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How segments appear in history. What are Segments? Meaning and interpretation of the word otrezki, definition of the term

On February 19, 1861, Tsar Alexander 2 signed a manifesto on the abolition of serfdom and the “Regulations” on the new structure of the peasants.

According to the “Regulations of February 19,” peasants were declared personally free. Landowners could no longer sell, buy, donate, exchange or mortgage them. Peasants received the right to own movable and immovable property, engage in trade and crafts, be hired, and move to other classes.

But the peasants received incomplete civil rights. They were included in the category of the so-called “tax-paying estates” and were obliged to pay the poll tax introduced by Peter 1, bear conscription duties, etc. Corporal punishment was retained for peasants.

Peasant plots and plots.

The main issue of the reform - the question of land - was resolved in a serf-like manner. All the land that peasants had cultivated for centuries was declared the property of the landowners. Peasants could receive a plot of land only for “permanent use” in exchange for services.

To determine the size of the land plot according to the “Regulations of February 19”, the Great Russian and part of the Ukrainian and Belarusian provinces were divided into three stripes: non-chernozem, chernozem and steppe. Each of them established special allotment standards.

In the black earth zone, where the land was especially fertile, the peasants received much less of it than they had before the reform. The lands taken from the peasants were called sections. In 21 black earth provinces, plots accounted for more than 26% of pre-reform peasant land use. Particularly large sections were produced by landowners in the south and southeast: in the Samara province - 41.8%, in the Saratov province - 42.4%. In some estates the segments reached 70 - 80%. In the non-chernozem zone they were slightly less - 9.9%. In total, landowners took over 18% of the land from peasants in Russia.

The best lands went to the landowners. Peasant plots included “sands”, swamps, ravines, bushes, etc. Landowners' lands were usually wedged into strips of peasant lands and cut them into pieces. The landowners used the strips and stripes to enslave the peasants.

The reform also allowed for the landless emancipation of peasants. Households, peasants belonging to landless nobles, and some peasants from small estates did not receive allotments at all. Former serf workers of patrimonial factories, craftsmen of state-owned mining factories and those assigned to private factories on the right of possession either did not receive land at all or received it in the most insignificant quantities.

Segments in history are that part of the land that, according to our country, went into the possession of the landowners. Based on the regulations, a certain plot standard was established for rural and rural land users. But if it exceeded a given size, then the excess went to the nobles.

General characteristics of the reform

In 1861, it was abolished in Russia. However, despite the fact that the peasants received personal freedom, in many regions they found themselves in an extremely difficult situation in connection with the land issue. The passages in history are part of the new government policy to maintain the financial situation of the noble landowners. After all, from now on they were deprived of their main source of existence - income and duties from the peasant farm.

Therefore, the authorities took such measures in order to retain at least some privileges and economic advantages for them. And this, of course, had a very bad impact on the position of direct agricultural producers, who were often deprived of the bulk of their holdings. Segments in history are perhaps one of the most controversial conditions of peasant reform. There is evidence that the people themselves were often not happy with this measure, since it was not so much personal freedom that was important to them, but the land.


So, the reform of 1861, for all its positive significance, nevertheless contained one very important drawback: the peasants were deprived of allotments. Since agricultural labor formed the basis of their existence, after the release of the provisions on their freedom, they found themselves in an extremely disadvantageous position. And many are even in an even worse situation than before. Segments in history are probably the most controversial and at the same time sore point in this reform. However, at that time the positions of the ruling class of noble landowners were quite strong, so they had to be taken into account.

But, despite the concession, this class became very poor. The measure taken by the government was not sufficient to maintain their socio-economic status. So from that time on, the process of mass impoverishment of the former large landowners began. Moreover, many did not even immediately understand the very essence of the position on segments. This was sometimes taken advantage of by the most practical peasants who managed to obtain these lands or, at least, reduce the amount of duties provided for their development.


It was already mentioned above that the distribution of land was not in favor of the peasants. However, landownership also fell into decline, although formally and legally the nobles still remained in a privileged position. Understanding what segments in history are is impossible without taking into account the circumstances in which natural-geographical and climatic zones the plots were located.

For example, in the black earth regions, landowners took most of the land from the peasants, since in this region it was more fertile. Rich nobles could appropriate even one fifth of it, which had an extremely deplorable effect on the situation of the village and its inhabitants. In general, the average plot size was three and a half acres of land. This was less than in pre-reform times. Naturally, many peasants were unhappy. There is even evidence that they preferred to remain in serfdom rather than be deprived of the means for a full-fledged existence.

Land tenure problems

So, we have already figured out what segments are. History, the definition of this concept, as we have already understood, are inextricably linked with peasant reform. It was assumed that in the event of receiving an allotment several dessiatines larger than the established norm, landowners have the right to take away the “extra” territory from the farmers. As a rule, this amounted to eighteen percent of the entire property, which was quite a lot for rural landowners.

In addition, there was also the problem of striping. Landowners' lands were often wedged into peasant lands, creating for the latter the problem of grazing livestock, using meadows, and so on. For all this, they were forced to either pay the owner, or rent plots from him, or work off certain duties for the right to use the plots.

