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Interactive KVN “Land of the Dictionary. KVN in the Russian language for elementary grades KVN in the Russian language in elementary school

Extracurricular activity V primary school"Russian language with passion!" (KVN in Russian language. 4th grade)

Leading. Guys, mastering the Russian language is a difficult task. I hope that you are not afraid of difficulties on the path to knowledge.

1 student.
Grammar, grammar,
Science is very strict!
Grammar textbook
I always take it with anxiety.

2 student.
She is difficult, but without her
Life would be bad!
Don't compose a telegram
And don't send a postcard.
Even my own mother
There is no way to congratulate you on your birthday.

3 student.
Love you, grammar!
You are smart and strict.
You, my grammar,
I will master it little by little!

Greetings and team introductions

1 team.
For a tiny ear
Looks like a curl
Tells us
Stand a little
And go
On our way.
Will go out on the track
He will trip everyone up. (Comma)

2nd team
There is no end to the stormy feelings:
The young man has an ardent temperament. (Exclamation mark)

Team 3.
I'm standing on the page
I ask everyone questions.
I'm always bent in an arc -
I can't straighten up.
Always thinking about the meaning
He bent like a yoke. (Question mark)
(Teams raise their logos)

1 captain
We answer together
And here there is no doubt.
Today there will be friendship
Mistress of victories.

2 captain.
And let the struggle rage more intensely,
Stronger competition
Success is not decided by fate,
But only our knowledge.

3 captain.
And, competing, together with you
We will remain friends.
Let the fight rage on
And our friendship grows stronger with her.

Musical break “Song about friendship”


In what words does spruce grow? Write down as much as possible more words, which include the word spruce.
(caramel, jelly, writer, teacher, furniture, drops, briefcase, stranded, Monday, potatoes) One point per word.

I'm lying in my school bag,
I'll tell you how you learn. (Diary)

On one leg
He twists and turns his head.
Shows us countries
Rivers, mountains, oceans. (Globe)

Two legs conspired
Make arcs and circles. (Compass)

The white pebble has melted
He left marks on the board. (Chalk)

The house is standing
Who will enter it?
That mind will gain. (School)

The wise men settled
In glassed palaces,
In silence alone
They reveal secrets to me. (Books)

Competition "Make a word"

From the letters of one word you need to form other words. One point for each word.
Grammar.(Gram, mom, whale, poppy, cara, carat, tiger, shooting range, gamma, frame, cancer, etc.)

Fan competition
- Guess which Russian writer sometimes signed his works with the pseudonym Navi Volyrk? (Ivan Krylov)
(Show portrait).
- What works of his do you know?

One of the best decorations of speech are special turns of phrase, set expressions, which are called phraseological units. Many phraseological units interesting story occurrence. (Speech by prepared students).

1 student. On a grand scale (live)
Did you know that in the 15th century in Western Europe Nobility was determined by...the length of the shoe?
The nobleman's shoe was one and a half feet long, the baron's was two feet, and the prince's shoe was two and a half feet.
You see, you could recognize the most noble person by his shoe. Subsequently, instead of “living large,” they began to say “living large,” that is, richly, not counting money.

2 student. How to give something to drink
According to the custom of the ancient Slavs, no one had the right to refuse water to a person. Since then, the expression “however” has come to mean: exactly, undoubtedly.

Team assignments
- Explain phraseological units. For each correct answer one point.

Fan competition
-What animals are they talking about?
hungry like...
stubborn as...
prickly like...
resourceful. How…
inflated, like.
healthy as...
(wolf, donkey, hedgehog, grass snake, turkey, bull)

Musical pause

Captains competition
Solve the charades.

Two notes, union,
All together is a game,
in which he loves
Play kids. (Domino)

My first syllable is on a tree.
My second syllable is a conjunction.
But in general I am matter
And I'm fit for a suit. (Cloth)

The bird's cry is the first syllable.
The second pretext known to everyone,
And the third is a stormy wave.
Now the charade is clear to everyone. (Carnival)

Solve the puzzle. (Look application)

Find errors in the sentence:

Later in the autumn, the leaves of the reberry tree turn yellow and fall off.

