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The master class “Application of gaming technology in industrial training lessons” was developed by S.I. Titorenko, master of industrial training of the highest category. Gaming technologies as a way to achieve educational results in implementation conditions

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation13.00.08
  • Number of pages 190

Chapter I. Gaming technologies as a pedagogical problem.

1.1. The essence and philosophical and methodological content of game forms of activity.

1.2. The genesis of the development of gaming technologies in education.

1.3. The problem of gaming technologies in vocational education in the context of the prospects for professional training of specialists in the field of tourism.

2.1. Classification of gaming technologies in vocational education.

2.3. Results of experimental work.IZ

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education", 13.00.08 code VAK

  • Construction of a business game as a form of teaching students professional communicative competencies in the educational process of a tourism university 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bokareva, Natalya Vladimirovna

  • Professional training of specialists in the management of cultural and educational tourism at a humanitarian university 1999, candidate of pedagogical sciences Ustimenko, Valentina Timofeevna

  • Contents of teaching leisure gaming technologies to students of a tourism university 2003, candidate of pedagogical sciences Tsyplukhin, Sergey Anatolyevich

  • Contents and technologies for training specialists for the tourism sector in the system of higher professional education 2007, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Baranova, Vera Viktorovna

  • Development of a regional system of professional training of tourism personnel in an open educational environment 2007, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Goryacheva, Tamara Konstantinovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Game technologies as a means of professional training of specialists in the field of tourism: Using the example of a tourism university”

The relevance of research:

The modern world is characterized by high rates of socio-cultural and socio-economic development. This determines the rapid pace of change taking place both in Russian society and in the international community: the search for new forms of state and international relations, the development of communication and information infrastructures, the formation of humanitarian technologies and new types of activities.

All this determines the directions for the development of the tourism sector and the changes occurring in it: strengthening and developing international relations in the tourism industry, forming a strategy for the development of the domestic and social tourism market, developing research into the humanitarian and social aspects of tourism, forming a system of continuing education in the tourism sector.

In this regard, the requirements for the professional training of specialists in a tourism university are justifiably growing. The following become relevant: the ability to make constant changes in response to the challenge of a changing environment, psychological and social mobility, the ability to quickly learn a new type of activity, dynamic self-determination, a meaningful approach to external and internal reality, masterful mastery of organizational abilities and self-organization in any conditions.

Thus, the current state and development trends in the tourism sector, the search for effective and intensive approaches to training specialists in tourism universities and the requirements for them confirm the relevance of the study. At the same time, this allows us to highlight the existing contradictions between:

The need to include university graduates in the high-tech dynamic processes of the modern tourism industry and the theoretical nature of training specialists in universities,

The distribution and organization of different types of activities and specialists in the field of tourism, its collectivity and the individual-personal nature of their assimilation through disparate subjects, courses and disciplines of the curriculum.

Taking into account the identified contradictions, the research problem was formulated:

What should be the content and methods of using gaming technologies in the educational process of a tourism university in order to increase the efficiency of professional training of future tourism specialists.

The problem determined the purpose of the study, which is to develop the content and methodology for using gaming technologies in the process of training specialists in the tourism sector in a university setting.

Object of study: professional training of students at a tourism university.

Subject of research: content and methods of using gaming technologies in the professional training of students of tourism universities.

The goal determined the research objectives:

1. Define the essence and concept of gaming technologies in the professional training of students.

2. Development of the content of gaming technologies for the professional training of students of tourism universities.

3. Develop and experimentally test methods of gaming activities in the process of using gaming technologies.

Research hypothesis: the introduction of gaming technologies will lead to a qualitative improvement and intensification of the educational process of training specialists at a tourism university if the following is done:

1) the concept of “game technology” has been clarified, taking into account the characteristics of professional tourism activities;

2) the content of gaming technologies has been developed, including organizational-activity and innovative games;

3) effective methods of gaming activity have been identified (such as game modeling, situational analysis, situation analysis, participant observation, transformative experiment, etc.), ensuring the formation of an active position of future specialists in the field of tourism.

Research methods include:

Analysis of pedagogical, socio-psychological, special professional literature on the research problem;

Analysis of activity products and analysis of materials containing data on pedagogical, methodological and psychological foundations in the process of training professional and public personnel in the system of sports and tourism, quantitative and qualitative processing of the results obtained;

Pedagogical observations, experiment, game modeling, forecasting, method of expert assessments.

The methodological basis of the study is general theoretical provisions on the unity of theory and practice; the influence of socio-economic conditions on the development of the system of training professional personnel in the tourism sector; a set of natural science and psychological-pedagogical views on the problem under study.

