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How can you learn to walk on water? How to learn to walk on water or no one wants to know the truth


Nobody wants to know the truth, but this is understandable, it is much worse when we do not want to tell it, but it is not at all great when we tell the Truth to those who do not want to know it. This is exactly what it says: Do not throw pearls before swine. There are many Paths, but two Directions - the Path of the pig and the Path of the Spirit. The choice is ours.

The denser matter is, the less intelligent it is!
Creative business trip to the Canary Islands. 02/01/2013. Report.

Going out to sea, and especially into the Ocean, is always great! I admit, short-term exits have not attracted me for a long time. However, this time the game was clearly worth the candle.

Hike to La Gomera. Yacht SUN ODYSSEY DS 42.

Actually, I happened to live on this yacht all this week. The first - painfully forgotten - is the distinct smell of polyester. I remembered... Far East, Nakhodka, Yacht Club of the Trade Port... What a delight, it was a dream come true that we received the “Conrad 24”, a brilliant, beautiful, even elegant yacht. And what sails, mast, standing rigging, practical things, ends of running rigging... the aroma of childhood dreams of distant Oceans and paradise tropical islands came flooding back. And even the sharp, hitherto practically unfamiliar, smell of polyester then seemed to be a distinctive feature of high quality.

The Polish brothers made a significant contribution to the development of domestic cruising. But, no less important, fortunately for us, the Regional Sailing Federation was headed by a great sail enthusiast, a wonderful person, Genrikh Vasilyevich Shchegolev, “part-time” deputy head of the Far Eastern Shipping Company for supplies. But he himself was less fortunate, an allergy to this very polyester did not allow him to enjoy all the delights of these desirable yachts, which he so generously provided to our Far Eastern sailing fraternity.

How much water has flown under the bridge, how much we have seen over the years, how much has changed in our consciousness. The smell of polyester this time was not at all pleasing. It was even more surprising that the owners of the yacht “Harmony” do not notice this smell at all.

In this regard, Chernobyl came to mind. I was lucky, they appointed me a dosimetrist. Regardless of the level of radiation, its presence cannot be determined by our human senses. Only when the level goes off scale, but in this case it’s too late, now nothing will help, you don’t have long to suffer. Yes, what radiation have I inhaled over the last half century? Starting from the first job, the first entry in the work book - hose operator, VIZR (All-Union Institute of Plant Protection). High-pressure hoses, a hundred meters long, and in them copper sulfate and similar blessings for the plants, which we then “protected” with this goodness for twelve hours a day, seven days a week, for 50 rubles. per month. Summer, heat, boots on feet, and shorts. At home in the evenings it took a surprisingly long time to wash the hair on my head from this very vitriol. I was also lucky that despite “that kind of money,” I quit after a couple of months. He probably felt something was wrong. And this is not the entire list of similar experiences acquired in different parts light for half a century of hard work. You can't fool a shot Sparrow on chaff.

However, this whole week on the yacht “Harmony”, thanks to the cordiality of the owners and such familiar luxuries as hot water in the galley and in the shower, and other amenities not provided for at the usual Spartan level of the “Daughter of the Wind”, I must admit, became a carefree holiday of the soul and bodies.

We set off to visit Homer in the first half of the day with a fresh tailwind. It seems like luck, but the mainsail can’t be poisoned; it rests on the spreaders turned thirty degrees into the stern, as it should be on all modern yachts. It’s good that you don’t need backstays. But you won’t be able to jibe, the mainsail rests on the spreaders, and the fairly decent sized staysail behind the mainsail doesn’t work. So it had to be brought down, approximately to the same thirty degrees. On the helm there is no marking of the rudder position in the DP and absolutely no feedback. We have something to compare with - all this is a complete disgrace. The usual Tiller is simple, light and reliable, so why bother?

And the mainsail with furling into the mast! It took half an hour to remove it from the mast - the sail was bitten on the way out. The sails are standard, not very shabby in appearance, but there is no shape, you don’t have to bother yourself with fine tuning.
And the wind has freshened up to six points, the yacht accelerates at the backstay to eight knots, and behaves somewhat awkwardly on a tailwind, like a middle-aged lady whose acquired excess weight leaves one only sighing about the former, once graceful, ease of movement.

