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Army compass: principle of operation. Orientation using a compass on the ground, in a forest, in an apartment: instructions

You can survive in the wilderness without a compass, but it’s very difficult. To avoid getting lost or lost, a topographic map and a reliable compass are not enough - you also need to know how to use them. Anyone can learn to navigate with a compass, and this article will help.

How to use a compass - compass marks

Each compass has its own look and design, but they are all designed on the same principle. Each compass has a magnetic needle pointing to the poles of the planet. Let's look at what parts a compass consists of:

  • A transparent plastic plate on which the compass is placed.
  • An arrow that indicates direction.
  • A transparent ring on which the compass (magnetic needle) is attached.
  • A rotating arc around a compass.
  • An arrow that rotates inside the compass.
  • A non-magnetized arrow that indicates direction.
  • Reference lines.

How to use a compass - how to hold it

The compass must be placed on the palm of your hand and brought to your chest. This is the correct position of the compass during any travel. If you just need to consult a map, place it on a flat surface and place a compass on top. This way you can navigate the terrain as accurately as possible.

How to use a compass - identifying directions

This is a quick and easy way to navigate the area. Look at the magnetic needle. Let's say you're going north.

  • Rotate the division scale. This is done until the magnetic needle overlaps the direction arrow. Both arrows should point north. After this, determine the direction of your movement. This can be done by looking at the direction of movement arrow.
  • Look where the graduation scale intersects with the direction of the movement arrow. Look at the graduation scale to determine your exact direction. If the intersection occurs near number 20, then you are moving 20 degrees northeast.

How to Use a Compass - Difference Between Magnetic/Geographic North Poles

Even taking into account the fact that they are both “Northern”, you will remember the difference very quickly, since it is very important for the correct use of the compass.

The difference in readings may not be significant, but a difference of 1 degree will mean a deviation from a certain target of 100 meters with every kilometer. What happens if you need to walk 10 or even 20 kilometers? It is simply necessary to take into account the difference.

How to use a compass - calculate your direction

When moving through open areas or forests, you need to periodically determine your direction. Rotate the compass so that the direction arrow matches your direction (where you are going). The magnetic needle will coincide only if you are moving north.

How to Use a Compass - Keep Moving

Hold the compass correctly. Turn with it so that the magnetic arrow on the division panel points to the north. Move in the direction the direction arrow points to. You can check the compass all the way, just be careful not to move the division panel.

How to use a compass - use landmarks

When you follow the direction indicated by the arrow, select a landmark (post, stone or tree). Do not select objects that are too distant (mountain) - they will not allow you to navigate with the necessary accuracy. Having reached one landmark, look at the compass and choose the next one.

How to use a compass - transfer the course to the map

Place the card on horizontal surface and place a compass on top. The direction line should point north. Now position the compass so that it passes through your position and the arrow points north. Draw a line along the compass that passes through your position on the map. Stick to this direction.

In order to quickly and correctly navigate unfamiliar terrain, be able to choose the shortest path and know your location, you need to regularly practice with a compass and map, train your powers of observation and visual memory. A compass is a tourist’s most reliable companion, provided that they know how to use it. In order not to find yourself in an absurd situation when you have a compass, but you are lost and do not know where to go, study our article now, sitting with a cup of tea at your computer.

Nowadays modern navigation devices are quite accessible, but the simplest compass does not lose popularity, which will not let you down and will help you find the right path even in a deep forest. It does not require batteries or constant recharging to operate. The main thing is to know how to use a compass correctly, and for this you need to become familiar with the principle of its operation. You can use this navigation device even in the field.

Types of compasses and instructions for their use

If your trip takes place without a map, in order not to get lost during the hike, you must have any navigation device with you. The best option is a compass. It can be magnetic, electromagnetic, sports, liquid, military, electronic or artillery. There are also models of solar-powered navigation devices available at retail outlets.

