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Changes in the Unified State Exam in Russian. Reasons for introducing the oral exam

The topic that perhaps most worried future school graduates was the possible introduction of a third compulsory subject on the Unified State Exam. A variety of subjects were mentioned as possible “candidates” - from history to physics.

However, all significant innovations in the Unified State Exam 2017 should have been announced on the official FIPI website before the start school year and will certainly be reflected in the draft examination schedule. But there is no official news about the “third compulsory” at the beginning of the school year. Therefore, eleventh graders can breathe a sigh of relief: the list of compulsory subjects for the Unified State Exam 2017 does not change, there are still two of them:

  • Russian language(the results of which are taken into account for admission to all universities in the country without exception);

  • mathematics– basic or profile level to choose from.

Nevertheless, the issue of a third compulsory exam continues to be discussed - but, as representatives of the Ministry of Education assured, a decision will be made only after public discussion. And this will not happen “right now”.

Unified State Examination in Russian Language - 2017: changes in individual tasks

The structure of the Russian language task will remain unchanged: a block of tasks with short answers and an essay analyzing the problems posed in the journalistic or artistic text proposed to the examinee. There is no word yet on the appearance of the oral part of speech. In the future, “speaking” may appear in the Unified State Exam in Russian, but representatives of the Ministry of Education stipulated that this technology will be preliminary “tested” at the Unified State Exam in classes.

In 2017, changes to the Unified State Examination in the Russian language are planned for only three tasks, and they will not be very significant. In all cases, we are talking about expanding the language material:

  • in task No. 17(in proposals that include separate structures) will be presented not only introductory words, but also appeals;

  • in task No. 22(lexical in context) examinees previously had to find in a given fragment only one word or expression (for example, a phraseological phrase) that corresponded to the criteria of the task. Now the task becomes more complicated: from several “suitable” lexical units you will have to choose the one that most accurately meets the conditions of the task.

  • in task 23(write down the numbers of sentences related to the previous ones in a certain way) now both one and several correct answers are possible. That is, the student needs to find all such sentences in the passage and enter either one or several numbers in the form.

Unified State Exam in Mathematics -2017: profile and basic exam without changes

The Unified State Exam in mathematics remains divided into two levels:

  • relatively simple base an exam graded on a five-point scale, which mainly tests knowledge in the so-called “” field and the results of which are not accepted upon admission to a university and are needed only to obtain a certificate;

  • profile- much more complex, for those graduates who plan to enter technical universities where mathematics is a compulsory subject for admission.

According to official data published on the FIPI website, no changes are planned in any of the exams compared to 2016. However, students who have chosen a specialized level, when preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics, should keep in mind that the authors of the exam have taken a course to counteract “training” in solving problems of a certain type. And tasks of increased complexity may turn out to be non-standard: not beyond the scope of the school course, but requiring “mathematical ingenuity.”

In 2016, the presence of problems in the versions that differed in the solution algorithm from the options presented in the demo versions came as a surprise to many and caused protests and demands to reconsider the results. However, the developers of the exam made their position quite clear: one of the main functions of the Unified State Exam is to differentiate students by level of knowledge, and schoolchildren who have perfectly mastered the full school mathematics course are more prepared to study the subject at the university level and should have advantages over those who have simply trained to solve problems. tasks of a given type. So, most likely, “non-standard” mathematics tasks in 2017 will also be included in KIMs.

Unified State Exam in Social Studies: minor changes in structure

The USE in 2017 will generally correspond to the 2016 model:

  • block of tasks with short answers;

  • a block of tasks with detailed answers;

  • An “alternative” task is to write an essay on the topic of one of the proposed statements.

However, minor changes are planned in the block of short answer tasks. The task that appeared in the 2016 KIMs under number 19 (differentiation of facts, opinions and value judgments) will be excluded from it. But there will be one more task in the “law” module: choosing the correct judgments from lists, which will be the seventeenth in a row.

The total number of tasks and the maximum primary score in the exam in the most popular elective subject will remain unchanged.

Unified State Exam in Physics 2017: significant changes, exclusion of the test part

The Unified State Exam in Physics in 2017 will be one of the three subjects that have undergone the most significant changes: and The test part is completely excluded from the exam structure, which involves choosing one correct answer from a list of options. Instead it will be significantly expanded set of tasks with short answers(in the form of a word, number or sequence of numbers). At the same time, the distribution of tasks across sections of the school course will remain approximately the same as in previous years. In total, the first block of the exam will have 21 questions:

  • 7 – in mechanics,

  • 5 – on thermodynamics and MCT,

  • 6 – on electrodynamics,

  • 3 – in quantum physics.

The second part of the examination paper (problems with detailed answers) will remain unchanged. The primary score on the Unified State Exam in Physics will also remain at the level of last year.