Fan competition. Rebuses(Application)

Creative competition. "Write a poem"

Teams are offered rhymes: sun-window

Fan Contest:
-Which words have a hundred consonants? (stack, table, groan, stop)
-How many vowels are in the words: family, forty?
-Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
-How does day and night end?

Find antonyms. (Crossword)

1. South (North)
4. Sadness (Joy)
6. Disgrace (Order)
7. Night (Day)
8. Lie (True)

1. Misfortune (Happiness)
2. Bottom (Top)
3. Evil (Good)
5. Cold (Heat)

Assignment to the fans
Collect the word.

Its root is in the word write, the prefix is ​​in the word tell, the suffix is ​​in the word book, the ending is in the word water. (Receipt) Its root is in the word knit, the prefix in the word shut up, the suffix in the word fairy tale, the ending in the word fish. (Commence) Its root is in the word snowflake, the prefix in the word drove up, the suffix in the word forester, the ending in the word students. (Snowdrops)

Write a dictation

(The child writes two words at a time and passes the paper to the next participant)

Frost drew moisture from tree branches and trunks. The bushes and trees were covered with shiny frost. The rays of the sun showered the area with a cold shine. The winter days were short.
(Error-free work – 10 points, for each error one point is removed)

Tasks for fans

Vanya walked through the village and met some animals. From fright, he forgot what they were called. When mom asked how many there were, Vanya replied: “Very! A whole herd!” Mom guessed right away. Who is this? (dogs, sheep, cows, horses, geese) Which of these words is redundant in meaning, please explain? (wolfhound, greyhound, poodle, dog, shepherd) The student called his mother: “There is very little money left, well, just a cat...” (meowed, purred, laughed, cried, purred)

Summarizing. Awards in categories:

The most literate
The most friendly
The most well-mannered

The final words are spoken by the prepared student.

Learning Russian
It hasn't been easy for us yet.
But a new century is coming across the earth,
A person must be literate!


Baryshnikov's green planet. Educational games, competitions and holidays for elementary school - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2006 Volina grammar - Moscow: "Knowledge", 1995 Volina dictionary - "AST-PRESS", 1997 Kasatkina material for literacy and Russian language lessons in elementary school (poems , crosswords, riddles, charades) - Volgograd: Teacher, 2005 Queen of the Olympiad in elementary school. Mathematics. Russian language. Literature. Natural history: Guidelines for managers educational institutions– Moscow: ARKTI, 2006, Ryzhankova children’s literacy with the help of puzzles – St. Petersburg: “CHILDHOOD - PRESS”, 2007, Tsybina events. 3rd grade – Moscow: , 2005

Topic: KVN in Russian.

Prepared by: Stryukova T.A.

    Learn to play mind games.

    Teach teamwork.

    Develop interest in the Russian language.

    Develop a sense of friendship and camaraderie.

    Foster a culture of speech.

Introductory part.

Teacher: Ours native language- Russian. According to M.V. Lomonosov, our language is characterized by “the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian.”
A.S. Pushkin believed that “the Slavic-Russian language has an undeniable superiority over all European ones.” Every person must know their language! Let's see what kind of language experts you are and how you speak it.

"The Story of a School Bag", Yu. Timyansky.
Meet Petya. My neighbour.
He is already 12 years old.
But he still talks
Not a corridor, but a collidor.
The lecturer enters the office.
The store is closed for lunch...
The hostess washes glasses...
Slices beets... Bakes pancakes...
And it was my turn:
He calls me a briefcase.
But it’s not for nothing that I have “Native Speech”
Fate entrusted to protect,
And I came up with this in earnest:
Let his name be Petya too.

