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What can act as an object of research. What is the difference between an object and a subject in student work?

When writing a coursework, diploma or other scientific work The student must write an introduction. When developing it, the author must describe in detail such mandatory elements of the structure as the relevance of the presented topic, goals and objectives, as well as the object, subject of research.

Many students, especially in their first and second years, have difficulty defining these concepts. Without them, it will not be possible to structure your knowledge, as well as write a high-quality paper. They will allow you to understand what the object and examples and elements of any scientific work are.

General definition

There is a clear definition in dictionaries of what first-year students’ scientific papers are, proving that dry lines presented in official reference books are not enough to clarify the understanding of these structural elements. However, we should start with definitions. This will allow you to combine your knowledge with specific examples and get to the heart of things.

It is customary to name a phenomenon or process that gives rise to the issues raised in a specific work. This is the part of scientific knowledge that the author needs to work with.

The subject in scientific work is a specific component of the selected object of study. This is a specific issue that is raised when considering the issues raised. This is a narrower meaning. Most often, when setting the topic of a work, the subject of study is involved in its formulation.

Interaction of categories

How do private and general categories relate to each other? object and subject Examples These elements, taken from students' works, indicate their structure. In an object, researchers identify that part that will subsequently become the subject of research. That is, this is the point of view from which the problems of the presented topic will be considered.

For example, if during the disclosure of information the object selected was the implementation of a project, then its subject may be the key points leading to the success of the presented enterprise.

It should be remembered that those categories that are the object of the disclosure of one topic may turn out to be the subject of the study of another topic. It all depends on the point of view and approach to studying information.

An object

In the process of writing a topic, the author must clearly indicate the object, subject, and purpose of the study. Examples help you understand what falls into each category. An object usually means some part of the intangible or material world that surrounds us. This reality exists regardless of what we know about it.

The objects of research include social communities, physical bodies or certain processes. This is all that can openly or covertly contain contradictions, giving rise to certain problems. The cognitive activity of the researcher is directed towards this object.

When conducting scientific work, it is necessary to ultimately obtain a certain result and draw a conclusion. There can be quite a lot of component parts of an object. In order to concentrate forces in a single direction, it is necessary to clearly understand the boundaries that define this totality. The range of phenomena that the object includes must be clearly understood when carrying out your work.


Object, subject of research, examples which are found in various works, must be clear and specifically indicated. To form an idea of ​​an object, a certain approach is selected, an aspect within which the author will act.

To obtain certain new knowledge, it is necessary to highlight a key point in the field of activity in which the research takes place. The problem raised in a specifically designated topic must be transformed into specific wording one of the sides of the object.

The subject of a scientific work exists only in the mind of the author. It completely depends on the knowledge of the researcher. You can select one or more sides of an object purely abstractly. Moreover, the remaining processes characterizing the existence of an object can be taken into account or not taken into account.

Imaginative example

Even after reading the definitions, students may wonder whether how to determine the object and subject of research. Examples, presented figuratively, can promote awareness of the presented categories.

Let's say the researcher is a student. He studies, walks, lives in the dormitory, and eats in the canteen every day. This is a figurative model of his life today. Everything that happens to a student now is an object of research.

Over time, changes may occur in his life. Let's say a student moved to another city. There is also the university he attends, other accommodation and socializing. But, nevertheless, he leads the same life as before. The object of the study has not changed, but only adapted to today's realities.

The subject in the presented example could be the student’s movements by transport, his meals in a cafe or attending lectures. This is one component of his life.

Selecting Economic Theme Categories

To transfer the presented example to the plane of writing a scientific paper, it is necessary to consider on a specific topic object and subject of research. Economics examples will be one of the best ways acquire new knowledge.

For example, a student received the topic “System for managing the state’s foreign exchange resources.” At the same time, the choice of object and subject does not have clearly established boundaries. Therefore, each researcher has the right to choose when setting the presented categories. The teacher can advise from which side it is better to consider the presented topic, but the student must decide for himself from which point of view to explore the issue.

The object of the presented topic can be, for example, financial relations in the state. This is something big. But setting the topic will still indicate the boundaries of future research.

Any part of the found object can become the subject of research. For example, this could be the role of the Central Bank in implementing financial relations between entities.

A few more examples

For almost any topic it will be easy to choose object and subject of research. Examples by law also quite informative. The topic could be “Family and Marriage.” The object of research in this case may be the rights and obligations of members of family relationships. The subject of the study is the rights and responsibilities of children.

If, for example, the topic in computer science is “Features and principles of operation of e-mail,” then the object will be e-mail, and the subject will be the basic principles of its functioning.


Leaders highlight the main mistakes that students make. Moreover, typical inconsistencies can occur when the author defines object and subject of research. Examples mistakes will help you prevent them from happening in your work.

When designating the object of research, according to the opinion of teachers of various educational and scientific institutions, some deviations are possible. Typical mistakes include inconsistency between the category and the topic, as well as too narrow boundaries. This does not allow for a full-fledged study.

When defining the subject of research, the authors also make common mistakes. Among the most common is the inconsistency of its chosen object. Sometimes the subject goes beyond its boundaries. It can also be a mistake to define the boundaries of the study too broadly. To fully cover such research requires an entire scientific team.

Having studied the object and subject of research, examples the designations of which have been discussed in detail, each author will be able to correctly identify these categories. This makes it possible to structure the student’s knowledge. When reading his work it is much easier to understand what he is talking about.

The object and subject of research are concepts that have a common point of compatibility. One denotes the entire topic, the other examines a fragment of this topic.

This article will help to clearly distinguish between the two concepts and highlight their essence.