Unified State Examination in Literature -2017: structure unchanged, but more questions on knowledge of the text

By 2018, the Unified State Exam in Literature will undergo drastic changes: FIPI plans to completely eliminate the block of tasks with short answers, leaving only four mini-essays and one full-length one. But in 2017, the literature exam will be held according to the old, already familiar model:

  • the first semantic block is an excerpt from an epic or dramatic work, 7 questions with short answers and two mini-essays on it;

  • the second block is a lyrical work, 5 questions about it with short answers and two mini-essays;

  • the third is an extended essay (choice of three topics).

However, while in 2016 most short answer questions were primarily aimed at testing knowledge of basic literary terms, then in 2017 these assignments will be aimed primarily at knowledge of the realities of the text. Thus, it will no longer be possible to “cross the threshold” only by knowing a small amount of theory.

You should pay attention to one more feature of the literature exam. In accordance with the rules, KIMs can include not only poems included in school curriculum. If a poet is included in the codifier, any of his poems can be offered for analysis. And this is legitimate - since mini-essays on a poetic passage should demonstrate the examinee’s ability to analyze the text independently, and not remember the corresponding paragraph of the textbook. In 2016, “non-program” poems appeared in many versions of KIMs, and, most likely, this trend will continue in 2017.

Unified State Examination in Biology - radical changes in 2017, exclusion of the test part and increase in duration

The Unified State Exam model in biology will change fundamentally in 2017: from the assignment the “test” component will be completely eliminated(questions with the choice of one correct answer from four proposed options), but the number of tasks with short answers will be increased.

In the control and measuring materials will appear fundamentally new types of tasks for the Unified State Exam in biology, among which:

  • restoration of missing elements or diagrams;

  • analysis of graphs, charts and tables;

  • searching for errors in the notation in the figure;

  • inferring the properties of a biological object from a “blind” image (without captions).

However, the developers of the exam believe that the updated Unified State Exam in biology will not cause significant difficulties for students: many types of tasks have already been tested on the Unified State Exam. The number of tasks with detailed answers will not change - there will still be seven of them, and the types of questions will correspond to the 2016 model.

Changing the structure of the exam will entail a number of changes in the procedure and grading scale:

  • total number tasks will decrease from 40 to 28;

  • the primary score is reduced to 59 (in 2017 it was 61);

  • The time to complete the work is increased by half an hour, the duration of the exam will be 210 minutes.

Unified State Examination in a foreign language – practically unchanged

The USE in foreign languages ​​in 2017 will be held almost the same as in 2016, with only one exception. Formulation of task No. 3 in the oral part of the exam (picture description) will be changed. As FIPI experts note, when describing images, examinees sometimes abuse “imaginary circumstances,” claiming, for example, that their relatives (including wives and children) or themselves are depicted here (“I’m an astronaut and I’m floating in zero gravity”). This conflicts with the purpose of this task, which tests the ability to fully and accurately describe a specific photograph.

Therefore, the task will be clarified. Thus, in the Unified State Examination in Language in 2017, the word Imagine is excluded from the wording, and the word present is changed to describe. Similar changes will be made to KIMs for other foreign languages ​​- so that it is clear that we are talking specifically about describing a picture, and not a “story based on it”.

Unified State Exam in Chemistry 2017: significant changes, exclusion of the test part

The 2017 Unified State Exam model in chemistry will also undergo significant changes related to the exclusion of the test part - and increase in the number and types of tasks with short answers. Among them there will be, for example:

  • tasks with choosing two correct options from several proposed ones,

  • compliance questions,

  • calculation tasks.

Will change and structure of the first part exam: it will include several thematic blocks dedicated to one of the sections - and each block will contain tasks of both basic and advanced levels of complexity. The second part of the exam paper (tasks with detailed answers) will remain almost the same as in previous years.


  • the total number of tasks will decrease from 40 to 34;

  • the maximum primary score will decrease from 64 to 60;

  • tasks No. 9 and 17 (relationship of organic and inorganic substances) will no longer be assessed with one primary point, but with two.

Unified State Examination in History - minor changes in the assessment system

In 2017, the history exam will be almost completely identical to last year’s options. However, there will be changes in the assessment system: the “cost” of two tasks will increase from one initial point to two:

  • task number 3(choice of terms relating to a specific historical period);

  • task number 8(selecting missing expressions from the list of proposed options).

In addition, the wording and evaluation criteria for assignment No. 25 (an essay devoted to one of the historical periods) will be clarified.

Unified State Examination in computer science and ICT in 2017 – without computers, no changes

Structure and technology conducting the Unified State Exam in Computer Science and ICT in 2017 will be fully consistent with the 2016 examination model. There is also no talk about the use of computers by examinees - although this idea (taking into account the specifics of the subject - absolutely logical) is actively discussed, this year’s graduates will again have to work with traditional forms.

