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Research project miracle in feathers or all about budgerigars. Project work "my parrot Kesha" Project about parrots

KSU Secondary School No. 29

Research notebook


I will experience the WORLD


students of 4th "A" class

secondary school No. 29

Mikhailenko Polina

Research topic:

Studying parrots and breeding them at home.

Project Manager:

primary school teacher

Kapokova Almira Nabiullaevna

KSU Secondary School No. 29

Semey - 2013


    Summary (My ideas about the research problem). ……………..4



    Goals and objectives of the study. …………………………………………………………………….6



    Main part. ………………………………………………………......10-21

    Material collected from conversations with parents, teachers, experts in the field of research……………………………………………………………….10

    Information obtained from the Internet and books. …………………………12

    Experiment. …………………………………………………………………15

    Conclusion. …………………………………………………………………..20

    Bibliography. …………………………………………………….21

My ideas about the research problem

What do I know about my topic?


A friend of mine has budgies at his house. house maintenanceI really love watching them. They sing very cheerfully and loudly.They are very funny birds, they bring a lot of positive emotions and are pleasing to the eye in a gray urban environment.

What else would I like to know?

I was interested in the question - what kind of birds are these, where did they come from, how to properly care for them, and most importantly, whether they can be bred at home. That is whypurposeresearch became: studying parrots and breeding them at home.

What questions should I ask myself about this topic?

What do I know about budgies?

How to breed parrots at home?


The great problem is like

precious stone.

Thousands pass by

until finally one

will pick him up.

Friedrich Nietzsche

In schools, kindergartens and nurseries, as well as in the apartments of many city residents, a variety of indoor plants are grown, corners of wildlife are created - aquariums with fish, cages with songbirds and ornamental birds. According to the great English naturalist Charles Darwin, birds are among the most aesthetic of all living creatures; they are able to improve a person’s mood and well-being and provide purely emotional pleasure.

In recent years, wild songbirds kept in cages have been replaced by domesticated songbirds and ornamental birds -wavy parrots. They are less demanding in terms of housing and feeding conditions.But without knowledge of how to properly care for them, pets often die without even living a year.

Problem: lack of knowledge about your pet - a budgie.

Ability to determine the purpose and objectives of research

Determining the purpose of the research means answering to yourself and others why you are conducting this research. There are many options for words with which you can start formulating a goal:identify, define, study, explore, etc.

Purpose of the study:

studying parrots and breeding them at home.

The research objectives define the main steps of the study.

Research objectives:

Main tasksthe research was:

    Learn everything about parrots;

    Try to breed budgies at home.3. Zto interest other people in your hobby;

4. Draw conclusions, summarize the results of the study.

Determining the research hypothesis

After choosing a topic, you need to learn how to put forward a hypothesis (make assumptions). A hypothesis is a prediction of events. Initially it is not defined, it needs to be designated. Hypotheses begin with the words:suppose, suppose, perhaps, what, if, why....

All hypotheses must be written down.

Write down the most important one first.

in your opinion, then the rest.

Suppose What I decided to start breeding parrots,

Let's say what am I I chose the right male and female,

Maybe, they will have chicks .

What, if I should start breeding budgies. .

Hypothesis: If other poultry breed at home, then why can’t budgerigars be bred at home?

Object of study: research steel budgies

Field of study: knowledge of the world, zoology, biology.

Research methods: In my work I used the followingmethods research:

    Method of studying popular science literature;

    Observation method.

The project product of our work is breed budgies.

Expected results of the project: breed offspring of budgerigars.

Project stages:

Preparatory (problematization, goal setting, planning, collecting material).

Basic ( implementation of the planned plan, project materials).

Project protection (presentation of a multimedia presentation).

I am drawing up a research plan

I'll do an experiment.

I'll make an observation.

I will watch popular science television programs, feature films and documentaries on the topic of my research

I'll find the material on the Internet.

I will write down everything that I already know about this problem!

I will look through all encyclopedias, reference books, magazines, books in order to collect material on the topic of my research.

I will collect information from people “knowledgeable” in this problem: specialists in this field, subject teachers, parents, neighbors, etc.

My research plan

Planned result

    Studying information about budgies, caring for them and keeping them at home.

    Visiting pet stores to study the range of food and the demand for it.

    Creating a pair for offspring.

    Observation of budgies, their behavior and habits.

    Organization of monitoring based on observation results.


Material collected from conversations with parents, teachers, and research experts

I collected this material from conversations with parents, teachers and classmates.

I was interested in the question of who in my circle keeps budgies at home and knows the secrets of caring for them and their habits. In this regard, I conducted a survey of children in my class and with friends. A total of 24 people were interviewed.

The survey results showed that most of the respondents do not have parrots, but would like to have them at home.

Survey questions:

    If you have parrots at home?



    I want to start

    What attracts you to breeding parrots?

    Cheer up

    Learn to talk.

    They give you the opportunity to observe them.

IN conclusion : most of the respondents do not know where to buy good, healthy parrots, Therefore, there was a need to study these birds and the peculiarities of their reproduction in home conditions.

Information obtained from the Internet and books.

The budgerigar is one of the most interesting birds, very popular among people forhouse maintenance. The popularity of keeping budgies at home is explained by their ability to imitate many sounds, including human speech. Parrots also have very bright and beautiful colors. Their appearance serves as a decoration for a human home.

The budgerigar (lat. Melopsittacus undulatus) is a bird of the parrot family. This parrot lives in Australia and some adjacent islands. The Australian Aborigines called the budgerigar "bedgerigas", which means "fit for food". They used them as food.

The budgerigar is a very slender and beautiful bird. The length of an ordinary budgerigar is on average 17-20 centimeters, but there are also larger individuals. The length of the wing is 9.5 - 10.5 cm, the tail is 8-10 cm; weight 40-45 g. In nature, the main color of the budgie is a protective grass-green color, but in captivity there are a wide variety of colors bred by breeders. The head is yellow in front, wavy at the back. There are purple spots on the sides and three black dots under them. The eyes of a parrot are dark blue, the membrane around the eyes has a white or yellow tint. The budgerigar has good eyesight, they can distinguish colors, but they see very poorly in twilight and darkness. The angle of vision is very wide, they are able to see two perspectives. This property of vision helps them to navigate well in flight and see dangers well.