How to use a hiking compass

This model is a magnetic device that helps you navigate unfamiliar terrain. This compass uses a magnetized needle located strictly along the north-south line. The main advantage of this model is its user-friendly interface. But before you go, you should familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of the device:
  • place the device in a horizontal position;
  • wait until the arrow stops on its own;
  • by turning the navigation device in a certain way, you will orient it (the dial division 0 is placed under the northern part of the arrow);
  • East, West, North and South are determined by the corresponding divisions.

The travel compass consists of a simple round box. The magnetic needle is located in the central part of the device, and its end points to the north. A rotating scale and digital azimuth degrees are located along the edges of the box. The device may not be sealed or sealed. Exists a large number of various models of this navigation device, the main differences of which are the size and other additional functions (for example, a thermometer built into the strap).

Regardless of which device model you choose, it is recommended to practice in your apartment before traveling. Instructions on how to use a compass will help you learn how to navigate independently in the forest and in unfamiliar terrain. If you have questions about the operation of the device, ask them to a consultant at the store, where the purchase should be checked.

The most accurate and reliable navigation device is military. To manufacture such a device, in almost all cases, metal is used. Knowing how to use a compass correctly, everyone can determine direction and azimuth. The housing can be sealed or simple, which should be selected taking into account the conditions in which the device will be used. The specification of this model is wide, because it can be used both when performing strategically important tasks by the military, and during tourist trips.

The operation of this navigation device is the same as that of a tourist one. When wondering how to properly use a military compass, you need to carefully study the attached instructions. These devices are characterized by maximum accuracy and long service life and can be used in any natural conditions(in extreme heat or heavy rain).

A military compass has the characteristics of a simple travel device, but is additionally equipped with a ruler. There is a special magnifying lens and a sighting device. A military compass determines the direction as accurately as possible and sets the exact course of movement. Additional characteristics make this navigation device the most popular.


This type of compass has a certain difference from a simple one, which consists in dividing the scale, where the direction is located not clockwise, but counterclockwise. The device is additionally equipped with a half-limb and a clinometer. With their help, the angles of incidence of rock layers are determined. The principle of using a geological navigation device is the same as a simple model.


This complex navigation compass is equipped with a special device - a gyroscope, which shows not the magnetic pole of the earth, like other models, but the real one. This type is installed on aircraft, river or sea vessels. The advantage of the device is its high stability. It can be used in adverse weather conditions, determining the most accurate direction even with strong swaying.

Tablet compass

Such a device consists of a round flask and a magnetized pointer mounted on a special rectangular base, which is a tablet. The ruler located on it helps to determine the distance on the map as accurately as possible. An additionally installed magnifying glass is used to examine a variety of small details. This model of navigation device is the easiest to use and may have a mirror.

Using the deviation scale, the location being traversed is quickly correlated with the map, which helps to adjust the movement as accurately as possible. The rotating capsule can record a certain azimuth value; there are luminescent dots on the scale and pointer. The compass is filled with a special liquid that ensures maximum stability of the needle when running.

Use the tablet device for navigation according to the following instructions:

  • The longitudinal edge of the device on the map connects the beginning and end of the selected route. It is necessary to ensure that the lines are directed strictly towards the given direction.
  • During rotation, the north symbols on the map and the instrument bulb must be combined (2 bright strokes). All maps of the area are oriented only to the north.
  • Holding the device in your hands, you rotate it around its axis, aligning the end of the arrow (indicated in red) and 2 luminous points.
  • The arrow indicates the direction of the movement being performed, and while moving, it is necessary to periodically check the compass.

Watch with electronic compass

This watch becomes simply an indispensable item for lovers of travel and long hikes, for those who have difficulty navigating by the sun, moss on trees or the stars. Some manufacturers produce navigation devices specifically designed for use in extreme conditions. There are models for climbers, waterproof ones for divers. Titanium, aluminum alloys, stainless steel, and polymers are used to make the case.

Compass program for iPhone and Android

The most popular phone model is the smartphone, which almost every traveler has. A special application is installed on it, with the help of which it is easy to navigate the area. When planning a trip to another country, take care of how you will move in an unfamiliar city. Having such an application on your smartphone or phone, you don’t have to worry about getting lost while sightseeing.

