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City of the future from an environmental point of view. A future without environmental problems

JSC "MSSZ" - the developer of the second phase of the city quarter "River Park" - summed up the results of the first half of the primary real estate market and noted the main trends.

Specialists from the real estate portal analyzed the dynamics and level of prices for secondary housing near Moscow metro and MCC stations. According to the portal, during the year, from June 2018 to June 2019, the cost per square meter increased for about 189 stations. Prices have decreased at only 20 stations. More than others, by 22.3%, prices increased in the area of ​​the station. m. "Butyrskaya". The cost of resales near the station fell by 12.6% over the year. m. "Luzhniki".

JSC Glavstroy, part of the Glavstroy group of companies, reports that the Expert RA agency has assigned JSC Glavstroy a credit rating of ruBB+. The rating outlook is stable.

In the shopping and entertainment center "Kaleidoscope", located at: st. Skhodnenskaya, 56, the Sofia jewelry store has opened.

In the garden named after Bauman (Staraya Basmannaya, 15, Moscow) on July 20, the “VkusVill” Festival of Friends will be held for the first time.

Now you can order from Chefmarket not only products with recipes, but also ready-made food - there is a menu for 1100, 1500 and 2000 kcal.

The WILO RUS company, one of the world leaders in the production of pumping equipment, took part in the agro-industrial exhibition “All-Russian Field Day”, which was held in Pushkin (St. Petersburg) from July 10 to 12, 2019.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by the Minister agriculture Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev and the governor Leningrad region Alexander Drozdenko.

The stand of the WILO RUS company was located at the land reclamation department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Lenmeliovodkhoz Management. On July 11, 2019, it was visited by a delegation from the Department of Land Reclamation of the Ministry of Agriculture, together with heads and representatives of regional branches of land reclamation farms from various regions of Russia.

WILO RUS specialists presented high-tech pumping equipment made in Russia and talked about already implemented projects for irrigating fields in the south of Russia. In particular, about projects completed using block-modular pumping stations based on Wilo-NL pumps and floating pumping stations based on Wilo-SCP pumps.

“We are continuously improving and updating our range of solutions for the agricultural industry, and participation in a specialized exhibition is a unique opportunity to demonstrate our highly effective developments for comprehensive solution land reclamation issues. The use of modern pumping equipment in conjunction with automation systems can significantly reduce operating costs for the maintenance of reclamation pumping stations by saving energy and the cost of routine maintenance. It is important for us to keep our clients updated on the latest developments in this area, and we are confident that the accumulated knowledge, technologies and developments aimed at increasing the productivity of agricultural equipment and simplifying its operation are the most important component of the development of the entire industry,” notes Valentin Zhivotov, head of the branch. WILO RUS in Volgograd.

All-Russian Field Day is the largest exhibition of advanced technologies in agricultural production in the Russian Federation. Field Day 2019 is designed to demonstrate cutting-edge achievements in agricultural production in real field conditions. This year, over 8,000 farmers and 200 agricultural organizations from all over Russia presented their products, achievements and developments.

WILO is one of the world's leading suppliers of premium pumps and pumping systems for buildings and structures, municipal and industrial enterprises. By developing intelligent solutions that connect people, equipment and services, WILO is becoming a digital pioneer in its sector. The company employs more than 7,800 employees.

The Russian division of WILO RUS was created in 1997. 30 branches and 12 regional warehouses have been opened in Russia. Today, WILO RUS employs more than 250 employees.

In Russia, in the city of Noginsk (Moscow region), one of the largest industrial complexes WILO is located. The plant was launched in 2016. The volume of investments amounted to 35 million euros. To date, 21 assembly lines have been put into operation. Testing and quality control of finished equipment is carried out on 10 test pipelines. In 2017, one of the largest in Europe began operating testing centers, the depth of the pool is 12.0 m, and the capacity is about 1 thousand m3.