At the moment, there are more than 150 different species of budgerigar in the world: in addition to the traditional green color, which is found in the wild, in captivity there are also yellow, white, gray, blue, and blue colors. There are budgies with a crest. Initially, changes in the color of the budgie occurred by chance, mutation, then they reached great diversity due to the development of selection.

It is very easy to distinguish a female budgerigar from a male. They are distinguished using wax. The cere is a colored leathery formation that is located in the upper part of the beak. Males, as a rule, have a cere of purple or blue color, and females - gray or brown. However, this method is applicable to those budgies that are one and a half months old. Chicks of budgies the color of the cere very often changes, so sometimes the sex can be determined by the color of the bird’s legs - in females they are pink, and in males they are blue.
Budgerigars are very active and mobile birds and make quite a lot of noise. They have a very loud and ringing voice, often shout. They are able to imitate various sounds and the singing of other birds. They can speak human speech, they are easy to train. They are very curious and sociable.

The habitat of the budgerigar is most of Australia, as well as some islands near it, including the island of Tasmania. Budgerigars live mainly in semi-desert areas and steppes, where you can find rare areas with trees. In the northern regions of Australia, where there are many areas with dense trees, almost never found.

In the wild, the budgerigar's main source of nutrition is the seeds of herbaceous plants. These birds annually cause great damage to agriculture: they land in large flocks on farmers' fields with crops and eat large harvests.

Budgerigars live in flocks of several dozen individuals to several thousand. There have been flocks of budgerigars numbering more than 20 thousand birds. The budgerigar walks very well on the ground, can climb trees and flies quite well.

Living in the wild, budgies are able to reproduce throughout the year. After fertilization by the male, the female lays eggs. Their number can vary, usually 4-10 eggs (sometimes more, up to 20 pieces). The eggs of a budgerigar are very small and fragile, they are white. The females lay their eggs in a hollow. The hollow of a budgerigar is without bedding. The female incubates the eggs approximately 18-25 days, after which the chicks are born. While the female is incubating eggs, males may feed the female.

Budgerigar chicks are born blind, without feathers. They develop vision after 10 days of life. When the budgerigar chick reaches one month of age, it fully feathers and leaves the parent's nest.

Europeans first learned about the budgerigar thanks to George Shaw, who described these birds in his book. In 1840, budgerigars were brought to the London Museum. As a result, budgerigars became very common throughout the world. The birds were transported by sea. The voyages lasted a long time, more than two months, as a result of which the birds often died. At the moment, the Australian government has banned the export of birds. There are currently more birds in captivity than there are in the wild.

At the moment, the budgerigar is the most common bird kept in captivity. Budgerigars easily tolerate life in aviaries and cages, quickly get used to people, and are easy to tame. They reproduce well in captivity. It was these factors that influenced thispopularity of budgies.

The results of my observations

These are my parrots Vanya and Manya. They are one and a half years old. Vanya is yellow-green in color. And this is our Manya. She is also almost a year and a half old. She's blue.

I take a very responsible approach to feeding parrots - I feed them different foods so that they don’t get used to one type. In the cage I hung feeders with river sand, which helps digest food, and stones with minerals - they are used by parrots to sharpen their beaks. I make sure to give fruits, vegetables, and green grass. She also placed various toys in the cage: a bell, climbing ropes, a ladder, a ring. But it is not advisable to hang a mirror, because they will admire themselves and will not learn to talk. My parrots eat millet, oats, and wheat. They love sprouted oats.

We started preparing them for breeding in one month. We bought a special nesting house and poured sawdust into it. Added 1 teaspoon of chamomile to the sawdust.

During the first days, Manya did not pay any attention to the house. Two days later she began to climb into it and throw out excess sawdust. As a result, a depression formed in the middle of the house. Alina continued to sit in the house for another 2 weeks, occasionally going out only to eat.

And after 2 weeks we saw the first egg at the bottom of the house. We were very happy.

We started keeping a calendar and marking all events on it. Our first testicle appeared on October 8, the second on October 10, the third on October 12, and the fourth on October 14.

Starting from the second testicle, Manya stopped leaving the house and constantly sat on the testicles. Occasionally she approached the edge of the house, and Vanya passed food to her in his beak.

Then our expectations began. We read on the Internet that incubation lasts 18 days. And then exactly on the 18th day we heard a faint squeak. We expected to see a chick that looked like a little chicken, but we saw a small helpless worm. Exactly one day later, the second chick hatched, a day later the third, and a day later the fourth.

The parrots grew very rapidly. The male fed the female, and she passed food into the beak of the chicks.

Already on the 10th day, the eldest baby’s eyes opened and white fluff appeared on his back.

On day 11, we took the chicks out of their house to clean it and add fresh sawdust.

After 2 weeks, feathers began to appear on our chicks, and it became clear what color the chicks would be.

One day we noticed that the male was pecking the chicks and throwing them off the perch. As it turns out, he does this on purpose to teach the chicks to fly.

Over time, the cage was now too small for six parrots, and we had to give them away.


As a result of my research, I was able to study budgerigars and the history of their domestication.

I studied a lot of literature and online resources, which helped me feed and keep the birds correctly so that they were comfortable.

We managed to breed budgies at home. It turned out to be a very exciting and interesting activity. I think that this is not our last chicks, and maybe we will seriously start breeding budgies.

I was able to prove in practice that budgies can be bred at home.

I am sure that our chicks will bring a lot of joy to their owners!


    "Children's Encyclopedia" No. 11, 1996. Educational magazine for girls and boys.

    Everything about everything: Popular children's encyclopedia / Author – comp. Shalaeva G., - M.: Philological Society “WORD”, 1999.

    I explore the world: Det. Children's encyclopedia: Animals / Author-comp. L.A. Bagrova - M.: AST Publishing House LLC, 1998.

    Birmelin I. Budgerigars, Moscow, Omega-press LLC, 2005.

