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Interactive test in English for knowledge of tenses. English tenses test

Tenses in English occupy a significant part of the material to be studied. In a modern way Testing of acquired knowledge is offered in test form. Ready-made tests will help you remember information faster and won’t take much time to answer. The English timed tests below will test your level of knowledge.

The first group of tests for an indefinite time in all forms. (Indefinite)

English tests for tenses. Test 1.
1.My sister… (go)in the supermarket every weekend.
2.… (do)You went to the museum last Sunday?
3.I … visit my friend next month.
4. … you study in the Oxford next year?
5. He... (do) not yesterday something.
6. The weather… (be) warmer tomorrow, then today.
7. What... (do) you do today?
8. John... (marry) yesterday.
9. ... do you know this text?

1. Yesterday I took my car for repairs.
2. I don't plan to do any business today.
3. My friend is leaving for Rome tomorrow.
4. You took my umbrella yesterday, please return it.
5. Will he drink anything?
6. Where does she study?
7. His brother looks like his father.
8. They won't go on a picnic tomorrow.
9. Yesterday we visited a sick classmate.
10. What are you doing today?

The next group of tests refers to a long time. (Continuous)

1. She... (read) now.
2. The meeting… (be) from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
3. … You (study) tomorrow at 3 o’clock?
4. The child... (eat) now.
5. The book… (lie) on the table at that moment.
6. The magazine … (open) tomorrow at the 9 o’clock.
7. He...not (wash) at this moment.

Translate the following sentences into English.
English tests for tenses. Test 2.
1.My friends will give me a surprise tomorrow at 6 pm, I should be a little late.
2.My cat is washing himself now.
3.He was reading at this time yesterday.
4.What music will be on tomorrow from five to six?
5.Who stood in line yesterday?
6. Her sister will be training at this time tomorrow.
7.I am writing a letter now.
8. Yesterday at this time these things were not here.
9. He was very drunk at the party at that moment.

Another group of tenses in the test form is Perfect.
1. I... (do) already home task.
2. Since he... (married) with Natalie, he looks happy.
3. When... you (start) the job?
4. She...not (go) yet.
5. The taxi... (arrive).
6. … your brother (do) his homework?

Translate the sentences into English.
English tests for tenses. Test 2.
1. She has already recovered.
2. Have you heard this already?
3. He broke his leg.
4. The car has already arrived.
5. I haven't finished my work yet.
6. Have you ever heard of her before?
7. This week I have been to this cafe several times.
8. He just left.
9. They have known each other for 5 years.
10. When will they start work?

AND last group times Perfect Continuous.
English tests for tenses. Test 1.
1. How long…she (live) in New York?
2. He... (read) the book for three hours.
3. … she (work)?
4. They...not (study).
5. They... (married) for five years.
6. The lesson… already (start) by the time we get to college.
7. He... (breakfast) by this time.
8. My daughter…not (write) the letter yet.
Translate the following sentences.
English tests for tenses. Test 2.
1. I was looking for you, where were you?
2. She has been here since 2 o'clock.
3. My friend has been living here for 2 years.
4. I wrote a letter.
5. When did you finish work?
6. By the end of the month she will have passed all the subjects.
7. By this time they will not have had dinner yet.
8. He will finish the work before you arrive.
9. There is no plan for 2013 yet.
10. We won’t meet each other this summer, as we will be vacationing in different countries.

NPut the verbs in brackets into the correct tense forms(Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple / Past Continuous / Present Perfect):

  1. On Wednesdays, Nick (drive) his kids to football practice.
  2. you already (move) to the new bedsit?
  3. Usually, I (work) as an office secretary, but this winter I (study)

German at a language school in Berlin. That's why I (be) in Berlin.

  1. Shhhhh! Be quiet! Our baby (sleep) .
  2. "Fire (break) out in hotel room" - the headline cried.
  3. Don"t forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) .
  4. I hate living in London because it (rain, always) .
  5. I"m sorry I can"t hear what you (say) because everyone (talk)

so loudly.

