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“I have not yet read a single book that has been written about me.” Half-read books are the norm

We just watched an interesting film. 2. I haven't read this book yet. 3. My mother has already prepared breakfast. 4. My brother recently wrote an article. 5. When he arrived, his sister had already washed the floor. 6. Yesterday by six o'clock in the evening I had done homework. 7. She will buy a new dress for the holiday. 8. The institute will be completed by me by next year. 9. The essays were written by Tuesday. 10. The sentences have already been translated by me.

We just watched an interesting film. 2. I haven't read this book yet. 3. My mother has already prepared breakfast. 4. My brother recently wrote an article. 5. When he arrived, his sister had already washed the floor. 6. Yesterday by six o'clock in the evening I had done my homework. 7. She will buy a new dress for the holiday. 8. I will finish the institute by next year. 9. The essays were written by Tuesday. 10. The sentences have already been translated by me.

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Define language Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kanna yes Catalan Chinese Chinese traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon (pIqaD ) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengal Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esper Anto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

We have just watched an interesting movie. 2. I have not yet read this book. 3. My mom has already cooked breakfast. 4. my brother recently wrote an article. 5. When he came to, his sister had already washed the floor. 6. yesterday to six o"clock in the evening I did homework. 7. She buys new clothes for the holiday. 8. the Institute will be finished by me by next year. 9. Essays were written by Tuesday. 10. proposals have has already been translated by me.

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We have just seen an interesting movie. 2. I have not read this book. 3. My mother had cooked breakfast. 4. My brother recently wrote an article. 5. When he arrived, his sister had washed the floor. 6. Yesterday at six o"clock in the evening I did homework. 7. It is buy a new dress for the holiday. 8. The Institute will be completed by me for the next year. 9. The works were written by Tuesday. 10. Proposals have already been translated by me.

We are accustomed to the fact that books need to be studied from cover to cover, so we feel a terrible feeling of guilt for the next bestseller we bought and unread. But we still continue to visit the bookstore, arranging a whole collection at home.

And if it is better to read fiction in its entirety to understand it, then you definitely shouldn’t worry about an unread non-fiction book. The main thing is to highlight and assimilate what you need.

Why don't we finish reading books?

We live in a society where knowledge reigns supreme. We are surrounded by a huge amount of different information. So huge that it is difficult for us to assimilate even a small part of it.

To sort through this entire array of information and turn it to its advantage, society is constantly figuring out how to effectively search for the necessary data. They appear on different media and in different formats. And a person is still faced with an unmanageable volume that is available to him. This whole information boom forces us not just to read more, but to do it differently.

Surely no book lover would refuse to immerse himself in the world the old fashioned way fiction. But if you read business books the same way, they can end up boring and irrelevant. We close them halfway, read them in fragments, and don’t start some at all - and experience the present. But there is nothing wrong with unread books.

Why you shouldn't blame yourself for unread books

The main thing is not the number of books you read, but the amount of knowledge that you were able to gain from them. If you learn to isolate the main thing and cut off the unnecessary, unread books will no longer seem like dead weight.

Italian writer and philosopher Umberto Eco collected more than 30,000 books. The Thomas Jefferson collection contained more than 6,000 titles and was the largest library in the country. And Bill Gates, of all the rooms in his house, loves the huge library with an area of ​​195 square meters.

Moreover, the more such experiments you conduct, the higher the likelihood of success. Yes, most likely you will have to select, buy and study a dozen books to find one that is truly useful. But a successful experimenter is willing to accept some losses.

Every time a book you buy turns out to be complete crap, you are still one step closer to the one that can change your life.

2. Practice fractal reading

All books are accompanied by metadata - interviews with authors, book presentations, annotations, reviews, quotes, first and last chapters. And often they turn out to be as valuable as the entire book. And that's why.

  • They are free. You can pre-rate an unlimited number of books. Consequently, each experiment with the purchase of a copy will have a greater chance of success.
  • You get access to information in various formats - text and video - and can fit it into your life as you see fit. For example, you can watch an interview with the author on your way to work or listen to an excerpt from an audiobook while cleaning.
  • The condensed versions of the book mainly contain the key ideas.
  • Read 2-3 book summaries. They can be found on the Internet. You will find several options for almost any book. summary, which often contain the most important information - those 20% of ideas that create 80% of the value. We remind you that we are talking only about the non-fiction genre.
  • Listen to an interview with the author. The interviewer works for you, asking relevant questions carefully selected based on the results of reading the book.
  • Watch the author's talks (TED or university lectures). When an author has to cram a 200-page book into a 20-minute lecture, he shares only the most important ideas and examples.
  • Read all the helpful reviews of the book. Not only positive, but also negative.

