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Phil Schneider about secret underground bases of aliens. Why did the special services "remove" Phil Schneider? Underground military bases

Schneider claims to be one of only three survivors of the August 1979 alien battle and the only person who has received permission to release what the government knows about aliens.

In the frames of the old video, Phil talks about the incident and shows the scars from the wounds.

He was critical of a government that keeps its citizens in the dark. In the last two years of his life, he performed a lot with public speaking. Schneider claimed that there were repeated attempts on his life after he revealed what he knew. His death by suicide in 1997 is highly doubted by his supporters.

Battle with aliens

Schneider's suspicions first arose when he saw dozens of Special Forces Green Berets around the camp.

Then the team drilled four big holes- this was the standard preparation for the start of construction. But what came out of those holes didn't fit any standard, Schneider told a lecture in 1995. He went underground to inspect and found a six-foot gray alien nearby.

“He smelled worse than from the dirtiest dump. This creature looked absolutely terrible,” he says. Schneider felt for the gun. He was able to kill two creatures, but before that, one of them managed to radiate a strange and destructive energy.

The alien made a circular motion with his hand in front of his chest. Schneider showed this movement: "The next moment a blue beam hit me and literally fried me like a fish."

He showed his hand to those present. The beam burned off several fingers on his left hand and hit his chest. His shoes and feet were burned. The Green Beret saved Schneider's life, but he himself died. He dragged Schneider into the elevator and pressed the button to get him upstairs to safety.

More than 60 people died that day, Schneider says. The two survivors currently live in a nursing home in Canada, he says. They are under the protection of the Canadian government, and American citizens, including Schneider, are not allowed to communicate with them. According to Schneider, this is due to the fear that they might be kidnapped.

“Underground there was a war, and it continues to this day,” he says. According to him, there are 1,477 underground bases around the world, 129 of them are located in the United States. Each base is worth about $17 billion. He says that there is a secret budget hidden from the public and other departments of the American government, its volume reaches 25% of GNP. Military from other countries are also taking part in this war with aliens.

underground bases

Digging through YouTube collections, I accidentally came across the video "Underground bases of the world." It tells about a certain American military geologist named Phil Schneider (or in another translation, Phil Schneider). Based on what he saw during the service, the officer came to the conclusion that the freedom and democracy that he faithfully served no longer exists in the United States. Everything is run by the shadow government, and it, darling, manipulates the population of the country, uses it as a consumable to achieve its dirty goals. What goals? Yes, all the same: world domination and complete, total control over the population of the old Earth.

According to Schneider, huge underground bases, which are interconnected by a network of high-speed railway tunnels, play an important role in this process. At its core, this is a different, one might say parallel to what is on the surface of the world. It uses technologies that ordinary people have never heard of, it contains secret laboratories and factories, tectonic and climatic weapons, brainwashing and mind control facilities. And finally underworld completely autonomous. In a case often referred to as the BP, it would save the life of the ruling elite. Also, Phil Schneider ambiguously hints at the cooperation of the ruling circles with alien civilizations, from which most of those very advanced technologies were obtained.

Here is a summary of the revelations made by a former military geologist, who, by the way, did not speak out for very long. Literally a few months after Phil began to speak, the poor fellow was found in his own apartment, as you understand, dead. Some sources claimed that Schneider's body showed signs of severe torture that he was subjected to before being killed.

This is the original information. Now my thoughts on this. When asked to believe or not, I will most likely answer "believe." My reasoning is very simple. Trying to protect himself from all sorts of misfortunes, from time immemorial, man has sought to dig underground, and the deeper this shelter is, the safer he will feel. There he also hid treasures obtained by overwork. It goes without saying that the current powers that be are not deprived of this, probably already genetically incorporated aspiration. Especially when thousands of ready-to-launch nuclear missiles are scattered all over the world, and something will come from outer space. So the resolution "Dig!" presidents will give easily and simply. It's a pity, isn't it? Taxpayers' money, and, I suppose, they shouldn't wave a shovel.

