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Summary of the novel by Belyaev, the amphibian man. Belyaev "man - amphibian" - summary

Please, please summary Belyaev "amphibian man" is needed for reader's diary thank you in advance!!! and got the best answer

Answer from Alena Markushevskaya[active]
Surgeon Salvator is engaged in research, one of their main topics is organ transplantation, including interspecies. One day, Salvatore is brought in for treatment of a child who inevitably has to die - his lungs are too weak. Fighting for the child's life, the surgeon transplants the gills of a young shark into him, thanks to which the child remains alive and gets the opportunity to live under water. Salvator tells the child’s parents that he has died, keeps the boy with him and raises him himself. This is how Ichthyander, the fish man, is born.

Source: Wikipedia

Answer from Divergent[guru]
In general, everyone died...

Answer from Vladimir Norov[guru]
Once upon a time there lived a Doctor Mengele.
He escaped from the Nuremberg Tribunal to South America, where he began experimenting on unsuspecting local residents.
He sewed gills on the boy, named him Ichthyander, and he carried pearls to him.
Once Mengele crossed a shark and a monkey, it got ashore, ate Ichthyander, Mengele, climbed a palm tree for bananas, fell off and killed itself.
This true story Ichthyandra, everything that Belyaev wrote is fiction.

Answer from Alexander Ozernov[newbie]
there was a doctor who made a mutant and died

Answer from Danil Grushin[newbie]
Yes cool

Answer from Anechka Bykova[newbie]
The surgeon Salvator is engaged in research, one of their main topics is organ transplantation, including interspecies. One day, Salvatore is brought in for treatment of a child who inevitably has to die - his lungs are too weak. Fighting for the child's life, the surgeon transplants the gills of a young shark into him, thanks to which the child remains alive and gets the opportunity to live under water. Salvator tells the child’s parents that he has died, keeps the boy with him and raises him himself. This is how Ichthyander, the fish man, is born.
The book begins many years later, when Ichthyander has already grown up. He lives with Salvator, swims in the ocean, where he gets out through an underwater tunnel leading from Salvator’s villa. The fish man does not go unnoticed - either he cuts fishing nets, or he is noticed by fishermen or pearl divers when he swims on a dolphin and blows a shell. Rumors are already circulating along the coast about a “sea devil” living in the ocean. Pearl fishermen are afraid to dive, fishermen are afraid to go fishing. Captain Pedro Zurita, a pearl fisherman, is annoyed by rumors that are at his loss, but quickly realizes that behind the rumors lies something real. He decides that the “sea devil” is an intelligent animal that would be nice to catch and use. Attempts to catch the “devil” with nets fail. Zurita soon becomes convinced that the “devil” is somehow connected with Salvator. Cristo, Zurita's agent, comes to the estate under the guise of the grandfather of a sick Indian girl. He gains confidence in Salvator and eventually learns about Ichthyander.
Ichthyander saves a girl drowning in the sea - Gutierre, the adopted daughter of Balthasar, one of Zurita's henchmen. Zurita, who happens to be nearby on the shore, finds Gutierre and assures the girl that it was he who saved her. Struck by the beauty of Guttiere, Ichthyander wants to see her again, but he does not know life on the shore at all. With the help of Christo, he makes several trips to the city, finds a girl, and meets with her. Gutierrez has a lover named Olsen, but she feels sympathy for a strange young man. But in the end, Zurita, richer and more powerful, takes Gutierre as his wife and takes him to his estate. Ichthyander, having learned about what happened from Olsen, goes after the girl, but as a result he himself ends up with Zurita. He is first forced to fish for pearls, chained to a long chain, and then sent, allegedly at Gutierrez's request, to collect valuables from a recently sunken ship. Gutierra manages to shout to Ichthyander that Zurita is lying and that he needs to save himself. Ichthyander runs.
Cristo informs Balthazar of his assumption that Ichthyander is the son of Balthazar, who was taken to Salvator for treatment many years ago. Balthazar wants to get his son back and files a complaint with the prosecutor. At the same time, Zurita also turns to the prosecutor. The local bishop also opposes Salvator, accusing him of blasphemous experiments. The police take Salvator and Ichthyander into custody.
At this point, due to too frequent prolonged exposure to air, Ichthyander’s condition is deteriorating. His lungs are atrophying. From now on, he must spend almost all his time in the water.
In court, Salvator tells the story of Ichthyander. He is sentenced to prison, and Ichthyander, recognized as incompetent due to unfamiliarity with the realities of life, receives guardianship rights to Zurita. At the insistence of Bishop Ichthyander, they decide to kill him by poisoning him with potassium cyanide. Salvator is a luminary of science, a very rich man, so he is not afraid of unfair justice. He knows that his prison term will not be long and he will soon be free. Thanks to the help of the prison warden, whose wife Salvator

"Amphibian Man" is an incredibly exciting book, the plot of which will appeal to many science fiction fans. But in the abyss of school everyday life it is not always possible to find time to read fiction. And it’s difficult to do without it, so it’s good when there are detailed and understandable brief retellings certain works. Therefore, the Literaguru team briefly outlined the main events of the story.

