.

More than once, space researchers have had to fend off attacks from opponents who claim that there is no intelligent life on other planets, and cannot be, since there are no conditions for their existence there. However, a number of studies of samples obtained from space stations convince us of the opposite. An unearthly civilization exists, but so far it has not been possible to find its inhabitants.

This is evidenced by the signals sent to us by creatures from outer space. The number of civilizations inhabiting space numbers tens of thousands, and it will take at least fifteen years to find them and get in touch with them. Interstellar space is large and finding signals in it that send us signals is not easy.

Whether or not there will be a meeting with aliens, time will tell. And we can only wait.

Time drags on slowly. The diesel locomotive is barely crawling up the mountain. You can’t see anything outside the windows, it’s pitch black. The Vorkuta nights are cold, but the carriage is warm and cozy. Each passenger is busy with his own business: some are dozing, some are reading, and some are just sitting and listening to music. It was an hour's drive to Chum station. Suddenly, from a strong push, the windows of the car rattled, the lights went out, and the radio went silent.

People were alarmed - it seemed that the train was going off the rails. Some force was pulling us forward at great speed. There was a smell of burning, outside the carriage windows it became as bright as day, and New Year’s lights were burning in the sky with New Year’s garlands. It was beautiful and scary. I saw this for the first time, but for many it was no longer new. People began to calm down, and a quarter of an hour later the Chum station appeared. The train stopped, we got off and saw a huge luminous ball going into the dark sky.

“Again, UFO tricks,” people sighed and dispersed in all directions.

“Are you probably new?” one man asked me.

“Yes,” I answered.

“Don’t be surprised, you’ll see them more than once - they visit us often. It happens that people disappear...” he stood there a little longer and went home. And that night I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time - for some reason I was afraid of the next meeting. And it happened exactly a month later...

The second encounter with a UFO occurred unexpectedly, exactly a month later. Meetings with them are very dangerous - I am convinced of this. The neighbors talked a lot about them, even explained which of them were good and which were evil. My husband dreamed of meeting them, but I had no such desire. Our village was small - only 30 families, no one had children except us, many were pensioners. My husband went to work as a fitter. The children were not yet accustomed to the northern climate and were sick. I was forced to stay at home with them. Everyone drank alcohol and said that in the north it was impossible to live without it.

Our family was the only one who didn't drink. Every second day the village was covered with snow up to the roofs. They used a tractor to dig up houses and clear streets the width of a tractor, and all around there were snowdrifts up to four meters high with steps cut out.

In the middle of the village there was the largest snowdrift, and in the middle of it there was a spring where everyone took water. The tundra stretched for 19 kilometers around the village. When we arrived, it was dark, both at night and during the day.

In the north, night lasts half a year, then day lasts half a year. On that day I remember, it was light. The frost was 60°, but there was no wind. The children went to play outside near the house. And I went to the source for water. Having collected water, I wanted to go down the steps, when suddenly I heard a buzzing overhead, my legs suddenly became heavy - I wanted to go further, but I couldn’t.

Raising my head, I saw a plate with three large multi-colored portholes. On the side of the plate was a large metal eagle head. I felt terrified.

The dogs howled, the streets quickly became empty, a neighbor shouted something to me, but I didn’t hear... And then I saw my children running towards me, horror frozen in their eyes. Having reached me, they clung to me and cried: “Mom, we are scared.” I looked at the plate again, and one of the portholes opened in it and a large beam from there was directed straight at us. We were burned, the children were screaming...

“Lord, save my children!” I screamed.

Suddenly two helicopters appeared and began shooting at the saucer. The porthole in the dish closed, and it, like a rocket, rushed upward and disappeared.

We all suffered minor burns. The children had to be taken to Vorkuta for a week and admitted to the hospital. I was grateful to God that He protected

us. Three months later we moved back and soon forgot about it, but the third meeting again reminded us of everything. And it happened eight years later...

Third meeting

It was in 1990, our fourth child was just born. At that time, I had already been going to church for four years and sang in the choir there, and was constantly in prayer. Although four months had passed since the birth of the child, I was still sick and could not get better.

My heart often hurt, and once a week they called an ambulance because of it. At that time we lived in the city of Balakovo, Saratov region. Saucers began to fly over the city frequently, and my husband began to become interested in them again. Once he expressed his opinion: “It would be good if they operated on your heart, and then you would become completely healthy.” He heard that they perform operations without a knife.