In speed, Fair Wind got tired of our clumsy attempts to take advantage of his kindness, and he went straight in head-on. And soon it intensified to eight, with gusts up to ten.
Accelerations are a common occurrence in the narrow strait between two high islands. Moreover, these gains are much more significant closer to La Gomera. On the tack in strong wind on such yachts there is only one answer - the reliable Yanmar!
Since there is no possibility of reefing the sails properly. I felt uneasy, what if, God forbid, something happened to the engine..? After all, any work with sails requires two or three pairs of hands, despite the fact that you can turn on the autopilot. It was reassuring that the coast was windward. Despite the obvious signs of seasickness, which has affected almost the entire friendly sea family, there are no complaints or groans, the youngest sailor, a twelve-year-old captain, is especially steadfast. He even made a courageous attempt to feed the crew pancakes. I had to get motion sick hundreds of times on this long journey. True, this seems to be in the past, for recent years Ten this happened only once, under very tragic circumstances, but we won’t talk about that now. So I understand well this condition, about which the ancients spoke - at the first signs - people were afraid to die, but when the torment became unbearable they wanted to die. The owner himself, a former naval sailor, does not show any signs of anxiety or concern; he may not have much yachting experience, but he is clearly a man in his native element.
In any case, I have a pleasant feeling for him and for the Crew. As for seasickness, if you want, you can get rid of it, I know from myself that there would be a desire.

In similar conditions, in the middle of summer last year, on the approach to New Zealand under a mainsail with two reefs, the “Daughter of the Wind” tacked up to seven knots, and there was no need to stand on the rudder. The stronger the impulses, the more confidently we stay on course - Fantastic!

Our journey from Las Galletas to La Gomera - 22 miles - took about ten hours. We moored after dark in the well-known harbor of the San Sebastian De La Gomera marina to the gas station pier. We were lucky, all the other berths available at the entrance were occupied, and finding a place in the middle of the night, in a stormy wind in a rather narrow harbor with a not very experienced crew, was not an easy task.

For a long time, and it seems to be for a long time, fiberglass has been the most common shipbuilding material. IN THE AGE OF QUANTITY AT THE DAMAGE OF QUALITY, the vast majority of those who purchase yachts do not even realize how far from reality they are, considering fiberglass the most suitable material for a yacht.

The fact is that today, for continuous fiberglass production, you can take a person “from the street” and, with proper organization of the process, in a week he will be a “professional”. In order to learn how to build yachts from wood, it is not enough to read dozens of volumes; only after ten years of practice you can become a master. But this is not given to everyone.

But the “Street Professional” will never create a work of art. But you will have a completely different attitude towards a yacht built by a Master from wood, a man who loves his work. It makes no sense to explain the difference theoretically; you need to experience it yourself, in practice.

Here we should talk about such a concept as “Quality of Created Space”, without which there is no acceptable QUALITY OF LIFE.

“Biological influence on humans” is one of the most important qualities of materials used to create a living environment. We will return to a more detailed conversation on this topic.

“Specific Strength”, “Specific Gravity” and “Specific Stiffness” are no less important qualities of a shipbuilding material.

“Specific gravity” is directly related to the two previous characteristics and is a decisive factor in the corresponding presence of all others.

Of the above materials, fiberglass has the highest specific gravity and at the same time the lowest rigidity, i.e. elastic modulus. For this reason, fiberglass yacht hulls cannot be made both light and rigid. And a hull that is not rigid enough will not last long on the wave. So we have to increase the thickness of the fiberglass hull, and accordingly the weight of the yacht increases.

The “weight of a yacht” is not only about ease of sailing and maneuverability. The weight of the yacht is one of the most important factors security. The heavier the yacht with the same dimensions, the more destructive the impact of the wave, the more more load to all other elements of the yacht. All this has long been known. And only the “fresh” experience gained this time in the Canaries forced me to get down to work and write the “Report”.

I FELT THE DIFFERENCE! And it’s not that I didn’t realize it before, but the practice of life is much more clear.
THE DIFFERENCE IS SHOCKING! Probably, for most modern cruisers, the advantages of a yacht underway are a secondary matter, because they spend most of their time at the pier and even go out to sea mainly to move from one harbor to another. Maybe sailing on modern cruising yachts is becoming less attractive for the reason that the yachts themselves have become more motor-sailing, and there is no true pleasure that a real sailing yacht gives?
After all, the advantage of a sailing yacht is not in the amount of electronics, household amenities and comfort.