  1. We (meet) our friends yesterday.
  2. We (not see) mice in the garden shed since we got the cat!
  3. When I (come) at home yesterday, my mom (cook) a pie.
  4. I (live) in Brazil two years ago.
  5. you (play) any musical instruments when you (be) a kid?
  6. My chief usually (work) on Saturdays.
  7. He (wait) for you at this moment.
  8. What does your brother do? – He (be) a sportsman.
  9. Ann is in the library. She (make) a report.
  10. Recently, she (plant) some bulbs and flowers.
  11. I (cook) a cake when he (come back) home yesterday.
  12. Now Justin (write) a book about his adventures in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when it is finished.

Choose the correct alternative

  1. We haven't finished cooking the pie.
  2. How already / always / usually / long / often has your mum been a teacher?
  3. It was great to see you yet / yesterday / already / usually / just.
  4. Bill and his dad always / usually / long / often/ sometimes play football in the park.
  5. Have you always / ever / yet / still / usually been to India?

Translate into English

  1. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in politics
  2. He just brought (bring) shocking news to me.
  3. Your English is getting better and better.
  4. The weather will probably change soon.
  5. We will finish the second semester by July.
  6. Are you working tomorrow at three o'clock?
  7. What are you going to do in July?

Choose the correct alternative.

  1. Tomorrow, mum sees / is seeing the optician about getting new glasses.
  2. They are going/go to school later tomorrow because they"ve got exams.
  3. Stop! I "m going to / "ll carry that for you.
  4. Saturday is going to be / is being a great day!
  5. Mum, I promise I am going to / will tidy my room tomorrow.
  6. Dad does/does a lot of the cooking in our house.
  7. Alex likes/likes going skateboarding at the weekend.
  8. Who do you usually / usually do meet in the evenings?
  9. I"m thinking / think / thinks of taking up a hew hobby.
  10. The rain not / isn’t / is it falling heavily any more.
  11. It rains / rained every day we were away!
  12. Pedro took / took loads of photos of the boats.
  13. What time did you come / come back from the restaurant?

Exercise 6 - Choose the correct alternative.

What do you do / do / doing at weekends? Do you spend / spends / do your time doing schoolwork? Or do you and your friends goes / go / to go out somewhere and has / have got / have a good time? A lot of people think / thinks / thinking that"s what weekends are for - having fun. But I"ve have / am / got some friends who works / work / are work at weekends. My friend, Ryan, for example, works / work / to work at a clothes shop in town. He not / isn't / doesn't go out in the evening because he"s very tired. But, on the other hand, he earn / earns / got money, and he say / to say / says that "s good because he want / wants / has want to buy a new laptop. You can't have everything!

Exercise 3 - Click and choose the correct alternative.

  1. Hurry! The train’s / trains / train leaving in five minutes!
  2. Are you enjoying / to enjoy / enjoying the film?
  3. Sophia ‘re / ‘m / ‘s learning how to drive.
  4. Mum's making / makes / make dinner in the kitchen.
  5. Do you like / like / like watching Formula One racing?
  6. I think Tessie and Julia is / are / they’re skateboarding in the park.
  7. Is/She's/Are Jen learning how to rollerblade?
  8. Mum says the weather"s to change / changes / changing.

Exercise 3 - Choose the correct alternative.

  1. Where was / did that cat come from?
  2. There hadn't / weren't any rooms at the cheap hotel, unfortunately.
  3. I dancing/danced all night and now my back hurts!
  4. Did you try / try the local food?
  5. They spent / did spend all day learning how to windsurf.
  6. The tour operator gave / give us some information.
  7. Lena and I we stayed / remained in an apartment near the beach.

Exercise 8 - Choose the correct alternative.

  1. Sol is going / goes to football practice every Saturday.
  2. Look! The mouse chases / is chasing the cat!
  3. That boy is/is being very annoying at the moment.
  4. Do you think / Are you thinking does this dress look good on me?
  5. How do you spend / spend your free time?
  6. They are going / go camping every summer.
  7. Josh smells / is smelling the cheese; that"s why he"s making a face!
  8. Angie hates / is hating football.
  9. Why are you looking / do you look at me like that?
  10. I see / am seeing the dentist at half past two.

Exercise 5 – Complete the sentences from the box.

is learning

am thinking


are making


is tasting

is wearing

is talking


are doing

  1. Roseall about computers at night school.
  2. I see that Frank his new jeans!
  3. Mum and dad the shopping.
  4. Some of the kids food for the party.
  5. Shelly to Kim about her holidays.
  6. I'm buying a new bike.
  7. Mum the soup.
  8. Adam always his black jeans to school.
  9. Jade Henry is lovely!
  10. The soup is delicious.

