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How to become a civil aviation pilot. Knowledge and skills

What profession is it - a pilot, where can you get a document certifying that you belong to it, what you should know before making a choice. What is needed to lift a plane into the sky? ? Is a certain amount of knowledge that is obtained in flight training schools or universities sufficient? These and many other questions are of interest to the young male generation.

Unfortunately for applicants and airlines, everything is not so simple. Moreover, the situation in the profession is extremely confusing - on the one hand, there is a shortage of pilots, on the other hand, graduates are not hired. But, everything is in order.

Selection criteria.

Educational institutions of this kind mainly exist on the basis of budget places, but not everyone who wants to get into them will get into them. The reason is to undergo a medical examination; any deviation from the norm may be a reason for refusal.

The future pilot must have a healthy heart, blood vessels, lungs, normal blood pressure, and the vestibular system without disorders. During educational process, students, or rather, cadets, will repeatedly undergo a commission; with any health problem, you can part with the profession.

Pilots undergo a medical examination not only during training, but throughout their entire working life, they undergo it carefully, looking ahead with bias. Probably for this reason, much more is being produced nowadays. fewer representatives this profession than literally a couple of decades ago, this leads to the fact that, for example, over a five-year period of time, twice as many pilots retire relative to those entering service.

What are pilots taught?

The life of a flight student is very interesting and eventful. First, he gets acquainted with the structure of airplanes various types. He studies the methods and possibilities of operating and controlling a vessel, in professional language this is called navigation, the scope of which includes the theory and practice of methods for controlling an aircraft, as well as routing - orienting it in the optimally chosen spatial path.

They study the design of aircraft and their engines, meteorology, and aerodynamics. They learn to provide first aid, jump with a parachute, and master lifeguard skills. And every pilot must know English language, for work on international flights.

Practice usually takes place in educational and training complexes on special simulators.

What awaits graduates?

But, despite the shortage of specialists in this profession, not every company opens its doors to young graduates, or rather, they won’t open it at all. After graduating from an educational institution where cadets acquire a small number of hours spent at the controls, they should begin to improve their qualifications: increase their flight hours and obtain a flight license. The more hours a graduate flies, the more favorable he will appear to his future employer.

And this is where the graduate pilot faces a big problem. Back in the last century, all this was very easy and simple, but educational organizations, which issued the license and helped to fly the hours, were closed or transferred to private management. Because all this is incredibly expensive - fuel, equipment, repairs and simple maintenance.

How to become a pilot without an educational institution.

As mentioned above, there are flying clubs that provide piloting courses and flight hours, mostly commercial, where a graded training system operates.

    The first stage - upon completion, you are given a certificate as an amateur pilot, with which you can fly, but you will not be able to get a job, so to speak - you are your own pilot.

    The second stage is a commercial pilot. Prior to obtaining a certificate of this level, students are allowed only if they have a certificate from the previous level. A pilot already has the right to work, fly light aircraft, and go on commercial flights on aircraft that have only one engine. Such commercial pilots are usually hired by small airlines to fly short distances.

    The third stage is line pilots. A certificate of this category also cannot be obtained without the first two or a pilot’s diploma from any educational institution. A line pilot has ten times more flight hours than a university graduate and the right to fly all aircraft; these are the kind of pilots that airline employers are looking for. And they are not just looking, but literally, tracking and waiting.

To help future applicants, a list of the main higher and secondary educational institutions.

Civil aviation pilots are specialists who are completely dedicated to life in the skies. This fearless people who challenged fate and passed many tests. Therefore, everyone who dreams of such a profession should realize that he too life path will become just as complex and thorny.

And if such a fate does not frighten you, then let's talk about civil aviation in Russia. Where should you go to study? How long will it take, and how can I look for a job then?

The beginning of a long journey

First of all, you should be aware of the fact that it will take quite a long time to study to become a civil aviation pilot. Indeed, unlike a car, flying an airplane requires extensive knowledge: from its structure to the peculiarities of flying in bad weather.