The general research methodology is based on the most important philosophical principles about the dialectics of social, cultural and educational spaces, systemic, synergetic, personal-activity and axiological approaches (M. M. Bakhtin, J. T. S. Vygotsky, D. S. Likhachev, A. F. Losev, P. A. Florensky, A. A. Zinoviev, G. P. Shchedrovitsky, N. G. Alekseev, E. G. Yudin, etc.).

The theoretical basis of the study is the theoretical principles of pedagogy and psychology of professional activity (S. Ya. Batyshev, S. A. Belicheva, A. P. Belyaeva, V. P. Bespalko, V. V. Davydov, V. G. Kinelev, V. S. Lazarev, M. M. Levina, V. S. Lednev, A. M. Novikov, K. K. Platonov, V. A. Reshetova, V. D. Shadrikov, etc.); theories of professionalism (A. A. Derkach, A. K. Markova, A. A. Serbatsky, V. A. Slastenin, etc.); ideas for the formation of the content of professional education (A. A. Andreeva, Yu. K. Babansky, A. S. Batyshev, S. Ya. Batyshev, V. A. Ermolenko, N. N. Kozlova, G. K. Kuchinskaya, A. N. Leibovich, A. M. Novikov, L. G. Semu-shina, etc.); concepts of Western schools of social anthropology of tourism (S. K. Brightbill, E. Cohen, W. Harper, etc.), economics and management of tourism (R. L. Blomstrom, J. Boyd,

S. Cooper, J. Fletcher, D. Gilbert, S. Wanhill, R. Westfall, etc.), hospitality and tourism technology (R. L. Almarode, R. M. Angelo, A. N. Vladimir, etc.); Russian schools of recreation (Yu. A. Vedenin, I. V. Zorin, V. M. Krivosheev, JX I. Mukhina, V. S. Preobrazhensky, etc.), excursion and social tourism (V. P. Golov, I. A. Drogov, B. V. Emelyanov, V. A. Kvartalnov, J. I. V. Kurilo, A. A. Ostapets-Sveshnikov, etc.); research on tourism pedagogy (M. Ya. Vilensky, V. A. Gorsky, V. I. Zholdak, V. A. Kalney, V. A. Kvartalnov, K. V. Kulaev, A. A. Ostapets-Sveshnikov, A. I. Seselkin, V. D. Chepik, S. E. Shishov, etc.), research on the methodology of pedagogical research and design in pedagogy and education (N. G. Alekseev, Yu. V. Gromyko, V. A. Nikitin , S.V. Popov, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, P.G. Shchedrovitsky), research on the use of gaming technologies in pedagogy and vocational education (V. Avksentyev, N.G. Alekseev, O.S. Anisimov, Yu.V. Gromyko, Y.D. Krossovsky, S.D. Neverkovich, A.L. Zinchenko, Y.V. Pakhomov, S.V. Popov, A.A. Tyukov, N. Tseng, G.H.Shchedrovitsky). l

Research stages:

Stage 1 (1993-1998) - included analysis of scientific and methodological literature, formulation of the research topic, its scientific apparatus and planning of experimental work;

Stage 2 (1998-2000) - carrying out experimental work, developing methodological recommendations for the implementation of gaming technologies, understanding the final results of experimental work;

Stage 3 (2000-2002) - carrying out the final analysis, summarizing experimental data and preparing the text of the dissertation.

The scientific novelty and theoretical significance lies in the fact that: the concept of gaming technology is clarified and its definition is given. By gaming technology we understand a complex of modern gaming methods that are based on the ideas of positional self-determination, problematization, development of innovative methods that take into account the specifics of modern cultural-historical and socio-cultural situations; the essential (functional certainty, procedural orientation, the “here and now” principle, reflexivity, cultivability, etc.) and content characteristics (systematic, universal, project-oriented, promising, etc.) of gaming technologies in the professional training of students of tourism universities as a complex of modern gaming methods have been identified , based on the ideas of positional self-determination, problematization, development of innovative methods that take into account the specifics of modern cultural, historical and sociocultural situations; the features of the content of pedagogical situations using gaming technologies are described, an effective solution to educational and professional problems and tasks through their systematic use is methodically substantiated and presented; the content of gaming technologies is substantiated, which can act as modules of educational content, subject-disciplinary gaming technologies in the field of tourism management; the methodological base for professional training of specialists from tourism universities has been expanded through the use of educational activities and gaming technologies in the educational process; effective methods of game activity of students have been identified (for example, such as analysis of situations, new situations, constantly changing situations in which it is necessary to develop a new procedure of action; active self-determination, i.e. development of a position adequate to the situation for the effectiveness and success of the business; reflective thinking that connects already accumulated experience with project settings for the future through the current situation; implementation of the results of the situation analysis, design settings and intentions - planned actions - through a system of communication and interaction); it has been determined that the creation of problem situations, sequences of problem situations and a certain logic of movement through them in an organizational-activity game is an effective method of presenting the content of management training in the field of tourism; the implementation of these teaching methods, structured in this way, makes it possible to simulate their future activities. It is very important to note that this extended form is very effective not only for training students, but also for retraining staff.