    Kurt Kolar Budgerigars, Moscow, Publishing House Aquarium-Print LLC, 2006.

    Sources and Internet: , volnistye, www.zooclub,

Application (on disk)

    Appendix 1 – photographs of the experiment.

    Appendix 2 – My story about the experiment (video).

    Appendix 3 Filim from photographs of the experiment.

Semey 2013

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Research work on the topic “Budgerigars” The work was carried out by Maria Ivanovna Baisheva, 4th grade student of School No. 33 Head: Valentina Balzhirovna Dandarova

2 slide

Slide description:

Purpose of the work: to study the habits of a parrot, its emotional state in different situations. Objectives: - study the literature about parrots - get acquainted with the species of parrots - find out where parrots live and what they do in the wild - how to care for parrots at home Hypothesis: if you study the literature about the life of parrots, you can learn to manage the emotions of a parrot, properly care for pet.

3 slide

Slide description:

4 slide

Slide description:

I have a budgie living at home. Her name is Zina. She appeared in our house in the spring of 2014. My parents bought it for me. I was very glad to have her in our house. Zina is very beautiful! She is so smart, she understands intonations and many phrases, for example, “Fly to me,” “Sit on my hand.” When I whistle, the parrot also responds by whistling. This is how we talk to her. Zina is a very funny bird. She can be happy and upset, sad, play and have fun. I became interested in what and how many species of these birds there are, where they live in the wild. I love my parrot and so I decided to find out how to properly care for it.

5 slide

Slide description:

From books I learned that parrots are inhabitants of tropical forests. They have bright plumage and a large hooked beak, with which they crack even the hardest nuts. They have four toes on their paws: two in front and two in back, with which they grasp tree branches like pincers. But parrots differ noticeably from each other in size. The largest parrots are macaws; their length, including their tail, is almost a meter. They have a sharp, unpleasant cry, and the feathers are so beautiful that the locals - the Indians - decorated themselves with these feathers. Cockatoos are about the size of a crow and have a crest on their head. There are lovebirds. They were nicknamed this because they are very friendly and do not part with each other.

6 slide

Slide description:

The homeland of these elegant birds is Australia. Here they gather in huge flocks and feed on grassy plains. On this continent they are distributed everywhere. They feed on grass seeds, green sprouts, and millet. In their homeland, budgies have bright green plumage.

7 slide

Slide description:

For a beginning hobbyist, experts recommend getting a budgie, as it has a gentle disposition, sociability, and is unpretentious in feeding. This is probably why they gave me a budgie. It turns out that budgies are so named because they have a wave-like pattern on their feathers. The color of the feathers is yellow, white, gray, blue and green. My Zina has bright yellow and green plumage. The size of the budgerigar is very small. Its length is only 18 cm (to the tip of the tail).

8 slide

Slide description:

Slide 9

Slide description:

Feeding My parrot drinks clean water. We buy him special food. Which includes: millet, sunflower and flax seeds, millet, oats. It is strictly forbidden to treat budgies with meat or bread; salty, sweet, spicy and fatty foods prepared for people.

10 slide

Slide description:

While living with us, I began to notice that our parrot became somewhat sad. A crust appeared on the beak and nails. My father and I showed our parrot to the veterinarian at the Polivet clinic. There he was diagnosed with a tick. It turns out that our parrot was brought in already infected with a tick. But this disease is curable and is not contagious to people. Treatment with Amitrazine ointment was prescribed. Every 5 days, our whole family treats our parrot. She is on the mend. Now I know how to care for parrots and how to cure them if they get sick.

11 slide

Municipal educational institution "GYMNASIA No. 6"

Studying the emotions of budgies

at home

(research work)

Krylov Ilya

Student of 2nd grade

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 6"

Glazov UR

Scientific adviser-

Ulyanova N.S.


1.1. History of breeding budgerigars in captivity

1.2. Peculiarities of behavior of budgies in nature

2.1. Description of experimental work

2.5. Experiment No. 4. Can parrots be afraid?

2.6. Experiment No. 5. Curiosity of parrots





Parrot dancing in a cage

Like a rainbow on a branch.

He's funny, real,

Feathered friend talking.

Irina Gurina

We have two budgies at home. Their names are Yasha and Glasha. When these birds first appeared at our house, it seemed to me that budgies are always cheerful and sociable, and their cheerful mood never changes. But after observing them for several months, I realized that this was not the case. I thought: “Are parrots, like people, capable of being sad, happy, angry? What do they like and what don’t they like?”

Target research work: study the emotions of budgerigars and find out what factors influence the emotions of these birds.

The research hypothesis is that by studying the emotions of budgerigars, we will be able to create more comfortable conditions for keeping parrots.

To achieve the goal, the following were settasks :

observe the behavior of budgies at home

identify factors influencing the emotions of parrots.

draw conclusions based on the research results.

create a guide for beginners

We used the followingresearch methods :

get acquainted with the literature on the research topic

Get advice from teachers and parents.

Go to your computer and look up information on the Internet.

observation method.

to conduct an experiment.

The work consists of an introduction, 2 chapters, a conclusion, a list of references

Chapter 1. Our wavy friends

  1. History of breeding budgerigars in captivity

The budgerigar is one of the most popular pet birds kept by hobbyists.Budgerigars are indigenous to Australia. Their historical homeland is located there. This beautiful bird was first brought to Europe in 1805. The migrant was settled in the London Zoo. People liked the bird, everyone wanted to get this little trusting bird. Parrots have been learned to reproduce in artificial conditions. The parrots turned out to be unpretentious and prolific. There are now more birds in captivity than there are in Australia.

  1. Peculiarities of behavior of budgies in nature

Parrots are flocking birds that cannot exist alone.During rest, budgies clean each other's feathers. If no one bothers them to rest, their cheerful chirping can be heard, but as soon as a predator appears, the entire feathered society immediately falls silent after a short signal and the parrots rush in different directions, vigorously flapping their wings.

