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Lesson on speech development in the middle group: “Let's play together. Notes for a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Short and long words Speech development” download notes for the middle group

GCD for speech development in the middle group “Forest Parcel”

Description of work: Summary of direct educational activities for children of the middle group “Forest parcel”. The material will be useful to teachers of preschool groups. This is a summary of an educational lesson for preschoolers 4-5 years old, aimed at generalizing and consolidating the topic “Wild Animals”.
Target: Expanding vocabulary and consolidating knowledge of the names of wild animals in preschoolers.
1. Consolidating in speech the names of wild animals and their cubs, body parts, and dwellings.
2. Development of thinking based on descriptive riddles.
3. Consolidating the ability to compose a story using mnemonic tables.
4. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.
Integration of educational areas:“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”.
Materials for work:
- parcel with locks, letter;
- cards depicting the homes of wild animals;
- didactic game: “Whose tail? ”;
- subject pictures depicting wild animals and their young.
Preliminary work: Acquaintance with wild animals in classes on familiarization with the outside world, through outdoor games, imitation of animal movements. Carrying out finger exercises, guessing and inventing riddles. Educator: Good morning, guys. This morning a package and a letter were brought to our group. Let's read the letter.
Hello guys!
We are sending you a parcel with gifts for you. But in order to open it and find out who it is from, you need to pass tests. For each test you pass, you will receive a key to the lock. We wish you good luck!

Educator: Well, guys, are you ready for the test? (children's answers)
Educator: In order to learn to speak beautifully and correctly, you and I need to warm up our tongue.
1. “Smile”, “Fence”
Our lips smiled
They went straight to my ears.
You try “And-and-and” say,
Show me your fence.

2. “Tube”
A baby elephant came to visit us,
Amazing child
Look at the baby elephant
Pull your lips with your proboscis.

3. “Smile” / “Tube”
If our lips smile,
Look - a fence appears.
Well, what if the sponges are a narrow tube,
So, we can play the pipe.

4. "Watch"
One after another, one after another
The arrows are moving in a circle.
You lick both lips

Show me how the arrows move.

5. "Pendulum"
The mint moves in the clock:
To the left is a tick, and to the right is like that.
You can do this:
Tick ​​and so, tick and so?

6. "Swing"
On a fun swing
Tanya and Nikita sat down.
The swing went down
And then they flew up.
Together with the birds, probably
They wanted to fly away.

Educator: Well done, you did your warm-up well. So, the 1st test is guessing riddles (if the answer is correct, an image of an animal is displayed).
What kind of forest animal is this?
Stood up like a column under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
The ears are larger than the head.
Answer: hare
Who is cold in autumn?
Walking around gloomy and hungry? (Wolf)

This glorious redhead
Lush tail, white belly,
A very scary trick
Counts the chickens in the cage
And it will scare the owners,
He will instantly run away and straight into the forest.
Answer (fox)

He sleeps in a hole during the long winter,
But as soon as the sun starts to warm up,
On the road for honey and raspberries
Heading off …
Answer (Bear)

I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.
In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts.
Answer (Squirrel)

Well done boys. All the riddles were solved. Here is the first key to the lock. Tell me, what animals did we guess riddles about? (children's answers). Why are they called that? (children's answers). That's right, wild animals live in the forest, and each has its own house. The next test is called “Who lives where?”

On the tables there are cards with images of an animal and a home. Children are asked to connect the animal and its home with a line. When completing the task, the teacher asks related questions:
Where does the wolf live? (In the lair)
Where does the squirrel live? (In the hollow.)
Where does the fox live? (In holes.)
Where does the hare live? (Under a bush.)

Educator: Great, we passed this test. Here is the second key to the lock. And our next test is called “Name it correctly.”
The child chooses a picture from the series “animals and their babies” and says:
Fox - fox - little fox (fox cubs)
Wolf - she-wolf - wolf cub (wolf cubs)
Bear – she-bear – cub (cubs)
Hare - hare - little hare (hares)
Squirrel – squirrel – baby squirrel (baby squirrels)

Educator: Good job. And for this we get another key. Now I suggest you rest a little. (physical minute)
Mischievous animals.

The bunny jumps through the bushes,
Through the swamp and over the hummocks.
The squirrel jumps on the branches
The mushroom is carried to baby squirrels.
A bear with a clubfoot is walking,
He has crooked paws.
No paths, no paths
A prickly hedgehog is rolling. They jump on two legs, making “ears” from their palms.

