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What is the meaning of the name Olga? What does the name Olga mean for a woman: full description

The owners of this beautiful name always go their own way and pave the way for others. Let's try to figure out what secret Olga keeps inside herself.

The name is Old Russian, similar to the male name Oleg. But initially it was a derivative of the Old Norse name Helga. From Scandinavian it is translated as “holy”, “bright”, “sacred”, “clear”.

Diminutive forms: Olya, Olechka, Olyunya, Olchik, Lelya, Olyushka, Olka, Olenka, Olyusya. Angel Day only once a year - July 24 (July 11, old style).

General characteristics of the name Olga

Little Olya is very diligent and does well at school. In class he behaves diligently, grasps new information on the fly, gets good grades, but at the same time does not show much desire for learning. little Olya - a broad outlook, a sharp mind and a strong intellect. From early childhood, the girl shows stubbornness and seriousness, characteristic of adults. Finding herself in an unfamiliar company, she demonstrates not the best character traits - isolation and touchiness. Olya does not have a very developed imagination, which gives her thoughts a certain mundaneness.

When she matures a little, she becomes more emotional or, conversely, restrained and balanced. The second option is more common, since the meaning of the name Olga gave her such a character trait as self-criticism. Girls with this name have a good mind and are well aware of their shortcomings. To compensate, they very often perform kind and noble deeds.

A sense of humor and easy-going character help Olga achieve her goals. But at the same time, there is “white” envy of the successes of their friends, which forces them to rethink their priorities. She has large reserves of energy, which gives her the strength to go to the bitter end. Olga is an energetic, active and easy-going person, sometimes her actions are unpredictable.

She does not know that she can get more - this is where her maximalism is manifested. The paradox is that girls with this name easily combine responsibility and seriousness with a mischievous character, gentleness with determination. These traits are especially evident in adolescence.

If we talk about the meaning of the name Olga in adulthood, then it is generosity and friendliness. Women with this name are easy to communicate, sincere, and responsive. Olga shows leadership qualities and becomes an example for others.

These include touchiness and commercialism. In addition, Olga is a very suspicious person. Women with this name can rarely be called romantic. Olga is very vulnerable emotionally, she needs to approach life easier and calmer, and not take minor troubles to heart.

The meaning of the name Olga also leaves its mark on relationships with men. She attracts the opposite sex due to her combination of courage and strength, simplicity and originality. Olga takes a very long time to choose a companion, relying more than on reason. If Olya loves, she will never betray her man. She is a good housewife, loving wife and mother.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Olga.

What does the name Olga mean?

The name Olga means saint (Scand.)

The meaning of the name Olga is character and destiny

A woman named Olga is ambitious, strives to achieve heights in her chosen field, but she does not always succeed. Only Olgas with patronymics Olegovna, Nikolaevna, Eduardovna, Igorevna, Dmitrievna, Anatolyevna, born in autumn or winter, achieve their desired goals. For others, dreams and plans often remain unfulfilled. Olga is loyal to her friends and has many friends. She places friendships above material wealth and is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of friends. The leader of the company, she loves to tell funny stories. She is even with men and treats them as friends. In the house, Olga is the leader, the sovereign mistress. A woman named Olga knows how to properly organize work and distribute responsibilities between household members. If she is not too lucky with her husband, she energetically raises her children, giving them all the warmth of her soul and boundless love. However, more often than not, Olga is loved by her husband, although she sometimes gets bored with it herself; she wants to escape from such monotony, feel her attractiveness, her ability to charm other men, and win. However, she is smart, does not allow herself to go too far with strangers, knows how to stop in time, and also values ​​her family. A woman named Olga is a good housewife, she loves and knows how to cook, she is clean, but everyone participates in maintaining order in the house: the husband is charged with doing general cleaning, the children are responsible for making sure there is bread in the house, etc. What Olga fails to achieve in the professional field (to become at least a small leader), she successfully implements it in relationships with family. But he does it unobtrusively, without noise or shouting. They, in turn, simply adore her. And such a woman knows how to be grateful. She rarely has two children, more often she has one son, for whom his mother is his best friend for life. Prosperity in the home and the opportunity not to deny herself and her family anything are very important to her. She loves to receive guests, she does not know how to visit with cheap gifts.