Read the first one and last chapter- these can be found in Google Books and free snippets. They usually contain the most valuable information. It is also worth paying attention to the first and last paragraphs of each chapter, because its main idea is usually stated there.

3. Let unread books remind you how much you still don’t know.

It always seems to us that we know much more than. We are surrounded by constant reminders of what we have achieved, but we forget how little it is.

Comparing all the knowledge that humanity could acquire and what we have now is like comparing the Universe and a small grain of sand. Therefore, value intellectual self-criticism. It can give real insight into ourselves and our place in the world, which inspires us to learn more.

Nassim Taleb, a successful investor and best-selling author, calls a collection of unread books an anti-library. The more you learn, the larger this collection becomes. It is clear proof of how much is left beyond your mind. So a huge home library is a tool for knowledge, not for creating an image.

4. Skip good books for great ones.

At any moment you should read the book that, of all the books in the world, suits you best. But as soon as you discover something more interesting or important, you should immediately put it aside... Any other algorithm will certainly lead to you gradually starting to read the worst.

Patrick Collison, founder of Stripe, billionaire

In other words, do what you were taught, exactly the opposite. Instead of solemnly promising to finish every book you pick up, allow yourself to simply put it away - but only if you find something better.

Just don't go overboard by refusing good books, simply because they saw a more attractive headline.

How can you tell if you're jumping from one book to another too quickly? This is where fractal reading comes in handy. If you didn’t see the information you need in an excerpt from a book, it’s unlikely that it’s worth reading in its entirety.

5. Remember: every book has its time

Books read at the right moment are perceived not only consciously, but also subconsciously. This means that this is when they are most effective.

The most important book on your shelf is the one you haven't read yet. Even if you have a promising specimen, it may not be time to get started. It may come in a year, or maybe in 10. But when the book catches your eye at the right time, you will immediately become interested in it and take it off the shelf.

Eben Pagan, successful American businessman

The ability to put a book down is very valuable. Because it is important to read it at the right moment, when the issue raised in it becomes sincerely interesting. Here's another reason to appreciate - you always clearly see what you can turn to.

6. Read books like magazines

When we open a magazine, we feel no guilt, selectively reading pages or flipping through it in five minutes. We skim through it in search of the most interesting and relevant articles, and only then dive into thoughtful reading. “Journal” reading of a book is effective for several reasons:

  • Helps you find the main thing - what is worth studying in depth.
  • It helps us slow down so we can get the most out of whatever we're diving into.
  • Makes it easier to read and makes us more consistent.

Entrepreneur Naval Ravikant observed that most of the most valuable books are sources that form the basis for others written later. He believes that the age-old problems have long been solved and these solutions are most likely many times better than the new ones. After all, a huge number of people have experienced them over the years.

However, Ravikant notes that reading primary sources is quite difficult. We are accustomed to receiving information in small portions and excerpts from blogs and social networks. Therefore, you can read books the same way - skim through the uninteresting, start from the middle and not finish reading - and not feel any sense of guilt.

Be a competent reader and count not the books you read, but the knowledge you learned from them.

For each part of speech there is a rule of continuous or separate writing with the particle NOT. The participle contains both the characteristics of a verb and an adjective, so the rule of writing it with NOT is one of the most difficult. During the lesson you will look at all the features of writing participles with NOT, and also learn to distinguish a participle from a verbal adjective.

Russian language in diagrams and tables. Spelling is NOT with participles.

Didactic materials. Section "Communion"

Spelling participles. Exercises.


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranova M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. “Russian language. 7th grade". Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

3. “Russian language. Practice. 7th grade". Ed. Pimenova S.N. 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. "Russian language. 7th grade. At 3 o'clock." 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.

On the eve of his visit to Germany, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a detailed interview to representatives of German and Russian media. Which way is Russia going today? How does Moscow assess the current events taking place in the world?.. Below are excerpts from Vladimir Putin’s speech on the most pressing and important issues.