The practical significance of the study is: in the development of effective methods of gaming activity for students, allowing them to imitate professional activities and contributing to their professional development through active self-determination, the development of reflexive thinking and the development of the ability to build activities in conditions of communication and interaction; in identifying and justifying the set of abilities and skills necessary for a modern tourism specialist and ensuring his mobility, purposeful and creative activity, predictability and methodological equipment for successful inclusion in professional activities (such as: promptly updating volitional, motivational and intellectual capabilities; showing purposeful activity in a completely unfamiliar situation, in an unfamiliar activity, to act in a predetermined area; organize the work of people in situations where standard management methods do not work; be able to calculate a changing situation in such a way that, due to his actions, it does not go where it would naturally come way, but where he needs it; make it impossible for people to carry out the old routine way of acting and show them an example of a completely different action; be able to create a problematic situation to demonstrate a new way of activity, etc.); in the development and testing in experimental work of a personality-oriented model of professional training for students in the tourism sector, based on the modular use of gaming technologies (organizational-activity, innovative, business, role-playing games) in the educational space of a tourism university, in the development of appropriate methodological recommendations; in practical recommendations for the use of organizational activity games (OAGs) in universities training specialists in the humanities, primarily in the field of tourism.

The following are submitted for defense:

A set of gaming activity methods that form an active position in the professional sphere of future tourism specialists.

Experimental base of the study:

Experimental work, development and implementation of gaming technologies in the practice of professional training of specialists for the tourism sector was carried out in the Sergiev Posad branch of the Russian International Academy of Tourism. More than 200 students of 1-4 years and 10 teachers of humanities and special disciplines took part in it.

Approbation of work:

Game technologies and practice of educational activities have been tested: at the regional level - in the practice of developing an education development strategy in the Sergiev Posad region by municipal structures, in the work of the public education department with school directors on issues of educational development and advanced training of administrative and managerial personnel of the education system. As a result, both the results obtained with the help of game technologies and some modules of organizational and activity games have been introduced into the practice of education management in the district; at the level of educational institutions

Gaming technologies were used at the stage of creating the Sergiev Posad gymnasium, in designing conditions for the development of the educational space;

Some modules of organizational and activity games are used in the management of a gymnasium and in the educational process (in and holding conferences, graduation and scientific work competitions, holding teacher councils and meetings, etc.); at the level of teaching educational disciplines

Elements of gaming technologies have been introduced into the practice of teaching university courses and disciplines, which undoubtedly contributes to self-determination and the growth of students’ self-awareness, the development of creative thinking and search activity, and the independent setting of educational and gaming goals and objectives; in the work of the Sergiev Posad branch of the Russian International Academy of Tourism

Gaming technologies are effectively used and introduced into the practice of student conferences, teaching a number of courses in the humanities;

Within the framework of organizational and activity games, the work of the Educational and Methodological Council is organized, development sessions are held for management and teaching staff, and the tasks of forming a corporate culture are implemented.

The main provisions and results of the study were reported and discussed at meetings of the scientific and methodological council of the Sergiev Posad branch of the RMAT, in the practice of preparing scientific, practical and student conferences on current problems of tourism (Sergiev Posad - 1995-2002), at seminars of heads of educational institutions of Sergiev Posad district, at seminars of museum workers of the Sergiev Posad district, in the process of work and preparation of reporting documents on the management strategy in the territories of historical and cultural monuments, when developing a program and strategy for the development of education in the Sergiev Posad district, when developing a program for the formation of a cultural and educational environment in Sergieovo-Posad gymnasium. Game techniques and modules were also used in the practice of teaching courses in logic, political science, sociology at SPF MGIU, a philosophy course at SPF RMAT, courses from the series “Production Management”, courses “Strategic Management”, “Management Decisions”, “Information Management”, “ Budget system of the Russian Federation 2006, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kolesnikova, Natalya Anatolyevna

  • Role-playing games in professional communicative training of specialists in the field of tourism 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bochkareva, Margarita Mikhailovna

  • Diversification of professional tourism education 2004, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Seselkin, Alexey Ivanovich

  • Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Theory and Methods of Vocational Education”, Lyamenkov, Viktor Nikolaevich

    Basic for the professional training of specialists in the field of tourism and tourism are gaming technologies developed on the basis of organizational and activity games, business games and role-playing games:

    Organizational games - focused on the development and mastery of fundamentally new directions and specialties, solving problems, as well as developing development programs;

    Business games - focused on mastering norms and rules, solving problems in routine situations;

    Role-playing games are games aimed at mastering the role and positional characteristics of organizational activities and developing communication skills in various situations.


