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FMO passing scores. Passing score for a budget in MGIMO

Famous alumni, a strong teaching staff, great prospects for a future career are just part of the reasons why MGIMO is the dream of many schoolchildren and students. What faculties and specialties can I apply to at MGIMO?

MGIMO faculties

The structure of the university includes 12 faculties, including:

  • Faculty of Management and Politics;
  • Faculty of Applied Economics and Commerce;
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations and others.

Among the faculties and specialties of MGIMO there is also the Faculty of International Journalism and the Faculty of International Law.

Some undergraduate programs are implemented jointly with European and American higher education institutions. Students enrolled in these programs receive two diplomas upon completion of their undergraduate studies: a diploma from MGIMO, as well as a diploma from a foreign university. It is worth noting that these programs are implemented in two languages: Russian and a foreign language of the country in which the foreign university is located. For example, in a program conducted jointly with the Higher School of Commerce, students study in Russian and French.

Minimum Unified State Exam scores for admission

To enter the faculties and specialties of MGIMO, you must first of all successfully pass the Unified State Exam. When submitting documents, there are restrictions on the minimum Unified State Exam scores:

  • The minimum score in Russian is 70;
  • The minimum score in a foreign language is 70.

When entering the Faculty of Law, an applicant must score at least 60 points in Russian and the same in a foreign language.

Admission to programs offered in English requires the following minimum scores:

  • 70 points in Russian language;
  • 80 points in a foreign language.

Passing scores for MGIMO faculties and specialties

Passing points are the value of points based on the sum of several Unified State Examinations that were recorded for the last person in the table of those admitted to a budget or paid basis training. In 2017, passing scores for MGIMO faculties and specialties were fixed at these values:

  • for the Faculty of International Journalism, the passing score for the sum of the required exams was 339;
  • in the “Economics” direction, implemented by the Faculty of International Economic Relations, the passing score was fixed at 329;
  • in the “International Relations” direction, implemented by the Faculty of International Relations, the passing score was 333.

Additional entrance tests: creative competition

For admission to the faculties and specialties of MGIMO, it is mandatory to pass additional entrance tests. Applicants who wish to enroll in the “journalism” program, implemented within the framework of the university’s Faculty of International Journalism, undergo a special creative competition. Given entrance test consists of two parts. One of them is a written exam. The student is given the task of writing an essay on one of the topics from the socio-political sphere. Applicants receive exactly 180 minutes to complete the task.

The second part of the test is the oral interview. The applicant is asked various questions, the answers to which are assessed by the examination committee.

The maximum score that an applicant can receive on an additional test is 100. An applicant who scores less than 69 points is not allowed to participate in further competition.

Additional entrance tests: English

To enter most faculties and specialties at MGIMO, you must pass an additional entrance test in a foreign language. The leading position is occupied by the exam in English language, the reason lies in the fact that in most secondary schools in Russia they teach English as a foreign language.

Applicants must have a set of at least 1200 lexical units of the English language in colloquial speech. In addition, it is important to know the rules of grammar, business letter And so on. The exam consists of 5 parts. The first part is devoted to vocabulary testing: a test task is proposed, including 10 sentences, each of which has 4 answer options, only one is correct. The second task is aimed at testing the applicant’s knowledge of adverbs and prepositions used in the English language. The third part of the exam tests knowledge of the grammar of a foreign language. In the fourth task, the commission tests the applicant’s ability to quickly translate text from English into Russian and back. In task 5, the applicant must show his understanding of the text read in a foreign language.

Additional entrance test: Spanish, German, Arabic, French, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Japanese

Applicants also have access to test tasks in a number of foreign languages ​​other than English. In general, all additional tests in a foreign language have a similar structure. During the exam, translation skills, reading comprehension, skills and abilities to apply grammar rules, and vocabulary are tested.

When entering the faculties and specialties of MGIMO (exams are carried out in written and oral forms), the applicant’s personal presence is required to write an additional entrance test. Without passing the test, the applicant will not be able to participate in the competition for admission to

Admission to the Master's program

MGIMO University prepares masters in 14 study programs, including:

  • economy;
  • finance and credit;
  • international relationships;
  • international economic relations;
  • linguistics and others.

Students master's programs have the opportunity to study under an exchange program with higher educational institutions in Europe and America that are partners of MGIMO. The university also runs dual degree programs.

To enter the faculties and specialties of MGIMO, you must pass an entrance test conducted directly by the university itself.