It’s great when, even in a very light wind, you go at a noticeable speed, and in a fresh wind your yacht flies. It flies easily, without wild tension. And at the same time, one person on a ten to twelve meter boat can do any work with the sails, without much difficulty. What about mooring or leaving the pier, under sail, alone, sometimes at night, sometimes with force six winds?

What a blessing it is when a yacht has no engine!

Do you want to say that this is not given to you? Maybe it's worth a try? Believe me, you may someday have a reason to say that LIFE WAS NOT LIVED IN VITAL!

When the wind increases, the load on the Light Yacht increases slightly, the speed simply increases. Tension in a strong wind on a heavy yacht is felt by the crew as discomfort, physically, quite significantly, and if the crew is inexperienced and does not understand what is happening (and truly experienced ones rarely sail on such yachts), troubles can happen.

The same “Majority” considers durability and lower operating costs compared to wooden yachts to be one of the most important advantages of fiberglass yachts.
You can talk a lot on this topic, interestingly and quite reasonably, but for a more interested audience and at a different time.

In short, in England, our friends Nick Harvey and Liz Sanders restored a ten-meter yacht built in 1884 with such love and skill that it looks like it was newly built. They say: “This Beautiful Lady has outlived her previous owners, now we are looking after her, then there will be someone else.” And this is not the only example I know of. In the early nineties, in England, I had the opportunity to make a new teak deck on a thirty-foot yacht built in the thirty-fifth year. Foolishly, we used a blowtorch to remove all the paint from the body. Ian Howlett, the owner, was initially taken aback. Then he said - but now I see what excellent condition the casing is in. Belts of stitching made of resinous pine without joints, it seems, over time, have acquired amazing strength for pine, without the slightest flaw. The whole set looked just as great. The keel bolts (we removed them without too much trouble; Ian wanted to look at them) were slightly darkened by more than half a century of service. It seems that red, ship's bronze and lead have nothing against each other. I am sure that a Properly built and Properly maintained Wooden Yacht will live much longer than a fiberglass one, the lifespan of which is limited to 40-50 years (for modern ones built today, this period is even shorter). Remember - masts, rigging, yacht hulls - made of materials such as fiberglass, steel, aluminum, under the influence of natural factors and alternating loads, lose their strength significantly over time.

A wooden Yacht, built using modern epoxy adhesives using new technologies, properly built - this is practically an Eternal Yacht!

The yacht “WIND OF CHANGE” has sailed more than 100,000 miles, INCLUDING THE ROUGH WATERS OF THE WORLD OCEAN.

Using the same technology developed by us, using vacuum molding from chestnut veneer on a balsa core hull skin reinforced with carbon fiber, the thirty-four-foot “Daughter of the Wind” was built, launched more than five years ago, covered 35,000 miles without any costs for repairs or cosmetics. Just cleaning, like on any other yacht. OF COURSE, IN MANY PARAMETERS, IT IS NOT LIKE ANYTHING ELSE. Which of us wants to be like everyone else, or is your Life Friend the same as everyone else, and your Children?

“Daughter of the Wind” - My daughter, flesh of the flesh. And the five-year “pregnancy” was not easy. And they didn’t save on anything for the sake of the best possible result. So now, no matter how difficult it may be, there will be funds for new sails and a new dress for the girl.

Otherwise, WHY DO WE LIVE?

In a few days As soon as the Homers returned from LA, we went out to sea again. Twenty-meter classic ketch “Galaxia”, high-quality three-layer mahogany hull covering on the longitudinal frame, built in 1987. Over the past two years, the yacht has been restored to such a level that it looks perhaps better than 25 years ago, after the first launch. An excellent job, the new teak deck and the shining varnish details of the wheelhouse and skylights, the teak lining of the cockpit and the stern rail on turned posts are pleasing to the eye and warm the soul. I remember the state of almost ruin the yacht was in the spring of the year before last, when its new owner talked about his plans. How I wanted to be on the water as quickly as possible - three months turned into twenty-three. And nothing surprising. With such a high quality and volume of work, this is almost the norm. To me, too, when they started building the “Daughter of the Wind,” it seemed that we could finish it in a year, but in fact, before the first launch, three and a half years passed, long and intense, and the work did not stop for a single day. The truth and the result exceeded all expectations.