It is necessary to clearly formulate, establish and describe the objectives for which the work will be written. Correct definition– this is the key to a competent topic and successful writing of an essay for a schoolchild, course work for a student, thesis for a university graduate and scientific research to defend a Ph.D. dissertation.

Object of study

Often, when analyzing these two concepts, many begin to get confused about their meaning, what place to give one, where to put the other. However, the object under study carries a deeper concept than the subject. But at the same time he is given smallest description than the subject to which the entire work is devoted.

The object of study is quite simple to define and identify. For example, in medicine the object will be a person. In psychology - his internal state. In education – learning and changing a person. In economics - human needs.

The object of research will always remain unchanged; it will not be possible to add your own recommendations and suggestions to it.

To determine the object and purpose of the study, the following division is used:

  • by types of perception and use;
  • by stages;
  • at the venue;
  • on using the approach.

If we consider the types of research, we can find the following classifications: experimental direction, theoretical and third option, which includes the first and second concepts.

Experimental studies are based on visual materials. Theoretical options are based on facts presented in books and on websites.

By stages the object is divided into three groups: exploratory, scientific research and design studies. Design objects involve engineering projects and research in laboratories.

Search in developments carried out with the aim of obtaining new information and knowledge. The scientific direction in the study of the object is exclusively scientific in nature.

By venue The materials studied are divided into industrial and laboratory studies.

By approach There are local (that is, specific) and complex (that is, group) studies.

It is worth noting: they can return to the same objects repeatedly, thereby revealing the degree of dynamism and frequency of return to research.

Subject of study

The subject of research is just a part of the object. This is a discipline isolated from the general mass.

It is specific and it is its research that is the central part of all targeted work.

In the subject of the study, you can give your assessment of this problem under consideration. Give arguments, suggestions, indicate your observations.

The key to correct execution of an abstract, coursework, dissertation, and scientific work is a gradual transition from the general to the specific. And at the culmination - the result of the work done.

There can be several objects, unlike an object. Therefore, you need to make the right choice to maximize the topic.

What is the difference between a subject and an object of study

From the previously presented material, it became clear that the object can be any topic and direction, and the subject can be a topic within a topic.

To determine the difference between an object and an object, it is better to consider everything using the examples in the table.

Examples of defining the object and subject of research

Example from the area Object of study Subject of study
Economy Alba Campaign. Her budget for 2018.
Organization "Vegetable Garden". Change in campaign income over three years.
Medicine Topic: “Heart disease and consequences.” “Asthma of the heart: causes and consequences” or another topic “Dysfunction of the heart muscle: causes and consequences.”
Sociology The topic is “Formation of a schoolchild as a person.” Factors in the formation of a schoolchild as a person.
Construction house The theme is “House in the Country”. “Geodetic features of the site when building a house” or “Roofing work in building a house.”
The world "The Extermination of Sparrows in Japan" “The consequences of the extermination of sparrows in Japan. Disruption of the biological chain.”

Thanks to the correct identification of the concepts considered and their correct description, the entire work as a whole will be built.

It should be remembered that object is a more general concept in work. The subject is part of it and the basis of study. One gradually follows from the other and reveals the topic being studied.

When starting any scientific activity, the first thing that needs to be done is to determine the subject and object of research. These concepts are closely related to each other, since they directly unite the activity and the conditions that are created for it or accompany it. Typically, the object of study is small or large social units, and precisely the relationships between participants in the study process. Thus, the object of research represents the unity of the objective and the subjective.

The importance of defining the object of study

No scientific work has the right to claim the title of thorough and complete if it was not started by deciding to identify the object and subject of research. This moment in research process should be given special meaning. After all, isolating from all available tasks the only correct, necessary and relevant one for work is the first step towards carrying out responsible, well-founded scientific work.

Characteristics and structure

All objects undergoing the research process have certain characteristics, such as: location, demographic and social composition, numbers, divisions, depending on various factors (skin color, nationality, gender).

Each object of study is a different unit from similar ones, which has a certain individual nature of interaction with other social groups and individual objects, the environment and its individual factors. An important feature is the territorial characteristics, which are determined in advance before the start of the scientific process.

It is equally important before starting scientific work to determine the duration, period of scientific work, the purpose of the research, the object of research and the subject.

Inadmissibility of mixing the object and subject of research

The object of study is the factor whose isolation is of great importance. First of all, it is necessary to be able to correctly distinguish an object from it, because it is just an integral part of the first. It is necessary to take a responsible attitude towards determining the objective sphere that arouses the interest of the researcher, as well as identifying the area regarding which the scientist plans to obtain new information. Confusion in understanding what the object and subject of research are can lead to unreliable global conclusions and the substitution of research results with assumptions about truths that have been established for a long time and cannot be challenged.

It would be incorrect to define the object of scientific research as a broad research area, and the subject as a narrow one. Researchers also often make the big mistake of considering those who take part in the process as the object. This is wrong. It is necessary to understand what exactly is being studied and how the functions and aspects of what is being studied are revealed.

Typical errors in determining the object of research. Examples from the field of educational research

Object of social scientific research in the field of pedagogy, educational activities, relationships between participants in the process (team and individual, self-education and training, self-education and upbringing), management or organization of educational and cognitive activities of adolescents, an institution or the processes occurring in it most often appear.

The subject of research, in contrast to the object, can determine the goals of upbringing and education, forecasting, forms, content and methods of conducting and organizing pedagogical process generally. It also includes the characteristics of the activities of students and their teachers, ways to improve the processes of teaching and upbringing, the nature and properties of the requirements and influences of teachers in relation to their students.

