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Learning the letter s. Summary of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Sound and letter s”


  1. Introduce the sound [Y] and the letter Y.
  2. Development phonemic hearing, observation, attention, memory.
  3. Fostering diligence and a responsible attitude towards learning and school.


  • alphabet, block letter Y, sign Y, “sound lights”,
  • a picture "Owl", a picture "Beavers", a surprise gift "Owl" (symbol) - for each student.

I. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a new sound and the letter that represents it.

II. New material.

Try to hear this sound in the words that I will now pronounce. (Smoke, bull, skis, cheese, fish, lynx, scat, hole, smile,. . .)

Well done! Indeed, all words have the sound [s]. What can you say about him? Is it a vowel or a consonant? Prove it. (The sound [s] is a vowel, because it can be drawn out and sung).

Let's pull the sound [s]. (s-s-s...)

Let's sing, (s - s - s - s...)

On the board: "sounds"

What “sound” can be used to designate the sound [s]? Why? (Vowel sounds are indicated in red.)

Who knows what letter represents the sound [s]? (Letter s.)

How can you recognize her? What does she look like? (Free expressions of children.)

A sign is displayed with a comic image of the letter Y in the form of an old woman with a stick.

But the letter Y is walking,
Without Y you will not learn.
And the poor letter Y
Wanders around with a stick, alas. (A. Shibaev)

On the board: the printed letter Y is placed on the “sound”.

And in this form the letter s will appear in textbooks and books.

On the board: a tablet (letter s - printed and written).

Name the letters on the sign. How are they different? (Printed and written.)

On the board: alphabet.

Find the place of the letter s. Show me.

Pit-pyr, eight holes,
In every hole - the whole world,
Every world has delicious cheese,
Each cheese has eight holes.

Question for the most attentive:

In which words of this funny poem did you hear the sound [s]?

Name it. (Children name words.)

Guys, do you know the words with the sound [s]? Try to name it, but at the same time explain where the sound [s] is heard: at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end.

Children give examples of words.

Guys, draw a conclusion where the sound [s] can be in a word.

Conclusion: the sound [s] at the beginning of a word is not pronounced.


We heard from the owl,
That there are no words starting with the letter Y.

Guys, how can an owl know that there are no words starting with the letter s? What kind of bird is an owl? (An owl is a smart bird, a scientist.)

Indeed, the owl is considered a symbol of wisdom and great knowledge. The prize of the intellectual game “What? Where? When?" is a crystal owl.

Owl - owl,
Big head
Sits on a branch
Turns his head
Looks in all directions
Yes, suddenly - how it flies!

Now I will test your knowledge. Guess the riddle.

Water masters

They build a house without an axe.
House of brushwood and mud
And a dam. (Beavers.)

Where in the answer word is the sound [s] heard?

How did you guess who the riddle is about? What are the beavers called in this riddle? (Water masters.)

Work on lexical meaning expressions “water masters”.

There is a picture of “Beavers” on the board.

Look at the picture carefully. How do beavers build a house without an axe? What do they use to do this? (Using teeth.)

Look how thick trees they chew through with their powerful teeth.

Guys, what do you know about these animals and can you tell us?

(Free expressions of children.)

Now listen to the text by N. Sladkov “Forest Hut”. It's also about beavers. Reading the text by the teacher. (My favorite alphabet, p. 55)

What new have you learned about beavers? What are their homes called? (Huts.)

Work on the lexical meaning of the word “woodcutter”.

From what words does the word “woodcutter” come? (“Firewood”, “cut”.)

We learned what kind of beavers are master lumberjacks, and now I’m learning what kind of masters of tongue twisters you are. Work on the lexical meaning of the word “tongue twister”.

What words is the word “tongue twister” derived from? (“Soon”, “talk.”)

All beavers are kind

For our own beavers.

Which words have sound[s]? Where is it pronounced?

Who are called beavers in this tongue twister? (Beavers are cubs.)

1) Reading in chorus (3-4 times).

2) Individual reading (3-4 students).

The beavers are coming

Boron in cheeses.

Which words have the sound [s]? Where is it pronounced? Work on the lexical meaning of the expression “bory cheeses”.

1) Reading in chorus (3-4 times).

2) Individual reading (3-4 students),

The beaver started a ball in the forest,
The beaver invited guests to the ball.
Squirrels blow on flutes.
Polka butterflies dance
Even the quiet badger
Shoes chock and chock!

III. Generalization

Our lesson is coming to an end. Which of you were interested in the lesson - raise your hands.

What did you find particularly interesting? What do you remember?

You showed your best side. Years will pass - if studying becomes your main and favorite pastime, maybe someday you will receive a crystal owl - evidence of great knowledge and high intelligence, but for now, as a token of gratitude for the lesson, I am giving you a more modest prize - a paper owl.

Prizes are given to all children.

The lesson is over. Thank you.

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Compose sound circuits words: ball, balls

How are these words different? (Number of sounds)

What sound appeared in the word "balls"?

What is that sound? (Vowel) Prove it.



Which pictures have no [s] sound in their names?

The sound [s] is indicated by a special letter “s”. Look what she's like

Funny for boys and girls:
A fat man and a thin man pass side by side.
They walk and don't understand
What does the letter s resemble?


Type the letter “Y” in your notebook.