The budgerigar is a calm bird that rarely quarrels with each other. It roosts for the night on small trees or bushes. It is often quite difficult to spot a budgerigar due to the camouflage of its plumage. Birds are regularly observed in bodies of water, near rivers, large puddles, even in troughs intended for watering livestock.Budgerigars drink a lot. Particularly large concentrations of these birds are found near large bodies of water during drought.

Thus, having studied the literature, we see that parrots live in nature in a flock and rarely quarrel with each other. In the wild they are playful, cheerful and active.

Chapter 2. Study of emotions in budgerigars

2.1.Description of experimental work

All observations of the behavior of budgerigars were carried out in our apartment. The location of the parrots is the cage in which they constantly live. This cage is spacious for birds and convenient for our observations.

2.2. Experiment No. 1. Can parrots feel sad?

In July 2014, a parrot named Yasha appeared in our family. Watching him every day, we noticed that Yasha was sad. He sat on the perch all day and hardly chirped. Although we tried our best to entertain him. Three months later, we decided to buy Yasha a girlfriend, Glasha. At the first meeting, they both began to tweet incessantly, as if they had not seen each other for a long time and were very glad to meet. After meeting, they began to cling to each other. During meals, Yasha gives way so that Glasha eats the food first. The parrots clean each other's feathers, and at night they sit together on a ring and, cuddling up to each other, quietly doze off. Currently we see that our parrot is happier. Yasha now jumps around the cage and often starts chirping something, as if she is thanking us for her friend.

Conclusion. Parrots know how to be sad. They don't like being alone. Therefore, we decided that it is better to always buy two parrots at once. The two of them will have more fun.

2.3. Experiment No. 2. Can parrots get angry?

We feed our birds at the same time in the morning. We pour special food for budgies into the feeders and change the water in the drinking bowl every day. At this time, parrots are impatiently waiting to start eating. Yasha shifts from foot to foot, and Glasha shakes her head up and down. We decided not to give them food at the prescribed time and see what happens. An hour later, Yasha and Glasha began screaming loudly, flapping their wings, and jumping around the cage. They were angry with us. When we gave them food, they ate and calmed down.

Conclusion. Parrots know how to get angry. Glasha and Yasha are in a good mood when they are full and there is fresh water in the cage.

2.4. Experiment No. 3. Can parrots be happy?

We noticed that after parrots have been in a cage for a long time, they begin to feel sad and do not chirp. When we open the cage and give them the opportunity to fly around the room, they are very happy, flying out one after another. They begin to chirp incessantly, enjoying the flight. After flying for some time, they sit on the chandelier and continue to chirp to each other for a long time.

Conclusion. Parrots know how to rejoice when they have the opportunity to fly freely.

2.5. Experiment No. 4. Can parrots be afraid?

In nature x seekers are attracted to movement. Therefore, the ability to freeze in place is one of the many defense mechanisms of birds.

We wondered whether this feature of budgerigars would be preserved in captivity.

On weekends we do cleaning. If a vacuum cleaner is running in the room, the parrots are afraid of its loud sound. Birds press their feathers tightly to their body and curl into a ball. They stop singing, freeze and do not move. If our parrots are not in a cage, then they try to hide.

Conclusion. Parrots can experience fear even in captivity. Yasha and Glasha are afraid of loud noises. Budgerigars are in a good mood when the room is quiet.

2.6. Experiment No. 5. Curiosity of parrots

The next question we want to answer during the experiment is: Are parrots curious? We decided to hang a bell in the cage. At first the parrots looked at him from afar and did not come close. Then Yasha began to carefully, step by step, approach the unfamiliar object. He touched it with his beak and slightly pushed the toy. Following Yasha, Glasha began to examine the toy. They really liked the toy. They knocked on it with their beaks. After observing the parrots, we noticed that the parrots lose interest in this toy within a week. During our observations, we came to the following conclusion. To prevent parrots from getting bored, it is necessary to change the toy every other week. For example, you can use a pine cone. It is convenient to hang itin a cage, or just put it on top of the cage. Parrots will spend hours enthusiastically gnawing on a pine cone and taking it apart. A simple bunch of branches will also be a wonderful entertainment and a kind of treat for birds.

Conclusion. Budgerigars are very curious. They carefully examine objects, turning them in their paws and pecking them in order to find out if the find is edible. There should be enough toys in the cage.

After studying the literature and conducting an experiment, we compiled a guide for people who want to get budgerigars (see Appendix 1).

Thus, after observing birds for several months, we were convinced that budgerigars experience different emotions. Their behavior depends on their emotional state. Parrots can express their emotions in different ways.


As a result of the work done, information on a given topic was found and processed: books were read, materials on Internet sites were studied, and experimental work was carried out.

Wavy p Scarecrows are bright, amazingly graceful, trusting and cheerful birds. The parrots were able to adapt to life in an ordinary apartment and to humans. It is important for owners of colorful birds to understand what happens to their feathered pets and what they expect from us. We made sure that the condition of the bird is easily read by its appearance and behavior. An attentive owner will certainly notice all the emotional outbursts of his feathered pet. If we want to know the habits, temperament and character of a bird in more detail, we need to observe it for some time.

During experimental work, we found that budgerigars are capable of experiencing various emotions, such as joy, anger, sadness, fear, curiosity. Parrots express their emotions through their behavior. Thus, we confirmed the correctness of our hypothesis.

The goal of the work was also achieved: factors influencing the mood of parrots were identified. The results of the experiment showed that in order for parrots to always be in a good mood, it is necessary:

It is better to keep a couple of parrots than one.

Feed the parrots on time and change the water in the drinking bowl.

Parrots should have enough toys in their cage.

the room where the parrots live should be quiet.

Annex 1.

Memo for Beginners

1.Keep budgies in a well-lit room.

2.Feed the parrots at the same time and change the water in the drinking bowl every day.

3.Parrots should have toys in their cage.

4.The room where the budgies live should be quiet.