So we are back in the Ocean on a beautiful, newly revived yacht. Several circulations under the engine, adjust the electronics. And now we are raising the sails, Andersen electric winches are operating almost silently. It’s a pity that there’s not enough wind, but we’re moving. We adjust the sails and fix minor problems. Of course, on such a large yacht it will still take a lot of time to bring everything to the proper condition. But for this you need to walk ten thousand miles in different conditions, which is normal. On “Daughter of the Wind” we walked about twenty-five thousand until we established everything that was planned, but this is not at all the same thing.
I hope in a fresh wind it will be easier to steer the Galaxy, but now there are one or two points, you can’t feel the steering wheel and it’s almost impossible to stay on course. It is also impossible to maintain composure when someone else is at the helm and the yacht is constantly going off course. Over many years, I have developed the habit of automatically monitoring the behavior of the yacht, and now I find myself unable to turn off this “automatic machine”. As funny as it may seem, I was never able to get rid of the tension, despite all my efforts.

I remember “Fasisi”, of course, a racing maxi yacht is not a classic cruiser and there is no point in drawing an analogy. I remember well a sunny August day, returning from London to Hamble. The wind is almost the same as today. The yacht lies on course as if a card is nailed to the compass pot. At the same time, of course, complete concentration on controlling the yacht is necessary, in addition to the correct adjustment of the sails and the mast itself.
And on the “WIND OF CHANGE” there was no need to steer, the yacht sailed itself, you just had to adjust the sails. Only at full backstay, when the sails lie on the shrouds, their correct shape is disrupted and you have to stand on the rudder. That’s why there are no shrouds or spreaders on the “DAUGHTER OF THE WIND”. And this is our another important step forward and upward to a state of absolute harmony and such a high degree of freedom that it is impossible to imagine until you experience it yourself.

In contact with

Since childhood, I have suffered from adenoids. The problem was not limited to the fact that I could hardly breathe through my nose. Due to the constantly accumulating mucus, I often got sick, a runny nose and cough plagued me almost all year round, and headaches made it difficult to sleep at night. The doctors insisted on an operation to remove the adenoids, but my parents were against it because they heard that the operation only gives a temporary effect.

My aunt saved me, she brought me a book about treating various diseases with the help of water and water procedures. In the case of adenoids, they recommended, in addition to using drops and ointments, to harden yourself by walking barefoot in water. This can be done in a bath, in a basin, and on the shore of any body of water, and it is also useful to walk on wet grass and wet stones. Summer is the time for this.

Friday, July 20, 2012 16:48 ()

Add enough cornstarch to your swimming pool and you'll be able to walk on the surface of the water. Scientists managed to uncover the secret of this trick at a Youtube party.
If you kick the liquid, the starch particles suspended in the water collect together, much like snow collects near a snow blower. This compaction forms a heavy area that can push back with the same crushing pressure that is concentrated at the tip of a high stiletto heel, scientists report July 12 in the journal Nature.
"If you tried to hit the slurry, you could break your wrist," says Scot Waitukaitis, a physicist at the University of Chicago who began studying the viscous substance after watching videos of people running on the surface of the liquid.
Water, added to cornstarch in equal or greater quantities, due to its duplicity, has long been a staple of science fair demonstrations. It is nicknamed "non-Newtonian fluid" because it does not behave like ordinary fluids.
If you gently lower your hand into it, it will fit fairly smoothly without much resistance. But if you hit it hard, you will receive an equally strong blow back.
To understand how the forces work, the researchers hit the mixture with great force with a metal rod and observed the effects. In previous experiments, they rubbed the material between two plates, a common technique for determining the properties of liquids, but it splits the liquid into two parts instead of producing a direct effect.