They jump with their arms bent in front of their chest.

They waddle.

Move in a half squat, making round backs.

Educator: You and I have had a rest, but there is still a test, and it’s called “Make a story.”
The child is asked to choose an image of one animal and use a mnemonic table to compose a story. The children's answers are heard.

Educator: Another test is over, and we have another key. The last test left is “Whose tail?”
On the tables are pictures of animals without tails. The child is asked to find the desired tail and glue it on, while naming whose tail it is (fox, wolf, squirrel, hare).
Educator: Guys, all the tests have been passed, let's see what's inside the package (they open it, there's a treat).
Educator: Who do you think sent you the package? (children's answers). That's right, the forest dwellers sent you gifts.
Treats are given to the children.

Marina Nikolaevna Ivanova
Summary of a lesson in the middle group on speech development on the topic “Furniture”

Goals and objectives:

1. Learn to describe objects furniture;

2. Activate vocabulary (table, chair, bed, closet, sofa, armchair, sleep, rest, lie down, sit)

3. Improve grammatical structure speeches(formation of plural nouns, adjectives, diminutives)

4. Development of attention, memory, thinking.


Toys: Cheburashka, subject and cut-out pictures « Furniture» , toy furniture.

Organizing time.

1. Organizational moment.

IN group A toy truck with a big sack drives in. Cheburashka is sitting in the back. He is glad that he was given a new apartment and asks the guys to help him choose the right one furniture.

A game "Wonderful bag"

Children take turns coming to the table and pulling out objects. furniture and describe it in suggestive ways questions:

What is this?

What does it consist of?

What colour?

What is it made of?

What is this item for?

Where can I put it?

Describe a table, chair, sofa, wardrobe, bed, chest of drawers.

2. Game "What changed"

Children close their eyes, the teacher removes one object. Children open their eyes and must name. What has changed on the table?

3. Physical exercise:

Here is Kiryushina's crib (spread your arms to the sides)

So that Kiryusha sleeps sweetly (sit down, palms under cheeks)

So that in his sleep he grows up (rise slowly)

So that he becomes big soon (stand on tiptoes, arms stretch up)

4. Game "One is many" with a ball.

The teacher throws the ball to the child, naming the object furniture in the singular, the child catches the ball and throws it to the teacher, calling this object in the plural.

Table - tables

Wardrobe - cabinets

Chair - chairs

Sofa - sofas

Armchair - armchairs

Bed – beds

5. Game "Say kindly". Educator. Let's affectionately call the big chair and the small chair.

Large sofa and small (sofa)

Large closet and small (locker)

Large table and small (table)

Big bed and small one (crib)

Large stool and small (stool)

6. Finger gymnastics "A lot of furniture in the apartment»

One, two, three, four - a lot furniture in the apartment

(clench and unclench your fists)

We'll hang the shirt in the closet (bend your finger)

And we’ll put a cup in the buffet (bend your finger)

To give your legs a rest

Let's sit on the chair for a while (bend your finger)

And when we were fast asleep,

Lying on the bed (bend your finger)

And then the cat and I sat at the table (bend your finger)

We drank tea and jam together (clap)

A lot of furniture in the apartment(spread your arms to the sides)

7. Game "What's extra"

Children approach the tables on which there are sets of pictures; they need to find and remove the extra picture.

8. Apartment equipment for Cheburashka.

The children work in groups of three. Each group given the task of furnishing a toy furnished kitchen, living room, bedroom Cheburashka. Then each group shows Cheburashka the room and describes it furniture.

Cheburashka thanks the children for their help and invites them to a housewarming party.

Educator. What did we talk about today? Why do we need

furniture? To the furniture served us for a long time, how should we treat her? (take care).

Publications on the topic:

Notes Nod designing furniture from boxes using the “Selection Screen” in the middle group on the topic: “Furniture” Purpose: Objectives: Educational:.

Abstract of educational activities on cognitive activity and speech development in the middle group. Voropaeva Margarita Sergeevna. Purpose: To form ideas.

OD summary on speech development in the middle group on the topic “Victory Day.” Goal: to promote the education of patriotic feelings in preschool children.

Lesson on speech development on the topic “Spring. Signs of spring." in the middle group. Goal: To summarize children’s ideas about spring. Give an introduction.

Furniture. Summary of a lesson on speech development at a point of correctional pedagogical assistance for children 5-6 years old with NVODD. Program tasks: 1. Form.