    The conducted dissertation research showed that the current state and development trends in the tourism sector, the search for effective and intensive approaches to training specialists in tourism universities and the requirements for them confirm the relevance of the study.

    It is devoted to resolving the contradiction between: the need to include university graduates in high-tech dynamic processes^ of the modern tourism industry and the theoretical nature of training specialists in universities on the one hand, and the distribution and co-organization of different types of activities and specialists in the field of tourism, its collectivity and the individual-personal nature of their assimilation through disparate subjects, courses and disciplines of the curriculum on the other hand, through the analysis of conditions and the development of content and methods for using gaming technologies in the educational process of a tourism university in order to increase the efficiency of professional training of future tourism specialists.

    In accordance with the assigned tasks, the following was accomplished:

    1. The essence and concept of gaming technologies in the professional training of students are defined.

    2. The content of gaming technologies has been developed for the professional training of students of tourism universities.

    3. Methods of gaming activity in the process of using gaming technologies have been developed and experimentally tested.

    The results obtained allow us to draw the following main conclusions, which represent the result of our work:

    Please note that the scientific texts presented above are posted for informational purposes only and were obtained through original dissertation text recognition (OCR). Therefore, they may contain errors associated with imperfect recognition algorithms. There are no such errors in the PDF files of dissertations and abstracts that we deliver.

    Elena Volodina
    The role of games and gaming technologies in the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards

    The role of games and gaming technologies in the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards

    Frishman I. I.

    Deputy Chairman of the SPO - FDO, Director of the Federal State Scientific Institution

    "Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood"

    RAO, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

    The changes that have occurred in the economic and social conditions of life in our country have determined the direction of the transition from an industrial to a post-industrial information society. Technical development, scientific discoveries, cultural diversity, challenges and risks of globalization outstrip a person’s ability to comprehend social changes and predict their future. The sphere of education, in which the individual’s ability is formed, becomes a priority "be able to learn". A person's intelligence and creativity constitute a competitive advantage in the labor market.

    The adoption of the new Education Law in 2012 marked the transition from the development stage Federal State Educational Standard(started in 2005) to the stage of searching for the main technologies for its implementation. The Standard is based on a system-activity approach associated with the formation of students’ readiness for self-development and continuous education.

    This is no coincidence. Pedagogy as a science identifies as its leading activities three: gaming, educational and labor. In practice, their integration in the cooperation of teacher and student makes it possible to transform educational material into cognitive "development situation". We find confirmation of this in the works of L.S. Vygodsky: “Only that training is good which stimulates development, "leads behind", and does not simply serve to enrich the child with new information that easily enters his consciousness.”

    Unfortunately, in the modern educational process, active forms of learning are not given much attention. The game is often perceived as "redundant element" modern education. At the same time, studies by teachers, pediatricians, human rights activists, and neurophysiologists from around the world prove that the game has a fundamental role in human development, determining his life self-determination.

    Let us turn again to the works of L.S. Vygotsky: “A child in play moves on to internal processes at school age, to inner speech, logical memory, and abstract thinking.”

    However, most games have four sign:

    1. Free developmental activity.

    2. Creative, improvisational active nature of this activity.

    3. Emotional intensity of ways of carrying out activities.

    4. Availability of rules reflecting the content game actions of participants.

    To the structure games are included organically: goal setting, planning, implementation

    goals, as well as analysis of the results in which the individual realizes himself as a subject.

    Analyzing the current state of teaching practice, the readiness of teachers to implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, we can conclude that the development gaming technologies for implementation educational standard should take into account factors of effective interaction between all subjects of the education system (teachers, parents, students).

    Before developing and using gaming technology, the teacher needs to study the phenomenon games in all its diversity. Any technology occupies an intermediate position between science and practice and is aimed at implementation of scientific ideas, provisions.