The plant is marked by the professional energy efficiency system GREEN ZOOM with a “Platinum level” certificate. In May 2017, the WILO RUS production and warehouse complex was awarded the “Gold Certificate of the international certification system LEED-NC”. The facility scored the maximum number of points in the sections “Energy Efficiency”, “Water Efficiency”, “Innovation” and “Regional Features”.

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov launched the “Cheese Valley”. Production of the first cheeses is planned to begin in 2020.

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What is the city of the future, and what should it be like? Science fiction writers, designers, and engineers think about these questions. Moreover, they often seek answers to these questions in close cooperation with each other.

As a result, the outlined fundamental points that become an integral part of any modern project cities of the future. This is a concern for the environment and ease of movement, saving space and the desire for vertical construction.

We propose to get acquainted with 10 projects of cities of the future. Some of the presented conceptual projects are only in the development stage, while others are already under construction in order to give comfort to their residents and capture the imagination of their guests in a few years.

City without cars

The Chinese government has undertaken to build a city in which it will be possible to live without cars, having approved the Great City settlement project. The “Great City” is being built from scratch not far from Chengdu. The city will be designed for 80 thousand inhabitants, and any movement around it can be done on foot or by bicycle without any difficulties.

Its unique design will help you quickly get to anywhere in the city - the residential center will be located in the very center of Great City, and roads, office and administrative buildings will be around it. Thus, to get from the center to the outer ring of parks on foot, you will need to spend no more than 10 minutes.

According to the project, the Chinese city of the future will consume 58% less water and 48% less electricity. At the same time, the amount of waste in it will be 89% lower than in cities of a similar size.

Zero carbon city

If the Chinese Great City is a city without cars, then Masdar in the UAE is a city without cars and without skyscrapers.

Masdar is already being built from scratch in the middle of the desert near Abu Dhabi. The main feature of the city will be its complete independence from traditional energy sources. Instead of oil, gas and coal, Masdar will receive energy from the sun, wind and geothermal sources. This will make it the first zero-carbon city.

In this city of the future, a special place will be given to high-speed public transport, gigantic “sunflowers” ​​will cover the streets from the heat of the day, and the energy they accumulate will be used only at night.

Green city in the desert

Dubai is another city from the UAE that can become the green city of the future. Specialists from Baharash Architecture created a project in which they used the world's leading achievements in eco-construction.

Their project includes 550 comfortable villas, educational institutions and organic farms, the energy for which will be generated by 200 square kilometers of solar panels.

Solar panels could supply the city with half of its needs, and the use of environmentally friendly public transport would offset the rest of its carbon emissions.

"Green" city with dense buildings

The Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture bureau believes that ultra-dense development is one of business cards cities of the future.

Bureau specialists propose to transform the second largest Swedish city of Gothenburg into a city of the future. According to their plans, ultra-dense development and the use of roofs to accommodate vegetable gardens, solar panels and windmills will fully satisfy all the residents' needs for food and energy.

In addition, such development will significantly reduce traffic and help make the city river the main transport artery.

Vertical city

John Wardle Architects have suggested what Australian Melbourne might look like in 100 years. Their Multiplicity project demonstrates a huge metropolis growing not in breadth, but down and up.

To move around the Melbourne of the future, underground and air routes will be used, and a common transparent “roof” will be created over the entire city, which will be used to grow food, collect water and solar energy.

Pedestrian city

The Puerto Rican city of San Juan is another city that has decided to go completely car-free. But unlike Great City and Masdar, San Juan is not being created from scratch, but is being rebuilt.

City officials, concerned about the rapid decline in the number of residents, are investing $1.5 billion in the redevelopment. The main task is to abandon cars and create beautiful pedestrian areas. The authorities of San Juan expect that an environmentally friendly city with excellent opportunities for a relaxing holiday will attract both tourists and future residents.

A city with a comfort center

The winner of the competition was a project proposing to abandon motor transport and fill the center of Athens with green areas to create more comfortable conditions for walking. A small redevelopment will allow you to easily travel on foot from the center to neighboring areas.

