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Administration of the rural settlement "Kushalino". “On approval of the Procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region Porya

» On approval of the Procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the territory rural settlement Kushalino, Rameshkovsky district, Tver region

On approval of the Procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the territory of the rural settlement of Kushalino, Rameshkovsky district, Tver region

print version

42 from 05/18/2017


With. Kushalino

On approval of the Procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the territory of the rural settlement of Kushalino, Rameshkovsky district, Tver region

In accordance with the Federal Law of May 4, 1999 N96-FZ “On the Protection atmospheric air", Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ "On the Protection environment", Decree of the Government of the Tver Region dated August 20, 2013 N391-pp "On approval of the Procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the territory of the Tver Region", the Charter of the rural settlement of Kushalino, in order to protect the population when the state of atmospheric air changes, threatening the life and health of people, during a period of unfavorable meteorological conditions on the territory of the rural settlement of Kushalino, administration of the rural settlement of Kushalino, Rameshkovsky district, Tver region
1. Approve the Procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the territory of the rural settlement of Kushalino, Rameshkovsky district, Tver region (attached).
2. This resolution is subject to official publication and posting on the official website of the administration of the rural settlement of Kushalino on the Internet.
Head of the village
settlements of Kushalino: A.V. Preobrazhensky

to the administration resolution
rural settlement Kushalino dated 05/18/2017 No. 42

The procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the territory of the rural settlement of Kushalino, Rameshkovsky district, Tver region

1. General provisions
1.1. The procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the territory of the rural settlement of Kushalino (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) has been developed in accordance with the law Russian Federation in the field of atmospheric air protection in order to prevent threats to the life and health of the population when the state of atmospheric air changes, to reduce the negative impact on the environment in urban and rural settlements of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions.
1.2. Under unfavorable meteorological conditions in accordance with the Federal Law of May 4, 1999 N96-FZ “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” we mean meteorological conditions that contribute to the accumulation of harmful (pollutant) substances in the ground layer of atmospheric air.
1.3. Under the regulation of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air in accordance with the Guidelines "Regulation of emissions under adverse meteorological conditions. RD 52.04.52-85", approved and put into effect State Committee USSR on hydrometeorology and control natural environment December 1, 1986, their short-term reduction is understood during the period of unfavorable meteorological conditions leading to the formation high level air pollution.
1.4. Regulation of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air is carried out taking into account forecasts of unfavorable meteorological conditions based on warnings about a possible dangerous increase in the concentrations of harmful (pollutant) substances in the atmospheric air.
Depending on the expected level of air pollution, warnings of three degrees (first, second and third) are drawn up, which must be met by three modes of operation of enterprises during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions.
1.5. During the period of warnings about a possible dangerous increase in the concentrations of harmful (pollutant) substances in the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions, in order to prevent it, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air are obliged to take measures to reduce emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air.
2. Development and approval of measures to reduce emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions
2.1. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that have sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air, develop measures to reduce emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions and a schedule for controlling emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions, as part of the draft standards for maximum permissible emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air.
2.2. The development of measures under adverse meteorological conditions is carried out for both existing and designed economic facilities in accordance with the Guidelines "Regulation of emissions under adverse meteorological conditions. RD 52.04.52-85", approved and put into effect by the USSR State Committee for hydrometeorology and environmental control December 1, 1986. Activities under unfavorable meteorological conditions are subject to revision when production technology and the volume of emissions of harmful (pollutants) into the air change.
2.3. Measures under adverse weather conditions are mandatory integral part consolidated volume "Atmospheric protection and maximum permissible emissions (MPE)" for the territories of urban and other settlements and their parts in accordance with GOST "Nature protection. Atmosphere. Rules for establishing permissible emissions of harmful substances by industrial enterprises", approved by the State Resolution USSR Committee on Standards dated August 24, 1978 N 2329.
3. Carrying out measures in case of unfavorable
meteorological conditions
3.1. The rural settlement of Kushalino, within two hours from the moment of receiving information (forecast) about the NMU, transmits this information(forecast) about NME to economic entities located on the territory of the rural settlement of Kushalino and organize notification of the population about the onset of NME in any available way, including through means mass media, by posting information on the official website of the administration of the rural settlement of Kushalino on the Internet and gives recommendations on actions during the NMU period, organizes work to reduce emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmosphere during the NMU period within the limits of the powers granted, including by carrying out wet street cleaning, upon receipt of warnings about the second and third degree NMU.

