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Foreign literature abridged. All works of the school curriculum in a brief summary

The novel “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” by Verne was written in 1878. This is a story of exciting adventures young sailor, who took responsibility for the fate of the crew members of the whaling ship Pilgrim.

Main characters

Dick Sand- a fifteen-year-old sailor, a brave and determined young man.

Mrs. Weldon- the wife of the ship owner, a brave, persistent woman.

Jack- Mrs. Weldon's little son.

Benedict- Mrs. Weldon's cousin, a passionate entomologist.

Tom, Bath, Hercules, Austin, Actaeon- blacks rescued from a sunken ship.

Negoro- a slave trader hiding from the authorities, vile and cruel man.

Other characters

Nan- Jack's elderly nanny.

James Weldon- a wealthy shipowner.

Captain Gul- Captain of the whaling ship "Pilgrim".

Harris- slave trader, accomplice of Negoro.

Antonio Alvetz- owner of a slave caravan.

Muani-Lunga- old king Kazonde.

Muana- Muani-Lunga's first wife, Queen Kasonde.


Part one

Chapter 1. Schooner-brig "Pilgrim"

In February 1973, the Pilgrim "was equipped in San Francisco for a whale hunt in the South Seas." It belonged to “the wealthy Californian shipowner James Weldon,” who entrusted the command of his schooner to Captain Gul. Under the command of the captain “there were five experienced sailors and one newcomer.” In addition, he was forced to take on board passengers - Mrs. Weldon, her five-year-old son Jack and cousin Benedict, the old black nanny Nan.

Chapter 2. Dick Sand

All the sailors of the Pilgrim “knew each other for a long time” and got along well with each other, and only the Portuguese Negoro did not really like the captain, who “did not have time to make inquiries about the past of the new cook.”

The youngest and most inexperienced sailor on the ship was a fifteen-year-old orphan boy, Dick Sand. But, despite his age, he was distinguished by his intelligence and courage, and “was already able to make decisions and bring to the end everything that he had deliberately decided on.”

Chapter 3. Wrecked ship

After several days of sailing, the crew of the Pilgrim noticed a “vessel overturned on its side” with a hole in the bow. Captain Gul decided to explore it, and on board the sunken ship the sailors found five blacks and a dog dying of thirst.

Chapter 4. Rescued from the Waldeck

The unfortunates were transferred aboard the Pilgrim, where they received proper care. It turned out that the blacks - old Tom, his son Bath, as well as Hercules, Austin and Actaeon - were not slaves, but free citizens of America. Their ship was hit by some unknown ship and disappeared.

Chapter 5. “C” and “B”

Another creature rescued from the sinking ship was a large dog named Dingo, whose collar was engraved with two letters - "C" and "B". “Dingo soon became the favorite of the whole crew,” and only Negoro he hated fiercely for an unknown reason. The cook tried not to show himself to the dog, who apparently recognized him.

Chapter 6. Whale on the horizon

After some time, the sailor on watch noticed a whale on the horizon. It was “a very large specimen of minke whale.” The sailors began to lively discuss their future prey - “the whole crew passionately wanted to hunt.”

Chapter 7. Preparations for the hunt

Despite the great risk, the whalers could not miss the opportunity to catch a giant sea animal and “fill the hold of the ship - the temptation was great.” Together with five sailors, he boarded the boat, leaving Dick Sand “as his deputy for the duration of the hunt.”

Chapter 8. Stripe

Experienced whalers began to hunt minke whales. They managed to wound him with a harpoon, but the unexpectedly wounded whale, “hitting the water with force with its fins, rushed at the people.” The enraged whale crushed the boat with a powerful blow of its tail and “in its death throes furiously beat its tail on the water” - none of the whalers managed to survive.

Chapter 9. Captain Sand

“A ship that has lost its captain and sailors” could easily become a weak-willed toy of currents and winds. Of the entire crew, only fifteen-year-old Dick Sand remained alive, and “this boy was now supposed to replace the captain, the boatswain, and the entire crew.” The young man decided to take on the functions of a captain and teach the rescued blacks the sailor's craft. They happily agreed to help him.

Chapter 10. The next four days

Everyone had one desire - to quickly get to “some other port on the American coast.” Dick knew how to use a compass and a lot, but “the young captain did not yet know how to make astronomical observations” that influenced the location of the ship. Suddenly, “there was a problem with the compass that was in the captain’s cabin” - it fell off the hook and fell to the floor. There was still one more compass left to work, but the insidious Negoro also spoiled it - so the “Pilgrim” strayed from the intended course.