Lawn City

Shan-Sui is another Chinese city of the future in our review. The creation of his project is carried out by the MAD Architects studio, and the idea itself is based on the veneration of the water element and mountains in China.

Shan-Sui is a city with a large number multifunctional skyscrapers. In each of them, residents and guests will have access to dozens of public spaces with pieces of wildlife for quiet relaxation and contemplation.

3D city

One of the most original projects of the eVolo 2011 Skyscraper Competition was the NeoTax project. Its essence is to build houses not only upwards, but also to the sides above the trees. Simply put, houses in the city of the future will occupy only a small area on the ground, but in the air at the 10-20th floor level they will grow in all directions.

In this way, it will be possible to preserve green spaces, and the buildings themselves, through the construction of additional modules, will offer people a much larger area for living and working.

City of pebbles

Drawing his ideas from natural forms, Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut proposed a city of the future project for the Chinese city of Shenzhen.

Each building, according to Callebo's idea, will look like a pyramid of sea pebbles stacked on top of each other. The architect emphasizes that such a design will fill the city with positive energy and will make it possible to equip gardens and vegetable gardens directly in the residential towers.

In addition, the “pyramids of pebbles” will have wind generators and solar panels, and the high density of apartments and houses will reduce the role of vehicles.

Most of us live in cities. It is important, therefore, to understand not only the environmental features of cities, but also to see our opportunities in improving the urban environment around us.

The history of mankind over the past millennia is closely connected with the creation and consolidation of cities. They say that cities are the face of civilization. At first they arose in connection with the need to engage in trade and protect themselves from enemies. Therefore, for a long time, cities were military fortifications located for defensive purposes at strategic points, or for the convenience of trade and communications on the banks of rivers and lakes. The Industrial Revolution led to a sharp increase in the role of cities in the development of society. This process is called urbanization.

No one will argue that urbanization improves people's living conditions. However, a significant increase in the urban population, as is known, also has negative consequences for the quality of life and condition environment. Occupying about 1% of the inhabited landmass, cities concentrate almost 50% of the world's population! The accumulation of people and the concentration of industry within a limited space leads to a sharp increase in the impact on nature.

Moreover, there is no city that can exist only within its official city boundaries. Energy, water, air and other resources used for human life and industrial production come to populated areas from the outside, and household and industrial waste is transported outside the city limits. This causes such large-scale changes in the natural environment that we can talk about the emergence of a new type of ecosystem on the planet - one of anthropogenic origin. Scientists called them urban ecosystems.

Their appearance leads to the displacement of natural systems by artificial ones, increasing the chemical, physical and mental stress on living organisms. A large city changes almost all components of the natural environment - the atmosphere, vegetation, soil, surface and underground waters and even climate, as well as electrical, magnetic and other physical fields Earth. The area of ​​forests and arable land is decreasing.

At the same time, the rapid pace of urbanization is one of the characteristic features modern era. Scientists even talk about an urbanization explosion in the twentieth century.

Latin America

These satellite images show the surface of the South American region at 40-year intervals. What changes can you notice looking at the pictures below? How does urbanization affect Latin America?

Similar changes, unfortunately, are typical for other regions of the planet. Today, almost 3 billion people live in urban areas in the world, more than 2/3 of the population in Europe.

Scientists note that the trend of significant growth in urban population on the planet will continue (see graph). Video 45. As for Russia, at the beginning of the 20th century, 13% of the Russian population lived in cities, and currently the share of the urban population is about 74%.

Do you know how the number of residents in your city has changed over the past decades? What caused the changes?

Based on the results All-Russian Census 2010 population in Russia 1108 settlements have city status. At the same time, there are 14 millionaire cities. The quality of the environment in the city is characterized by such factors as: the condition of the air and water basins, the use of urban land, the disposal of production and consumption waste, and the condition of green spaces.The nature of pollution and its consequences, which can be traced across various natural environments, can be seen on maps showing the level of pollution in Russian cities.We see that over large cities the atmosphere contains 10 times more aerosols and 25 times more polluting gases. 60-70% of gas pollution comes from road transport.