Therefore, you should prepare for the fact that you will have to study “tons” educational material. At the same time, it is not easy to memorize all the information, but to be able to use it competently during flights. Especially if in the future you have plans to get a job in a commercial structure.

Flight licenses

Today, all civil aviation pilots are divided into three large categories. This happens due to a strict licensing system that absolutely all pilots are required to pass. It is she who subsequently determines what type of winged machines a person will be able to control.

  1. PPL or private pilot. Possession of this document grants the right to fly small aircraft not intended for cargo transportation. Simply put, a person can fly as much as he wants for his own pleasure, but no one will hire him.
  2. CPL or commercial pilot. This type of license allows a person to deliver small cargo, make tourist flights and take paratroopers into the sky.
  3. ATPL or Air Line Pilot. What can I say, this is the highest category of pilots, allowing them to fly multi-ton passenger airliners.

civil aviation

Once a person decides to take this path, he is immediately faced with a choice: apply to a flight school or confine himself to a flying school? Oddly enough, both options have their pros and cons, so let's look at them separately.

Let's start with flight schools. higher here, since much more time is allocated for pilot training. In addition, students are taught not only piloting, but also other disciplines - physics, advanced mathematics and right. This makes it possible to train well-rounded pilots capable of performing their duties efficiently.

As for the downsides, flight schools and academies recruit based on government orders. This results in 10 to 12 applicants vying for one place. In addition, many accomplished civil aviation pilots complain that the technical base of our educational institutions is noticeably outdated. Because of this, their graduates have to take additional courses in order to understand the features of piloting new aircraft.

But anyone can enroll in flight school. What is more important here is whether a person has money for training. The quality of education here is slightly lower, although it largely depends on the school itself and what kind of teachers work there. It is worth noting that at a flying school it is much easier to obtain a PPL category certificate, since here you can take extracurricular classes.

Moving from one category to another

Both male and female civil aviation pilots in Russia pass the same standards to obtain a license. They are different for each document type, so let's look at them:

  1. A PPL type certificate can be obtained by candidates who have reached 16 years of age. To do this, they need to master 155 hours of theoretical material and also fly 47 hours on a Cessna 172 type aircraft. On average, training in this category takes from several months to one year, depending on the intensity of the classes and the type of educational institution.
  2. A CPL type certificate can be obtained by candidates who have reached 18 years of age. To do this, they need to have a PPL license or complete this training course from scratch. In addition, they will have to study more than 600 hours of theory, as well as fly 152 hours in a single-engine aircraft. And at the end of the training, complete another 30 hours of flights on a navigation simulator and 12 hours on a multi-engine airplane.
  3. An ATPL type certificate is a more complicated version of the CPL license. That is, you will need to learn everything as in the previous categories, only with greater depth in practice. In addition, you will have to work out flight simulations on passenger and cargo airliners.

Passing a medical examination

All civil aviation pilots undergo strict medical testing. Moreover, it is carried out both before the start of training and after its completion. Also medical commission You will have to undergo it annually even after getting a job, otherwise the pilot will simply not be allowed to fly.

The difficulty is that any flaw or disease can become a reason for a negative conclusion. If we talk about commercial flights, doctors can prohibit flights even because a person does not have a couple of teeth. This is due to the fact that such a defect distorts speech, and this, in turn, makes it difficult to communicate with the air tower controller.

Finding a suitable job

When looking for work, naturally, all civil aviation pilots in Russia are guided by what license they have. So, if you have a CPL, you should try to get a job with a small airline providing travel services. Alternatively, you can consider vacancies for instructors in flight schools, but then you will have to complete additional courses.

Much more prospects open up for those who hold an ATPL license. In this case, there is a high probability that a large airline will offer you a job. There is just one thing - most likely you will have to enroll in special courses that will allow you to master the control of an airliner.

The trouble is that their cost is quite high. Consequently, a special agreement will have to be concluded, according to which the pilot will deduct part of his salary in order to pay off the debt to the airline. In addition, initially a newcomer is allowed only to the position of 2nd pilot, since the captain’s position requires experience in flying large aircraft (over 1.5 thousand hours).