Program content:

— Correction and development of visual perception, auditory memory, visual-figurative thinking, general and fine motor skills; develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;

— To form preschoolers’ ideas about poultry: external features, their habits, lifestyle, and the benefits they bring to people. Expand and activate children's vocabulary on a lexical topic. Form a general concept: poultry.

— Formation of interest in wildlife, friendliness and love for birds;

— Encourage children to independently search for answers to questions;

— Improving the grammatical structure of speech: forming nouns in diminutive forms, practicing the use of antonym words, continuing to learn how to compose a complex subordinate sentence with the conjunction a;

Equipment: proof sheets (according to the number of children), subject pictures, feather, pencils, task for the game “Help the Birds”.

Progress of the lesson in the middle group

Surprise moment.

Children find a feather in the group.

I. Organizational moment.

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite”

(teach children to select antonym words)

Educator. Stand next to each other, like a moon in a semicircle.

- Look, what is this? (Feather)

- Is it black? - .... (it's white)

- Is it big? - ... (it’s small)

- Is it long? - … (it is short)

- Is it heavy? - ... (it’s light)

- Is it dirty? - ... (it’s clean)

This feather is not simple, it is magical:

It's worth blowing on it

And it will show the way -

Which way to go?

To find the owner.

Educator. - I wonder who is the owner of this feather and where it lives in the forest or in the poultry yard? We'll find out now. When I say: “One, two, three - fly the feather!”, you all blow on it together, inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. (The feather lies on the palm of the teacher’s outstretched hand)

II. Main part.

1) “Tell and show”

Educator. — A magic feather led us to a poultry yard where poultry lives. Guess and show who lives in our poultry yard. (Working with correction tables).

Children guess riddles and cover the birds they guessed.

Riddles about poultry for preschoolers

I am a pied, I am a corydalis.

Where-where! - I shout briefly.

I scream and the street hears:

She laid an egg.. (Chicken)

Yellow lumps squeak,

These are all sons and daughters

Mom clucks: Ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far!

Don't play hide and seek with your mom.

Children, who is she? ... (Chickens)

He is not a horseman, but with spurs,

His clothes have patterns.

He knows the time, like people,

He himself is not a watchman, but wakes everyone up. (Rooster)

And he hisses and cackles -

He says he wants to bite... (Goose)

Her legs are like flippers

The beak is flat, red,

- Quack-quack-quack, - floats along the river,

Eats grain and plucks grass... (Duck)

I'm an important bird, I'm not friends with anyone,

I walk around puffed up with importance,

I can be white and black like the earth,

There's a noose hanging on my beak

2) “Answer quickly”

(Working with the correction table).

- How many legs does a turkey have?

— How many scallops does a chicken have?

- How many hooves does a rooster have?

- How many tails does a goose have?

- Who has a beard?

- How many wings does a duck have?

-Who else has wings besides birds? (Butterfly, mosquito, fly, bee, etc.)

-Where else can we see wings? (Airplane)

3) “Say kindly”

(formation of diminutive forms of nouns, work with a correction table).

Chicken, and tenderly chicken.

Rooster, and affectionately cockerel.

Duck, and affectionately duck.

Goose, and affectionately gander.

4) Physical education minute.

5) Compiling a complex subordinate clause with the conjunction a.

(On the easel are pictures of a rooster, chicken, cat, turkey)

Educator. Imagine, the cat says that she looks like a chicken. Is it so?

— What do a cat and a chicken have in common?

- What is the difference? (“A cat is an animal, and a chicken is a bird.” “A cat has four legs, and a chicken has two.”, etc.)

6) Problematic question

- They all live in the poultry yard. And who takes care of them, feeds them, waters them, builds housing?

— Do you think domestic birds could live in the forest? Why?

- Why do people need them? What benefits do they bring? (Meat, eggs, fluff, feather)

7) Finger gymnastics

The duck walked along the edge (the edge of the palm imitates walking)

She led her cubs:

Large and small, (alternately show fingers)

Middle, last. (Show fingers one by one)

Two little foxes crept up,

They dragged a duckling into the forest... (they make movements with their hands as if they were grabbing something)

8) “Help the birds”

— The birds have scattered from the poultry yard. Help them meet, connect members of the same family, draw a path with a pencil and say who met whom (work in a notebook)

III. Bottom line. Reflection

What interesting things did you learn today?

What games did you like the most? Can you play them at home?

