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God exists and rules the world. Who rules the world? Or who is GOD? How strong is the power of the devil on Earth?

Question: How is Satan the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4)?

Answer: The phrase “the god of this world” (or “the god of this age”) indicates that Satan has great influence over the ideals, values, goals, hopes, and attitudes of most people. His influence also extends to world philosophy, education and economics. The thoughts, ideas, assumptions and false religions of the world are under his control and come from his lies and deceit.

Satan is called the ruler of the “high places” in Ephesians 2:2. He is “the ruler of this world” (Gospel of John 12:31; hereinafter – translation of the Russian Bible Society). These and many other definitions speak about the abilities of Satan. For example, saying that Satan is the ruler of “the heavenly world” means that in some way he rules the entire world and the people in it.

But this does not mean that he completely rules the world; God is still the Almighty. But what is meant here is that the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, allowed Satan to influence this world within the limits He established. If the Bible says that Satan has power over the world, then we must remember that God gave him only unbelievers. Believers are no longer subject to Satan (Colossians 1:13). Unbelievers are caught in “the snare of the devil” (2 Timothy 2:26), “in the power of the evildoer” (1 John 5:19), “submitting to the ruler of the heavenly world” (Ephesians 2:2).

Thus, even though the Bible says that Satan is “the god of this world,” this does not mean that he has complete power. These words convey the idea that Satan controls the world of unbelievers in a certain way. 2 Corinthians 4:4 says that unbelievers are following Satan's plans: "The God of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they do not see the light of the Good News of the glory of Christ." Satan's plan includes promoting false philosophy that blinds unbelievers to the truth of the gospel. Satan's philosophy is a fortress in which people are imprisoned, and they must be set free by Christ.

An example of one such false philosophy is the belief that a person can earn God's favor through certain actions. In almost every false religion, the priority topic is how to earn God's favor or earn eternal life. Salvation by good works, however, is contrary to biblical revelation. Man cannot earn God's favor by works, because eternal life is a gift (see Ephesians 2:8-9) and this gift is available only and only through Jesus Christ (John 3:16; 14:6). You may ask, why doesn't mankind simply receive the gift of salvation (John 1:12)? The answer is that Satan, the god of this world, is pushing mankind to indulge their pride. Satan sets the plan, the unbelieving world follows it, and humanity remains deceived. No wonder Scripture calls Satan a liar (John 8:44).

In ancient Slavic and modern pagan philosophy, the entire universe is divided into three parts - Reality, Nav and Rule. In simple words, this is the world of matter, the afterlife and the world of the Gods among the Slavs. Rule is the highest world. Rule is the place of residence of our bright Gods. Only the brightest souls can get to this wonderful place. In addition, these are also bright laws that are established by the Rule over all other worlds.

Being in the world of Reveal or Navi, we are always in an indestructible system created by the Rule. We are its particles that perform certain functions in the worlds below. Constantly improving on the path of spiritual development, the goal of all human existence is to return to its real abode, a home for every spirit - Rule. This is the meaning of life, and Rule is the goal of the meaning of life. People who ignore this are forced to spin in circles of rebirth for thousands of years, without ever understanding the basic essence of all existence.

Many words also come from this term: rule, righteous, truthful, right and even truth. All this indicates that the laws of the Rule are true and inviolable. Many modern pagan Slavs believe that the term “Orthodox” is also translated as Glorifying Rule. This is a rather ambiguous interpretation. Analysis of this word by linguists quite convincingly proves that this is not the case at all (translated from Greek, “Orthodox” is “correct judgment” or “teaching”). On the other hand, modern Slavs can easily afford to take this word and give it a new meaning. However, this will already look like a substitution of concepts. Probably, the term “Right-glorifying” would be much better suited for this.

...the first chapter of "Dark Universe".

Today the long-awaited film “The Mummy” will appear on the screens of cinemas in your city!

Yesterday GET UP visited the Cinema 5 cinema for a pre-screening of this film. And now we’ll tell you something.