Responsibilities of a civil aviation pilot

Airlines often disagree on the finer points domestic policy. However, there is something that unites them all - the rigidity of the requirements for their pilots. After all, not only the safety of the aircraft, but also the lives of its passengers depend on this.

Therefore, all pilots are required to comply with the following five points:

  1. Fly an airplane professionally.
  2. Always follow safety regulations.
  3. Receive weather reports in advance.
  4. Check the condition of the vessel before starting the flight.
  5. Obediently use the air traffic controller's commands and prompts.

Women civil aviation pilots in Russia

Most people are accustomed to the fact that a pilot is a man. Therefore, for them, a female civil aviation pilot is something out of the ordinary. However, the reality is that both men and women can fly an airplane. But for some reason, even today they are cautiously allowed near large airliners. And yet in Russia there are examples of women managing such giants.

Thus, Olga Kirsanova has been piloting a passenger plane weighing more than one hundred tons for several years. She is sure that anyone can get a seat in the cockpit of a winged car - the main thing is to want it with all your heart. It is true that Olga herself had to work hard to achieve her position, since the management of her airline took a very long time to decide on this appointment.

How to become a civil aviation pilot at 30 in Russia - step-by-step instructions for those who have decided to realize their dream in adulthood. Where is the best place to study, how much will it cost, and so on.

In Russian aviation, the age of 30 is considered almost unsuitable for training to become a pilot. Firstly, graduates of higher educational institutions by this age already have at least 3-5 thousand hours of flight time. By this age they are promoted to captain (PIC), and it is this position that most airlines have difficulty with. Hundreds of co-pilots can be recruited, but there are not enough captains.

Accordingly, after training, a Russian airline will be more willing to hire a 23-year-old co-pilot than a 30-year-old.

Secondly, health standards in Russia are as if pilots are flying intergalactically. And after 30, the health situation worsens, but the norms remain the same. And if Alexey Kochemasov, who smokes Marlboro, can still be given a discount on medical examinations because of his enormous experience, then a 30-year-old co-pilot with no flying hours or experience will simply be shown hell.

And if the VLEK is passed, then the airline also understands all the risk factors for deteriorating health with age. What is the point of training a graduate to be a type and prepare him to be a captain if in a couple of years he will be rejected during a medical examination?

Work in Russia

Nevertheless, there are examples of guys at 30 and even 35 years old training to be pilots in Russia. There are two ways to obtain such education:

The first way. In flight schools in Russia, for example, in Chelyabinsk flight school"Chelavia." They teach for 2 years, the cost of training is 2,200,000 rubles, after that you need to study at your own expense for a type (or get a job somewhere, which is difficult) and enroll in extramural at UVAU or St. Petersburg State University.

The second way. Study in Europe or the USA, get an ATPL or even a type clearance, then, if you want to work in Russia, also graduate from a university in absentia.

The main thing you need to understand is that in Russia they require a higher aviation education. Foreign pilot certificates are difficult to convert, and news constantly appears that they will soon be cancelled. Finding a job after 30 is difficult.

However, if you spend about 100 thousand dollars abroad, get a powerful flight directly at Boeing or Airbus (there are also internship services for co-pilots), have iron health (without a single item on your military ID), then graduate higher school in Russia, then there are chances for employment. But is it worth it?

Work abroad

In the West, people become pilots not only at 30, but also at 40 and even 45 years old. You can fly there with -5 vision. Health checks are minimal. The quality of training is a hundred times better. Therefore, if you want to become a civil aviation pilot in adulthood, you should think about moving to Europe or America completely.

In Europe or the USA, people rightly believe that as people age, they become more responsible. Therefore, there are many cases where a man after 40 works for another 25 years and rises to the rank of captain.

Many pilots in the West fly with poor eyesight and are aged

Of course it's difficult. You need to learn the language perfectly, and just move mountains. But on the other hand, much higher prospects are opening up.

When studying in the West, you can get a cheaper CPL license, get an instructor certificate, and work at some aviation school. And then, having accumulated free flight time, you can improve your education (and your chances of finding a job).