Meaning of the name Olga for sex

Olga was created for bright passions; her first sexual adventures amaze with their turbulence. Jealous, subtly senses pretense. “Summer” women are the most temperamental; they are more interested in bed than work, but they are also less happy than others in their intimate life. "Winter" Olga is calmer; Without denying herself sexual pleasures, she still puts caring for her family and children first. “Spring” Olga is feminine, charming, and if she wants, she can easily captivate any man, but she chooses her life partner extremely carefully. All women named Olga are possessive towards men, but they themselves strive to get out from under their care and do not tolerate jealousy.

The character and fate of the name Olga, taking into account the patronymic

First name Olga and patronymic....

Olga Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna charming, cheerful, knows how to make an impression. Somewhat lazy and imposing. She loves comfort and prosperity, but she can do little for this herself. She is somewhat envious of her more successful friends and dreams of living a carefree and comfortable life. She is susceptible to influence and is capable of committing unseemly acts against her will. For the sake of a career, she can sacrifice principles, act dishonestly with those who did a lot for her development, whom she recently idolized. She is prone to self-criticism, worries about her bad deeds for a long time, but understands perfectly well that she cannot achieve anything in any other way. He knows the value of his charm and can win over anyone. Very pleasant to talk to and sociable. Married: gets married without difficulty and to a man who loves her passionately. Her family is strong, friendly, her warmth is enough for everyone. Olga will never be able to establish friendly relations with her mother-in-law, because no mother will forgive her son for such selfless love for a stranger. However, Olga manages not to quarrel with anyone and not pay attention to the hostility of her husband’s parents towards her. She loves variety, enjoys attending friends’ celebrations, and loves throwing friendly parties in her home. Monotony and routine are not for her; she will always find a way to have fun or relax. The spouse should remember this and support her in her desire to be in constant communication with people, otherwise this woman may solve the issue of mental loneliness in a different way - become interested in a man younger than herself in order to again feel a surge of youth and mental strength. She gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Olga and patronymic....

Olga Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna feminine and attractive, takes care of her appearance, and has good taste. She has many friends and loyal girlfriends. She is very amorous and often gets carried away in her youth. She is flattered by the increased attention of men. She may even become arrogant, overly confident in her charms. It is painful to endure unrequited love, and cannot forget it for a long time. After an unsuccessful love, she tries to find a man similar to her previous lover. However, Olga is a passionate person, so she doesn’t stay alone for long. And the one who wears it will be happy. will make her choice because Olga is a good housewife, a wonderful, loving mother and wife. Her growing sons have a great influence on her; their opinion is not at all indifferent to her. Olga can sacrifice her happiness for the sake of her children and live with her unloved husband, enduring humiliation and disrespect from him. However, she never loses her self-esteem, and to the outside eye the troubles in her family are not visible. She simply tries not to pay attention to her husband’s antics and lives her own separate life.

First name Olga and patronymic....

Olga Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna very vulnerable and sensitive nature. It is easy to offend her, and Olga forgives offenses with difficulty. Stubborn, determined, with a strong will. Proud, but also self-critical. Makes excessive demands on men. In her personal life she is not very happy, but she never loses faith in the best. Vain, ambitious. She strives to be no worse than others in everything, this is her driving force. She is prone to high self-esteem and praises her abilities, which gives her weight in the eyes of others. She is popular with men, charming and cheerful. Too proud to enter into casual relationships, but she is never alone. She prefers to have a permanent partner, but is in no hurry to get married. She is more friendly with men; they are closer to her in character and mentality. She tries to marry a serious, thorough man, or even herself makes a young man into a man who meets her requirements: she enrolls him in a university that she considers the most suitable and prestigious, gets him a good job, and only then marries him. However, her merits in the development of her husband as a person are rarely appreciated by him. Olga treats her children completely differently, she pampers them, protects them from unnecessary stress, and does not deny them anything. But, oddly enough, such Olga’s children grow up unspoiled. She gives birth to children of different sexes.

