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Self-esteem - what is it? How to raise and preserve it

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Self-esteem is a person’s internal sense of self, which has a visible manifestation in the behavioral sphere, reflected by a high assessment of one’s own social value and rights. Has a close semantic connection with self-respect, self-esteem and the concept of one’s own self, which are at high level, but at the same time not being identical, since in these similar concepts greater emphasis is placed on a person’s perception of himself, while dignity always appeals to the external society.

Self-esteem in relationships (whether intimate, child-parent or work) always predetermines a decent level of human behavior and high demands on oneself and the participants in the relationship. Such requirements include calm dialogue and decency of actions, leadership moral principles and showing respect even in the form of your appearance(by maintaining neatness). Under the apparent pressure of demands and obligations, a person full of dignity can behave much more freely than the average representative, going to own desires in a virtuous manner and showing excellent manners and upbringing. Such people can open any doors because they know and value their strengths, know how to deal with the weak and are able to present themselves to the world around them in a way that these qualities are valued, without humiliating other people and trying to stand out by denigrating them.

Knowing the norms of behavior with you is a condition for beginning to develop a sense of self-worth, accepting or rejecting interactions from people, depending on their compliance with your internal criteria of what is possible. This category is not innate, but is formed or frozen under the influence external environment, from the assessment of others (family, educators, culture), which can occur in teaching (norms, rules and human rights), conscious or unconscious suggestion (when they praise or scold a child, evaluate his personality), when copying behavioral (parental behavior, as an example or examples of literature and cinema).

What is self-esteem

A sense of dignity is a manifestation of accepting oneself for the most part and recognizing oneself as significant person, and such self-attitude is based on a confident position and calmness, knowledge and real assessment of one’s own capabilities, as well as an understanding of the value of any human personality. Some may confuse such a feeling with pride or, where the prerequisites for feeling valuable and significant are the desire for exaltation, constant comparison, which causes emotional swings and loss of confidence.

Self-esteem in relationships allows you to value yourself and value the other, to choose something based on your own world view, and not under the pressure of manipulation or competitive strategies. There is no desire to do something for the sake of pleasing others or confirming one’s own importance; a person understands his importance a priori and such an understanding is in no way based on external sources. This is similar to a mature relationship, where caring for others will be carried out from one's own internal motives of compassion or love, but not with the goal of earning good treatment, where difference is allowed and it is supported in both directions (i.e. the person will not compromise life conditions or his rights for the sake of maintaining good relations, but will not infringe on the rights of another).

An important internal point is the desire to remain oneself and maintain a calm and firm position, without stooping to empty accusations, showdowns using shouting and threats, turning to intrigue and gossip as ways to influence the environment. Due to the lack of a competitive moment, calmness, confidence and self-knowledge, it is impossible to offend such a person, because he clearly understands who he is and who he is not (you will not be offended or argue with someone who calls you an antelope and take it seriously) . Honesty with oneself, open recognition of weaknesses accompanies decent behavior, then a person can insure himself in advance in unstable moments, but when behavior looks like everything can be solved on one’s own and cope with any problem, then this is something that is sometimes good, but reflects a not entirely adequate perception myself.

This attitude towards oneself is reflected by an effective manifestation of love for oneself and one’s desires, since it is largely aimed at ensuring quality level life. The need to take care of one’s appearance (not only at important events, but even on weekends spent at home), to take care of one’s health (not only by purchasing medications, but also by ensuring quality rest, a rich diet, etc.), will buy only high-quality goods (without the desire save because he knows he deserves better). The same goes for choosing work and friends, life partners and ways of building relationships. A person who feels worthy will not be in an unworthy place, engage in low things and communicate with lost people.

How to develop self-esteem

The development of self-esteem occurs in childhood, under the influence of the environment, and by the beginning of adult life it is a formed category, but not stable, so this sense of self can be lost (if you fall into long time in frustrating conditions) and develop.

In adulthood, the formation of a sense of self-worth occurs on the basis of self-attitude, and accordingly, work must begin from this position. Initially, you will have to objectively evaluate yourself and get to know each other (perhaps this will require responses from people around you who consider some of your shortcomings to be advantages and vice versa). This stage is needed to clearly define who you are, in order to distance yourself from imposing the opinions of others and switch this assessment to internal control, instead of spontaneous external control. The courage to recognize and accept oneself, along with shortcomings, gives a powerful inner strength and the vector of changes. It is important that the intentions of change (if any are suddenly initiated after a revision of one’s qualities) are carried out in accordance with internal guidelines, and not the convenience of other people. Counting your victories and good qualities, changes on the way to better side It’s worth doing visually (you can write it down, you can collect ten achievements and arrange a holiday or pampering for yourself for this) - such events increase .