When preparing for the exam, you should not lose sight of some features of the test materials:

  • task No. 27 is given in two versions, one of which is simpler and is worth 2 points, the second – 4;

  • To write the program in task 27, you can use any programming language of the examinee’s choice.

Unified State Exam in Geography: minor changes in the assessment system

No adjustments will be made to test materials in geography in 2017, but the “weight” of individual tasks will change: the maximum score for four tasks will be increased, and for another four it will be reduced.

Thus, the cost of tasks Nos. 3, 11, 14 and 15 will increase from one primary point to two (all - for identification and selection from a list of correct statements).

The following tasks were reduced from two points to one:

  • 9 (location of the population of Russia, working with a map),

  • 12 (distinguishing between true and false statements about urban and rural populations);

  • 13 (geography of transport, industries and Agriculture Russia);

  • 19 (export and international transport).

The maximum primary score remained unchanged – 47.

Official information about changes in the Unified State Examination 2017

All official documents related to passing the Unified State Exam are promptly published on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). There is also a summary of changes, however, in order to get a complete impression of the “new trends” in the examination company, this is not enough - the information in the table is given very concisely and concerns only fundamental changes.

In order to be aware of all the details of passing the Unified State Exam in 2017 “first-hand”, you can also:

  • get acquainted with the KIM Unified State Exam projects current year and carefully study the structure of the examination paper;

  • study guidelines for teachers compiled based on the results of 2016 - they are analyzed in detail typical mistakes last year’s graduates and “chew on” and justify the planned changes.

Finally, the first serious publications appeared in the media that could shed light on the upcoming reforms. Appeared in Lately in media interviews and news articles, where we came across mysterious quotes from the Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva or the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergei Kravtsov about the blockchain on the Unified State Exam or conducting final exams on computers, they provided food for discussion, but did not tell us in detail - where are we going, what is the vector new reform initiatives. In the article we will tell you what awaits the Unified State Exam until 2030, and at the end of the post you will find all the changes in the 2019 KIMs.

In August 2018, the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements released the next issue of its journal “Pedagogical Measurements,” which can safely be called programmatic. It was in this issue that the developers of tasks for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam described in detail how the country's main exam should change in the next 10-15 years.

Reformatting - strong changes will occur in the Unified State Exam tasks themselves - KIMs.

1. Creative and problematic tasks will be a priority.

With the introduction of new educational standards (FSES) Unified State Exam assignments will become more imaginative and creative, and the compilers will pose problematic questions to graduates. In short, the new Federal State Educational Standards and updated Unified State Examination tasks will have to consolidate the system-activity approach as the main one in the domestic education system.

2. An interview (and generally oral forms of control) will appear in the Unified State Examination in humanities subjects.

Soon interviews will be practiced not only at the Unified State Exam in Russian or foreign languages, but also in other social and humanitarian subjects. What specific items were meant and what the tasks would look like are not yet entirely clear.

3. Unified State Exam tests will now strive for an adaptive format.

It is planned to develop several different Unified State Exam options in one subject depending on the graduate’s hobbies. Let us explain what we mean. Already, in some disciplines there is a division of exams into basic and specialized levels. That is, there are actually two exams for the same subject. Mathematics is the most striking example. Soon, by the way, the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​will be taken on the same principle. FIPI developers want to go further - make different Unified State Exams in different areas of the same scientific discipline. For example, mathematics for physicists, mathematics for engineers, mathematics for chemists, etc. Obviously, universities will also be interested in this when admitting applicants to a particular faculty.

4. The share of Unified State Examination tasks with detailed answers will constantly increase.

FIPI developers warn that the updated Unified State Examination will still contain similar creative tasks, and there will be more and more of them.

Digitalization of the Unified State Exam is one of the areas of total digitalization of the entire Russian school.

The national project “Digital Economy” dictates all the main reform trends. In the May Decrees, the President set the task of entering the top 10 leading countries in the world in terms of quality by 2024. general education, as well as create a modern and safe digital educational environment.

In 2016, on behalf of the President, the Russian Electronic School (RES) was created. NES is a large-scale online platform where interactive lessons created and published the best teachers Russia. All these lessons comply with the current Federal State Educational Standards and have also passed an independent examination. How will digitalization affect the Unified State Exam?

1. The main innovation is EE at the computer.

Paper forms will be a thing of the past. Already in 2022, the Unified State Examination in computer science and ICT will be conducted only on computers, and the first trial testing of the updated exam will take place in 2019.

2. To protect the GIA from leaks, a secure information transmission line will be created.

It is through these lines that in the future all Unified State Exam assignments will be transmitted directly to examination reception points (PPE).

3. Rotation and selection of CMM option by computer.

To further protect the main exam from leaks in the future, CMM options will be selected for each graduate computer program right during the Unified State Examination. This will be a random selection from many options, which means leaks will be excluded.

The verification will also reach a new level and become more transparent and objective.