Exercise 7 - Complete the sentences from the box.

looked at


asked us


didn't feel

checked in


  1. The customs officials our passports.
  2. Mum some perfume from the duty free shop.
  3. The taxi driver for too much money.
  4. the airline food good?
  5. Dad comfortable on the plane because of his long legs.
  6. The air stewards are all very helpful.
  7. do you see the new shops in the airport?
  8. Nick ill on the ferry again.
  9. The train four hours.
  10. We are just in time for the flight.

Exercise 9 - Choose the correct alternative.

Bill and his friends have / are having / has a great time right now. They are do / to do / doing their favorite hobby is digital photography. They all are liking / likes / like the hobby. At the moment, Bill is showing / shows / show his friends the pictures on his digital camera. James is knowing / knows / to know a lot about cameras, so he often use / is using / uses a special computer program to make the photos look good. Heis telling / tells / does tellBill about it now. Richard and Ryan is / are / is telling trying to put some of the pictures onto a CD for Bill. Bill‘re thinking / thinks / is thinking of sending a CD with pictures to his grandparents. Heisn't seeing / doesn't see / not to seethem often because they live in Australia.

Exercise 9 - Write the correct form of the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in brackets.

  1. What do you do when the coach you? (do/call)
  2. While I outside the stadium, a lot of people the queue. (wait/join)
  3. We just to play when it rains hard and the referee

to stop the match. (begin/start/decide)

  1. When the game finally over, all the players their captain. (be/cheer)
  2. They still when they the other team's result. (play / hear)
  3. Kate her ankle while she a new spin on the ice rink. (sprain / try out)
  4. you still on the track when the other athletes? (run/arrive)
  5. While Simon in the gym, we to see the other gymnasts. (practise/go)

Exercise 4 - Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present perfect of the verbs in brackets.

  1. My parents a new house. (buy)
  2. Joe his bedroom. (decorate)
  3. you ever such an amazing house? (see)
  4. Ursula on her own before. (not live)
  5. The twins a flat to share. (find)
  6. dad do you have any money towards the rent? (give)
  7. I have a room for years. (not share)
  8. There's always a park here. (be)
  9. the builder doing the extension? (finish)
  10. are you shopping? (do)

Exercise 5 - Choose the correct alternative.

  1. We"ve known Alex for / from / since he was four years old.
  2. Have you always / ever / usually been to India?
  3. How much / long / often has your mum been a teacher?
  4. Has Danny been to school yesterday / last week / recently ?
  5. I"ve always thought / taught / thinking you were very clever!
  6. Don"t jump on the bed! I"ve now / just / yet made it!
  7. We haven't finished decorating the house yet / already / just .
  8. Don"t worry! Steve"s since / yet / already arrived.
  9. We"ve never / ever / yet been here before.
  10. Have you checked your e-mails ever / since / today ?


Variant 1

1. Open the brackets:

1) When Liz (to walk) along the road, she suddenly (to meet) her friend.

2) Jack (to change) already his clothes five times today.

3) My friends (not to walk) in the park yesterday.

4) They (to celebrate) Mother's birthday tomorrow.

5) The pupils (to write) a dictation at 2 o"clock yesterday.

6) The train (to arrive) at 5:24 a.m.

7) The girls (to dust) the furniture for the whole day. She looks tired

8) When I (to arrive) at home yesterday, Alice (to read) the book which I (to present) her two days before.

9) The boys (not, to understand) what the sports coach (to tell) them about the game now.

10) We (to arrange) the party tomorrow at 5 o`clock. The tickets have already been sent to everyone.

11) Water (to freeze) at 0C.

12) She (always, to interrupt) me!

2. Make up questions:

1) The wind moved the leaves. (When?)

2) The train arrives at 12 o"clock. (General Question)

3) You will find yourself without any friends. (Special Question)

4) The squirrels are playing in the tree now.. (To the subject)

5) They were cleaning the carpet yesterday at 5 o"clock. (Tag Question)

6) They have already been reading this book for a month (Alternative)

7). Russian science has achieved great results. (Indirect)


Variant 2

1. Open the brackets:

1) When Liz (to walk) along the road, she suddenly met her friend.

2) Lions (to run) very fast.