5. It is better to keep a pair of parrots for their emotional well-being.


1. Yu.K. Schoolboy. Birds. Complete encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo, 2011.

2. A.I. Rakhmanov. Budgerigars. Care and maintenance. - M.: “Aquarium”, 2012.

Municipal educational institution

Odintsovo Gymnasium No. 4

Research work


Completed by: Myshevskaya Anastasia

4th grade student

Scientific supervisor: Olga Vladimirovna Bindyukova

Introduction …………………………………….……………………………………. 3
Main part

What kind of bird is this - a budgerigar? ……………………………………. 4

What does the body language of birds tell us?…………………………………….…... 5

“Apartment” for well-being……………………………………….. 6

Care and feeding of parrots……………………………………………………….... 9

Health of parrots………………………………………………………. 12
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………..…….. 13
…………………………………………… 15


Millions of budgerigars with blue, yellow, green and motley colors live under the care of people.

These birds were bred through selective breeding, resulting in mutations and bold new colors. The budgerigars that we keep as pets are more colorful and also heavier and slower than their wild relatives. They would not be able to survive in the natural conditions of Australia.

Parrots are funny birds. They can be happy, sad, sad, play and be cunning. Parrots can imitate humans. It was all these qualities that attracted the attention of man.

I have a budgerigar living at home, and I decided to observe him. Study the literature, find out how to properly care for it and thus conduct research about the life of budgies.

What kind of birds are these - budgies?

200 years ago people learned about the existence of these extravagant birds. Budgerigars, naturally, have earned popularity due to their appearance and character. They are easy to tame and very sociable. Budgerigars make life richer. Their positive effect on humans has been scientifically proven.

To properly care for your pet, you need to learn as much as possible about it.

Through the eyes of a budgie.

The bird's eyes are relatively large. They occupy 50% of the entire head, which suggests that the power of birds lies in their vision. Located on the sides of the head, the eyes give budgies a constant all-round vision. An enemy who approaches from behind hardly has a chance to remain unnoticed. The eyes can move independently of each other. Parrots see the world around them in color, just like humans.

The bird sees the big glass mainly when it is too late. Their spatial vision is poorly developed. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor when the bird flies.

Ears of a budgie.

Sounds of various tones - voices, ringing, singing, etc. - play a significant role in the world of budgies. Birds study sounds throughout their lives. Sounds play a significant role in communicating with a person. So it is not surprising that budgies hear well and can even imitate human speech.


It is believed that birds do not smell. It still remains a mystery whether budgies can smell.

The beak of parrots is massive, short, a little like the beak of birds of prey, but much stronger and thicker. Parrots are very skilled at using it. The beak is both a device for capturing and chopping food and for climbing trees, and a very formidable weapon.

Parrots' legs are very strong, but rather short. Each paw has great independence of movement. In addition, the paws help to hold food, and they are also used by the bird to bring it to its beak.

And finally, the luxuriously rich color scheme of the plumage. The huge variety of color variations in the plumage of parrots is striking. However, the main color is green.
What does the body language of birds tell us?

Only clean plumage guarantees good flight; birds devote a lot of time to caring for their feathers every day. Unlike large parrots, budgies have a sebaceous gland. The fat secreted by the gland makes the feathers elastic and water-repellent. When grooming its plumage, a small bird often rubs its body in the area where the sebaceous gland is located and distributes the oil throughout the feathers. With pleasure she passes each feather through her beak.

The bird sits with its head bowed on a perch, with its beak tucked into the feathers of its back. Feathers fluffed, eyes closed. Often one leg is hidden under the belly plumage. Perhaps the parrot is dreaming.
"Apartment" for well-being.

The well-being of a parrot depends on many things. An equally important role is played by the size of the cage and the equipment of the budgerigar’s house.

These birds demonstrate in a very accessible and understandable way whether they are happy with their “apartment” or not. Many people believe that a small cage is enough for a small bird. This is not true!

Macaws and gray parrots, large relatives of budgerigars, fly much less than the agile little strongmen. They do not sit still and often move around a large, spacious cage.

Budgerigars love company, so the cage should be placed in a room where the whole family gathers. They enjoy listening to human speech; perhaps the chatter reminds them of their own. The kitchen, however, is not a suitable place. There are many sources of danger here: stove, steam, pots with hot contents, empty vessels that you can climb into, open cabinet doors...

It is better to place your parrot in a room that has natural sunlight. Sunlight contains ultraviolet light, which is important for bone formation.

The bird house should not be on the floor, but at the eye level of an adult. In nature, budgies prefer higher places to rest and sleep, this protects them from enemies. It is best to place the cage in a bright corner, from where the birds can observe the world around them.

To create good living conditions for your parrot, you need to provide a lot of little things. The perch should not be synthetic, but it is better to use for this purpose sticks from fruit trees, such a thickness that the parrot rests its claws on it. Then they will wear off. If the cage is large, you can place a branch of a fruit tree in it. The branches have a little spring, so the birds' joints do not suffer.

Parrots cannot stand drafts, so it is necessary to protect them from them.

From time to time, the cage can be moved to another location, so the parrot can see the room from different angles. This not only does not make him nervous, but even calms him down. In nature, animals pay attention to the diversity of the world around them. Budgerigars living at home also need variety.

And so, the larger the cell, the better. But, no cage can be large enough to completely satisfy the need for flight, therefore, daily free flight around the room is absolutely necessary.

Do you know that :

  • In nature, budgies can fly at speeds of up to 120 km/h. The most energy-efficient flights are long direct flights with an average speed of 42 km/h. Parrots are able to sense the direction of the wind, so they fly as if on waves, and their flight speed is approximately 27 km/h.

  • A parrot that has flown away may get lost and not find its way back home. In most cases, this happens when the parrot has never seen the sky, let alone unfamiliar birds, houses and trees. Everything foreign fills him with fear. He flies around in panic and completely confuses himself until, exhausted, he lands somewhere. Often this is already very far from their native habitats.

Care and feeding of parrots.

Currently, citizens keep parrots in schools, kindergartens and nurseries, as well as in apartments. Parrots are amazingly graceful, graceful and dexterous birds, and watching them is a great pleasure. They greatly enliven the room, filling it with joyful, melodic sounds. Their chirping and chirping is pleasant and does not hurt the ears. Parrots can imitate birdsong quite accurately. To make your pet happy, you need to take proper care of it.