The study of the object of research during pedagogical research occurs by analyzing various types of conflicts and situations, relationships between students and their interaction in the team (team and individual, student and his parents, student and teacher, family and school, school and its leadership, community and students ). The important elements of the subject of research are considered to be the process of self-learning (of the child and the teacher), self-knowledge, self-education, receptivity to advice and outside influence, education of life experience and its influence on actions and behavior.

When starting the research process, it is advisable to select one specific aspect for study; it will be the main subject of the study. The remaining objects and methods will be only auxiliary.

The subject of research as a natural integral part of the object

The subject of the study is the various aspects (relations and properties) of the object that connect it with the actual problem or specific situation being studied. It is on them that the main task of a scientist conducting a particular sociological study is usually focused. Usually, the essence of the concept of the subject of research includes only the elements, relationships and connections of the object that are subject to research in a given specific scientific work. To define the subject of research means to establish the boundaries of the search, to assume the most significant connections and problems in the area of ​​the task at hand, to allow a time frame for the possible isolation of each and the collection of all elements of the study into a single whole, into a system. It is in the subject of research that all the areas and directions chosen for study, the most important goals and objectives, as well as the possibilities of their proposed solution, which would involve appropriate means and methods, are usually expressed.

Research methods

In science, the object of research is the main field of activity of the research process. But in each individual scientific direction, it is possible to identify a number of objects for research, each of which represents an independent separate area, and together they are a logically connected being and the goal of the research scientific process in a specific scientific direction.

Usually, when choosing such objects and research methods, they decide to study something unknown, previously unstudied, or part of some aspect that has not been previously studied by science. Before the fact of isolation, all previously unknown phenomena in a certain area of ​​cognition are identified. This method is used as a scientific method, provided that the separation of the individual from the general is possible a priori.

The importance of logical conclusions

The division described above, carried out according to the selected areas of several sciences at once or one specific scientific discipline, is made using logical reasoning and is applied to the scope of the laws on the basis of which a certain scientific discipline or series exists and functions scientific disciplines. This is found out experimentally and greatly facilitates the learning process, helping to cope with difficulties that arise during the study.

Observation method and hypothesis formation

The process of observation is of paramount importance in isolating the object of study, provided that it is possible. The next most important way to study an object is most often called experiment. The creation of special rules, scientific logic and the presence of already known data help to make a connection between observed, previously known and newly discovered data. Based on the conclusions made after this, scientists make assumptions or hypotheses, which, in turn, essentially represent a predictive research method.

Often in the process of scientific research, in addition to the methods listed above, deductive methods are also used. It is retrospective and is most popular in the exact sciences, such as mathematics and criminology.

World scientific activity has come a long way since its birth, but it is still the most the right way constructing a correct scientific theory is considered the scientific method.

From a philosophical point of view, the object of study is...

Philosophy allows you to analyze the object and subject of research, from the point of view of the general and the individual. As you know, any process, thing or phenomenon has a number of properties, characteristics and features that are unique to them. Let's look at trees as an example. Birch, poplar, oak and pine have their own individual special qualities. This is what is particular or singular. Just as each particular is a representative of something general, so the elements listed above have such common characteristics that they can be called nothing more than “trees.”

It turns out that everything that exists in the universe, except for individual characteristics, has characteristics characteristic of other processes, objects or phenomena. And this helps to highlight certain groups and the general qualities of their components.

Functional aspect of the study

Consideration of the features of the implementation of objects during cognitive activity will help to supplement what has been learned during the research process. In this case, the subject and the object contribute to solving different problems. The object is engaged in recording the very fact of the presence of a process or phenomenon that is subject to study. It denotes the laws of development, properties and interrelations of the functioning of what is being studied. The subject clarifies the framework that limits the area of ​​cognition of the object. It is aimed at reflecting significant aspects viewed from various points of view. A multifaceted, detailed reflection of all objective aspects of knowledge contributes to the formation of the depth of the content of scientific research. The subject captures all the laws, properties and connections present in scientific knowledge and previously formed as logical formations.

Examples of object and subject of research in sociology

Everyone's program sociological research, How required component, contains objects social research. Usually they represent a certain structure consisting of a number of ordered interconnected elements. For example, society is the object of study of many sciences: history, philosophy, political science and psychology, that is, it is studied from various angles and specified using the subject of research, where the subject is connections, properties, relationships that are social in nature. So, provided that the purpose of the study is to identify the reasons for the low performance of schoolchildren, the definition of the object of research will be as follows: this is a social group, a part of society, consisting of school-age children.

And the subject of scientific activity in this case will be the causes, relationships and nature of the relationships of schoolchildren with each other and the world around them.

The object of science is a certain area of ​​reality (natural or social), to which the process of scientific knowledge is directed...

The subject of science is the most significant properties, aspects, characteristics, features of an object that are subject to direct study or the knowledge of which is especially important for solving a particular problem (theoretical or practical).

The separation of object and subject in science is of fundamental importance. So, for example, the population of the Earth is the object of study of many sciences - here psychology, political science, geography, demography, and linguistics, however, for example, for demography the subject is population reproduction - the rest is studied only indirectly, if it affects reproduction. So the division subject - object allows you to study the same part of the real world using different sciences.

Example: the subject of research is skin, the object of research is human.

The subject is what is being studied, and the object is who (what) is being studied.

The object of research is that or what is being studied, and the subject is what is specifically being studied in a given object. For example, - topic: "Features physical development children of 5 years of age." The object of the study is children of 5 years of age, the subject is physical development.

The object of study can be studied from different angles. The development of a research program is precisely aimed at fixing a certain angle of view from which an object can be viewed. When performing specific scientific work, certain aspects, properties, characteristics, and features of an object are identified that are of interest in terms of studying this problem. In other words, the subject of research is highlighted.

