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Meaning of the word wilds. Dictionary of Russian synonyms An example of the use of the word wilds


T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative


d ébri


a) Places overgrown with impenetrable, dense forest.

b) transfer decomposition Hard-to-reach places, remote remote areas, outback.

a) transfer Complex, little explored sides of something.

b) colloquial Confused organization of some kind. affairs.

a) outdated A narrow valley between two mountains.

b) A deep ravine overgrown with forest.

S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary Russian language


DEBRI, -hey.

1. A place overgrown with impenetrable forest. Lesnye villages. Impassable villages.

2. trans. , what. Great complexity, confusing state of something. D. Science(iron). Get lost in the jungle of eloquence.

Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language


To her, pl. (units outdated wilds, -And, and. ).

Places overgrown with dense impenetrable forest.

(We) found ourselves in such thick forests that we advanced with the greatest difficulty. Arsenyev, Mount Lao-Khutong.

A few steps from the highway, and you won’t be able to get through it - impassable jungle; everything is entangled with hops and vines. Serafimovich, Iron Stream.

“I’ll go into the taiga, into the very wilds, and let alone a police officer, the devil himself won’t find me.” Markov, Strogovs.

Wilderness, inaccessible area; wilderness.

(Our people) brought to life the silent wilds of the North. Tikhonov, Leningrad accepts the battle.

2. trans.; what or which.

Complex, difficult or little-explored aspects, areas of smth. (science, technology, etc.).

She hardly even knew the ABCs of generally accepted views. It was necessary to start with the basics, and her persistent questions were: why? For what? - constantly led him into the jungle of abstractions, where she no longer understood anything at all. M. Gorky, Varenka Olesova.

The designers helped (the professor) as much as they could, delving into the most complex theoretical jungle. A week of hard work passed, and the error was found. Ketlinskaya, Days of our Lives.


wilds, units No.

    Places overgrown with dense, impenetrable forest. Impenetrable wilds.

    A remote wilderness area, an inaccessible area (colloquial). He went to such a jungle where the post office only comes in the summer.

    trans. Complex, difficult to understand places in some. teaching, science (book joke). Got lost in the wilds of philosophy.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    A place overgrown with impenetrable forest. Lesnye villages. Impassable villages.

    trans., what. Great complexity, a confused state of something. D. science (iron). Get lost in the wilds of eloquence.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. Places overgrown with impenetrable, dense forest.

      trans. decomposition Hard-to-reach places, remote remote areas, outback.

    1. trans. Complex, little-explored aspects of something.

      decomposition Convoluted organization of some kind. affairs.

    1. outdated A narrow valley between two mountains.

      A deep ravine overgrown with forest.


Wilds (Lipetsk region)

wilds- Korobovsky village rural settlement Gryazinsky district, Lipetsk region. It is located on the left bank of the Baygory River downstream of the village of Padvorki.

Belonged to the Podvorskaya volost of the Usman district of the Tambov province. It is known that until 1861 it belonged to Prince L.D. Vyazemsky. In 1895, 504 people lived in the Wilds, in 1914 - 667 residents; parochial school.

The name is related to the word wilds- places overgrown with dense forest.


wilds- a village in the Yavorov district of the Lviv region of Ukraine.

The population according to the 2001 census was 331 people. Covers an area of ​​0.334 km². Postal code - 81017. Telephone code - 3259.

Wilds (disambiguation)

wilds- toponym:

  • Debri is a village in the Gryazinsky district of the Lipetsk region of Russia.
  • Debry is a village in the Yavorovsky district of the Lviv region of Ukraine.

Examples of the use of the word wilds in literature.

During this time, from somewhere in the taiga wilds Several more Ainu families arrived on the island.

From Rykovskaya prison through impassable wilds The convicts were building a road to the south - to Aniva Bay, and somewhere among the windbreaks this disastrous place - Onor - was lost!

Egypt, and after the lecture there were dances to the radio, and the workers were laying a brick fence around a non-existent vineyard and sticking skinny acacia twigs into the sand, and far ahead of everyone, abandoned in the dunes wilds, some lonely excavator was frantically tearing up the earth, and at night there was pitch darkness and jackals were screaming.