Chapter 11. Storm

A week later the sky became cloudy, strong wind– everything foreshadowed the beginning of a storm. “The ship held up well in the waves” and continued to move forward confidently. Thanks to the efforts of Negoro, the lot was disabled, and “Dick Sand lost the ability to determine the speed of the ship.”

Chapter 12. Island on the horizon

On the same day, “a hurricane, the most terrible form of storm, broke out,” and did not stop for a week. According to Dick's calculations, they should have already reached the shores of America. He became more and more confident that the navigation instruments had been deliberately damaged by someone. Suddenly, the outline of land appeared overboard - it was an island.

Chapter 13. “Earth! Earth!"

Dick was sure that they had seen Easter Island, and he directed the ship along the correct course, as it seemed to him. Soon everyone noticed land, but there was “no human habitation, no port, no river mouth where the ship could find a safe refuge.” At the sight of the shore, Dingo “howled long and plaintively.”

Chapter 14. What to do?

After seventy-four days of sailing, the Pilgrim was thrown ashore and smashed on the reefs. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Dick Sand could not understand where they ended up. Meanwhile, Negoro quietly left the detachment, hiding in the thicket of the forest. It soon became clear that he was the first to arrive on the destroyed ship and seized all of Mrs. Weldon's money.

Chapter 15. Harris

After some time, the heroes met an American named Harris. He assured the travelers that they had been shipwrecked off the coast of Bolivia. Mr. Harris suggested that they take a break from the unrest at his brother's hacienda, which required crossing the rainforest.

Chapter 16. On the road

Having collected food supplies and necessary things, the small detachment set off. This transition was especially interesting for cousin Benedict, an entomologist, who began to enthusiastically study local insects.

Chapter 17. One Hundred Miles in Ten Days

Dick and his dark-skinned friends were surprised that during the hike they did not meet a single familiar tree or animal, but Mr. Garris managed to dispel their doubts. When cousin Benedict cried out in pain that night, he discovered that he had been bitten by a tsetse fly. The entomologist was very pleased with his discovery, since “not a single scientist has ever found tsetse in America.”

Chapter 18. Terrible word

The detachment made its way through the forest for twelve days, covering over a hundred miles during this time. Gradually, Dick began to discover the truth, “which became more and more clear and undeniable every hour” - they were in equatorial Africa, a country of “slave traders and slaves.”

Part two

Chapter 1. Slave trade

The Pilgrim crashed off the coast of Angola. This was one of the most dangerous regions of Equatorial Africa, where cannibalistic savages still lived, local tribes were constantly at odds, but the worst thing was that the slave trade was in full swing here.

Chapter 2. Harris and Negoro

Harris, who had left the detachment by that time, met with Negoro. From their conversation it became clear that these were old friends who lived in the slave trade. They agreed to wait for the slave caravan “to capture Dick Sand and his companions.”

Chapter 3. A Hundred Miles from the Shore

Dick Sand realized that Negoro was the culprit of their troubles, and Harris was his accomplice. Only one thing remained unclear - “what are these scoundrels up to?” The young man planned to return to the coast as quickly as possible and “and reach the nearest Portuguese trading post,” where they would be safe. To do this, it was necessary to find a river and go down to the ocean on a raft.

Chapter 4. Along the difficult roads of Angola

On the way, the friends were overtaken by a terrible thunderstorm and heavy rain. They managed to hide from bad weather in an empty termite mound.

Chapter 5. Lecture on termites given in a termite mound

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Cousin Benedict gave his friends an informative lecture about the builders of this impressive structure - termites.

Chapter 6. Diving bell

At night, water began to flow into the termite mound - “due to heavy rain, the river overflowed its banks and overflowed across the plain.” Dick compared their shelter to a diving bell, in which the air is under high pressure. To escape, the friends cut through the top of the termite mound and got out to freedom.

Chapter 7. Camp on the shores of Kwanzaa

Noticing a native camp nearby, the friends hurried towards them. However, this was a slave caravan, driving slaves to “the main market for black goods.” Once in the camp, “Dick Sand and his companions immediately turned into slaves.” Mrs. Weldon, Jack and cousin Benedict were immediately separated, Dick was disarmed and taken under guard, and the blacks were added to the caravan.

Chapter 8. From Dick Sand's notebook

The strong man Hercules miraculously managed to escape, and his friends, shackled, envied him - “he was free and could fight for his life.” Dick was entirely occupied with thoughts of Mrs. Weldon and little Jack. Old lady Nan was among the exhausted slaves who were hacked to death with axes.