I continued to go to church to sing both in the morning and in the evening. I was very tired. And then one day, coming from church, I baptized my children, blessed them for a restful sleep, but I didn’t have the strength to pray, and I literally fell on the bed from fatigue. I also thought that I would take a little nap and get up later to breastfeed the baby. Before I could close my eyes, I heard a cracking and hissing sound in the corner above the bed. The husband was sleeping peacefully and soundly against the wall. And several luminous balls hovered above me...

Before I even had time to think: “A UFO again,” I found myself inside their plate.

Under a steam shower, I was driven down a long corridor and then pushed into a small, bright room. There was a large flower in the room, and an old woman was sitting on the couch, waiting for something.

I greeted her and asked: “What do they want from us?”

The woman looked at me in fear: “There are only robots here, they will remake us.” “I don’t want to be remade,” I answered, I felt terrible - I wanted to pray, but I forgot all the prayers.

Then I tried to hide behind the open door, but the woman said: “They see through the walls, you can’t escape from them.”

Then they came and took her away. I was left alone. Then an alien came in and led me out the door. I tried to remember at least some prayer, but the alien pressed his finger on my thyroid gland and I couldn’t remember anything.

He didn’t speak to me, but I clearly understood what he wanted - there was a telepathic connection. He was wearing a brown suit, his face was vague and covered in the same material as the suit.

They laid me on the couch and took me to the operating room. Everything there was sterile and white, perfectly clean. There was another one, the same brown one, and two small big-headed green ones with bulging eyes and completely naked.

I felt uneasy.

They carried me onto the operating table, laid me on my side, and stuck a thick needle into my spine. A sharp pain pierced my lower back and I screamed:

“Lord, if You exist, save me!” They didn’t manage to inject anything into me. Suddenly the aliens became very aggressive - they angrily began to throw me and threw me out of the plate.

When they brought me back and threw me on the bed, my husband woke up and asked: “Why are you shaking the bed like that?” I told him everything, I couldn’t sleep for a long time - I read prayers, my memory returned to me. In the morning I showed the wound on my back to a doctor I knew, told how I got it, and she advised me to remain silent so as not to end up in a psychiatric hospital.

The rector of the temple, having learned about my story, said: “Thank God that He saved you, and they didn’t have time to do anything to you.”

Scientists have named the date when humanity will first meet aliens.

And American astronomers are confident that people in the future will certainly meet the inhabitants of other galaxies.

At the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society, it was stated that due to the absence of signals from aliens, as well as visible traces of their life in the surrounding space, the likelihood of meeting them is quite high. According to experts, intelligent life lives at a distance of at least 1.5 thousand light years from Earth.

About 50 years ago, American astronomer Frank Drake calculated a formula that allows one to calculate the number of civilizations in the galaxy that can make contact with earthlings.

In turn, physicist Enrico Fermi, in response to the assumption that the inhabitants of the Earth will soon meet with other civilizations, came up with his thesis. It is known today as the Fermi Paradox: if there are so many other civilizations, then why haven’t we found their traces yet?.

Scientists are trying to solve this paradox in a variety of ways. The most popular of them is the assumption of the “uniqueness of the Earth.” The point is that for the origin of life and the appearance of intelligent beings, unique conditions are required that would repeat the stages of the evolution of our planet. According to Peter Ward, millions of circumstances must coincide, which is unlikely, which is why earthlings do not see “brothers in mind.”

An alternative solution to the Fermi paradox was proposed by Solomonides and his colleague Yervant Terziyan. They calculated the number of planets in the solar system that signals generated by humanity could reach.

Scientists said that long before Yuri Gagarin's flight, signals went into space thanks to the advent of radio and television. The waves were broadcast by many radio towers not only on Earth, but also, of course, into space. It is assumed that the first broadcast that could be heard by alien inhabitants could be Adolf Hitler's speech at the opening of the Olympics in Berlin in 1936.

Also, scientists Solomonides and Yervant Terziyan made some calculations in an attempt to find out how many worlds there are and how many of them are inhabited. In their calculations, the researchers relied on the “principle of mediocrity” - an anti-analog to the “uniqueness of the Earth.” That is, scientists took as a basis the fact that the conditions of earthlings are quite mediocre, and can be found in many places in the galaxy.

As a result, it turned out that in this “communication zone” there are very few stars - less than a thousandth of a percent of the total number in the Galaxy (about 9 thousand stars), while there are even fewer analogs of the Earth - about 3 thousand, not to mention a very modest number of inhabited planets.