Among the women in the troupe there were real stars: his former mistress Madeleine Bejart, his current mistress wilds and Teresa-Marquise Duparc, who rejected him.

She lived for Shmelev a living and original life, which still reminds of itself in the names of streets and alleys, squares and playgrounds, driveways, embankments, dead ends, which hid large and small fields, clearings, open fields, sand, mud and clay, mosses under the asphalt , alders, even wilds, or derbies, kulizhki, swampy places and the swamps themselves, hummocks, meadows, enemy ravines, valley ditches, graves, as well as pine forests and a great variety of gardens and ponds.

Manuel, lived far to the south, in the savannahs, three hundred miles wilds Guiana jungle.

As soon as you drove fifty miles from Gniezno, impassable swamps and wilds, in which pagan villages were buried.

In the forest wilds There were many predatory animals, and King Gos, sending the next messenger to the mines, did not know whether he would get to the place or not.

Being a pioneer in wilds misogynists and self-righteous nobodies, Aphra suffered stinging pricks and hurled stones.

Some of them were highlanders similar to the Picts, although wilds The Picts were much more densely forested than the Ilbars Mountains or the uninhabited areas of northern Iranistan.

Many believed that the Indians would limit themselves to a defensive war and would attack only those villages where there were no American troops, and then would take refuge in the swamps with their loot. wilds.

And the further the express went deeper into wilds Far East, the more people's tongues loosened, and even the gaunt official, the inspector of the Blagoveshchensk girls' gymnasium, and even the respectable privateer going to command the cruiser - all, as if by agreement, the world stood, boned the tsar and his entourage, washing the bones of the mediocre Kuropatkin.

Traveled around wilds Eastern Siberia, acting as a confidant for trade with the Chukchi - in Chukotka or with the Itelmen - in Kamchatka, or even with China - in Kyakhta, and even with the wild tribes of the mounted Mungals and Tungus - along the Orkhon, Onon and Amur.

Accompanied by dogs and laden with collection equipment, including bags, nets, bottles and test tubes, we set out to explore the island, our enthusiasm little less than the excitement that inspired the travelers of the last century who invaded the island. wilds Africa.

These words seemed less strange to Maruja than to many Colombians, since she had long noticed that the padre was prone to wandering into wilds galaxies.

Desolate places overgrown with impassable forest. Wild, unexplored area. An unexplored side or area of ​​something (science, knowledge, technology).

Origin of the word wilds

The Slavic word "dьbrь" comes from the Lithuanian word "dubus" (deep), the Gothic word "diups" (deep). Roots in the Indo-European word "dheu-b" (deep).

Belonging to the word wilds

General slang.

An example of the use of the word wilds

In the wilds higher mathematics I'm frankly lost.

I don’t even want to get into the jungle of your relationship.

What kind of wilds have you taken me to?

During this time, several more Ainu families arrived from somewhere in the taiga wilds of the island.

From the Rykovskaya prison, through the impassable jungle, the convicts paved the way to the south - to Aniva Bay, and somewhere among the windbreaks this disastrous place - Onor - was lost!

Egypt, and after the lecture there were dances to the radio, and the workers were laying out bricks for a fence around a non-existent vineyard and sticking skinny acacia twigs into the sand, and far ahead of everyone, thrown into the wilds of the dunes, some lonely excavator was frantically tearing up the earth, and at night there was pitch darkness and jackals screaming.

Among the women in the troupe there were real stars: his former mistress Madeleine Bejart, Debry's current mistress and Therese-Marquise Duparc, who rejected him.

She lived for Shmelev a living and original life, which still reminds of itself in the names of streets and alleys, squares and playgrounds, driveways, embankments, dead ends, which hid large and small fields, clearings, open fields, sand, mud and clay, mosses under the asphalt , alders, even wilds, or derbies, kulizhki, swampy places and the swamps themselves, hummocks, meadows, enemy ravines, valley ditches, graves, as well as pine forests and a great variety of gardens and ponds.

Manuel, lived far to the south, in the savannahs, beyond the three hundred miles of the Guiana jungle.

