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What is sampo in the military. “Course, rise!”, or a typical day for a student at the Air Force Academy

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Mount Sampo gained popularity relatively recently. In the 60s of the 20th century, the Soviet-Finnish film “Sampo” based on the Karelian-Finnish epic “Kalevala” was filmed in these places. The name “Sampo” was firmly attached to the mountain, and soon tourists, travelers and seekers of secrets flocked here. So it found a new life as an interesting natural attraction in the vicinity of Petrozavodsk.

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Multi-colored “wish ribbons” are tied to the branches of several pine trees at the top of Mount Sampo.

The wonderful Sampo mill is one of the central objects around which the action of the Karelian-Finnish epic “Kalevala” unfolds. In a brief summary, the storyline about Sampo is as follows.

In a country called Kalevala live the main characters: the sage Väinämöinen, the blacksmith Ilmarinen and the daring hunter, the merry fellow Lemminkäinen.

Väinämöinen, on the advice of his mother Ilmatar, goes to the country of the North, Pohjola, to woo the beautiful Maiden of the North, the daughter of the mistress of Pohjola, the evil old woman Louhi. Louhi agreed to the marriage, but on the condition that Väinämöinen would forge the Sampo magic mill for her. Väinämöinen refused, saying that he would send the blacksmith Ilmarinen in his place.

Sampo is a wonderful object, like a mill, a source of happiness and abundance. She grinds as much bread, salt and money as she wants. “In “Kalevala” Elias Lönnrot (collector and compiler of “Kalevala” - M.A.) tried to include all the various signs and features of the Sampo, known to him from the field notes available at that time. The main feature of Sampo in “Kalevala” is that it is a mill that can be made and which can be both a difficult matchmaking task and a ransom for Väinämöinen who finds himself in a foreign land.”(E. Kiuru, A. Mishin. Folklore origins of “Kalevala”, Petrozavodsk, 2001)

Ilmarinen did not want to go to Pohjola, and then Väinämöinen transported him there by magic. Seeing the Maiden of the North, Ilmarinen built a forge in three days and began to forge the Sampo. However, in the first four days nothing came of it: he ended up with a golden bow that hit everyone indiscriminately, a boat that sank all the shuttles, a golden-horned cow that wouldn’t let anyone near it, and a plow that tried to plow not its own land, but someone else’s. Ilmarinen destroyed them.

Then the winds came to Ilmarinen’s aid, and in three days they fanned a large fire in the forge. And on the seventh day Ilmarinen forged Sampo. The old woman Louhi grabbed Sampo and hid her in a copper mountain, in a deep cave behind nine castles. Three roots sprouted from Sampo: one went nine fathoms into the ground from the mill, another caught on the seashore, and the third grew into a stone rock. However, Louhi did not give her daughter to Ilmarinen and sent the blacksmith back to Kalevala.

  • The distance from the center of Petrozavodsk to Mount Sampo is about 37 km.
  • Mount Sampo coordinates: 62°2’26″N 34°5’41″E

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Higher education is self-education

Mathematics teacher

From my point of view, this is the best thing in the military training system. Every day from 15.20 to 19.05 (if I remember correctly) in a specially designated class we studied independently. Every day. Exactly 2 pairs, 4 hours. All 5 years.

Sleeping, reading fiction or playing cards is prohibited. This was to be closely monitored by deputy platoon commanders, but in reality it was monitored by the commanders themselves, heads and deputies of faculties and specially appointed officers from departments who carried out sudden control.

Naturally, the biggest temptation after lunch and a difficult day of study with getting up at 7 am, cleaning the territory and other stresses was to fall asleep. But you can't. There is nothing to do, the phones are mostly not color (the most advanced until the 3rd course was the Samsung S-100). The Internet is prohibitively expensive, and so is communication. And what to do, given that, in principle, you can’t go anywhere? It is not possible until the 4th course. It’s also not possible on 4, but if you’re careful, it’s possible.

What they were doing

What we didn't do. But mostly they slept. I read almost everything that Pikul, Nik Perumov, Mr. Akunin and many other things wrote in bursts according to my mood. People played naval battles, wrote letters, looked for where to buy food (and there was somewhere), but they just didn’t study. Although all the best conditions have been created.

A specially appointed person - a bookseller - received books on tomorrow's disciplines from the library. At least one for the table, and later at the request of the workers. Especially secret ones. That is: free textbooks, plenty of time, bright, dry and warm classrooms... And we slept.