In the West there will be no crises, falling currencies, constant cuts and tougher medical examination requirements. There, a lot of attention is paid not to idiotic formulas, but to piloting experience, so the quality of education is ultimately noticeably higher.

Also, as an option, you can consider working in the CIS countries, China, Africa, and so on.

In this regard, studying abroad with the expectation of working there is much better than in the Russian Federation. And if there is a cherished dream, then for the sake of it it is worth sacrificing your own Muhosransk.

Step-by-step instructions for those who want to become a civil aviation pilot

Here are, in fact, 10 steps for those who want to become a pilot after 30 years:

  1. Passing VLEK (if you plan to work in the Russian Federation) and Medicalabroad to assess their capabilities.
  2. Preparation of English and at least 50,000 euros (better than 100,000).
  3. Obtaining a private pilot license PPL.
  4. Obtaining IFR ratings, licenses for single-engine and twin-engine aircraft;
  5. Obtaining CPL(here you can try to get a job as a co-pilot or in chemistry);
  6. Obtaining ATPL;
  7. Type training;
  8. Internship, flight time;
  9. Ratings;
  10. Employment.

In itself, the instructions are brief, approximate, and do not include obtaining licenses for radio communications, passing English at ICAO levels, and so on. As a result, after preparation and a lot of money spent, you will have 770-1000 hours of flight time, good English, and a great chance of finding a job.

To work in Russia, you will also need to graduate from a university with a degree in pilot engineering.

Considering that this is all very expensive, there is another way - to get a private pilot license PPL, buy a light airplane, it will cost the same 100 thousand. Or - get only PPL and fly in a flying club, the price of such training will be about 8-10 thousand euros plus 100-200 euros per hour of renting an aircraft.

Pilot (Pilot) - aviator, specialist who controls an aircraft (helicopter, airplane).

Pilot- aviator, specialist who controls an aircraft (helicopter, airplane). The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Military aviators are usually called pilots. And civilians - pilots.

In addition, he eats bexperimental aviation pilots- they are testing new aircraft models and conducting factory flight tests of serially produced ones.

The composition of the flight crew depends on the type of aircraft and flight conditions.
In addition to the commander (first pilot), it may include a second pilot, navigator, etc. (The composition of the crew of an experimental aircraft or helicopter is determined by the developer.)

The commander controls the aircraft, makes decisions about takeoff and landing, and the actions of the crew in difficult situations.
Having received permission from the air traffic controller, the first pilot taxis to the runway, where the plane accelerates and, taking off from the ground, gains altitude.
He controls the aircraft in accordance with the calculated flight path and time.

The commander is helped to make decisions by dispatcher messages, instrument readings and the so-called flight sense, which consists of the sound of a running engine, sensations of vibration and roll.

The pilot, and especially the ship’s commander, has to work within strict time frames, when very little time is allotted for each operation. At the same time, you need to maintain high concentration and constantly be ready to get involved in solving complex problems that may arise unexpectedly during the flight.

From both military and civilian pilots, the work requires full dedication of time, effort and thoughts.
In addition, aviation is constantly evolving. More and more new cars are appearing. Therefore, aviators study all the time, constantly pass various exams, and retrain from one type of aircraft to another.

Important qualities

A high sense of responsibility is important for a pilot, leadership skills, lack of fear of heights, high emotional-volitional stability, ability to quickly switch attention, quick reaction, high intelligence, perseverance, desire to master something new.
Impeccable health, sharp vision and hearing, a well-developed three-dimensional eye, and stability of the vestibular apparatus are required.

Knowledge and skills

Knowledge of the aircraft is required, as well as skills to fly it.
When working on international lines, knowledge of spoken English is required.

Where do they teach

Military pilots and civil airline pilots are trained in flight schools.

civil Aviation

  • Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation (Institute)

Has a branch: Buguruslan Flight School of Civil Aviation (college).
And etc.

Military aviation

  • Kachin branch of VUNTS Air Force "VVA"

(Kachinsky named after A.K. Serov branch of the Air Force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky)
Trains pilots on airplanes with higher military-special education.
Name before 2010:

  • Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (Military Institute).
  • Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (military institute).