    Vygotsky L. S. Psychology of human development. - M.: Publishing House Meaning; Eksmo, 2005. - 1136 p.

    right there. Additional education of Moscow children from A to Z. 2014. T. 3. No. 2. http://dodmsk. RF

    Therefore, the purpose of using gaming technology for the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards is the development of a child’s sustainable cognitive interest in the diversity of life phenomena. Meaning of use gaming technology in solving problems of the Federal State Educational Standard is that that it allows you to achieve positive effect:

    as a pedagogical technologies to master concepts, topics and areas

    as an element of a broader technologies;

    as a way, prima, method, means of educational dialogue in solving

    social, moral tasks;

    as the basis for intergenerational interaction in conditions of social mobility

    and information saturation.

    The role of play and gaming activities in solving educational problems is associated with the understanding that the transformation games, gaming activity in technology becomes possible if the final results are defined and there is an algorithm for monitoring its achievements.

    Obviously, using the game, gaming activity as a technology, it is necessary to apply performance criteria (ensuring the set goal, reproducibility (the ability to use in changed conditions, broadcastability (opportunities for transferring experience and use in the form of knowledge).

    That is why the literal translation of the concept « technology» from Greek - the science of mastery. Mastering this skill will make it possible in practice to achieve a new level of accessibility and quality of Russian education.

    Publications on the topic:

    Report “Application of gaming technologies in the development of middle-aged children” We can say that modern pedagogical science is making a qualitative leap towards more humane approaches to solving personal problems.

    The use of game technologies for teaching English to preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard It's more than a game. It's an institution. Thomas Hughes (1822-1896) The topic I am working on is called “The Use of Gaming Technologies.

    Consultation “Use of gaming technologies in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children” Slide 1: the topic of my speech: The use of gaming technologies in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children. Slide 2: “There is no game without play.”

    The use of gaming technologies in the work of an educational psychologist Preschool age is the most important period of personality development. The purpose of preschool education at the present stage is not only...

    Consultation for parents “Use of gaming technologies in environmental education of preschool children” Environmental problems are currently prompting specialists to intensively search for ways to understand the values ​​of nature and the development of the ecological.

    The use of health-saving and gaming technologies in teaching practice Full preservation of the mental and physical health of preschool children is the primary task facing modern society.

    The formation of general competencies in a student is impossible without the use of new pedagogical technologies. It is obvious that traditional tools in the teacher’s arsenal (textbooks, visual aids, didactic material, etc.) must be supplemented with modern tools.

    The main qualities of modern pedagogical technologies are systematic, scientific, structured, and procedural. The quality of student learning directly depends on the teacher’s choice of pedagogical technology and the degree of its adequacy to the situation and student population. One of the most popular technologies is gaming pedagogical technology.



    Gaming learning technologies

    Difficulty of applicationgaming technologyis determined by the variety of forms of the game, the ways in which partners can participate in it, and the algorithms for conducting the game. During the game:

    • the rules of behavior of students in society are mastered;
    • skills of joint collective activity are acquired, individual characteristics of students necessary to achieve their game goals are developed;
    • cultural traditions are accumulated, brought into the game by students, teachers, and additional means - visual aids, textbooks, computer technologies.

    In MTC, during training sessions, a game form is created with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating students to study activities. The learning process develops in the language of actions; all participants in the game learn and learn as a result of active contacts with each other. Game technology is applicable to all academic disciplines.Game forms of learning enable teachers to optimally use all levels of knowledge acquisition: from reproductive activity to creative search activity.

    College teachers choose different forms of play. During classes in economics, social studies, literature, history - creative, role-playing, intellectual games (“Lucky Chance”, “What? Where? When?”, “Profitable Production”, “Business Watch”, “City of the 21st Century” , “Laws of the City”, “Reverse Tale”, “My Firm”). The game model reflects the selected fragment of reality, setting the subject context of the professional activity of a specialist in the educational process.Creative role-playing games in education are not just an entertaining technique or a way of organizing cognitive material. The game has enormous heuristic and persuasive potential; it separates what is “apparently united” and brings together what in teaching and in life resists comparison and balancing. Scientific foresight, guessing the future can be explained by “the ability of playful imagination to present systems of integrity that, from the point of view of science or common sense, are not systems.”

    Especially stands out among the forms of the game - a business game.A business game is a rather labor-intensive and resource-intensive form of training, so it should be used only in cases where it is impossible to achieve the educational goals set by other forms and methods of training.

    A business game is a non-standard situation for a student, in which he must not only apply the knowledge acquired in class, but also gain experience in solving professional problems using mathematical methods. The opportunity to play with mathematical apparatus, taking into account their professional orientation and prove to themselves: I can even master mathematics, is the strongest motivating factor that encourages students to study the academic discipline “Mathematics”. When choosing a business game model, the teacher must take into account the professional orientation of the students, having previously studied the specifics of the specialty. When preparing for the game, students must clearly understand how and where the acquired professional skills will be used in the future. For example, the business game “Mathematics and Business” can be effectively carried out for professions and specialties of a technical and socio-economic profile. The goals of this game are aimed at expanding the horizons of students in the field of mathematics, combining elements of two sciences - mathematics and economics, students mastering the concepts of capital, value, bank, teaching students to think logically, distributing the concept of “capital” in accordance with their knowledge of the economics course.