(603 words) A wave of rumors swept through a small Argentine town: they say there is a sea devil in the bay. Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner "Medusa", like all fishermen, suffered a lot from the uninvited guest. A strange creature threw fish into the boats of poor fishermen, damaged the nets of others and released the entire catch. Together with his assistant, the Indian Balthazar, Zurita decides to follow the sea devil. Following the monster, they discover an underwater cave, half filled with air, located just under Dr. Salvator's house.

Balthazar sends his brother Cristo to the doctor to find out the secret of the sea monster. Salvator doesn’t like strangers in the house, but he needed helpers, and he allows Cristo to work in the garden. There the Indian meets strange animals: llamas with horse tails, sparrows with the head of a parrot. The brothers came up with a cunning plan: Balthazar would allegedly attack the doctor, and Cristo would save him, and thus earn more trust. The performance was performed successfully, and Salvator reveals to Cristo the main secret of his house. The Indian meets Ichthyander, a young man whom Dr. Salvator saved as a child by implanting the gills of a young shark into him. In a special scaly suit, glasses and gloves, he really looked like a sea devil, but in fact he was a kind person. Now Cristo helps the doctor take care of his adopted son.

A little later, Ichthyander will save the drowning girl. When she begins to regain consciousness, the young man hides so as not to frighten her, but a stranger appears and poses as her savior. Ichthyander is outraged by his lies, but cannot do anything.

Cristo tells Balthazar everything, and they decide to lure the sea devil onto land. Ichthyander believed that the servant would help him find that beautiful girl, and went to the city. Finding himself in Balthazar's shop, he meets Gutierre and recognizes her as the rescued stranger. She turned out to be the adopted daughter of an Indian.

Ichthyander begins to follow the girl, and one day, when she dropped a pearl necklace, he helps to get it from the bottom of the sea, and speaks to her for the first time. They began to meet every evening, but Balthazar did not even suspect that the kind young man was the same sea devil.

One day Ichthyander was seriously injured while rescuing Liding, his dolphin friend. Christo was bandaging the wound and noticed a strangely shaped mole on the young man’s shoulder. His nephew had the same one, whom many years ago he took to Dr. Salvator to help the boy cope with an incurable disease. A few days later, the doctor said that the child could not be saved, but now Christo realized that Ichthyander was his surviving nephew, and therefore the son of Balthazar.

Meanwhile, Zurita persuades the Indian to give him his beautiful daughter as his wife. Pedro takes Gutierre to his hacienda, but Ichthyander finds out about this and goes after them. Having done hard way by water and land, being arrested and handcuffed, the young man nevertheless escapes and gets to Gutierrez. Zurita promises to release him into the open sea, but in reality he wants to force Ichthyander to work for him. On the ship, he locks the girl in a cabin, and chains the sea devil and forces him to hunt for pearls.

Cristo tells the doctor that Ichthyander is in trouble, and he rushes to the rescue of his adopted son. The young man manages to escape from Zurita, but then Balthazar sues Doctor Salvator: he wants his son back. The bailiffs examined the scientist's house and came to the conclusion that he was a brilliant doctor, but an insane man, and sent him to prison. Ichthyander is also under arrest, but the head of the prison feels obliged to Salvator, because he once saved his wife and child. He arranges an escape for the amphibian man, and the young man swims away to Salvator’s friend on a distant island in Pacific Ocean. The doctor is not afraid for his fate; he is waiting for the end of his term to be reunited with his adopted son. Gutierrez escapes from Zurita and leaves for New York with his lover Olsen. And only Balthazar remains in the city, where everyone considers him crazy, and every day on the seashore he calls for Ichthyander.