Students have the opportunity to enroll in full-time programs, as well as part-time. Most programs are implemented in collaboration with well-known and prestigious foreign universities, for example, the University of Reading, located in the UK, the Higher School of Commerce, located in Paris (France).

MGIMO is one of the most respected higher education institutions in the country. The main areas of study are diplomacy, economics, law, journalism. Graduates, for the most part, are provided with excellent jobs and prospects - which is why studying here is so attractive. Considering the huge competition at MGIMO, admission is a long and difficult path.

Recruitment for learning programs conducted by the following faculties:

  • Faculty of International Relations (IR)
  • Faculty of International Law (MP)
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations (IER)
  • Faculty of International Journalism (MF)
  • Faculty of International Business and Business Administration (IBA)
  • Faculty of Applied Economics and Commerce (PEC)
  • International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy (IIEP)

The first thing you need to find out before taking the package of documents to MGIMO is the Unified State Examination, which is required for each specialization. All faculties, without exception, require three exams: this is the Russian language required for all graduates, an additional foreign language, and an exam in one more discipline, determined by each of the university departments independently:

  • MO - history;
  • MP - social studies;
  • MEO - mathematics;
  • MJ - literature for the “International Journalism” program, social science for the “Sociology of Mass Communications” and “Public Relations”;
  • MBDA - mathematics;
  • PEC - mathematics for the direction of “Commercial Business”; geography for the direction “Ecology and environmental management”;
  • MIEP - history, mathematics, social studies (depending on the direction)

In addition to the Unified State Exam, each applicant will have to take additional exams held at MGIMO. They are usually held on the tenth of July, i.e. closer to the middle of the period admissions committee. For most areas, this is an additional exam in a foreign language, during which it is checked how well the applicant has vocabulary, how good is his knowledge of grammar and skills in working with text. Its structure is somewhat different from the Unified State Exam and requires different skills and knowledge from applicants.

Traditionally, the foreign language chosen is the same as for the Unified State Exam, however, applicants entering, for example, departments specializing in oriental languages, can take Arabic, Chinese, Korean or Turkish to choose from.

Applicants to the International Journalism major must be prepared to take an additional test in two stages. The first is an essay on a socio-political topic, the second is an oral presentation of your portfolio. The larger the portfolio, the better, but you should remember that all newspaper clippings, articles in magazines and on the pages of online publications must, firstly, be properly designed, and secondly, certified with a round seal and the signature of the editor-in-chief.

Knowing which exams need to be taken, the applicant can begin to estimate the passing grade required at MGIMO. As in all universities, it only increases every year. According to statistics for 2016, GPA“state employees” - 94, contract employees - 86. The number of hundred-salary employees in one or more disciplines exceeded three hundred.

In 2018, required to participate in the competition at MGIMO Unified State Examination points are:

  • in the Russian language - 70 points (in the areas of “Management”, “Ecology and Environmental Management”, “Commercial Affairs”, “Public Administration” - 60 points);
  • in a foreign language - 70 points (in the areas of “Management”, “Ecology and Environmental Management”, “Commercial Business”, “Public Administration” - 60 points);
  • in mathematics - 27 points (for the direction “Economics” - 60 points);
  • in social studies - 42 points;
  • in geography - 37 points;
  • in literature - 32 points.
  • in history - 32 points.

DVI in foreign languages ​​are also assessed on a 100-point scale. For example, an English language exam includes five tasks, two of which are worth ten points (vocabulary and reading comprehension), two are worth twenty (knowledge of prepositions and the ability to translate from Russian into English), and one is worth forty ( mastery of verb forms). Minimum score in DVI (foreign language) – 60.

The creative competition in the field of “Journalism” is assessed on a 100-point scale. Fifty points are spent on assessing the style of work, its content and relevance to the topic covered, another twenty - on assessing literacy (punctuation, spelling, speech errors). Another thirty points go to the oral part - during the answer, the student’s ability to understand and answer questions, argue his point of view, and the culture of his speech are assessed.

Applicants who scored less than sixty points for additional tests, drop out of participation in the competition (both for budget places and contract places).

The 2018 university admissions campaign has ended. We provide summary data on passing scores at the most popular Moscow universities by major (faculty)

Passing marks 2018

In 2018, applicants could apply to five universities for three directions each.

There were no additional exams at universities, with the exception of Moscow State University, MGIMO, as well as in the creative areas of some universities. Universities admitted winners and prize-winners of Olympiads out of competition or automatically gave them 100 points in a core subject.

Features of enrollment in budget places:

In all universities 10 percent budget places given to beneficiaries - disabled people and orphans.