Chapter 9. Kasonde

Only “half of the total number of captured slaves” reached Kazonda, the largest slave market. The slaves were distributed among cramped barracks. The owner of the caravan, Antonio Alvets, was especially pleased with the young and strong blacks from America - he could demand for them high price. From Harris, Dick learned about the death of Mrs. Weldon and Jack. “In a fit of uncontrollable anger,” the young man killed the traitor.

Chapter 10. Fair

Alvets wanted to immediately execute Dick, but Negoro asked him to be patient a little. On the day of the fair in Kazonda, Alvets brought out all his slaves for sale. Tom, Bath, Actaeon and Austin were very lucky, and “they were sold into one hand.”

Chapter 11. Royal Punch

In the midst of the fair, “His Majesty Muani-Lunga, King of Kazonde” appeared, looking more like a decrepit gorilla. He was accompanied by numerous wives and a retinue of flatterers. Alvets, knowing about the local king’s addiction to alcohol, invited him to drink a strong punch. When the old drunkard drank the flaming drink, “his majesty, thoroughly intoxicated, burst into flames” and died on the spot.

Chapter 12. The King's Funeral

Muani-Lung's first wife, "Queen Muana was to inherit the royal throne." She hastened to organize her husband's funeral and consolidate her position. A large pit was dug, where, according to the old tradition, the remaining wives of the king were thrown. According to Negoro’s plan, the tied up Dick was to be thrown in there, and then the pit was to be flooded with water.

Chapter 13. At the trading post

Harris lied that Mrs. Weldon, Jack and Cousin Benedict were dead - they were in Kazonda, alive and unharmed. Negoro placed them at the Alvets trading post in the hope of receiving a large ransom for them. He told Mrs. Weldon to write a letter to her husband, with whom he was going to San Francisco.

Chapter 14. News of Doctor Livingston

Having accidentally overheard Alvetz's conversation with his guest, Mrs. Weldon learned that “perhaps help is approaching, which seems to be sent by Providence itself.” The famous traveler Dr. Livingstone "will probably arrive at Kazonda with his escort in the next few days." However, these plans were not destined to come true - the doctor died on the eve of his visit.

Chapter 15. Where the manticore can lead

Having received a letter from Mrs. Weldon, Negoro set off. Meanwhile, Benedict, who had been freely hunting for insects all this time, in pursuit of a rare ground beetle, found himself outside the walls of the trading post. Unbeknownst to himself, he traveled a couple of miles in the hope of catching an insect.

Chapter 16. Mgannga

A period of prolonged rains began, threatening to flood all the fields. Queen Muana decided to seek help from Mgannga, a famous sorcerer from Northern Angola. It turned out to be Hercules in disguise, who made it clear to the queen that the white woman and her child were to blame for all the troubles. He took them with him, and even Alvets could not stop him from doing this.

Chapter 17. Downstream

Hercules brought his “trophies” to the boat, where Dick Sand, Benedict and Dingo, whom he had saved, were located. All that was missing were Tom, Bath, Austin and Actaeon, who were driven out of the village towards the Great Lakes. Having disguised the boat as a floating island, the friends began to go down “down the river to the ocean coast.”

Chapter 18. Miscellaneous Events

During their rafting, travelers occasionally went ashore to hunt. The area seemed uninhabited, but one day they sailed past the village, and it was only by miracle that the savages did not notice them. The friends were forced to moor to the shore as the river rushed down in a “rapid, majestic waterfall.”

Chapter 19. “S. IN."

As soon as he was on the shore, Dingo rushed forward, picking up someone's trail. The clever dog led the travelers to a miserable shack in which they lay human bones. Nearby on the tree were visible “two large half-erased red letters” - S. V. Dick found out that the deceased was the traveler Samuel Vernon, who became a victim of the treacherous guide Negoro.

Suddenly, “a terrible scream was heard from outside” - it was Dingo who attacked Negoro, who, before sailing, returned to the scene of his crime to take Vernon’s money from his hiding place. Negoro mortally wounded the dog, but he “squeezed his jaws with all his might” and gnawed the throat of his old enemy.

Chapter 20. Conclusion

A real gift of fate for travelers was a meeting with a trade caravan that belonged to Portuguese merchants. In complete safety they reached the port, where they boarded a ship and arrived safely in America. Dick Sand became Weldon's adopted son, and Hercules became a great friend of the family. The young man “graduated with honors from hydrographic courses” and was preparing to become a captain. The general joy was overshadowed only by thoughts of the bitter fate of dark-skinned friends. However, thanks to Mr. Weldon's connections, all four blacks were returned to their homeland.





