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Methodology for diagnosing communicative social competence key. Methods for diagnosing and developing communicative competence

Test “Diagnostics of communicative social competence (CSC)”1

Scales: sociability, logical thinking, emotional stability, carelessness, sensitivity, independence, self-control, tendency to antisocial behavior.

"Diagnostics of communicative social competence (CSC) // Fetiskin N. P., Kozlov V. V., Manuilov G. M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. M„ 2002. pp. 138-149.

This technique is intended to obtain a more complete picture of a person and to draw up a probabilistic forecast of the success of his professional activities.

The questionnaire includes 100 statements arranged in a cyclic order to ensure ease of reference using a stencil. For each question there are three alternative answers.

The technique is designed to study individual personal factors in individuals with secondary and higher education.

Instructions for the test. You are offered a series of questions and three possible answers to each of them (a, b, c). You need to answer as follows:

  • 1) first read the question and the answer options;
  • 2) choose one of the proposed answer options that reflects your opinion and put the appropriate letter (a, b or c) in the box on the answer sheet.

Remember the following rules:

  • - do not spend a lot of time thinking about answers; give the answer that comes to mind first;
  • - try not to resort too often to intermediate answers like “not sure”, “something in between”, etc. There should be as few such answers as possible;
  • - Do not miss anything under any circumstances. Every question must be answered;
  • - answer as sincerely as possible. There is no need to try to make a good impression with your answers; they must correspond to reality.

Now please get to work. Your answers must be written in letter form either on the questionnaire next to the question number or on a special form.

Memo to the experimenter. Pay attention to whether the interviewee understood the instructions and is ready to sincerely answer the questions posed. Remember to answer all questions. It must be emphasized that it is not advisable to often use intermediate answers and reflect on them for a long time. If there are several respondents, they should not consult each other.