(branch of the N.E. Zhukovsky Air Force Academy)
Trains helicopter pilots with higher military-special education.
And etc.

“Aviation forces a person to take care of himself and enclose his freedom, his will within a framework that is tough but expedient. Only a great love for the sky helps a person to bear the burden that he voluntarily places on himself in the service of aviation.” “Once you get into aviation, forget such a fundamental word as daily routine. It will never exist. Forget the words: balanced nutrition, sports, Sunday, holiday, summer vacation, marriage, sex, friends, children... No, all this will be present. Somewhere near. In fits and starts. A surrogate. Like an exception, like luck, like a gift of fate. If by chance several factors coincide at once.”
(From the book “Notes of a Sled Dog” by former Tu-154 commander Vasily Ershov)

There are many Earthlings, and we are all very different. But among all people, some are distinguished by a special character - an ineradicable desire for the sky, a thirst for flight. It is from them that the best civil and civil pilots emerge. military aviation. But other applicants also come to the admissions committees of flight schools. Some people were simply drawn to romance, others saw lucrative prospects in a pilot’s license, others go along with a friend who is obsessed with the sky.

In any case, it is better for each of the future cadets to know in advance what awaits them upon admission to flight school and after graduation. Many points can be important for a subsequent successful career that you should think about even before sending documents to admissions committee schools.

Military or civilian?

The first thing a future pilot has to decide is which school to prefer, civilian or military. Military schools have stricter requirements, including disciplinary ones. They pay a small stipend, provide uniforms and housing (in the barracks). Upon completion, you will receive not only a higher military specialized education, but in addition the civilian specialty “Aircraft Operation”. The main problem in obtaining the specialty of a military pilot is that in Russia today there is only one higher military aviation educational institution left in Krasnodar, and enrollment there does not happen every year. Accordingly, the competition is high and becoming a cadet is not easy. Education at a military school is free, a referral can be issued by the military registration and enlistment office. There, applicants will be able to get up-to-date answers to all questions related to the career of a military pilot.

There are much more opportunities to get the coveted civil aviation pilot qualifications. But here you should first decide why these very crusts are needed, what are your career aspirations and ambitions. To fly a light sports aircraft you do not need a higher education, but to work on large civil aviation airliners you need not only higher education and a diploma as a line pilot, but also many hours of flight time.

Training in civil aviation educational institutions can be either budgetary or paid. There will be other costs associated with your studies. However, studying in a civilian school is a little easier, and the health requirements are a little more relaxed than in a military school.

What is needed for admission

  • Good physical fitness and impeccable health. Applicants undergo a thorough medical examination, and even with excellent grades in the certificate and a high chance of passing the exams with “excellent” marks, they may fail due to health reasons. Moreover, if the student’s health worsens during his studies, the student may well be expelled.
  • Age from 18 years
  • Pass exams in the Russian language (exposition) and mathematics; for some specialties they also take physics
  • Conclusion on professional suitability, which is issued after an interview with psychologists

What awaits a flight school graduate: career and prospects for professional growth

Like a driver's license, pilot certificates can be of different categories, and the opportunities that open up directly depend on the category. But not only the category is important: for example, graduates of higher educational institutions of civil aviation immediately receive a commercial pilot certificate, but this only gives them the right to fly as a co-pilot on most aircraft, and there are restrictions. This is due to the small number of flight hours.

And in order to become a line pilot and get the opportunity to fly on large airliners as an aircraft commander, according to Russian rules, at least 1,500 flight hours are required. Abroad requirements highest category pilots are somewhat lower, and getting the coveted crusts there is a little easier.

However, the situation in Russian aviation is currently changing. Most pilots trained in Soviet time, are retiring, and today’s flight school graduates have much fewer opportunities to obtain the necessary flight hours. Therefore, many airlines are forced to reduce the requirements for the number of hours flown. Moreover, airlines are literally queuing up for graduates who have proven themselves well. Such pilots receive additional flight hours as early as training centers companies.