You will have to fight the desire to compare yourself with others; it is acceptable to compare yourself with yourself (at the beginning of your journey or with where you are heading). To make it easier, for the first time you can turn off the news feed on a social network with profiles full of photos of success, or you can consider each catchy comparison as an experience of self-knowledge. You can analyze your mental victories over someone to see what this victory gives to your inner feeling, and how it can be applied. You can also work with comparisons in a negative direction, extracting from envy your desires and needs, and perhaps images of conformity imposed by someone.

Listen to your desires and try to fulfill them; constantly putting off your joys for the sake of others greatly hinders the emergence of self-esteem, since every time, even for important reasons, someone else turns out to be more worthy of happiness than you. If you want to drink sea buckthorn tea in silence now - buy sea buckthorn, brew tea, close the door to the room with a sign prohibiting entry. And the world will not collapse, even if you Small child, a project deadline or a friend in hysterics in the kitchen.

From childhood, many were taught modesty, devaluing compliments and hiding what they have (whether material, even travel, or even achievements). Such behavioral strategies make you value yourself less and shrink in size, trying to be worse, telling about your successes only to those closest to you. But self-esteem implies accepting praise sincerely and joyfully, talking about your achievements, without devaluation. Your attitude towards you and your value to society depend on your self-presentation. Want to good attitude If you feel that you are worthy of it, speak well of yourself. Or you can start from the opposite and by telling stories about your positive qualities to form a worthy attitude, which will automatically improve your inner sense of self-worth.

In the meantime, this feeling still cannot resist violators from the outside, then limit the circle of people and spheres of communication where violations of human rights, freedoms and dignity are possible, where caustic and devaluing remarks are encountered, where they violate your boundaries, loading beyond measure, in order to free your own time. It is not enough to cultivate such an attitude in yourself; you need to get rid of the factors that contribute to the destruction of such an adequate self-perception.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"


If a woman does not respect herself and does not feel her worth, then she is not a long-awaited prize for a man.

A man needs a prize for his achievements and masculinity.

If a woman does not feel like a prize and behaves inappropriately, then she loses her man.

A sense of self-worth cannot be painted on your face even with the most expensive cosmetics. The most fashionable clothes will also not give you this feeling for long. Internal female inferiority cannot hide from male eyes behind any external attributes, be it diplomas, a prestigious job, a large salary, cosmetics, expensive clothes, cars, an apartment and connections.

Women's confidence comes from within, from the feeling of feminine energy, inner plasticity and feminine dignity.

You can often hear the following phrases:

“You don’t respect me at all as a woman!”

– You don’t take me into account!

“I’m a woman, how can you talk to me like that!”

All this is due to the lack of one’s inner sense of dignity.

A woman can:

Resentfully withdraw into oneself,

Don't talk for weeks

It’s insulting to make scandals because her husband didn’t notice her housework or her latest diploma,

Complain about beatings and bruises from your husband,

Complain about her husband’s drunken antics and much more, but all this is just confirmation that she has lost her self-esteem, and her husband feels it very much. He doesn’t need a “bad man” instead of the woman he loves, portraying business activity and calling on neighbors to judge who is right. When a man feels that you respect and value yourself, he will treat you with care and concern.

A man needs a loving, passionate woman who is difficult to command. This does not mean that a woman will defend herself in disputes and struggles. Masculine manifestations and reactions in a woman only repel a man. A woman should be so feminine that the man next to her would want to be her courageous protector.

If a woman defends herself with the help of hysterics and other emotional attacks, then the man tries, first of all, to maintain his masculine state. Women's hysterics only stir a man's soul and raise an emotional wave, which he tries to hide so as not to look weak. When a woman knows how to manage her emotions, transform anger into childish laughter and mischief, this is a wonderful quality that men highly value. The ability to calm any storm and create joy and harmony in the home - these qualities can help you change a tense situation and make you loving and loved.