The science fiction novel “Amphibian Man” by Alexander Belyaev consists of three parts.
The narration is told on behalf of the author.
The characters of the novel: Ichthyander - a man - amphibian, scientist - surgeon Salvator, Indians Balthazar and Cristo, businessman Pedro Zurita, Balthazar's daughter - Gutierre and her friend Olsen.
The events of the novel take place in Argentina.
...For some time now, a rumor began to spread around the town that a “Sea Devil” had appeared in the sea. He caused a lot of trouble - he cut nets, threw fish out of boats. But he saved someone from a shark, and there were such rumors. Newspapers wrote about the “Sea Devil”, a scientific expedition was organized, which proved that the Sea Devil does not exist. But the assurances of the expedition did not dissuade the superstitious Spaniards and Indians; they still rarely went to sea. As a result, fish catches, and especially pearls, have decreased. The current situation undermined all the plans of Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner Medusa. But soon he came up with a plan: to catch a sea monster and force him to get pearls from the seabed for himself. After all, the “Sea Devil” was intelligent - Zurita was convinced of this himself when he heard the monster shout something in a human voice while riding on a dolphin.
By order of Zurita, a wire net was built and placed at the entrance to the underwater tunnel, where, as divers found out, the “Sea Devil” often hides. But they failed to catch him - when they pulled out the net, he cut the wire with a sharp knife and fell into the water through a hole. But Pedro Zurita was too determined to give in right away. Reflecting on the riddle of the “Sea Devil,” Pedro came to the conclusion that the underwater tunnel has another exit - on the shore. Not far from the shore stood a huge house, surrounded by a high fence. Doctor Salvator, a famous healer throughout the area, lived in the house. Zurita understood that the secret of the “Sea Devil” can only be revealed by being in the doctor’s house. But Zurita, no matter how much he pretended to be sick, was not allowed to see the doctor. But the Spaniard again did not give up on his plan.
A few days later, at the gate of Doctor Salvator’s house, an elderly Indian stood with a large girl in his arms. It was Cristo, the cunning one, fulfilling Zurita's request. They let Christo in, the servant took the child from him and asked him to come back in a month. When Cristo arrived at the specified time, the servant brought him an absolutely healthy child. And, although the girl was not Cristo’s granddaughter at all, he began to kiss her. Then the cunning Indian threw himself on his knees before the doctor, said that he was very obliged to him, and asked to take him as a servant. Salvator rarely took on new servants, but there was a lot of work, so he agreed. Many things surprised and even frightened the Indian in the doctor’s garden. There were rats and sheep joined side by side; spotted jaguars that bark like dogs; sparrows with parrot heads. Snakes with fish heads and fish with frog legs swam in the pond. But Christo never saw the most important “Sea Devil”.
More than a month have passed. Christo noticed that the doctor trusted him more and more. And one day he introduced the Indian to the “Sea Devil”. He turned out to be an ordinary young man who, however, could spend a lot of time under water. Apparently, he was called the “Devil” due to his strange outfit: huge glasses, webbed gloves, flippers, and a body-hugging suit.
The world in which Ichthyander lived - and that was the name of the amphibian man - was much more interesting than the terrestrial world. The young man had friends underwater - dolphins. He became especially attached to one dolphin and gave it the nickname “Leading.” And one day Ichthyander saw a girl - she was tied to a board and was almost dying. The young man pulled her ashore and disappeared. A mustachioed gentleman immediately ran up to the girl and began to convince her that he was a savior. And Ichthyander fell in love with a stranger. He told Christo about her. The cunning Indian suggested that the young man go to the city - there are many girls there, and among them, perhaps, is that beautiful stranger.
On the appointed day, Ichthyander and Cristo went to the city. Cristo's goal is to bring the young man to his brother Balthazar, where Pedro Zurita will be waiting for them. But in Balthazar’s house they meet only Gutierre, his adopted daughter. And, seeing the girl, Ichthyander runs out of the house and hides. Christo guesses that Gutierre was the stranger whom Ichthyander once saved.
Two weeks passed. One day Ichthyander, sailing around the bay, again saw Guttiere. She was talking to some young man, then took off and handed him a pearl necklace. Suddenly the necklace slipped out of her hands and fell into the water. The bay was very deep, and they both understood that they could not get the necklace from the bottom. Ichthyander, who had already managed to get out of the water and change into a suit, ran up to the girl. With the words “I’m trying to help you,” Ichthyander rushed into the bay. Guttiere and her companion were madly afraid for Ichthyander - they decided that he had already drowned, but soon he emerged from the water and gave Guttiere the pearls. It was a kind of small revenge - Ichthyander wanted the young man to receive pearls from Gutierre, but from his hands.
After this event, Ichthyander swam to the shore every evening. He changed into a hidden suit and waited for Gutierrez. They walked every day. More and more the young man realized that he loved this girl. One day they met Olsen, the young man to whom Gutierre wanted to give the pearls. A feeling of jealousy forced Ichthyander to confess his love for Gutierra. But at that time the rider, Pedro Zurita, appeared and scolded the girl for “she is walking with a young man, being the bride of another.” Hearing these words, Ichthyander jumped up, ran to the shore and threw himself into the water. Pedro Zurita laughed and Gutierre turned pale. Now she really decided that Ichthyander was dead.
And Ichthyander, who, of course, did not drown, continued to think about Gutierre, albeit with bitterness. One day he saw Olsen among the pearl seekers underwater. Ichthyander swam up to him, which frightened both Olsen and the other swimmers. But a few minutes later Olsen and Ichthyander were already sitting in the boat and talking. Olsen realized that the famous “Sea Devil” and Ichthyander were one person. Olsen told Ichthyander about the events that had taken place. Gutierre was now married to the schooner owner Zurita. Her husband was unlikable, and she got married only because she was sure that Ichthyander was no longer alive. She now lived in Zurita's hacienda. Olsen explained to Ichthyander how to get to the hacienda.
A strange young man in a crumpled suit caused people to bewilder. In addition, a robbery was committed in one of the haciendas. The policeman who saw him became wary and, without thinking twice, handcuffed him. However, Ichthyander managed to escape from him, albeit in handcuffs. At night the young man came to Guttiere's house. He began to call her when he felt pain and fell. He was hit with a shovel by Pedro Zurita, who did not like the “convict” who came to his wife. The body was then thrown into a pond. At night the girl could not sleep, she went out into the yard and saw a bloody path that led to the pond. When she approached the pond, Ichthyander appeared from under the water. The girl was scared, there was a drowned man in front of her, but Ichthyander explained to her who he was. But Zurita overheard their conversation. He promised to hand Ichthyander over to the police or release him, but only when the young man retrieved a lot of pearls from the seabed for Zurita. This is how Ichthyander ended up on the Medusa. Ichthyander was put on a long chain and released into the sea. The first catch has already brought Zurita a fortune. A wave of excitement swept through the schooner. And the next morning Zurita released the young man into the sea without a chain. According to the agreement, Ichthyander was to explore the recently sunken ship and bring what he found to Zurita. When the young man was under water, the schooner's crew attacked Zurita; his wealth caused too much envy. Zurita was in a hopeless situation when he saw a boat approaching the schooner. Sitting in it... was Dr. Salvator. At that same moment, Zurita jumped into one of the boats and swam to the shore. Salvator examined the schooner, but did not find Ichthyander. And soon, with the help of Zurita, Cristo and Balthazar, a trial of Dr. Salvator was organized. Numerous commissions examined animals from the doctor’s garden. But the main evidence of the doctor’s terrible experiments was Ichthyander. Now he was kept in one of the cells, in a barrel of standing water. The young man was almost dying - the water was rarely changed. But Dr. Salvator did not break the trial - even in his cell he continued to write, and once operated on the wife of the prison director, which saved her life. Finally the trial took place. Dr. Salvatore faces numerous charges.
The night after the trial, Salvator saw Ichthyander. The warden presented Salvator with the opportunity to escape, but the doctor asked him to allow Ichthyander to leave the prison. A water carrier took part in the conspiracy, and it was he who took Ichthyander out of prison in a barrel of water. Now the young man had to make a long journey to the shores South America, where Dr. Salvator's friend lived.
A few years later, no one remembered the “Sea Devil,” Dr. Salvator was released from prison, Gutierre divorced her husband and married Olsen.
This is how A. Belyaev’s novel “Amphibian Man” ends.