Targeted admission - for them the real competition for certificates (passing score) is much lower (what is targeted admission, and about the paradoxes of the admissions campaign for targeted admission)

In order to take advantage of the discount, Olympians must score at least 75 points on the profile Unified State Examination. The All-Russian Olympiad is taken into account by absolutely all universities, but there are no Olympiads on the list approved by the ministry.

The largest number of free places on a budget this year went to:

The fewest budget places this year are allocated to the following specialties:

  • "Weapons and weapon systems",
  • "Art History", "Theology",
  • "Performing Arts and Literary Creativity."

Based on the official results of certificate competitions and on the basis of protocols on the admission of applicants, a list of Moscow universities with passing scores was compiled.

Passing score for budget places in 2018


Economy- a set of social sciences that study the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Economic reality is the object of economic sciences, which are divided into theoretical and applied. The theoretical direction is also called economic theory- it considers the features of the process of exchange, distribution, and choice of how to use limited resources. Applied economics studies the possibilities of applying laws, theories, and proposals developed by economic theory directly for the functioning of individual elements of economic systems.

university passing score
National Research University Higher School of Economics 362-372* 90,5-93
Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation 263 87,7
344 86
Russian Economic University named after. G.V. Plekhanov 343-345* 85,75-86,25
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation 257-269* 85,7-89,7
All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade 256 85,3
Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty of Economics 335 83,75
Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation 246-257* 82-85,7
State University of Management 245 81,7


Jurisprudence is a science that studies the properties of state and law; body of legal knowledge; practical activities of lawyers and the system of their training. Jurisprudence is understood as several interrelated concepts: The science of state and law, which studies the results of legal regulation and puts forward legal ideas about the possibility of making progressive changes in the mechanism and ways of regulating society. A body of knowledge about the state, governance, and law, the presence of which provides the basis for professional legal activity. Practical use legal knowledge, activities of lawyers.

university passing score average passing grade in 1 subject
381 95,25
All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade 281 93,7
364 91
268 89,3
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation 268 89,3
Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty of Law 345 86,25
Russian State University of Justice 256 85,3
All-Russian State University of Justice 255 85
Russian Customs Academy 252 84

Advertising and Public Relations

university passing score average passing grade in 1 subject
National research university « graduate School economics" 294 98
Russian the University of Economics them. G.V. Plekhanov 285 95
Russian Academy National economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation 284 94,7
Russian State Humanitarian University 275-277* 91,7-92,3
Moscow State Linguistic University 275 91,7
State University of Management 270 90
Moscow state institute International Relations (University) MFA of Russia 360 90
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics 262 87,3
Russian State University named after. A.N. Kosygina 250 83,3

*Depending on faculty/program

Continued on page 2

Official information

In accordance with the regulations on student dormitory, according to the rules for admission to MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, nonresident students (graduate students, interns, etc.) studying full-time at MGIMO are provided with a hostel, subject to availability.

When determining the priority for providing a place in a dormitory, the financial situation of the student’s family, as well as other benefits, are taken into account. The application can be accompanied by certificates about the composition and income of the family, as well as documents confirming the available benefits for admission to higher educational institutions (winners of All-Russian Olympiads, the “Smart Men and Women” competition, etc.).

Places are provided in one of four dormitories:

Dormitory No. 1 “Cheryomushki”
Located at the address: Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya street, 26. It is a 5-story brick building and has rooms for two or three people. Kitchens are located separately on each floor. The hostel has a student cafe, an Internet class, and a gym. Showers are equipped.

Directions: from the Universitet metro station by tram No. 26 to the Novocheremushkinskaya Street stop. In total, the journey takes approximately 30 minutes.

Dormitory No. 2 "Vernadsky"
Located at the address: Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 76. It is part of the University building complex and is a modern 13-story panel building. The hostel has double rooms with all amenities (bathroom, toilet). Kitchens are located separately on each floor. There is a cafe on the 6th floor. In the hall of the 1st floor there are long-distance and international telephone booths.

Dormitory No. 3 “Teply Stan”
Located at: Moscow, General Tyuleneva Street, 13. It is a 12-story panel apartment building. The hostel has places in 2-room apartments (2- and 3-bed rooms with a kitchen, toilet and bathroom) and 3-room apartments (3, 2 and 1-bed rooms).

Directions: from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station by buses 144, 227, 281 to the General Tyuleneva Street stop. In total, the journey takes 30-40 minutes.

