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Clear: What is it and how to develop it. Persecurity of man: telepathy, clairvoyance and clearness What is Cleaning

Do you hear the ringing in the ears (squeak) or an unclear whisper? It is worth checking out for signs of clarity! It is very likely that you have a gift to this superpower!

From this article you will learn ...

1. What will give you clarity if you have abilities?
2. How to check ourselves on signs of clarity?
3. When can you show signs of clarity?
4. How to make sure it is clear, and not something else?

What will clarifying you if you have abilities?

I answer! More chances and opportunities, and absolutely not straining!

Judge for yourself…

    • Instead of spending precious time on learning someone else's experience and gaining knowledge, you can simply tune in to extrasensory perception, and the necessary information will go over a few seconds.
    • To someone needed several years to work painstakingly on creating a brilliant masterpiece, and the other at that time creates hits one by one, successfully sells them, gains popularity and recognition ...
    • Some businessmen are affected at their own risk and often feed the cones, while others listen to inner voice and always remain in winning.
    • Most people B. ordinary life acts according to logic (and then often complains about failures and conflicts), and some (chosen, who develops their superpowers) get subtle information and can lay straw in advance so as not to fall painful ...
    • Yes, and, agree, it is always better to know more than others, receive advice and tips from the subtle world to read the information and timely to benefit than just live like everything.

The gift of clarity is one of the most amazing superposses, and that's why ...

The predisposition to clarity¹ have special people with sensitive hearing (whereas others have more inclined to clairvoyance or clearing)

Below I will reveal you some characteristic signs of clarity that will help you understand if you have a gift for this amazing ability. So…

How to test yourself on signs of clarity?

Below are the most vivid signs of clarification. Just rate if you have. The more coincidences you notice, the more pronounced you have the ability to clarify, the easier it will be for you to develop it. But!

Even 1-2 coincidences say that the gift of clarifications you most likely have!

So check yourself!

Sign No. 1.Tinnitus

Scientists have not yet found out exactly because of which there arises in the ears (squeak in the ears), which disappears after a few seconds or minutes. There are different assumptions about this, but one can say for sure. In people who are able to hear it (and hear a squeak in the ears is not all!), The chances of developing clearness is much higher than that of others.

In esoteric circles, it is believed that at the time of the ring (piscus) in the ears, the patron spirit is trying to pay attention to and transfer important information.

Sign of clarification number 2.Whisper, noise, voices

When the crank canal is active, voices, words or distinct phrases may occur in the head. If such phenomena deliver discomfort, you can turn to mentally or out loud to the spirits so that they give their message, or ask them to silenced.

Sign of Cleaning No. 3. Conversationwith myself

Internal dialogue with himself (during which answers appear to questions, new ideas or decisions are coming - not a mental cheerful!) - This is a sign that the subconscious councils or protothera performances come through the Claims Channel.

Sign of Cleaning No. 4.Knock, steps, screenshots

When a person hears such sounds in his head, and not in the surrounding space (when others hear anything), this suggests that he hears the presence of the entities of a subtle plan nearby. Also any sounds or words in the head (voice in the head) that are not amenable to the logical explanation are a sign of clarity.

Sign of Cleaning No. 5.Sudden insight

Typically, ingenious ideas come in a meditative condition, when consciousness does not prevent directly communicating with the subconscious or inhabitants of the astral world. But if a person is suddenly, being, for example, driving, or dealing with everyday affairs, hears the decision in his head or receives an accurate action plan, it means that he has an extrasensitor channel of perception - Cleaning.

Sign of Clearness No. 6. Wise advice

If a person gives a very wise and timely council during the conversation, but then it cannot explain how he thought of it, it was a sign that the information was received from the outside, and his mouth was told by a subtle essence.

Sign of Clearness No. 6. Private messages

With the gift of clarifications, a person can on radio, television or at the time being present with someone's conversation to hear phrases faithfully towards him. If such cases are quite often, it means the clarity is activated, and the essence of the subtle world is trying to come into contact.

When can you show signs of clarity?

The gift of clarity can open at any age. When the inner ear is activated, a person can start hearing the ringing in the ears, obscure buzz, scraps of words, voices, or feel a change in pressure in the ear canal.

And now, attention!

Clear can manifest itself in different ways, and it is important to distinguish its deviations in the psyche!

How to make sure it is clear, and not something else?

