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Intellectual game question to fill. Teacher Universities

Olga Dolgova
Intellectual game “Question for backfilling”

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests. I greet everyone who is watching us now. In the next 30 minutes you will witness the fight between two teams in the most exciting and entertaining game « Tricky question» . The winners will get All: both fame and super prizes. A to the losers bitterness and defeat. Begin. To my right is the team "Preschoolers", your motto. To my left is the team "Sun". Your motto. Well done. I see that both teams are ready to fight. The boys are confident in their abilities and expect to win the game. It's time to learn the rules games:

Our rules are very simple.

Hearing question, discuss it.

You have 30 seconds to think,

So that by answering correctly, please us.

The reward will be bags of sand,

which you need fall asleep later

At these hours, and the more sand,

The higher your chance and victory is near.

I’ll give you a quick question

I'll turn the clock over slightly

And as soon as this sand runs out,

We will find out who is the best expert here!

The fight between the teams begins. I announce the first test.

I.Round "Living World"

Leading: Which of you is afraid of mice? Why are you afraid of them? (children's answers). This bag will be received by the one who answers the following question

1 question– What night bird hunts mice? And that's why she was nicknamed "feathered cat"- finch, owl, stork. (children's answers).

Leading: In just one summer, an owl can catch 1000 mice.

2 question- Where can’t you see a starfish? – at the bottom of the ocean, in the Caribbean Sea, on uniform. (children's answers). Starfish can be seen both in the sea and in the ocean, but not on uniform.

3 question- Which insect is dangerous for the garden? Options: caterpillar, ant or dragonfly

4 question Who can often be seen on the ground after rain? Options answer: worm, beetle, bumblebee.

I announce the second round

I Round 2 “What will you do?”

Situation #1:

A pleasant looking young woman says boy: “Hello boy! What is your name? And where do you live?" How should a boy respond to a stranger?

Three answer options:

1. Now I’ll call the policeman!

2. Sorry, but I'm in a hurry!

3. My name is Vitya, do I live in this house?

Situation No. 2:

The child is lost. What will he do?

Three answer options:

1. Run everywhere and look for mom.

2. Ask a passerby to take you to the nearest police station.

3. Stand in the place where you are lost.

Situation No. 3:

The man offers the boy a ride in the car, takes him by the hand and pulls him into the car. How should a child behave?

Three answer options:

1. I will scream and call for help.

2. I will go with a stranger.

3. I'll call you on the phone.

I.Round "Hobbies" .

Leading: Guys, what traffic rules do you know? (children's answers).

Leading: You know a lot of rules, now answer question

1 question- There is an above-ground and underground pedestrian passage, passage, crossing

3 question - 1. What is the name of the profession of a person who puts out fires?

fireman, extinguisher, extinguisher.

This was the last one question of the round"Hobbies".

Leading: You like to relax and have fun. Right now the most fun and entertaining round begins. I invite you to a break. let's take a break and let's play. You have to make an applique.

"Fun Math"

Now I will ask you problems for which you will not be given answer options. The rules remain the same same: In 30 seconds you will have to confer and find a solution to the problem. As soon as the time is up, the team captains hit the tambourine - whoever was first in time is responsible.

So, get ready. I'm reading the first problem.

1. A rooster flew up onto the fence,

Met two more there.

How many roosters are there?

2. Six guys playing football were playing,

One was called home.

He looks out the window and counts

How many are there now? plays?

3. In a clearing by the river

May beetles lived.

Daughter, son, father and mother,

"Fairytale riddles".

Guys, do you like fairy tales? It's good, because all three question This round will be about fairy tales that you know well.

1. And the first the question sounds like this: What fairy tale is this poem talking about?

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back,

Without knowing it himself,

He carries her home.

What fairy tale is this poem talking about? Options: "Little Red Riding Hood", "Masha and the Bear", "Thumbelina". Time.

2. What heroine are they talking about?

The beautiful maiden is sad -

Spring is coming

It's hard for her in the sun,

She's shedding tears, poor thing.

Options: Khavroshechka, Snegurochka, Malvina.