The subject of research is that side, that aspect, that point of view from which the researcher cognizes the entire object, while highlighting the most significant (from the researcher’s point of view) features of the object. The subject of the study is the most significant from a theoretical or practical point of view, the properties, aspects, features, characteristics, manifestations of the object to be studied. In one object, several research subjects can be distinguished, depending on scientific, educational and practical purposes.

Man is an object. For a psychologist, the subject is his behavior, for a doctor - a physiological state, and for a pathologist - the subject is completely different, although the person may be the same, the doctor just couldn’t handle it.

The subject most often coincides with the topic, or they are very close in sound (provided that the name of the topic matches the content of the work).

The subject of research may be:

· forecasting something;

· improvement or development of the nursing process;

· forms and methods of nursing;

· diagnosis of any process (disease);

· ways, means, factors, conditions for improving patient care;

· character psychological requirements and interactions between medical staff and patients;

· features and trends in the development of science and practice;

· features and trends in the development of relationships between participants in diagnostic and treatment activities or the nursing process.

From all of the above it follows that the object is what is being studied, and the subject is what receives a scientific explanation in this object. It is the subject of the study that determines the research topic.

For example:

OBJECT OF STUDY:1st year students of Izhevsk Medical College.

SUBJECT OF STUDY:students' diet.

RESEARCH TOPIC:Study of the diet of students at Izhevsk Medical College.

Research hypothesis. A research hypothesis is a tentative answer to an emerging question, developed on the basis of a comprehensive study of the theory and practice of the state of the problem. This is a scientific assumption put forward to explain some processes or phenomena using experimental research methods. There are scientific and statistical hypotheses. Scientific hypotheses formulated as a proposed solution to a problem. Statistical hypothesis is a statement regarding an unknown parameter, formed in the language of mathematical statistics (hypothesis of difference or hypothesis of similarity).

Course work, as a rule, is characterized by the development of a statistical hypothesis, and for the thesis - a scientific one.

For example, a statistical hypothesis would sound like this:

IN modern world The number of people with gastrointestinal pathologies has increased. The priority problem of gastroenterological pathology is abdominal pain.

Working at a computer for a long time tires the eyes and reduces visual acuity to a greater extent in students with visual impairments.

For example, a scientific hypothesis would sound like this:

inclusion of (such and such) methods and techniques in the rehabilitation process will contribute to....

formation value orientations nurses possible subject to....

A hypothesis is a form of theoretical knowledge that contains an assumption formulated on the basis of a number of facts, the true meaning of which is uncertain and requires proof. It is probabilistic and not certain. IN research work there can be several hypotheses at the same time.

Usually highlighted following types hypotheses:


- * and * are similar in the following ways***:

And * differ in characteristics ***:


They have the following structure*:

The most important indicators (characteristics, forms, consequences, causes, aspects, values, etc.) *are ***

- *it’s arranged like this*.


A characteristic feature of morbidity * at the beginning of the 21st century is *.

The observed phenomenon * is a special case

- *is not*

The specificity of the manifestation * in * is * .

- *represents a special case*.


- The phenomena under study have the following typology: *.

A number of studied facts (phenomena) fit into the following scheme (genus-species classification): *.

The basis for the classification of these phenomena is.

Communication and relationship tasks:

- *connected (connected, connected, associated) with *.

The influence * on * is indirect (occurs through *).

- * affects * in this way: * (option: * depends on*).

- Some * are (are not) related to *.

Causal (as a special case of the previous one):

- If we apply * and *, we get *.

- * behavior * is a consequence of influence *.

Replacing * with * will result in *.

- * affects *. - * caused by the action *. - The influence* on * occurs indirectly, through the factor *.


- Using a device * instead of a device * in diagnosing a disease * will increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Using a device * instead of a device * to measure * in conditions * will allow more accurate diagnostics *,

This description is more complete (up-to-date, reliable, scientific, etc.) than *

- * should (should not) be * (or not *).

- * effective for * conditions *.

The advantage of * over * is that *.


- The sequence of manipulations should be built like this: *.

The data processing program * must include *.

There is a need to change the algorithm like this: *.

Introduction to the technology (algorithm) of the proposed manipulation (action, means) * will allow you to change the result in the required direction.


- Structural units ( components) *are*.

- * will develop (move, build) in the direction *.

The system-forming element in the process under study will be *.

Inductive (generalizations):

- The mechanism (principle of operation) * is arranged like this: *.

The identified features (factors, elements, aspects, etc.) fit into the following pattern *.

Based on the data obtained (based on the analysis of the problem), it can be stated that
- Everyone *is*. .

To obtain the required result, * is better than *.

Technology * can be built like this: *.

Technology * must include * (this could be a tool or means, stage, action, operation, etc.).

Technology * does not meet the conditions (requirements, ideas, etc.).

The following basic requirements are imposed on the hypothesis: a) the hypothesis should not contain concepts that are not specified; b) must be verifiable using available techniques: c) it must be formulated in clear, literate language; d) correspond to the subject of the study so that the truth of the assumption put forward in it is not obvious; e) justified by previous knowledge, follow from it.

Thus, in a research paper on the topic “Donation: history and modernity,” the following formulation of the hypothesis can be given: “Further development of donation in modern conditions in the territory Kirov region This is only possible if legislation enshrines broader specific social benefits for donors.

Typically, a hypothesis must be tested during the course of a study. What does it mean to test a hypothesis? This means checking the consequences that logically follow from it. As a result of testing, the hypothesis is confirmed or refuted. Testing the put forward hypothesis can take place in different ways. So, to test the hypothesis about the development of donation, it is necessary to conduct a sociological survey, during which the majority of respondents would be in favor of expanding social benefits.