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From the book Tao Te Ching. Book of Paths and Virtues by Zi Lao Still, it seems to me that even Bok Ja with her maid brains understood that just money did not satisfy her. She needed admiration for her elegance (which is not there), a thick wallet (which in the “highest” is not customary to openly show off, but how could she hide it if she had been winning it for so long), the obsequious attention of others (but who will give it to a rich, illiterate maid ) and, you’re right, a friend is nearby (but who would be friends with a former maid who managed to spit on everyone around her except Ah Jin).
It seems to me that Bok Ja is not smart, she is cunning in everyday life, she knows how to tame a man and squeeze all the money and fortune out of him, but how to manage it wisely is not given to her. No what you wrote about Ah Jin
After all, you could learn a lot for this money, but Bok Ja didn’t understand this. She saw only her ideal - Ah Jin, but could not copy it on her own.
I always think that if Bok Ja and Ah Jin were combined in one image, what kind of woman would they turn out to be! The intelligence, charm and dignity of Ah Jin and the mercantile aspirations of Bok Ja and the search for love and family. And I thought - but this will be the image of a classic adventuress, wandering in American films. No, the coconuts turned out to be much more interesting and deeper.
The long-awaited ending to this simply extraordinary drama. Two amazing actresses made this drama unforgettable. Now I have two favorite roles of Kim Sun Ah - in this drama and the unforgettable Kim Sam Soon. Kim Hee Sun simply blossomed as Ah Jin. Sheer grace, dignity and sound mind.
but when embarking on such an adventure, she had to be smarter in communicating in the family and in society. Is a simple maid capable of this? I think yes, I should have intuitively understood this. But she did not have enough patience and kindness (although what am I talking about when the idea was to rob the old man), or basic everyday cunning to establish relationships with the servants of the house, the children of this large family, with family members. Win as many people as possible over to your side. And the most fertile ground for this would be the children of the family. She herself lived Hard childhood, should know how important well-being, peace and prosperity are at a young age. After all, you need to get an education (and it’s not cheap) and a start in adult life. You don’t have your own children, so put all your warmth into, although not your own, but actually grandchildren. I'm happy for Ah Jin - she simply revels in freedom, happiness with her daughter and her loved one. She is proud of her importance in society, her ability to support her family and her success in business.
"Everyone dreams of being happy. Everyone desires to have what they don't have. They think that's how they will be happy. But happiness brings light into your life when you actually let go of those desires." As Ah Jin always said, “I never wanted what didn’t belong to me.” To be happy, you need to balance your desires with your abilities and everyday circumstances. And then it will come. No, you need to dream, strive for more high goal, but still don’t forget about the present and be more practical.

“His heart rate is clearly too high,” “You don’t value yourself, you deserve much more,” you can hear out of the corner of your ear or directly addressed to you. What kind of CSD is this? Self-esteem, which shows how much a person respects, values ​​and loves himself. It also determines the level of aspirations, and indeed activity in life, its very content and success. Self-esteem can be inadequate (overestimated or underestimated) and adequate, but it cannot but exist.

Self-esteem (SSD) is significantly associated with. But this is not the only component and not its synonym. ChSD is a complex system of interdependent. In addition to self-esteem, self-perception and other products of the self also contribute: self-esteem, self-awareness. Roughly speaking, self-esteem is the result of a person’s assessment of his own importance and worth.

Accordingly, this comes out of self-knowledge, healthy. But what is self-knowledge? Getting a person to know himself (with all his strengths and weaknesses, innate characteristics) and identifying interests, forming his own worldview. However, is this based solely on self-esteem and self-analysis? No. From birth, the child perceives himself as adults see him, which they readily express through: “what a good boy”, “you are bad, unhearing”, “you can’t do anything”, “you can’t be relied on”, “you are my support in life”. life." Using these phrases as an example, which of them do you think will form adequate self-esteem and adequate NPV, and which ones are underestimated?

Low self-esteem is based on inadequate criticism and demands, humiliation, insults, coercion from the environment, smoothly turning into elements. As for the inflated FSN, its roots are the god complex, permissiveness, and the “idol of the family.”

A sense of personal dignity consists not only of a sense of one’s own value, but also of the value of everything that is directly related to the individual:

  • family;
  • partner in a relationship;
  • Job;
  • hobbies;
  • Friends;
  • hobby;
  • interests.