About debts

As for debts, you know our position; I have already stated it several times. But it’s not even about the statements, but about those specific actions and the policies that are being pursued Russian Government. We service all debts of the ex Soviet Union and Russian debts accumulated over the past decade. Furthermore, in relations with the International Monetary Fund, we even pay these debts in an accelerated manner, extinguish them ahead of schedule. And I don’t see any problems here.

For us, of course, there is a certain question in 2003 due to the fact that 2003 is the peak of payments. But we are building the budget in such a way that, despite this, we are confident that we will be able to cope with this problem, based on all, including very pessimistic scenarios for the possible development of the world economy...

There is a question about the debts of the Soviet Union former GDR. We are in a state of intensive consultations with our German colleagues. And in general, I have reason to believe that during our meetings and negotiations in Weimar we will be quite able to finally close this issue...

There is no need to explain how sensitive this topic is for both Germany and Russia... and not only because the thesis about causing great damage is alive Russian culture and art during the Second World War, and also because some of the works of art exported from Russia are in the West, but, as they say, in private collections, and therefore states cannot influence their fate. And in our country, a significant part of this cultural potential, which turned out to be after the Second World War, is at the disposal of the state, and the state can dispose of it.

I think this is a topic that requires a responsible approach, patience and a friendly attitude towards each other. This situation is being created by the leadership of Germany and the leadership of Russia. Suffice it to say that we, for our part, convey individual works of art - and you know this - German side and intend to continue this practice. The German side, in turn, is assisting Russia in restoring some lost works of art. In particular, with direct German support, the Amber Room is being recreated in Pushkin near St. Petersburg...

About freedom of the press

...I am absolutely convinced that there cannot be any democratic Russia no free press. But both the free press and democratic institutions themselves are in the process of formation in our country.

If we understand by freedom of the press the freedom of individual so-called oligarchs to buy journalists and dictate their will to them, and in their group interests, and to defend this path of oligarchic development of Russia, which has been imposed on the country over the last decade - if we understand by this freedom of the press, then, yes , she is under threat. I do not believe that we should allow individuals to develop the country's strategy the way they want by lining their pockets with ill-gotten money.

And if we understand freedom of the press as the opportunity of journalists, creative teams openly, freely and fearlessly express one’s point of view on the main problems of the development of the state and society, criticize the actions of the authorities, and seek an appropriate response from the authorities, then I am absolutely sure that such a state will be achieved in Russia. It has already been implemented to a large extent and will continue to be implemented, and the state will act persistently in this direction.

In this regard, the most important thing, in my opinion, is to create conditions for economic freedom of the press, its economic independence and independence. And in this regard, I must say, we act consistently, creating the necessary conditions for the life of this important component of today’s Russia, and we will continue to act in the same way...

About the new US nuclear strategy

It seems to me that it is not yet possible to talk about a new US nuclear strategy, since so far, fortunately, these are only isolated statements by not the top officials in the United States.

I must, however, frankly say that these statements worry us. And that's why. The United States complies with the terms of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, but has not ratified the Treaty. This means that the possibility of resuming nuclear weapons testing remains potentially possible. You know our position on the US withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. The agreement provides for the possibility of unilateral withdrawal. And in this regard, our American partners acted correctly. They, in accordance with the terms of the Treaty, warned us in advance, as expected, of their withdrawal. Legally, everything was done flawlessly. One can probably agree with certain arguments from the American side. But in general, our position is that this step is wrong from the point of view of building security institutions in the world and in Europe.

What you just said cannot but worry us, for this reason. We hear separate statements about the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons by the United States, including in relation to non-nuclear states. This is the first one.

And second. We hear statements and proposals about the development of low-power nuclear charges and the possibility of their use in regional conflicts. This lowers the threshold for the possible use of nuclear weapons to a very low level, to a dangerous point. The very approach to this problem may change, and then it will be possible to talk about changing the strategy. In this case, nuclear weapons are reduced from weapons of nuclear deterrence to the level of weapons of operational use, and, in my opinion, this is very dangerous...

On Russian policy in Chechnya and the North Caucasus

If we want to live in a single European home, we must respect each other's opinions.