First name Olga and patronymic....

Olga Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Emmanuilovna smart, practical, sociable. Does not tolerate fools, especially among men. She can be caustic and sarcastic with people she doesn't like. Has a sparkling sense of humor. It combines intelligence with excessive simplicity. She knows how to be tactful and correct, but can be harsh and rude. Knows where, with whom and how to behave. Very fair, somewhat straightforward. Sexy, seductive. She attracts men with a softer character, which greatly irritates her. She has a completely different ideal - strong and affectionate, courageous and gentle, kind and hard as a rock. Therefore, she is not very lucky with her husband. Most often, the husband, feeling the superiority of his wife, tries in any way to rise above her, sometimes resorting to unseemly actions: drinking or cheating, without considering it necessary to hide it. Olga cannot be broken, but she can break. In this case, in order to feel like a full-fledged woman, she also takes a lover. Meanwhile, he won’t dare to leave his family; he loves children very much. She puts a lot of effort into improving her home and knows how to provide for her children without waiting for her husband to do it. She relies only on herself and is always ready for any vicissitudes of fate. However, the husband will never leave such an Olga - he is very well established, has everything he would like, and without much effort on his part. Children of different sexes are born.

First name Olga and patronymic....

Olga Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna the strongest in character of all her namesakes. Straightforward, open, fair. Hot-tempered, in a fit of anger she is capable of offending a person. Energetic, active, able to organize anyone. It is difficult to care for her; she does not allow everyone to do this. She is able to appreciate only a strong man with an extraordinary mind, only such a one is worthy of her attention and can win her heart. Olga clearly separates sex and love. Never alone, but not always in love with her partner. She gets married late and tries first of all to achieve herself. In choosing a life partner, he is guided only by sober calculation, suppressing emotions. And such a marriage, as a rule, turns out to be successful. If Olga marries only for love, then she will soon get divorced. She is the leader in the family; a weak and spineless husband will not withstand her onslaught. Olga suppresses him with her authority, willpower, practicality and determination, determines where he should work, what is best to do. Only a strong-willed man can resist Olga. And she willingly cedes primacy in the family if she is convinced that he is worth it. This Olga gives birth to children of different sexes, but most often she has one child, whom she provides for everyone.

Numerology of the name Olga

The true, hidden thing for people is the ability to work.


Meaning of the name Olga: The name Olga comes from the Scandinavian name Helga or Elga. It was accepted by the Russian people, became “especially Russian”, took root in the Russian language, slightly changing its sound form: the letter E at the beginning of the name softened and turned into O.

Memorial Days: 11.01, 10.02, 04.03, 06.09, 19.12.

Personality. A woman in a bulletproof vest.

Characteristics of the name Olga by letter:

O - mission;

L - need for affection, love;

b - gentleness of character, passivity, pliability;

G - half-cross, some kind of sacrifice;

A - hard work.

What does the name Olga mean in numerology:

OLGA = 74341 = 19 = 1 (Sun).

The purpose of a person’s life with the name Olga is determined by the Sun, the planet of higher consciousness, energy, and activity.

What does the name Olga mean in astrology:

7-4 (Saturn - Mercury) - a person relies on his own attitudes when communicating with people; good logical thinking, sense of form;

4-3 (Mercury - Mars) - entrepreneurial spirit, but also fussiness, an exaggerated opinion of oneself;

4-1 (Mercury - Sun) - high intelligence, creative talents, self-improvement;

1 (Sun) - the point is deepened: problems with the manifestation of the spirit.