4) His sister (watch tv) at 6 o"clock yesterday.

5) They (not to see) this cathedral yet.

6) Calvin and Sally (to go) to the picture gallery tomorrow.

7) My Mother (to take) care of our pet.

8) It (to snow) at 5 o"clock yesterday.

9) Ann already (to translate) this book.

10) Yesterday I (to paint) the picture in oils.

2. Make up questions:

1) The hare disappeared in the little bushes. (Where?)

2) The man is carrying a big box. (What?)

3) Mum feeds our pet every day. (How often?)

4) The plane will arrive in London at 2. (When?)

5) We have done the shopping already. (Where?)

6) They were drawing yesterday at 7 o"clock. (Where?)

This girl knits every day.


Variant 3

1. Open the brackets:

1) When I came home, my Granny (to knit).

2) This train always (to leave) at 7.

3) Mother (to sew) a new dress right now.

4) My grandparents (to plant) many kinds of vegetables in their garden this spring.

5) We (to walk) in the park yesterday.

6)I hope he (to pronounce) this word correctly tomorrow.

8) As usual they (to discuss) football matches yesterday at 12 o"clock.

2. Make up questions:

1) The children decorated the Christmas tree yesterday. (When?)

2) We are dancing now. (Where?)

5) He has written a letter already. (What?)

6) Mary was helping her Mother about the house at 5 o"clock. (Where?)

3. Ask five types of questions: General, Special, Subject, Alternative, Tag.

The pupils have spelled all the words correctly.


Variant 4

1. Open the brackets:

1) We (to bring) hand-made sweets to her yesterday.

2) This train always (to leave) at 4.

3) Mother (to knit) a new dress right now.

4) My grandparents (not to buy) a new television yet.

5) When I came in, my friends (to discuss) football matches.

6) I hope he (to spell) this word correctly tomorrow.

7) Squirrels often (to play) in springs.

8) As usual they (to draw) pictures yesterday at 12 o"clock.

9) Ann (to clean) the carpet today.

10) The dog (to guard) his sleeping master yesterday.

2. Make up questions:

1) She has written a letter already. (What?)

2) Jack was repairing furniture at 5 o"clock. (Where?)

3) The teacher greets the children every day. (How often?)

4) We will wish you "Happy New Year" tomorrow. (When?)

5) The children decorated the Christmas tree yesterday. (When?)

6) They are dancing now. (Where?)

3. Ask five types of questions: General, Special, Subject, Alternative, Tag.

Birds sing songs in spring.

– an important part of grammar and a stumbling block for beginners. In order not to get confused about tenses, simply studying the theory is not enough; you need to consolidate your knowledge with the help of exercises. These tenses exercises in English will help you better understand one of the main topics.

If you want to brush up on tenses in English before going through the exercises, watch this video where I go over active tenses.

Exercise 1. Verb in Present Simple

In this exercise you need to put the verb into one of the forms. Let me remind you that there are only two such forms: verb in initial form and a verb ending in -s.

Show answers with translation

  1. He has some sugar. - He has some sugar.
  2. Jacob and Tina have a lot in common. – Jacob and Tina have a lot in common.
  3. I do not keep expired pills. – I don’t keep expired pills.
  4. He runs the company with his brother. – He runs the company with his brother.
  5. She does not like my job. – She doesn’t like my work.
  6. Do you know how it works? – Do you know how it works?
  7. Cats never miss a chance to sleep. – Cats never miss an opportunity to sleep.

Exercise 2. Irregular verbs

Show answers with translation

  1. My uncle walks two miles every day and feels very well. “My uncle walks two miles a day and feels very good.”
  2. We really need another vacation. “We really need another vacation.”
  3. Sorry, I can’t talk now, I amrunning to see the doctor at the moment. - Sorry, I can’t talk right now, I’m running to see a doctor right now.
  4. My dad always says that I should find another job. – My dad always says that it’s better for me to find another job.
  5. Take an umbrella, it is going to rain. - Take an umbrella, it will rain soon.
  6. I added some pepper to the soup, now it smells better. – I added a little pepper to the soup, now it smells better.

Exercise 5. Simple or Continuous tenses?

This is an exercise for all times Simple and Continous. Open the brackets and put the verb into one of the forms:

Show answers with translation

1. You will be safe now. “You will be safe now.”

2. Yesterday I found a coin in the garden. It looked very old. – Yesterday I found a coin in the garden. She looked very old.