Teacher: Ignorance of norms literary language, a careless attitude to the word is unacceptable to the residents of our country. Every person is obliged to know his or her language.
Learn Russian -
With soul, with zeal,
Is waiting for you great reward,
And that reward is in himself.
Our KVN is dedicated to the native Russian language.
Our friendly class loves KVN,
And he will announce the meeting now.
Here are the fans, and here is the jury
The path to victory is difficult, no matter what you say!

2 teams come out to the music of Shainsky's "KVN".

Greetings from the teams. 1 team

We are funny guys
And we don’t like to be bored
We are with you with pleasure
We will play KVN.

We answer together
And here there is no doubt.
Today there will be friendship
Mistress of victories.

Team 2 And let the fight rage more intensely,
Stronger competition
Success is not decided by fate,
But only our knowledge.

And competing with you
We will remain friends.
Let the fight rage on
And our friendship grows stronger with her.

We root for the teams and will be able to help our friends!

1.competition "Warm-up"

Guess the “Say the Word” riddles, 3 points for each correct answer.

Mikhail climbed an oak tree
So that the doctor does not pull out ... (tooth)

Out of stubbornness, not a single step
Will not advance... (donkey)

The goldfinch sings all day long
In a cage on the window.
He's in his third year now,
And he is afraid...(cats)

It's round and red
Like the eye of a traffic light.
Among vegetables
There is no juicier... (tomato)

2. Competition “Find the word”.!

Task: Make a word by rearranging the letters. (each word - 1 point) Find superfluous word.(additional - 1 point) Justify your answer. Time 5-7 minutes.

1 team

2nd team

Lanpe (pencil case)
Tarpa (desk)
Ganik (book)
Vatra (herb)

Chkaru (handle)
Kisark (paints)
Vonzok (bell)
Elon (deer)

3. Fan competition “Form a word that answers the question Who?”

Assignment: form from each word words that answer the question WHO? Time 5 minutes. Adjectives are written in 2 columns on the board:

Stupid -... (stupid)
Boastful - ... (braggart)
Strong - ... (strongman)
Lazy - ... (lazy)
Brave - ... (daredevil)
Old - ... (old man)
Chatty - ... (chatterbox)
Strong - ... (strong)

Brave - ...(brave)
Naughty - ... (naughty)
Rich - ...(rich)
Wise - ... (sage)
Loud - ... (screamer)
Little - ... (baby)
Kind - ...(kind-hearted)
Rude - ...(rude)

4.Competition “Find meaning”

Explain the meaning of proverbs. Time - 3 minutes (for each proverb the team is given 2 points)

Birds are strong with their wings, and man is strong with friendship. A person without friendship is like a tree without a root.

The mountain is destroyed by the wind, and human friendship is destroyed by words. A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends.

5. What is the name of the place where...

1 team

    They sell bread -

    Haircut -

    They sell sweets -

    Accepting laundry for washing -

    Sew clothes -

    You are being treated -

(Bakery, hairdresser, confectionery, laundry, atelier, hospital.)

2nd team

    They lend books -

    Vegetables are grown in winter -

    Cars are stored -

    They teach children -

    Cooking food at home -

    Clowns work -

(Library, greenhouse, garage, school, kitchen, circus.)

6. Competition with fans “What words are there?”

There is a sweet word - candy.
There's a quick word - rocket.
There is a sour word - lemon.
There is a word with a window - a carriage.
There is a prickly word - hedgehog.
There is a word for wet - rain.
There is a word stubborn - goal.
There is a prickly word - spruce.

7. Continue the rows of words. 1 command

    Sweet words...

    Book words...

    Forest words...

    Funny words...

    Prickly words...

2nd team

    Forest words...

    Funny words...

    Prickly words...

    Quick words...

    Fluffy words...

8.Competition: Letter from Grandma Riddle"

Teacher: Guess the riddles. Tell me how many letters and syllables are in the guess words.

Team 1.

Spins on a sharp leg,
It buzzes like a bug.
If he wants, he can gallop a little,
If he wants, he will lie on his side. / Yula /

Team 2.

Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat - for summer,
For winter - a different color. / Hare /

Team 1.

The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we are running. / Skates /

Team 2.

You will always find her in the forest -
Let's go for a walk and meet.
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress. / Spruce /

9. "Let's Relax!" competition

Listen, tell me, but don’t make a mistake! You will answer silently; instead of answering, boys or girls stand up.

Dandelion wreaths in spring
Of course, they only weave...

Bolts, screws, gears
You will find it in your pocket...

The skates drew arrows on the ice,
They only played hockey...

Test your strength in front of everyone,
Of course they love, but...

Cowards are afraid of the dark,
All as one, they...

The jury sums up the results. Counts the points scored by the teams and announces the winners.

- Guys, carefully preserve all the wealth of our language. After all, by the way a person speaks, we can immediately easily judge who we are dealing with. Learn good, intelligent speech. Treasure your word.
There are many words on earth. There are daily words -
They show the blue of the spring sky.
There are words - like wounds, words - like judgment, -
They do not surrender and are not taken prisoner.
A word can kill, a word can save,
With a word you can lead the shelves with you.
In a word you can sell, and betray, and buy,
In a word, it is fashionable to pour it into striking lead.
But we have words for all words in the language:
Glory, Motherland, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor.
Let them not serve as bargaining chips, -
Keep gold as a standard in your heart!
And do not make them servants in small households -
Take care of their original purity.
- These beautiful lines belong to the poet Vadim Shefner. He calls on all people to handle the Word with care.
The jury's word. Rewarding.

Goal: To develop students’ interest in the Russian language.

1. Strengthen students’ existing knowledge of the Russian language.

2. Develop speech and mental activity of students.

3. Enrich students' vocabulary.

4. Develop skills to work in groups.



KVN in Russian language in primary school

Goal: To develop students’ interest in the Russian language.


1. Strengthen students’ existing knowledge of the Russian language.

2. Develop speech and mental activity of students.

3. Enrich students' vocabulary.

4. Develop skills to work in groups.


Team emblems;

Certificates for awarding;

Task cards;

Tables with evaluation criteria for the jury;

A glass of water, a needle, a tray - to greet the jury with the command “ADJECTIVE”;

Team name plates;

Pens, leaves for participants;

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello, dear guests and guys.

The language we speak is beautiful and rich. Many peoples speak Russian.

Today we will hold a competition for cheerful and resourceful people, and as you probably guessed, our KVN will be dedicated to the Russian language.

The theme of our KVN: “What we know in Russian, we apply without mistakes!”

Not a single KVN can do without teams and a respected jury.

Now I invite the jury and teams to take their places. Teams - prepare for introductions and greetings.

While our teams are preparing, I want to advise the jury on how to evaluate competitions. You have printouts of the competition evaluation criteria. Scores are announced after each competition.

So, let's start our KVN. Guys, I wish you good luck!



A) presentation of commands:

1 team – “NOUN”

Our team name represents the name of the item,

Who answers the questions? What? ,

In a sentence it is the subject and the secondary member of the sentence.


The name of our team denotes the attribute of the item,

Answers the questions which?, which?, which?, which?,

In a sentence it is a minor member of the sentence.

So what is the name of each team?

(noun, adjective)

B) greeting teams:

Them. Noun - We are funny guys

And we don’t like sk

With pleasure we

Let's play KVN!

Them. P

We answer

And here there is doubt

Today there will be friendship

Owner of victories!

B) greeting from the jury:

Them. Noun : Glory and honor to you! We all love accurate counting!

Them. Adj.: May your eye be as sharp as this one

And your conscience is as clear as this water!

(the jury carries a needle and a glass of water on a tray)

The jury evaluates the teams.

Jury, announce your scores.


I will now read the questions to the teams one by one, and the participants, after consulting, will have to give answers. Each answer is worth 1 point.



Which letter is always stressed? (e)

How does day and night end?