Some elements depend on us, this is directly our choice, and some do not. For example, by humiliating his partner, a person humiliates himself, because being in a relationship with this person is his choice. But no one chooses the family into which to be born. Therefore, it is wrong to humiliate yourself because of your parents’ unworthy lifestyle.

Risks of inadequate heart rate

First of all, among the risks, it is worth talking about humiliation. With a low sense of self-esteem, a person allows himself to be humiliated, and with an overestimated sense of self-esteem, he humiliates other people. Naturally, this deteriorates relationships with others. In addition, with an overestimated heart rate, a person suffers from disappointments. If it is underestimated, it occupies money, suffers from self-flagellation, failure and unhappiness in life.

Surely you are familiar with this evaluation system: “This is below my dignity” / “I am not worthy of this.” However, both of these statements can be either adequate or inadequate. It all depends on the context. But the situation is further aggravated by the difference in interpretation of who a “worthy person” is. There is no single measure of human dignity. Therefore, you should focus on the beliefs and values ​​of a particular society, reference group and your own internal attitudes. Someone defines dignity social status, someone, someone by socially useful deeds, and someone takes into account all three components or calls the fourth criterion.

Self-esteem also comes with responsibility. Namely, the responsibility for maintaining one’s dignity and avoiding actions that deprive one of self-respect. The border of the affected CSD is . A blow to self-esteem and shame from what happened is a common reason for victims to remain silent about rape and beatings. Some people are especially vulnerable; even everyday troubles can hurt their dignity. The result is the same - shame, humiliation, isolation. And if the values ​​that determine self-esteem differ from person to person, from culture to culture and from society to society, then the shame of loss of dignity is inevitable for everyone.

How to raise CHSD

The development of self-esteem and self-awareness, and therefore a sense of significance, depends on the nature of the child’s relationship with his mother. With good mutual understanding (understanding the child’s needs, attention and communication, providing independence in choosing actions and privacy), healthy self-esteem is formed. The development of self-awareness and self-esteem depends on respect for the child’s personal space (everyone needs this from birth; the child must be alone in front of the mother’s eyes, under her control).

Due to the mother's anxiety about losing control over the child and the need to regularly receive love from the child, sometimes the baby is completely deprived of free time and the opportunity to realize himself. With anxious mothers and in overprotective families, children grow up passive, uninitiative, and dependent.

So, self-esteem stems from the relationship between the child and mother in early childhood. The following scenarios are popular:

  1. When a child is given personal space in the presence of his mother (another significant adult), he develops the attitude: “I have the right to mind my own affairs. I can be myself even in the company of other people. I don’t have to constantly interact with someone and I don’t have to impose.”
  2. With overprotection, the child receives the instruction: “Everything must be strictly under control. Independence and spontaneity are not allowed. It is my responsibility to continually demonstrate my care and love for others.”
  3. In a situation where the mother expresses her dissatisfaction and the inability to deal with personal affairs, forced communication with the child, he develops the attitude: “I need to be grateful that someone even wants to communicate with me and spend time. Someday I'll be left alone. I always bother others."
  4. When a mother indulges her child and treats her as an idol, the attitude is formed: “Everyone owes me for spending time with them. I can get whatever I want for the very fact of my existence.”

In the first case, self-esteem is developed adequately, in the second and third cases - a low sense of self-esteem. In the fourth case - an inflated sense of self-esteem. Accordingly, self-esteem is adequate, underestimated and overestimated (in the same order).

A child’s self-rejection at an early stage of development causes a deficit of self-esteem in the future. Accordingly, self-acceptance builds healthy self-esteem.

Restoration and preservation of heart rate

Adequate self-esteem is essential for human survival and... However, even correct self-love and self-respect are perceived by some people as boasting and arrogance.

As we found out, self-esteem begins to form in childhood. In psychotherapy, as a rule, it turns out that for the first time a person heard an assessment of his own worthlessness in childhood from a significant adult, and a little later he subconsciously accepted this as his own opinion.

Identification with the aggressor - in which the victim “whitens” the image of the aggressor. In this case, we are talking about primary independent self-humiliation and self-condemnation, unpleasant statements addressed to oneself by the victim before the aggressor does it (or would do it in the victim’s mind).

How to understand own feeling dignity? First of all, answer two questions:

  • What am I proud of about myself?
  • What aspects of my personality and life would I like to hide?