Karmic lessons named after Olga:

2 (Moon) - oscillatory tendencies, lack of self-confidence;

5 (Jupiter) - no trust, a lot of perseverance, stubbornness;

8 (Uranus) - frequent ups and downs. Learning to manage emotions is the main thing for Olga;

9 (Neptune) - you need to learn to use the enormous potential.

Characteristics of the name Olga, taking into account the analysis

A penchant for unconventional sciences, a penetrating mind, high intelligence, a sense of style, form, harmony, often a successful destiny. Areas of activity: philosophy, occult disciplines, medicine, architecture, urban planning, design.

Sexuality - average. Olga is a magnificent, caring wife and a wonderful mother. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: Oleg, Nikolai, German, Leonid, Lavrenty, Andrey, Mikhail.

Olga is the name of a strong and passionate nature. Today, the name Olga has become less common, which leads to an increase in the influence of the name on its owner.

The less common a name is, the greater the connection between its unique sacred meaning and how a person’s fate develops. To understand what the name Olga means, you need to consider the origin of the name, and to determine the influence of the name on your character, you should pay attention to:

  • Period of birth of a person (spring, summer, autumn, winter).
  • How often is the full name used?
  • Are diminutive forms used?
  • How a person perceives his name.

It is difficult to track all these aspects of life, so the secret of the name is usually revealed through information that has the greatest influence and is accessible at the same time, such as the meaning of the name Olga, its sound vibrations and the person’s date of birth. Each sound is associated with a certain state of mind in us, so sounds can both calm and excite, create an atmosphere of love and peace or inspire a desire to perform feats.

It is for this reason that each letter in a name is important and, when pronounced, has an invisible impact on a person’s character. Diminutive forms usually soften or enhance the emphasis that a full name creates.

Origins and forms of the name

When answering the question of what the name Olga means, you should immerse yourself in mythology and history. The meaning of the name Olga is associated with the meaning of the Scandinavian name Helga, which is translated as “dedicated”, “holy”, “bright”. Its origin is associated with the harsh northern region - Scandinavia.

In the distant past, the name was common among the Vikings, who were considered one of the most fierce, skillful and courageous warriors of that time. It is not difficult to imagine exactly what associations are fixed in the name and what features it introduces into the character. A girl with this name is brave, fighting and persistent, easily enduring inconvenience, striving for victories and love.

Due to the fact that the origin of the name is associated with the Vikings, who in Russia were known as the Varangians, we can recall the example of Princess Olga, who was the first to be baptized in Rus', ruled the country after the death of her husband and brutally took revenge on his murderers.

This fate of the princess suggests an extremely free mind and courage, which she must have had in abundance; these qualities fit perfectly into the general characteristics of the owners of the name.

A full name is not always convenient, and besides, it is important for Olga to feel warmth and tenderness from early childhood. Affectionate addresses to Olga convey the piece of human warmth she needs and calm her down, giving her a feeling of security and comfort: Olenka, Olechka, Olyusya, Lesya. And the most common diminutive form - Olya, softening her character, helps the girl express herself creatively.

The influence of a name on character at different ages is not the same. Some believe that in childhood the main features are clearly visible, and in adolescence, the girl’s character is already an integral, unified system, without the expression of any aspects, but with their harmonious use in activity and communication.

Others believe that character is constantly influenced by the name and is formed throughout life. Let's consider the most common type of development of a girl named Olga and her striking features at different periods of life.

The process of growing up

Olya is growing up as a serious and vulnerable child; it is important for her to receive attention and approval from her parents and friends. Her calmness, friendliness and kindness endear her to others, and her stubbornness and adherence to principles already in childhood help her acquire knowledge and develop quickly.

Diligent and open Olya easily finds friends, but despite her sociability and positive, fighting character, she rarely tries to stand out from the general background. In addition, the girl is often held up as an example, especially if she develops patience during her school years, because Olya does well at school and communicates with other children, often for these reasons she is nominated for the position of head girl.