Dormitory No. 4 “Tsaritsyno”
Located at: Moscow, Kaspiyskaya street, 28/1. It is a 5-story panel apartment building. The hostel has 1-, 2- and 3-room apartments (rooms with a kitchen, toilet and bathroom), designed to accommodate from 3 to 6 people.

Directions: from the Yugo-Zapadnaya or Prospekt Vernadskogo metro station to the Okhotny Ryad station, then go to the Teatralnaya station and to the Tsaritsyno station. In total, the journey takes 1 hour - 1 hour 20 minutes.

Certificate of provision of hostel accommodation in 2016

Places in dormitories are provided in mandatory free of charge to the following persons:
- orphans and children left without parental care;
- disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled since childhood;
- other preferential categories of applicants with supporting documents.

Available places for accommodation in dormitories are provided in order
in the following order:
- foreign citizens enrolled under the presidential recruitment;
- foreign students, including students in International Management (IM) programs;
- non-resident winners of Olympiads among schoolchildren (All-Russian Olympiads, Olympiads “Clever Men and Clever Girls”);
- non-resident persons studying on a budgetary basis.

Cost of living (as of 09/01/2016).
Students studying on a budget basis pay dormitory accommodation in the amount of 502.2 rubles. per month. Students studying on a contractual basis pay for accommodation on commercial terms (from 959.2 rubles per month).
Students also pay an additional fee for the use of household electrical appliances: 250 rubles. per month for students of budget education; 450 - 600 rub. per month for students studying on a contract basis.

The famous institute of diplomats, political scientists and translators and other international specialists even in Soviet times was considered a hard-to-reach and “major” university. They selected the best of the best and the best of their kind, and it was desirable to have special connections and money. Nowadays it has become even more difficult to enter MGIMO on a budget, but it can still be done. In each direction, from 5 to 77 budget places are allocated. In this article we will tell you what you need to do to take one of them. According to Yuri Vyazemsky, a professor at MGIMO and a famous TV presenter, getting into a university is possible thanks to deep knowledge.

How many points will you need?

The competition at MGIMO is high, more than 50 people per place. The lowest passing score in 2016 was in the direction of “State and municipal government"- 263, 15 people were hired on the budget. The highest passing score was recorded in the “Journalism” direction - 374 points, 25 students study for free.

1. It's all up to you

Without influential acquaintances and big money You can enter MGIMO on a budget only if you are very serious. Preparations for admission usually begin in the 9th grade. The volume of material is fantastic, so even 2-3 years may not be enough. You need to study for several hours every day, so get rid of the “time wasters” - social networks, TV, computer games.

2. Foreign language

This is one of compulsory subjects upon admission, so try to earn as many points as possible on the Unified State Exam. If you get less than 84 points, you can forget about how to enter MGIMO on a budget. Courses, tutors, online training, language camps to help you.

3. Olympiads and intellectual competitions

The status of winner, prize-winner of the last stage of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren, as well as a member of the team at international Olympiads for schoolchildren, allows you to enter without entrance exams.

How to get there? Show the best results at the school and city Olympiads, and then at final stages. In fact, you will have to study only one subject, but you will need to know it thoroughly.

4. “Smart guys and smart girls”

Thanks to the television humanitarian Olympiad “Clever Men and Clever Girls,” 10-15 people are admitted to MGIMO on preferential terms every year; in one year, even 27 guys were accepted, according to Yuri Vyazemsky. Every eleventh grader can get on the show. Muscovites can be selected directly by the school - the editors of the program go to educational institutions and invite talented guys. For those who do not live in Moscow, the presenter announces a question at the end of the program. If your answer is the best among those sent, you will definitely be invited to the shooting. Topics become known a month in advance, so everything depends only on your diligence and memory.

5. MGIMO Olympiads for schoolchildren

Participation in Olympiads for schoolchildren, which are conducted by MGIMO, significantly increases the chances of successful admission.

  • Olympiad on the profile “Humanitarian and Social sciencies"(history and social studies) together with " Russian newspaper" The selection of participants is carried out remotely. Students in grades 7-11 can participate.
  • Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography "Lomonosov" jointly with Moscow State University and the Russian Geographical Society. Students in grades 5-11 can take part. Tests are being carried out at regional sites.

6. Pre-university preparation

There is a pre-university training department at MGIMO. In classes, children study in depth the history of Russia, literature, the Russian language, foreign languages, including oriental and rare languages. Average mark on Unified State Exam graduates preparatory courses 90-93 points. The duration of the courses is 1-2 years.

The one who walks will master the road. Go for it, and after a while you will be telling everyone how to get into MGIMO on a budget.