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Magnetic days in February of the year. Magnetic storms in February

Such a phenomenon as a magnetic storm has long been the object of close study by scientists around the world. The fact that magnetic storms can negatively affect a person’s well-being is not in doubt. During this period, even completely healthy people may feel malaise, weakness, headache and other symptoms. Very often we associate this condition with accumulated fatigue, stress, the onset of a cold, etc. But if you know the cause of this condition and prepare for it in advance, you can minimize the harmful consequences.

Appearance magnetic storms, first of all, is associated with solar activity. The fact is that flashes appear on the surface of the star from time to time, resulting in a stream of ionized particles flying away at a speed of 400 km/s. When these particles reach the Earth, they can affect the magnetic shell of the planet, causing geomagnetic disturbances of varying strength.

This phenomenon is commonly called a magnetic storm. As a rule, magnetic storms occur in the middle and low latitudes and can last for several hours or several days. Currently, scientists have learned to predict the onset of magnetic storms by observing the activity of the Sun.

Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2018

The shortest month of the year will be “rich” in magnetic storms. According to scientists, at least four significant geological events are expected in February magnetic waves leniya.

  • On February 5, a rather powerful magnetic storm is predicted, which, first of all, will be felt by weather-dependent people. On this day, you can expect a sharp deterioration in your health, surges in blood pressure, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and other symptoms.
  • An average magnetic storm is expected on February 7. Healthy people they may not notice it. Elderly people, as well as those who suffer from chronic diseases, should be more attentive to their health.
  • A strong magnetic storm is expected again on the 10th.
  • On February 15, a magnetic storm of medium power is approaching, which will be the last this month.

How magnetic storms affect people's lives and health

Magnetic storms can affect many areas of human activity: cause interruptions in communications, disrupt ship navigation, etc. But, above all, geomagnetic disturbances can have a negative impact on human health. First of all, this applies to older people and people suffering from chronic heart and vascular diseases. The fact is that under the influence of magnetic waves, the blood can thicken, its flow slows down, which can cause oxygen starvation and, as a result, the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes. Experts have long noticed that in most cases, problems with the heart and blood vessels occur during magnetic storms.

In addition, even completely healthy young people these days may also experience symptoms such as general malaise, weakness, irritability, headache, pain, nausea, etc. These days, many people tend to experience depression, even to the point of mental illness. It is no coincidence that it is during the period of magnetic storms that large number suicides.

Experts warn that during increased solar activity Concentration may decrease, which leads to traffic accidents. It has also been noted that many people may not feel the onset of magnetic storms at all.

How to behave during magnetic storms

Magnetic storms can become quite serious stress for our body. However, these unpleasant consequences can be avoided, you just need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Avoid unhealthy fatty foods;
  • Do not drink alcohol, as well as strong tea and coffee;
  • If possible, avoid heavy physical and mental stress;
  • Avoid conflict situations which can lead to stress;
  • Pay more attention to your well-being;
  • Spend more time in the fresh air, away from the bustle of the city;
  • Avoid visiting crowded places;
  • Give preference to light plant foods, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices, clean drinking water;
  • If you have chronic diseases, carry the necessary medications with you;
  • In case of a sharp deterioration in health, you should urgently call a doctor.

Look video on how to reduce the impact of magnetic storms on our health:

No strong magnetic storms are expected in February 2018. IN last month In winter, solar activity will be at a low level.

Especially for weather-sensitive people, we have prepared a forecast of magnetic storms for the next month. February 2018 is encouraging with little solar activity and weak disturbances in the Earth's magnetosphere.

The Sun will reach its greatest activity in the middle of the month, on February 9 and 16. These days the strength of magnetic storms will reach 4 points, so if you are subject to meteorological dependence, be careful these days. On other days, magnetic disturbances will not exceed 3 points, which should not negatively affect your well-being.

The cause of magnetic storms in February 2018 will be disturbances magnetic field Earths that periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares Plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

During magnetic storms and severe geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience:

*impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system,
*exacerbation of chronic diseases,
*decreased performance,
*loss of strength
*increased adrenaline in the blood,
*stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the cause of a person’s poor health may be the state of his health at at the moment. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.

Also, according to doctors, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excessive solar activity, and the remaining 90%, having read the forecast of magnetic storms for the coming period, invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them. Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check for yourself. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in February 2018.

To make it easier to survive magnetic storms in February 2018, scientists advise following these recommendations:

*refrain from heavy physical work;
*avoid stressful situations;
* devote more time to rest and walks;
*follow the recommendations of your attending physician;
*eat properly and on time.

If possible, on the days of magnetic storms, stick to a diet, drink natural juices, and exclude alcoholic beverages.

On this day, meteorologists do not expect significant surges, but the day will be quite stressful for people who are sensitive to all weather changes. Many people will begin to feel the approach of such a significant event within three days, and three days after that, symptoms of ailments and headaches may appear. This period will be quite dangerous, so everyone should carefully monitor their well-being. An increased load on the cardiovascular system during eclipses is not uncommon, which means that this phenomenon will be quite difficult for small children, elderly people and those who suffer from heart disease.

Avoid on the day of the eclipse negative emotions, exclude heavy foods, coffee and alcohol from the menu, which will only add unpleasant symptoms, or even cause the development of diseases. Driving vehicles should also be postponed to eliminate the possibility of creating emergency situations. Even physically and mentally healthy people are recommended to exclude any manifestation of aggression, conducting large transactions and participating in gambling. For those experiencing panic attacks, it is important to take care of your condition in advance and not be left completely alone.

Such a phenomenon as a magnetic storm has long been the object of close study by scientists around the world. The fact that magnetic storms can negatively affect a person’s well-being is not in doubt. During this period, even completely healthy people may feel malaise, weakness, headache and other symptoms. Very often we associate this condition with accumulated fatigue, stress, the onset of a cold, etc. But if you know the cause of this condition and prepare for it in advance, you can minimize the harmful consequences.