to the Procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions
harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air
during periods of unfavorable weather conditions
on the territory of the rural settlement of Kushalino

Log to record warnings about adverse events
meteorological conditions

Date, time of reception

Warning or notification text about adverse weather conditions

Last name, first name, patronymic of the recipient

Last name, first name, patronymic of the person transmitting

Carrying out measures to reduce emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmosphere








In accordance with Federal Laws of May 4, 1999 N 96-FZ "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air", dated January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ "On Environmental Protection", taking into account the protocol of the Coordination Council in the field of environmental protection in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated June 30, 2011 N 2, in order to organize work to regulate emissions of pollutants into the air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions Government of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Ugra decides:

4. Recommend that legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air with approved standards of maximum permissible emissions, before April 1, 2012, agree on measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air with the Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Protection environment, fauna and forest relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

1. This Procedure determines the rules for carrying out work to regulate emissions of pollutants into the air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions (hereinafter referred to as the NMC) on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (hereinafter referred to as the Autonomous Okrug).

(as amended by the resolution

2. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with sources of emissions are required to coordinate with the Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Wildlife and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra measures to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air (hereinafter referred to as - Events) during the NMU period.

(as amended by the resolution of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated February 21, 2020 N 51-p)

3. Regulation of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air during periods of non-standard conditions is carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have sources of emissions into the atmospheric air, taking into account forecasts of the onset of national conditions, as well as warnings about a possible dangerous increase in the concentrations of pollutant impurities in the atmospheric air.

(as amended by the resolution of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated February 21, 2020 N 51-p)

4. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with sources of emissions of pollutants into the air:

(as amended by the resolution of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated February 21, 2020 N 51-p)

receive information about NMU in accordance with the procedure established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of legal regulation in the field of environmental protection;

(as amended by the resolution of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated February 21, 2020 N 51-p)

carry out activities agreed upon with the Service for Control and Supervision in the Field of Environmental Protection, Wildlife and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, taking into account compliance with the conditions of efficiency, the specifics of specific production processes in the form established by the current legislation and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection and atmospheric air protection. Activities are subject to revision in case of changes in production technology and volumes of pollutant emissions into the air;

(as amended by the resolution of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated February 21, 2020 N 51-p)

carry out production control over the implementation of Activities;

annually, before February 1 of the following year, submit information on the implementation of Activities during the periods of NMU and their effectiveness to the Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Wildlife and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. If there were no periods of indemnity in the past year, the provision of such information is not required.

(as amended by the resolution of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated December 16, 2016 N 520-p)

5. The Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Fauna and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, upon receipt of the information provided for in this Procedure, carries out:

control over the implementation of Events and their effectiveness in accordance with the powers;

preparation and posting of information on atmospheric air quality and regulation of emissions during the period of national emergency on its official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

(as amended by the resolution of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated February 21, 2020 N 51-p)

6. Lost force on April 1, 2014. - Resolution of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated March 21, 2014 N 98-p.

7. Control over the implementation of Activities during periods of NMU is provided by the Service for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Environmental Protection, Fauna and Forest Relations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra when conducting regional state environmental supervision in the field of atmospheric air protection.

In accordance with Article 19 of the Federal Law of 05/04/1999
No. 96-FZ “On the protection of atmospheric air” The Government of the Ulyanovsk region decrees:

1. Approve:

1.1. The procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the Ulyanovsk region (Appendix No. 1).

1.2. List of government bodies subject to notification
during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions (Appendix No. 2).

2.Recognize as invalid:

Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region dated July 16, 2010 No. 233-P “On the procedure for carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the territory of the Ulyanovsk Region”;

paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region dated April 25, 2012 No. 195-P “On introducing amendments and invalidating certain regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region”;

paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region dated October 26, 2012 No. 506-P “On amendments to certain regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region”;

paragraph eighteen of the Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region dated 06.26.2013 No. 255-P “On invalidating the resolutions (certain provisions of the resolutions) of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region”;

paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region dated June 26, 2013 No. 261-P “On amendments to certain regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region.”