And yes. "The Mummy" 2017, not a continuation of the three previous parts of "The Mummy" with actor Brendan Fraser.


So, I ask you to love and favor - Nick Morton(actor Tom Cruise). Lover of archeology, girls, and, of course, money. An avid adventurer involved in tomb robbing. He boldly sells the treasures he finds on the black market. Together with your friend Chris(actor Jake Johnson) he appears in Mesopotamia (Iraq), which also harbors terrorists. There are rumors that there is an ancient and valuable artifact here. Neither Nick nor his friend, of course, could pass by such an adventure.

In general, during a shootout with their enemies, Nick and Chris discover that an ancient Egyptian monument is buried under the city. Ancient Egyptian. In Iraq. Of course, he couldn’t just appear here, and that’s logical.

So it's something else. As it turns out, a princess was placed in this sarcophagus five thousand years ago. Ahmanet(actress Sofia Boutella), who wanted to rule the state. The girl killed her father, and then his son, and called God Seth(God of death and chaos). She wanted to conclude an agreement with Seth, under the terms of which he would give her power, and Ahmanet would find a suitable mortal body for him so that the princess and the God of Death could rule together. If five thousand years ago she never fulfilled her plans, now Nick has become that “chosen one”. Which is also logical, he is the main character. But in order to carry out the plan, the enraged Ahmanet needs Set’s dagger, which, as luck would have it, was located in Europe (why here? They’ll tell you everything in the film). Evil never sleeps.

And all this leads to Nick meeting the secret organization “Prodigium”, which is engaged in the fight against such monsters as Amanet.

UPD: In the film you will see a scene with a plane crash. You will remember her very much. Everything you see in this scene was filmed not on a set with a green background, but right on the plane at an altitude of 13 km.

The remake of “The Mummy” became expected, and that’s all because it is a direct reference to such movie monsters as the Wolf Man, Frankenstein and his Bride, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Count Dracula, and many others.

Dark Universethe studio's own logo created for these plans.

There are more than enough of these references in The Mummy: somewhere the hand of an underwater monster will light up in the frame, somewhere a vampire skull.

Despite the simple plot, the picture looks quite easy, with humor here and there. There is also enough action here, sometimes you even want to shout “Wow.”

There is one thing for me, but... I still don’t understand who these “Prodigiums” are, how they work and who the leader really is Henry Jekyll(actor Russell Crowe). There will undoubtedly be a sequel (I hope the film will collect enough money), as we were foreshadowed at the end.

But there was no post-credits scene. It's a pity.

What impresses me most is Ahmanet. Beauty is not the right word. The actress very organically fit into the image of the mummy princess.

By the way, there are no complaints about the actors in the film. Everyone played their role perfectly, and no one tried to steal all the attention.

I would like to note the locations themselves. Every time they change, which means there is dynamics. All of them are unique and well designed.

Overall, this is quite a brisk start for the start of the Dark Universe film series.

Looking forward to the continuation!

Advantages: acting, action, special effects

Flaws: Plot flaw

Personal rating: 7 out of 10

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  • The film's tagline, "Welcome to a new world of gods and monsters," is a quote from the film Bride of Frankenstein (1935), also produced by Universal Pictures. That film starred Boris Karloff, who played the role of Imhotep in the original The Mummy (1932). In addition, the phrase was used when coming up with the title for the film Gods and Monsters (1998), which starred Brendan Fraser, who in turn starred in the film The Mummy (1999).
  • Tom Cruise was previously considered for the male lead in The Mummy (1999), but then director Stephen Sommers chose Brendan Fraser for the role. And now, 18 years later, Cruise played the leading male role in the remake of that film.
  • This is the first collaboration between Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe.
  • The mummy's appearance and gender were changed after the filmmakers saw Apocalypse's appearance in the post-credits scene of X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014).
  • Film director Alex Kurtzman
  • This is the first film in the history of the franchise in which the mummy was a woman.
  • Javier Bardem, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy and Eddie Redmayne were considered for the role of Dr. Henry Jekyll, a character from Robert Louis Stevenson's novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The role eventually went to Russell Crowe.
  • The film was written by Christopher McQuarrie, who previously worked with Tom Cruise in Jack Reacher (2012) and Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015).
  • The film's release coincided with the 85th anniversary of the original film The Mummy (1932).
  • The character played by Tom Cruise was originally named Tyler Colt, but the name was eventually changed to Nick Morton.