On the one hand, it was a real time of rest. I especially didn’t believe in him the first time after KMB, when I had no personal time. Constant training in the barracks, pressure and other adversities. And here... Rest.

But when everything settled down, I wanted more. To leave Sampo faster, to get fired sooner, to be farther away from everyone and have a darker class (that’s what we had in the 4th year). On the technical territory, among machines and equipment.

I still don’t understand whether the video is staged or not. Their fear is not fake. That's exactly what happened when the inspector came. Sleepers were awakened, telephones, radios and books were collected. Even the “let me get my SIM card” moment made me remember to smile. But for the captain to SPEAK with obscenities... It’s strange, we didn’t do that:

Self-preparation for exams

This is a separate type of sampo. Because three days were allocated to prepare for the exams. And all these days, instead of all the couples, there was self-preparation, and then also according to the schedule. It was possible to learn everything from the beginning of the semester during these days almost from scratch.

In my first year, this is exactly what I did with physics. For me, the main issue was to pass it perfectly. Again, as when I was admitted, I achieved not just memorization or the ability to solve any problem. I derived all the formulas.

It was during such preparation that I got caught playing cards and since then I have generally disliked them. The punishment was to draw 36 decks of cards on checkered pieces of paper: “So that ladies have boobs and jacks have spades” (c). It’s not that I completely coped with the task, but even cutting 1296 rectangles from notebook sheets is a chore in itself.

It was during self-preparation that we ran to the buffet (we tried to catch it during the long break) because our bodies didn’t have enough sweets. On one of the floors, an underground trade in various sweets flourished. It seems to me that this is why most of my military classmates do not like nuts - they eat peanuts in all their forms for studying.

After completing self-preparation, the morning cleaner performed his last mission of the day: cleaning our classroom. What else was he doing? I wrote and. Every year, we were assigned one class for the entire year, and we kept it in order.

At the military school of my time there was not a single cleaning lady.

But it was always clean, everything was parallel and perpendicular. By whose forces? Everything is correct. But more on that later. And that’s all about sampo for now.


in Finnish and Karelian mythology, a source of abundance, a wonderful mill. According to the runes, S. forged Ilmarinen“from a swan fluff, from a piece of a spindle, and from a cow’s milk, and from a grain of barley” as a wedding ransom (vena) for the daughter of the mistress of Pohjola, to whom the blacksmith wooed (sometimes for Väinämöinen, who fell into the power of the mistress of Pohjola). S. grinds so much bread, salt and money that there is enough for food, supplies and feasts. The abduction of S. from Pohjola is the central plot of the Finnish and Karelian epic (cf. obtaining cultural goods from the masters of another world in German-Scandinavian mythology etc.): Väinämöinen goes to Pohjola, accompanied by Ilmarinen, Eukahainen and others, puts its inhabitants to sleep and extracts water from under the mountain (from a depth of “nine fathoms”). He takes S. away on a boat, but the awakening mistress of Pohjola overtakes the kidnappers; During the struggle, S. is broken, the fragments sink into the sea (because the sea, according to popular beliefs, is richer than the land). According to another option, some of the debris is nailed to the ground: they affect the harvest.
Runes about S. were performed during calendar holidays. According to U. Harva and other researchers, ideas about S. correlate with the image of the world pillar in Finno-Ugric mythology.
Lit.: Krohn K., Kalevalastudien, IV - Sampo, Hels., 1927; Kuusi M., Sampo-eepos, Hels., 1949.

(Source: “Myths of the Peoples of the World.”)

See what "SAMPO" is in other dictionaries:

    - “SAMPO”, USSR Finland, Suomi film/Mosfilm, 1958, color, 97 min. Legend. Based on the Finnish epic "Kalevala". Five elders ask the age-old blacksmith Ilmarinen to make a magical sampo mill for the people of Kalevala, so that it itself will be without grain... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    In Karelian Finnish mythology there is a magic mill, a symbol of eternal abundance... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    SAMPO, in Karelian Finnish mythology, a magic mill, a symbol of eternal abundance... encyclopedic Dictionary

    sampo- Japanese triangular shuriken. [GOST R 51215 98] Topics cold weapons General terms shurikens ... Technical Translator's Guide

    sampo- self-training... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    This term has other meanings, see Sampo (meanings). A. Gallen Kallela “The Creation of Sampo” ... Wikipedia