3. Jake was watching TV when someone knocked on the door. – Jake was watching TV when someone knocked on the door.

4. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what are you are going to get. – Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you'll get.

5.We were just talking about you! – We were just talking about you!

6. I can’t pick you up from the school today, because I will be working in the evening. Mom will pick you up.– I can’t pick you up at school today because I’ll be at work in the evening. Mom will come pick you up.

Exercise 6. Past Simple or Present Perfect?

Exercise 7. Past Perfect and Future Perfect tenses

More common in fiction than in colloquial speech. rarely used and in oral speech, and in writing. Do you know when these tenses are used?

Select the correct translation option.

Exercise 8. Tenses in English

In this task you need to open the brackets and put the verb into a tense form that is appropriate in meaning. Pay attention to the translation to understand which verb tense is best.

Show answers with translation

  1. Jane loves cakes and hates broccoli. Jane loves cakes and hates broccoli.
  2. I was listening to the lecturer carefully but understood nothing. – I listened carefully to the lecturer, but did not understand anything.
  3. Oh, I'm glad to see you! I have been waiting for you all day! - Oh, I'm glad to see you! I've been waiting for you all day.
  4. When the rescue team found the lost tourists, they had been living with no food for two days. – When rescuers found the missing tourists, they had already lived for two days without food.
  5. I had warned you many times but you didn’t listen. “I warned you many times, but you didn’t listen.”
  6. By the end of the next year, we will have produced two million tons of soap. - Towards the end next year we will produce two million tons of soap.

1 option

1. _________ he go for a walk every evening?

a) do b) does c) ha s

2. I"m reading. What _________ doing?

a) you b) are you d) you are

3. Why ________ yesterday?

a) were you late b) you were late c) you were late

4. I _________ a teacher.

a) is b) am c) are

5. I ________ a newspaper last night when my friend rank.

6. He lives in Moscow o w. How long…. there?

a) does he live b) did he live c) lives

7. He __________ like basketball

a) no b) don"t c) doesn"t

8. How long…it ... you to get to the Institute, usually?

a) did take b) will take c) does take

9. . We (drink) coffee every morning.

10 Richard got ..... marks than Fred in the examinations.

11. The traffic is ..... downtown than on this road, especially during rush hours.

12. My old house is large, but my new house is…..

13. The doctor’s garden is …..than yours.

14. TV-6 is…..programmed on TV.

a) more interesting b) the most interesting c) interesting

15. . The traffic is ..... downtown than on this road, especially during rush hours.

a) heavier b) the heaviest c) heavy

16 Andy sometimes...comics.

a)read b)reads c)is reading


a) do b) does c) did



20. Where... you... now?

a) goes b) went c) are going

Option 2

1. I _________ a teacher.

a) is b) am c) are

2. What are you doing now?" "I _________ a letter."

a) is writing b) am writing c) be writing

3. . He __________ like basketball

a) no b) don"t c) doesn"t

4. Didn’t like the party, ________?

a) isn't he b) didn't he c) doesn't he

5. We (drink) coffee every morning.

a) drinks b) drink c) were drinking

6. He is ill. How long…. ill?

a) is he b) was he c) has he been

7 Richard got ..... marks than Fred in the examinations.

a) better b) good c) the best

8. At this moment we (do) an exercise on articles.

a) is doing b) are doing c) did

9. I ________ a newspaper last night when my friend rank.

a) were reading b) was reading c) have read

10. I have known Liz for years. She is ..... than her sister Jane.

a) more serious b) serious c) the most serious

11. Andy sometimes...comics.

a)read b)reads c)is reading

12 What is your brother... every day?

a) do b) does c) did

13 Listen! Somebody... the piano in the next room.

a) plays b) is playing c) played

14. This girl is…. in our class.

a) the most popular b) the popularest c) more popular

15. What are the shop tomorrow?

a) will buy b) buys c) are buying

16. Where... you... now?

a) goes b) went c) are going

17. _________ he go for a walk every evening?

a) do b) does c) ha s

18. The doctor’s garden is …..than yours.

a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) beautifuler

19. My old house is large, but my new house is…..

a) large b) the largest c) larger

20. He __________ like basketball

a) no b) don"t c) doesn"t