Video lesson: how to navigate in the forest using a compass and map

A vacation spent in the forest in the company of friends will leave an unforgettable impression if you don’t have to wander off on the way back. Not knowing how to navigate by the stars, the location of moss on a tree, or using a sundial, having poor memory and often forgetting the way, you must definitely take a compass and map with you on vacation. If you have trouble understanding how to navigate the terrain using these tools, watch the video instructions below. It describes in detail how to learn to determine your location on a map and use a compass correctly.

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How to use a compass correctly

The only living organism on the planet that cannot navigate the terrain relying on its senses is man. Being the most intelligent creature, man has learned to adapt to difficulties and cope with them independently.

To move around the area, knowledge and observations accumulated over centuries were used. Determining the cardinal directions was possible based on natural signs (location of stars, vegetation, position of insects, etc.).

Thousands of years after the birth of humanity, even before our era, a Chinese philosopher made an invention that made it possible to accurately determine the position of the cardinal points. This was one of the most important inventions that has survived to this day and is of great importance in the course of world history. How to use a compass? This is what we will talk about today.

Hen Fei Tzu, the name of the Chinese sage, first described the invented device, called the compass. The design was a copper plate, the central part of which was carefully polished, and the zodiac signs were applied along the perimeter.

A deep round spoon with a long cylindrical handle was installed in the center of the plate, which was used for pouring liquid food and drinks. The rounded bottom prevented the handle from falling onto the plate, and the spoon could easily rotate in a circle. The spoon was made of magnetite metal.

The plate was placed on a flat surface and the spoon was pushed into motion. The handle of the spoon always pointed south. This invention holds the reputation of being the first compass used by man.

Several centuries later, again in China, a magnetic floating needle was made, most often in the shape of a fish. The magnet, when lowered into the water, pointed to the south with its head. Around the same period, another Chinese scientist ShenGua developed several compass designs.

He tried to make the device as accurate as possible, using a magnetized needle suspended from a thin silk thread. During the experiments, he noted that the needle points to the south with a small error, which they have since learned to calculate for different parts China.

Chinese sailors of the 11th century had floating compasses installed on their ships, allowing them to navigate quite accurately when moving across the seas. In the 12th century, the experience of Chinese inventors was adopted by Arab sailors, and after another century the compass came to Europe.

The familiar and everyday view that every person remembers was obtained by the compass only in the 17th century. The accuracy of the device was unique at that time and made it possible to easily plot routes for sea voyages.

Design and principle of operation of a classic device

A classic version of the invention is a magnetic compass. Externally, it is a round-shaped body made of durable plastic or brass. A steel pin is fixed in the center of the box, and a magnetic pointer is installed on it in a perpendicular position.

The box has a glass or plastic transparent lid that protects the compass from damage. Damage to the pointer or its mounting may cause the device to malfunction.

Let's look at how to use a compass correctly. The essence of its work is as follows: the magnetic pointer interacts with magnetic fields globe and produces movement along parallels with the force fields of the planet. The arrow shows north in the same way as the lines.

Depending on the design, there are several main types of compasses:

  • magnetic;
  • electromagnetic;
  • electronic;
  • gyroscopic.

The essence of the work is the same, but slight differences in the design allow everyone to choose exactly the model that seems most convenient in certain conditions.


The magnetic type of compass is used in most cases. This is a small hand-held device that everyone held in their hands even when they were studying at high school. The main operating element is the magnetic needle, which moves according to the magnetic axes of the Earth.

You can use the device manually, holding the device in your hand and turning in the desired direction, or using a tripod for installation.


The design of an electromagnetic compass is much more complex. It is a small-sized electric generator. The magnetic polarity of the earth acts as a stator. And the rotor is several frames with windings. The voltage in the turns, moving in a magnetic environment, indicates the direction of the course. The use of an electromagnetic compass is common on board aircraft and ships.

The advantage of the compass is the stability of the magnetic needle in relation to magnetized parts of ships, that is, the compass needle is not exposed to the magnetic influence of outsiders magnetic forces. This means that the measurement accuracy in this case will be higher.