2. Messages from the subtle world cannot sound constantly as radio. They are concise and contain specific information.

4. An intuitive information can come through the voices of perfumes, thin essences may ask to give someone to someone or warn about something, but they cannot order a person or manage it, forcing him to make inadequate actions.

Noted signs of clarifications, and want to develop this super supporting?

In a special section of the site you will find useful practical information and some general techniques for

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ in parapsychology clear It is one of the forms of extrasensory perception, the intended human ability to receive audio information (votes of people, performing spirits, etc.) with the help of paranormal agents. Often considered as a form of clairvoyance (

Clearness is often found in our world. This is a congenital ability. But according to obscure reasons, it refers to the most unprofitable features of a person.

IN last years There are more and more monumental work on clairvoyance or clearing - inexplicable from the position of the science of human opportunity to perceive and prefeed some events. Clearness remains like learning the study. Perhaps, the science of psychiatry was played not the last role in the fate of this talent. After all, everyone knows that auditory hallucinations accompany a number of mental illness. And if a person says that he is talking to "Voices", surrounding naturally suspect the worst ...

Clearness has no relation to the diseases of the psyche. This ability existed and developed with deep antiquity. Tibetan Buddhists, for example, coached Claim, applying sea shell in the meditation process. In the same way, Hungarian Gypsies acted, communicating with the spirit of air. The priests and shamans talked with the gods and representatives of the subtle worlds. Among the Christian saints, you can find many who heard voices.

Interesting statements

"All lively covered by music, because music is the soul of heaven!" M. T. Cicero.

Moreover, modern science To this day, it is not known exactly what is human hearing. The mechanisms of this our ability have not yet been completely clarified. Scientists suggest that by means of a part of the ear - snail - sound oscillations are transmitted to the auditory system. What is interesting, the foundations of scientific incidents practically did not undergo changes to the ideas on this issue were set out in the XIX century Helmholz, after! And if the usual rumor for science is largely mysterious, what can we talk about clarifying?

In essence, Cleaning is one of the forms of extrasensory perception. This ability is connected with the activity of a throat chakra. Most often, spontaneous manifestations of clarity are celebrated in a dream or in a changed state of consciousness. It was then that people hear the voice from outside or inside their heads. Almost everything

the history of our civilization is executed by similar examples. Many people, far-step forward in their spiritual development, argued that they heard voices. It is these invisible "advisers" indicated the path, called for committing certain actions, advised how to act. The famous Jeanne D "Ark heard the voices of Saints Catherine and Mikhail, who were they who led the girl in her military accomplishments. Old Testament Moses heard Glow of God, which is clearly spelled out in the Bible.

Interesting statements

"The human's nervous system as a whole can be considered as Eoloch ... If these nerve oscillations become strong and respond to the astral element, the sound appears as a result." E. P. Blavatskaya.

Clearness is a way to obtain information from the subtle world. Moreover, this information enters our consciousness not in the form of images or mysterious symbols, but verbally. We get information from the outside in the form of a clear thought. Moreover, we can not only hear the subtle world, but also to communicate at a distance, perceive the rumor that happens away from us. One of the manifestations of clarity is the inner voice, with which each of us came across. Before proceeding with the training of clarity, you will have to learn to listen to yourself. After all, we can always seek advice to the subconscious - and get it! Unfortunately, consciousness and intelligence tend to critically evaluate everything that we do not find confirmation in objective reality.

Researchers allocate two forms of clarity:

Spiritual - carried out without the help of hearing agencies, i.e., you get information in the form of thought appearing in your consciousness;

Immediately - carried out with the help of hearing organs, i.e., you really hear pronounced words, as if they were sounded in reality.

Direct clarity, according to a number of studies, arises from the spiritual one. The most important quality for the development of clarity is the ability to move into the passive state of consciousness. After all, the oscillations are thin

the world we are able to perceive when they are in an interesting state of "figurelessness", internal silence. To achieve such a state, solitude will help you. Here, for example, as you can prepare for the perception of sound information.

Early in the morning or coming in the evening, take a convenient posture, tie the eyes with a bandage. Thus, you get rid of such an external stimulus as light. Ears plug and listen to yourself. Drop all thoughts, just listen. Gradually, you will begin to perceive some noise in the ears, perhaps the ringing.

Interesting statements

"The world sounds, it is a cosmos of spiritually acting creatures. Thus, dead matter is a living spirit. " V. V. Kandinsky.