3. What fairy tale is this from?

Along the path, walking briskly,

The buckets themselves carry water.

Options: "By magic", "Teremok", "Kolobok"

III. Round "Recess".


We continue the game, and I announce the beginning of the 2nd test. I offer a round "Cult hike". It's time for the teams to show off their knowledge of literature

IV. Round. Cultural trip

Leading: Do you like fairy tales? What's your favorite fairy tale? (children's answers)

1 question– What did the elephant in K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale ask to send? son: marmalade, chocolate, marshmallow?

2 question- What toy did the hostess throw to the Bunny in A. Barto’s poem? Teddy bear. Baby elephant.

3 question- Which fairy tale heroine was sheltered by the gnomes?

Cinderella. Snow White. An evil witch.

Leading: We move on to the next round

V. Round "Big Map".

Leading: Offers Geography questions

1 question– What color do the mountains represent? map:

green, brown, blue

2 question– An iceberg is a piece of an island in the ocean, a piece of ice floating in the ocean, a snowball in the ocean.

3 question- Choose a side from three words Sveta: left, right, south.

Presenter You did a great job. Now it wouldn't hurt to move. Our next round

VI. Round "Fizkult-hello"

I invite you to the playing field

Relay race “Who can put on a T-shirt faster?”

Leading: there are T-shirts on the table in front of you, but there are one less of them than in the team of players. After the gong signal, you must one by one run up to the table, take a T-shirt, turn it inside out and put it on, then you must return to the team and pass the baton and stand at the end of the team. Who will get the last T-shirt?

And so the decisive test.

VI. Round "Magic ball"

Leading: Let's start with the most magical round of our quiz "Magic ball". This is the most mysterious round. No one knows in advance that he will present us with a magic ball.

Leading: hidden in a magic ball is an amphibian, which in the famous Russian fairy tale turned into the beautiful princess Vasilisa the Wise. Who is in the magic ball - (frog.)

Next round is for mentors.

VII. Round. Special task. The round begins "Proverb Test"! Guys, you probably know a lot of proverbs? This is what we will check now.

1. Finish the proverb: You can’t even pull a fish out of what without difficulty? Options: pocket, pond, briefcase.

2. If you have patience, what will happen? Options: a lot of money, skill, good weather.

3. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred of what? Options: sweets, rubles, friends.

Leading: Dear mentors, you have a chance to improve the results of your teams, earn an additional bag of sand for them, you just need to answer the question correctly question. (Introduction of mentors)

Leading: Like in a fairy tale by L. N. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio" was the tavern called - tavern - 3 minnows, tavern - 3 sisters, tavern - 3 little pigs?

VIII. Round. “Physical education - hello A game"Who is faster"

Leading: I invite you to a sports round, it’s time to show dexterity and sports passion, after the gong signal you must get things out of the bag; one team dresses one player in a doctor’s costume, and the other team in a housekeeper’s costume.

A game"Who gets dressed faster"

It's time for the final round. I announce the long-awaited tricky question. Teams tremble. The climax of our game comes. (counting bags).

VIII. Round. The final.

Target: consolidation of studied economic concepts.

Tasks: broaden children's horizons, help unleash their creativity and teach cooperation and teamwork.

Equipment: presentation; badges for participants, the song “Question for filling” performed by the group “Carousel” – mp3; melody "Ticking clock", point tokens, flowers with letters, magnets, two boards; certificates - according to the number of participants; super prize - based on the number of players in the team.

Progress of the quiz game

Hello, this is the game "Question for filling".

I welcome you all: our wonderful guys and guests.

Over the next 30 minutes you will witness an exciting intellectual battle between the two strongest teams.

The winners will get everything: fame and super diploma, the losers will get the bitterness of defeat.

And this is not a joke, because the most fun and educational game begins - the “Question for Fill” quiz.

And so, to my right is the team "Buttons"(Team Presentation)

Your motto, friends:

Wherever we want, we’ll stick there. We will achieve what we want.

Let's see what your opponents answer to this.

To my left is the team "Orange"(Team presentation).

Your motto:

We are like orange slices. We are friendly and indivisible.