I guess that's how it all started. Work began to boil, and at depths of several kilometers, entire underground cities arose, such as Putin's Yamantau. Squares appeared, and it immediately became clear that they were suitable not only as shelters. National secrets and secrets will be much safer there than on the surface. And that means everything is down: secret laboratories, the latest production, foreign exchange reserves, NZ warehouses, archives and funds.

When all this was securely hidden, a turning point was bound to come. A turning point, first of all, in the psychology of the owners of all these riches. From that moment on, they owned own world fully secured for a long time, absolutely controlled, protected from economic crises and natural disasters. All this leads to euphoria, a sense of one's own uniqueness, a sense of superiority over billions of other people. This means that the abyss, already separating those in power from the common people, has increased even more.

Of course, the underworld will grow stronger and expand. All the most advanced developments will settle there, since on the surface they are not only not needed, but even dangerous. Why, for example, abolish oil products? There is still plenty of oil, and you can make good money on it. Why sell a cancer vaccine? The dying are already paying their last pennies for tinted water in colored bottles. As for alien technology... Perhaps, this is a topic for a separate discussion.

Phil Schneider was an engineer who worked for the US government and was involved in building underground bases. He was a participant in a riot of people captured by representatives of alien civilizations with the connivance of American intelligence services at an underground base in Dulce / New Mexico / in 1979, who were used for genetic experiments, as well as for bloody rituals. During the confrontation, several aliens and many people died. Phil was one of three survivors of the shootout with the Big Greys. In his lectures, he often shows a scar received from a wound from a laser weapon.
Phil broke off relations with the American intelligence services, after which he gave revealing lectures about underground bases, about top-secret alien technologies, about the threat to the world and all of humanity that those who seek to establish a New World Order at the behest of aliens hostile to people carry with them.
...Phil had a friend, Ron Rummel, a former Air Force intelligence officer and publisher of Alien Digest. He died on August 6, 1993, he allegedly shot himself in the mouth with a pistol. Friends say, however, that there was no blood on the gun, and there were no fingerprints on the barrel and handle of the weapon. Also, the deceased's suicide note was written by a left-hander while Rummel was right-handed.

Phil himself was found dead in his apartment next to the piano. There were wires wrapped around his neck. According to some sources, he was brutally tortured before being killed. This is his last, dying lecture.

Base Dulce (Dulce) is located in the state of New Mexico, on the northern border with Colorado, about forty kilometers west of Cham.
According to rumors, the Dulce base was built, like Area 51, in order to transfer alien technology to the US government. It is also known that genetic experiments and mind control experiments are being carried out at the Dulce base. They are allegedly carried out by representatives of the alien civilization Zeta Reticuli. Again, rumored to be with the knowledge of the US government.
The base is located under the mountain Archuleta Mesa, at a distance of about five kilometers from the small town of Dulce. Small houses with tile roofs are built on the surface, built to distract the attention of the curious.
All vehicles related to the base are parked underground on the first level.
The second level is designed to accommodate special equipment: trains, shuttles, tunnel machines. Through extensive tunnel systems, you can get to other bases: Area 19, Area 51, Plant 42, Green River, Edwards Air Force Base, etc.
On the third level there are living quarters, complexes for the workers of the base and testing laboratories. This level is the main control node.
The fourth level includes laboratories for the study of the human aura, telepathy and hypnosis. According to some researchers, aliens can separate the astral body of a person from the physical, for further placement in physical body"alien object".
Level 5 is home to the "Gray" and "Reptoid" alien varieties.
The sixth level is called the Nightmare Hall. It houses laboratories where experiments and experiments are carried out on animals and humans. They also do cloning.
The seventh level is a warehouse of embryos for experiments.
Rumor has it that in 1979, as a result of disagreements between the aliens and the Americans, an armed conflict occurred. During this incident, 72 people died (44 hostages taken by aliens, 22 members of the Delta squad, and six were missing). As if as a result of the use of unknown weapons by aliens, all the people who took part in the conflict spontaneously ignited and burned alive. The aliens had no casualties, so Schneider may be lying.
There are a lot of rumors around the Dulze Base. Some say with complete certainty that the base belongs to the Zetas, others claim that the Sirians. But both of them agree that barbaric experiments are being conducted on the base to create a hybrid of a human and an alien, with an unprecedented violation of human rights and the violent abduction of the inhabitants of the planet Earth.