    In classes on geography, history, literature, and biology, teachers actively use the travel game. This type of game is in the nature of geographical, historical, local history, and pathfinder “expeditions” carried out using books, maps, and documents. All of them are performed by students in imaginary conditions, where all actions and experiences are determined by game roles: historian, literature, geologist, zoologist, topographer, etc. Students write diaries, write letters from the field, and collect a variety of educational material. A distinctive feature of this game is the activity of the imagination, which creates the originality of this form of activity. Therefore, as a result of the game, students develop a theoretical activity of creative imagination, creating a project for something and implementing this project through external actions. There is a coexistence of gaming, educational and work activities. Students work hard and hard, studying books, maps, reference books, etc. on the topic.

    Gaming technology is currently relevant due to the oversaturation of the modern student with information. An important task of the college is to develop the skills of self-assessment and selection of information received. It will help to develop such skillsdidactic game, which serves as a kind of practice for using the knowledge acquired in class and outside of class time.

    As a rule, a didactic game requires the student to be able to decipher, unravel, solve, and most importantly, know the subject. The more skillfully the didactic game is left, the more skillfully the didactic goal is hidden. The student learns to operate the knowledge invested in the game unintentionally, involuntarily, by playing.

    A didactic game on history (“Journey to the Past”, “Excursion to the 20th Century”, “Judgment of Time”) is a practical activity in which students use the knowledge gained not only in history lessons, but also in the process of studying other academic disciplines, and also from life experience. An undoubted advantage is that through games, knowledge is synthesized and becomes more vital. In this sense, a classification based on interdisciplinary connections has the right to exist: historical and literary; historical and philological; historical and geographical; historical and mathematical, etc.

    Another factor in the formation of cognitive interest during the didactic game is a problematic situation when students, for example, making a trip to the country of “Chemistry”, must explain from a scientific point of view the essence of chemical processes occurring in nature and the surrounding reality. Some questions and tasks require the use of previously acquired knowledge and the manifestation of ingenuity, others require erudition and the use of additional information. It should be noted that students receive knowledge in a didactic game not only from the teacher, they themselves are participants in their search, exchanging information with each other and ways of obtaining it.

    During physics classes, teachers use different didactic games: lotto game, tennis game, domino game, relay game. The advantages of the game are the combination of mental activity with movement, the ease of individualizing the survey (complex questions for strong students, simple ones for weak students), and ensuring the independence of students’ work.

    In MTK, didactic games are carried out, as a rule, for the purpose of repetition, consolidation and testing of the assimilation of the studied material. Such games include competitions “Who is faster”, “Who is more accurate”, “Technical battles”; technical KVN, compiling and solving crossword puzzles based on the subject material; thematic quizzes, etc. Competitiveness, changing types of activities when conducting didactic games enliven perception, interest, promote stronger memorization of educational material, help the teacher, master, alternate hard work with relaxed play breaks, change the pace of activity, and prevent students from overwork.

    “Game is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and inquisitiveness”


    In industrial training lessons, it is necessary to teach students the skills of practical use of knowledge, while forming certain psychological qualities of future specialists, and developing students’ creative abilities and skills. The game creates the most favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities. It is in lessons using active forms of learning that students’ initiative and independence are developed. Using game forms in lessons makes it possible to:

    Use collective forms of student interaction;

    Develop and consolidate skills in independent work;

    Increase students' interest in the profession.

    Gaming technology is aimed at developing behavioral skills, both professional and social, students learn to listen, analyze, and express their opinions. Active learning methods include educational games that relieve tension, stimulate interest, cause joy, all this softens the atmosphere of mental tension. The more actively students participate in the educational process, the more consciously, meaningfully they assimilate the material being studied. How to encourage students to actively participate when consolidating or learning new material? Easily! Playfully!

    Regarding safety precautions, I use a system of active educational games, which helps to diversify the process of learning safe tailoring techniques.

    1.Graphic dictation

    In the first lesson, after a 3-hour instruction on safety and health, students are not yet able to remember all the instructions and cannot repeat them, but they are ready to act. Therefore, for testing, I use graphic dictation, where I translate their knowledge into actions, that is, I compose sentences - first-person questions in the form of proposed actions.


    1 – I check the car at idle (the answer is yes);

    2 – if necessary, I will brake sharply using the flywheel (the answer is no).

