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What does it mean to take responsibility for the work of another? What to do

The ability to take responsibility for your life has nothing to do with biological age. This state does not come with the onset of adulthood in a snap. If a person is allowed to drink alcohol and get married, this does not mean that he can fully account for his actions and does not need outside control. On the other hand, some 13-year-olds stand out among their peers for their prudence and responsible behavior. These are the harsh realities of life that indicate that a person has complete control over his actions.

The world doesn't revolve around you

Many of us like to feel the importance of our person. However, each individual is just a tiny fish in the collective plankton. This does not mean that we cannot influence the minds of other people. But this also does not give us the right to believe that the world revolves around us.

The harsh reality of adult life is that there will be no educators, no parents, no teachers nearby at a difficult moment. None of them will come and reassure you with words of consolation. To cope with difficulties, you will have to look for internal resources.

The reaction to what is happening is of great importance

An unexpected event can happen at any moment. Sometimes it's depressing, sometimes it's annoying. Situations can be the most dire and unfavorable, but only your reaction dictates how much these incidents will affect your life. Consider this moment: someone insulted you. You can take the insult to heart, or you can ignore it. The second option will not leave any negative trail behind, the incident will be immediately forgotten, and you will be able to go about your normal activities without compromising your productivity. If the first option is closer to you, an insult from another person will be taken as a blow below the belt. All your further actions will be dictated by wild resentment, and the rest of the day will go down the drain.

Fame is not the main criterion for happiness

We live in a time when instant fame and recognition in wide circles seems easy to achieve. A wild desire to become famous is inherent in youthful maximalism. Over time, you will understand that there are other, more significant values ​​in life.

Distractions become a hindrance

Each of us has things that we do often during the day. And they all interfere with the workflow. Checking emails, chatting with colleagues, having stupid conversations on the phone, watching videos on the Internet. We know how to end it, but we still return to it repeatedly throughout the day. The more often you recognize the harm of distractions, the faster you will take action. Turn off the Internet and set incoming calls to forwarding. The moment you learn to take responsibility for your actions, you will put an end to distractions.

Haters will always hate

When the first success comes to a person, haters immediately appear. This is a normal life process. And you need to come to terms with this. Understand that no one can please everyone around them. There will definitely be those who don’t like something or those who will speak out against it. There will be many such cases throughout your life. A mature person accepts haters and allows them to feel those feelings. It is impossible to prove anything to these people, so you should not waste your time and energy on them.

Blaming others doesn't work

Remember how, as children, we all loved to blame a broken vase on our brother, sister or teddy bear? However, this principle does not work in adulthood. Now the excuses “It’s not me!” or “Katya did it” don’t work. You will have to realize that the time has come to take responsibility for your actions. Sometimes we really feel like victims of circumstances or the evil eye, but the psychology of the victim never plays on our side. She plays on the enemy's side. And it doesn’t matter who it is: random circumstances or careless colleagues at work. The moment you stop blaming others for all your troubles, you can change everything. In fact, we are the only ones to blame for all the events that happen to us.

The person is where he should be

The next reality smoothly follows from the previous one. Sometimes you feel like life has treated you unfairly. Your job is not prestigious or lucrative enough. Nevertheless, you believe that you deserve more, but some circumstances always oppose you. In fact, your whole life, all the events in it and all achievements are nothing more than a chain from a series of your past decisions. Once upon a time you took a wrong turn or were captured by your own illusions. And now you have what you deserve to have.

We have great news for all those who are not happy with the current state of affairs. Right now you can start counting down new events in the chain. But to do this, you need to start making informed and rational decisions. It's never too late to change something. And if you once chose something you don’t like as your main professional activity, it's time to end this. Just make sure you are adamant enough about what you want, then put your doubts and fears aside. Don't think about the problems that will come your way. Be guided common sense, not emotions. No matter how difficult it is to achieve what you want, just move forward, regardless of failure.

How do you feel when you hear the word “responsibility”? Many women associate this word with something heavy and unbearable. Indeed, we often confuse male and female responsibilities and try (or are forced) to take on more than necessary. But even more often we throw the most important view responsibility that no one should ever part with is responsibility for your life!

"What should I do? How to proceed? What decision should I make? Am I behaving correctly? And what is the right thing to do?” We will never receive answers to such questions from others; they exist only within ourselves.