I must tell you what Lately a lot has been done in terms of establishing a normal legal process on the territory of Chechnya. A judicial system has been created there, which previously did not exist at all - there were only Sharia courts and executions in squares. I think you haven't forgotten this. I also want to remind you about the beheadings of people there, including foreign citizens. I would not like the Western public to forget about this.

But in order to create normal conditions functioning of a civilized legal system, it must first be created. I repeat, the judicial system has been formed, the prosecutor’s office and, accordingly, the legal profession have started working. More than 20 people from among the military personnel of the Russian security forces have been brought to criminal responsibility for the offenses they have committed. The justice system as a whole has been created.

This, of course, does not mean that there cannot be some violations, and here, of course, there is outside control public organizations, including international ones, is extremely important. Russia is not at all interested in hiding anything or covering up for people who commit crimes. We are absolutely open. There are so many international observers working in Chechnya and from so many international organizations that probably no other conflict-ridden and explosive point on the planet has known. Constantly, almost every week, representatives of some international organizations are on the territory of Chechnya: the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the UN, the Red Cross.

We are absolutely open to the press, including the international one. Your colleagues have the opportunity to be in Chechnya at any time, to move freely, keeping in mind, of course, security issues, to meet with whomever they want, to talk to whoever they want, to receive information and disseminate it.

We must understand that we are dealing with terrorists, and there, in Chechnya - I have already spoken about this - the problem of separatism and the problem of terrorism are intertwined practically into one ball, it is no longer possible to separate them. People receive money from the same financial centers that supply al-Qaeda, militants are trained in the same training centers and are transferred to us, to the territory of the Caucasus. This is such a gangster, terrorist international. It still exists and, unfortunately, functions.

Of course, there may be costs. Now I’m not talking about those people who commit offenses - this is a separate topic that requires a separate reaction - but there are possible costs and victims. Take the bombing in Afghanistan. Weren't there any casualties among the civilian population? This necessary measure, and it’s not the Americans who are to blame for this. The terrorists who occupied Afghanistan and put the civilian population of this country under attack should be blamed. They, in fact, hide behind the civilian population as a human shield, the same as terrorists who hijack an airplane or other vehicle do. We have a similar situation in Chechnya, absolutely the same...

    Ecumenical VI COUNCIL- . Sources, publications Almost all copies of Greek. the text of the Acts of the Council were destroyed during the reign of the Emperor. Philippic (711 713), according to his decree issued in 711 (RegImp, N 271). The only copy was saved... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this last name, see Galkin. Ilya Savvich Galka Date of birth: August 1, 1898 (1898 08 01) Place of birth: Panasyuki village, Grodno province now Kamenets district of Brest region, Belarus ... Wikipedia

    Writer, born October 30, 1821 in Moscow, died January 29, 1881, in St. Petersburg. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, married to the daughter of a merchant, Marya Fedorovna Nechaeva, occupied the position of doctor at the Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Busy at the hospital and... ...

    Date of birth: December 5, 1924 (1924 12 05) Place of birth: Odessa Date of death: July 30, 2007 (2007 07 30) (82 years old) ... Wikipedia

    Distinguished full professor, renowned statistician; born October 5, 1835 in Kyiv; He received his secondary education at the 1st Kyiv Gymnasium, after completing the course (with a gold medal) he entered the University of St. Vladimir first on... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    - (addition to the article) Following the liberation from serfdom, the peasants were forced to rent land from the owners, the treasury, the appanage and seek work for themselves both on landowner farms and off-farm farms. The allotment they received and... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

    - (Spanish Don Juan, Italian Don Giovanni, French Don Juan, German Don Juan, English Don Juan) hero of world literature of the 17th-20th centuries, one of the eternal images. The background to this literary hero goes back to the Middle Ages and is associated with numerous legends about... ... Literary heroes

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Likhachev. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev 1st Chairman of the Board of the Soviet (since November 1991 Russian) Cultural Foundation ... Wikipedia


  • Journals of the Smolensk district zemstvo assembly. XLVI of the next, meetings from September 30 to October 8, 1910, with appendices,. A report on the approval of a tax on forest materials in the Smolensk district for the 3rd anniversary since 1911 was read and adopted. The report on the approval of the dachshund for the 3rd anniversary since 1911 was read and accepted...