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Class hour "Day of Remembrance for Disaster Victims." Class hour "Day of Remembrance for Victims of Disasters" Information about the Day of Victims of Radiation Disasters

Today is a day of mourning for many people, especially those involved in the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the north of Ukraine. The Day of Remembrance for those killed in radiation accidents and disasters is celebrated annually on April 26 in memory of the events of April 26, 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

On that spring day, the world's largest man-made nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. About 200 tons were released into the atmosphere radioactive substances. Dangerous radioactive substances were released in environment due to a fire that lasted almost two weeks. The population of Chernobyl was exposed to 90 times more radiation than the population of Hiroshima after the explosion of the atomic bomb on August 6, 1945.

Consequences of the tragedy

An area of ​​more than 160,000 square kilometers was contaminated - northern Ukraine, western Russia and southern Belarus. About 400 thousand people were evacuated from the disaster zone, which later became... the Exclusion Zone.

In Russia, the Bryansk region suffered the most from radioactive contamination. The trouble affected the Tula, Kaluga, and Oryol regions a little less.

The scale of the disaster could have become much more serious if not for the courage and dedication of those involved in eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Risking their lives and health, they protected people from the harmful effects and further spread of radiation on the planet.

What are the causes of the Chernobyl accident?

An analysis of the causes of the accident at the 4th block of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) in 1986 is presented. The opinion of nuclear specialists and the position of the Chernobyl reactor designers are presented.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: Search for the causes of the accident

Determining the causes of the accident at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is one of the most controversial issues today. There are two camps of professionals who have opposing views on the reasons for the destruction of the power plant in April 1986. The first are designers who claim that the main cause of the accident is the unprofessional work of the unit’s operating personnel. The second are the operating personnel directly, who, no less convincingly, prove the presence of significant shortcomings in the design of RBMK reactors and shift responsibility for what happened to the designers. Over the more than twenty years that have passed since the accident, discussions about the root causes of the accident have not ceased. With every year that separates us from the events of April 1986, more and more new versions and hypotheses appear.

Although there is ongoing discussion between designers and operating personnel regarding true reasons accident, there is an officially accepted list of reasons for the explosion of the reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The list of reasons was determined through a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the events that led to the nuclear installation accident. It should be noted that in order to establish the causes of the accident, a State Commission Gosatomnadzor of the former USSR, which was created on February 27, 1990.

Chernobyl accident: Errors of designers

The Commission recognized that it is important for a reactor design to have a positive vapor coefficient of reactivity and a positive power coefficient of reactivity. Due to this, as a consequence of the mistakes of the reactor designers when calculating the physical and design parameters of the core, the reactor was a dynamically unstable system.

The commission analyzed 13 versions of the causes of the accident. The most likely version is that it is associated with the reactivity effect of the reactor control and protection system.

These are the technical reasons. At the same time, experts note deeper causes of the disaster - these are low level nuclear safety culture in former USSR. What is behind this?

Lack of a developed system of nuclear legislation, failure to comply with the principle of full responsibility for the safety of a nuclear installation by the operating organization. Insufficient attention to the human factor and its possible impact on the safety of nuclear power plants. Insufficient attention to the experience of other states and lagging methodology for analyzing the safety of nuclear power plants in the USSR. As a result, power units with a significant safety deficiency were allowed into operation (positive reactivity run-down when the protection and control system rods were inserted into the core, etc.), which, together with inadequate actions of personnel, became the direct causes of the accident.

What do experts mean when they talk about “inappropriate” actions of the Chernobyl NPP personnel?

Chernobyl accident: Personnel errors

As the analysis showed, the accident at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant belongs to the class of accidents associated with the introduction of excess reactivity. The design of the reactor plant provided protection against this type of accident, taking into account the physical characteristics of the reactor, including the positive steam coefficient of reactivity.

The technical means of protection include control and control systems for exceeding power and reducing the acceleration period, blocking and protection for faults when switching equipment and systems of the power unit, as well as ECCS.

In addition to technical means of protection, strict rules and procedures for conducting the technological process at the nuclear power plant were also provided for, determined by the operating regulations of the power unit. Among the most important rules Requirements include the inadmissibility of reducing the operational reactivity margin below 30 rods.

In the process of preparing for testing and in the process of testing with the load of the unit’s own needs, the personnel turned off a number of technical protective equipment and violated the most important provisions of the operating regulations regarding safe operation technical process. As a result of these violations, the reactor was brought into such an unstable state, in which the influence of the positive reactivity coefficient significantly increased, which was ultimately the reason for the uncontrolled increase in reactor power.