I see that both teams are well prepared.

Listen to the rules of our quiz:

Our rules are very simple.
When you hear a question, discuss it.
You have thirty seconds to think,
To please us by answering correctly.
The reward will be tokens for you.

Leading: This school year, you and I began to get acquainted with a new area of ​​knowledge: economics, and therefore our game will be exactly economic, and you will be able to demonstrate the knowledge you have acquired. Are the teams ready to fight? Great! I announce the first test -

I. Round “History of Economics”

Guys, do you know what history is? (Children's answers).

The first point will be awarded to the team that answers the question first. I want to remind you that you have exactly 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the teams should have a ready answer. The more points you earn for the game, the more time you will have to solve the most difficult question of the “Fill Question”.

Be careful:

1. Which of the ancient Greek scientists is related to the emergence of economics as a separate science:

a) Archimedes
b) Aristotle
c) Euclid

/Discussion of the issue in groups/

Leading: the team captain... was a little faster. And so, your answer. (The captain's answer is a butterfly).

This is the (right, wrong) answer. And the “...” team earns its first point in our game today.

Leading: My second question is:

2. What was not used instead of money in ancient times?

a) beautiful stones and shells
b) aquarium fish and budgies
c) spices and salt

Time… /Discussion of the issue in groups/. Captains, your correct answer

Next question for this round:

3. What was the name of money in the Harry Potter books?

a) sikli
b) santiki
c) dinars

/Discussion of the issue in groups/. Answers from the team captain who first pressed the button.

Leading: This is the (right, wrong) answer. And you get... a point.

And we're starting the next one

II. Round "Various"

1. Professions: What is the name of the profession of a person who puts out fires?

a) extinguisher
b) fireman
c) fireman

Time …

The "..." command was faster. Absolutely correct (no, this is not the correct answer).

Next question.

2. Proverbs. You can’t pull out a fish without difficulty...

a) lakes
b) pond
c) puddles

Time … /Discussion of the issue in groups/.

The "..." command was fast again. Captain's response.

Leading: Next question:

3. In fairy tales, it provides any needs of the owner....

a) self-assembled tablecloth
b) seven-flowered flower
c) walking boots

Time … /Discussion of the issue in groups/.

The "..." command was a little faster. Captain's response. (Guitar) (Slide 8)

This is... (correct, incorrect) answer. The team “...” receives a point.

I am happy to give points to the “...” team.

Leading: it's time to rest. Welcome to the next one.

III. Round "Fun Recess"(Slide - Change)

The teams take to our dance floor. Now the incendiary music will start playing. Each team must perform dance moves to the music. Whose team will dance the most fervently and cheerfully will definitely receive an extra point.

Is the task clear? Go! (Music - Gypsy)

Fans support the teams with applause.

Yes, the task clearly brought you pleasure.

The team “...” receives a point. Congratulations guys, take your seats.

You've never seen anything like this before, two of the strongest rivals fighting for victory. These are the "Buttons" team and the "Orange" team.

While the team “...” is in the lead.

But who will ultimately be the winner and receive the super prize?

For now this is a secret for us.

Leading: I announce the fourth.

IV. Big Card Round(Slide - Cultural Walk)

Guys, do you like to travel?

1. What is money called in India? ( Slide 11 )

a) pesos
b) dollar
c) rupee

Leading: Next question.

2. You are in Turkey, purchasing goods and services you will pay:

a) Lyrami;
b) Tenge;
In Euro?

Time … /Discussion of the issue in groups/.

Captain's response.

This is... (correct, incorrect) answer. The team “...” receives a point.

Leading: and the next question in this round:

3. In which country did the first bank appear?

a) England
b) Italy
c) Spain

Time … /Discussion of the issue in groups/.

The “...” command was faster and should be answered first. Captain's response.

This is... (correct, incorrect) answer. Well done! The team “...” receives a point.

Leading: The intellectual questions are over, and now it begins.