Already at a tender age, the girl likes the attention of the opposite sex, boys often fall in love with her, but prudence does not allow her to behave frivolously, Olya well understands the boundaries of communication between a boy and a girl. Due to the fact that one of the main distinguishing features of a girl is a sober view of the world, from an early age her leisure time is determined by herself and she proceeds from those dreams and plans that she would like to realize.

As a teenager, Olya appears to us as a stately and confident girl; she follows fashion and knows how to add a twist to her image. She likes to expand her horizons, attend cultural events in the company of people she likes, but her main emphasis is on her studies.

The desire for knowledge and independence is supported in her by her dreams, which inspire the girl to exploits and allow her to fully express herself in activity.

In order for the girl’s fate to be as happy as possible, parents should not try to limit her aspirations; the origin of the name explains the enormous amount of energy that the girl can use for the benefit of herself and other people, so fears about the impracticability of her bold ideas are unfounded. Sobriety and prudence do not allow her to feed on illusions; dreams only indicate the path along which Olya will follow to realize her desires.

Independent, enthusiastic and versatile, Olga, who easily copes with difficulties, is constantly looking for challenges. Olga's passion, coupled with early maturation, awareness of her responsibilities and capabilities, does not tolerate idleness and boredom, so by adulthood she already has solid experience in working with complex projects.

Her hard work and ambition will allow her to achieve great success if Olya decides to develop her career rather than invest most of her energy in her family. Although usually focusing mainly on her family does not prevent her from pursuing her hobbies, which she successfully turns into a means of earning money.

Olya's character depends on the time of birth.

  • Thus, winter Olya is calm and kind, values ​​stability, comfort, and family.
  • Spring has stunning femininity and charm; it contains a secret, a zest that attracts men.
  • Olya, born in summer, is amorous and trusting, selfless and honest, she really likes to be among people.
  • And autumn Olga is practical and enterprising; her prudence and determination allow her to achieve great success in her career.

Love and marriage

Olya has a very feminine side; her charm has attracted boys to her since childhood. And the flowering of sexuality occurs in adulthood, when a woman has fully learned to control her body, the secret of her seductiveness lies in her knowledge of her own capabilities.

Olya is admired, but she is in no hurry to enter into a serious relationship, because she wants to be with a person who has been tested by time and difficulties. Despite the romantic mood and falling in love, the girl never forgets that love is not the sublime secret of two people, but obligations, children, constant work on oneself and relationships.

Sober calculation helps her not to make a mistake in choosing a partner. Women named Olga often devote themselves to their children and husbands, without concentrating on their careers, although they could achieve stunning results.

The fate of a girl largely depends on the first man in her life, which also determines the origin of her name, because she often devotes herself to him. Olya will be faithful to her chosen one and will try to make his life as pleasant as possible. The girl’s independence and independence do not tolerate attempts to conquer and shackle her, so the man she chooses must be strong, but not willing to re-educate her and subjugate her.

Ideal partner

Let's consider the compatibility of the name Olga with male names. It is clear that with male names associated with strength, independence and dignity, compatibility will be higher than with others, due to the meaning that the name Olga has. High compatibility is observed in the following pairs.

And Olya. Compatibility in the sphere of feelings, emotions, aspirations. Sergey is able to help Olya to fully open up; their relationship is filled with ardor and passion. They both strive for perfection, which allows them to preserve the fire of love in a couple for a long time. Sergey and Olga diversify their relationship with joint activities, introduce each other to their affairs and discover more and more interesting things together.

Dmitry and Olya. Compatibility of aspirations and desires. Partners will be able to create a wonderful tandem, in which there will be a division of responsibilities that suits both. Their union will be serious and long.

Evgeniy and Olya. Compatibility is considered ideal; values, desires, and aspirations coincide. They create a union filled with warmth and harmony. Their connection strengthens more and more over the years, which forms the basis for true happiness.