Let me remind you that today the film is being released in wide release at Cinema 5.

Sumerians. The Forgotten World [effected] Belitsky Marian

Chapter III. Gods who rule the world

Modern science knows a lot about the religion of the Sumerians and at the same time very little. We know the names of dozens and hundreds of gods, we have read many myths telling about them, about their origin, relationships, deeds and “circle of responsibilities,” but the very essence of the Sumerian religion, its origins and philosophical basis still remain the subject of study and debate. Scientists complain that the Sumerian priests and theologians left behind only lists of gods, myths and prayers, and did not create a clear system that would help understand the main provisions of the Sumerian religion and its philosophical premises. This task requires painstaking work with various texts, inscriptions and literary works. Additional difficulties are caused by the fact that only a few originals from the 3rd millennium BC have reached us. e., preserved in the form in which the authors compiled them. Most of the myths and prayers were rewritten by priests after the fall of Sumer, when the main provisions of the Sumerian religion were accepted, assimilated and appropriately changed by the non-Sumerian peoples who had inhabited Mesopotamia since ancient times or who arrived here at the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e. The very fact that Sumerian beliefs, religious customs and gods were adopted by other peoples and that these peoples used the Sumerian language as sacred is indisputable evidence of the perfection and persuasiveness of the theological doctrines created over a millennium by the priests of Eredu and Uruk, Nippur and Ur, Kish and Lagash. Scientists are faced with a task that requires enormous work and effort - to free the original beliefs of the Sumerians from later layers, to highlight the main provisions of the religion of the ancient era in a developed and complete system of cosmological and theological views that has developed over many centuries.

To understand the lifestyle and history of the Sumerians, it is necessary to study their beliefs and customs at the end of the 3rd millennium. No less important is penetration into the mystery of the beliefs of the Sumerians dating back to the beginning of the Sumerian era, since religious ideas, especially among primitive peoples, provide a complete picture of the everyday worries, anxieties and aspirations of a person, in other words, ideas about the celestial beings reflect everything with amazing accuracy. what is happening on earth.

It is known that the Sumerian priests, who were engaged not only in theology, but also in the exact sciences, medicine, agriculture, administration and, in addition, carried out observations of the sky and celestial bodies, developed a system of views about the origin of the universe and the laws governing it. We already know the basis of the Sumerian philosophy of life: the gods created people so that they would serve them faithfully. These and other ideas of the Sumerians developed over a long time. Before we move on to their description, let’s try to look deeper into the past, into those distant times from which written documents have not reached us. Of course, all this is nothing more than assumptions, but they are based on a thorough analysis and comparison of the Sumerian religion with the religions of other peoples and eras.

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These are not empty words. The world really is ruled by the devil. He laid his paws on the entire globe. And he rules on Earth not directly, but through his proteges - senior government and political figures, financiers, diplomats, and military personnel. Witches and sorcerers provide him with invaluable services.

Now the reign of the devil is visible. The evil ones control all social life on Earth: drug addiction, prostitution, arms trade. Everything they do is aimed at destroying the family as the basis of society. Nowadays there is propaganda of homosexuality, drug addiction, and lesbianism in the media. Representatives of these minorities are the heroes of our time.

The Devil Controls Discipline in the Fourth Dimension

The word of the devil is the law for the whole world of the unclean (and now for our world). To ensure that these laws are strictly observed, the post of prosecutor general was established. They have a chief judge, but I have not yet met him. They don't have prisons. If a devil or demon violates the laws in some way, then they are skinned alive, and high-ranking figures are exiled to Solovki (they have ones similar to ours).

Do the unclean have their own God?