X-rays of the opaque substance showed how the material moved beneath the surface. Modeling based on the information obtained suggests that the initial impact squeezed water out of the space between the starch particles. Then friction between particles played a role. They grouped into an extended front that behaved like a solid, repelling the impact of the rod.
"The results of the experiment didn't surprise me much," says Daniel Bonn, a physicist at the University of Amsterdam who hypothesized the same mechanism after experiments involving shooting bullets into starch suspensions. “But the experiment was interesting because they were able to look inside the starch and see how it compacts.”
Both Bonn and Veitukaitis hope that understanding how starch behaves will help other researchers who are trying to create a "liquid" body armor by absorbing Kevlar into similar suspensions. But they both caution that what happens in some suspensions may not happen in others.
Despite decades of research, no one has yet understood why cornstarch thickens when disturbed, while quicksand and ketchup, on the contrary, dissolve, although in all cases we are dealing with particles suspended in liquids.
An aluminum rod beating a mixture of cornstarch and water cannot penetrate the mixture because the particles are compressed in it, like snow compressed by a snow blower.

"Earth. Chronicles of Life"

“The disciples of Jesus got into the boat... now the boat was already far from the shore. The boat was beaten by waves, as a head wind was blowing. In the fourth watch of the night, Jesus walked on the water, and when the disciples saw Him, they were very afraid. “It’s a ghost!” " - they shouted in fear. But Jesus said to them: “It is I, do not be afraid!” In response, Peter said: Lord! if it is You, command me to walk to You on the water. “Go,” said Jesus. Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. But when he saw how hard the wind was blowing, he was afraid, began to drown and cried out: “Lord! save me."

I want to encourage you - God never fails. He can't fail. But in order to receive an answer when we really, really need it, we must be obedient to Him. In my life, God often responds moments before the critical moment. Therefore, although I often face many problems, I believe in miracles. Do you believe it? Let me point out two things.

1. God does not perform miracles alone! He needs people involved in these miracles. When He miraculously fed 5,000 people, the first thing He needed were those 5,000 hungry people, as well as 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. When He walked on the water, the storm and the disciples were also involved in the miracle. In order for your miracle to happen, God needs you to be a part of that miracle.

2. You don't get a miracle without having a problem! If that boat had not been at sea in a storm, there would not have been a miracle with Jesus walking on the water. If you want to see a miracle, God will use the crisis you are in to perform a miracle.

Each of us can be caught in a storm like the one the disciples experienced in the boat. When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water, their first reaction was fear, they thought they were seeing a ghost. The fear was intensified by the understanding that their boat was about to sink and they would not survive the night. It seems to happen to us too - at the most difficult hour of your night, when you have big financial problems, when your illness is complicated, when you are in pain or you cannot get rid of alcohol or drug addiction, at this difficult moment there is only Jesus, who will always be with you. And for some reason He chooses the most difficult moment to come and work a miracle for you.

But in order to this miracle of walking on water happened for you, you need to be a disciple of Jesus. As the situation escalated, Jesus' disciples heard him say, "It is I, do not be afraid." Peter said, "Is it really You? (Meaning: Jesus, Are You here? I need a miracle, I can't wait). If it's You, tell me to get out of the boat, I'll know it's You if I can walk on the water." . Then Peter got out of the boat, at the most difficult moment of the night, in the midst of the storm, he really walked on the waves!

Whatever the crisis in your life - be it sin, addiction, demonic influence, a broken home, illness or financial problems - in the moment of your greatest suffering and pain, Jesus does not forget about you. He walks next to you. But at the same time, Jesus calls you to get rid of your sin, your sickness. Will you cry out in response, “Jesus, if it really is You, call me and I will come”? How many people will trade the relative safety of their crisis to actually ride the waves by looking to Jesus?

Don't pay attention to pain or circumstances, look to Jesus! Peter did not see the storm, he did not realize that it was impossible to walk on water. As long as his gaze was directed to Jesus, there was no problem. Then, suddenly, he looked down, saw water, heard the wind, and then, taking his eyes away from Jesus, he began to drown. Don't look at the devil. Keep your focus on Jesus. As long as you look to Him, you will not drown, you will never go to the bottom!

As Peter began to drown, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” - and at the same moment Jesus reached out his hand and lifted him up. Even in the moment when you are drowning in the middle of your miracle, having taken your eyes off the Lord, Jesus is close to you to save you. All you have to do is cry out in faith, “Jesus, help me?”