What part of a word can always be found in the ground? (root)

What is in the middle of the earth? (m)

How does summer end and autumn begin? (O)

How to turn a big house into a small one? (house - house ik)

What kind of horse is it when

are they buying?


Which word has 40 A vowels?

(forty A)


The word (on the board) FRIENDSHIP is given, each participant runs up to the board and writes a word for each letter, and determines which part of speech the word he wrote belongs to.

Valued at 1 point per the right word and part of speech.

House - noun, roars - v., runs away - v., yellow - adj., drum - no., aster - no.; day, digs, smile, life, big, orange.

4 COMPETITION – “VOCABULARY” is worth 1 point per word.

Team members need to collect as many as possible from the syllables I suggested. vocabulary words. The number of syllables in each command is the same.



Agronomist, car, vegetables, conversation,

engineer, weather, sparrow, cabbage, plane.

Newspaper, room, telephone, village,

fox, harvest, director, shovel,



1. Determine which part of speech the underlined words in this text belong to.

A blanket of snow covered the entire field. Mom put cabbage pies in the oven to bake. The bucket sprung a leak and the water began to flow. I’m standing on our shore, on the calm border of the shore.

2. Find errors in the text and correct them.

Spring has arrived. The face turned green on the fire. The first flowers shrank from the cold. An important white-nosed rook walks across the field. A prickly hedgehog woke up and climbed out of its hole.

6 COMPETITION – “SNAKE COMPETITION”. (held in parallel with the captains' competition) is worth 1 point per word.

A word is given, you come up in a chain and write your word, which begins with the last letter of the previous word.

(house - ...; snow - ...)

7 COMPETITION – “CRYPTION”, is worth 1 point per word and + 2 points for identifying an extra word and explaining why it is extra.

The letters in the words are mixed up, you need to restore the words, find the extra word and explain why it is extra.

nako (window) kaer (river)

buckets (doors) losva (words)

nols (elephant) mod (house)

pons (sheaf) nikga (book)

8 COMPETITION - “WHO FINDS THE MOST” is worth 1 point per word.

Make as many new words as possible from the letters of the word TRANSPORT. The team that names the most words wins.

(sport, cake, mouth, nose, dispute, cable, sort, port, rubbish, growth, toast, post, crust, op, tone, note, trail, steam)

9 COMPETITION – “COUNT BY 5” is worth 1 point per letter and 1 point per sound.

Count how many sounds and letters are in each word.

Explanatory note

Teacher : Galkina Inna Anatolyevna

Educational institution : Municipal educational institution "Vodovatovskaya secondary school", Arzamas district, Nizhny Novgorod region

Class : 2 - 3

Item: Russian language , extracurricular activity


Educational: be able to apply the knowledge acquired in class in a non-standard situation.

Developmental: develop children's speech, thinking, attention, memory.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of mutual assistance in the process of collective creativity of students,instill interest in the Russian language.
Author's media product : multimedia presentation

Means of education : computer, multimedia projector, screen

Preparatory work:

Learn greetings to teams;

Learn a song about KVN;

Repeat the song “What They Teach at School.”

Slide 3– greeting, names of competitions, summing up (hyperlinks).

- button with hyperlink toslides 5, 6, 13, 22, 24, 25

Reply buttons

Back button

Home button

Description of the game.

Four teams take part in the game. Screen saverslide 1, the melody from the KVN program sounds.

Leading : “We are starting KVN “Land of the Dictionary”. Today we have to determine the best expert on the Russian language.

Slide 2.Leading reads the words of A.N. Tolstoy.So, we are starting KVN. And we represent, first of all, the distinguished jury...

Slide 3-greeting teams, names of competitions, summing up.

Team greetingsslide 4.

The teams perform the “Song about KVN” (to the melody of the song “Smile” by V. Shainsky). You need to click on the melody icon.
Our friendly class loves KVN
And he will announce the meeting now.
Here are the fans, and here is the jury,
The path to victory is difficult, no matter what you say.
We are entrusted with you
Conduct a successful battle
To test resourcefulness and knowledge.
You are great, native language,
You are rich, native language,
You are our friend
And we will all believe in this.

and take turns greeting each other. The presenter clicks on the word “team 1” (effects - changing color and size, applause), the guys read out the quatrain. Same with other teams.