MBOU "Dzhanaiskaya OOSH"

"Journey to a Fairy Tale"

Prepared and conducted by: Jumanova F. M.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group

"Journey to a Fairy Tale"

Goals: consolidate the ability to retell a work of art using the modeling method, teach children to answer in full sentences, activate vocabulary, develop children's coherent speech, reasoning skills, imagination, thinking, logic, develop children's creative abilities, cultivate a love for Russian folk tales.

Equipment and materials: computer, masks, fox toy, magic bag.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizing time . Children stand in a circle.

Educator: You all hold hands and smile at each other.

Guys, today we will go on a fabulous journey.

If a fairy tale knocks on the door,

Hurry up and let her in

Because a fairy tale is a bird,

You'll get a little scared and won't find it.

2. Surprise moment. A magic bag appears, in which a fox toy is hidden.

Guys, look, what is this?

That's right, someone forgot the magic bag, but there is something inside. Let's try to guess what is there, but not with the help of our eyes, but with the help of our hands. Now I’ll let a few guys feel it, and they have to name what’s inside the bag.

Children feel the bag and try to guess who is inside.

That's right, guys, it's a fox, she came running to us from a fairy tale. Guys, what is a fox called in fairy tales? (Fox-sister, little fox, Lisa Patrikeevna)

How did you guess that there was a fox hidden in the bag? (she has a fluffy tail)

3. Conversation. - Now, guys, let’s sit down on the chairs and let’s try to describe our guest.

Alina, what can you tell us about fox fur? (the fox's fur is soft, fluffy, red.)

Okay, Sasha, what can you tell us about the fox’s face? (The fox’s muzzle is sharp, cunning, its ears are sharp and look like triangles.)

Well done, Sasha. And Roma will tell us about the fox's tail. (A fox's tail is long, soft, fluffy.)

Arina, why do you think the fox needs such a fluffy tail? (A fox's tail is long and fluffy to cover its tracks.)

Well done, Arina. What can you say about the character of the fox, what is it like in fairy tales? (The fox in fairy tales is cunning, a deceiver.)

Well done boys. The fox came running to us from a fairy tale, but which one do you think? In what fairy tales have we met a fox? (Fox with a rolling pin, Kolobok, Teremok, Mitten.)

Yes, indeed, in these fairy tales we meet a fox, but our guest came running from a fairy tale, where she offended the hare and kicked him out of the house. (Zayushkina's hut.)

4. A game with riddles. - That's right, guys, and the fox brought us riddles with her. Let's listen to them carefully and guess. First we listen to the riddle and only then tell the answer.

Slides appear on the computer.

Our animal lives in anxiety,

The trouble takes your feet away.

Well, quickly guess,

What is the animal's name? (hare)

Who is big and clubfooted,

He took the honey out of the barrel with his paw.

I ate the sweetness and roared.

What's his name? (bear)

Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly,

The wings flap loudly.

The faithful shepherd chicken

What's his name? (rooster)

I have excellent hearing

Sharp look and subtle scent,

I immediately get into a fight with the cat,

Because I am (a dog)

Jumping through the swamp

Green frog.

Green legs

My name is (frog)

Guys, look at what animals we guessed, are they all heroes of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”? (No, the frog is from another fairy tale)

5. Physical exercise.

That's right, guys, the fox sees that you are tired and wants to play with you. Do you want to play with the fox?

Then we stand in a circle.

Hey guys, are you sleeping?

Show us the animals.

The fox has a sharp nose,

She has a fluffy tail.

Red fox fur coat

Inexpressible beauty.

Fox walks through the forest

He strokes the red fur coat.

The hare was jumping through the forest,

The hare was looking for food.

Suddenly the hare is on top of his head

The ears rose like arrows.

The bunny jumped and turned around

And he bent under a tree.

The bear crawled out of the den,

Misha stretches his legs

He walked on his toes

And then on the heels.

6. Modeling a fairy tale. - So we rested a little, and the fox invites us to the tables.

On the tables are sheets of paper with circles, pencils, and on the board there is also a sheet of paper with circles.

Guys, let's remember the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut." Arina, tell us where the fairy tale begins.

That's right, Anya will come to the board and draw us a hare and a fox. Anya, what distinguishes a fox from other animals?

Let's show on the first circle that this is a fox, draw sharp ears and a long muzzle.

What does the hare have that other heroes of our fairy tale do not have?

That's right, let's draw long ears for our hare.

Vadim, what happened next?