The meaning of the name is associated with the impossibility for Olga to build a marriage with weak and irresponsible men. In addition, certain personality traits may not allow a man and Olga to come to compromises and live happily. Low compatibility is observed between Olya and Nikolai, Vyacheslav and Igor. Author: Ekaterina Volkova


I'm Olga. In the description exactly, I will add: in my career I really use intelligence, knowledge, experience, endurance, determination, diplomacy, communication skills, if necessary, I can use intrigue and I can substitute (but this is very, very extremely rare, if necessary and depends on the specific person ), but there really is a line beyond my control that cannot be overcome, there is a limit to the career ladder, despite knowledge, experience, money, connections, sociability and natural intelligence; In my personal life, I can definitely say that it doesn’t work out with the bearer of the name Alexey (a young man and first husband), despite many common goals and interests, the result is the same - sooner or later. I also have a lot in common with the bearer of the name Sergey, but they are all my friends and can become good husbands and friends. The name Olga (of course I’m talking about myself) - there’s fire in the soul (if I’ve chosen a person), passion and constant experiments in bed (otherwise I just get bored), I choose really intuitively only a strong personality (since I’m like that myself), and always with prospects not only in relationships, but also material resources, incl. money will ultimately be decisive in a relationship (if I understand there are no prospects in finance, I will step over even my own great love for a person, I will even go to temporary restrictions), but this is not so much a goal as a necessity, the need to give the best to children and allow myself a little freedom and see the world, as I previously described that the career ladder is limited. Indeed, outwardly, in front of other people, I behave with restraint, diplomatically, and affably. But with loved ones this rule does not work, here I am all with my unpredictability and everything depends on me (there are a lot of emotions, I am even overly emotional). I can immediately say that many people, including those close to me, think that aristocratic habits are inherent (for example, I love chic design or eating with 36 cutlery or designer clothes or riding horses or other things), but I just love it and I like it all , it’s like it’s inside me, rather than I do it on purpose. I behave, I speak, I move, I really think in such a way that one might think that I am, so to speak, from high society, so I really have many acquaintances among the “golden” youth, managers, directors, generals and other respected people, and many with a large age difference, but I can definitely say that all this is inherent in nature or the essence, especially so, even if you really want to, you won’t be able to do everything. There are many men who are friends with me, a few with whom I have had relationships, in relationships I really give myself completely to a man, I try to develop him to the maximum, so that everyone, without exception, becomes incredibly popular with the opposite sex, finds partners and everyone has their own business, but I have my own requirements for men, no less (wise, strong, loving, caring, faithful, but have a lot of women around me, financially wealthy, educated, knowledgeable, able, etc. ) is a sufficient list, but over time, of course, I learned to turn a blind eye (not notice) other shortcomings. There was only one true reason for the breakup with men - they couldn’t meet my needs, at first they really didn’t admit it and could talk bad about me for a long time, but then they apologized and everyone still regrets that they were afraid then and made the wrong decision by refusing to have a relationship with me. me. Children really respect me more than other family members and always look at my decisive gaze, I don’t even say anything, everything is immediately clear from the look, I love children very much and they, in turn, of course take advantage of this, but I don’t let you cross the line, I have ways a lot of. I love to guide them and develop their talents, I give them support and care, and over time I have learned to show all sorts of “musi-pusi” more and more and more, and now everyone is broadcast from my calf tenderness, so very often you can hear “that’s enough,” but to all of them like. I learned a lot of things, it’s impossible to list them all, so now I can say for sure that I would dream of marrying such a woman, really, I never like to praise myself and I don’t like when others do it, I think that there is no limit to perfection, but now I can do that say yourself. So I can definitely say that time changes us for the better, of course, if you really want it. Something like that.