Additionally, you can note what values ​​and guidelines prevail in society and a certain group. How do they relate to the previous answers? Sometimes it turns out that both a reason for pride and a subject of mystery are one and the same. How is this possible? When the development situation does not correspond to the realities and characteristics of the individual, it infringes on it.

The work of preserving and restoring self-esteem involves sorting out the “mess” in your head into conscious and subconscious, distinguishing between your own judgments and those of others from the outside. But only a professional psychoanalyst can carry out such work. The fact is that if there are obvious problems in self-esteem and signs, then independent “flashes” of rationality and clear perception of the situation will not be stable.

The goal of work to restore and maintain self-esteem is to receive and accept the real Self, separating it from all imposed and fictitious images:

  1. The feeling that I exist. You need to realize your self, the very fact of the existence of a unique person with his own actions, reactions, thoughts and feelings.
  2. Awareness of who I am. Working with self-esteem involves realizing and searching for what kind of person he is and how he lives. The importance of personality already follows from this.
  3. Self-esteem is the value I place on my personality. If self-esteem is adequate, then I positively characterize my image. With low self-esteem, self-image is negative, causing self-deprecation and feelings of inferiority. The roots of self-esteem are always anchored in the subconscious.

How to independently adjust the heart rate? First of all, realize that you really need it. Without. With its help, regain self-love and unconditional respect, and then find something for which you can be proud of yourself. Don't try to please all people. Choose your criteria worthy person and listen to the opinions of significant others.

  • Learn to say “no” and make decisions based on your own beliefs. You don’t need to prove anything to anyone, do as you see fit.
  • Get rid of the craving for servility and (being abandoned, misunderstood, unaccepted, etc.).
  • Interact with people when you want to (or do so that you want to), and not under duress and for the sake of the status of a “worthy person”.
  • Recognize your rights and the rights of others to have different interests and desires. Exercise your right and do not interfere with others. Remember that personal interests do not always coincide, but every person has the right to satisfy them.
  • Set personal boundaries: what you will not allow in relation to yourself and what you yourself will never do in relation to other people. Maintain these boundaries unwaveringly.
  • Learn to speak sincerely and appropriately about your achievements and merits, do not be afraid of compliments, and do not be ashamed of your merits. Record your achievements, compare yourself exclusively with yourself. It is useful to make a collage of your life at home with all your plans and victories, the means to achieve your goal.
  • Self-esteem is not given at birth. This is a product of socialization, education, teaching, suggestion, copying models, self-education, and so on.

    Thus, in order to correct and maintain self-esteem, you need to work with self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, success, inner peace and harmony. Self-esteem is an individual’s self-respect, a sense of value and significance. Under what conditions will you be valuable and meaningful to yourself? What do you value in people?

    2 346

    It is your birthright to develop your ego and soul. To develop self-esteem, we must wake up and grow. But what does it mean? To grow is to mature psychologically and create a clear identity or ego.

    Your sense of self is the identity you wear every day all day long - it's your sense of "this is me" and "this is not me."

    The sense of self, also known as the ego, is the image of what we think about who we are. It's a way to differentiate yourself from other people. It is the biological, psychological, emotional and spiritual destiny of all human beings to create their strong selves.

    For those who want to develop a stronger sense of self-worth, here are some suggestions on how to do it.

    1. Learn to be alone

    Solitude may sound like a scary word or idea, but it is actually a very nourishing practice. Making space to be alone with yourself is the best first step to developing a strong personality. How often are you truly alone (without technological distractions) or people around you?

    The benefit of spending time alone is that it creates space for you to listen to your inner self. Being alone means that all external distractions are put aside and you are left with yourself.

    This may sound scary to some. Subconsciously, many of us are afraid of loneliness, but try to gently overcome this discomfort and realize that time alone is absolutely necessary in order to develop self-esteem. Find ways to be alone with yourself and explore your inner world.

    2. Be clear about your likes, dislikes, and values.

    For this activity you will need a piece of paper and a pen. Divide your page into three parts: one section for your likes, one section for your dislikes, and a final section for your values.

    In the Likes and Dislikes section, think back to times in your life when you felt either extremely happy or extremely unhappy. You can also think about what traits you like and don't like in other people. Write down your discoveries on a piece of paper. You may also want to reflect on the quality of your role models as well as your enemies. What do you like and dislike about each? Write down your thoughts.