It happens that we don’t trust ourselves so much that we are ready to accept someone else’s advice with much greater zeal than the answer that our own mind, our soul, suggests. It may seem to us that other people are more competent, they have more experience, knowledge... But in reality, we are simply afraid to take responsibility for our own decisions and actions.

Taking responsibility for yourself means recognizing that everything we have in our lives (all achievements and all problems) we created with our own hands. Essentially, we have no right to say: “ I married him one day and that's why my whole life turned out wrong", or " I dreamed of being a housewife, but I was forced to work because my husband did not provide for me", or " I always wanted to build a career, but my husband kept me at home and because of this my career did not work out" Deep down we understand that this is self-deception. We ourselves chose such a man, such a job, such friends. We do or deliberately fail to do something in our lives and get a completely natural result, the responsibility for which lies only with ourselves.

On the one hand, this awareness is painful, and causes many people to feel guilty, resentful of themselves, and a feeling of worthlessness. But on the other hand, taking responsibility for your life opens up millions of possibilities.

The word “responsibility” is very similar to the word “answer”, and by and large, responsibility is the ability to give the correct answers to the questions that life asks. It is important to understand here that there are no truly right or wrong answers to life's questions, there is only the answer that is right for you now.

Every step, every decision has certain consequences. These consequences create the reality on which we rely to move on. With every step there is space to move forward, but only when we take responsibility for this step. By shifting responsibility to others, we lose solid ground under our feet and find ourselves in a cloud of illusions, expectations and claims towards other people. The movement stops, nothing changes in life, results do not come.

How to take responsibility for your life?

1. Allow yourself to make mistakes

First of all, you need to realize that any decision you make will be right and wrong at the same time. We live in a world where there are no perfect solutions. Every decision brings something new into our lives and deprives us of something. The question is not making the best choice in the world, but making the best choice for yourself now.

2. Never blame yourself

This is your decision and you had the right to it. Even if it took you to the wrong place. No matter where you find yourself on the road of life, accept yourself and move towards your dreams.

3. Trust yourself

By endlessly seeking advice from other people, you begin to live out their destinies. People give advice based on their values ​​and dreams or on their complexes and grievances. In any case, their opinion is unlikely to lead you to your deepest values, even if at first glance it seems very interesting.

4. Take action

Responsibility implies action, and action implies results. If your life is full of talk and no results, ask yourself two simple questions: “What do I really want? How can I achieve this? And... act!

5. Don’t trade your dreams for immediate results.

We often feel our responsibility in the moment “here and now,” but in global issues we hope for a miracle. Building big life plans “brick by brick”, from immediate results, this is truly a skill.

There are not many people in the world who are ready to take responsibility for their lives. There are many more people who like to give advice. Become an adult! This is a great opportunity to separate yourself from the majority and live happily!

Do you know what distinguishes a boss from a subordinate? Leader from follower? Maybe a separate office with a leather sofa? Pretty secretary? Company car with driver? High salary?

Yes, exactly, the bosses have it all. Why are they so happy? For the ability to see the target? The ability to ignite and motivate others? Confident looking? Honesty? Or for the ability not only to make decisions to achieve a goal, but also to take responsibility for the results of the decisions made?

Why do real leaders take responsibility?

After all, it’s much easier to either not make any decisions or blame everything on someone else. This is the same primordial human quality - the reluctance to take responsibility for one’s actions, which Adam and his wife proved by unanimously shifting responsibility for decision at everyone who caught his eye, including the Creator.

It is noteworthy that the Creator in this case did not say: “well, okay, for the first time I forgive, no matter what the child enjoys... you will grow up.” Do you know why? Because human nature is such that a person, even if he is three times honest, but if he is allowed to do whatever he wants without consequences, 99.5% of people will feel unpunished after a certain time.

Responsibility is the price we pay for power (Winston Churchill)

Illustration. I want to tell you the story of Samson. In fact, many people know about Samson, but somehow everything is more about his antics with Delilah and in the context of female cunning. But the background to his tragedy began precisely with irresponsibility, which stemmed from impunity and immaturity.

Samson was a Nazirite. Few people find this word informative, so I’ll explain. Nazarenes are people who were dedicated to serving God from birth. God gave them exceptional abilities and talents for observing (in addition to communicating with Him) certain rituals and external visible signs. In particular, Nazirites did not have the right:

  • Eating grapes and all their derivatives (for example, drinking wine and eating raisins)
  • Cut hair
  • Touch a dead body, even if it was your own parents
  • And this is in addition to what was prescribed for an ordinary Orthodox Jew.