    I make up a dictation of 10–12 questions–sentences. Students draw a line in a checkered notebook, measure equal segments by the number of questions and put a sign on it, ^ if the answer is “yes” and – if the answer is “no”.

    The result is a graph

    ^ ^ _ ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^ _

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Dictation activates the mental processes of activity (perception, memory, attention, thinking) and, as a rule, gives a good result, which is checked quickly. Students get joy from participating in the game - dictation and satisfaction from the achieved result. Issues that are “out of schedule” are discussed by the whole group.

    2. Game "Admission"

    U Students are divided into 2 teams that go through security checks against each other. They evaluate each other’s appearance for compliance with labor safety requirements and give “Admission” to the lesson - a colored chip. The team with the most chips wins. Those who have not received a “permit” answer answer additional safety questions. And corrects the mistakes made. I also include in the “Admission” game a check of readiness for classes (availability of personal tools, blank patterns, cutting of parts). The game includes the entire group in the process of checking readiness for the lesson, teaches students business, correct communication in the group, develops self-criticism, and eliminates monotonous situations between the master and students who constantly violate safety requirements. I always prepare a surprise: I ask you to give me permission, as a master. Students are looking with all their eyes for the “violation” I have prepared - a scarf on the shoulders, high-heeled shoes, long beads, and so on. With everyone's approval, I bring my appearance into compliance with safety requirements.

    3. Game “Who knows more prohibited tricks”

    Students are divided into 2 teams. Prohibited safety techniques are those that must be performed automatically and cannot be misunderstood. The game is played quickly, the answers must be clear, and if there is a delay, the right to answer is transferred to the other team. The team that knows the most answers and collects the most chips wins. The game is based on a voluntary basis, students are not forced, but the passive ones gradually become involved in the game with great interest, as they protect the interest of their team.

    4. Game "Siquain"»

    An associative poem that develops critical thinking. 2 teams compete. 1 - presents a poem, a riddle - the other guesses what corresponds to it in the safety instructions.

    A loop machine

    He's not to blame for anything

    This is me, closing my eyes,

    I can't find where the brakes are.

    If the iron no longer needs to heat up

    Don’t pull the cord, the “tail” may come off!

    5. Game “Analysis of production situations”

    Students are presented with various work situations and must evaluate them from the point of view of compliance with safety regulations.

    Production situations No. 1

    The worker, deciding to save time, changed the needle while the electric motor was on and threw it into the trash bin.
    - A worker at an ironing workstation works without a dielectric mat.
    - When stitching, the worker holds the product with both hands on either side of the needle.
    - During work, the worker brakes with her hand on the flywheel.
    - In order not to lose the needles, the worker pinned them on the dress.

    Photos of students as they work are shown on the interactive whiteboard. It is necessary to evaluate them from the point of view of compliance with safety regulations.

    6. Game "Yes or no"

    The safety inspector reads out the safety rules; students must answer whether the statement is true or false.

    Game "Yes or no"



    Answer (yes/no)

    Checking the car while running


    I will place the scissors and peg away from rotating machine parts.


    I will change threads, needles and bobbins without turning off the machine to save time


    Games are divided into three groups

    1. Games - exercises

    2. Educational games

    3. Role-playing or story games

    The simplest in preparation and content are games - exercises, but their role is enormous. They act on individual cognitive processes. Some develop memory, others develop thinking, others develop attention, etc., that is, they help solve various pedagogical problems. The method of application is simple - they can be used at all stages of the lesson - when reinforcing new material, when checking what has been learned, the time spent is from 2 to 10 minutes.

    1.Game “Fill in the missing word”

    Students are offered a technological sequence for processing any node with missing terms or technical conditions; they must be inserted.

    2. Game “Find the mistake” Students are offered a technological sequence for processing any node with errors; they must be found and corrected.

    3. Game “Find the extra part”

    Students are asked to sketch the cut details of any product with extra parts; they need to find them.

    4. Game “Counter Battle”

    Students at home prepare questions that they ask each other in pairs. The game requires the attention of the whole group, since the questions should not be repeated by the next pair of students. With each game, students come up with new and interesting questions.

    5. A game "Put it into pieces"

    3 pockets (shelves) are prepared on the sheet with the name of the seams - connecting, edge, finishing. Students are divided into 3 rows and take turns approaching the master’s table, take strips with the name of the seams, put them on the shelf and pass the baton to the next participant in the row.