Part one

Sections I - VI

On February 2, 1873, the schooner-brig "Pilgrim" was located at 43" 37" south latitude and 165° 19" west longitude (from the Greenwich meridian). On board the schooner, which was equipped for whaling, were the brave Captain Hull, five sailors, fifteen-year-old orphan Dick Sand, the ship's cook Negoro, as well as the wife of the schooner's owner - Mrs. Weldon with her five-year-old son Jack, their relative - the naturalist cousin Benedict, and the black nanny Nun. For several days, the Pilgrim was moving towards San Francisco, when suddenly little Jack. I saw a ship that had been wrecked. Swimming closer, the sailors noticed five blacks and a dog, Dingo, on the ship. The sailors took the victim on board their schooner, and in a few days they completely recovered. However, a strange circumstance was striking: the dog growled at Negoro. recognized him, even tried to rush in. Therefore, the cook decided not to appear in front of him. By the way, it turned out that the dog could read, or rather form letters, and he made up the inscription “S. IN.". Therefore, he must have an owner who taught him this.

Sections VII - XVIII

One day, Captain Hull and five sailors set out to catch whales. But they do not return, having died during the hunt. The responsibilities of captain are taken on by fifteen-year-old cabin boy Dick Sand. The guy is trying to teach the blacks how to sail. However, he himself also knows a little. This is exactly what Negoro takes advantage of. Thanks to some manipulations with compasses and lots, he directs the ship not to America, but to Angola. The ship washes ashore. Fortunately, everyone remains unharmed. And Negoro disappears somewhere. Dick Sand goes in search of some settlement. He meets Negoro's accomplice, the American Harris. He assures the guy that they are in Bolivia and invites him to his brother’s place, where the sailors will find housing and care. After some time, Dick Sand and the black Tom begin to realize that they are in Africa. Africa! Country of slave traders and slaves!

Part two

Sections i-IX

From a conversation between Harris and Negoro, friends learn that these two are engaged in human trafficking. This is confirmed by the chains found in Harpica. Realizing that he has been exposed, the slave trader runs away. He only slightly did not bring the detachment to the place where, in agreement with Negoro, they were supposed to attack him.

Dick Sand and his friends decide to walk along the shore to some big river. On the way they are overtaken by a storm. The travelers hide in a large anthill, but after the storm ends they fall into the hands of the natives. Blacks, Dick and Nun are added to the slave caravan. Hercules manages to escape. Mrs. Weldon, her son and cousin Benedict are taken to an unknown location. Old Nun, unable to withstand the difficult journey, dies.

Sections X - XVII

In Kazonda, where the caravan arrives, Dick meets Harris. He reports that Mrs. Weldon and her son allegedly died. The guy, in despair, snatches the dagger from the slave trader’s hands and kills him. Negoro asks local influential people for permission to execute Dick. Alvets, the owner of the slave caravan, prepares punch. He sets it on fire and presents it to Muani-Lung, the local king. The body of Muani-Lung, completely soaked in alcohol from large quantity alcohol, flares up. His first wife, Queen Muana, arranges a funeral, during which the other wives of the ruler are thrown into the pit, where Dick is already located, sentenced to death.

At this time, the prisoners Mrs. Weldon and her son live behind the fence of the Alvets trading post. Negoro hopes to receive a large ransom for them. Cousin Benedict, hunting for a rare ground beetle, suddenly finds himself behind a fence. There he meets Hercules, who was nearby all the time, hoping to somehow save his friends.

A terrible downpour begins in the village. The queen calls the sorcerers and asks them to disperse the clouds. Hercules, having captured one of those magicians, changes into his clothes and goes to the village. He says that the white woman and her child are to blame for everything, after which he takes the prisoners with him. When he puts Mrs. Weldon and her son into the boat, the woman sees Dick Sand, cousin of Benedict and Dingo, rescued there.

Sections XI-XX

On a boat disguised as a small island, friends go to the ocean. A few days later they land on the shore. The dog rushes onto land, as if sensing something. Having gone after her, the friends know that they receive a note signed “S. IN." These are the same letters indicated on the Dingo's collar. Traveler Samuel Vernoy tells how his guide, Negoro, wounded and robbed him.

Suddenly, friends see Dingo take off and, with a wild growl, dive into the throat of Negoro, who came to the crime scene with the loot. The slave trader stabs the dog and the dog dies. But Negoro himself also dies. Travelers move on - and on August 25 they reach California.

The Weldon family adopts Dick, he completes hydrographic courses and prepares to become a captain on one of James Weldon's ships. Hercules becomes a close family friend. Weldon redeems the other four blacks from slavery.