Feeders and drinking bowls should be located so that bird droppings do not fall into them. For females, which in natural living conditions grind down their beak, hollowing out a nest, the cage must have a piece of limestone attached to the cage wall. Water for drinking and bathing should be spotlessly clean, but not icy.

Parrots drink little and have different attitudes towards bathing: some like to bathe in flat dishes, some do not want to know about water at all, and others prefer a shower.

Proper and regular care is a fundamental prerequisite for the well-being of any pet.

Cleanliness is a necessary requirement. This is the basis of keeping an animal. Therefore, the cage must be cleaned daily, changing water and food. And once a week it is necessary to carry out general cleaning. At the same time, all feeders are washed. Even if everything seems clean.

When keeping parrots in cages, not only proper feeding, but also the quality of the food is of great importance. Improper feeding and poor quality feed often lead to diseases in birds. When purchasing grain feed, you should check that the grain is not musty or moldy.

Fresh, benign grain has a smooth glossy surface, natural shine and typical color.

Not only the quantity of food, but also its variety is important for the health of the bird. Therefore, it is better to make grain mixtures yourself.

You need to give enough grain so that the parrot has enough for the day and eats it almost without a trace. If you pour a lot, he will look for and eat only his favorite seeds (canary, sunflower or hemp).

In winter, you should add fish oil (1 - 2 drops per 1 teaspoon) or trivitamin (1 - 2 drops per 1 tablespoon). Some lovers feed their pets sausage, meat and other meat products; this is not recommended, because... normal feather growth and metabolism are disrupted.

Helpful advice:

  • It must be remembered that it is very difficult to switch a parrot that is accustomed to a certain food to another type of food or to force it to eat a variety of foods, so from the very beginning teach your pet to eat a varied diet.

  • Compared to life in the wild, a parrot's everyday life, especially if he is kept alone, is very monotonous. They have much more “free time” than in the wild, where they need to keep their eyes open so as not to become prey to a bird of prey or a snake. And you can occupy it by arranging a playground with posts, crossbars, stepladders and swings.

Parrot health.

When selecting medications, you should keep in mind the most common diseases of birds: gastrointestinal and colds, poisoning, injuries, vitamin deficiency. For their treatment and prevention, first of all, you will need: alcohol tincture of iodine, streptocide, iodinol, eye ointment, boric acid, petroleum jelly, castor oil, glucose.

Vitamin preparations are necessary to compare complete feed rations and treat vitamin deficiencies.

The set of tools needed to care for birds is small: scissors, a file for sharpening nails and beaks, pipettes, and measuring cups.

The dressing materials in the first aid kit should include narrow bandages, cotton wool, adhesive plaster, BV-6 glue and devices for applying splints for fractures.

Medicines after their expiration date should be replaced with new ones.


A bird in the house is, first of all, a great responsibility for a living creature. You have to be prepared for anything: your pet’s noisy behavior, excessive curiosity, and sometimes even illness.

The above listed drugs and tools that are required for the health of a parrot just sound scary. It seems that it is impossible to cure such a small parrot yourself if it gets sick. This is wrong! My budgie got sick after a year of living at home. He became weak, refused food, moved slowly, and did not fly. The veterinary clinic told me that he most likely would not survive. We did not accept this and began to treat him. We bought the necessary vitamins and ointment. For the first three days, we dripped vitamins from a pipette, wiped our paws and butt with chamomile, and smeared the beak with ointment, because... a growth has formed on the beak. On the third day, noticeable changes appeared: the parrot became more cheerful, began to eat slowly and even flew a little. So, day after day, my pet was recovering. Therefore, the bird owner must have a veterinary first aid kit.

My budgie has learned to say a lot of different words. He praises himself all day long: “Kesha is good, Kesha is good”!

I will try to do everything to make my pet feel good, because he helps me remain human, teaches me responsibility for those who are weak and need my help. In difficult moments for me, it calms me down and gives me strength. I love my friend very much.

Scientific research work can be used as a guide for those who decide to get a budgie.


Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 1"

Kemsky municipal district

Direction: the world around us (zoology)


I want a parrot!

Completed by: Platonova Anastasia,

student 2 "A" class

Head: Karpycheva N.V.,

primary school teacher


1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….3

2. Main part…………………………………………………………….........4

2.1. Melopsittacus undulatus…………………………………………………………….........4

2.2. Description of the budgerigar……………………….. ………………..4

2.3. From the history of breeding budgerigars………………...................5

2.5. Food…………………………………………………………………………………..6

2.6. Parrot health………………………………………………………......6

Survey of classmates and conclusions……………………………………………………………6




1. Introduction

Parrots are very funny birds. They can be happy and upset, sad, play, have fun and be cunning. It was these qualities that attracted human attention to parrots. Budgerigars are very popular nowadays. One word “parrot” evokes a kind smile and a desire to say: “I want a parrot!” That's what it is subject my work.

IN Nowadays, many families have parrots. However, it happens that people are not completely responsible towards their pets. This leads to illness and even death of birds. To avoid disastrous consequences, you just need to follow simple rules for caring for parrots.

Relevance My job is that I also want to have a parrot. I have the opportunity to become closely acquainted with this species of bird, study it before the pet appears in our home, and I take responsibility for its care.

First, we drew up a work plan.

Work plan:

1. Study of literature on the topic: “Budgerigar.”

2. Defining the goal.

3. Definition of tasks.

4. Formation of a hypothesis.

5. Selection of research methodology.

6. Design of research work.

7. Preparing a presentation.

8. Presentation of research work.

9. Discussion of the final work.

I chose as the object of my research budgie.

The subject of the study was rules for keeping a budgie at home.

The purpose of my work: acquaintance in more detail with one of the species of caged birds - the budgerigar.

I set myself the following tasks:

1. collect information about budgerigars;

2. get acquainted with the conditions of keeping a budgie at home;

3. conduct a survey of classmates: “What kind of pets are there in the house and who takes care of them?”;

4. visit a pet store and talk with the seller;

5. tell my classmates what I know.

Hypothesis: I assumed that if I learned more about budgerigars, their life and maintenance at home, I could convince my parents that I was capable of caring for these birds at home.