Their number, according to researchers, is insufficient to obtain any accurate estimates of the number of civilizations in our Milky Way, as well as to explain the Fermi paradox.

“We still have not met or learned about aliens for the reason that space is huge. It is possible that we will never hear anything from them, but in fifteen hundred years, most likely, such contact will be established, if they exist. We do not claim that we will either necessarily contact them, or that the lack of contact will indicate the loneliness of humanity in the Universe. We are simply saying that until then we are unlikely to learn anything about extraterrestrial intelligence,” says Solomonides in particular.

If you believe Vanga's words, there will be End of the World which will be marked arrival of aliens on Earth from the planet Vamfim. The presented time does not bring death for people; on the contrary, they will receive universal knowledge. However, cataclysms on our planet cannot be avoided.

What else did the clairvoyant say about aliens?

Vanga often mentioned aliens. She claimed that they live on a planet third from ours. At the same time aliens often visit Earth, but for what purpose is unknown. One of aliens showed the seer what their house looked like - it was a celestial body, as if dotted with stars. Everything on the planet is very beautiful, and aliens move in leaps and bounds. The extraterrestrial inhabitants speak loudly and loudly, like an echo; they have no houses. behave aliens strictly.

When will the long-awaited meeting take place?

Vanga told about aliens and then when they come. But not explicitly, but hiddenly - this trait was characteristic of the clairvoyant. Rough calculations show that the event should be expected in 2179. Why? Because in 1979, Vangelia announced that aliens would appear 200 years later.

In 1988, the seer said that she “sees” many aircraft with 3 aliens sitting inside them. They are talking among themselves and preparing for some important event.

What does it mention about their appearance? The fact that they are transparent, similar to the reflection of a person in water, they have something like wings, and the hair is soft, forming a halo. All aliens They work a lot, flawlessly fulfill the tasks assigned to them, and prefer not to communicate directly with people. About the future aliens they say vaguely: “The world awaits many revivals and destructions, and harmony will come to it only when we start talking to you.”

What else did you tell me? They have been walking the Earth for a long time, and intelligent life was brought to our planet from space. This happened around 3593000 BC. Why don't people see Vamphim? Alien Planet does not have a constant orbit and is constantly in motion. But sometimes it becomes third from the Earth; the rest of the time it cannot be detected between Mars and Jupiter.

It's supposed to take about 3,600 years to circulate, so we haven't encountered it yet. This means that meeting with aliens is a foregone conclusion. But it does not pose any threat; on the contrary, true knowledge will be revealed to humanity. It turns out that we must wait for guests from another planet and greet them as brothers.

Probably everyone has heard stories about how representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations from time to time for some reason abduct people (and most often return them back). Some people believe in it, others consider it fiction and the fruit of a sick imagination. The storytellers themselves stand their ground and claim that they have been somewhere beyond our planet (and perhaps time and space).

We've collected some kidnapping stories from Reddit users.

Gray head

"It happened when I was 10 years old. One day, as I was getting ready to go to bed, I looked out the window. I always did this to make sure that nothing special was happening outside. Suddenly I heard a terrible boom, and it became very bright outside, as if suddenly someone turned on the spotlight. But, of course, there was no lighting device on our house.

Having gotten used to the light, I looked out the window again and suddenly saw a large gray head, on which huge black eyes stood out clearly. I was terribly scared, jumped onto the bed and covered myself with the blanket. I don’t understand how I didn’t go crazy with fear; apparently, curiosity turned out to be stronger, but I continued to watch the window.

I saw a black silhouette that walked past my window, stopping near it and looking into the room through the slightly open blinds. To this day, I remember it as if it happened yesterday: my body seemed to vibrate. For some reason I couldn’t scream and call my parents.

Soon the first figure was joined by a second: another gray silhouette stopped at a distance from the window and simply watched the actions of the first. I don't know how much time passed, but suddenly everything disappeared. The next thing I remember is I'm alone in a room a few hours later..."

Glowing Stranger

"In the 90s, my family lived in one of the coastal cities of Saudi Arabia. My parents were renovating the house, and my brother and I had to sleep together for about a week in one large bed. At that time I was about 10 years old, and my brother was 13 .