In the course of proving the put forward hypotheses, some of them become a true theory, others are modified, clarified and specified, others are discarded and turn into delusions if the test gives a negative result. Proposing a new hypothesis, as a rule, is based on the results of testing the old one, even if these results were negative.

To check whether the main characteristics of the study are correctly defined, try to answer the following questions:

Study characteristics Performance Testing Questions
PROBLEM What needs to be learned that has not been studied before?
SUBJECT What should I call it?
RELEVANCE Why does this problem need to be studied now?
TARGET What result does the researcher intend to obtain, how does he see it?
OBJECT OF STUDY What is being considered?
SUBJECT OF STUDY How an object is viewed, what new relationships, properties, aspects, functions it reveals this study?
HYPOTHESIS What is not obvious about the object, what does the researcher see in it that others do not notice?
TASKS What needs to be done for the goal to be achieved?

Research methods . After putting forward a working hypothesis, it is necessary to determine research methods that will help confirm or refute the hypothesis. Research methods include theoretical, empirical and mathematical data processing methods.

· Theoretical methods research: source analysis scientific information(monographs, selected works, articles, abstracts, teaching aids, textbooks, etc.), generalization, comparison, classification, systematization, schematization, design, modeling, etc.

· Empirical research methods: observation, questionnaires, interviews, expert assessments, testing, psychological and pedagogical experiments, surveys, analysis of activity products, etc.

· Methods of mathematical data processing, with the help of which quantitative processing of the research results is carried out.

The research methods are simply listed in the introduction.

For example:

Research methods: analysis of literature on the research topic, schematization, questioning.

A research method is a way of achieving the research goal. Research methods are divided into theoretical (comparison, modeling, classification, systematization) and empirical (study and analysis of literature, observation, sociological survey, testing, monitoring, questioning, interviews).

Observation- purposeful perception of a phenomenon, during which the researcher receives specific factual material. At the same time, records (protocols) of observations are kept. Observation is usually carried out according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting specific objects of observation. The following stages of observation can be distinguished:

Definition of tasks and goals (why, for what purpose is the observation being carried out);

Selection of object, subject and situation (what to observe);

Choosing an observation method that has the least impact on the object under study and most ensures the collection of the necessary information (how to observe);

Selecting methods for recording what is observed (how to keep records);

Processing and interpretation of the information received (what is the result).

Distinguish included observation, when the researcher becomes a member of the group being observed, and not included - "from the side"; open and hidden (incognita); continuous and selective.

Observation is a very accessible method, but it has its drawbacks due to the fact that the results of observation are influenced by the personal characteristics (attitudes, interests, mental states) of the researcher.

Survey methods- conversation, interview, questionnaire. A conversation is an independent or additional research method used to obtain the necessary information or clarify what was not clear enough during observation. The conversation is conducted according to a pre-planned plan, highlighting issues that require clarification. It is conducted in a free form without response records interlocutor. A type of conversation is interviewing. When interviewing, the researcher adheres to pre-planned questions specified in a certain sequence. During the interview, responses are recorded openly.

Questioning is a method of mass collection of material using a questionnaire. Those to whom the questionnaires are addressed give written answers to questions. Conversations and interviews are called face-to-face surveys; questionnaires are called correspondence survey.

The effectiveness of conversations, interviews and questionnaires largely depends on content and structure of questions asked. The conversation plan, interview and questionnaire are a list of questions (questionnaire). Developing a questionnaire involves determining the nature of the information which you need to receive; formulating an approximate series of questions that should be asked; drawing up the first plan of the questionnaire and its preliminary testing through a pilot study; correction of the questionnaire and its final editing.

Plays a special role in research experiment- specially organized checking a particular method, technique work to determine its effectiveness.

The actual experiment is conducting a series of experiments (creating experimental situations, observing, managing experiences and measuring reactions.

Difficulties experimental method consists in the fact that it is necessary to master the technique of its implementation perfectly.

The listed methods are also called methods of empirical knowledge. They serve as a means of collecting scientific facts that are subject to theoretical analysis. That's why

a special group of theoretical research methods is distinguished.

Theoretical analysis- is the identification and consideration of individual aspects, signs, features, properties of phenomena. Analyzing individual facts, by grouping, systematizing them, we identify the general and special in them, set the general principle or rule. The analysis is accompanied synthesis, it helps to penetrate into the essence of the phenomena being studied.

Inductive and deductive methods- these are logical methods of generalizing empirically obtained data. The inductive method involves the movement of thought from particular judgments to a general conclusion, the deductive method - from a general judgment to a particular conclusion.

Theoretical methods are necessary to define problems, formulate hypotheses, and evaluate collected facts. Theoretical methods are associated with the study of literature: the works of classics; general and special works; historical documents; periodicals, etc.

Studying the literature makes it possible to find out which aspects and problems have already been sufficiently well studied, which scientific discussions are ongoing, what is outdated, and which issues have not yet been resolved. Working with literature involves the use of methods such as compiling a bibliography - a list of sources selected for work in connection with the problem under study; abstracting- a condensed summary of the main content of one or more works on a general topic; note-taking- keeping more detailed records, the basis of which is highlighting the main ideas and provisions of the work; annotation- a brief record of the general content of the book or article; citation - a verbatim recording of expressions, factual or numerical data contained in a literary source.

Mathematical and statistical methods are used to process the data obtained by survey and experiment methods, as well as to establish quantitative relationships between the phenomena being studied. They help evaluate the results of an experiment, increase the reliability of conclusions, and provide grounds for theoretical generalizations. The most common of mathematical methods are registration, ranking, scaling. By using statistical methods the average values ​​of the obtained indicators are determined: arithmetic mean; median - indicator of the middle; degree of dispersion - dispersion, or standard deviation, coefficient of variation, etc. To carry out these calculations, there are corresponding formulas and reference tables are used. The results processed using these methods make it possible to show a quantitative relationship in the form of graphs, diagrams, and tables.