Governor - Chairman
Regional Governments

to the Government resolution
Ulyanovsk region


carrying out work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of unfavorable meteorological conditions in the Ulyanovsk region

1. This Procedure was developed in accordance with Article 19 of the Federal Law of 04.05.1999 No. 96-FZ “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air”, by order of the Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2011 No. 899 “On approval of the procedure for submitting information on adverse weather conditions, requirements
to the composition and content of such information, the procedure for its publication
and provision to interested parties”, Guidelines “Regulation of emissions under adverse meteorological conditions RD 52.04.52-85”, approved by the State Committee of the USSR
on hydrometeorology and control of the natural environment (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines), Methodological Guidelines for the calculation, regulation and control of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, put into effect by letter Federal service on environmental, technological
and nuclear supervision dated December 24, 2004 No. 14-01-333 (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Manual), to organize work to regulate emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmosphere during periods of adverse meteorological conditions (hereinafter referred to as NMU) in the territory of the Ulyanovsk region in in order to prevent threats to the life and health of the population when the state of atmospheric air changes, to reduce the negative impact of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances
into the atmospheric air on the environment in populated areas during periods of low emergency conditions.

2. For the purposes of this Procedure, the basic concepts established by Article 1 of the Federal Law of May 4, 1999 No. 96-FZ “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” are used.

3. This Procedure is mandatory for all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs that have sources of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the air (hereinafter referred to as sources of emissions),at facilities of economic and other activities,subject to regional state environmental supervision.

4. Local self-government bodies of municipalities of the Ulyanovsk region carry out the organization, and executive bodies of state power of the Ulyanovsk region, territorial bodies of federal executive bodies in the field of environmental protection and territorial bodies of other federal executive bodies carry out organization and control of work to regulate emissions of harmful (polluting) ) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of low-level conditions.

5. Regulation of emissions is carried out taking into account the NMU forecast based on warnings about a possible dangerous increase in the concentrations of impurities in the air in order to prevent it.

Forecasting the level of air pollution in the Ulyanovsk region is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by the Ulyanovsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring - branch Federal State Budgetary Institution "Volga Region Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring"(hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).

Depending on the expected level of atmospheric air pollution (forecast), the authorized body draws up warnings about a possible dangerous increase in the concentrations of impurities in the air, indicating three degrees of danger, determined in accordance with the Methodological Instructions.

6. Warnings about expected NMPs are transmitted to government bodies specified in Appendix No. 2 to this resolution, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs with emission sources, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on information services in the field of hydrometeorology.

7. Upon receipt of NME forecasts, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with sources of emissions are required to take measures to reduce emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances during NME periods (hereinafter referred to as the measures), depending on the degree of warning about the expected NMEs in accordance with the approved action plans.

8. Activities during periods of national emergency are developed by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have sources of emissions.

9. Action plans are developed as part of draft standards for maximum permissible emissions, approved by the head of a legal entity or other authorized person, individual entrepreneur and agreed upon with the territorial body of the federal executive body in the field of environmental protection, which ensures control over the implementation and effectiveness of these measures.

10. The development of measures during periods of national emergency is carried out for both existing and projected objects of economic activity.

When production technology and volumes of emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmosphere change, measures are subject to mandatory revision.

11. When developing and implementing activities, the following principles and conditions are taken into account:

effectiveness of activities;

specifics of specific production processes;

production reduction is allowed in exceptional cases when the implementation of measures to reduce emissions does not lead to a decrease or stabilization of the level of pollution and further intensive accumulation of harmful (pollutant) substances occurs in the ground layer, creating a threat to the life and health of the population.

12. To receive warnings about NMP, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with sources of emissions appoint responsible persons who, after accepting the text of the warning, register it in a special journal and inform the departments and industries that regulate emissions about the need to take measures to reduce emissions into the atmosphere air.

13. Production control and state environmental supervision are carried out over the implementation of activities during periods of NMU.

Production control over the implementation of activities during periods of national emergency is carried out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in accordance with approved schedules.

State environmental supervision over the implementation of measures is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and atmospheric air, taking into account the provisions of the Federal law dated December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control.”