1. In the future, it is planned to completely transfer the Unified State Exam into online mode.

The Unified State Exam will not only be held on a computer or tablet, but also the KIMs and graduates’ answers will be uploaded to a cloud storage, access to which will be strictly classified. It is from there that experts will extract it for verification.

2. Verification of work will be centralized and independent.

The practice will soon end when exam papers were checked by experts from the same region as the Unified State Exam participants whose work they are evaluating. Now, “cross-checking” will be used more and more often, that is, work will be sent for evaluation to other regions. It is also planned in the future to create a single online commission, which will include the best experts from all over the country.

3. Artificial intelligence can replace Unified State Exam experts.

FIPI has announced absolutely fantastic reforms: it has been officially announced that the developers of the Unified State Examination are seriously thinking about introducing a completely independent exam verification using artificial intelligence. This is planned to be done by 2030.

What changes await the Unified State Exam in the 2018-2019 academic year? year?

Here is the official FIPI certificate about all changes in the 2019 Unified State Exam tasks:

In KIM for everyone academic subjects Additional reminder instructions have been introduced for Unified State Exam participants to check the recording of answers on forms No. 1 and No. 2 under the corresponding task numbers.

All changes in the Unified State Exam KIM are not of a fundamental nature. In most subjects, the wording of tasks is being clarified and the system of assessing tasks is being improved to increase the differentiating ability of examination work.

There are no changes to the Unified State Exam KIM in mathematics, geography, physics, chemistry, computer science and ICT in 2019

Russian language

The number of tasks in the examination paper has been increased from 26 to 27 due to the introduction of a new task (21), which tests the ability to conduct punctuation analysis of the text.

The format of tasks 2, 9–12 has been changed. The range of tested spelling and punctuation skills has been expanded. The difficulty level of individual tasks has been clarified. The wording of task 27 with a detailed answer has been clarified. The assessment criteria for task 27 have been clarified.


The model of the task in line 2 has been changed (instead of a two-point task with multiple choice, a one-point task for working with a table is proposed). The maximum initial score for completing all work has been reduced from 59 to 58.

Foreign languages

There are no changes in the structure and content of the CMM. The criteria for assessing the completion of task 40 of the “Writing” section in the written part of the exam, as well as the wording of task 40, in which the exam participant is offered a choice of two topics of a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning “My opinion,” have been clarified.


The criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer have been clarified: corrections have been made to the assessment of tasks 8 and 15 (the formulation of criterion 1 with a description of the requirements for an answer worth 2 points, the rules for calculating factual errors in criterion 2), tasks 9 and 16 (criteria 1 and 2 are taken into account possible options for flaws in the answer), tasks 17.1–17.4 (counting logical errors has been added to criterion 4).

Social science

The wording has been detailed and the assessment system for task 25 has been revised. The maximum score for completing task 25 has been increased from 3 to 4.

The wording of tasks 28, 29 has been detailed, and their assessment systems have been improved. The maximum initial score for completing all work has been increased from 64 to 65.


There are no changes in the structure and content of the CMM. Added to task 21 additional condition, defining the requirement for the response format. Accordingly, the assessment criteria for task 21 have been supplemented.

Despite the ambiguous attitude towards mandatory state exams among school graduates and their parents, the cancellation of the Unified State Exam in 2019 should not be expected. Judging by the trend that took place in 2017 and 2018, students will have to prepare even more efficiently for final tests and begin preparation not at the beginning of 11th grade, but much earlier.

If in the 2018-2019 academic year you have to graduate from school and choose a university, we strongly recommend that you become interested in such questions as:

Required subjects

Although today it is too early to talk about any final decisions regarding the final tests that should take place in the 2018-2019 academic year, employees of the Ministry of Education and Science are still ready to slightly lift the veil of secrecy. We managed to find out that in 2019 the Unified State Examination will definitely have new compulsory subjects.

The total number of compulsory subjects has not yet been determined. A team of specialists is working on this, weighing all the pros and cons of introducing new tests in certain subjects.

History will definitely be added to the compulsory subjects (basic or specialized mathematics and Russian language) in 2019. The Ministry of Education and Science emphasizes that every citizen should know the history of his country and be able to distinguish historical facts from profanities and fakes, which last years began to appear more and more often against the backdrop of confrontation between countries in the information field.

As an elective subject, graduates will be able to choose:

  • social science;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • computer science;
  • foreign language;
  • geography;
  • biology;
  • literature.

The list of foreign languages ​​available for testing will include: English, German, French, Spanish and Chinese.

As before, tests for future applicants will begin at the beginning of winter with the writing of the December essay, which has already become a traditional start to the graduation campaign.

Thus, today, while studying in the 10th grade, future graduates must decide in which direction they would like to continue their studies and decide how many and what subjects they need to pass for this at the Unified State Exam in 2019.