What distinguishes the dog in our fairy tale?

That's right, let's add a ring to our dog's tail.

Zhenya will tell us the tale next.

Anya, what should we draw to show that this is a bear?

That's right, let's draw small round ears.

Vika will continue the tale.

Anya, what’s special about the cockerel?

That's right, let's draw a comb for our cockerel, you can paint on the beak.

How, Natasha, does the fairy tale end?

Well done, guys, you remember the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” well, and now let’s dramatize it in verse, as we taught you.

7. Fairy tale dramatization. Children are given roles and masks.

And now, guys, you will turn into little animals.

Once upon a time there lived a fox and a bunny. They decided to build each for themselves

hut. The fox built an ice one, and the bunny built a bast one. But then the red spring came, and the fox’s hut melted.

Fox: Oh, oh, oh, here, oblique!

How to be? Where is my house?

Hare: Your whole hut has a porch

She ran into the river.

Don't worry too much

You move in with me.

Lisa: (speaks to the side):

Lucky, I'll say, oblique

I'll kick him out of the house.

I don't want to live with him

Divide a crust of bread: (addresses the hare):

Hey, listen, dear Zaya!

There is news!

Hare: Come on! Which?

Fox: There is a vegetable garden behind the forest,

There's cabbage all year round!

Hare: Is it really already ripe?

Come on, come on, I'll run

And I'll look for cabbage!

What's this? The door is closed.

Fox: (looks out of the house)

I live in a hut now.

The hare ran to look for cabbage, and the fox snuck around and took over his house.

A bunny came running, but the door was locked.

Hare: But this is my house!

Fox: I won’t let you in, scythe!

(the hare moves away, sits down next to him and cries)

The hare built himself a very strong house,

Yes, an evil fox settled in him.

Who wouldn't be afraid to help a bunny?

The cunning fox

Who will drive you away?

A dog appears.

Dog: Woof, woof, woof!

I have a hot temper!

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!

Show me where is your enemy?

There are ears sticking out of the window.

Dog: Hey fox, do you hear barking?

Woof, woof, woof, go away!

Fox: When I swing my tail,

I'll burn you with fire, beware!

Dog: (cowardly)

Oh, I completely forgot, oblique!

I need to go home quickly!

Ved: He’s sitting on the stump again

Poor little bunny, he's sad.

He doesn't know what to do

He wipes away the tears with his paw.

A bear appears

Bear: I'm a couch potato

I slept long and deeply.

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!

Show me where your enemy is!

Hare: Here he sits in my hut,

There are ears sticking out of the window.

Bear: Hey! Who's in the hut?

Here you will get it!

Fox: When I swing my tail,

I'll burn you with fire, beware!

Bear: (cowardly)

Oh, I completely forgot, oblique!

I need to go home quickly!

(the bear leaves)

Who won't be afraid

Can you help Bunny?

The cunning fox

Who will drive you away?

The cockerel appears

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku!

I will help, I will help!

Don't cry, don't cry, oblique,

We'll deal with the fox quickly!

Fox: When I swing my tail,

I'll burn you with fire, beware!

Rooster: Like shaking a comb -

And the whole house will fall apart!

I have a braid

Come on, come out, fox!

Fox: Oh, I'm afraid of the rooster!

(the fox runs out of the house and runs into the forest)

Hare: Well, thank you, Cockerel!

Helped me deal with the fox!

We'll live in a house together,

Live together and not bother!

8. Summarizing.

Well done. Guys, did you like the fairy tale? What does she teach us?

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye,

And part with the fairy tale.

The tale is new again

Elena Danilina
Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group of kindergarten No. 69"Okay", teacher: Danilina E. E.

Subject: Sound culture speeches(sound /zh/)

Program content:

1. Exercise children in the distinct pronunciation of an isolated sound, a sound in a syllable, in words.

2. Develop phonemic awareness: practice discrimination (aurally) a familiar sound, in the ability to differentiate the sounds Ж – Ш in words;

3. Develop sound and intonation expressiveness speeches.

4. Expand and systematize children’s vocabulary.

5. Learn to distinguish words with a certain sound by ear.

6. Clarify spatial relationships expressed by the prepositions ON, UNDER, FOR, IN FRONT.

7. Develop fine motor and kinetic skills;

8. Contribute development of coordination of speech with movement;

Equipment: Pictures: eggplant, hedgehog, frog, giraffe, cat, walrus, horse, mouse; blue and green circles; two houses; snake, beetle and cat toys.