Electronics is taking over all areas of human activity. Terrain orientation is no exception. In appearance, an electronic compass can be confused with a conventional electronic watch, and there is practically no external resemblance to its magnetic counterpart. The electronic compass display shows the measured units. The magnetic needle, accordingly, is absent. The direction of the magnetic field is measured by a special magnetic sensor installed inside the compass.

Usage electronic device may be difficult because at some point the battery may run out. To avoid any difficulties along the way, the best option is to carry an extra charged battery.


The most accurate device is a gyroscopic compass, or gyrocompass. It mechanically indicates the position of the Earth's meridians depending on the axis of its rotation. A magnetic compass shows the direction to the pole as a whole, and a gyrocompass indicates the point of rotation of the axis.

Its use is common in marine and missile navigation. Like the electromagnetic one, the gyrocompass is practically insensitive to extraneous magnetic fields.

In the age of development of electronic technology, the use of devices such as a compass is carried out only by professionals who know how to use them correctly.

Today it's hard to imagine modern man without a gadget. Developers software decided not to stand still and a Compass application was developed for electronic gadgets on the Android platform, which allows you to navigate the terrain. This development did not bypass the famous Apple brand.

Almost all phones are equipped with a GPS navigation system. However, in some locations, such as forested areas, the location accuracy may vary. Using a compass in such situations will be justified.

How to navigate the terrain using a compass - detailed instructions

To understand how to use a compass, you need to know some subtleties. Let's consider orientation using a map of the area.

To begin, remove the lock from the arrow and, holding the body in a horizontal position, give the arrow the opportunity to stop in the north direction. The compass must be kept away from metal structures, magnetic fields which may interfere with the accurate operation of the instrument.

Using the acquired knowledge, you need to navigate the area and determine your position on the map using a description of the area. After this, a target is selected on the map.

The north of the compass is aligned with the north of the map (this is always its upper border). Next, you need to combine the pointer unit on the compass with the position of the object on the map. We rotate the compass until the magnetic needle shows the north direction on the body of the bulb. You can start moving, while constantly making sure that the arrow pointer always points to the north direction on the bulb.

Not many people know how to use a compass in the forest without a map, so as not to get lost. The principle of orientation on the ground is almost the same as using a map. Only for navigation is it worth choosing a large object.

After the direction of the server and the arrow are visually aligned, draw a straight line through the center of the device to the landmark. The direction of travel will be indicated on the opposite side. On the road, it is better to check the possibility of deviation from the course of movement.

In theory, it is difficult to understand the principle of operation of the device, so the best option would be to consolidate the skills in practice in a familiar area.

When going on a hike or expedition in an unfamiliar area, it is better to have on your team a person who is well versed in the area. If this is not possible, you should always have a compass and map at hand to determine your location.

If you have not previously had experience using a compass, you need to learn and practice determining your location the day before. Use the compass in accordance with the basic requirements (correct position, protection from damage, distance from metal objects).

Following a simple algorithm of actions will allow you to avoid difficulties on the road through unfamiliar terrain.


The invention and use of the compass historically played a huge role in the geographical exploration of the world. Sea voyages brought many results with minimal fleet losses. Orientation by the stars was possible, but the compass made movement across the seas and oceans more accurate and in minimal time intervals.

A device that will help you navigate the area, find the right road on the map and get out of the forest if you get lost. Compass. Of course, its practical benefits are directly proportional to the ability to use this device. Let's talk about how to use a compass correctly so that this device is not just a key fob in your pocket.

Compass: highlights

  1. Using a compass, the parts of the world are determined: north, south, west, east.
  2. The compass needle always points north. If there are two arrows, then more often the “north” arrow is indicated in blue, either it is shorter, or it is a part with an arrow-shaped end.
  3. The compass has a so-called “brake” - a lever that prevents the needle from moving.
  4. When using a compass, place it on your palm and hold it horizontally so that the arrow does not touch the glass or base of the compass and become confused.
  5. The compass may give incorrect information about the location of parts of the world if you are near power lines.
  6. Periodically check the accuracy of the compass operation (in the manner indicated below).
  7. After each time you use the compass, put it on the brake.