Innovations and changes in the Unified State Exam 2019

If you believe Vasilyeva’s promises, there will be no fundamental changes in the 2018-2019 season. The innovations introduced in 2017 and 2018 have proven themselves to be excellent, and therefore will remain in the new exam cards.

The following important changes are expected:

  1. Mandatory oral part in the Unified State Exam in Russian (the exam will be divided into two days).
  2. Development of new CMMs based on the literature, focused on disclosure creative potential examinee.
  3. Adding so-called “integrated problems” to mathematics tickets, for solving which students will need to accumulate knowledge from different areas of algebra and geometry.
  4. The computer science exam will be held only using a PC (without the “paper” part).
  5. Tightening of rules aimed at ensuring the reliability of the results obtained.

Perhaps for schoolchildren who did not approach the study of individual subjects responsibly enough and realized their lack of knowledge only after entering the 11th grade, information about how many subjects they will have to take for the Unified State Exam in 2019 will be frightening. But, the purpose of such innovations is to provide competitive universities in the country with students who have the necessary amount of knowledge.

For more information about the innovations expected in the Unified State Exam, see the interview with Olga Vasilyeva.

Unified State Exam calendar for 2019

According to the approved schedule of the Unified State Exam December essay graduates of the 2018-2019 academic year will write on the following dates:

  • main session - 05.12.18;
  • 1st retake - 02/06/19;
  • 2nd retake - 05/08/19.

The early period will take place from 03/20/19 to 04/10/19 according to the established schedule:

The calendar for the main session of the Unified State Exam in 2019 will be as follows:

In September, graduates will be able to retake only compulsory subjects. The retake schedule will be as follows:

Minimum and passing scores

By completing Unified State Examination tasks, the graduate gains test points, which are converted into final results on a certain scale. It is not yet known whether there will be changes in the 2019 table. But, with a high degree of probability, it can be argued that the system of minimum and passing scores will remain.

  • Minimum scorenecessary condition to obtain a document on education. Dial minimum score the subjects are easy. To do this, it is enough to master theory and practice at a basic level.
  • Passing score– a necessary condition for entry into the university chosen by the graduate. You should look for information about passing scores for a specific specialty at the university of interest on the official website of the educational institution.


From good news we can highlight the fact that in 2019 it will be possible to retake not only compulsory subjects, but also any Unified State Examination. But, only one!

For graduates of previous years who received an unsatisfactory result, as well as for those who “failed” more than 1 subject or were found to have violated discipline, there will be no retakes.

If a graduate was unable to appear on the test day for a valid reason (documented), he will receive 2 more attempts.

  • on the reserve day of the session;
  • during the fall session.

Since the Unified State Examination certificate remains valid for 4 years, the autumn retake opens up for the graduate the prospect of entering a university at next year, or even in 2019-2020 to faculties with a shortage of students.


By reading our article today, you are in time to think about preparing for the final tests that await you in 11th grade.

Experienced teachers, who have years of effective preparation of graduates to pass the Unified State Exam, recommend reaching the intended goal using the following algorithm:

  1. Determine which faculty you would like to enroll in.
  2. Find out what compulsory subjects (Unified State Examination certificates) the university requires from applicants in 2019.
  3. Find out what changes are expected in 2019 according to the main Unified State Exam subjects(the official FIPI website will help with this).
  4. Step by step repeat all the topics of the school course in subjects, practicing solving test tickets for 2018 and 2019.
  5. Attend preparation courses for the Unified State Exam or contact a tutor.

Unfortunately, practice shows that just a good knowledge of the subject is not enough for successful completion Unified State Exam. Practice in solving problems of a certain type is required. By gaining experience in solving Unified State Exam questions while preparing for exams, students form a strategy for completing tasks and gain confidence in their own abilities, which is an indispensable assistant in achieving success.

Subscribe to our updates or join our groups on in social networks and you will not miss important changes and the latest news about what 11th grade students should expect at the Unified State Exam in 2019.

We also suggest watching a video of the All-Russian meeting of the head of Rosobrnadzor with parents, at which issues important for future graduates were raised.

Unlike last year, when materials on a number of subjects underwent revolutionary changes (the “guessing game” was excluded from them), changes in the Unified State Exam 2018 in most cases are of a “cosmetic” nature - we are talking about clarifying wording and criteria, adding individual tasks and so on. Fundamental changes await only those taking literature tests - but even in this case they relate to the assessment system, and not to the exam model as a whole.

No significant adjustments are expected in general rules certifications. Despite rumors circulating, there will be no new compulsory subjects for all subjects in 2018, and the FIPI will not announce an oral exam in the Russian language.

Will there be changes in the Unified State Examination in Russian language and mathematics?

In 2018, two Unified State Examinations remain mandatory for all eleventh-graders - in mathematics and the Russian language.

Mathematics is still divided into two levels: profile and “lightweight” basic, and CMMs will be the same as in 2017, no innovations or additions.