I once asked Elizazdra about this. And she answered me that both they and we have the same God, but the kings are different. And the devil is our king. And when I killed the thirteenth Satan, he shouted to me that I could not defeat him, he would rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. Still rebelling. The 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th Satan also flew. We have to constantly fight with these beasts. They are actually very intelligent entities. You can discuss any topic with them. But they are very arrogant; their essential quality is impudence. But as soon as you take care of them, they immediately become so cute. He let me go and they were rude again.

By what laws do the unclean live?

They live according to the laws of our society: they get married, quarrel, make up. The unclean, like people, know how to betray. Someone was passed over by title, position, someone offended someone... The main task of evil spirits is to shake the faith and morality of people, to force them to serve the devil.

Do the unclean have their own army?

Yes, I have. Demons have regiments and legions, and there is also a demonic guard. There are thirteen demonic guard regiments in total. They select demons with a height of 3.05 m to 3.20 m. The strongest regiment is number 13. At the head of each regiment is a demon colonel.

In addition, there are six demonic guard legions. The height of the demons in them is from 3.25 m to 3.4 m. The strongest is the sixth legion. At the head of each legion is a demon general. The number of demonic regiments is 1000 demons, and the legion consists of 666 demons.

They even have awards and distinctions. They can be promoted in rank and position, given a title. The more harm they cause to people, the more generously they are rewarded. The main reward for demons is the wings that the devil gives them. But such awards are very rare. There are also badges. The most important order is the “Skull and Bones” of three degrees. The "skull and crossbones" of the first degree is made of pure gold. And for special merits, the devil rewards his charges with a six-pointed diamond star.

Why do the unclean need an army?

To carry out the tasks of the devil, to protect high-ranking evil spirits. On the instructions of the devil, his subordinates create natural disasters and destroy people.

Do the unclean have a governing body?

They have a government run by Satan. This government includes thirteen demon ministers. In addition, there are thirteen more demon advisors in various areas.

There are no idly staggering demons now. Everyone is registered in their own department. For example, there is a department dedicated to pushing people to commit suicide; an agency trying to send people to prison; department that gives people heart attacks and strokes, failures, etc.

How do the evil ones control people on Earth?

First, they recruit people who can occupy major leadership positions in the future. They enter into an agreement with them that a person sells his soul in exchange for something or other that will carry out their instructions. In response to this, evil spirits promote such people up the career ladder.

Secondly, they drive demons into people, simply put, they zombify them. It is these people who carry out the will of the unclean on earth.

Thirdly, they can physically destroy a person, give him various serious illnesses, or make him an alcoholic.

How strong is the power of the devil on Earth?

People simply do not know how strong the power of the devil is on Earth. The Gospel says this:

“And entering the house, they saw the Child with Mary His Mother, and, falling down, they worshiped Him; and having opened their treasures, they brought Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

And having received a revelation in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by a different route.

When they departed, behold, the Angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream and says: get up, take the Child and his Mother and run to Egypt, and be there until I tell you; for Herod wants to look for the Child in order to destroy Him.

He arose, took the Child and His Mother by night, and went into Egypt” (Matthew 2.11-14).

At one time, Elizadra (the devil's wife) told me that she made every effort to ensure that my books were not published, because she knew what it would mean for the unclean. But my books are published and, I hope, help many people learn about the world of evil and teach them to resist it.

In my life, I have repeatedly had to meet Beelzebub, Satan, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Belial, Elisazdra, and I have even had to meet the devil himself.

About meeting with Satan

I'll tell you about my meeting with Satan. I first met the thirteenth Satan in 1992. Before getting to Satan, I had to meet the demon Vaska.

One sick woman came to me, from whom this demon spoke - the head of satanic intelligence and counterintelligence, this is a very large position. At that time I still knew practically nothing about the world of the unclean. He said a lot of interesting things. In particular, they knew about me for a long time, that I would be treating me, they also knew approximately even my place of residence. They looked for me among the believers, among the priests, among the monks, but they did not find me. And I didn’t even go to church until I was 33. I have only been involved in herbs since childhood. And when my grandmother told me about witches and sorcerers, I didn’t believe it; considered what kind of witches and sorcerers there could be in the twentieth century. It turned out that everything was true.