So, TO empirical methods can be attributed:

observation method based on fixing and recording parameters and indicators of the properties of the studied object of study;

a measurement method that allows you to give a numerical assessment of the property of an object under study using certain units of measurement;

a comparison method that allows you to determine the differences or similarities between the object under study and an analogue (standard, sample, etc. - depending on the purpose of the study);

an experimental method based on the study of the object under study in artificially created conditions for it. Conditions can be natural or simulated. This method usually involves the use of a number of other research methods, including methods of observation, measurement and comparison.

Theoretical and empirical research methods may include:

abstraction method, based on mental abstraction from the unimportant properties of the object under study and further study of its most important aspects on a model (replacing the real object of study);

a method of analysis and synthesis, based on the use in the study of various methods of dividing the object under study into elements, relationships (analysis) and combining its individual elements into a single whole (synthesis). For example, in relation to the study of processes in a control system, analysis makes it possible to divide it into operations, identify connections and relationships in it, and synthesis makes it possible to connect all operations, connections and relationships and draw up a technological diagram;

the method of induction and deduction, based on obtaining research results based on the process of cognition from the particular to the general (induction) and from the general to the particular (deduction);

a modeling method that uses models of an object to study its structure, connections, relationships, etc. The results of the study of models are interpreted for a real object.

Practical significance course work. Evaluation of the research results according to this parameter indicates the changes that have occurred or can be achieved as a result of the implementation of the results obtained in practice, in the diagnostic and treatment process, nursing process, etc.

In this part of the introduction, it is necessary to note where your work was used and (or) where it can be used, for what group of readers it will be of interest.

Examples of scientific apparatus of course work:

1. Topic: “Features recovery process in the postoperative period in patients with different types of perception of their illness.”

Target: to identify the features of the recovery process in the postoperative period of surgical patients with different types of perception of their illness.

An object: patients of the surgical department of the Northern City Clinical Hospital of Kirov with different types of perception of their illness in the amount of 90 people.

Item: The recovery process of surgical patients in the postoperative period.


1. To study the types of perception of their illness in postoperative patients.

2. Conduct an analysis of information on the problem of the peculiarities of the recovery process of postoperative patients with different perceptions of their illness.

3. Monitor the recovery of patients with different types of perception of their illness at the Northern City Clinical Hospital in Kirov.

Methods: analysis of literary sources, observation, conversation, testing, analysis of outpatient records, mathematical processing of results.

Hypothesis: with adaptive options for perceiving the disease, recovery of the body in the postoperative period will be easier and faster, and with maladaptive and interpsychic options, painful symptoms and mental stress persist for a longer time.

Even after receiving higher education, not many graduates understood the essence of the definition of “subject of research.”

The question of the difference between a subject and an object of research is generally shrouded in darkness for most students. This topic is very important to understand, because there is a significant difference between these concepts. Having figured this out, you can make a good start in writing your thesis.

In order to understand what the subject of research is, immediately select the object of research when the curator gives you the topic of work. This is what abstract concept, which you will work on. The subject will be any part of your research. For the formation of the subject of research, the object is very important, because it is it that sets the framework within which you will choose the subject of analysis.

The subject of research, as a rule, becomes the weakest point in the analyzed object. Subject of research - an aspect that sets the boundaries of the study and is subject to detailed analysis. Often, the purpose of the work and the subject chosen for research are the same. Let's say, if the goal of our work is to reveal the mechanism for using personal branding to promote a product, then the subject will be personal branding as a factor for promoting products in the modern dynamic world.

Also, the subject may be the research methods themselves. Please take this into account when forming the object and subject of research and you will correctly set the direction of the project.

The concept of the object of research will always be much broader than the subject, but it is the correct formulation of the subjects of analysis that will allow you to choose the right direction in your work and achieve your goal.

The concept of the subject of research exists so that a member of the commission, at the first meeting with your work, can understand what you have chosen for research, because, often, it is not so easy to do this by name. For a student, the correct selection of the subject of analysis also has enormous benefits: systematizing information and selecting the necessary literature is much easier with the correct formulation of the object and subject of research.

Initially, the purpose of our need to highlight the subject of research is the fact that with the correct formulation of tasks, a student can spend much less effort and time writing a thesis.

Since the subject sets a specific point of analysis in the field specified by the object, the graduate’s work will be consistent and competent with the correct formulation of the subject of research.

Factors that need to be taken into account when defining the subject of research:

  1. The subject of research always closely interacts with the discovered scientific problem;

Example."The government's attitude towards entrepreneurs." The question “What is the essence of the relationship?” allows us to define the subject of research. This will be “Normative legal regulation of business activities in the state.” It is very important that if the problem is justified, then identifying the correct subject of research is not difficult.

  1. The subject of research can cover only one aspect of the problem under consideration.

Example.The object of analysis is “Activities of agricultural communities during the harvest.” In this case, it would be reasonable to formulate the following research subjects: A) “Activities of agricultural communities in preparation for the harvest season; B) “Activities of agricultural communities in providing work with agricultural equipment” and so on.

  1. The subject of research cannot cover a larger volume of information than the object, because it is part of it.

Example.The subject “Equipment of biofactories in the modern world” is much broader than the subject “Industrial equipment of biofactories in Moldova,” so they should be swapped.

What is most important for correctly highlighting the subject of research in a thesis? To begin with, it is necessary to select an object, that is, an area for research, and only then we will select a subject for a more in-depth analysis.