At the same time, a decrease in solar radiation and wind speed prevents the self-cleaning of the atmosphere. Changes in temperature, relative humidity, and solar radiation between the city and its environs are sometimes comparable to movement in natural conditions by 20 degrees in latitude, but at the same time a change in some natural conditions invariably causes change in others.

Cities consume 10 times or more more water per person rural areas, and pollution of water bodies can often be catastrophic. The volume of wastewater also increases significantly - it can reach 1 square meter. m per day per person. Almost everything major cities suffer from water shortages and many of them receive water from distant sources.

The problem of water pollution in cities of developing countries is especially serious. The state of their infrastructure results in huge volumes of untreated sewage and waste being discharged into rivers, lakes and coastal areas, destroying natural ecosystems and threatening the productivity and safety of water bodies. For example, Indian cities treat only a third of their sewage, discharging 26.5 billion liters of untreated sewage every day and large number various wastes into rivers and coastal areas.

Ganges River, India, one of the dirtiest rivers on the planet

Along with the problems of water basins, the soil of urban areas is also undergoing a radical transformation. In large areas, under highways and neighborhoods, it is destroyed, and in recreational areas - parks, squares, boulevards, gardens, courtyards - it is severely disturbed, contaminated with household waste, heavy metals, harmful substances from the atmosphere. Exposed soils contribute to water and wind erosion.

No one doubts the need for green spaces in cities. They are a very important component of the urban ecosystem. Their role is great in maintaining the composition of the air, cleaning it, humidifying it, and disinfecting it. Plants help improve the microclimate by lowering the ambient temperature in hot weather, providing protection from winds, and reducing urban noise levels. However, unfortunately, as a rule, perennial plants in cities are forced to develop under conditions of severe oppression.

Have you paid attention to the condition of green spaces in your area? Is their number increasing or decreasing?

As for animals, only a few usually live with people in cities: dogs, cats, goldfish, canaries, parrots - that’s almost all. However, their breeding, maintenance and maintenance in urban environments requires carefully developed sanitary, hygienic and veterinary control programs. This is especially true for unwanted human companions (rats, flies, cockroaches, lice and numerous pathogens).

One of the most complex urban environmental problems- waste. In large cities, household waste alone accumulates about 1 cubic meter. meters per year per inhabitant. This problem is discussed in detail in topic 11. Look at the example of Naples to see how difficult and dangerous it can be for the city. Video 46

However, despite the significant complexity of urban environmental problems, many of them could be effectively resolved today.

An eco-friendly city or a sustainable city is a new type of city in which natural environment is in a state of ecological balance with the urbanized environment. The creation of such cities on the basis of “sustainable” engineering and design solutions to all environmental problems is a relatively new direction that arose at the intersection of general ecology, urban ecology and engineering (industrial) ecology.

The United Arab Emirates is currently building Masdar City, the world's first city powered entirely by renewable solar and wind energy, without cars, and 100% recycling and using its own waste.

Masdar City will have zero carbon emissions at all. All energy will be provided by photovoltaic panels, concentrated solar energy, wind, other renewable energy sources, energy from waste recycling.
It is assumed that the city itself will be completely free of transport that produces carbon dioxide emissions. Emissions from travel to and from the city limits will be reduced by encouraging public transport, car sharing, and the use of "green" car models. Shaded sidewalks and narrow streets will also be built, creating a favorable atmosphere for those who prefer to travel on foot. The city's carefully planned transport system ensures that no resident has to walk more than 200 meters to the nearest transport stop.

It is important that materials from recycled waste, certified wood, etc. will be used in construction. The stores will sell environmentally friendly food products. Per capita water consumption will be 50% below the national average, and all waste water will be reused.

