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The state does not exist in order to turn earthly life into paradise, but in order to prevent it from finally turning into hell (Unified State Examination Social Studies). Essay "the future of the country is in my hands" Essay on the topic of the state of the future

“The state does not exist to turn earthly life into paradise, but to prevent it from finally turning into hell,” said N.A. Berdyaev.

In his statement, the Russian philosopher raises the problem of the importance of the role of the state in the life of any society, which is quite relevant, because It is precisely this that performs the most important functions necessary for the normal existence of people.

With the opinion of N.A. Berdyaev cannot but agree, because we know that the state dates back to the birth of developed civilizations and has always ensured their sustainable existence, and it is absolutely impossible to imagine a world without it even now, many hundreds of years later.

To confirm the correctness of this judgment, let us turn to the theory of social science.

The state is a form of organization of public power that has a special apparatus to carry out its functions. Among the main functions of the state are political, legal, cultural, social, and educational. It carries out these functions either in a legal form (issuing normative legal acts, taking measures for their implementation, monitoring their implementation) or in an organizational form (ensuring the work of bodies, maintaining statistics, explaining normative legal acts). In fulfilling its functions, the state somewhat limits the activities of people, but does this for the benefit of their peaceful coexistence.

To confirm the above, let's look at history. In the Russian Empire, quite a lot of funds were always allocated to maintain order and tranquility among peasants and other “restless” segments of the population. Their life was not paradise, because... they were persecuted, and their rights were significantly infringed, but thanks to such a policy, some kind of peace was established in the country, and the possibility of mass uprisings that could turn the life of the entire population into hell was prevented.

Now there are no less effective means of maintaining order in the country, including legislation and regulatory legal acts, the publication of which the state has a monopoly. Laws do not make the life of society a paradise, because... restrict him in certain freedoms. However, this is done only in order to provide the population with other, more important freedoms and not allow anarchy to reign.

Thus, I would like to emphasize once again that N.A. Berdyaev was indeed right, because... It is the state, fulfilling its main internal functions, that is able to ensure order and tranquility of society as a whole, even by limiting some of its rights.

Updated: 2018-12-25

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  • “The state does not exist in order to turn earthly life into paradise, but in order to prevent it from finally turning into hell” (N. Berdyaev)

Essay “If I were President - my first three decrees”

Today the topic of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation is very relevant. In our country, the presidential elections of the Russian Federation will be held on March 18, 2018. Who is the President? The president (from Latin praesidens - sitting in front) is the elected head of state in countries with a republican form of government. The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 80). This determines its place in the system of federal authorities. The term of office of the President of the Russian Federation is 6 years. In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation” and the Constitution of the Russian Federation: a citizen of the Russian Federation who is at least 35 years old and has permanently resided in the Russian Federation for at least 10 years can be elected President of the Russian Federation. (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 81, clause 2) This is a person who coordinates the activities of the entire state and its individual parts. There is a huge responsibility on the shoulders of the president, so I would deeply study the Constitution of the Russian Federation and make an amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 81, paragraph 2 ... not younger than 30 years old, permanently residing in the Russian Federation and not having deposits or property abroad. I would call my first Decree No. 1: “Presidential Code of the Russian Federation.” In it, I would clearly indicate what qualities the president, the head of our state, should have. I would give him the following powers:

The president:

Forms federal authorities; - has the right to dissolve the State Duma; - determines the main directions of domestic and foreign policy and manages it; - plays a decisive role in the field of military policy; - is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief; issues decrees and other acts; - calls referendums and elections; Without exaggeration, we can say that the direction of development of our country, our well-being and security largely depend on the President’s policies and his activities. Therefore, the presidential election is the most important political event in the life of our state, especially considering the current situation in the world. In presidential elections, you must choose a worthy person; you cannot make mistakes. If I became president, then first of all:
-extended the term of presidential service so that the same person could only be elected president twice for 10-year terms. It seems to me that this will contribute to the development of our country and the development of society as a whole;- would reconsider the work of the Federal Assembly, Article 96, paragraph 1. “The State Duma is elected for a term of 6 years,” and Art. 97, paragraph 1, “Only a citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 25 and has higher education and work experience can be elected as a Deputy of the State Duma,” and in Art. 98 clause 1, I would change it as follows: “Members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma are responsible to voters and do not have the right of immunity, but are responsible for their actions in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. I think that then the deputies would be interested in the requests of their constituents, and would not sleep during the work of the State Duma.