Readers of this novel can easily remember its summary. “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” is written in simple and vivid language. It captures the special entrepreneurial spirit of the 19th century, the century of discovery and invention. Perhaps only Jules Verne could create like this.

Flight to San Francisco

The great Frenchman wrote practically about his contemporaries. Judge for yourself: the schooner-brig “Pilgrim” departs from the New Zealand port of Oakland on January 29, 1873, and the book itself was published in 1878. Its route, according to the original plan, runs along Pacific Ocean via Chilean seaport Valparaiso and ends in San Francisco.

The ship belongs to a wealthy man, James Weldon. The voyage is a whaling one, the ship is led by an experienced captain Gul, under his command are five sailors, cabin boy Dick Sand and cook Negoro.

There are also passengers on board. This is the wife of the owner of the ship - Mrs. Weldon, his five-year-old son Jack, the boy's nanny - an elderly black woman Nan and, finally, an eccentric entomologist who is the boy's uncle, whom everyone calls only "Cousin Benedict."

Unexpected travel companions

A brief summary further tells about the restless, adventure-filled voyage of the Pilgrim. “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” introduces intrigue into the plot from the first chapter. Five-year-old Jack Whalon is the first to notice an overturned ship in the distance and informs others about it. The shipwrecked Waldeck is doomed. On board are black Americans left in a hurry in their cabin by the escaped crew. They return home after completing contract work on a New Zealand plantation. There are five of them: old Tom with his son Bath, as well as young people Actaeon, Hercules and Austin. With them is a large dog, Dingo, picked up by the captain of the Waldeck somewhere in Africa. Moreover, the dog apparently knows Negoro, since it shows aggression towards him.


Soon disaster strikes on the Pilgrim - five sailors and the captain die while going on a boat to catch a whale. Further, a brief summary testifies to the strength of spirit of Dick Sand, an orphan, a junior sailor. The fifteen-year-old captain (Dick's age) takes command of the ship without any doubt.

However, his knowledge of navigation is clearly not enough. He knows how to choose a direction with a compass and measure the speed of movement using a lot. He doesn’t know how to determine his location using the stars.

Negoro's dark personality

The Portuguese Negoro (we will learn about this a little later) is an escaped convict. He was sentenced by the authorities of his country for the slave trade, but escaped and wants to go back to Africa to continue to engage in the same criminal business. That is why Negoro got a job as a cook on the sailing ship Pilgrim. The death of the captain and experienced sailors significantly increased the convict’s chances of quickly ending up in Africa. To do this, it was only necessary to deceive Dick Sand by sending him to the Indian Ocean instead of the Pacific.

Next, a brief summary tells us about the implementation of the criminal plan. The fifteen-year-old captain turns out to be truly disoriented. After all, the criminal broke one compass, and the second one shows the south instead of the north direction. This trick - “taming the compass needle” - was performed by the convict Negoro, who was familiar with navigation first-hand, by placing an ax under the device. The ship, instead of San Francisco, is approaching the shores of Angola.

On the coast of Angola

"Pilgrim" is thrown ashore by the waves. Negoro is secretly hiding.

However, further trials and challenges await Dick Sand. He is met here by Negoro's accomplice, the American Harris, who convinces the travelers that they are in Bolivia. The classic gang of villainous slave traders adds intrigue to the further narrative (as evidenced by the summary). “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” (Chapter 2) begins with the fact that, as an imaginary guide, he lures travelers a hundred miles deep into the African forest with deception (the promise of shelter and rest with his brother). The joint criminal plan of Negoro and Harris is to sell some of the travelers into slavery, and receive a generous ransom of $100,000 for the relatives of the rich man Weldon. Not far from the place where Harris sent Dick Sand and his fellow travelers, a caravan with slaves stopped, led by Negoro’s acquaintance, Alvets.

Travelers realize the deception

The villains act coherently, they succeed in almost everything (as evidenced by the summary). The fifteen-year-old captain, however, begins to suspect Harris of lying. The travelers he leads (supposedly through the Bolivian jungle) notice circumstances that do not at all identify their location with South America. Approaching the river bed, they alarmed several hippos resting in shallow water, as well as giraffes (the latter, due to the fact that they were at a considerable distance, were mistaken for ostriches). One day, Cousin Benedict was almost stung by a fly that resembled a tsetse fly. As an entomologist, he immediately asked himself the relevant questions. Moreover, the lenses of the scientist’s glasses soon turned out to be completely broken; someone stepped on them. After all, even if there were no experienced pathfinders among the Americans, they quickly found their bearings and learned along the way. This team intelligence of theirs is what underscores the summary. The “fifteen-year-old captain” (Jules Verne) gradually brings the imaginary guide, the liar Harris, whose distrust towards him is growing, to He is also forced to flee after the travelers discover a terrible discovery associated specifically with cannibalism in Africa - severed hands.


