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Unified speech mode. United Russia will conduct large-scale monitoring of the laws adopted in the spring United Speech of the Russian Federation monitoring

05.04.2018 16:33

A meeting of the Russian Language Council was held today at the Regional Government under the chairmanship of Deputy Governor Oleg Vasiliev. The event was attended by philologists, writers, journalists, literature teachers, methodologists, as well as representatives of universities and cultural and art institutions in the region. The main topic discussion centered on the issue of the procedure for introducing a unified speech regime in general educational organizations Vologda region.

“We are holding the first meeting of the Russian Language Council this year. Today we have several questions, they are quite serious. One of them will become a complete innovation. We must consider the proposal to hold the first congress of philological teachers in the region. Also today we will discuss the introduction of a unified speech regime in general education organizations in the region, since the topic is relevant. “Being able to speak, write, and communicate correctly in Russian is the task of our entire society.”, - Oleg Vasiliev addressed the participants of the meeting.

A unified speech mode is a system of requirements regulating the activities of participants educational process in order to provide conditions for optimal speech development. This system assumes compliance by ALL participants in the educational process with speech norms, education of speech culture, competent execution of all materials, documents, and visual propaganda in the institution.

“Currently, no measures have been developed at the federal level methodological recommendations on the issue of introducing a unified speech regime, which requires carrying out certain work in this direction in the region", - said Lyubov Vorobyova, Deputy Head of the Department of Education, during her speech.

The professional standard for teachers, adopted in 2017, puts forward new requirements for professional competencies teachers. One of them is the ability to organize students’ communicative activities. This means that increasing the level of Russian language proficiency of schoolchildren directly depends on the qualifications of teaching staff. In this regard, specialists from the Vologda Institute for Educational Development spoke at the Council with recommendations to develop additional professional program advanced training for teachers educational organizations"Unified requirements for oral and writing students of general education organizations.”

Members of the Council decided to recommend to the heads of general education organizations to monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of a unified speech regime. Representatives of the Vologda Institute for Educational Development will work to intensify the activities of methodological associations of general education organizations.

The meeting also discussed the results of a trial final oral interview in the Russian language in 9th grades in the region. To date, 650 students from 10 educational organizations in the region have taken part in it. The results showed that 96.3% of students received a Pass in the oral interview. Passing the final interview next year will give 9th grade graduates access to the State Examination Academy. This year, the results of the final interview will not affect admission to the final certification.

Professor of the Russian Language Department Guriy Sudakov made a report at the Council meeting on the First Congress of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature of the Vologda Region. It will take place in October 2018 at the Vologda state university. Participants of the congress will be met by 20 educational organizations of Vologda. The participation of teachers in the V All-Russian Belov Readings “BELOV. VOLOGDA. RUSSIA". The materials of the teachers' congress will be prepared for publication.

For reference:

The Russian Language Council was formed in March 2015 and approved by a decree of the Regional Governor. His main goal- combining the efforts of various public, scientific and government structures to study, develop and use the Russian language.

Details Created 04/16/2018 13:30 Author: Kovach S.N Views: 3202

A unified speech regime is a system of requirements regulating the activities of participants in the educational process in order to provide conditions for optimal speech development of students. This system presupposes compliance by all participants in the educational process with speech norms, nurturing a speech culture and a culture of competent writing for students in lessons in all subjects. curriculum and in the system of extracurricular activities.
Students’ speech should be expressive, which is achieved by a variety of vocabulary, richness grammatical structure, appropriate use of emotionally charged means of speech.
For students’ speech culture, such skills as the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor’s speech, be attentive to the statements of others, the ability to pose a question, take part in a discussion of a problem, etc. are also important.
The success of work to improve students’ speech culture depends on the coordinated activities of the entire teaching staff of the school, on how uniform requirements for oral and written speech are observed by students and teaching staff.

1. Regulatory documents

1.1. The regulation “On the Unified Speech Regime of General Educational Organizations of the Vologda Region” was developed in accordance with the following documents:
- Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation"(with subsequent changes);
- order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 “On approval of the federal state educational standard primary general education"(with subsequent changes);
- order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of basic general education” (with subsequent amendments);
- order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education” (with subsequent amendments) - hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard of Special Education;
- order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher ( pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)" (with subsequent changes).

2. Purpose of the Unified Speech Mode

2.1. The main tasks and goals of the Unified Speech Regime:
- compliance by all teaching staff and students with literary norms in the field of spelling, grammar, spelling, punctuation and calligraphy;
- mastering interdisciplinary concepts and methods of action (for example, the formation and development of the foundations of reading competence, types speech activity in all academic subjects, improvement in the learning process educational subjects skills of working with information);
- combining the efforts of all teaching staff of educational organizations to prepare students for oral exams, the final essay, as well as the creation of essays and detailed written statements as part of the intermediate and final certification of students;
- competent design of educational organization website materials, documents and visual aids.