    "Sampo"- SÁMPO, ballet in 3 acts and 11 scenes (based on the Karelian Finnish folk epic Kalevala). Comp. G. N. Sinisalo, stage. I. V. Smirnov. 27.3.1959, Petrozavodsk theater, ballet. I. V. Smirnov, conductor I. E. Sherman, artistic director. A. A. Shelkovnikov; Ilmarinen ... Ballet. Encyclopedia

    SAMPO- shuriken with three points... Encyclopedia of weapons

    sampo- Self-training. After the sampo we’ll rush into the self-propelled gun. Army jargon... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

    Sampo- (Fin.) – a source of abundance, a wonderful mill that grinds bread, salt and money. According to myth, Ilmarinen forged it as a wedding ransom for the daughter of the mistress of Pohjola, to whom he was wooing. (Option: for Väinämäinen, who was captured by... ... Mythological dictionary


  • Sampo-Loparenok, S. Topelius. Sakarias Topelius is one of the most remarkable representatives of Finnish literature. A poet, novelist, storyteller, historian and publicist, he entered the history of Finnish and world literature before...

Folklore is often called the collective memory of the people, preserved in artistic images. Works of this kind also include the famous Karelian-Finnish epic “Kalevala”. It is known to modern readers as folklore material that was collected and structured by the Finnish linguist Elias Lönnrot in the 19th century. For many centuries, Karelians and Finns carefully preserved ancient runes, the age of which is estimated at thousands of years, and now the Kalevala is considered one of the most ancient works on the scale of all mankind. The time of appearance of most of the epic's plots cannot be determined even approximately.

The Kalevala can be considered a pagan book. The cultural environment in which the poets of ancient times lived was closely connected with shamans. Wizards and sorcerers played a very important role not only in the religious, but also in the social life of the ancient Karelians and Finns. The pagans, who at one time lived on the territory of modern Finland and Karelia, worshiped fire and the sun, and all their spells emphasized the love of light. They considered natural phenomena to be a reflection of the human spirit and were especially revered.
The basis of shamanic witchcraft was an understanding of the forces of nature. With their help, they tried to cure diseases and send curses on their enemies. According to legend, the first shamans adopted the ability to cast magic from a certain tribe of giants, which, in turn, consisted of the ancestors of the northern peoples. Fragmentary information about the mysterious giants can be found in legends and songs that were not included in the main text of the epic. It follows from them that the Karelian-Finnish tribes appeared thanks to Kalev, an ancient giant who had as many as twelve sons.
Customs, traditions and knowledge were passed down from generation to generation through rune singers. Ancient storytellers were usually simply gifted individuals, but they were often specially trained in this skill. Future rune singers memorized tales and songs from representatives of older generations and kept them in their memory. After a while, it was their turn to pass on the runes to new generations. It was believed that the rune singers were carriers of special knowledge, which the gods shared with people, but hid from the uninitiated in myths and legends. In the mythological images of “Kalevala” one can find references to norms of behavior, the origin of all living things and great cataclysms that happened in the distant past. Karelians and Finns have always revered the guardians of the collective memory of their peoples.
The ancient heroes of the epic were distinguished by their wisdom. One of the main characters is the father of the runes Väinämöinen and the blacksmith Ilmarinen. It is noteworthy that Väinämöinen is positioned as the strongest of the heroes due to the fact that he was the wisest person. This reveals the main feature of the Karelian-Finnish worldview, in which heroism lay not in military exploits, but in fortitude. In their understanding, the spirit was much more important, and strength was only a consequence of wisdom. Without wisdom, any strength was considered useless.

The epic “Kalevala” describes the relationship between two peoples, one of which lived in the country of Pohjola, and the other in Kalev. One day they quarreled over Sampo's treasure. Unfortunately, it is still not clear what Sampo, shrouded in a veil of obscurity, is. The runes mention the beneficial power that this mysterious something possesses, since with its help it was possible to obtain bread. Perhaps Sampo is some kind of magical mill?
Researchers have made many attempts to explain what the Sampo actually was. A mill, a musical instrument, a merchant ship - there were really a lot of guesses, but the most plausible guess is about a grain grinder. In ancient times, the stone grain grinder personified happiness and prosperity among the Karelians and Finns. However, all interpretations of the image speak only of the inability of modern people to understand the message embedded in the runes. Legends cannot be explained from the position of rationalism, but the intuitive tradition here would be very useful, but in the modern world people think differently, and all sorts of magical things interest them less and less.
The mystery that surrounded the image of Sampo also interested Elias Lönnrot. The Finnish ethnographer assumed that this designation meant not a mill, but an idol of the supreme deity Ukko, the name of which the inhabitants of Pohjola gave from the Russian words “himself” and “god”.
There is another explanation for the Sampo riddle, associated with the well-known myth about the “Golden Age” of humanity, which became an era of prosperity and justice. Ancient historians associated this period of history with the so-called “Hyperborea,” which was the country in which the blessed people lived. According to one assumption, it could be located on the territory of modern Karelia. Among the Finno-Ugric peoples, memories of those times were imprinted in the image of the mentioned Sampo mill, but other peoples’ ideas could differ. However, behind this symbol lies something truly important, which was known to almost all the peoples of our planet. In this case, the image of the mill simply acted as a generalized symbol. What message can a mill convey?