Knowing and applying this knowledge in practice, you will be able to quickly, constructively and competently write your thesis.

The experience of classes with novice researchers - students shows that the distinction object And subject scientific research is perhaps the most difficult thing they face in trying to organize their ideas about the direction and structure of the work. Isolating an object allows the author to focus on the main characteristics for him, the properties of the object and the facts related to this main thing.

According to E.P. Tavokin, the formulation of the problem predetermines the choice of the object of research, which can be everything that explicitly or implicitly contains a problematic contradiction and generates problematic situation.

It must be remembered that under object research usually understands a certain part of the material or immaterial world around us, a reality that exists independently of our knowledge of it. These can be physical bodies, living organisms, social communities or an individual person. The important thing is that all these objects of the surrounding reality existed and exist, regardless of whether we know anything about their existence or not.

It can be a certain process, an area of ​​existing reality, or some relationship that contains a contradiction. In other words, the object can be anything that explicitly or implicitly contains a contradiction and gives rise to a problematic situation. An object is what the process of cognition is directed towards.

Reality is infinitely diverse. The student must obtain some final results in her research. If he does not highlight the main key point, aspect or relationship in the object to which his attention is directed, he can “spread out in thought along the tree”, go in all directions at once, which, of course, cannot lead to anything good. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish, on the one hand, the entire range of phenomena to which the researcher’s attention is directed, i.e. object, and on the other hand, something about which he undertakes to obtain new knowledge—the subject of his scientific work.

Next is highlighted subject of study , that is, a specific transformation of the formulation of the problem, containing the most significant aspects from a theoretical or practical point of view for a given object. (For example, the problem: the contradiction between equal rights to employment and inequality of opportunities for their implementation in different social groups. Subject: the relationship between employment plans and the actual scale of their implementation).

In other words, subject of study - part, side of an object. These are the most significant properties, aspects, and features of an object from a practical or theoretical point of view that are subject to direct study.

The subject of research always exists only in the mind of the researcher, i.e.

completely depends on knowledge itself and is part of it. When defining the subject of research, we purely abstractly highlight one or several aspects of the object and try to study them, taking into account or not taking into account the influence of other aspects that we have not identified. According to this logic, each object of study can correspond to several objects of study. For example, a stone building as an object of reality existing independently of us may be of interest to an economist from the point of view of construction costs, an architect - from the point of view of architectural style and successful inclusion in the surrounding landscape, a foundation builder - from the point of view of planting the building in the ground and the strength of the foundation, a journalist - from the point of view of the problems existing in the house or related to construction, the person living in the building, - from the point of view of the convenience of the internal premises. Everyone can become interested in other aspects of an object, but only based on the fact of their influence on the object of interest to him.

A precise definition of the subject relieves the researcher from obviously hopeless attempts to “embrace the immensity”, to say “everything”, and new at that, about an empirical object that has, in principle, an unlimited number of elements, properties and relationships.

By defining the subject, we simultaneously open up the possibility of arriving at the final (for this stage) result.

Thus, the object itself does not contain any subject of study. The subject of research can be highlighted as special content through practical and cognitive actions with the object. Isolating the subject of research by abstracting from other properties of the object is a necessary stage in the process of scientific knowledge of the world around us. A holistic study of the object of study does not make it possible to cover all its properties and features. Sooner or later, an objective need arises to focus on studying only certain aspects of it (E.P. Tavokin).

Item scientific work is that side, that aspect, that point of view, “projection” from which the researcher cognizes the whole object, while highlighting the main, most significant (from the researcher’s point of view) features of the object, a specific part of the object. It (the subject) determines what is within the boundaries of the object and determines the content of the upcoming research. The same object can be the subject of different studies or even entire scientific directions. The subject of the thesis most often either coincides with its topic, or they are very close in sound.

Mastery in defining an object is traditionally associated with how close the researcher has come, during its ideal construction, to, firstly, the sphere of the most relevant dynamic states of the object (the ability to explain the origin and development, genesis, externally manifested contradictions of the phenomenon), and, secondly, to areas of significant connections and elements, the change of which affects the entire system of organization of the object.

The relationship between object and subject can be briefly described as follows: the object (and this is quite natural) is objective, and the subject is subjective.

Finally, the most concise and accurate, although requiring some special knowledge, definition would be this: an object is a model of an object.

Sometimes the requirement to highlight the object and subject of research is considered formal. This is not true. In fact, it is truly meaningful, since it helps the researcher, even at the beginning of the work, to determine the direct path to the goal and focus on the main direction. An object, to use a metaphor to help understand the essence of the problem, can be compared to a magnet brought to a pile of iron filings. A structure appears, a chaotic accumulation of individual particles is polarized and takes on certain shapes. In research it becomes possible to separate the main from the secondary, the given from the given. Already existing “old” (given) knowledge acts as a means of obtaining new non-trivial results (given) - new theoretical positions, patterns, principles, more specific norms professional activity and so on.

Defining a subject is useful in another way. It removes any claims to the completeness of the completed research if the work is completed in accordance with the stated subject, i.e. if that side of the object that the researcher “took” for study is considered by him as indicated in the formulation of the subject, goal and task.

It is possible to define a subject formally without thinking thoroughly. This characterizes not the category itself, but its careless use.