The Unified State Examination in the Russian language has undergone minor changes: in the part with short answers, task No. 20 appeared, aimed at testing knowledge lexical norms. To complete it successfully, you need to find a lexical error in a small passage of text. The level of the task is considered basic, but despite its apparent simplicity, it requires a good sense of language and can cause problems for many graduates.

The new task is worth one point, and, accordingly, the maximum possible primary score in Russian will increase slightly and will no longer be 56, but 57 points.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Literature: a fundamentally new assessment system

Previously, FIPI announced the introduction of a radically new model of the Unified State Exam in literature in 2018 - it was planned to completely exclude blocks with short answers from it. However, this did not happen - the revolutionary model is still being discussed, and the demo versions of 2018 at first glance do not differ much from the tasks of previous years. However, the changes in the assessment system are radical and, apparently, “prepare the ground” for the transition to a new model.

The maximum primary score for literature increased from 42 to 57, and the number of points for tasks with short answers remained unchanged (maximum 12), that is, the “specific weight” of this part and its significance is significantly reduced.

Wherein assignment evaluation system with detailed answers has undergone very big changes:

  • the maximum score for tasks 8 and 15 (analysis of the work) rose from 4 to 5;

  • comparative mini-essays in tasks 9 and 16 “increased in value” from 4 to 10 points, while the requirement to justify the choice of works was excluded from the task;

  • a detailed essay in task 17 can bring the examinee not 14, but 15 points.

Thus, the ability to consider literary work“in context” and convincingly comparing the works of different authors becomes key for graduates - two comparative essays in total can bring more points than a “big” essay, which was previously the main focus.

Significantly changed and work evaluation criteria. In particular, much more attention will be paid to compliance with speech norms - this criterion is now included in all tasks with detailed answers.

And one more fundamental addition to KIMs on literature. To write a detailed essay, there are no longer three topics, but four, corresponding to three thematic blocks:

Accordingly, one of the blocks can be presented with two topics - and for the first time within the framework of the Unified State Examination in literature, they can touch upon works of modern Russian authors. Note that the codifier does not contain a list of specific works of post-Soviet literature that are required reading, and in methodological materials It is directly stated that schoolchildren can explore such topics in works of their own choice. In the demo version of the Unified State Exam in Literature 2018, the following option is given as an example: “ Pages of Russian history in modern Russian literature. (Based on the example of one or two works from the 1990s – 2000s)».

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Social Studies in 2018

The structure and content of the most popular elective exam remains the same, however, two tasks - 28 (drawing up a detailed plan) and 29 (essay) will be assessed according to new criteria, and their “cost” will increase.

When drawing up a plan for a given topic Now more attention will be paid to how specific the points of the plan are, and whether they allow the issue to be resolved on the merits. “Abstract” statements such as “history of the issue” that do not reflect the specifics of the topic will no longer be counted. Drawing up such a plan will require more deep knowledge topics - but successful completion of the task can no longer bring 3 points, but 4.

Alternative mini-essay on social studies“increased” to 6 points, and the assessment criteria now make it possible to more accurately assess the graduate’s knowledge of the theory of the issue. Task 29 is now assessed according to the following criteria:

  • the meaning of the original quote is correctly revealed (1 point);

  • highlighting in the context of each thesis key concepts, basic theoretical provisions, reasoning and conclusions (2 points);

  • scientific correctness of statements (1 point);

  • quality of examples chosen to illustrate theoretical points (2 points).

The maximum primary score for this exam accordingly increases from 62 to 64.

Unified State Examination in History - no adjustments, taken by choice

KIM-2018 history will be completely consistent with last year, no additions are expected. History remains an elective subject - according to the Ministry of Education, if this subject becomes compulsory, it will not be before 2020, and only after a comprehensive discussion and “run-in”. And this will by no means be an unpleasant surprise for graduates.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Chemistry: tasks with a single context

In KIMs in chemistry in 2018 another task will be added of high complexity with a detailed answer (No. 30), the total number of tasks will thus increase from 34 to 35.

In this case, tasks 30 and 31 will be combined into a single context block: to solve them, you will need to select substances from a single list. The first of these tasks will be devoted to redox reactions, the second - ion exchange reactions, each can be worth 2 points.

At the same time, the maximum initial score will remain the same - 60, due to the reduction in the “cost” of several tasks from the first part of the examination materials.

Unified State Examination in a foreign language - clarification of criteria

In 2018, the “range” of languages ​​for passing the Unified State Exam still includes English, French, German and Spanish. The exam model as a whole will not change - it will still include a written and oral part, and the KIMs will remain the same. The changes will affect only the wording of the assessment criteria tasks 39 (letter of a personal nature) and 40 (essay-reasoning) - they are clarified and specified.