Fairy tales, legends, legends carry a lot of information about another world unknown to us. Extraterrestrial civilizations live parallel to us, side by side, but we only believe in them according to myths and legends. I decided to prove the existence of another world that exists parallel to ours in practice.

I had interesting conversations with Satan. He told me such things that at first I didn’t believe him. For example, that Karl Marx was a Satanist and dedicated poems to Satan. Now I found these facts in books.

Satan told me then that socialist ideas were given to Marx - they were unclean, so that he would develop them and put them into practice.

Satan also told me about Lenin. When Volodya Ulyanov was eighteen years old, the evil spirits infused him with a demon - not strong, but very smart. Basically, the demon dictated Lenin's ideas regarding society and writing books. When Lenin completed his task, the evil ones removed him, and Stalin was installed in his place.

The devil told me that Stalin was his own son. I recently read that Stalin had webbed feet, which is a sure sign that he was born from an evil spirit. That's why Satan put him at the head of the Soviet state, which occupied 1¤6 parts of the land.

Several years ago, the notes of Lenin’s attending physician became public, from which it is known that before his death, wild screams and cries burst out of Lenin. Doctors could not determine what was causing this. In fact, it was the demon who expressed his joy in this way.

What the unclean ones said

I have already said that at the very beginning of my healing journey I had to clash with the demon Vaska, who was sitting in one young woman. This damage was done to her by her mother-in-law on the second day after the wedding, by feeding her mouse pies. This woman could not walk. When the patient was brought to my appointment in her arms, a voice came out of her: “That’s it, I’m finished.” This is how the demon Vaska spoke. It was his spirit, and the demon's body was in the fourth dimension.

I not only had a struggle with him, sometimes we also had discussions. Vaska had a rapid career; at the age of 536 (fourth dimension time) he took a high position. He told me: “Sanek, I am a full general. I have six shoulder straps on each shoulder and six skulls on each shoulder strap. After all, during my life I sent about 500 human souls to the next world. In whom I have not sat in my life. During the war he served as a German chief lieutenant. Do you know how many people we shot with him?! And after the war, his wife Elsa and I, who was a witch, quickly sent him to his ancestors. The last time I sat with a woman who lived in the Smolensk region. I removed her literally within a year, she really loved to drink.” According to Vaska’s stories, he especially loved Russians because they drink a lot of vodka and swear a lot.

Vaska often said: “I am a noble demon.” And again: “You know, Sashka, if there were no evil, you people could not appreciate good. And we are evil for you.” And in fact, when there is some kind of comparison, when there is evil, then good can be appreciated.

He also said that there are places on Earth that are cursed for the unclean, but holy for people. In these places you can be treated and protected from the unclean (meaning monasteries, miraculous icons, holy lakes and reservoirs).

I remember how at the beginning of March 1992 I arrived from the Pochaev Monastery. When we met, my wife said that she couldn’t sleep all night: in the dark, something in the form of a piece of jellied meat hit the window and crawled along the glass (and I have protection in my windows - special knives, thanks to which the unclean cannot reach).

Vaska said that it was Satan’s second cousin who came (he is a homosexual, he used to be imprisoned in Grishka Rasputin). I went to look at the windows and saw traces of huge hooves under the windows in the flower garden. Think for yourself what animals can walk under the windows at night, especially in the city.

When Vaska was finished, the daughters of Satan, Fenka and Sonya, spoke from the sick woman. I dealt with them quickly. Satan himself entered the arena. To finish him off faster (and I already had a little experience), I had to take this patient to Pochaev three times. It was impossible to lead her to the relics of Saint Job. The woman resisted, screamed and growled. When the monk who was near the relics said: “Go away, demon, to the lakes, to the swamps,” Satan growled from the patient: “My place is on the throne.”