In 1995, American engineer and geologist Phil Schneider published a photograph of an unknown man. According to Schneider, he met this man while on secret government assignments. His name was Valiant Thor, and he was an alien from Venus who worked for the United States government. At least that's what Thor himself claimed...

The photograph was shown by Schneider during a lecture he was giving. He reported that it was made in 1943. According to Schneider, Thor only looked human. Physiologically, he was very different from ordinary people. So he allegedly had six fingers on each hand, his heart was enlarged, his lung was only one and of enormous size, his blood contained copper oxide ...

Philip Schneider claimed that he was involved in secret government projects to build underground military bases, and also worked in the famous "Area-51" and met Thor there. The IQ of the latter was 1200, which is not human standards. Thor was fluent in about 100 languages, including alien ones, and his age was allegedly about 500 years old.

In addition, Schneider assured that he knew many government secrets. For example, that the American government has a device capable of causing earthquakes, which has been used in practice more than once; that in 1954 the so-called Grenada Agreement was concluded between the US authorities and the "gray men"; that the AIDS virus was developed in a Chicago lab as a tool to control humanity; and finally, that an alien invasion of Earth is being prepared ...

Phil said that he was one of three people who survived a shootout that took place in 1979 at an underground military base in Dulce between representatives of the American intelligence agencies and aliens. As a result of exposure to alien weapons, Schneider received a charge of radiation and subsequently fell ill with cancer ...

During a lecture in 1995, Schneider stated that over the past 22 years, 11 of his best friends who knew something about the so-called government "conspiracy theory" had died ... Eight episodes were officially recognized as suicides. In particular, on August 6, 1993, Schneider's friend Ron Rummel, who had previously served in the Air Force, died. By official version, he shot himself in the mouth with a pistol. However, neither blood nor fingerprints were found on the pistol lying nearby ... And the examination showed that the suicide note, which was also found next to the corpse, was written by a left-hander. Rummel was naturally right-handed...

Few people took Phil Schneider's stories seriously until on January 17, 1996, shortly after the information about Valiant Thor was made public, he was found dead in his apartment ... Schneider was lying on the floor next to the piano, wires were wound around his neck ... The official cause of death was suicide, although, according to some reports, there were signs of torture on the body. Many ufologists believe that representatives of the American intelligence services "removed" Schneider because he "knew too much" ... Chief Editor In Veterans Today magazine, Gordon Duff called Schneider a "UFO witness", believing that he was remarkably intimately aware of U.S. government contact with extraterrestrials...

It would be possible to write off both the stories about the "alien from Venus" and the suicide to the paranoia that tormented Schneider, but it turned out that Schneider was not the only one who had information about Thor. So, Dr. Frank Stranges published the book "The Stranger in the Pentagon", in which he told about his meeting with Valiant Thor in 1959. According to Stranges' description, he was a man about 180 centimeters tall and weighing 84 kilograms, with curly brown hair and brown eyes ... The book says that Thor met with US Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. By the way, former US government consultant Timothy Goode also speaks about Eisenhower's connection with aliens.

In 1995, American engineer and geologist Phil Schneider published a photograph of an unknown man. According to the American, he met with this man while performing secret government assignments. His name was Valiant Thor, and he was an alien from Venus who worked for the United States government. At least that's what Thor himself claimed...

Schneider demonstrated the photograph during a lecture he was giving. He reported that it was made in 1943. According to Schneider, Thor only looked human. Physiologically, he was very different from ordinary people. So the alien from Venus allegedly had six fingers on each hand, the heart was enlarged, the lung was only one and of enormous size, the blood contained copper oxide ...

Schneider also claimed that he was involved in secret government projects to build underground military bases, and also worked in the famous Area-51 and met Thor there. The IQ of the latter was 1200, which is not human standards. Thor was fluent in about 100 languages, including alien ones, and his age was allegedly about 500 years old.