Samson, in his Naziriteship, possessed colossal, superhuman strength. Simply Mister Incredible. What did our hero do with his gift?

  • Killed a lion (pulled his head into his shoulders, waited for the result - the strength did not disappear)
  • After a while, the bees built a hive in the lion’s body - he pulled out honey (from the dead body) and ate it (he became wary - the power did not disappear)
  • He made friends with the Philistines (the sworn enemies of the Jews), drank with them and decided to marry one of their women (occasionally glancing at the sky and flexing his muscles)
  • When the Philistines did not please him, he grabbed the jawbone of a dead (!) donkey and beat with it those who came to hand (no matter where and no matter what)

So the situation with Delilah is not a question of frivolous, crazy love, but a question of irresponsibility for decisions made. Samson died untimely and not heroically. His strength returned only for a moment and only because God had his own opinion about the future of the Philistines.

Most people don't really want freedom because it implies responsibility, and most people are afraid of responsibility (Sigmund Freud)

So the question is: what is good and what is bad?

  • not make any decisions?
  • make any decisions and see what comes of it?

But, dear ones, it is only a matter of making a decision and the associated risk. These are not questions of responsibility for decisions made. We make decisions every day. Not making any decisions is also a decision. Not caring is also a solution.

Mindlessness is also a solution. We take risks every day: no one knows 100% in advance what this or that action will lead to - Annushka could already spill her oil. Proposing solutions through creativity is great, as long as you know you won't have to answer for it. By the way, this is why the management always looks more conservative than the team - they know what to hit, if something happens, they will start with him. Thus, The best way To develop a sense of responsibility in a person is to give him this responsibility.

What if they are not promoted to responsible positions?

Secret: the lack of an inner core is painted in large letters on the forehead. Because responsibility is either fear of punishment or maturity - there is no third option. And if you are responsible only because you will be fired for poor quality work, this is not leadership responsibility at all. It's time to reconsider priorities and reframe (change the picture in your head). Everything in the world is relative.

A simple example. People look at the price of a product (service, training, etc.) from one of two points of view: in relation to the contents of their wallet or in relation to the value of what is being offered. And what’s curious is that the price does not change on its own, but if the point of view suddenly changes, the attitude changes dramatically. Those. If a training course is expensive relative to your wallet (say, $50), then when you understand WHAT exactly you will learn from this course, your attitude changes. Because you already think in other categories: in terms of profit, not spending.

What does this have to do with responsibility for the decision made? It's simple. One may decide not to make any decisions to avoid responsibility. Then others will decide for you. You have nothing to lose and nothing to gain. Perhaps in old age it will become a little sad that life has flown by and you haven’t managed to do anything. And it won’t occur to you that you didn’t have time because you didn’t want to have time.

You can start making risky decisions and taking responsibility for them. It's scary, you can fly in... Yes, you can take off. But in any case, victory or defeat, we gain Experience. The most valuable thing into which you can convert the slipping time.

I really like the phrase that one of my acquaintances says: “If I dream of my own house and hammer in at least one nail every day, I will hit my fingers with a hammer more than once, but in five years I will have my own house and construction experience.” houses that I can pass on to my son. And if I just dream about a house, in five years I will simply become older."

In order for the inscription on your forehead to change from “Executor” to “Leader,” you need to work a little on yourself. For example, learn to admit your own mistakes and take responsibility for your decisions.

Do you want to learn how to take responsibility for making decisions?

You can start doing this like this: take a pen, a notepad and make a list. Begin each phrase with the words: “I am responsible for...” Continue the phrase with any expressions, no matter how absurd they may seem to you. Try to have at least 10 statements on your list.

Meaning: get used to this frightening phrase and learn to say it out loud.

  • Try to take on everything that was previously unknown to you. Learn new hobbies (dancing, surfing, drawing), don’t be afraid to change your hobbies and interests. Practice in public speaking(you can start in front of children, parents, a cat, a photograph) - such experience is priceless for a future leader.
  • Just avoid competitions and activities where you will have to compare yourself with others. There is a risk that
  • Rejoice in small victories, keep a Success Diary. Every day before you go to bed, write a list of at least three, and preferably seven, things that you managed to cope with. Not great, not brilliant, just manageable. Because the concept of “brilliant” is different for everyone: if for a sanguine person even moving his grandmother across the road is a brilliant act, then for a melancholic person the annual financial report of a large company will not become brilliant if he put a comma in the wrong place.