The main character of the science fiction novel "Amphibian Man" is a young man named Ichthyander. Ichthyander has an unusual ability - it can breathe underwater, like a fish. The talented surgeon Dr. Salvator, who lives secludedly on the seashore in his laboratory, transplanted shark gills into Ichthyander as a child. Dr. Salvator lived with a dream that humanity could master the ocean expanses and depths, and when one day a dying child was brought to him, he decided to save his life by performing such an unusual operation.

A side effect of this operation was that Ichthyander could not breathe air on the surface for a long time and therefore he spent a significant part of his time under water. The life of people on the surface interested him little, but he knew the underwater world perfectly. Without knowing the features human life, he did not understand why people caught so many fish, and made fun of them, spoiling the gear and scaring the fishermen. This is how the legend of the sea devil appeared.

But one day, one of the captains named Zurita, who fished for pearls, was able to understand that the unusual creature that people met at sea had nothing to do with the devil. And Zurita decided to catch Ichthyander to force him to get pearls. The first attempt to catch an amphibian man with nets ended in failure. Then Zurita managed to introduce his man into Dr. Salvator’s staff. And one day Ichthyander became his prisoner. After some time, Dr. Salvator’s experiments in remaking living beings became public and the church intervened in the matter. Doctor Salvator was tried, and Ichthyander was also kept in custody in a local prison. Due to non-compliance with the lifestyle that Doctor Salvator prescribed for him, Ichthyander could breathe with his lungs for very little time and was now forced to constantly be in the water.