Dick Sand tracks down Negoro and Harris and overhears their conversation, indicating a criminal conspiracy. Realizing that they are in danger, they try to leave the forest, but the slave traders are keeping a watchful eye on them. One morning, after spending the night in a termite mound protecting from tropical rain, the travelers are captured by thugs from a slave caravan on a tip from these two scoundrels. Moreover, Hercules manages to escape from these robbers.

A brief summary tells us about the long, difficult journey of the captives. "The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain" (Jules Verne) describes their humiliation and suffering on the way to Angola's notorious slave market, Kazonda. An elderly black woman, the nanny of five-year-old Jack, Nan, dies along the route of this difficult hike. However, several captured travelers intended for ransom by the scoundrels (Mrs. Weldon, her little son and cousin Benedict) are transported by Negoro in more comfortable conditions.

Kazonda. Punishment for the villain

Slaves arriving in Kazonda are placed in barracks. Dick Sand is worried about the fate of Mrs. Weldon and her son. Those are transported separately and placed in the trading post of the caravan owner, Weldon. Having met the deceiver Harris in Kazenda, he tries to ask him about this. However, the scoundrel, having decided to mock the guy, deceives him, saying that they are dead. However, he does not expect that he is saying this to an adult man who has matured in difficult circumstances, as evidenced by the subsequent episode (or rather, its very brief content). The fifteen-year-old captain snatches Harris' knife and fatally stabs him. Travelers now have one less dangerous enemy.

Negoro wants Dick Sand executed

Negoro watches the murder of his associate in dark affairs from afar. He decides to destroy Dick Sand. To do this, he only needs to come to an agreement with his partner in human trafficking, who has influence in the slave market, Alvets. The fifteen-year-old captain, they decide, will be publicly executed immediately after the sale of slaves is completed. To implement this plan, Alvets must obtain formal permission for this execution from the ruler of the Angolan native tribe Muani-Lungu.

Alvets had experience in settling such cases. He knew the fee that Muani-Lungu would charge for permission to perform a public ritual murder. It is enough to present the leader with punch in an amount equivalent to the amount of blood in the body of the unfortunate victim. The native king, dependent on alcohol, is a pitiful sight. He was an alcoholic in the last stages.

The Unsightly Death of a Leader

Alvets manages, and at the best price, to sell all the dark-skinned slaves. However, Negoro hopes for even greater earnings than the owner of the caravan (a rich ransom in the amount of a fortune - $100,000). That's why he keeps Mrs. Weldon, her son Jack, who is seriously ill with malaria, and their cousin Benedict under round-the-clock guard in a separate house.

Negoro also manages, by deceiving Mrs. Weldon with the news of the imaginary death of Dick Sand, to obtain a ransom letter written in her hand. However, the scoundrels fail to immediately initiate the execution of the former cabin boy.

The further summary of the story looks tragicomic. The fifteen-year-old captain actually receives a reprieve from execution, but now he is not the only one going to be killed. Events took a different turn because of... the joy of the huckster Alvets from the profit received. To celebrate, the slave trader Alvets decided to bring punch to Muani-Lung in the most presentable, burning form. However, he did not take into account that he was dealing with a complete alcoholic. When the leader touched the cup with his lips, his body, soaked in alcohol from many years of outpourings, flared up, and the leader burned out in a matter of minutes.

The savages now had no time to execute some pale-faced boy, because the leader’s funeral was coming up! Instead of a separate execution of the former cabin boy "Pilgrim", a mega-execution of all his wives (except his beloved) and slaves, including Dick, was planned.

The real hero is Hercules. Salvation

Above is a summary of “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” chapter by chapter, as you noticed, it completely falls into the genre of a Robinsonade novel with a happy ending. It seems that not only circumstances, but also nature itself helps our travelers.

The Negro Hercules, who escaped from the slave traders, lurks next to the Alvets trading post, waiting for the moment to help his comrades. And then an accident occurs that activates his actions. The eccentric cousin Benedict, without understanding how, while chasing a butterfly with a net, suddenly finds himself free. There he meets Hercules, and he comes up with a plan to save his friends. Now the mighty black man knows where Mrs. Weldon and her son are. suffers famine due to the flooding of fertile lands by rains. Superstitious people look for the cause of trouble in evil witchcraft.