V. Round “Fizkult-hello”(Slide – Fizkult-hello)

Leading: I ask the participants to go to the middle of the room. Stand in two columns, led by the captain. You can see that each team has a box in front of them. It contains letters from which you must assemble a word. At the signal, the captains run to the box, take one letter and place it on the board using a magnet, and return to their team. Pass the baton to the next one and stand at the end of the column. The second player takes a letter and places it on a line. The relay continues until the inscription is completely folded.

The team that does it faster than its opponents will win.

Reade set Go!

That's it, the "..." command completed this task. I'm checking. You did an excellent job on this task and you get one more point, you will get it.
I will ask the captains to put the letters in the boxes.

Slide "Tricky question"

Leading: An exciting game - the quiz “Question for filling” continues.

Both teams fought with dignity for the victory and the score…. The team “...” is ahead. But will they be winners? Be patient, we'll find out everything soon.

VI. Round "Magic Ball"(Slide - Magic ball").

Our Magic Ball hides one small object, which gets its name from the word “taller”.

So, who is in our Magic Ball?

Time… /Discussion of the issue in groups/. The "..." command was the first. So, what's in our Magic Ball? The captain answers. (Dollar).

Let's see if you guessed correctly. Well done boys. It is with great joy that I give you another point.

And we, step by step, have approached with you the most important mysterious stage of our game. This is a “Takedown Question”.

You are given as much time to complete it as the number of points you have earned throughout the game. Whoever wins this round will be the winner of the entire game.

Let's see how many points each team has.

I'll start with the command "...", help me guys (Points are counted - circles).... you have points. 1 point – 10 seconds, which means you have… seconds to think about the most difficult question “Question for filling”.

Now let’s count the points for the second team “...”. So, we count everything together... and here is the result of the team "..." -... points. So you have... seconds to think about the question to fill out. This is (a little more - less). But it will be enough to complete the question.

In front of each team there is a board, and behind it there is a task.

Captains, come to me, take pencils and sheets of paper. And follow all the necessary notes, the rest of the team will help, but after my command. As soon as I say “start,” the time allotted for the task will begin for each team.

To become a winner you need to concentrate and quickly find the right solution. After all, as soon as your time runs out, you must give the correct answer to the question posed. Captains, open the mission. And so, we look at the clock.

Attention! Let's start! Time has passed.

Assignment for teams:

There is a whole clearing of flags in front of you! Write down all the letters in a row from the yellow ones, then from the green ones, then from the red ones, and then from the blue flags, get a phrase and answer what it is.

The "..." team completed the task and the "..." team also completed the task. Let's start the test with the command "..." as they were the first to complete the task. Let's see how the "..." team coped with this task. (Captains answer).

Wonderful! Pay attention to the screen, this is how it should turn out...

So, the team “...” won.

Presentation of diplomas to the winning team “...”. And the team “...” - a diploma for participating in the quiz game.

Leading: The winners rejoice. It was the most intense intellectual game - “Question for filling”.

The song “Question to fall asleep” playsperformed by the band Carousel.

Summary of direct educational activities

in the preparatory group

Game "Question for filling".

Topic: “Child and strangers.”

Target: Consider and discuss with children typical dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers on the street, expand children’s knowledge of how to behave in such situations.


Reinforce the rules for your own safety when contacting strangers.

Improve the dialogical form of speech.

Practice solving riddles.

Develop the ability to quickly find the correct answer.

Develop auditory and visual attention.

Develop analytical perception, sustained attention, memory.

Develop a sense of unity and cohesion. Teach children to act in concert.

Show persistence, determination, and mutual assistance.

Cultivate friendly feelings towards your opponents.

Equipment and materials: 2 tambourines, bags of sand (semolina), a “magic” ball, a ball, 4 hoops, cut-out pictures: “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” and “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, a picture of a policeman, 2 easels with the image of the “Labyrinth”, markers, 2 bottles with funnels (imitation hourglass), super prizes for the winners.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales, introducing children to the rules of safe behavior in the house and on the street. Conversation with children on the topic “Danger around us.” Analysis of problem situations, pronouncing safety rules, dividing children into 2 teams, coming up with names, choosing captains.