Doctor Salvator managed to arrange Ichthyander's escape from prison and sent him to a distant island in the Pacific Ocean, where his old friend lived. So Ichthyander left the world of people, filled with greed, squabbles and the desire for profit. And although he was alone in the ocean, life among the expanses of water was incomparably more attractive to him.

That's how it is summary novel.

The main idea of ​​the novel “Amphibian Man” is that the character of a person, his interests and the set of knowledge that he possesses are entirely determined by his environment. Ichthyander spent a significant part of his life in the depths of the ocean, and he was well versed in the intricacies of underwater life, knew and loved the inhabitants of the sea. And people’s lives seemed of little interest to him and often seemed unpleasant.

The novel “Amphibian Man” teaches us to carefully calculate the consequences of various kinds of scientific experiments, which can bring not only benefits, but also harm if not all factors are taken into account during such experiments. Although Ichthyander received the opportunity to live on as a result of Dr. Salvator’s operation, he could no longer live a full life among other people. As a result, the young man was forced to live alone.

I liked it in the novel main character, Ichthyander. He managed to adapt to his unusual habitat, the ocean. Possessing abilities inaccessible to other people, he often came to the aid of people in distress on the water, saving their lives. And even the troubles of sea inhabitants did not leave him indifferent. In the evenings, he walked along the shore and threw back into the water those inhabitants of the sea whom the surf had thrown ashore.

What proverbs are suitable for the novel “Amphibian Man”?

Helping a person will not go down the drain.
Living alone is a cold heart.
There are many roads in the sea.

[ 3 ]

Olsen told Ichthyander about the events that had taken place. Gutierre was now married to the schooner owner Zurita. Her husband was unlikable, and she got married only because she was sure that Ichthyander was no longer alive. She now lived in Zurita's hacienda. Olsen explained to Ichthyander how to get to the hacienda.
A strange young man in a crumpled suit caused people to bewilder. In addition, a robbery was committed in one of the haciendas. The policeman who saw him became wary and, without thinking twice, handcuffed him. However, Ichthyander managed to escape from him, albeit in handcuffs. At night the young man came to Guttiere's house. He began to call her when he felt pain and fell. He was hit with a shovel by Pedro Zurita, who did not like the “convict” who came to his wife. The body was then thrown into a pond. At night the girl could not sleep, she went out into the yard and saw a bloody path that led to the pond. When she approached the pond, Ichthyander appeared from under the water. The girl was scared, there was a drowned man in front of her, but Ichthyander explained to her who he was. But Zurita overheard their conversation. He promised to hand Ichthyander over to the police or release him, but only when the young man retrieved a lot of pearls from the seabed for Zurita. This is how Ichthyander ended up on the Medusa. Ichthyander was put on a long chain and released into the sea. The first catch has already brought Zurita a fortune. A wave of excitement swept through the schooner. And the next morning Zurita released the young man into the sea without a chain. According to the agreement, Ichthyander was to explore the recently sunken ship and bring what he found to Zurita. When the young man was under water, the schooner's crew attacked Zurita; his wealth caused too much envy. Zurita was in a hopeless situation when he saw a boat approaching the schooner. Sitting in it... was Dr. Salvator. At that same moment, Zurita jumped into one of the boats and swam to the shore. Salvator examined the schooner, but did not find Ichthyander. And soon, with the help of Zurita, Cristo and Balthazar, a trial of Dr. Salvator was organized. Numerous commissions examined animals from the doctor’s garden. But the main evidence of the doctor’s terrible experiments was Ichthyander. Now he was kept in one of the cells, in a barrel of standing water. The young man was almost dying - the water was rarely changed. But Dr. Salvator did not break the trial - even in his cell he continued to write, and once operated on the wife of the prison director, which saved her life. Finally the trial took place. Dr. Salvatore faces numerous charges.
The night after the trial, Salvator saw Ichthyander. The warden presented Salvator with the opportunity to escape, but the doctor asked him to allow Ichthyander to leave the prison. A water carrier took part in the conspiracy, and it was he who took Ichthyander out of prison in a barrel of water. Now the young man had to make a long journey to the shores of South America, where Dr. Salvator’s friend lived.
A few years later, no one remembered the “Sea Devil,” Dr. Salvator was released from prison, Gutierre divorced her husband and married Olsen.
This is how A. Belyaev’s novel “Amphibian Man” ends.