A thorough investigation into the causes of the accident, carried out by specialists, showed that the roots of the accident lie deep in the sphere of problems of interaction between man and machine, and that the main “driving” factor of the accident was the actions of operators who grossly violated the operating instructions and rules for managing the power unit. Similar to other “man-made” disasters. The accident occurred due to the fact that the operating personnel, wanting to carry out the experimental work plan at any cost, grossly violated the operating regulations, instructions and rules for managing the power unit. Of course, some features of the physics of the core and design flaws in the reactor control and protection system also had an impact, which led to the fact that the reactor protection could not prevent acceleration due to prompt neutrons.

In more detailed information the accident showed that the operators performed such prohibited actions as blocking some emergency protection signals and turning off the emergency core cooling system; worked with a reactivity margin on the control rods below the value allowed by regulations; The reactor was put into operating mode with flow rates and water temperatures through the channels above the regulated ones, with a reactor power lower than that provided for by the program.

These and other operator errors led to such a state of the reactor that, under conditions of increasing power, the reactor's protective measures turned out to be insufficient, which led to a significant supercritical situation in the reactor, an explosion and destruction of the core.

Thus, the root cause of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was an extremely unlikely combination of violations of the order and operating regime committed by the personnel, which the developers of the reactor plant considered impossible and therefore did not provide for the creation of a protection system appropriate for such a situation.

Chernobyl accident: Conclusions

Currently, a set of technical measures has been carried out at all RBMK reactors, which made it possible to transfer these reactors to an operating mode that excludes the manifestation of a positive reactivity effect in conditions of deliberate shutdowns of technical protection means and violations of operating regulations.

An analysis of the causes of the accident indicates that certain safety systems should function solely on the basis of signals from technical systems for monitoring power plant parameters, and not on operator commands. An example of the implementation of this approach is the system that was subsequently installed on RBMK reactors - this is an automated system for calculating the operational reactivity reserve with a signal for emergency shutdown of the reactor provided that the reactivity reserve decreases below a certain (specified) level.

From the above it follows that the search for comprehensive answers about the root causes of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant continues. The discussion of experts on the pages of the media continues.

RBMK – High Power Channel Reactor

ECCS – Emergency Reactor Cooling System

USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

CPS – Reactor control and protection system

With the assistance of the Institute of Nuclear Power Plant Safety Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The nuclear explosion that destroyed the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986 linked the peoples of many countries with one disaster. For 4 years, more than 800 thousand people built a life-saving sarcophagus and carried out decontamination of zones of dangerous radioactive contamination. Almost everyone was exposed to harmful radiation.

The memorial “Day of Participants in the Elimination of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Disasters” was approved in 2012. Officials and simple people people go to the monuments to lay flowers at their feet, Chernobyl lessons are held for children in schools, and prayer services are held in churches. A minute of silence is the last tribute to the courage of the people who defended the lives of millions, a plea to prevent a nuclear fire in the future.

The nuclear reactor exploded
Many years have passed since then,
But we will not forget Chernobyl,
He left a sad mark.

After all, there are very, very many lives
That disaster took away
And we are silent for a minute
Let us honor them, remember their deeds.

May it never happen again
That terrible and terrible hour.
We will pray for everyone
Who gave his life for us!

That day was remembered by everyone for the explosion,
Broke into all the houses.
The sirens here are screaming with anguish
And people are in fear - in all directions.

The picture is not yet understood
On a full scale to the end.
But soon the mother loses her son,
And the daughter of a beloved father.

Who was the culprit at the nuclear power plant?
The tragedies of human fate,
He paid with his own blood,
He paid with his family.

Now there is desolation everywhere:
Nature, rioting, blooms
But it’s still not life, but poisoning
It carries with its beauty.

Houses, factories, shops,
It's like they were abandoned yesterday.
And they look at the murky shop windows.
There are cars and tractors standing.

Worth a bundle of heartache
In the chests of a thousand people,
After all, to the kingdom of eternal peace
That terrible day took away my relatives.

On the Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl tragedy, I would like to wish calm, peace and good health to you and those who are dear to your heart. Let no troubles and destruction affect your family, be healthy and prosperous.

Trouble once came to us,
And it took so many lives.
And how much evil and troubles there was,
It left a mark on everyone’s soul.

But only people have courage, strength,
She broke it all at once.
Thanks to everyone who helped,
And then he gave his life.