Compass: check

Before using the compass, you should check its functionality, otherwise you risk not only losing your way, but also not finding your way back.

  • To check, place the compass on a horizontal surface and wait until the needle stops moving.
  • Bring a metal object to the compass and wait for the arrow to begin to change position.
  • Then sharply remove the object and watch the arrow; if it returns to its original position, the compass works well and can be used for orientation.

Compass on a hike: rules of use

Let's move on to talk about how to use a compass in the forest.

  • First, we determine the landmark, the place to which we will return. As such a landmark, it is better to choose a road, a clearing, railway tracks, a river, that is, something long enough so that you are sure not to miss and go to a familiar place.
  • It is better to leave at a right angle from the landmark, that is, perpendicular to it.
  • Let's say our landmark is a road. We move a little in the direction we need and turn to face the road.
  • We remove the compass from the “brake” and, holding it exactly horizontally, rotate the compass until the arrow coincides with the north-south line (S-N, do not confuse: N - north - north; S - south - south).
  • We draw a mental line (you can attach a ruler, a straight branch) of our path. We look at the numbers around the edges of the flask - these are degrees. We calculate the degree from zero (north) clockwise. This is the return point (azimuth).
  • Next, look at the number with opposite side- this is the direction of our movement.
  • Let's remember both numbers! Let's go into the forest.

Let's go back:

  • We take the compass in the palm of our hand, so that the line of return mentally passes through the center and the number - the azimuth point (see above), the line should be directed forward.
  • Then begin to rotate around its axis, achieving the position of the arrow at the north mark.
  • Then we go in the direction where our gaze is directed.

If you are still a beginner and do not know how to use a compass, videos on the Internet will allow you to get visual information. The main thing is practice. But it's better to practice with knowledgeable people near.

Despite the fact that many people know what a magnetic compass is, not everyone knows how to use it correctly. And even those who know how to handle this ancient navigation device do not always know about the important nuances of its use, which is why ridiculous mistakes can often be observed. And sometimes such ignorance leads to the development of dangerous situations if a person finds himself in wildlife and even with a working compass he cannot find his way.

Practice shows that due to the fascination with modern GPS, people’s normal orientation in space and the ability to use simple instruments practically atrophy

I propose to figure out what problems can be solved with the help of a compass, how to do it and how not to get into trouble by having it with you.

So, first, let's figure out what a compass is for. And it is needed for:

  • Map orientation.
  • Selecting the desired direction according to a known azimuth on the map and on the ground.
  • Determining your location.

These are the main tasks that are solved using a compass in the vast majority of cases. Now let's look at each of the problems in terms of how to solve it.

Determining cardinal directions

Determining the cardinal directions is necessary for different purposes, one of which is orientation in the map space, which will be discussed a little later.

This may also be necessary if a person is lost and does not have a card at his disposal. In this case, he will be able to get out, for example, from the forest, moving along the emergency azimuth, which was described here (Orientation by compass), or simply move in any chosen direction, without describing zigzags, which often happens when a person without a compass and skills orientation based on surrounding objects, tries to go in one direction. The so-called “azimuth walking” can also be used in diving, where, due to limited visibility, a person without a compass simply cannot find his way.

Using a compass, you can determine the cardinal directions within a few seconds (although the time depends on how quickly the needle stabilizes).

There are two ways. We discussed some of them in the article about, so I’ll move straight to the second.

In order to find out which side of the world is located, you need to place the compass in a horizontal position with the bulb up, release the lock (stopper), if there is one, and turn your face in the direction where the northern part of the magnetic needle points. At this moment, the north will be in front of the face, the south will be behind, the east will be to the right, and the west will be to the left. The video shows how this is done:

Map orientation

Map orientation is necessary for quick and convenient work with it. In particular, if the map is oriented, then you will not have to recalculate the azimuths measured on it using a magnetic compass, making corrections for the magnetic declination.