Progress of the game:

Hello, this is the game “Question for filling” and I, its host, Elena Nikolaevna! An interesting fight awaits us today! The winners will receive a super prize! Let's get acquainted with the commands:

Team (children in chorus) - “Znayki” and its captain -

Team (children in chorus) - “Umniki” and its captain -

It's time to learn the rules of the game:

Our rules are very simple.

When you hear a question, discuss it.

You have 30 seconds to think,

So that by answering correctly, please us.

The reward will be bags of sand,

Which you need to fall asleep later

At these hours.

The more sand, the higher your chance

And victory is near.

I’ll offer you a question to answer,

I'll start the clock lightly.

And as soon as this sand runs out,

We will find out who is the best expert here.

The more bags a team earns per game, the more time you will have to solve the last question.

This first bag of magic sand will be given to the team that answers the questions correctly. Be careful.

- I announceIfirst round “Warm-up”.

Game "Friend, Stranger, Acquaintance"

Children stand in a circle. The driver is in the center of the circle and throws the ball to each child in turn, saying: “Own”, “Stranger”, “Familiar”. The child who catches the ball names the appropriate person and returns the ball.

Well done! Both teams completed the task perfectly, and you each receive a bag of magic sand.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? And that's great because it's time ForIIround, which is called “Fairytale”.

In this round you must guess riddles about fairy-tale characters who did not follow safety rules. So let's begin.

The granddaughter went to her grandmother,

I took the pies to her.

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed! (Little Red Riding Hood)

Time! This answer is correct. Get a sandbag!

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let a wolf into the house...

Who were these

Small children? (7 kids)

He's tired of

Sit on the window

And he rolled

Into the forest along the path.

Ran away from my grandparents

And he became the fox's lunch. (Kolobok)

The boy was wooden

Didn't bring the book to school

Got into an adventure

The poor guy almost disappeared. (Pinocchio).

You know fairy tales very well! Well done! Preliminary result.

Guys, do you like to walk? Who are you hanging out with? When you grow up and go to school, you will already be able to move around the city streets on your own. Unpleasant situations may happen to you on the street or at home.

I suggest beginIIIround “What will you do?”

Situation #1:

A young woman of a pleasant appearance says to a boy: “Hello boy! What is your name? Do you want to act in films? What should a boy answer to a stranger?

    What's your name?

    Sorry, but I'm in a hurry.

    My name is Vitya, I live in this house

Situation #2:

The child is lost. What should he do?

    Contact a police officer.

    Run everywhere and look for mom.

    Ask someone to take you home.

Situation #3:

The child notices that a stranger is following him. What would you do in such a situation?

    I’ll stop and ask: “What do you need?”

    I'll turn into a dark alley

    I will go where there are a lot of people and ask for help.

What an intense fight! Be careful and good luck will be with you!

Now it wouldn't hurt to move. Our next IV round "Physical education - hello!"

- Both teams come to me and stand in two columns. There are 2 hoops on the floor - this is your home. The whole team, using hoops, must move to the tables where they need to collect the cut picture. The team that collects the picture first will receive a bag of magic sand. (The fans give the start.)


For some reason the fans stayed too long. Do you want your team to win? (yes) Then you should help her. Ready?

Then it's time Vround "Change".

The teams have a rest, and the fans earn bags for them. Listen to an excerpt from the poem “Resourceful Dima.”

Which proverb matches the passage?

Zero, one, two, three, four!

Dima was alone in the apartment.

Silence on all sides.

Suddenly the phone woke up.

He asked me to pick up the phone as soon as possible.

“Boy, are there any adults at home?

If you're at home, call!

Say your name"

“Mom and dad aren’t at home!”

Dima said in response.

“And my name is Dimon!”

Laughed into the phone.

The stranger said goodbye

I asked you to say hello,

Dima hung up.

    "The world is not without good people".

    “Fear is a bad advisor.”

    “Whoever talks too much invites trouble upon himself.”

Well, now it’s time for the most mysterious round.

VI"Magic Ball" round.

A photo of one very necessary person is hidden in a magic ball. Listen:

He is always armed

Just not dangerous

Even cats and crows

I agree to defend.