One day I woke up because my brother was shaking me by the shoulder, repeating in horror: “Do you see this too?” Woke up, I didn’t understand what he was talking about, besides, I was covered with a blanket over my head. Having got out from under it, I was speechless: near our bed stood a tall, strange luminous creature without a face (or I simply could not see it).

Before I could understand anything, the glowing stranger suddenly craned his neck, his head between me and his brother. And a second later, with a strange sound, it crumbled into thousands of small lights.

We screamed and hid under the blanket. The next thing I remember is that in the morning my brother and I wake up at the same time, look at each other and run out of the room screaming.

Over the past years, my brother and I have only recalled that strange story a few times. And we still don’t understand what happened then. General sleep? Is this even possible? My parents say they didn’t hear any strange sounds that night, including our screams...

The brother said that he woke up from a light that suddenly hit his eyes and noticed this strange creature. But he decided it was a dream and tried to ignore it. But the glowing stranger continued to stand next to the bed and, as his brother claims, “buzzing quietly.” Realizing that he was not sleeping, my brother decided to wake me up.

Now I am 35 years old, over the past years several strange stories have happened to me. I can’t find an explanation for them either. I remember that strange episode from my childhood clearly. Although I don’t understand what it was.”

Stolen consciousness

“I can’t say they were aliens, but I definitely went somewhere I probably shouldn’t have gone.

My friends and I were relaxing in the park. Suddenly I noticed that everything around me began to slow down. You know, like in slow motion. A second later I realized that the same thing was happening to me. And after a couple of seconds we were all completely “frozen”. It was as if someone had pressed the Pause button on an invisible remote control.

I remember that I couldn’t move, talk, I couldn’t even blink, I had difficulty breathing. And then suddenly I “passed out.” Opening my eyes, I saw that I was in a dark room, there were three large screens around me, on which I could see the very park where my friends and I were. That's all I managed to remember before I blacked out again.

I came to my senses in the same park, lying on the ground and sobbing. The friends didn't look any better: it seemed like we had all just experienced something terrible. One of the girls said: “I feel like we are on TV.”

She was right: we all felt like we were being watched, like we weren't safe. I don’t remember exactly what we talked about, but it all boiled down to the fact that each of us was sure that “we were being taken somewhere.” In some strange way, we realized that we saw the same thing, although we hardly talked about it, fearing that “they” might see us.

After what happened, we never spoke about our mysterious “kidnapping” again. I don’t know what my fellow sufferers think now: we haven’t communicated for a long time. But something mysterious, inexplicable, definitely happened to us that day, I’m sure of it.”

Multiple abductions

“Strange stories began to happen to me when I was very little. I did not perceive these events as something terrible, rather, they were like amazing dreams.

I remember every night I went down to our living room, where there was a large window. I looked through the glass and said “woo-hoo.” After this “signal,” a huge wolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere and answered me with the same howl. This was followed by a blackout, and then I woke up in my bed.

My parents never saw me actually go down to the living room at night, but dry leaves or dirt always appeared somewhere on the floor of the room in the morning.

Later we moved to the city (before that we lived in the suburbs) and the nature of my “visions” changed. At my old place I was never frightened by my strange night encounters, but in the city I suddenly began to be afraid to fall asleep.

My first “new” memory related to the abduction was a visit to the doctor. One of my classmates came to school sick and everyone who came into contact with this person had to get injections. I had never been given an injection before, and as soon as I saw the syringe, I was terribly scared. While they were injecting me with the medicine, I remember that images of some strange blurry figures popped up in my head. After that I began to see them often. After their visits, I couldn’t remember anything, so I’m sure that for some reason they took me away and then erased my memory.

The number of kidnappings reached its peak when I was 13-14 years old: once every 2 months, mysterious guests came to me and took me away for some of their own purposes. Then the kidnappings became less frequent: their number dropped to once a year.

The last such story happened on my birthday, when I turned 27 years old. I was absolutely sober, I was going to go celebrate the holiday. But as soon as I got into the car, I saw something strange in the sky. The moving object was dark, amorphous, changing shape. Suddenly its outline took on the appearance of a spaceship and it began to approach me.

Immediately after this, I heard a ringing noise in my head, causing me very real pain. The ship stopped near the car, an extraterrestrial being “floated” out of it and headed towards me. The car door opened by itself, and the creature touched me with its limb. I screamed and lost consciousness. I came to my senses only an hour later.

After this incident, abductions were not repeated. But I'm still afraid to sleep at night. That’s why I work at night and rest during the day.”