Question about land

A detailed analysis and interpretation of the question of what are segments in Russian history are extremely important for understanding the features of post-reform development Agriculture in the country in general. Perhaps, new system At first it dealt a blow to both landlord and peasant landownership. The latter, of course, was in a more complex and difficult situation also due to the fact that the people were deprived of the right to use land: meadows, grazing areas, and so on. Now there were entire strips of sections wedged in here, for the right to use which the peasants had to pay. Thus, direct producers lost not only their main holdings, but also additional land resources.

The main issue of the reform - the question of land - was resolved in a serf-like manner. All the land that peasants had cultivated for centuries was declared the property of the landowners. Peasants could receive a plot of land only for “permanent use” in exchange for services.

To determine the size of the land plot according to the “Regulations of February 19”, the Great Russian and part of the Ukrainian and Belarusian provinces were divided into three stripes: non-chernozem, chernozem and steppe. Each of them established special allotment standards.

In the black earth zone, where the land was especially fertile, the peasants received much less of it than they had before the reform. The lands taken from the peasants were called sections. In 21 black earth provinces, plots accounted for more than 26% of pre-reform peasant land use. Particularly large sections were produced by landowners in the south and southeast: in the Samara province - 41.8%, in Saratov - 42.4%. In some estates the segments reached 70 – 80%. In the non-chernozem zone they were slightly less - 9.9%. In total, landowners took over 18% of the land from peasants in Russia.

The best lands went to the landowners. Peasant plots included “sands”, swamps, ravines, bushes, etc. Landowners' lands were usually wedged into strips of peasant lands and cut them into pieces. The landowners used the strips and stripes to enslave the peasants.

The reform also allowed for the landless emancipation of peasants. Households, peasants belonging to landless nobles, and some peasants from small estates did not receive allotments at all. Former serf workers of patrimonial factories, craftsmen of state-owned mining factories and those assigned to private factories on the right of possession either did not receive land at all or received it in the most insignificant quantities.

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CUTS CUTS - part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. O. were mainly produced if the allotment exceeded the highest norm and amounted to about 18% of the pre-reform land use of peasants.

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .

See what “CUTS” are in other dictionaries:

    Part of the land used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. Cut-offs were generally made if the allotment exceeded the maximum limit established by the Regulations on February 19, 1861, and amounted to approx. 18%… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CUTS, part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. Produced if the allotment exceeded the highest standard established by the Regulations of 19.2.1861, and amounted to about 18% of the pre-reform... ... Russian history

    Part of the land used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. Cuts were mainly made if the allotment exceeded the highest standard established by the Regulations of February 19, and amounted to about 18%... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Land that peasants in Russia lost as a result of the peasant reform of 1861 (See Peasant reform of 1861). O. could be produced from allotment land (see Allotment land use), which was in the use of landowners ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Lands cut off in Russia by landowners from peasants when drawing up charter documents according to the Regulations of February 19. 1861. Reduction of the cross. allotments were made if the allotment exceeded the highest or specified norm. The allotment could be reduced in the case... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Mn. Plots of peasant land seized by landowners during the abolition of serfdom. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

    segments- part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. O. were mainly produced if the allotment exceeded the highest norm and amounted to about 18% of the pre-reform land use of peasants... Large legal dictionary

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1) Sections- - part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 186) in favor of the landowner. O. were mainly produced if the allotment exceeded the highest norm established by the Regulations of February 19 and amounted to about 18 percent of the pre-reform land use of peasants.

2) Segments- - “extra lands” cut off from the community as a result of the serfdom reform. Pastures and meadows were cut off. The communities were left without land and were forced to rent it from the landowner.

3) Segments- - part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowner. Cuts were made if the peasant's allotment exceeded the highest norm established by the "Regulations" on February 19, 1861. This norm fluctuated in different places Russian Empire from 3 to 12 dessiatines. Thanks to the plots, landowners confiscated about 18% of the land belonging to peasants throughout the country, and in some provinces even more (in Saratov and Samara - over 40%).

4) Segments- part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. They were produced if the allotment exceeded the highest norm established by the Regulations of 19.2.1861, and amounted to about 18% of the pre-reform land use of peasants (in some provinces up to 40%).


Part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 186) in favor of the landowner. O. were mainly produced if the allotment exceeded the highest norm established by the Regulations of February 19 and amounted to about 18 percent of the pre-reform land use of peasants.

- “extra lands” cut off from the community as a result of the serfdom reform. Pastures and meadows were cut off. The communities were left without land and were forced to rent it from the landowner.

Part of the lands used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowner. Cuts were made if the peasant's allotment exceeded the highest norm established by the "Regulations" on February 19, 1861. This norm fluctuated in different places of the Russian Empire from 3 to 12 dessiatines. Thanks to the plots, landowners confiscated about 18% of the land belonging to peasants throughout the country, and in some provinces even more (in Saratov and Samara - over 40%).

part of the land used by peasants, cut off after the peasant reform of 1861 in favor of the landowners. They were produced if the allotment exceeded the highest norm established by the Regulations of 19.2.1861, and amounted to about 18% of the pre-reform land use of peasants (in some provinces up to 40%).

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