Russia is a great country, everything must be done so that Russia does not lose its status. Russian people are people of the earth who have been engaged in agriculture from time immemorial. Agricultural producers are currently, despite state support, literally fighting for survival: ridiculous purchasing prices, lack of modern energy-saving equipment, harsh climatic conditions - I observe all this every day in our village. I would start restoring agriculture, starting real support not only for small businesses, but also for large farms. All this contributes to the creation of new jobs, the production of environmentally friendly products, and, finally, the development of the territory, since our fields are now overgrown with weeds. Then, by right, there can be an ear of corn on the coat of arms of our country. Being president is an honor, but also very difficult; it is a great responsibility not only foryourself, your work, but also for the activities of the people around you, like-minded people, as well as for the life and well-being of a multimillion-dollar country.Before becoming president, a person must think whether he is ready to put such a burden on his shoulders, whether the burden he takes into his own hands will be strong enough.Reporting of government officials and everyone in the public service on expenses. If costs exceed income, there will be confiscation without trial and, quite possibly, imprisonment. But this is a utopia - no president can be independent; in order to carry out a presidential campaign, he must have a team and large capital behind him. That is, any president, having come to power, will take into account, first of all, the interests not of the country, but of the team and the capital that stands behind him. I wondered what if I really would someday become president. Then I would... I tried to erase the lines between city and village, so that young people would not try to leave their native village, but would remain to work in their villages. To do this, first of all, it would be necessary to ensure that collective farmers receive monthly wages. I want there to be good medical education everywhere, and every school to have computers. After all, children should be able to keep up with their urban peers from their school desks. I will also try to increase the pensions of the “old people”. And for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, triple it. After all, if it weren’t for them, Russia would no longer exist. Then, I would improve the defense of Russia, so that the people would be confident that they are under the reliable protection of the state. Officials shrug their shoulders: “Why does the death rate exceed the birth rate?” Firstly, healthcare is worse than in other countries. In order to have an operation, people fly abroad and undergo treatment at a huge cost. Secondly, drug addiction. Our youth are increasingly exposed to drugs. In this regard, I propose to tighten the punishment under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Thirdly, I noticed that there are more and more accidents in the country - air transport, water and land. Thousands of people die in such accidents. One of the most pressing problems in Russia is bad roads. I learned that the budget allocated for the repair and construction of roads is being stolen. If I were president, I would personally supervise the work of road workers. The list of ways to get Russia back on its feet can be endless, but I have chosen the most important ones. And I promise, if I become president in the future, I will do everything for my Motherland . I would increase the pensions of the elderly, because they do not have enough of the amount that is paid per month, and because of their age, they can no longer work so that they have enough money for a comfortable life. They worked a lot when they were young.
Also, many parents cannot afford their children a comfortable life, but the child wants to play somewhere. Some children may have accidents if there is no playground. I would build as many free creativity houses as possible. Children need to develop their talents, because in the future any child can become an outstanding writer, or a famous artist, teacher or doctor.
I would introduce restrictions on TV programs. Because most programs use foul language and show scenes of violence.
A lot of different workers would be needed for all the tasks. People would be busy, they would receive money for their work, they would not fight, they would have no time, and no reason to.
This is what I would do if I were president!

This is how I see my country: people live in large and spacious apartments. Each house has an elevator. There are many playgrounds in the courtyards, and the streets are decorated with many comfortable benches for passers-by and flower beds with bright flowers. Every city in my country has cultural and recreational parks and water parks where children can have fun all year round at low prices. Every resident of the country can travel around our beloved Russia for free once a year to have a good rest and see different sights. Many sports grounds, stadiums, gyms, and swimming pools have been built for people, where they can come at any time and do physical exercise at very low prices. You won't see stray cats or dogs on the streets. Because no one will ever dare to throw an animal into the street, since there is a punishment for such a violation. On my instructions, a “Supervision Service” would be organized, which monitors the cleanliness and order on the streets, prohibits smoking, drinking alcohol and using obscene language. This service controls the work of plants and factories.

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The future of my country is in my hands.

Let not every warrior harm the enemy,

But everyone go into battle! And fate will decide the battle...

N.A. Nekrasov

Everyone knows the proverb “There is no man in the field,” but I think that it does not apply to all aspects of our lives. If a person is an individual, then he himself builds and rebuilds the society that creates him. This means that one person is quite capable of changing the future of his homeland. Looking into history, we learn about people who changed the future not only of their country, but also the course of history of the whole world. As a rule, these are great commanders, rulers, war heroes... Undoubtedly, the civic position of such great writers as N.A. Nekrasov, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy had a great influence on the development of society. Can each of us influence the future of our Motherland? I think yes, everything is possible! Take, for example, the problem of a healthy lifestyle. I asked many young people the question: “Why do you smoke and drink alcohol?” As a rule, my interlocutors either found it difficult to answer, or answered that it was fashionable: “Everyone does it, and I will!” This makes me wonder why neither I nor my friends, without following this fashion, remain black sheep in society.

Most young people with bad habits study at school or other educational institutions. Let's imagine their daily routine: in the morning they go to school, then come home, do their homework poorly, immerse themselves in the Internet, go to bed for several hours because they didn't get enough sleep at night, and late in the evening they go out to meet friends. they buy alcohol and cigarettes at the stalls and go where they can “have fun in peace.” And then it becomes known from the media that some teenager has committed illegal actions or disappeared, perhaps ran away from home or died... Often young people themselves put their lives in danger, forgetting that they are making not only themselves unhappy, but also their relatives and friends.

It seems to me that a person who has bad habits is usually unhappy. After all, happy people will not ruin their health because they think about the future, about family, about children. A person leading an unhealthy lifestyle harms both himself and the people around him, including his children, having a detrimental effect not only on physical, but also on moral health. And children are our future, the future of the whole country! Therefore, in order for my country to be strong and prosperous in the future, I must at least try to awaken in people the desire to leave their bad habits in the past and make them want to become better people in a new, happy world for them.