On targets every year

He shoots at the shooting range

And he will restore order

And in a stranger's apartment.

My phone number: “02”

Everyone must know.

If they threaten you,

Then call right away!

If crime is for me

Doesn't want to give up

Prison will be her home

About twenty years!

If anyone offends you,

Dial zero and two

I'm always in touch!

Whose photo is in the “magic” ball? (Policeman.) Time.

And now the time has come finalVIIround "Question for filling". This is the most responsible and important moment of the game. Now I will count the bags of magic sand, and we will find out how much time each team earned to think about an interesting and difficult question for backfilling. Counting bags. Children pour sand from bags into funnels.

Captains to the board. The girl is lost, we need to show her the way home. Time has passed.

Final part. Rewarding.

Children, life, of course, is beautiful and amazing, but full of surprises, and to prevent an accident from happening to you, always follow the safety rules.

There are 2 winners in our game and that means both teams receive super prizes! Rewarding.

Intellectual game - quiz

"Tricky question"

Compiled by: primary school teacher

Kolesnichenko Tatyana Alexandrovna

OBJECTIVE OF THE GAME: broaden children's horizons, help unleash their creativity and teach cooperation and teamwork.



    expand and activate the vocabulary;

    to develop children’s ability to quickly give correct and clear answers to questions asked;

    develop intelligence, resourcefulness and memory;

    improve monologue, dialogic speech, its intonation expressiveness;

    learn to use existing knowledge in play and communication;

    develop ingenuity and speed of reaction;


    create an emotionally positive attitude in children;

    instill a desire to learn new things;

    cultivate a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism, and the spirit of competition;

    develop the ability to listen to peers and adults;

    to form the ability to associate (quick and free switching of thoughts, the ability to evoke images in the mind and create new combinations from them)

Progress of the game


In the next 30 minutes you will witness a fascinating intellectual battle between two teams. The winners will get everything: glory and a super prize, while the losers will get the bitterness of defeat. And this is not a joke, because now we are waiting for the most fun and educational game “Question for filling”. So here we go.

Let's introduce ourselves.

To my right is Team Orange. Your motto.

Team "Orange"

- “We are a team of vitamins, who doesn’t know oranges, stay with us, we are strong, we must win the first prize”

And to my left is the team “Why Chicks”. And your motto

Team "Why"

We are why, and therefore we know why, for what, why. We will solve the issue of backfilling without difficulty, victory will always be ours.”


Before I start asking you questions, please listen to the rules of our quiz.

The rules of our quiz are simple.

When you hear a question, discuss it

You have 30 seconds to think,

To answer correctly, making us happy.

You will be rewarded with sandbags.

The more sand, the higher your chance and victory is close

I’ll give you a quick question

As soon as the sand runs out, we'll find out who is the best expert

I announce the first test. The first round is ahead.

"Living World"

Guys, why do you think some monkeys were called anthropoid? (children of both teams give answers)

Apes are said to be the smartest among monkeys.

The first bag of magic sand will be given to the team that answers the question correctly. In each bag of sand for exactly 10 seconds. The more bags you earn during the game, the more time you will have to solve the last, most difficult question of the “Fill Question”. When you hear the sound of the bell, raise your color signal as quickly as possible, whoever raises it first will get the right to be the first to give answer.

Be careful.

1. When a male gorilla gets old, what turns gray first?

- back

2. How does a crossbill crack a pine nut?

Throws it from a height and the nut cracks

- splits it with its beak like tongs

Jumps on a nut and it splits under the weight of the bird's body

The crossbill's beak is intricately curved, so it can easily crack a nut.

The next question goes like this.

3. Name the family of marine mollusks.

- scallops


Game score... (the number of bags in teams is counted)


And I announce the second round.


Guys, who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)

What other travelers do you know?

Listen to the quiz question.

1.What kind of traveler was this type of wild horse named after?

- Przhevalsky



Nikolai Przhevalsky is a great traveler who lived in the 19th century.

To answer the next question, you will have to remember mathematics and be smart.

2. A sparrow, a magpie bumblebee and a crow flew across the sky. How many birds were there in total?

A bumblebee is not a bird.