It is clear that this will be a unique city. However existing cities have great potential to become more environmentally friendly. Many of them are actively striving for this. Stockholm is recognized as the greenest capital in Europe. Video 13. Maybe you have traveled. Have you ever met large cities with good, in your opinion, environmental situation? Which? In which countries? And in our country?The cities we live in also have great opportunities to become greener. To a large extent it depends on us.

Let's draw conclusions.

About 50% of the world's population lives in cities and urban settlements, and the proportion of the urban population will constantly increase. Cities, in addition to certain social, everyday and other amenities, create both special environmental problems that lead to a decrease in the quality of life of people, and good opportunities for environmentally targeted actions. In order to make a city more stable and environmentally friendly, not only special urban planning, design and operation of buildings, the development of public transport, solving the problem of waste, etc. are required, but also a change in the lifestyle and consciousness of its residents, a high level of their environmental culture.

State special (correctional) educational institution

for students, pupils with disabilities health

general education boarding school of types I and II in the city of Armavir, Krasnodar Territory.

Prepared the project

10th grade student

Vrantseva Natalya


The image of the homeland for most of us is pictures of our father’s house, street, city, village or village, dear to our hearts, dear faces of relatives and friends.

Several years will pass, blocks of modern buildings made of glass, colored plastics, modern materials will grow, and will be illuminated by the bright lights of housewarming parties near green groves. Decorative flower beds and lawns will bloom at every step, cleanliness and order will reign. And the residents will proudly say: “Our Armavir is a city of exemplary order and high culture!” Everyone will be amazed by the changes that will change the face of the city. Already now, many who once left, returning back, do not recognize their hometown, admire its beauty. In a short time he has changed a lot in better side. Guests fall in love with Armavir and dream of visiting here again.

Armavir is a city-garden.

Armavir is gradually turning into a garden city. It has more than three thousand hectares of greenery, that is, over a third of all land.Rose gardens, deciduous shrubs, and tree seedlings are planted in courtyards, schools, and kindergartens.

The territory of Armavir is turning green before our eyes. Green spaces soften the climate and affect cleanliness and quality atmospheric air. Natural oases, the most favorable for recreation for city residents, have a healing effect on them. It’s easier to breathe among the greenery, the heat and dust are not annoying here, and the harsh noise is not tiring.

The largest economic center.

Armavir is one of the largest economic and fastest growing cities in Kuban.

Armavir is a cultural city. Museums, drama theatre, palaces of culture, Center technical creativity, a palace for children and youth creativity, music schools, an art school, many different clubs in educational institutions, yard clubs based on interests - all this is the key to a wonderful future for our city.

The city's health care will improve. The city administration is updating hospitals and equipment.

Time travel.

The ability to travel not only in space, but also in time has always been a magical dream of man.

We, grade 9a students, tried to travel back in time. This journey was not particularly far - we mentally traveled only 50 years into the future. We looked around carefully. And they answered several questions:

  • Are you inside a building or outside?
  • What was the first thing that caught your eye?
  • What seems most strange or unusual to you about the place where you find yourself?
  • What do the people around you look like? What are they wearing? How do they communicate with each other?
  • Imagine that someone around you noticed you. He asks who you are and how you ended up here. What do you answer him?
  • The stranger seemed interested in you and your story. He takes something out of his pocket and asks to take it as a souvenir. What is this item? What does he say about the world he lives in?

The answers turned out to be very close to our ideas about the future of our hometown.