    Values ​​are what you respect and value most about yourself and others. Examples of values ​​include generosity, honesty, kindness, and so on. Our values ​​are unique to us and come from our hearts and souls. To discover your values, think about times in your life when you felt most proud of yourself and write them down. What qualities motivated your behavior? Write down your answer.

    3. Set boundaries and learn to say “no”

    By creating strong boundaries, you strengthen your sense of self-worth by determining what is okay and what is not okay in social situations. You can also pay attention to any people in your life who frequently push your boundaries. Notice how you feel about each person in your life—whether they support you and lift you up, or whether they drag you down.

    When you feel exhausted, depressed or unhappy after meeting a particular person, consider limiting your contact with them. You have every right to take a step back, create rules and say no. Your time and energy are a limited resource, so make sure those draining it are far away from you.

    4. Stop being busy and tune in to yourself.

    Working too much can be a form of socially acceptable escape. When we focus on achieving goals and being productive, we simultaneously draw attention away from ourselves and direct it externally. There is nothing wrong with being an effective member of society. But have a balance between your work life and inner life.

    Consider simplifying your life, at least for a while. Reduce your obligations and do only what is necessary. Spend the rest of your free time exploring yourself and developing self-knowledge. One great way to develop a strong sense of self is to practice mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness helps you reconnect with the present moment and how your mind, heart, and body are feeling. Meditation helps you pay attention to your inner thoughts. Try experimenting with both methods.

    5. Redefine what success, happiness and satisfaction mean to you.

    If you have a low sense of self-worth, chances are you are living by the idea of ​​success, happiness, and satisfaction that others have given you. Don't worry, this is completely normal and you have the power to change it. You have the opportunity to see that you don't have to be rich or popular to be successful - YOU define success. You have the opportunity to see that you don't need to have a fancy job or a big family to be happy - YOU define happiness.

    You don't have to be spiritually elevated to experience satisfaction - YOU define what it means to you to be satisfied and happy. Your life is in your hands and don't let anyone try to tell you what you should do, feel, think or strive for. YOU can say “no, this is not for me.”

    6. Find out more about your personality

    Your personality is unique and multifaceted - and there are so many ways to explore it! Delving into the mechanics of your ego is fascinating, and today there are so many books, seminars, and articles on the Internet that encourage self-reflection. Because it is a fun way to get to know yourself better.

    7. Take responsibility only for yourself (not for other people)

    A weak sense of self-worth means that you tend to empathize too much with others to the point of taking responsibility for their feelings and actions. Stop it. Realize that the only person you are responsible for is yourself. Your parents, friends, colleagues, children and partners are ultimately responsible for their own happiness—it's not your job to make them happy. They are responsible for making themselves happy.

    With the exception of young children who need constant guidance, those who grow up and mature must be in control of their own lives. By trying to take responsibility for others, you deprive them of the opportunity to learn an important life lesson: we all must be sovereign and in control of our views, feelings and actions. It's not your job to be friends with everyone, take care of everyone, save everyone, or make everyone happy. Keep affirming this to yourself and you will find it easier to strengthen your personality since you will no longer be giving all that energy to others.

    8. Explore your passions

    What turns you on? What makes you feel alive? What kind of events do you like? By exploring your passions, you help the ego development process that we all must go through. Pay attention to what passions or skills capture you and attract you to them. Give yourself permission to follow those passions and see where they take you.

    9. Be a rebel: question everything

    As Carl Jung - a great proponent of developing a healthy sense of self-esteem - once wrote:

    “I carefully avoided all the so-called holy people. I did this because I had to deal with my own truth, not accept from others what I could not achieve on my own... I have to shape my life from myself, from what my inner being tells me or what nature brings to me ."

    This quote captures the essence of what it means to develop a strong sense of self. Having a healthy ego means believing in yourself and listening to your own truth.

    Developing a strong personality involves a certain level of willpower or willpower. You must be willing to question how others are trying to influence you and ask, “Does this feel true for me?” and “do I think this is right?”

    Over the course of your life, you will inevitably be presented with numerous points of view, beliefs, values, and ideals from other people that do not seem authentic to you. To distinguish between what seems genuine and inauthentic, you must ask questions and pay attention to your inner feelings.