As soon as you drove fifty miles from Gniezno, impassable swamps and wilds began to appear, in which pagan villages were buried.

Many predatory animals lived in the forest wilds, and King Gos, sending the next messenger to the mines, did not know whether he would get to the place or not.

As a pioneer in a jungle of misogynists and self-righteous nobodies, Aphra suffered stinging stings and hurled stones.

Some of them were mountain people like the Picts, although the Wilds of the Picts were much more densely forested than the mountains of Ilbars or the uninhabited areas of northern Iranistan.

Many believed that the Indians would limit themselves to a defensive war and would attack only those villages where there were no American troops, and then take refuge in the swamp wilds with their spoils.

And the further the express went deeper into the wilds of the Far East, the more people's tongues loosened, and even the gaunt official, the inspector of the Blagoveshchensk girls' gymnasium, and even the respectable privateer going to command the cruiser - all, as if by agreement, on what the world stands, boned the tsar and his environment, washing the bones of the mediocre Kuropatkin.

He traveled through the wilds of Eastern Siberia, acting as a confidant in trade with the Chukchi - in Chukotka or with the Itelmen - in Kamchatka, or even with China - in Kyakhta, and even with the wild tribes of the mounted Mungals and Tungus - along the Orkhon, Onon and Amur.

Thicket, forest. See thicket.. go into the wilds, get into the wilds... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. wilds, thicket, forest; thicket, wilderness, slum, thicket, thicket, wilderness Russian Dictionary ... Dictionary of synonyms

WILD, wilds, unit. No. 1. Places overgrown with dense, impenetrable forest. Impenetrable wilds. 2. Distant remote region, inaccessible area (colloquial). He went to such a jungle where the post office only comes in the summer. 3. transfer Complex, difficult to understand... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

- (foreign language) where it’s easy to get confused (like in the wilds of a valley, densely overgrown with forest). Wed. Her persistent questions: why? and why? They constantly led him into the jungle of abstractions, where he no longer understood anything at all. M. Gorky. Varenka Olesova... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

wilds- * debris m. unit Garbage; remains. One day, Galleria butterflies destroyed an entire box of honeycombs; they placed their silk tubes everywhere inside the honeycombs, ate even my beautiful queen’s cells, destroyed all the bee pulp and... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

DEBRY, her. 1. A place overgrown with impenetrable forest. Lesnye village. Impassable village 2. relocation, what. Great difficulties, a confused state of something. D. science (iron). Get lost in the wilds of eloquence. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

wilds- deep (Golen. Kutuzov); dense (Frug); stuffy (Gorodetsky); impassable (Gorodetsky, Ldov); impenetrable (Boborykin) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier of His Majesty's court, the Quick Printing Association A. A. Levenson. A.L.... ... Dictionary of epithets

wilds- wilds. Incorrect pronunciation [debri]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

This term has other meanings, see Wilds (meanings). The village of Debri, Ukrainian. Wilderness Country ... Wikipedia

wilds- her, plural only. 1) Places overgrown with impenetrable forest. Taiga wilds. We will make wide way through the wilds and forests before beautiful Europe! (Block). Synonyms: wilderness, thicket, thicket, bush, cha/cha, thicket/... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

wilds- deep wilds, impassable wilds... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

- (foreign language) where it is easy to get confused (as in the wilds of a valley densely overgrown with forest). Wed. Her persistent questions: why? and why? They constantly led him into the jungle of abstractions, where he no longer understood anything at all. M. Gorky. Varenka Olesova. 2... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary


  • Debri, Ivanov Alexey Viktorovich, Zaitseva Yulia Yurievna, New book Alexey Ivanov, written by him in collaboration with Yulia Zaitseva, is dedicated to the history of Russia in Siberia: from Ermak to Peter. - Documentary non-fiction about the world of the novel "Tobol" with... Series: New Alexey Ivanov Publisher: Editorial office of Elena Shubina,
  • Wilds, Ivanov A., Zaitseva Yu., “Wilds” is a documentary continuation of the novel “Tobol”, telling in more detail about those who became the prototypes of the heroes of the novel. And at the same time, “Wilds” is a real bible of Russian exploration...