This exercise should not depend on whether the day turned out to be successful or, conversely, mediocre. Just do it every day without missing a single one. And you will see the sky in diamonds. This is no joke: you will become a positive person very quickly. Stop focusing on failures and start concentrating on things and projects from which you emerged victorious. Believe the opinion of a former melancholic introvert.

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One of the signs of a person’s wisdom and maturity is the ability to take responsibility for one’s decisions and actions, as well as for their consequences. Perhaps you yourself are wise man, however, if you work in a company or are a leader, you probably encounter people who are not. These can be very talented individuals who are not responsible for their affairs and decisions. Our article is devoted to strategies that will help you change this state of affairs.

Signs and Symptoms of Lack of Accountability

Sometimes it's hard to notice when a person doesn't want to take responsibility. However, there are several signs:

  • Loss of interest in work and team success
  • Blaming others for one's own failures
  • Missed deadlines
  • Avoiding difficult tasks and projects
  • Lack of desire to take risks
  • Regular complaints about unfair treatment, self-pity
  • Dependence on the activities of other people
  • Lack of trust in the team
  • Frequent excuses


When a team member doesn't take responsibility for their actions, some managers hope that it will go away soon. Others decide to fire such a person.

None of these approaches are ideal, and each is likely to make things worse. Instead of taking such measures, you should provide people with the necessary resources and instill in them the skills that will help them cope effectively with their responsibilities. Creating the right atmosphere can also help a person take responsibility for his actions and decisions.

Here are some strategies that will allow you to do this.

Start with a conversation

If a person does not want to take responsibility, then the reason is not always his character and poor attitude towards responsibilities. It is quite possible that he is worried about something, so talk to him frankly and find out the reason. In the end, negative events happen in everyone's life that affect work and life.

When it comes to liability, there are two options:

  1. The person does not want to take it upon himself.
  2. A person does not want to take responsibility for his actions.

Even though these are two separate cases, they most often go hand in hand. Find out what type of liability you are dealing with and discuss it with the person.

Provide people with the resources they need

Every person needs conditions and resources in order to do their job efficiently. This could be equipment, training, access to information, and so on.

If you provide people with everything they need, they will no longer have the psychological advantage and desire to blame you for all their failures.

Assign roles, goals and responsibilities

Some team members may not understand what is expected of them. Clarify the roles and point them to the goals they need to achieve within a certain time frame. Also make sure that everything is clearly stated in your job description so that there are no misunderstandings.

Tell them that there are roles for both the individual and the team. Sometimes they can come into conflict, so convince your subordinates that the team comes first. When, they see the big picture better and begin to take responsibility.

Get people involved

Think about what attracts you to your work and why. Find out what motivates your team members and makes them passionate about their work. After all, an employee takes responsibility when he feels proud of what he does.

Engage people by discussing their values. Then show them how their values ​​fit into their roles and tasks. If you feel that the role and tasks are not suitable for a person, move him to another position.

Help people take control of the situation

Sometimes people feel like they have no control over their lives. Everything they do makes no sense because it doesn't bring results or change her.

People who believe that external forces influence their destinies are unable to develop. This attitude towards life is called and can undermine any person’s self-confidence. To change this thinking pattern, several conditions are required:

  • Allow your team members to score some quick wins
  • Build their confidence: Remind them of past successes and strengths
  • Teach them positive thinking
  • Help them fight

Don't micromanage

Micromanagement is a way of managing people in which the boss “looks over the shoulder” of his employee. Teach your people to be independent and do not control them too much. Even if they make mistakes, they will learn lessons and gain experience faster. Learn to delegate tasks correctly and give them freedom.

If you yourself have difficulty accepting responsibility, you want to understand more about your behavior, your values, team roles - you may find ours useful, in which, with the help of special psychological tests and exercises, you can conduct a comprehensive self-analysis and better understand yourself.

We wish you good luck!

Before we talk about how to take responsibility for your life, you should initially decide that only you are 100% responsible for everything that happens to you. We always make choices in life, and the further result depends on what it will be.