We remember this day sacredly,
There is a shadow of sadness on it.
Let's light a candle and be silent,
And just stand in our thoughts.

An ordinary day, end of April,
Nothing foreshadowed trouble,
But suddenly the reactors boiled,
The siren sounded loudly.

Chernobyl crashed forever
A bloody wound into the hearts of people,
We will remember endlessly
Pray tirelessly for life.

And on the Day of the Chernobyl accident
I wish your families happiness,
To friends and all acquaintances - health,
Don't face such trouble!

Chernobyl is the greatest tragedy
That took a lot of lives!
We will remember for many centuries
About when it happened!

May this never happen again
I wish everyone calm, peaceful days!
Let's be more careful
We are with you for our ecology!

On the day of the Chernobyl tragedy,
On the holiday of memory of people,
What was the answer to the dashing misfortune?
We will honor them again.

To all those who have passed away - eternal memory,
To those who survived - respect.
May time last forever
No such repetitions!

Today was shrouded in disaster,
Pierced the world, suffering and grief,
And the fact that we live now with you,
The merit of the heroes who died with pride.

Chernobyl plunged everyone into eternal fear,
He showed the world the scale of radiation,
And the whole city turned to dust,
At some point, the “eternal” station disappeared.

And on this day, I want to wish you well,
You only have a clear sky above your head,
So that trouble does not come again in life,
May your loved ones always be with you!

How many lives did Chernobyl claim?
And he maimed quite a few people,
Rivers of grief and shed tears
They leave phantom pains.

The disaster cannot be forgotten
The scar remains in the heart forever,
And let's remember, friends,
Those who will never return to us!

Time erases everything,
But they will be stored in memory,
Memories of tragedy, where
The entire city was plunged into chaos.

Let us remember today adults, children,
That they fled from Pripyat on that day.
Let's remember the military, rescuers and doctors,
That they helped eliminate the consequences.

Like an eerie monument stands in silence
Abandoned city and fate,
They will tell their descendants about this misfortune -
Chernobyl tragedy people.

On the day of the disaster that happened in Chernobyl,
We again praise those who saved people there.
And we remember everyone who has suffered grief,
Whoever died there, alas, went to heaven.

Yes, this terrible explosion claimed many lives
And he crippled so many human destinies.
Let this not happen again even in thoughts.
And let there be no such terrible troubles.

Congratulations: 42 in verse, 16 in prose.

When is this holiday held? The Day of Remembrance for those killed in radiation accidents and disasters is celebrated on April 26.

How is the Day of Remembrance for Radiation Accidents and Disasters celebrated?

How is the celebration going? Exhibitions, mourning rallies, charity events, events in educational institutions. Programs dedicated to this topic are broadcast on television.

History and traditions of the Day of Remembrance of those killed in radiation disasters

We will talk about history and other traditions International Day in memory of victims of radiation accidents and disasters.

On this day in 1986, an accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (ChNPP) - the largest man-made disaster of the 20th century in terms of the scale of damage and its consequences. As a result, radioactive contamination occurred within a 30-kilometer radius.

More than 650 thousand people from all over the USSR took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster, more than half of whom were residents of the Ukrainian SSR.

Subsequently, they received the status of accident liquidators and certain benefits, but the mortality rate among them was tens of times higher than normal.

The highest radiation dose was received by nuclear power plant employees, who died from radiation sickness within a few months. The consequences of this accident are being eliminated to this day.

The proposal to establish a Day of Remembrance for those killed in radiation disasters was made by the heads of the CIS member states at the summit held in 2001, appealing to the United Nations.

In 2003, the UN General Assembly supported this decision and called on all UN member countries to celebrate the International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents and Disasters and to carry out appropriate activities within its framework.

In Russia, by a resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation in 1993, the Day of Remembrance of those killed in radiation accidents and disasters was established, which is celebrated on April 26.

Since 2012, according to the signed by the President of the Russian Federation federal law, this memorable date is called the Day of Participants in Liquidation of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Disasters and the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of These Accidents and Disasters.

Ukraine celebrates the Day of Honoring Participants in the Liquidation of the Consequences of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident (the second name of the holiday is “Liquidator’s Day”). This date, which was established in 2006 by decree of the President of Ukraine, is celebrated on December 14.

The Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents and Disasters is also celebrated in Belarus, which suffered as a result of the Chernobyl accident, and other countries.