Sometimes with Cleaning, we can confuse auditory hallucinations, which arise in our consciousness from overwork or in connection with the border states of the psyche. Hallucinations are usually quite intrusive and aggressive, remind orders and demand something to do from you. Clearness is a thought, pronounced verbally. Psychic thus perceives sounds through a special, finely developed hearing.

People with severe extrasensory abilities can hear the voices of the dead

people, learn about the innermost secrets. Not always they perceive the full conversation. Sometimes the information reaches scribe: separate replicas, random words.

So, that's what Cleaning can give us:

The ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead;

The opportunity to hear the advice of the creation of a subtle world, angels, spirits of things and keepers;

Telepathic perception of other people's thoughts;

You can even hear what sounded in one or another century place back.

In addition, clearness is directly related to physical hearing. Thin and highly developed hearing is a useful acquisition. First, developing hearing, you will avoid age deafness. Secondly, you can hear a lot, in time to avoid danger, etc.

Clearness is known to people with deep antiquity. Medieval necromancers also sought to master clarity to get the opportunity to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

On a note!

In the Bible, we can read about the Glyow of God, who spoke with the prophets. IN Ancient Greece People listened to the votes of the highest spirits - Daimonov. And only with the development of the Christian church, the Diamons renamed demons and were declared servants of the "human enemy". Shamans also perceive the voices of spirits on rumor.

You can hear a variety of voices: your own, voices of other people, the voices of conductors, deceased relatives, gods, angels, totem animals. All this is largely depends on the subtlety of your perception. Agree, hear yourself or a close relative is somewhat simpler than the voice of the gods.

You can perceive voices and during sleep, and in the time of wakefulness. You may receive advice, or voices will tell you how to act, reassure, will support. Developing clarity, you get access to the so-called unified information network. At the same time, you can communicate with the same "advanced" people, regardless of distance. You may just hear music, songs. Please note: soon you will have important information, and sound accompaniment will appear as a "alarm".

Clear how the ability is inextricably linked with a throat chakra, which is located in a jugular jam, at the base of the neck. Thorough chakra is one of the energy centers of our body.

If the chakra is open, you can perceive the information that others do not hear.

Want to develop the ability to clarify and hear more than other people? Discover this amazing opportunity to read the information!

Yes Yes exactly! Each person has intuition, and each of us is under the protection of the highest strength, but not everyone listens to their inner voice.

Surely you have repeatedly heard stories about how people managed to avoid danger, because heard a certain "voice" on time warned or stopped them?

Developing clarity, you can learn to hear the prompts of the Universe and to know exactly what one or another will lead to.

Not to mention the fact that the ability to clarifying is indispensable in everyday life!

Reading information with a thin hearing, you can:

  • receive tips, how best to do in one way or another;
  • anticipate events with benefits for yourself;
  • you can even literally to hear the thoughts of people, if you develop this supercoperation.

No wonder they say: "Who owns information, he owns the world!"

Clearness is one of the main extrasensory abilities. Perhaps there is no person who would not know about clairvoyance, but a few really know about clarifications.

Cleaning ability implies the ability to catch the sounds outside the usual perceived by us sound oscillationsAnd this is a range of 16-20 Hz to 15-20 kHz.

Distinguish two types of clarity!

1-J. - This is the ability to hear very quiet external sounds (in the future it will be more convenient to call this type of clarity by the superchair).

2nd - Actually Cleaning - the ability to hear the voices in your head.

It is this mental ability to hear the voices within itself allows a person:

  • communicate with your subconscious
  • receive messages from the inhabitants of the subtle world,
  • hear the voices of spirits and various entities.

Thanks to mental hearing, you can constantly be in touch with your spiritual mentors.

Imagine a radio receiver. To listen to your favorite transmission, you set it up on the desired wave, right? Something similar happens with mental hearing - to hear the voice of the subconscious or the message of subtle entities, you need to tune in to a certain range of sound waves.

Signs of Clear!

Clear can be called telepathic messaging. It reminds the conversation on the mobile phone, but there is no telephone tube in hand.

During clarity, the message may sound like an ordinary voice when a person thinks or reads to himself.

Usually the message sounds inside the head, but, with rare exception, it can be external.

Messages of intuition or the bright entities of the subtle world are only aimed at good. They never happen to take revenge on someone or harm.

Messages coming through the Claim Channel always leave a person freedom of choice. If he needs help, the subconscious and spiritual mentors can give recommendations, but never orders him and do not make something to do.