Team 1. We are funny guys

And we don’t like to be bored

We are with you with pleasure

We'll play KVN.

Team 2. And let the fight rage faster,

Stronger competition

Success is not decided by fate,

But only our knowledge.

Team 3. We answer together

And there is no doubt here:

Today there will be friendship

Mistress of victories.

Team 4. And, competing with you,

We'll stay with friends.

Let the fight rage on

And our friendship grows stronger with her.

Slide 5- “Read the Word” competition.

Slide 6– competition “Visiting the vowels”.

Leading : In the evening, the guys gathered on the lawn around the fire. They talked for a long time with vowels, sang songs, and then began to play. The vowels began. This is the task they offered the children. There are ten balls in front of you. Each one has a letter on it. There are both vowels and consonants here. Make up these letters different words, but so that each has at least two vowels. What words did the children make up?

(village, lard, change, sulfur, time, dew, foam, note, hole, company, oil, sea, summer, warmth...)

Slide 7- competition “Visiting the Consents”.

Leading : Replace one consonant in words so that instead of some words you get others. For example: “color” - “light”.

Team 1. headlight – couple, container, veil

a game - needle, caviar

Team 2. hut - cotton wool, veil

hummock - daughter, dot, barrel

Team 3. a lion - sowing, forest

grove – dew, rota, rose

Team 1. rat - roof

seagull - T-shirt, husky

Slides 8-11– competition “Letter from Grandma Riddle”.

Leading : Guess the riddles. Tell me how many letters and sounds there are in the guess words.

Slide 12– competition “Collect a word”.

Leading: In front of you is an unusual Christmas tree. Syllables hang on it instead of toys. Make up words of three syllables.

(galoshes, apiary, milk, shovel, carriage, etc.)

Slide 13– “Guess the rebus” competition.

Leading: Probably, each of you guys have more than once heard and tried to guess a riddle in which words are depicted using pictures and various signs. In order to read and solve the riddle, you need to know and understand which sign represents what. What are these unusual riddles called? (Rebuses.) Correct. Begin new competition. Guess the name of the grandfather and his grandchildren. (Each team receives a rebus.)

Slides 14-17- “Say the Word” competition.

Leading: The excerpts of poems you will hear are missing last word. We need to finish them. Two people from each team take part. They must guess the last words.

Slide 18-21- “On the contrary” competition.

Leading: Choose antonyms. (words with opposite meanings)

Slide 22– competition “Guess the proverb.”

Leading : Proverbs enrich our language, giving it expressiveness and accuracy. Your task is to guess the proverb from two words.

Slide 23– competition “Typesetter”.

Leading: The task of this competition is as follows: you need to create as many other words as possible from the letters of the word “potato”.

(jacket, spruce, peat, fact, tile, cafe, trout, boat, current, varnish, cat, mouth, role, body, summer, hotel, track, trawl, stake, act, river, doctor, measles, artel, turner , mole, bark...)

Slide 24-25– competition “Reveal the meaning of sentences.”

Leading: Your task is to reveal the meaning of popular expressions (phraseologisms).

Slide 26- summarizing.

Children sing the song “What They Teach at School.”


1. I'm going to class at elementary school: Extracurricular activities. Book for teachers. – M.: Publishing house “First of September”, 2000.