The desperate natives called a powerful sorcerer from a neighboring village to “resolve the issue.” Hercules, having tied up a real clergyman and dressed in his outfit, presents himself as a mute sorcerer. He appears to the dowager queen (former beloved wife), without unnecessary words takes her hand and leads her to the Alvets estate. A crowd of fanatics follows him, believing the sorcerers unquestioningly. He shows the queen the cause of all misfortunes - the white woman and her son. It becomes clear to everyone: only by taking them outside the village and performing the ritual of killing the infidels will the sorcerer return fertility to the land.

Hercules, taking advantage of the status of Mgannga's sorcerer, thus manages to take Mrs. Weldon, her son Jack, cousin Benedict and Dick Sand out in a boat. Alvets, whom Negoro entrusted with guarding the hostages, found himself powerless in front of the crowd of fanatics. The travelers are saved.

A fifteen-year-old captain leads his friends to freedom.

Unfortunately, the blacks, Hercules' friends, have already been sold and taken by buyers.

Travelers, hoping to return to America, float down the river to the ocean, disguising the boat as a floating island, hiding from the eyes of cannibals. The roar of the waterfall is heard ahead, and Dick Sand stops the boat on the left bank. Suddenly Dingo rushed forward, following the trail. The travelers behind the dog came to a dugout where, restless, lay the remains of Dingo’s owner, Samuel Vernon, treacherously killed by his guide, Negoro. Next to the body were the last notes of the mortally wounded man containing this accusation. Suddenly the travelers heard the growl of a dog and the cry of Negoro, they intertwined in their last fight. The convict mortally wounded the dog with a knife, and the dog tore his throat.

Negoro, to his misfortune, came to the hut to take money from the hiding place. He needed them to travel to America for a ransom from Mr. Weldon.

Meeting at home

The travelers then happily reach the coast Indian Ocean and on August 25, 1874 they sailed to the California coast. Does “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain” by J. Verne have a life-affirming content? The grateful Mr. Weldon adopts Dick Sand, gives him a proper maritime education, and he becomes captain on his named father's ship. An orphan gets a family! Hercules enters Mr. Weldon's house as a true family friend.

Mr. Weldon manages to redeem four blacks, companions of Hercules, from slavery, and they (Tom, Bath, Austin and Actaeon) sail in November 1877 from Africa to the hospitable home of the Weldons.


Jules Verne, The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain... Summary does not convey all the charm of this work; it must be re-read in its entirety. The novel can be interpreted in different ways. Like Robinsonade. As an example for young men to be courageous and take responsibility. As an example of conservation human relations in the most difficult situation. Everyone finds something of their own in this novel... Of course, it is most loved among children and youth. This fascinating book has been popular and attracts readers for the third century.

The schooner Pilgrim hunts whales. But there are also passengers on the schooner: this is the wife of the owner of the Pilgrim with her five-year-old son Jack. They sail to America to see Mr. Weldon, husband and father, there. Cousin Benedict is with them - he is only interested in entomology (the science of insects).

The travelers met an abandoned ship at sea, where there were living creatures: a Dingo dog and five blacks. The huge black man Hercules became a good friend to everyone, especially little Jack.

During a whale hunt, a boat with a captain and crew dies. Cabin boy Dick Sand takes control of the ship. A smart guy would have managed it, but the court cook Negoro ruined the compass. This cook is very suspicious. Here is the dog, he has made friends with everyone, growls and barks at Negoro.

Finally we reached the shore. Travelers think they are in South America. Negoro says that he is familiar with this continent. Once they get to some city, they contact Mr. Weldon, and he will save everyone. And strange things happen. The vegetation is not American, little Jack cannot see the promised hummingbird, cousin Benedict is glad that he saw an African insect in America. Suddenly everyone saw giraffes - but these animals are not found on the American continent.

The company meets a noble-looking gentleman named Harris. He says they ended up in Bolivia. Invites everyone to his hacienda (estate), where everyone can relax and wait for news from Mrs. Weldon's husband. It was a trap. Harris and Negoro are in conspiracy. And the continent is not America at all. This is Africa!

Harris and Negoro only care about money. They are thieves. Blacks are sold into slavery. Only Hercules managed to escape. Harris forces Mrs. Weldon to write a letter to her husband. He and Negoro lured a woman and her son to take a considerable ransom. A faithful wife is afraid that her husband will also be lured into a trap and will demand something completely incredible.

The woman, her son and her cousin were settled among the black savages.

Cousin Benedict is allowed to wander unguarded, as they consider the husband to be out of his mind.

An entomologist really only sees his insects. Suddenly a strong hand grabbed him and dragged him where. The disappearance of the cousin forced increased security for mother and son.