My grandmother says that there is no more beautiful person than a healthy person. And I completely agree with her. A person's appearance plays an important role. When we first meet, we initially evaluate the appearance of the interlocutor, and only then do we come into contact with him. Therefore, if a person wants to be successful in society, he must have a pleasant and neat appearance. Perhaps someone who is just starting to smoke or drink alcohol will not notice any changes in their body or appearance at first. But I personally noticed that after a while a guy or girl who constantly smokes or drinks alcohol begins to cough, complain of body pain, their eyes are often tired, their appearance is generally unkempt, their skin color is uneven and dull. I'm not talking about the fact that in families where parents smoke, drink or use drugs, children, as a rule, are born unhealthy. The children of such unfortunate parents make me pity, and I think that a country in which the number of such families will grow has no future.

Currently, a healthy lifestyle is being actively promoted in our country, relevant laws are being adopted, and mass sporting events are being prepared. I think that Russia has chosen the right path to preserve the health of the nation and this will undoubtedly bear fruit in the near future. But can one person in a country where the system of ideals is changing remain true to himself and contribute to the development of a new society and its values? The great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov devoted all his strength, talent, and energy to serving the people and their happiness. He remained faithful to his ideals, his civic position until the last minutes of his life. His life and literary example is proof that one person can be a warrior if he has the gift of persuasion and is ready to defend universal human values, fight for moral ideals and defend an active life position.

The future of the country is in my hands

What is called the Motherland?

- My home, my family,

Favorite class

My friends,

Where was I born and where do I live?

Where I love to celebrate spring,

Relax in a beautiful park

Walk in sunny alleys.

When I was very little, my homeland consisted of a small alley where I lived: low houses immersed in the rays of the sun, the air is filled with the aroma of bird cherry trees decorated with dark white tassels, beetles and butterflies fly, everything around is calm and measured.

But I grew up, and my idea of ​​my homeland changed. I learned that it has noisy streets filled with cars and pedestrians rushing about their business, and areas with gloomy high-rise buildings, and sleepy courtyards with dilapidated buildings, and majestic ancient buildings made of wood and brick.

Russia. Homeland. The most sacred thing a person has is his homeland and family. If I had a choice of birth, I would ask God to be born where I live now.

I am proud of you, my Russia! Since childhood, I have absorbed your wonderful images, kind fairy tales and songs of freedom. Can any other country in the world boast such a huge cultural layer? Pushkin, Bunin, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Pasternak, Repin, Vasnetsov, Polenov - I don’t have enough paper to list all your great writers, poets and artists. People you can’t help but be proud of, people you want to live up to.

Your incredibly melodious language conveys all the subtleties of the huge incomprehensible Russian soul - my soul, Motherland! How can I think about the future without knowing my past? It should not be forgotten, it is in my genes, in my subconscious. You, my Country, were protected by my ancestors; it was they who bequeathed to me love for You.

And how can a Russian person fearlessly look at the vastness of Your expanses, my Land; on the whiteness of the snow. Is it possible not to admire the intelligence, beauty, incredible generosity and childlike spontaneity of Your people?

The future is always unclear, mysterious and enigmatic. Especially if this future is tens or hundreds of years distant from the present. Science fiction writers fantasize about what will happen there. Human consciousness is not capable of foreseeing the future and rationally constructing it according to a certain plan (project) recognized by all as expedient and ideal. But leaving the future complete freedom to develop spontaneously and by gravity is also dangerous. Everything in this world is developing in a risky direction, all processes are taking place on the very edge of stability, and just look, everything will end in a universal catastrophe. In order to survive, humanity needs to MASTER the problem of the future at all costs, that is, learn to construct this future intelligently and purposefully.

Your future, Motherland, is in my hands. And it depends on me to make it bright and great. So that you want to strive for it, live in it, raise children.

There is no wonderful future without my past and present. But if I cannot change the past, then my present depends on you, Adults! And do you think about me when you import processed nuclear fuel into my beautiful country? And are you asking me if I want to die in your adult incomprehensible wars? And do you really want to know if I can pay for education at the university I like? And do you really wonder what I think about the new store being built when my school is collapsing right before my eyes? The future of my country is being made today, already now. By me. By you. Us. By you, Adults!

But still, not everything is so bad and hopeless. There is something to say “Thank you” for. For giving me the opportunity to communicate with my peers abroad; for feeling happy wandering through the complex labyrinths of the Internet; for the fact that I have a mom and dad; and simply for the fact that I exist on this beautiful blue Planet...

And I really want you, Adults, to be proud of me: my parents, my teachers, my Motherland. I will try very hard. Perhaps I will write a wonderful book, or launch an ultra-modern spaceship, or establish contacts with alien civilizations, or invent a new vaccine against terrible diseases of mankind... Well, maybe not me, my classmates, my generation.

When my generation grows up, it will appreciate the history of the present day and rethink today's values. It will pay for you, Adults, for your debts, mistakes and miscalculations...