Unified State Exam in Computer Science - minor changes

Despite the fact that it has been discussed for several years now that it would be logical to use computer technology at the Unified State Examination in computer science, in 2018 this subject will continue to be taken “the old fashioned way”, in writing, without the use of additional equipment and with an emphasis on theoretical issues.

The structure of the exam will remain the same, but quests will undergo some changes:

  • when completing task 25 there will no longer be an opportunity to choose to write an algorithm natural language(this option turned out to be unclaimed by graduates and was used extremely rarely);

  • programs that were previously written in C are now written in the more popular C++ language.

Unified State Exam in Physics - new task added

Physics exam materials will be supplemented in 2018 another basic level task(No. 24), due to which the primary score will increase from 50 to 52. To successfully complete the task, the student must demonstrate knowledge of the elements of astrophysics.

Biology and Geography - no changes

Graduates who take these subjects as an elective can safely prepare for the Unified State Exam based on materials from previous years - there will be no changes in the KIMs.

What changes will there be in the OGE (GIA) in 2018

The OGE (GIA) exams, which ninth-graders take, change less frequently - for example, last year there were no changes at all, but in 2018 FIPI plans to make adjustments to the exam materials only in two subjects:

  • mathematics,

  • literature.

Mathematics(which is taken by all ninth-graders without exception), the changes will be more of a formal nature: the section devoted to real mathematics will disappear - but the tasks included in it will be distributed in “Algebra” and “Geometry”.

KIMs in literature underwent more significant revisions regarding instructions both for the exam in general and recommendations for completing specific tasks (the model itself remained the same).

The criteria for assessing tasks with detailed answers have also been reworked - now they are more consistent Unified State Exam criteria in eleventh grade. Due to this, the maximum primary score of the OGE in literature “grew” from 23 to 29.

In 2019 FIPI decided to change the rules of the game. Several years in a row Unified State Examination in Russian they simplified and simplified and finally decided to complicate it. Let's try to calmly figure out whether current graduates are very unlucky.

1. The numbering of Unified State Examination tasks in the Russian language has changed

Last year, a new task No. 20 appeared on lexical errors. Now it has become the sixth, which is logical, because the fifth task is aimed at preventing lexical errors that arise from replacing words with paronyms. Now tasks on the same topic are side by side. And this makes us happy, although we had to renumber the exercises and folders on the entire site for three days. Let us recall that the former twentieth task, now set as the sixth, concerns lexical inconsistency and pleonasms.
If you don't know how to complete the sixth task, watch the article with video:
How to complete task No. 6 in the Unified State Exam in Russian
We strongly recommend to teachers a short course by Evgenia Gorina “Lexical Errors”.

2. A new task on syntax and punctuation has appeared - No. 21

This is a real holiday for teachers and a real ambush for lazy students. Since complex and quite interesting tasks on syntax disappeared from the Unified State Exam, many children began to neglect this section of the language. They placed signs “by intuition,” but did not delve deeply into theory. This was almost always enough to complete tasks related to punctuation. New task 21, in addition to intuition, also tests knowledge. To correctly complete the twenty-first task, students must study almost the entire section in the system.

Here are the rules you need to know to complete task 21 in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language 2019

Punctuation between subject and predicate
Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence
Punctuation marks for separate definitions (including applications)
Punctuation marks in isolated circumstances
Punctuation marks for comparative phrases
Punctuation marks for qualifying parts of a sentence
Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence
Punctuation marks for direct speech, quoting
Punctuation marks in a complex sentence
Punctuation marks in a complex sentence
Punctuation in complex sentence With different types communications
Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence
Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with a conjunction and a non-conjunction
Dash in simple and complex sentences
Colon in simple and complex sentences

Topics that were not covered at all in recent years of the Unified State Exam are emphasized. The demo task demonstrates that you will have to learn the topic "Punctuation Marks in Application". Formally, applications belong to separate definitions, which are the subject of a separate Unified State Exam task, but in reality applications have not been found in KIMs for many years. Until this moment.

The demo task requires you to choose from 7 sentences those in which the dash is placed in accordance with the same punctuation rule. What to do to complete the task correctly?

  • Remember the difference between a dash and a hyphen.
  • Do parsing every sentence that contains a dash.
  • Based on the analysis, explain the placement of each dash.
  • Find similar cases.
It’s also good that there is a dash in this task. If there are commas, you will have to explain many more characters. Anyone who can easily complete this task will be able to explains the placement of each sign in randomly selected text.
Take the test and see if you can do it so well.
Test "Punctuation Analysis"

It is a pity that only 1 point is given for the correct answer in such a complex task.

3. In 2019, two tasks for the microtext changed

Exercise 1 made it possible to easily get 2 points. The task has not become more difficult, but now we easily get only 1 point.