Progress of educational activities

1. The teacher approaches the children, holding a beautiful basket in his hands and offers to solve riddles.

Who's longer than a stocking?

Who has no arms or legs?

Skin like scales.

Crawling on the ground... (snake) (takes out a snake from the basket)

What's the snake's song? That's right, Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh... How does this song sound? Deaf... Yes? Let's label it with this movement (the teacher shows a zigzag movement with his hand away from himself (snake crawls).

Now guess the other one riddle:

Someone is flying in the dark

Making a loud sound.

Who's arguing with the plane?

Well, of course May... (bug) (takes out a beetle from the basket)

What does a beetle's song sound like? Firmly? And loud! If we put our hand to the throat, we can feel how our vocal cords work with this sound. Let's try. We will have movements such: put your hands in front of your chest, cross your hands and move them up and down (beetle flies).

Now let's try not to get confused... (The teacher helps the children master the relationship between sound and the corresponding movement.)

I will name the sounds, and you try to discern what movement needs to be made. (The sounds are pronounced sh, sh, zh, sh, zh, zh, sh, zh, zh, sh, zh)

Well done. Let's sit down on the chairs and continue playing, and we'll put our heroes in houses... (the teacher places the snake in the left house, and the beetle in the right).

Now I will name words with the sounds Ш and Ж, and you must show what sound is heard in word: (toad, pear, sting, mouse)

2. Finger play "Car".

BEE-BEE-BEE - the car is buzzing. (Knock on the left fist with your palm)

KNOCK-KNOCK-KNOCK – the engine knocks. (Knock fist on fist)

GO, GO, GO, GO (We steer with our hands)

He talks so loudly.

The tires rub on the road (Three palms touching each other)

SHU-SHU-SHU - they rustle.

The wheels are spinning fast, (Making a pinwheel)

TA-TA-TA they hurry forward!

3. Now we will play a game "Be careful".

I will name the words, and if you hear the sound Z, raise the blue circle, if you hear the sound W in the word, raise the green circle.

Words: car, scarf, toad, wardrobe, clothes, cherries, flag, mouse, knives, cuckoo, beetle, pear, puddle, bag, pencil.

4. Well done! Let's warm up a little!

I am a cheerful cockchafer, (Point to yourself)

I don't sit idle! (Wag your finger)

I'm circling and circling above the ground, (Spread your hands, flight simulation)

And I buzz, buzz, buzz...

I rise on my toes, (make movements according to the text)

I squat and straighten up.

Hands in the belt, legs apart

Legs straight, legs at random!

My song is a buzzer (spread your hands, raise your shoulders)

Everyone is tired of it. What a pity!

5. And now a new game. It is called "We settled in the house".

I have in my hands pictures with images of objects whose names contain the sound Ш or Ж. In the left house there lives the sound Ш, and in the right one - Ж. The one I call will come up to the board, take the picture, show it to everyone and call it out loud . If the word contains the sound Ш, then it must be placed in the house, which is located on the left side. And if the word contains the sound Zh, then the picture must be placed in the house on the right. (The teacher puts the first two pictures himself, then the children are called one by one).

6. In conclusion, let's play a little more. Want to?

Guess the riddle first:

He is cheerful, like a child.

Gray, affectionate... (kitty) .

Right! Who is the kitten's mother? (cat)

Look, I brought a cat with me, the mother of that same kitten. Now I will place it like this... (put the cat on the chair). Where is the cat? (on the chair). And now? (that's right, under the chair). And now? (behind the chair). Well done! What if I position the cat like this? (in front of the chair) .

Patter: "Centipedes have too many legs".

Bottom line: Guys, what sounds did we learn to distinguish today? class?

What did you like? Now your tongue has become much stronger and faster.

Well done, everyone tried to be attentive, picked up the cards correctly, tried to remember the poems.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the final lesson on speech development in the middle group Program content: Encourage children to write short stories describing a set of toys. Strengthen the ability to agree nouns.


Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group Topic of the lesson: “Development of phonemic attention and perception of non-speech sounds.” Prepared by the teacher of SP DO1 d/s 1070 Gorodnicheva.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group. Topic: “Reading to children the fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “The Tale about Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and about Hairy Misha - Short Tail” Purpose. Familiarization.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Pets” Topic: Looking at pictures of ducks and chickens. Reading “The Duckling and the Chicken” by V. Suteev. Objectives: 1. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary about poultry.