The research methods were:

    Studying literature on this topic.

    Working with Internet resources.


  • Experiment.

    Analysis of the information received.

2. Main part

2.1. Melopsittacus undulatus

At the beginning of my research, I became acquainted with the literature on this topic. And I found out that Melopsittacus undulatus in Russian means "singing budgerigar".

The budgerigar was named because the feathers on the neck and shoulders have 4 transverse narrow stripes of black color, which create a black wavy pattern.

I found out that the birthplace of budgerigars is South Australia. They fly very fast, screaming. They run easily on the ground and deftly climb tree branches. In nature, birds lay eggs several times a year. They feed on the seeds of herbaceous plants.

2.2. Description of the budgerigar

I found out that the total body length of the bird is approximately 18 cm and weighs 40-50 g. Birds successfully breed in captivity and live up to 15-20 years.

The head is mobile, the neck is long. Use its beak to clean all areas of the body, tail, and wings. They sleep standing or sitting on a branch. The plumage is soft and beautifully colored in various shades of green.

These are dexterous and beautiful birds. It is a great pleasure to watch them. They greatly enliven the room, filling it with joyful, melodic sounds. They can imitate birdsong quite accurately and get along well with other parrots.

2.3. From the history of breeding budgerigars

From books I learned that the famous English naturalist George Shaw first described the budgerigar in 1805.

Birds were brought from Australia to Europe in 1840 by Gould. And widely distributed throughout the world. But the cruel treatment of parrots forced the Australian government in 1894 to pass a law completely banning the export of any species of birds from the country.

At the beginning of the 20th century, budgerigars came to Russia from Western Europe. Later they began to be bred at the Moscow Zoo. And sell in pet stores in Moscow and other large cities.

As a result of breeding and selection, more than 200 varieties of birds were bred. They differed from each other in feather shape, pattern, plumage color and size.

2.4. Keeping and caring for parrots

I visited a pet store and talked with the seller. I found out that when buying a budgie, he needs to buy a cage. It should be such that the parrot can move well, spread its wings, and flap them.

The cage should have a sippy cup with clean water and a chalk stone for sharpening the beak. This stone is also useful as a source of calcium during molting birds.

And if the parrot lives alone, then you definitely need a mirror or a girlfriend so that it doesn’t get boring.

Various sticks-perches are also needed on which he could sit.

“Good food, cleanliness of the cage, a bright place, absence of cold and stuffiness - these are the main conditions for the life of a bird in a cage.” I.K. Shamov (songbird expert)

This means that in order for a pet to please us, we need to properly care for it. (see Appendix 1).

2.5. Nutrition

Feeding your parrot includes a varied diet.

These are cereals: oats, millet, canary seed.

    Ready grain mixture.

    In winter - add fish oil.

    Sprouted grain shoots.

    A hard-boiled, but not warm, egg.

    Vegetables and greens.

(see Appendix 2)

2.6. Parrot health

At the bottom of the cage I noticed a disheveled parrot. It turned out that he was sick. Therefore, the bird owner must have a veterinary first aid kit with the necessary medications and tools.

I noticed that parrots are quite shy. For example, when I accidentally waved my hand sharply, the parrots scattered around the cage and became very agitated. The same thing happened when I ran my hand over the cage several times. It turned out that their environment is very important for birds. Any change in space causes them anxiety.

3. Poll of classmates and conclusions

Many students in my class have pets. Four classmates live with parrots, which are looked after mainly by their parents.

And only four students take care of their animals independently.

And before you finally decide to get a budgie, all family members must decide for themselves the following questions regarding the maintenance and care of the bird:

    Do you really need something near and dear?

    Who will take care of the bird?

    Do you or your family members have allergies?

    Do you agree that more garbage will be added to your home?

    Are there a lot of people and guests at your home?

    Where will you place the cage?

4. Conclusion

Studying literature about parrots, I not only learned a lot of interesting and useful things about these birds and their maintenance, but was also able to tell my classmates about them. I conducted a survey among the children in our class to find out what kind of pets live in their home and who takes care of them. I found out that four students have parrots, which are looked after mainly by their parents. And only four students care for their animals independently. I visited a pet store and talked with the seller and watched the budgies.

Once again I was convinced that keeping pets is a big responsibility for which you need to prepare. I have compiled a memo with tips on caring for parrots for those who, like me, want to have these wonderful birds!

A bird in the house is, first of all, a great responsibility for a living creature. You have to be prepared for anything: your pet’s noisy behavior, his excessive curiosity, and sometimes a bad temperament, illness...

Unfortunately, I learned from books that some people are irresponsible when it comes to keeping parrots. And as a result, their pets die.

I will try to do everything to make my future pet feel good. After all, I will be responsible for his life. I will love my friend. And my parents will appreciate my thorough approach to this issue and will allow me to get a budgie.

The following literature was used for this work.

5. Literature

1. “The Great Encyclopedia of Nature.” Volume 2. pp.181-186. M. “The World of Books.” 2002. encyclopedia for children “I explore the world” animals. M., AST. 1998.

2. Budgerigar – a site about budgies. -

3. Budgerigar - all about birds. -

4. Budgerigar. -

5. “All about parrots, canaries and other birds in your home” Publisher: AST.

6. Mikhailov S. “Budgerigars” M., “Aquarium”. 2002.

7. Skorbovenko S.V. Budgerigars - M.: Publishing House "White City", 2007 - 96 p.

8. "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PARROTS", publishing house "Harvest" 2005.

Thank you for your attention!

Annex 1

Reminder for caring for parrots.

1. Remember that parrots are birds with a well-developed nervous system. In nature, they lead a gregarious lifestyle, so they need company.

2. Your new pet will need some time to get used to its new surroundings. Remember that any move is stressful for the bird!

3. Talk to your budgie gently and avoid sudden movements or loud noises near the cage.

4. If you decide to change your diet, even to a more complete one, replace it gradually.

5. Remember that your birds need fresh air and good ventilation!

General rules for successfully keeping parrots.