Children, raise your hand if you have a sibling.

3. Now tell me daughter-in-law - this

Same as the bride

- wife son

Invitation to the wedding ceremony.

"Merry recess"

Tired? Do you want to take a break?

Great, then I invite everyone to recess.

I ask the participants to come to me. There are cups with black and white beans on the tables in front of you. In one minute, the Orange team needs to choose only white beans. And for the “Pochemuchki” team only black ones. The team that selects the most beans wins and receives a bag of sand. Both teams have an equal number of white and black beans.

(Music sounds and children choose beans, after a minute the bell sounds)


I’ll start the test with the command... (Correctly selected beans are counted)

I announce the round

"Cult hike"

Prepare to answer a question about music.

1. At what age did Sergei Prokofiev write his first composition, “Indian Gallop”?

- at 5 years old

From a young age, Sergei Prokofiev proved himself to be a gifted musician.

The next question is about the heroes of the book by Alexander Volkov.

2. What was the name of Ellie’s iron friend from the fairy tale “The Wizard of Oz”

Robot policeman

Iron Dragon

- Tin Woodman

It was indeed the Tin Woodman who traveled with Ellie, heading towards the Emerald City, in the hope that the great Goodwin would give him a heart.

3. What culture became the ancestor of modern European culture?

- Greco-Roman culture

Central Asian culture

Egyptian culture


And we move on to the round

"Big Map"

- 1.How is the word Panama translated from Indian?

- a place with a lot of fish

- place that sells sun caps

A place where only Panama hats are allowed to enter

There were countless fish off the coast of Panama, which is why this country has such a name.

Guys, what cold seas can you name?

What about warm ones?

2. Is it possible to find an iceberg in the Caribbean Sea?

Yes, they swim there all the time.

Possible, but only in January

- it’s impossible, it’s a warm sea and there are no icebergs there

Really. The Caribbean Sea is warm and there are no icebergs there. The iceberg simply will not float there, it will melt.

3. Now tell me where is the Amazon River?

In the suburbs of Paris

In Kyrgyzstan

- In South America


It's time to stretch your legs and take a break from intellectual questions. I announce the round


I ask the teams to go out onto the playing field and line up in two columns. The captain stands in front of the team. Place your feet apart as wide as possible. I give the captains a ball. At the signal of the bell, you will need to throw the ball between your legs with all your might to the end of the column.

And the last one standing in it must catch the ball. And quickly get up first. The relay must continue until the captain is first again. The team that is the first to complete this task will be recognized as the winner of the sports round and will earn a bag of sand.

Reade set Go.

Take your seats.

While the team is in the lead...

Rivals, do not be discouraged. Everything can change at any moment.

The time has come for the final test. I announce the most magical round

"Magic Box"

Here is our mysterious magic box. What's in it? It's a secret for now. Remember Andersen's race "Wild Swans". The magic box contains what Princess Elsa used to weave chain mail for her brothers so that their swans would turn into people again. What is in the magic box?

The magic box hid the nettle from us (take a sprig of nettle from the box and show it)


Next round for team helpers (one of the team members' parents)

"Special Assignment"

So, helpers, you can earn a sandbag for your team. To do this you need to answer the question correctly. The one of you who raises his hand faster after the sound of the bell will get the right to answer first.

What is the name of the children's game in which the first person to speak loses?




(The bell sounds instantly)


- Final round time

"Tricky question".

This is the most crucial moment of the game.

Now we will count the bags of magic sand, and we will find out how many seconds each team earned to think about the most interesting and difficult question. I remind each bag of magic sand for exactly 10 seconds.

Hidden under a white sheet of paper is a question to fill in. You will remove the white sheet and begin the task. Focus. Don't waste precious seconds. Be careful.

Before you are geometric shapes. Find a soul mate for each figure.

To do this, you need to connect the words synonyms with a marker. Time has passed.

Pairs are checked and counted. (there should be 9 pairs).

In our game today the team won...

Presentation of diplomas and prizes.