    6. Game “Collect a picture”

    Students are offered a technological sequence for processing any unit in disarray; it is necessary to assemble it in the correct sequence. First, I divide the group into teams of 4 - 5 people and give them a task so that they can say the answer out loud, discuss it with each other, that is, repeat the topic again before choosing a collective answer and at the same time, as if I relieve responsibility for the answer from a specific student and assign it to the team. Students develop communication skills, a sense of camaraderie and collective responsibility. Then I use these cards to reinforce the material and divide the group into teams of 2-3 people, testing knowledge individually.

    7. Game “Choose a processing method” Students are offered a specific task, for example, “Processing the bottom of the sleeve with cuffs” in a sports-style linen fabric product - they need to choose a processing method and justify it - the game promotes the development of critical thinking.

    Modern life requires a person to be able to make choices - from choosing goods and services to choosing friends and choosing a life path. The use of games such as “Choose a processing method”, “Choose the necessary equipment, material”, etc. in lessons involves the development of variable thinking in students, that is, an understanding of the possibility of various options for solving a problem, the ability to systematically enumerate options, compare them and find the optimal one option. Education, which implements the principle of variability, removes students' fear of making mistakes, teaches them to perceive failure not as a tragedy, but as a signal to correct the situation - after all, this is just one of the options that turned out to be unsuccessful, therefore, it is necessary to look for another option. This approach to solving problems, especially in difficult, “dead-end” situations, is also necessary in life: in case of failure, do not become discouraged, but look for and find a way out of the situation.

    8. Lotto game

    Students make cards - fields with numbers in cells and colored chips. I prepare questions on any topic. The student who answers first closes the cell with the question numbers with a chip. The one who closes the most cells wins.

    9. Game "Rope"

    A sheet of questions is passed down two rows. Table 1 – 1 question, Table 2 – question 2. The row with the fastest and correct answer wins. Whoever gives the wrong answer, who does not know the answer, puts a dash through - the rope breaks.

    10. Game “YES or NO”

    For any topic, 5-10 questions are prepared. Students are given a card.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



    Rules of the game - the question is read once and each student puts a cross in the “Yes” or “No” box. The master or the students themselves check the correctness of the answers.

    11. Game “Relay Race”

    Students are divided into several teams, they are given a task - to write a sequence for processing a node, the whole team participates, processing operations are written in turn. The team that is faster and completes the task correctly wins.

    12. Game "Baiga"

    Rules of the game - the whole group participates, the question is asked once, you must answer it quickly, a chip is given for the correct answer, the student with the most chips wins. Questions must be clear so that the answer is short and unambiguous.

    Didactic games

    These include games in which a captain, commander, and so on are elected. They perform an organizational role. These games include imaginary travel, KVN, “What, where, when,” “Own game,” “Lucky chance,” etc.

    KVN games, “What, where, when”, “Own game”, “Lucky chance” require additional preparation; they are conducted with pre-prepared questions and musical breaks between 2 - 3 teams. Grades using a 5-point system. Most often they are used when repeating large topics of the program, during a competition or competition.

    Football game

    The group is divided into two teams. Teams choose a goalkeeper, forward, defender, and players. The forward of the first team asks a question and throws the ball (conditionally). The players of the second team answer first, if they do not answer, the defender, and the goalkeeper last. If the answer is incorrect or incomplete, a goal is awarded to the team.

    Role-playing or story-based games

    The game is played in several stages

      Preparing for the game - defining the topic, assigning roles (controller, technologist, etc.)

      The course of the game is solving any production problem or performing a practical task

      Conclusion – discussion of the result.

    Role-playing games allow students to try out new behaviors in a safe environment. Role-playing games are used to explore problems and situations that arise in real life. The classes simulate the activities of any enterprise, its divisions, events, specific activities of people ( technologist, quality controller, safety inspector). The game develops the adaptive capabilities of future specialists to real production conditions. The game helps students realize themselves in a new role, at the same time it forces students to consider their comrades, empathize, sympathize, i.e. promotes personality development.

    In addition to individual game moments in industrial training lessons, I use active forms of learning - non-traditional lessons - games (lesson - competition, lesson - competition, lesson - business game).

    Gaming technologies make it possible to use collective forms of interaction between students, identify interdisciplinary connections and integrate them into general knowledge, increase students’ interest in the profession, and help achieve a more solid assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by students. The main goal of the game is the development of creative skills, the formation of creative potential and professionally oriented thinking, and the preparation of a competent graduate.

    Department of Education of the Akimat of the West Kazakhstan region

    GKKP " College of Technology»

    Considered at the meeting

    subject-cycle commission

    Head of the PCC

    Suyunova G.S.

    Protocol No. __from " " 2014


    “Use of gaming technology in industrial training lessons”

    Developed by a production master

    higher category training

    Titorenko S.I.

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