What to do

1. Stop blaming. To take responsibility for your life, you need to stop blaming situations and other people for your unhappiness. Don't be like a victim, blaming everything on your bad childhood. social problems, difficulties encountered along the way. In fact, these accusations will not change your life, will not help you become a successful and happy person.

Avoiding responsibility comes from not knowing how to do something. Usually those people for whom everyone in life decided everything except themselves cannot take responsibility. They have been taught since childhood that if something doesn’t work out, their mother or someone else will do it. Such people still need not to give up, but to begin consistent training in independence, which will lead to the gradual maturation of the individual.

2. Stop making excuses. By making excuses, you don't give yourself the opportunity to learn from your own mistakes. What happens is what was mentioned in point 1. You again begin to blame, shielding yourself, dwelling on the negative. By taking responsibility for what happened, you extinguish the negativity, you understand that what happens outside of you does not matter. Only in this case does it become clear that what you get from life is the result only of your actions.

Pay attention to yourself

3. Love yourself. People who have problems with self-esteem do not take responsibility for their lives. If you expect constant praise from other people in order to make yourself look better in their eyes, you are giving power to others. When you love and value yourself, you are a self-sufficient person, there is no other choice but to take responsibility for your own life.

4. Work on daily habits. Taking responsibility and loving yourself is more than just a state of mind—it's actions and habits you work on every day. Ways to help you take responsibility for your body and mind include:

  • proper sleep;
  • healthy eating;
  • regular training;
  • increasing your spirituality;
  • gratitude to yourself and others;
  • reflections.

Learn to take responsibility for your life by working on yourself every day.

Emotional condition

5. Accept negative emotions. Every person has a light and a dark side and understands that suffering is inevitable. If you don't accept the dark part of life, it comes back with a new and stronger lesson. You need to be completely honest with yourself. You need to learn to listen and hear your inner voice, which gives clues. Spiritual teacher Osho said that you need to be who you are, there is no need to try to be different. Only in this case comes maturity and responsibility for your actions and your life.

External affections and honesty

6. Understand - happiness is within us. We must consciously understand that responsibility for our life comes when we do not chase something external. Now there is a lot of advertising in the world that forces us to buy a new iPhone, new clothes, a car, shoes, equipment... We need to understand that the temporary joy of purchasing does not increase self-esteem and satisfaction. And the rush to buy things does not make us more responsible; rather, it shows that we need someone’s approval, that we are good, that we can afford it...

True happiness lies within each of us, and if we understand this, we take responsibility for our lives.

7. Do what you say. In any matter, if what is said is consistent with the matter, it means that you can take responsibility. That is, you promise and deliver. This is trustworthy. How to check that what is promised will be fulfilled? There are four principles to follow.

  • Never agree or promise anything unless you are 100% sure you can deliver. Consider “yes” a contract.
  • Make a Schedule: Every time you say “yes” to someone, or even to yourself, put it on your calendar.
  • Don't make excuses: sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. Even if you are forced to break obligations, do not make excuses.
  • Be honest. Being impeccable with your promise means being honest with yourself and with others. You will become the guy or girl people can rely on.

What else needs to be done?

8. Don't complain. Taking responsibility is all you need to do for your own life. Complaining is the exact opposite of this. If you can't act, what's the point of complaining? The thing to remember is that when you complain, you become a victim. A good example a prayer may serve that asks for the peace of mind to be able to accept what cannot be changed, the courage to change what is possible, and the wisdom to know the difference.

9. Take action. One of useful tips How to take responsibility for your life is to start working towards moving towards your dreams, goals, ambitions. If you stand still, you will not achieve any ambitions and no goals will be fulfilled. Therefore, by taking even small steps, you improve your life.

Circle of friends

10. Communicate with friendly people. By having relationships with people in your social circle, you become like them over time. Don't underestimate the influence of pessimistic, unscrupulous, or disorganized friends. If someone doesn't make you stronger, they make you weaker. Your social circle should consist of people who encourage you to grow and help you live a productive life. When dealing with toxic, sarcastic people, you will do the same.

Taking responsibility for your life is crucial, we are all capable of doing it, and living better life, whichever we can. The key is to stop blaming other people and focus on what we can control: our actions. When you start focusing on your daily habits and doing what you say you will, you will be on your way to living the life you've always dreamed of.