  • Most likely, we ended up on the street, namely, in the city center on a square or in some new fountain park.
  • Looking around, we recognized our city. What struck us most were the green streets and the magnificent architecture of the new buildings. But most importantly, I was pleasantly surprised that trams appeared in our city, this is because the population of our city long ago crossed the line of 500 thousand people.
  • The huge satellites on the roofs of houses seemed a little unusual to us. Progress has reached the point that people have learned to use wind energy in their homes. And this is not surprising, because Armavir is one of the largest industrial centers in the south of Russia.
  • There are friendly people around us, but fashion has changed, they are dressed very stylishly and beautifully. The residents of Armavir communicate culturally among themselves in the correct Russian language.
  • As a gift we would like to receive a calendar or photographs depicting our city at that time. We think that a gift from the future will tell us about the new airport that connects Armavir with other cities of the world, about how our city has become prettier and continues to be transformed and built every day. He will also tell you that electronically controlled bridges were built across the Kuban River, on which trains now run.

In the city clean air and water. People planted more trees and plants. For cars, they came up with harmless fuel, for example, solar energy. There is no garbage because people have learned to recycle it. Good treatment facilities have been installed at factories. New schools have opened to protect animals. They learn how to care for animals and help them in trouble. There are no stray dogs and cats on the streets.


Armavir is the most amazing place in Krasnodar region. We really want the city to live, prosper and delight all people with its uniqueness.

In the future, our city will become even more beautiful than it is now. Man is the master of his land. And a good owner always keeps order in his home. Our home is Armavir. A person lives as long as his heart beats. The city also has its own heart. And we, its inhabitants, must do everything so that this heart never stops!

Everyone has a place on the planet

Which is more expensive not to find,

Where do all the roads in the world lead?

And where are all your paths at the beginning?

Leading global companies worked on these projects for cities of the future: Foster & Partners, KPF Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates and SOM. It is likely that in the future this architecture will be decisive in our way of life, where concern for ecology and cleanliness of the environment will be primarily emphasized.

Masdar city

Let's start with the Masdar City project, which is planned in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. Located near Abu Dhabi, Foster & Partners' Masdar City project is part of a broad research program launched by the government of the United Arab Emirates seeking to develop and optimize renewable energy. “We wanted to unite modern technologies with Arabic traditions, creating a new community in the desert. Our goal was to create a completely independent and self-sustaining community." The city of Masdar is designed to be in maximum harmony with nature and the surrounding world. The city will be divided into two main areas, separated by a large park. The project is still in progress coming.

Meixie Lake

Meixie Lake City is a project of KPF Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates. “The Meiksi Lake Master Plan offers a new model of living in harmony with Nature. The densely built city plan is enriched by a wide variety of different types of buildings for different functions, closely integrated with mountains, parks, lakes and canals. The city is environmentally self-sufficient and offers a healthier and richer lifestyle,” KPF Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates said in a statement. The city centers around the central lake Meiksi. The buildings are located along shipping channels intersecting with parks. Residential areas are divided into eight groups, including cultural and commercial structures. The special layout of the central lake allows for shorter distances, reducing the impact of traffic pollution, and even allows for irrigation of urban farms, optimizing the wastewater system.

Golden Hills

The project is the brainchild of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP – SOM. They designed a master plan for a residential community in the north of Da Nang, taking it to the next level ecological development in Vietnam. The city is planned over an area of ​​375 hectares along the Ku De River and includes many clustered districts. “The plan takes into account the critical level of flood threat to the area, with a series of special structures to protect against storms. SOM's master plan also includes an eco-park to protect and enhance wildlife habitat along the 2.7 km river bank. This park system helps in flood control by preventing rainwater from entering the surrounding area. Instead, it is filtered and collected in special channels for subsequent irrigation of farms,” comment experts from SOM.

Songdo Master Plan

Songgo is located near downtown Seoul, next to Incheon International Airport. They plan to make it one of the most important business centers in the world. The city is taking advantage of Cisco programs to provide high-level connectivity among residents. In 2015, Sondgo will accommodate 80,000 residents on an area of ​​610 hectares, becoming wider and larger with properties built by private investors. “This master plan includes a diverse array of programmable elements and is designed to be a pedestrian-friendly city, with very high level life. Will be widely used here high technology, with numerous green areas and entertainment parks,” KPF Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates comments on its project.