3.1. The powers of the administration of an educational organization include:
- coordination of work on the introduction of the Unified Speech Mode;
- inclusion of questions about uniform requirements to the oral and written speech of schoolchildren, to the work of pedagogical councils, to the system of intra-school control;
-organizing the exchange of experience among subject teachers and holding joint meetings of methodological associations dedicated to issues of improving students’ speech culture;
-development of requirements for maintaining notebooks, checking work, types and quantities tests, work on speech development, inclusion of issues of monitoring compliance with the Unified Speech Regime in the regulations on intermediate certification students.
- exercising control to ensure compliance with the Unified Speech Regime by students and teaching staff (Article 28 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”).
3.2. The object of control can be the types of activities and content elements being tested at the intermediate and final certification of students.
3.3. The object of control over the implementation of the Unified Speech Regime by teachers of educational organizations can be the results of the state final certification of students, professional competitions, certification of teaching staff.
3.4. Methodological association teachers of the Russian language and literature leads and coordinates the work on the implementation of the Unified Speech Regime in a general education organization.
3.5. Teaching staff are obliged:
- maintain any documentation in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Speech Regime and in accordance with spelling and punctuation standards, other Russian standards literary language;
- ensure compliance of all materials (ads, stands, newspapers, records on chalkboard, presentation materials, etc.) spelling and punctuation norms, other norms of the Russian literary language.
3.6. Teaching staff should pay special attention to lexical work with students and instill skills in working with books, including reference literature and dictionaries. IN educational activities it is necessary to use tables, posters with difficult words for each section curriculum, stands “Write correctly”, “Love and know the Russian language”, “Are we speaking correctly?”

4. Requirements for oral and written speech

4.1. Requirements for students:
4.1.1. Any statement by students orally and in writing (a detailed answer on a specific topic, a report, a description of a physical or chemical experience, review of a friend’s answer, etc.) should be assessed taking into account the content of the statement, logical structure and speech design.
4.1.2. Students should be able to:
. speak or write about a topic while respecting its boundaries;
. select the most significant facts and information to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​the statement;
. present the material logically and consistently (establish cause-and-effect relationships between facts and phenomena, make the necessary generalizations and conclusions);
. correctly and accurately use linguistic means to formulate statements;
. construct a statement in a certain style (colloquial, scientific, journalistic, etc.) depending on the purpose and situation of communication (in a lesson, meeting, on an excursion, on a hike, etc.);
. answer loudly, clearly, observing logical stress, pauses and correct intonation;
. format any written statements in compliance with spelling and punctuation standards, clean and tidy.
4.1.3. A statement that adheres to:
. rules of pronunciation and stress;
. rules for the use of words in accordance with their meaning, as set out in dictionaries, and the features of use in various styles of speech;
. rules for the formation and modification of words, as well as the formation of phrases and sentences in accordance with the requirements of grammar;
. rules of spelling and punctuation, mistakes are not allowed in the spelling of studied terms, capital letters V geographical names, in titles historical events, V proper names writers, scientists, historical figures, etc.
4.2. Requirements for teaching staff.
4.2.1. During the educational process, teaching staff must:
- show in lessons examples of correct, expressive, clear, precise, pure speech;
- systematically plan students’ activities aimed at developing the skills necessary to work with text (Table 1); oral and written communication skills (Table 2); skills and abilities related to searching for information and bibliographic data (Table 3);
- make all entries correctly and accurately, in legible handwriting: on the board, in the journal, diaries and notebooks of students;
- to promote knowledge about speech culture and speech etiquette among schoolchildren and their parents.

This large-scale task will be implemented within the framework of a new project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which is called: “Organization of events to improve the skills of educators to update the implementation of software, methodological and didactic support for a unified speech mode in educational organizations with Russian as a non-native language of instruction "

The grant is included in the federal target program “Russian Language” for 2011-2015. Its implementation is carried out by an interuniversity group of teachers led by teachers of the Russian New University.

One of the main goals of the project is to increase the level of Russian language proficiency of schoolchildren, which directly depends on the qualifications of teaching staff and, first of all, Russian language teachers. And the fact that there really is a problem was recently confirmed at a meeting of the Russian Language Council under the Government of the Russian Federation in Vladivostok by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets. She noted: “We simply have poorly compiled a Russian language education program for our schools. We must make this program effective and of high quality.".

The normative document on the creation of a unified speech regime in schools lost force in 1987. And since then centralized normative document, which would determine the procedure for establishing, maintaining, implementing a unified speech regime and assessing students’ achievements in this direction, no.

A single speech mode does not mean that in Russian schools everyone must speak the same way. We are talking about uniform standards for creating texts in Russian, both written and oral, corresponding modern standards Russian literary language. And these standards should apply to both classes in the Russian language and lessons in other disciplines where the Russian language is a means of implementing subject content. And, of course, extracurricular activities, which can also be carried out on the basis of the Russian language.

The project leader, dean of the Faculty of Humanitarian Technologies, candidate of cultural studies Olga Yuryevna Ivanova, at an online briefing for colleagues from the regions, emphasized: “All of us, as citizens of Russia, must own state language, which is Russian. It lies at the basis of our mutual understanding. But today there is no mono-ethnic composition in our schools; there is a border between Russian, multicultural and national school blurred. Therefore, the grant is all-Russian and is aimed at creating conditions for creating a unified speech regime in all schools in Russia without exception.”.

IN creative team included specialists who were involved in the development of materials for the Unified state exam V Russian Academy education, as well as teachers specializing in the problems of the national school and meta-subject connections, the problem of the Russian language as a means of developing cognitive skills within other subjects of the school cycle. Scientific supervisor project leader researcher Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education I. P. Tsybulko.

During the implementation of the grant with the help distance learning 200 will be prepared school teachers and employees of regional advanced training institutes who will become tutors and disseminate the information received further. The advanced training program will be variable and will be included as an independent module in professional retraining programs.

The organizers plan to hold two online meetings (seminars). The first meeting is for teachers in the northwestern, southwestern and central regions, the second will be addressed to those who are in the Urals and beyond the Urals. In addition, at the end of September there will be an in-person seminar in the Moscow region.

Based on the results of the project, a collection will be published teaching materials for all school levels and classes, containing recommendations for creating a unified speech regime.

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