As practice shows, distinguishing between the categories of object and subject is difficult. The most common misunderstanding, which actually eliminates the distinction between the two characteristics considered here, is the idea of ​​an object as a designation of a certain area or object chosen for study: “the object is wider, and the object is narrower.” But the matter does not come down to the size of one or the other. An object is not a piece cut off from an object, but a way or aspect of viewing it. The object is viewed as a whole, holistically, from a certain perspective. This idea is well expressed in the definition of the category of an object. It must be emphasized once again that the requirement to distinguish and clearly formulate the object and subject of research is not an empty formality. The nature and method of determining these methodological characteristics serves as an indicator of the degree to which the researcher has deepened into the essence of the object and progress in the research process itself. These definitions reflect the level of the entire study at this stage. It’s not always possible to find it right away the right words. This does not mean that the original definition was wrong. There has simply been a transition to the next stage of knowledge of the area of ​​reality being studied, and this should be reflected in the researcher’s new, refined ideas about his work.

Thus, an object scientific work - this is that part of practice or scientific knowledge with which the researcher deals, in other words, this is that large, relatively independent part of the object area in which it is located item research. It represents a process or phenomenon that gives rise to a problem situation that will be investigated.

There are two fundamental approaches to determining the place of disclosure of the object and subject of scientific work in the sequence of disclosure of the scientific apparatus:

a) after defining the research problem. The goal shows the level, direction, and depth of solving the problem. It is not always possible for a student to completely solve a particular, especially humanitarian, problem, taking into account his capabilities and the time allocated for research;

b) after defining the goal. In this case, the goal dictates the boundaries of the study and its content.

Each of these approaches is valid depending on the problem and purpose of the study. In some cases, when it is necessary to identify the boundaries of possible research and its volume (content) from the problem, after defining the object and subject, the goal follows. In others, when the goal is completely isolated from the problem, it, in turn, allows one to determine the boundaries and content of the study.

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Object and subject of research.

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Object of study is a process or phenomenon that gives rise to a problematic situation.

Subject of study - this is what is within the boundaries of the object, certain properties of the object, their relationships, the dependence of the object on what conditions. The subject of research can be phenomena as a whole, their individual aspects, aspects and relationships between individual parties and the whole (a set of elements, connections, relationships in a specific area of ​​the object under study, in which a problem requiring solution has been identified). The subject of research is those that are significant from a theoretical or from a practical point of view, a feature, property, or aspect of an object. The subject of the study shows through which the object will be known. In each object of study, there are several objects of study, and focusing attention on one of them means that other objects of study of this object simply remain aside from the interests of the researcher.

The object of the study is the motor transport enterprise ATP LLC, the main activity of which is the provision of transport services for passenger and freight transport.

Goal and objectives (they reveal the path to achieving the goal)

The purpose of the course work shows what the student wants to achieve in his research activities.

Example: The purpose of the course work is to consider the legal regulation of tax audits, identify current problems problems arising during tax audits, as well as searching for ways to improve the mechanism for conducting tax audits.

Objectives reveal the path to achieving a goal. Each task, as a rule, is devoted to a chapter (or paragraph) of the course work. Tasks can be introduced with the words: - identify; - reveal; - study; - develop; - explore; - analyze; - systematize; - clarify, etc.

The number of tasks should be 3-5. Objectives must be reflected in the conclusion, conclusions and recommendations.

Basic research methods — lists the methods by which the research was carried out: theoretical and practical.

Methods are ways and techniques of cognition of an object. Any course work uses methods of literature analysis, analysis of regulatory documentation on the topic, as well as analysis of documents, archives, etc.: literature analysis; analysis of regulatory documents; comparison; modeling; synthesis; classification, generalization.

Research structure — the researcher indicates the number of chapters, paragraphs, tables, sources studied, and appendices.

Theoretical significance — what area of ​​specialty can be influenced by the theoretical conclusions obtained, what are the prospects for applied work.

Practical significance — the influence of the received recommendations and proposals on the process being studied is determined by solving practical issues.

Brief description of the structure

The main part of the work. The main part should be divided into chapters and paragraphs. The recommended number of chapters is 2-3, each 10-15 pages long. The recommended number of paragraphs is 2-3, ranging from 2 to 5 pages.

The first chapter wears theoretical nature, it follows:

— determine the essence of the problem under study, study the experience of its implementation in the practice of economic entities;

— characterize the degree of elaboration of the problem in literary sources (books, magazines, monographs, newspaper articles, conference materials, etc.), outline ways to solve the problem;

- create a basis (base) for subsequent chapters that will specify the theoretical provisions of the course work.

In the second chapter, the research and presentation of the material are more specific. The results of the research done should be presented here. If to obtain results it is necessary to use an existing technique, then it is necessary to make an appropriate reference to it. The second chapter is analytical, and also contains suggestions and recommendations, ways to solve the problems posed in the introduction of the project.

Between paragraphs and between chapters, semantic connections are necessary so that the text is final qualifying work was logically structured and did not contain any breaks in the presentation of the material. It is necessary to formulate brief conclusions for each chapter.

Finally research reveals the significance of the issues considered for scientific theory and practices; conclusions are drawn based on all the work done. Conclusions can be presented in the form of theses, recommendations, and proposals.

After the conclusion, a list of references is provided in the prescribed manner and appendices to the course work.

Bibliography: reflects the list of references studied by the author, regardless of whether there are references to it in the text or not.

Coursework must have at least 15 sources.

Applications are designed to facilitate the perception of the content of the work, and may include: Additional materials, supporting illustrations, questionnaires, methods, documents, materials containing primary information for analysis, tables of statistical data, etc. Application submission rules:

— appendices are placed on the pages following the list of references;

— applications are arranged in the order in which references to them appear in the text of the course work;

— each application must start on a new page and have a meaningful title;

— applications are numbered in Arabic numerals without indicating the number sign. The serial number is placed in the upper right corner above the content heading after the word Appendix;

— applications must have continuous page numbering in common with the rest of the course work;

— all applications in the main part of the course work must have links .