1. The parrot must be placed in a specially equipped cage of sufficient size (it must be able to fully spread its wings) or an aviary. The cage should be in a comfortable and bright place.

    The cage must have at least two comfortable and durable branch poles. At the same time, their diameter should allow the bird’s paw to comfortably grasp them. Branches that are too thin and too thick cannot be placed. A bird sitting on a branch should not rest its tail against the wall of the cage and stain the food and water with droppings. Branches should be replaced as needed. Strong branches that cannot be replaced need to be washed, along with the cage, once a month.

    Each cage should have a drinking bowl and 2 feeders (for dry and wet food). All drinking bowls and feeders must be washed with a disinfectant solution at least once a day.

    Feed is offered at the same time early in the morning and in the afternoon. In the evening you need to add dry food.

    At first after the move, every day for a week, the bird should be offered vitamin supplements.

    Water is offered only filtered or settled.

    In warm weather, it is useful to spray the parrot with warm water (artificial rain) for better feather growth and general hygiene.

    The temperature of the content is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

    About hygiene. During the day it is necessary to ventilate the room. This should be done at any time of the year, but drafts should be avoided. It is advisable to wash or wipe the floor with a damp cloth at least once a day. The cages must be washed with a disinfectant solution at least once a month.

Appendix 2

Our pets' diet

Tasty and healthy

Feed(grain mixture) for budgerigar. The recommended amount of grain mixture is 2 teaspoons per day. During the day, we check the presence of uneaten food in the feeder: blow off the husks, add, mix. If your pet eats too much, take the bird to a specialist. It may be necessary to balance the diet, and perhaps adjust the behavior of the bird by changing the conditions under which it is kept.

The food, even in vacuum packaging, should not have a musty, putrid odor. It is better to coordinate the food with your ornithologist veterinarian. It is necessary to switch to another food gradually increasing the proportions so that the parrot does not have an upset stomach if there is a sudden change in food.

Vitamin supplements They are given in courses and intermittently.

Sprouted or soaked oats or wheat. Pay attention to whether the oats turn black when soaked or, even worse, dirt appears. It is better not to give such oats. If you store sprouted oats (wheat) in the refrigerator, they will not germinate. If you leave it in a dry place to germinate, make sure it doesn’t turn sour.

Porridge. Consult your veterinarian about what is best for your pet: maybe rice porridge, maybe buckwheat, and how this may affect your pet’s digestion. The porridge can either be cooked a little or steamed in a thermos without adding salt.

Fruits and vegetables. The most favorite delicacy of budgies is a carrot and a leaf of lettuce, an apple. If you are going to give grapes or cherries, please note: your budgie may be afraid of the dark color and will not eat. Grapes that are green but sweet may work. Sour grapes or an unripe apple can make a bird relax. It is advisable to give fruits, greens and vegetables a little, at first just a few bites, because they can weaken a little (there may be some liquid droppings - this is due to individual food tolerance). In winter, citrus fruits containing vitamin C are especially useful. A small piece of banana.

Fruit twigs. It is better to give cherry twigs for nibbling: they do not harbor bugs, they are environmentally friendly. Apple tree branches are good for making a stand. You can let the branches of raspberries and currants chew, but keep in mind that they are sprayed, and this is dangerous.

Sand. As a mineral supplement, it is useful for the digestion of birds and strengthening their skeleton. It is common practice to hang a separate feeder with mineral fertilizer, rather than pour it into the bottom of the cage, otherwise the sand will mix with droppings and husks.

Chalk stone(or mineral stone with chalk). Breeding birds definitely need it - for the formation of the shells of future eggs and for the normal functioning of the birds’ bodies (so that the feathers grow better and the beak is in order, especially when used as a source of calcium).

Vitamin course. Only at the discretion of the veterinarian. As a rule, it is given during molting and several months before the start of the mating season in parrots. Instead of vitamins, when molting birds, you can use special food (for molting adult birds). It is mixed with the main grain feed, gradually increasing in volume. There are concentrated liquid multivitamins for different purposes: some are used, if necessary, during the period when the female is feeding the chicks; others give to weakened or sick birds; when molting birds, etc. There are liquid and dry vitamins for raising young animals, they are also given in courses. Multivitamins and vitamins are typically stored in a dark, cool place. Mineral supplements are also sold in liquid form.

Boiled egg and grated shell It is necessary to include budgies in the diet; if possible, a quail egg is given with or without grated shell, if there is mineral supplementation. In normal times, it is given 1-2 times a week. During the mating season, it is advisable to give every day, before laying begins. Eggs are excluded from the diet until the first chick appears. The egg is excluded for this time so that there are not a large number of empty eggs in the clutch and so that the female’s instinct to break the egg in the clutch does not work. Therefore, after the appearance of the first chick, the egg is gradually introduced into the diet. White and yolk, grated shell are needed for the normal development of chicks and maintaining the body of the parents who feed them. However, you cannot feed the chicks with a mixture containing protein, only yolk. The chicken egg shell, crushed into powder, is pre-calcined in the oven to avoid infection with infectious diseases (put the egg shells in a fireproof container and place in a preheated oven for about 15-20 minutes - this will remove the remaining protein and yolk and disinfect the shell).

What can be harmful and dangerous for a budgie?

    Sticks with honey. This is a treat for parrots. But with individual tolerance or food intolerance, the parrot can relax. In addition, you risk buying a low-quality product.

    It is dangerous to feed birds cabbage, dill, parsley, lettuce and some other vegetables and herbs, which often contain nitrates or alkaloids.

    Human food. Not suitable for budgies and shortens its life.

You should not give parrots:

Mango is toxic to birds; papaya, persimmon, avocado, potatoes, parsley and other herbs (they contain a lot of essential substances that are harmful to budgies), as well as vegetables from soup or stew that contain a large amount of salt and fat are harmful.

Many fruit pits (cherry, plum, apricot, etc.) contain hydrocyanic acid, which can cause poultry poisoning.
Candied fruits should not be given.

Cheese should not be given. Dairy products in themselves are harmful to the parrot, but the exception is low-fat cottage cheese, although there is an opinion that this too should not be given.