An exercise in merging sounds

[d] + [y] = [y]
[k] + [s] = [ky]
[m] + [s] = [we]
[s] + [s]= [s]

What consonant is heard in this fusion of sounds? (Solid)
The sound [s] is pronounced only after hard consonants.
It is necessary to distinguish: when merging with the sound [and] - the consonant softens; when merging with the sound [ы], the consonant remains solid.

Exercise to develop phonemic hearing.

If you hear the sound [s] in a word, clap your hands.

I'll dive deep
I'll visit the fish!
It's just a pity, in the depths
I can't hear anything!


Name words with the sound [s]. Indicate where it is in the word:
Tables, fish, melon, cheese, teeth, skis, thousand, pumpkin...
Remember! In Russian, the sound [ы] is never used at the beginning of a word.


Change the word so that the sound [s] appears

Crane - taps
Fox - foxes
Star – stars
Mushroom - mushrooms
Cucumber - cucumbers
Continue the series of such words.

Consolidating the division of words into syllables

Game "Telegraph"

I will name the words, and you will transmit them by “telegraph” to another city.
For example: - The word “dad” has 2 syllables. How many times should you knock? (2 times)
You name any word - the child should be able to tap it out syllable by syllable:
Skis; sport; train; snow; honey; airplane; ….

II version of the game

Now I will tap out the word, but I will pronounce only the first syllable, the rest - knock. And guess what this word is?
Bag); me – (chick); flower); telephone); sparrow); gra – (ni – tsa).

Game "Speak - don't delay"

Children should stand in a circle. One of them is the first to say a word (loudly and in syllables). The person standing next to you must say a word beginning with the last syllable of the word just spoken. He also pronounces his word loudly, syllable by syllable, so that the next one can easily highlight the very last syllable and choose his own word starting with this syllable. For example, the first child said the word “vase”, the next in a circle says the word “task”, the next “clock”, etc. If one of the children cannot quickly name the word, thinks for too long, repeats what has already been said or makes a mistake, he must leave the circle (or give away a forfeit). Gradually the circle of players narrows.

Game "Guess the word according to its pattern"

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Y, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter Y and the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter Y in squares;
  • generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Smoke Cheese Mustache Soap

  1. Tell me, how does the ship sound? (Y-y-y!..)
  2. CHEESE, KERKIN - what sound is in all these words?

Please remember: in the Russian language there are no words in which the sound [ы] is at the beginning of the word.

Is the [Y] sound in the middle or at the end in the words CHEESE? WATCH? MUSTACHE? SON? CATS? WASPES? SOUPS? SMOKE?
When we pronounce the sound [Y], air comes out of the mouth freely. Neither lips, nor teeth, nor tongue prevent air from freely leaving the mouth when we pronounce the sound [Y].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [Y]?
  • What other vowel sounds do you know?
  • What consonant sounds do you know?

Assignment: printed letter Y for preschoolers

Look at the letter Y. We sewed the letter Y in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

A tale about the letter Y

Rat Tilda and Pyh-Pyh

Mouse Mouse, together with his bosom friend Chicken Tsyp, sat at home in the evening and ate melon. Suddenly the door swung open and a huge red rat nicknamed Dilda burst into the room. Without saying a word, with her eyes wide in horror, Tilda darted under Mouse’s bed and screamed from there in a bad voice:

- What happened?

I have someone sitting on the sofa under a blanket and breathing like this: “Puff-puff...” I beg you, help!

Did you hear that, Chick? She beats us every day, and we have to help her! Look what a big thing..., uh, healthy, and she came running to the little ones.
- He will eat all my supplies! - Dilda sobbed.
“If he is gray and shaggy, mustachioed and tailed, we refuse,” said Mouse.
- A-are you f-afraid? - Tsyp asked quietly.
- And y-you?
- Not with you.

Sing, little ones, sing and farewell forever! - Lying under the bed, Dylda muttered.

But a few minutes later the friends returned.

That's it, Dilda, get out. “We ate your Puff-Puff,” said Mouse, wiping his mustache.
-Who was it?
- Yes, dough! Your mom put it under the blanket for the pie, there it was, the dough, and it puffed away.

Tongue twisters

Mila washed the bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap.
Mila dropped her soap
I didn’t wash the bear with soap.

Mila's mother washed her with soap.
Mila didn't like soap.
Dear Mila washed herself with soap.
Lathered up and washed off -
This is how Mila washed herself.

Who is bigger?

Name it as possible more words with the sound [ы] in the middle.
(Answer: hole, jump, forget, smart, swim, smile, dust, be, mouse, profitable.)

Funny poems about the letter Y for children

The bull moos two letters: - Mu!
- Meow! - the cat told him.
- Heard?
So, we cats
We know more letters than you!
(G. Vieru)

Once upon a time there were jumpers.
- We will jump to the moon!
The trampoline threw them skyward.
- Jumpers, where are you?
- We're here!
(V. Berestov)

Y - fragrant, white, soapy soap.
Soap looks at the dirty girl with a grin.
If the dirty guy remembered about soap,
Soap would finally wash it off.
(Ya. Akim)

This letter happens at the end and in the middle,
At the end there are cabbage, rutabaga, and in the middle there is melon.
We can't put a bear in a small book.
We will replace I with Y and draw a mouse.
(E. Grigorieva, I. Gamazkova)

We heard from the owl,
That there are no words starting with the letter Y.
(E. Blaginina)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases vocabulary preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills hands
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.