Most often, the ability to clarifying is perceived as extraneous thoughts in the head. For example, you drink tea in the morning and make up a list of purchases for the evening, but suddenly the phrase arises, which is not connected with this. It may be a word or two, words from the song, etc.

It is desirable to record such phrases, as they can serve as a tip!

But, how to understand that this is the experience of clarity, and not our own thoughts?

How to distinguish clearing from your internal dialogue?

This understanding comes with practice. Constantly training hearing, you can teach yourself somewhat more than usual, catch the finest sound vibrations. Over time, it will be possible to easily distinguish the intuitive messages from the chatter of your mind, as a person with ordinary hearing distinguishes singing from a simple speech.

Usually, the messages transmitted over the Claim Channel carry some important information - a hint, advice or aims to action.

Some people doubt that they can have a gift of clarity. In fact, everyone can become clear if desired. But someone has a deposit to this, and someone will need a longer practice.

How to develop the ability to clarify?

It is believed that the clarity is somewhat lighter than other super supports.

The world around the world is full of different sounds. We are so accustomed to constant noise that some sounds simply do not notice, we do not fix them in our mind. If you give daily time to the techniques for the development of hearing, then after a while you can decently expand the range of sound perception and master the superchand.

What do you say clarifier?

From the personal experience of one psychic, which has the ability to clarifying:

"Options for obtaining information through clarity is quite diverse. When a message pass me, I can hear my voice or voice of the spirit in my head. I can hear a few words or get a large amount of information.

Sometimes, through me the Spirit itself. Communicating with man, I can say deep and wise words, give very right adviceAlthough in the usual state I would hardly have thought about this.

I spend daily with my intuition and advise her for anyone!

It helps it very much. Relying on the subconscious tips, I almost never mistaken in decision making and prioritization.

With the development of clarity, my life has become pleasant, easier and comfortable!

I'm no longer afraid of surprises and trouble, and always in a good mood. I feel protected. This is how to have your own rescue army, which is a clock in your personal disposal. It is very cool!"

The concept of telepathy was introduced into Ancient ChinaAnd in 1982 this phenomenon has been worldwide.

We remember with you that Hitler was fond of astrology. We also understand that any predictive equipment: Astrology, fortune telling on tarot cards, coffee grounds, runes, wax, stones, candles, balls, on water, on anything - this is clairvoyance, but more clearly. These are all tips.

For example, on the map Tarot depicts a man on horseback. Put in front of an ordinary person who does not want to develop anything, this card and ask: "What does this mean?". He will say: "The man on horse is drawn. So what?" And in Tarot, it will be treated as a whole story about this man, his fate, etc. When a person sets you a question, remember that you must ask yourself to ask yourself, and then you will receive an answer. Where is the question, there is also an answer, everything is in us. The question simply does not occur so, because the answers are ready to be recognized.

Now, thanks to science, we can try out some mechanical amplifiers of extrasensory abilities: it puts on, for example, a person has a certain device on the head and through the brain controls the steel robot, through some electronic impulses, that is, the brain works in telepathic mode.

Telepathy - One of the forms of communication of prehistoric people. They did not have developed speechThey all passed to each other mentally, telepathically. When the throat turned on chakra Vishudha- It was speech, and telepathic abilities began to close, like an unnecessary form, they began to die, say so. Therefore, the less you say, the more intuition works, telepathy is manifested!

We are continuously talking, we will not stop us. There is even such a disease - logoryWhen people speak without silent. But it is not all sick, but there are a lot of unstilted tolotunov!

Remember, Cleaning is born and develops in silence of the mind.

Telepathy possess animalsBecause they do not know how to speak, they publish separate sounds, quite primitive, but they communicate with us telepathically.

Each person has some kind of ability. Nowadays, superpowers are manifested in everyone who develops them. Since the time of Lemuria, everyone was opened third EyeBut people began to neglect this, to use this gift not for the benefit, and the third eye was closed, so that the third eye exists in everyone, and if there is a desire, it can be opened.

Do you know who we have and all over the world train as psychics at the highest state level? Scouts or, Roughly speaking, spies. They necessarily need to be developed by telepathic abilities: clairvoyance, clear and clear. Claiming them must be very developed. They have to catch the sounds like bats. At the intelligence officers are especially developing acute hearing and supercomes - Cleaning.