When studying a large number of folklore sources, many researchers came to the conclusion that the “mill” in the understanding of ancient people described some kind of global event related to space. The image of a completely harmless structure may symbolize the destructive cosmic processes that ancient peoples had to witness. A hypothesis immediately arose about the origin of the word “sampo”. A number of researchers claim that it is derived from the Sanskrit “skambha”, which in one of the works of ancient Indian literature is interpreted as “framework of the universe”. The peoples who once lived on the territory of modern India included in the meaning of the mentioned word a description of a certain cosmic mechanism that replaced earthly eras.
As you know, any mill breaks down sooner or later. In the case of Sampo, this may be a symbolic image of global catastrophes, such as floods and glaciations, because a large number of ancient myths are dedicated specifically to global cataclysms, which are described in detail and very vividly. The sources of endless legends about catastrophic changes in the earth's climate are usually based on real events. Civilizations that have sunk into oblivion have preserved memories of those grandiose cataclysms and passed them on to subsequent generations. Now modern people also know about them.

Could global cataclysms happen in the future? It's possible. Perhaps at this moment humanity is on the verge of some kind of catastrophe. The whole point is whether people will be able to listen to the messages of their ancestors, conveyed in various legends. Many myths directly hint that the periodic and almost complete destruction of humanity is an integral part of life on planet Earth. Are the ancients right? Who knows…

Sampo Self-training. After the sampo we’ll rush into the self-propelled gun. Army jargon

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .

See what “sampo” is in other dictionaries:

    SAMPO- “SAMPO”, USSR Finland, Suomi film/Mosfilm, 1958, color, 97 min. Legend. Based on the Finnish epic "Kalevala". Five elders ask the age-old blacksmith Ilmarinen to make a magical sampo mill for the people of Kalevala, so that it itself will be without grain... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    SAMPO- in Karelian Finnish mythology there is a magic mill, a symbol of eternal abundance... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    SAMPO- in Finnish and Karelian mythology, a source of abundance, a wonderful mill. According to the runes, S. forged Ilmarinen “from swan fluff, from a piece of spindle, and from cow’s milk, and from grains of barley” as a wedding ransom (vein) for his daughter... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    SAMPO- SAMPO, in Karelian Finnish mythology, a magic mill, a symbol of eternal abundance... encyclopedic Dictionary

    sampo- Japanese triangular shuriken. [GOST R 51215 98] Topics cold weapons General terms shurikens ... Technical Translator's Guide

    sampo- self-training... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    Sampo- This term has other meanings, see Sampo (meanings). A. Gallen Kallela “The Creation of Sampo” ... Wikipedia

    "Sampo"- SÁMPO, ballet in 3 acts and 11 scenes (based on the Karelian Finnish folk epic Kalevala). Comp. G. N. Sinisalo, stage. I. V. Smirnov. 27.3.1959, Petrozavodsk theater, ballet. I. V. Smirnov, conductor I. E. Sherman, artistic director. A. A. Shelkovnikov; Ilmarinen ... Ballet. Encyclopedia

    SAMPO- shuriken with three points... Encyclopedia of weapons

    Sampo- (Fin.) – a source of abundance, a wonderful mill that grinds bread, salt and money. According to myth, Ilmarinen forged it as a wedding ransom for the daughter of the mistress of Pohjola, to whom he was wooing. (Option: for Väinämäinen, who was captured by... ... Mythological dictionary


  • Sampo-Loparenok, S. Topelius. Sakarias Topelius is one of the most remarkable representatives of Finnish literature. A poet, novelist, storyteller, historian and publicist, he entered the history of Finnish and world literature before... Buy for 182 rubles
  • Sampo-Loparenok, Topelius Sacarias. Sacarius Topelius (Zacharias Topelius, 1818-1898) is one of the most remarkable representatives of Finnish literature. Poet, novelist, storyteller, historian and publicist - he went down in history...