2. Pictures - spruce pencil case pencil notebook

3. Music ,

KVN in Russian language in elementary school

Target: developing interest in the Russian language through playful and entertaining material.Tasks:
educational: create conditions for the development of performance skills non-standard tasks; formation and enrichment vocabulary students;

developmental: develop attention, logical thinking, cognitive interest in the Russian language;

educational: promote a culture of communication, a tolerant attitude, and the ability to work in a team.
Equipment: computer, projector, screen, blank pieces of paper, sweet prizes, certificates.Preparatory work: Before the start of the lesson, students of the class are divided into two teams, equal in mental abilities, and choose a captain. Each team sits around the table. As fans of students from parallel classes. Jury members are selected in advance from primary school teachers. Sweet prizes are prepared for all KVN participants, and certificates for teams.Expected results: improving the quality of students’ knowledge, developing interest in the Russian language as an academic subject.Implementation time: 30-40 minutesProgress of the event

- Dear Guys! Today we are conducting KVN in the Russian language.
The language we speak is very beautiful and rich. But to see how beautiful and rich the Russian language is, you need to know it well. It's no secret that the Russian language is considered one of the most difficult school subjects. And we will try to prove that learning the Russian language can be interesting, exciting and entertaining.

I came to the club without frowning.
Be cheerful until the end.

You are not a spectator or a guest,

And our program is the highlight.

Don't be shy, don't break down,

Obey all laws!

Who knows how to decipher KVN?
-Listen to the Anthem of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. (Press the button)

What do you think awaits you today during KVN?

Indeed, today our lesson is not simple, but fun and entertaining. Fun questions, poems, riddles, and puzzles await you. And the KVN motto is “I want to know everything!”

We invite all boys and girls to go to a fun country. Don’t forget to bring your quickness of thought, resourcefulness, and ingenuity.

Our KVN is, first of all, a game. Friendly attitude in KVN is the law.
And in this game everyone shows up best qualities our members:

- humor;

- the ability to appreciate another’s joke;

- partnership;

- resourcefulness.

- Our competition will be assessed by an all-knowing and fair jury (representation of the jury).

-For each competition, teams will be awarded points; at the end of KVN, the jury will count the number of points, and we will find out which team will win.

-Previously, you divided into teams, chose a name and captain.

So, captains, introduce your teams.

(Teams take turns saying their name and motto together.)

Team 1: “Word”

Motto: “Ready for a fair fight”

The guys from the Slovo team

Greetings to opponents: “Victory, not defeat

We wish you an “Offer”!

Team 2: “Proposal”

Motto: “We are the Offer team!

May good luck accompany us"

Greeting to opponents: “We have a greeting ready

To the guys from the Slovo team.

Our rival, don’t forget!

The path to victory is very difficult!


-And to work as a team, you need to know some rules:

Work together, all together;

Be able to listen to your friend;

Do not offend a friend who has made a mistake;

Don't laugh at a team that is losing;

Don't get angry if you lose.

So let's begin.
You are offered four categories of knowledge. The team deliberates, and the captain names the question number. If the team answers correctly, it receives as many points as the number on the selected question. If a team answers incorrectly, the right to answer is given to the other team.

Teams choose categories of knowledge, say the correct answer, which is evaluated by the jury.
1. “Sounds and letters”

No. 1. How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

147 33 49

No. 2. How many vowels are there in the Russian alphabet?

10 6 21

No. 3. How many consonants are there in the Russian alphabet?

31 22 21

No. 4. Ball and ball

1. The sounds in these words are the same

2. The letters in these words are the same

No. 5. How many hard consonant sounds are there in the words of the sentence?

On a birch tree at the edge

Two cuckoos sat down next to each other.

1) 9 2) 18 3) 20

Children read the task, choose the correct answer, and the teacher points the “hand” icon at it. If the answer is correct, the number rotates and the sound of applause is heard. If the answer is incorrect, the number disappears.

2. “The letters got lost”
No. 1. We came to the garden

We look: the cap is growing there. (turnip)

No. 2. Breaking the silence

Forks howl at the moon. (wolves)

No. 3. Puffy loves to gnaw grain, -

It's very tasty! (mouse)

No. 4. In the morning grandma to the shirt

She nailed my pockets. (sewed)

No. 5. The thunder was quiet, silent.

The cap he wore was beautiful. (dwarf)

Children read the task, choose the correct answer, and when they click on any place on the slide with the mouse, the correct answer appears. If the answer is correct, the “lost letter” changes color, a new picture appears, and the sound of applause is heard.