Happened in an African village big holiday. At such holidays, everyone waits for the arrival of the forest spirit - the sorcerer "mganga". He usually appears all painted with strange colors, in a strange outfit. And then he appeared! It was a giant. He danced, jumped, shouted furiously, throwing spears, and chose two victims: Mrs. Weldon and her son.

No one dared to resist him. He shouldered the victims and disappeared into the thicket. The woman lost consciousness. Jack beat the monster with his small fists.

It turned out that the one who stole Benedict and Mrs. Weldon and their son was not a sorcerer at all, but good Hercules, grateful for his salvation at sea. The black giant also managed to save Wild Sand. A small group makes their way to the sea to board which ship. By chance they meet Negoro. Dick and Hercules do not have time to do anything: Dingo rushes at the insidious cook and gnaws his throat.

Unfortunately, before his death, the scoundrel managed to plunge a dagger into the faithful dog, and the dog died. It turned out that when Negoro killed Dingo's first owner, Sam Vernon, for money.

Finally, everyone who escaped was lucky to reach America. Dick became Mrs. Weldon for his eldest son, Hercules for his faithful friend. And the blacks who were sold into slavery were later found and redeemed by Mr. Weldon.

A feast was held in honor of the travelers' return. The first toast was to Wild Sand, the fifteen-year-old captain!

The schooner Pilgrim hunts whales. But there are also passengers on the schooner: this is the wife of the owner of the Pilgrim with her five-year-old son Jack. They sail to America to see Mr. Weldon there - husband and father. Cousin Benedict is with them - he is only interested in entomology (the science of insects).

The travelers met an abandoned ship at sea, where there were living creatures: a Dingo dog and five blacks. The huge black man Hercules became a good friend to everyone, especially little Jack.

During a whale hunt, a boat with a captain and crew dies. Cabin boy Dick Sand takes control of the ship. A smart guy would have managed it, but the court cook Negoro ruined the compass. This cook is very suspicious. Here is the dog, who has made friends with everyone, growls and barks at Negoro.

Finally we reached the shore. Travelers think they are in South America. Negoro says that he is familiar with this continent. If they reach any city, contact Mr. Weldon, and he will save everyone. And strange things happen. The vegetation is not American, little Jack cannot see the promised hummingbird, cousin Benedict is glad that he saw an African insect in America. Suddenly everyone saw giraffes - but these animals are not found on the American continent.

The company meets a noble-looking gentleman named Gerris. He says they ended up in Bolivia. Invites everyone to his hacienda (estate), where everyone can relax and wait for news from Mrs. Weldon's husband. It was a trap. Gerris and Negoro are in cahoots. And the continent is not America at all. This is Africa!

Gerris and Negoro only care about money. They are thieves. Blacks are sold into slavery. Only Hercules managed to escape. Gerris forces Mrs. Weldon to write a letter to her husband. He and Negoro lured a woman and her son to take a considerable ransom. A faithful wife is afraid that her husband will also be lured into a trap and will demand something completely incredible.

A woman with her son and cousin were settled among black savages.

Cousin Benedict is allowed to wander without protection, because they are considered a man out of his mind.

An entomologist really only sees his insects. Suddenly some strong hand grabbed him and dragged him somewhere. The disappearance of the cousin forced increased security for mother and son.

A big celebration took place in an African village. At such holidays, everyone waits for the arrival of the forest spirit - the sorcerer "mganga". He usually appears all painted with amazing colors, in a strange outfit. And then he appeared! It was a giant. He danced, jumped, shouted furiously, throwing up his spear, and chose two victims: Mrs. Weldon and her son.

No one dared to oppose him. He shouldered the victims and disappeared into the thicket. The woman lost consciousness. Jack beat the monster with his small fists.

It turned out that the one who stole Benedict and Mrs. Weldon with their son was not a sorcerer at all, but good Hercules, grateful for his salvation at sea. The black giant also managed to save Dick Sand. A small group makes their way to the sea to board some kind of ship. By chance they meet Negoro. Duc and Hercules do not have time to do anything: Dingo rushes at the insidious cook and gnaws his throat.

Unfortunately, before his death, the scoundrel managed to plunge a dagger into the faithful dog, and the dog died. It turned out that when Negoro killed Dingo's first owner, Sam Vernon, for money.

Finally, everyone who escaped was lucky to reach America. So Mrs. Weldon became for the eldest son, Hercules - for a faithful friend. And the blacks who were sold into slavery were subsequently found and redeemed by Mr. Weldon.

A feast was held in honor of the travelers' return. The first toast was to Dick Sand, the fifteen-year-old captain!