  1. In order to orient the map, you need:
    Attach a compass to its side frame.
  2. Rotate the map with a compass so that the northern part of the arrow points to the top frame of the map, and the arrow itself is parallel to the side frame (not to be confused with the kilometer grid!).
  3. Rotate the map with a compass clockwise if the magnetic declination in this area is western, or counterclockwise if it is eastern. The rotation is carried out at an angle equal to the magnetic declination.

Finger-mounted compasses are most suitable for map orientation.

Azimuth determination

Determining azimuth is the main task of a compass. It is with its help that the desired course is selected, although for non-sea travel, travelers most often use landmarks and only, if necessary, azimuths.

Azimuth, which we described in detail in a separate article (How to determine azimuth using a compass), can be measured using a compass, both on a map and on the ground.

The essence is the same - position the compass in the desired direction and, by rotating the compass dial, align the northern part of the arrow with the value 0°/360° on the scale. Once this has been done, the pointer on the compass bulb will show the magnetic azimuth of the desired direction on the scale.

Choosing a direction

Choosing a direction based on the azimuth measured on the map is a common thing when you have to go straight, rather than along paths and clearings.

It is usually used precisely for this purpose, although the opposite task is also possible - plotting the route on the map according to azimuths measured on the ground. So, for example, I built a map of some sections of the Odessa catacombs.

In principle, this problem is the inverse of the one we considered earlier. That is, in this case, first the pointer is set to the desired value on the scale, and then the compass is rotated in space until the northern part of the arrow coincides with the value 0°/360° on the scale. Once this happens, the compass will be positioned in the desired direction.

Finding your location

The solution to this problem can be useful if a traveler has lost his way and wants to figure out where exactly he is. To do this, in addition to a compass, he definitely needs a map.

This method is based on determining the azimuths of two landmarks visible on the ground and aligning rays from the images of these landmarks on the map in the direction of the return azimuths. The point of intersection of the two rays will be the location of the person.

It is also possible for a person to stand on a linear landmark or on the edge of an area landmark and measure the azimuth to one landmark, and then, by analogy with the previous method, transfer the measurements to the map.

We talked in more detail about these methods in a separate material (Orientation by compass).

Specifics of using compasses

It should be noted that working with some models of magnetic compasses will differ somewhat from the described algorithms.

This is primarily due to the fact that some compasses have a needle glued to a disk on which a scale is applied. When working with such compasses, there is no point in waiting for the needle to be at 0°/360°: it is always in this position, which is very convenient. However, such compasses tend to be slower in operation.

Also, for convenience, some compasses are equipped with a mirror, by looking into which during measurements you can control the position of the magnetic needle relative to the scale.

Manufacturers make the flasks of some models transparent and apply a number of parallel lines, which increases the convenience of working with the card. Using such a compass, you can measure directional angles and true azimuths, regardless of whether there is a magnet next to the compass or the measurement is carried out in vehicles that create magnetic deviations.

But the procedure for working with a liquid compass will not differ in any way from the procedure for working with a compass with air under the bulb.

Also, working with a military or artillery compass will be little different from working with an amateur one. Perhaps professional compasses will be more convenient in this regard: their needle, for example, can stabilize faster, and the case can protect the compass from accidental impacts.

Also, do not forget that in addition to the usual magnetic compass, there are a number of other compasses, the operating principles of which are fundamentally different. So, for example, orientation using a radio compass or gyrocompass, which we talked about in another article, will be different from orienting using a magnetic compass. However, in the vast majority of cases, these compasses do not apply to tourism and survival, so in today’s conversation we mentioned them only to understand the variety of work with different navigation devices.

In general, working with magnetic compasses related to tourism is identical to that described earlier. The subtleties of working with a specific model are determined after considering or purchasing a compass, based on basic knowledge about working with it.

In any case, no matter what model of magnetic compass you use, you must always follow the rules for using it - do not use a faulty compass, reduce the influence of magnetic deviations and take into account the magnetic declination. Only in this case, working with a magnetic compass will bring the expected result.