    Oh, about the intransigence of the info, we've got a lot. My friend is so meticulous, if she already decides to defend some point of view, you cannot convince her otherwise, even if she herself understands that she is wrong. And the fact that she is strong-willed. In all her time, she only had 2 boyfriends, but these are the best people I have had the honor of meeting. So Olenka really has good taste. :)

    Just like they wrote about my wife... Oh, and she’s meticulous!! These two sentences clearly describe my Olenka: “Olga is not compliant, she will achieve her goal with all her might. And even if she turns out to be wrong about something, it will be very difficult for her to admit it.” Always gets his way.
    Thank you for the article.

    Good afternoon I used to think that the name Olya was too simple, I wanted something exotic, but after reading it, I felt so proud, pleasant, and gained even more self-confidence. Indeed, this name is the best in the world. ALL OLGAS - BE PROUD OF YOUR PRINCE ORIGIN. TREASURE IT AND DON’T THINK OF CHANGING IT...

    I have a friend, Olya, yes, yes, exactly a friend, not a girlfriend. Strong, strong-willed, unladylikely loyal, what can I list. I am grateful to fate that we are friends and I value this friendship. And thank you very much for correctly deciphering our names.

    Everything written is pure truth! It's all about me. And a quiet girl who keeps a low profile, studies well, and has no apparent interest, and is friendly. And early marriage for first love. And at the age of 45 she remained a widow. And the only thing that keeps me afloat are children and work. By the way, work in finance.

    I'm honestly impressed! My daughter's name is Olga. That's all that is written about her here. We raised her harshly and demandingly. This formed her steely character. She is powerful, smart and will always get her way. Now he works in a bank and is successfully building his career. Of course, as a mother, I worry about her, because at her age they start families and give birth to children, and she is all about work. Work is her home, her meaning in life. I hope that over time she will have a family or at least a child. Difficult, and on the contrary, I would say, complex relationships with men, shook her trust in them. Still, I’ll hope for the best, I really want to babysit my grandchildren! Thanks for the article. I’ve never seen more precise characteristics!

    I have a friend Olga, we have been friends for 30 years. She was my youngest daughter's teacher. Now both her and I have grown children. In her youth, she was indeed very energetic, very domineering and had difficulty admitting if she was wrong. But life goes on and we change. And my Olechka has become softer and is no longer so expressive and more calm. It is true what is described - she is a wonderful housewife and a loving wife and mother. Almost everything in the article coincides with that Olya in her youth.

    I really like it, I love this name, one of my favorites. At the same time, I’m not Olga and I don’t even have a single friend of Olga, and not a single relative with this name... I don’t know why I like the name so much... There is something princely and noble in this name

    I’m Olga, I love my name very much, my dad named me Olga, in honor of his mother, my grandmother, a very good woman. So it’s a wonderful name, everyone I know with that name is very good and kind people... Everything that is written in the article coincides with my character

    My boss at work is Olga. For Olga, work is almost the meaning of life. She is purposeful and vain, and all these qualities require and find expression in her work. Public recognition of her work is important to her. She is really very efficient and hardworking.

    My mom's name is Olga. The name Olga endows its owner with great feminine wisdom and insight. She is very smart, strong-willed and fair, she is respected and appreciated at work. At the same time, she is a kind and good housewife, the house is orderly and clean

    We named our daughter Olga. I read that Olechka will be a quiet but stubborn girl. Intellectually, she will develop faster than her peers, so Ole will be most interested in communicating with older children. Yes, she likes to play not with her peers, but with her brothers and sisters

    We also named our daughter Olga. In principle, she is a calm and smiling child. She loves to play with children of any age and is smart beyond her years. She loves beautiful clothes, we buy her everything pink and shiny, she’s also a fashionista)))

    I have a sister Olga. She is very stubborn; if she gets something into her head, she will not be convinced. She is not compliant, she will strive to achieve her goal with all her might. And even if she turns out to be wrong in something, it will be very difficult for her to admit it.

    That's right. And about the school and the environment. But I didn't like one thing. This is that my husband will die. It’s also possible that I won’t get married a second time and will be left alone with a child. But there will be a man who will not marry me.