If you have no desire to make a career in the sky, and you only need certificates for flying for your own pleasure, you don’t have to waste time studying at a flight school. It’s easier to take courses at the nearest flying club. After fulfilling a number of standards and passing exams, you will be given a certificate as an amateur pilot, which will be quite enough to fly light airplanes and helicopters for your pleasure and join the “Flight Brotherhood” with a light heart.

Flight fraternity: what is it?

According to official sources, the "Flight Brotherhood" is a public organization created by graduates of the Kharkov air force academy. In fact, the “fraternity of flight” refers to a special relationship that binds everyone involved in aviation. These relationships are based on friendship and mutual assistance. For example, in the old days, a pilot, finding himself in a hopeless situation in any city, could approach any unfamiliar colleague and ask for help - money, accommodation, etc. And get what you ask for. The debt was repaid strictly - by simple postal order or by mutual favor. “Flight brotherhood” meant exactly this - trust, readiness to come to the rescue of a fellow winger.

Unfortunately, all this is now a thing of the past. Some schools and flying clubs have their own traditions of “initiation into the Flight Brotherhood,” but these are rather exceptions than a widespread custom. “Flyers” simply communicate in their environment, helping their own as best they can - as happens in other communities united by a common passion, one hobby.

What about the girls?

But no one covers the girls’ path to aviation with roses. Until recently, no civil aviation academy accepted women into flight professions, until in 2007 one of the applicants sued the educational institution and won the case. Today, girls can also enter the flying profession, but airlines still prefer to hire men.

However, the growing shortage of personnel is forcing airline management to treat female pilots with increasing reverence. The leaders of the Sasovo Flight School even say that their graduates can outshine any male pilot.

The Last Frontier: How to Convince Your Parents

If parents believe that the pilot’s profession is too dangerous and not promising enough, and that it is better to choose more mundane and less adrenaline-fuelled professions, they need to be worked with and convinced. And you need to start as early as possible. The conversation should be conducted not on emotions, but with facts at the ready. For every argument of worried parents, there should be a whole volley of counterarguments, with facts, statistics and mathematical calculations.

The list of common objections is always approximately the same:

  • “The profession is unpromising.” Nothing like that - very promising! Behind last years The country's air fleet increases annually by several dozen (or even hundreds) of aircraft, which soon there will be no one to fly on. Soviet-era pilots are retiring, and there are few new ones. The annual demand for pilots is about 2 thousand people, and flight schools graduate no more than 500 people.
  • “Low salary” is not true! Pilots' salaries are more than decent, and increase in proportion to professional growth. Even a co-pilot can receive about 200 thousand rubles soon after graduating from school. In addition, there are pleasant bonuses: long vacations, early retirement, a good social package and big discounts on air tickets for the family. There are also excellent opportunities to work abroad: many airlines are happy to hire Russian pilots.
  • “Planes crash, it’s dangerous” - what if we compare it with car accidents? There are countless more accidents on the roads and while driving cars on earth. Driving a car is much more dangerous than driving an airplane, but no one stops driving a car because of this.

In addition, many flight academies have military departments, which saves the graduate from military service.

How do cadets live?

For those who entered budget places, the state provides full content: uniform, food, hostel for visitors, stipend. Cadets are also provided with all teaching aids and materials. Cadets paid groups They provide for themselves.

Discipline is strict inside the campus and within the walls of the school or academy. However, it is not as strict as in a military school, and with good motivation, cadets do not experience negative consequences from disciplinary requirements. And slobs and slobs have nothing to do in the sky.

Living conditions depend on each specific educational institution, as well as internal regulations.

Duration of training and cost

The training time for a flight specialty on the basis of secondary education (11 years) is 34 months (basic level)..

Price paid training determined by each educational institution independently. For example, at UVAU GA in the current academic year training in the specialty “Flight Operation of Aircraft” will cost almost 90 thousand rubles for the theory. Correspondence studies noticeably cheaper: 35,500 rubles. As for the cost of practical flights for future pilots, for those studying on a commercial basis the amount starts from $140,000.