Monitoring the effectiveness of reducing emissions of harmful (pollutant) substances into the atmospheric air during periods of non-mandatory conditions is carried out using instrumental or other methods permitted by the relevant regulatory documents.


to the Government resolution
Ulyanovsk region


government bodies subject to notification during periods unfavorable weather conditions


Name of government agency


telephone, fax

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Ulyanovsk region (including territorial divisions)


Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare for the Ulyanovsk Region


Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources in the Ulyanovsk Region


Ulyanovsk Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's OfficeVolga Interregional Environmental Prosecutor's Office


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources of the Ulyanovsk Region

Classification of information products

Chapter 2. Classification of information products

Article 6. Classification of information products

Information about changes:

3. Classification of information products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law into the following categories of information products:

1) information products for children under six years of age;

2) information products for children over the age of six;

3) information products for children over the age of twelve;

4) information products for children over the age of sixteen;

5) information products prohibited for children (information products containing information provided for in Part 2 of Article 5 of this Federal Law).


On determining the age limit for the main television program, taking into account the content of the ticker messages, see the information of Roskomnadzor dated January 22, 2013.

Information about changes:

4. Classification of information products intended and (or) used for teaching and raising children in organizations carrying out educational activities in the implementation of basic general education programs, educational programs of secondary vocational education, additional general education programs is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law and the legislation on education .

Information about changes:

5. Classification of films is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law and the legislation of the Russian Federation on state support of cinematography.

Information about changes:

6. Information obtained as a result of classification of information products is indicated by its manufacturer or distributor in accompanying documents for information products and is the basis for placing the information product mark on it and for its circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 7. Information products for children under six years of age

Information products for children under the age of six may include information products containing information that does not cause harm to the health and (or) development of children (including information products containing episodic non-naturalistic images justified by its genre and (or) plot or a description of physical and (or) mental violence (with the exception of sexual violence), subject to the triumph of good over evil and expression of compassion for the victim of violence and (or) condemnation of violence).

Article 8. Information products for children over the age of six

Information products permitted for circulation for children over the age of six years may include information products provided for in Article 7

1) short-term and non-naturalistic images or descriptions of human diseases (except for serious diseases) and (or) their consequences in a form that does not degrade human dignity;

2) non-naturalistic depiction or description of an accident, accident, catastrophe or non-violent death without demonstrating their consequences, which may cause fear, horror or panic in children;

3) episodic depictions or descriptions of these actions and (or) crimes that do not encourage the commission of antisocial actions and (or) crimes, provided that their admissibility is not substantiated or justified and a negative, condemning attitude towards the persons committing them is expressed.

Article 9. Information products for children over the age of twelve

Information products permitted for circulation for children over the age of twelve may include information products provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law, as well as information products containing justified by its genre and (or) plot:

1) episodic depiction or description of cruelty and (or) violence (except for sexual violence) without a naturalistic demonstration of the process of taking life or causing injury, provided that compassion is expressed for the victim and (or) a negative, condemning attitude towards cruelty, violence (except violence used in cases of protecting the rights of citizens and legally protected interests of society or the state);

2) an image or description that does not encourage the commission of antisocial actions (including the consumption of alcohol and alcohol-containing products, beer and drinks made on its basis, participation in gambling, vagrancy or begging), occasional mention (without demonstration) of drugs drugs, psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances, tobacco products, provided that the admissibility of antisocial actions is not substantiated or justified, a negative, condemning attitude towards them is expressed and an indication of the danger of consuming these products, drugs, substances, products is contained;

3) episodic non-naturalistic images or descriptions of sexual relations between a man and a woman that do not exploit interest in sex and are not of an exciting or offensive nature, with the exception of images or descriptions of actions of a sexual nature.

Article 10. Information products for children over the age of sixteen

Information products permitted for circulation for children who have reached the age of sixteen may include information products provided for in Article 9 of this Federal Law, as well as information products containing justified by its genre and (or) plot:

1) an image or description of an accident, accident, catastrophe, disease, death without a naturalistic showing of their consequences, which can cause fear, horror or panic in children;

2) depiction or description of cruelty and (or) violence (except for sexual violence) without a naturalistic demonstration of the process of taking life or causing injury, provided that compassion for the victim and (or) a negative, condemning attitude towards cruelty, violence (except for violence) is expressed applied in cases of protection of the rights of citizens and legally protected interests of society or the state);

3) information about narcotic drugs or psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances (without their demonstration), about the dangerous consequences of their consumption with demonstration of such cases, provided that a negative or condemning attitude towards the consumption of such drugs or substances is expressed and an indication is given the danger of their consumption;

4) individual swear words and (or) expressions that are not related to obscene language;

5) images or descriptions of sexual relations between a man and a woman that do not exploit the interest in sex and are not offensive in nature, with the exception of images or descriptions of actions of a sexual nature.