The nature of magnetic storms

Magnetic storms are one of the phenomena that humans cannot control.

Experts regularly monitor changes in the Sun to predict days when magnetic storms may occur on Earth.

Magnetic storms arise under the influence of solar wind flows on the Earth's magnetosphere. And the stronger the solar wind, the stronger the magnetic storm it causes.

Strong magnetic storms can not only lead to malfunctions of communication satellites and various equipment, but also negatively affect the health of weather-dependent people. Therefore, it is important to have an accurate calendar of magnetic storms in order to prepare for the days when they may occur.

Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2018

According to the updated 27-day forecast, experts Physical Institute them. P.N. Lebedev RAS (FIAN), no magnetic storms are expected on Earth in the next month. However, on some days it is possible magnetic field disturbances caused by the solar wind - February 10 and 16.

How magnetic storms affect people's lives and health

Magnetic storms can affect many areas of human activity: cause interruptions in communications, disrupt ship navigation, etc. But, above all, geomagnetic disturbances can have a negative impact on human health. First of all, this applies to older people and people suffering from chronic heart and vascular diseases. The fact is that under the influence of magnetic waves, the blood can thicken, its flow slows down, which can cause oxygen starvation and, as a result, the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes. Experts have long noticed that in most cases, problems with the heart and blood vessels occur during magnetic storms.

In addition, even completely healthy young people these days may also experience symptoms such as general malaise, weakness, irritability, headache, pain, nausea, etc. These days, many people tend to experience depression, even to the point of mental illness. It is no coincidence that the period of magnetic storms accounts for a large number of suicides. Experts warn that during periods of increased solar activity, concentration may decrease, which leads to road accidents. It has also been noted that many people may not feel the onset of magnetic storms at all.

How to behave during magnetic storms

Magnetic storms can become quite serious stress for our body. However, these unpleasant consequences can be avoided, you just need to follow simple recommendations:

  • Avoid unhealthy fatty foods;
  • Do not drink alcohol, as well as strong tea and coffee;
  • If possible, avoid heavy physical and mental stress;
  • Avoid conflict situations that can lead to stress;
  • Pay more attention to your well-being;
  • Spend more time in the fresh air, away from the bustle of the city;
  • Avoid visiting crowded places;
  • Give preference to light plant foods, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices, clean drinking water;
  • If you have chronic diseases, carry the necessary medications with you;
  • In case of a sharp deterioration in health, you should urgently call a doctor.

Magnetic storms in February 2018: schedule Such a phenomenon as a magnetic storm has long been the object of close study by scientists around the world. The fact that magnetic storms can negatively affect a person’s well-being is not in doubt. During this period, even completely healthy people may feel malaise, weakness, headache and other symptoms.

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Very often we associate this condition with accumulated fatigue, stress, the onset of a cold, etc. But if you know the cause of this condition and prepare for it in advance, you can minimize the harmful consequences. What is the nature of magnetic storms The appearance of magnetic storms is primarily associated with solar activity. The fact is that flashes appear on the surface of the star from time to time, resulting in a stream of ionized particles flying away at a speed of 400 km/s. When these particles reach the Earth, they can affect the magnetic shell of the planet, causing geomagnetic disturbances of varying strength. This phenomenon is commonly called a magnetic storm. As a rule, magnetic storms occur in middle and low latitudes and can last for several hours or several days. Currently, scientists have learned to predict the onset of magnetic storms by observing the activity of the Sun.

Schedule of magnetic storms for February 2018

The shortest month of the year will be “rich” in magnetic storms. According to scientists, at least four noticeable geomagnetic disturbances are expected in February.

February 5 A fairly powerful magnetic storm is predicted, which will primarily be felt by weather-dependent people. On this day you can expect a sharp deterioration in health, surges in blood pressure, problems with the heart and blood vessels and other symptoms.

February 7 An average magnetic storm is expected. Healthy people may not notice it. Elderly people, as well as those who suffer from chronic diseases, should be more attentive to their health.

10th A strong magnetic storm is expected again.

On February 15, a magnetic storm of medium power is approaching, which will be the last this month.

How magnetic storms affect people's lives and health

Magnetic storms can affect many areas of human activity: cause interruptions in communications, disrupt ship navigation, etc.

But, above all, geomagnetic disturbances can have a negative impact on human health. First of all, this applies to older people and people suffering from chronic heart and vascular diseases. The fact is that under the influence of magnetic waves, the blood can thicken, its flow slows down, which can cause oxygen starvation and, as a result, the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes. Experts have long noticed that in most cases, problems with the heart and blood vessels occur during magnetic storms. In addition, even completely healthy young people these days may also experience symptoms such as general malaise, weakness, irritability, headache, pain, nausea, etc. These days, many people tend to experience depression, even to the point of mental illness. It is no coincidence that the period of magnetic storms accounts for a large number of suicides.

Experts warn that during periods of increased solar activity, concentration may decrease, which leads to road accidents. It has also been noted that many people may not feel the onset of magnetic storms at all.

How to behave during magnetic storms

Magnetic storms can become quite serious stress for our body. However, these unpleasant consequences can be avoided; you just need to follow simple recommendations: Avoid unhealthy fatty foods; Do not drink alcohol, as well as strong tea and coffee; If possible, avoid heavy physical and mental stress; Avoid conflict situations that can lead to stress; Pay more attention to your well-being; Spend more time in the fresh air, away from the bustle of the city; Avoid visiting crowded places; Give preference to light plant foods, herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices, clean drinking water; If you have chronic diseases, carry the necessary medications with you; In case of a sharp deterioration in health, you should urgently call a doctor.