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Radioactive accidents are a big disaster, causing irreparable harm to people's health and leading to their death. From 1944, when the “peaceful atom” began to serve man, to 2009, according to statistics, more than 100 accidents occurred in the world, but in fact much more. It is difficult to estimate how many lives they have claimed because the consequences take years to appear. Therefore, in 2003, the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents was established, which is celebrated annually on April 26 in all countries that are members of the UN.

Tragic story

The date of the Day was chosen in honor of the anniversary of the largest radiation disaster in human history. In the early morning of April 26, 1986, a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded. The release of radiation into the atmosphere was 100 times higher than the background radiation from the explosion of both bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As a result, 160,000 km2 of territory in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia were contaminated, and 400,000 residents were forced to leave their homes. In the first months, 30 people died from radiation. 600 thousand people, including liquidators of the consequences and residents of adjacent territories, received incurable diseases. Increased radiation levels were recorded in Europe, Asia, America and Canada. The consequences of the accident have not yet been completely eliminated.

The second largest disaster occurred in Japan at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant in 2011. About a thousand people died during the year.

In the USSR, nuclear accidents occurred in Chelyabinsk region(1948, 1949, 1957 and 1967), Nizhny Novgorod(1970), on nuclear submarines. From time to time, force majeure situations occur at nuclear power plants, which, fortunately, have not become widespread.

Examples of the consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants make humanity think about developing new sources of electricity. Some countries (Portugal, Iceland, Yugoslavia, Norway, etc.) have abandoned the use of nuclear reactors.

Is Remembrance Day necessary?

Against the backdrop of crises and emergency situations, disturbing our lives, Chernobyl and other disasters that previously took place in the USSR began to be gradually forgotten. To prevent complete oblivion and to avoid the repetition of such disasters in the future, the Day of Victims of Radiation Disasters is held.

Of the 200,000 Russians who participated in the liquidation of the accident, 46 thousand became disabled. In addition to them, another 570 thousand people are recognized as victims. Many have already left us, their names remain in memory, and the survivors require attention and careful treatment.

Monuments to victims of radiation accidents have been erected in Yaroslavl, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the Russian Federation. Rallies are held with the laying of flowers and mourning wreaths. They pay tribute to the memory of the dead and express gratitude to those who eliminated the consequences of the disasters. The heroes are talked about on radio and television. So that the new generation knows and remembers about the impending disaster, relevant materials are published in the press.

Monument to the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant / Photo:

This date - the Day of Participants in Liquidation of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Disasters and the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of These Accidents and Disasters - appeared on the official calendar 26 years after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, notorious throughout the world. On April 4, 2012, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev approved changes to the law “On the Days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia."

Let us remember that the Day of Remembrance of those killed in radiation accidents and disasters was previously celebrated. Thus, the new date allows us to pay tribute to the people who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of accidents related to radiation.

The most famous man-made accident of our time occurred on April 26, 1986, when an explosion occurred at the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. As a result, the reactor was completely destroyed and a huge amount of radioactive substances were released into the environment. The resulting cloud spread radionuclides across most of Europe and the Soviet Union.

One person died directly during the explosion, and another died in the morning. However, 134 Chernobyl plant employees and rescue teams subsequently developed radiation sickness, and 28 of them died over the following months.

The fire at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was extinguished by the duty guard of the fire departments of Chernobyl and Pripyat, as well as additional teams from Kyiv and nearby regions. The firefighters had only tarpaulin overalls, mittens, helmets and gas masks, which were not able to withstand radiation.

Monument to the liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at the Mitinskoye cemetery in Moscow / Photo:

The consequences of the accident were eliminated by teams from several departments. Specialists and military personnel worked in the 30-kilometer zone around the nuclear power plant. All of them later began to be called liquidators. They were in the danger zone in shifts: those who “accumulated” the maximum permissible dose of radiation left, and others came to take their place. The total number of liquidators has reached almost 600 thousand people.

In the early days, their task was to reduce radioactive emissions from the destroyed reactor and prevent more serious consequences, such as another, more powerful explosion. When this danger was eliminated, work began on cleaning the area and building the so-called “sarcophagus” - a concrete building around the fourth power unit.

“Sarcophagus” - a concrete building around the fourth power unit / Photo:

Unfortunately, the Chernobyl events were not the last radioactive accident in human history. Thus, on March 11, 2011, an earthquake occurred in Japan, as a result of which the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant was damaged. The world froze in anticipation of a disaster similar to Chernobyl; fortunately, the consequences this time turned out to be less terrible, but still serious. Meanwhile, Fukushima became another warning to people about the need to competently manage nuclear energy.