Behind task 2 Previously, the score was simply given as a gift, this was the easiest test task. Even now it is not very difficult, but you will have to prepare. And it would be advisable to learn functional parts of speech, because now you don’t need to select a word from a list, but select it yourself according to a given criterion. For example, choose a suitable subordinating conjunction or a particle of a certain category. We still have to see how difficult the second task will be, but for now we are learning parts of speech.

4. The wording of task 9 (formerly 8) has changed

Define the word, in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is omitted. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter:
mountainous (terrain)
grow up

Please indicate your answer options, in which in all words of one row the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is omitted. Write down the answer numbers.
1) clamp..mother, (vegetables), app..respect (sides)
2) tits, excitement, anger
3) lean on, start, touch, sleep
4), unburnable, understanding..
5), freeze, st..listical

It would seem that the task has become more difficult, since the number of words for analysis has tripled. But now you don’t need to remember the rules and insert letters. It is enough to understand by what principle the missing letter should be written in each word. A additional words in each row only help eliminate incorrect answer options. The most difficult thing was to learn a bunch of rules for alternating vowels in different roots and remember thousands of words with untestable vowels, and now you just need to characterize the roots. The only difficulty remaining in the task is the inclusion in the list of words with roots similar to alternating roots. For example, reconciliation of the parties (not mer/mir), boil vegetables (not tvor/tvar), stylistic (not stel/stil), etc.
Understand the meaning of each root!

This task has become easier, but please remember that you need to learn the rules not only to prepare for the test.

5. Task 10 (formerly 9) for consoles is formulated differently

Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words down by inserting the missing letter.
soulless and... frightening
up..up, announcement
about..heated, ..threw
picked...picked, n..ruled

Please indicate your answer options, in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same series. Write down the answer numbers.
1) pr..form, pr..unpleasant, pr..follow
2) super..natural, with..capacity, two..tiered
3) p..nick, pr..grandfather, pos..yesterday
4) too..extremely,, borderless
5) look..skate, without..initiative, over..refined

Here, even though you no longer need to insert letters, students are unlikely to be able to complete the task without knowing the rules and without inserting letters. The number of correct answers is not specified, this significantly complicates the task.

6. Changes in tasks 11 and 12 (formerly 10 and 11)

11 task
Write down the word, in which at the checkpoint the letter I is written.

Please indicate your answer options, in which both words are of the same series missedthe same letter. Write down the answer numbers.
1) most, aluminum
2) checkered..ty, (start) again..
3) almond..vy,
4) try... knife...
5) French..cue, sailor..cue

The task became more difficult. It was enough to say the words out loud and find the desired I or E, since native speakers clearly pronounce the letters in suffixes and most often hear the correct version. Similarly in task 12. Now, to be sure, you will have to learn the rules regarding suffixes and endings. And these rules, by the way, have been added. I had never come across words with O and E after sibilants before. This is a complex rule that is often mistaken when writing and which has not previously been covered by the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. The same applies to the spelling of the suffix SK in adjectives and vowels at the end of adverbs. An unknown number of correct options complicates tasks 11 and 12, but a larger number of words in a row again helps to cut off incorrect answers.

In general, these tasks have become more difficult.

In the test part, you can score the same number of points as last year, but they will be given with more effort and effort. We consider: we lose a point on simple task No. 1, it is more difficult to get a point for tasks No. 2, 10, 11, 12. It is easier to complete task 9. A new difficult task 21 has appeared. If you do not seriously prepare for the test part, you can lose about 4-6 primary points(in addition to what you might otherwise have lost by filling out last year's test).

We invite you to our year-long course of preparation for the test part of the Unified State Exam! Of course, we took into account all the changes this year.

And the sensation of this August is the change in the criteria for assessing essays in the Unified State Exam!

7. New criteria for assessing essays in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language (task 27)

This has never happened before and here it is again...

Teachers who managed to work before the Unified State Exam era and were the first to face the need preparation for the Unified State Exam essay, remember that at first the essay involved an analysis of the text, and the requirement to look for the problem posed by the author and present one’s arguments appeared later. Now we are returning to the roots, to text analysis. Although this analysis is no longer linguistic, as it once was.

The changes in task 27 were most clearly shown in methodological recommendations for teachers I. Tsybulko:

So, now it’s enough to agree or disagree with the author, and there’s no need to bring anyone else who thinks the same way. But the text should be deeply analyzed, and not just snatched a frequently occurring abstract noun and called it a problem.

We are pleased with such changes for two reasons. 1. The final essay and the Unified State Exam essay no longer duplicate each other. 2. In recent years, students have still stupidly copied arguments from the Internet. And now you will have to analyze the given text directly during the exam. And this requires a completely different level of preparation.

Will students read less when preparing for an essay in the Unified State Exam?
Let us quote the mentioned manual here. Here are the words to pay special attention to:
“I would like to recall the words of L.S. Vygotsky: “an effective and complete understanding of someone else’s thought becomes possible only when we reveal its effective, effective-volitional background.”