Collusion with the "gray men"

In addition, Schneider assured that he knew many government secrets. For example, that the American government has a device capable of causing earthquakes, which has been used in practice more than once; that in 1954 the so-called Grenada Agreement was concluded between the US authorities and the "gray men"; that the AIDS virus was developed in a Chicago lab as a tool to control humanity; and, finally, that an alien invasion of Earth is being prepared ...

Schneider also said that he was a participant in a riot of people captured by representatives of alien civilizations with the connivance of American intelligence services at an underground base in Dulce (New Mexico) in 1979, who were used for genetic experiments, as well as for bloody rituals. According to rumors, the Dulce base was built, like Area 51, in order to transfer alien technology to the US government. It is also known that mind control experiments are being conducted at the base in Dulce. They are allegedly carried out by representatives of the alien civilization Zeta Reticuli. Again, rumored to be with the knowledge of the US government.

The base is located under Mount Archuleta Mesa. On the surface, small houses with a tiled roof were built, the purpose of which was to distract the attention of the curious. All vehicles related to the base are parked underground on the first level. The second is designed to accommodate special equipment: trains, shuttles, tunnel machines. Through extensive tunnel systems, you can get to other bases: Area 19, Area 51, Factory 42, Green River, Edwards Air Force Base, etc. The third level houses living quarters, complexes for base workers and testing laboratories. This level is the main control node.

The fourth level includes laboratories for the study of the human aura, telepathy and hypnosis. According to some researchers, aliens can separate the astral body of a person from the physical one, for further placement in the physical body of an “alien object”. Level 5 is home to the "Gray" and "Reptoid" alien varieties. The sixth level is called the Nightmare Hall. It houses laboratories where experiments and experiments are carried out on animals and humans. They also do cloning. The seventh level is a warehouse of embryos for experiments.

During the confrontation, several aliens and many people died. Phil was one of three survivors of the shootout with the Big Greys. In his lectures, he often shows the scar received from the wound. As a result of exposure to alien weapons, Schneider received a charge of radiation and subsequently fell ill with cancer ...

During a lecture in 1995, Schneider stated that over the past 22 years, 11 of his best friends who knew something about the so-called government "conspiracy theory" had died ... Eight episodes were officially recognized as suicides. In particular, on August 6, 1993, Schneider's friend Ron Rummel, who had previously served in the Air Force, died. According to the official version, he shot himself in the mouth with a pistol. However, no blood or fingerprints were found on the gun lying nearby. And the examination showed that the suicide note, which was also found next to the corpse, was written by a left-hander. Rummel was naturally right-handed...

"UFO Witness"

Few people took Phil Schneider's stories seriously until on January 17, 1996, shortly after the information about Valiant Thor was made public, he was found dead in his apartment ... Phil was lying on the floor next to the piano, wires were wound around his neck ... The official cause of death was suicide, although, according to some reports, there were signs of torture on the body of the deceased. Many ufologists believe that representatives of the American intelligence services "removed" Schneider because he "knew too much" ... Gordon Duff, editor-in-chief of Veterans Today magazine, called the murdered man a "UFO witness", believing that he was surprisingly deeply aware of the contacts of the American government with aliens...

It would be possible to write off both the stories about the “alien from Venus” and the suicide to the paranoia that tormented Schneider, but it turned out that Phil was not the only one who had information about Thor. So, Dr. Frank Stranges published the book "The Stranger in the Pentagon", in which he told about his meeting with Valiant Thor in 1959. According to Stranges' description, he was a man about 180 centimeters tall and weighing 84 kilograms, with curly brown hair and brown eyes ... The book says that Thor met with US Presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. By the way, former US government consultant Timothy Goode also speaks about Eisenhower's connection with aliens.

Was there really a man named Valiant Thor? It is possible that there was a certain subject who only seemed to be such ... After all, there is evidence that the US government is deliberately “launching” disinformation about UFOs and contacts with aliens. It's hard to say what it's for.

Either in order to hide real contacts, or to cover up a number of secret military developments with the “alien hypothesis”. Most likely, of course, the second ... After all, there is still no evidence that at least one of the planets solar system there is life, including on Venus, from which Thor allegedly arrived ... Therefore, it is much more difficult to believe in an “alien” version than in secret technologies invented by earthlings ...