Quiz game "Question to fill"

Goals of the event: development of cognitive activity and cognitive
interest in the subject, expansion of mathematical horizons,
development of students’ personal qualities, their communication skills
characteristics, development of logical thinking.
Method: game.
Composition: teacher, class students, two teams of five people.
Venue: school office.

Progress of the quiz.
1. Presenter: Hello, this is a quiz game “Question for filling”. My name is…. And I greet everyone who is with us now. In the next 30-40 minutes you will witness an exciting, intellectual battle between two teams. The winner will get everything: glory, a super prize, the loser will get the bitterness of defeat, and this is not a joke, because you are participating in the most interesting and educational game.
Many amazing surprises await you today. To my right is team (name). Presentation of participants. Team motto.
On the left is the team (name), performance, motto.

Our rules are very simple.
When you hear a question, discuss it.
You have 30 seconds to think,
So that by answering correctly, please us.
The reward will be chips - figures,
Which you need to collect throughout the game
The more figures, the more success,
The higher your chance and victory is near.

Are you ready to fight?
I announce the first round of “Fun Questions”.
The fish swam to the quiz and brought funny questions with them. The questions are different - some are easier, others are more difficult. Therefore, each team will answer the question of the fish that they “catch”. You are given 15 seconds to think about it.
1. There are 10 fingers on two hands. How many fingers are there on ten hands?
Answer: 50.
2. Boil the hard-boiled egg for 5 minutes. How long does it take to boil 6 hard-boiled eggs?
Answer: 5 minutes.
3. The Earth's satellite makes one revolution in 100 minutes, and another revolution in 1 hour 40 minutes. How to explain this?
Answer: 1 hour 40 minutes. = 100 min.
4. The fish weighs 8 kg plus half its own weight. How much does the fish weigh?
Answer: 16 kg.
5. Mamed had ten sheep. All but nine died. How many sheep does Mamed have left?
Answer: 9 sheep.
6. Two approached the river. There was a boat near the shore that could only accommodate one, but both made it across. How could this happen?
Answer: They approached different shores.
7. Three horses ran 30 km. How far did each horse run?
Answer: 30 km.
8. The doctor prescribed three injections. Half an hour later for the injection. How many hours will it take for all the injections to be given?
Answer: in 1 hour.
9. Two fathers and two sons bought three oranges. Each of them got an orange. How could this happen?
Answer: grandfather-father-son.
10. There are 7 brothers in the family, each with one sister. How many children are in the family?
Answer: 8 children.
11. The stick was sawn into 12 parts. How many cuts did you make?
Answer: 11.
12. The bird catcher caught 5 tits in a cage and met 5 students on the way. He gave each one a tit, leaving only one bird in the cage. How could this happen?
Answer: I gave away the last tit along with the cage.
13. The room has four corners. There is a cat in every corner. Opposite each cat are three cats. There is one cat on each cat's tail. How many cats are there in the room?
Answer: 4 cats.
14. The professor goes to bed at eight o’clock in the evening. The alarm clock sets for nine. How long does the professor sleep?
Answer: 1 hour.

Second round "Math relay"
Team members take turns completing the task. The team receives as many points as tasks completed correctly.
The teams are given the task on a piece of paper, the same for everyone.
1. Solve the equation: 5x - 7x + 2=0
2. Solve the equation: 2у + 8=2
3. Calculate: 0.75 + 3 + 21.5
4. Calculate: 3.8 ∙ 1.5
5. Simplify: 5(3x - 8) - 15x
6. Simplify: 35x-28x+12x
7. Calculate: 0.45 ∙ 3.4 - 0.53
Musical pause. Team performance
Competition with fans.
Name day at the titmouse, guests have gathered
Count them quickly, and don’t be mistaken.
Friendly family of birds:
3 cheerful sparrows,
3 crows, 3 magpies, black and white white-sided
3 swifts, and 3 woodpeckers
How many of them can you name?
The final competition will reveal the winner. Round "Question for filling".
"Mathematical square"
Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.
This concludes our quiz game. We congratulate the team on their victory and reward them with memorable gifts.
But all the quiz participants turned out to be winners, because everyone learned something new.
Thanks to all participants!