3. “Solve the puzzle”
No. 1. Magpie No. 2. Car No. 3. Student No. 4. Fox No. 5. Teacher

When solving a rebus, students repeat the spelling of vocabulary words. When you click the mouse anywhere on the slide, a picture and a word appear, in which you must put an emphasis and name the correctly missing letter.

4. “Learning to write without mistakes”
No. 1. Guess the riddle, determine the spelling rule. Give three more words for the same rule.

A white star fell from the sky,

It fell on my palm and disappeared. (Snowflake)

After listening to the riddle, children name the answer and remember the words for the same spelling rule.
When you click on an empty space on the slide, the answer appears and the sound of applause is heard.

No. 2. Determine the spelling rule.
How to write a sentence using capital and lowercase letters correctly?

(K/k)olya (A/a)rbuzov bought five (A/a)rbuzov.

When you point your hand at capital letters in proper names, they begin to move to part of the word, and the parentheses disappear. In the word denoting the name of the berry, point your “hand” at the lowercase letter a.

No. 3. Determine the spelling rule. How many of these words are missing b?
Pten? chick bake? Noah

predator? new sword? that

mos? tick con? ki

1. In all words 3. In a nutshell
2. In one word 4. All words without b

Children read the words and determine in which words the b is missing.

An answer is selected. If the answer is correct, the word changes color and at the same time disappears in the word SKATES? and b appears.. If you answer incorrectly, by clicking on the second part of the word after?, this part moves forward, huh? disappears.

No. 4. In which words can you trust consonants at the end of a word?

Mushroom, minced meat, nut, cucumber, soup, raincoat, cream.

Students read the task, choose the correct answer, and the teacher points the “hand” icon at it. If the answer is correct, the word changes color. If the answer is incorrect, the word flashes.

Students explain why these consonants at the end of a word can be trusted.

Captains competition.
Teacher: Captains, you must show your ingenuity, resourcefulness and literacy. You are also offered categories of knowledge.
"Words play hide and seek"
Task: find the hidden words.

What's behind the field where buckwheat grows?

Look at the word and answer the question:

What dish does the cook prepare?

Look at the word and answer the question:

What flower was awarded to the champion?

Look at the word and answer the question:

Who scared the ground beetle?

"Correct mistakes"
Read and name only the sentence.
1. It’s incredibly hot outside.

2. With a dog

3. grandmother meeting grandchildren

4. Love books - they are a source of knowledge!

How to say it correctly?
Do fish have no teeth?

Do fish have no teeth?

Do fish have no teeth?

Do fish have no teeth?

Dunno wrote a note. He made 7 mistakes, find and correct them.
Hello, know! I beg you to help me solve the problem. I'll wait in my room. know-nothing
Competition for fans .
Teacher: Dear fans, guess the riddles.

Although not a hat, but with a brim,

Not a flower, but with a root,

Talking to us

With a patient tongue


Black, crooked, mute from birth,
They'll stand in a row and they'll start talking.


Black Ivashka, wooden shirt,

Where he will hold his nose,

He puts a note there.


A white bunny jumps on a black field.

(chalk and board).

I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked.

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important.


That there is one thing in a person,

And the crow has twice,

It will not be found in the forest,

And in a person three times.

(letter O).

What is at the center of the word "earth"?

(letter I).

Which 5 letter word contains five O's?


How does both day and night end?

(soft sign).

The final part “SUMMING UP”

-We’ll ask the jury to announce the results.

The game is over
It's time to find out the result.

Who did the best job?

And did you distinguish yourself in KVN?

The winner is determined by points. Certificates for 1st place and 2nd place are awarded, as well as sweet prizes to all participants in the game.
-Dear Guys! Today you all proved that you love the Russian language and know it well. You showed how attentive you are, what a wonderful memory you have, and how you reason logically. You are simply great! I wish you further success and victories!