Questionnaire text

  • 1. I understand the instructions well and am ready to sincerely answer the questions:
    • a) yes;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 2. I would prefer to rent a dacha:
    • a) in a busy holiday village;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) in a secluded place, in the forest.
  • 3. I prefer simple classical music to modern popular melodies:
    • a) true;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) incorrect.
  • 4. In my opinion, it is more interesting to be:
    • a) design engineer;
    • b) I don’t know;
    • c) a playwright.
  • 5. I would have achieved much more in life if people had not been against me:
    • a) yes;
    • b) I don’t know;
    • c) no.
  • 6. People would be happier if they spent more time with their friends:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) no.
  • 7. When making plans for the future, I often count on luck:
    • a) yes;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) no.
  • 8. “Shovel” is related to “dig” as “knife” is to:
    • a) spicy;
    • b) cut;
    • c) sharpen.
  • 9. Almost all my relatives treat me well:
    • a) yes;
    • b) I don’t know;
    • c) no.
  • 10. Sometimes some obsessive thought doesn’t let me sleep:
    • a) yes, that's true;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 11. I am never angry with anyone:
    • a) yes;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) no.
  • 12. With equal working hours and the same salary, it would be more interesting for me to work;
  • a) a carpenter or cook;
  • b) I don’t know what to choose;
  • c) a waiter in a good restaurant.
  • 13. Most of my friends consider me a cheerful interlocutor:
    • a) yes;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 14. At school I preferred:
    • a) music lessons (nenia);
    • b) find it difficult to say;
    • c) classes in workshops, manual labor.
  • 15. I am definitely unlucky in life:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) no.
  • 16. When I was in grades 7-10, I participated in the school’s sports life:
    • a) very rarely;
    • b) from case to case;
    • c) quite often.
  • 17. I keep my house in order and always know what is where:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) no.
  • 18. “Tired” is to “work” the same way “proud” is to:
    • a) smile;
    • b) success;
    • c) happy.
  • 19. I behave as is customary in the circle of people among whom I am:
    • a) yes;
    • b) when and how;
    • c) no.
  • 20. In my life, as a rule, I achieve the goals that I set for myself:
    • a) yes;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 21. Sometimes I listen with pleasure to indecent jokes:
    • a) yes;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) no.
  • 22. If I had to choose, I would rather be:
    • a) forester;
    • b) difficult to choose;
    • c) a high school teacher.
  • 23. I would like to go to the cinema, to various performances and other places where I can have fun:
    • a) more than once a week (more often than most people);
    • b) about once a week (like most);
    • c) less than once a week (less often than most).
  • 24. I can navigate well in unfamiliar areas: I can easily tell where is north, south, east or west:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 25. I don’t get offended when people make fun of me:
    • a) yes;
    • b) when and how;
    • c) no.
  • 26. I would like to work in a separate room, and not together with colleagues:
    • a) yes;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 27. In many respects, I consider myself a quite mature person:
    • a) this is true;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) this is incorrect.
  • 28. Which of these words does not fit the other two:
    • a) candle;
    • b) moon;
    • c) lamp.
  • 29. People usually misunderstand my actions:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) no.
  • 30. My friends:
    • a) they didn’t let me down;
    • b) occasionally;
    • c) quite often.
  • 31. I usually cross the street where it’s convenient for me, and not where I’m supposed to:
    • a) yes;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) no.
  • 32. If I made a useful invention, I would prefer:
    • a) continue to work on it in the laboratory;
    • b) difficult to choose;
    • c) take care of its practical use.
  • 33. I certainly have fewer friends than most people:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 34. I prefer to read:
    • a) realistic descriptions of acute military or political conflicts;
    • b) I don’t know what to choose;
    • c) a novel that excites the imagination and feelings.
  • 35. My family doesn’t like the specialty I chose:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) no.
  • 36. I find it easier to solve a difficult question or problem:
    • a) if I discuss them with others;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) if I think about them alone.
  • 37. When performing any work, I do not rest until even the most insignificant details are taken into account:
    • a) true;
    • b) average;
    • c) incorrect.
  • 38. “Surprise” is to “unusual” as “fear” is to:
    • a) brave;
    • b) restless;
    • c) terrible.
  • 39. I am always outraged when someone cleverly manages to avoid deserved punishment:
    • a) yes;
    • b) in different ways;
    • c) no.
  • 40. It seems to me that some people don’t notice or avoid me, although I don’t know why:
    • a) true;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) incorrect.
  • 41. There has never been a time in my life that I broke a promise:
    • a) yes;
    • b) I don’t know;
    • c) no.
  • 42. If I worked in the business sector, I would be interested in:
    • a) talk with customers and clients;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) maintain reports and other documentation.
  • 43. I believe that:
    • a) you need to live by the principle: “Time for business, time for fun”;
    • b) something between “a” and “c”;
    • c) you need to live cheerfully, without particularly worrying about tomorrow.
  • 44. I would be interested in completely changing my field of activity:
    • a) yes;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 45. I believe that my family life is no worse than that of most of my friends:
    • a) yes;
    • b) difficult to say;
    • c) no.
  • 46. ​​It’s unpleasant for me if people think that I’m too uncontrollable and neglect the rules of decency:
    • a) very;
    • b) a little;
    • c) doesn't bother me at all.
  • 47. There are times when it is difficult to resist feeling sorry for yourself:
    • a) often;
    • b) sometimes;
    • c) never.
  • 48. Which of the following fractions does not fit the other two:
    • a) 3/7;
    • b) 3/9;
    • c) 3/11.
  • 49. I am sure that they are talking about me behind my back:
    • a) yes;
    • b) I don’t know;
    • c) no.
  • 50. When people behave unreasonably and recklessly:
    • a) I take it calmly;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) I feel contempt for them.
  • 51. Sometimes I really want to swear:
    • a) yes;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) no.
  • 52. Given the same salary, I would prefer to be:
    • a) a lawyer;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) a navigator or pilot.
  • 53. I enjoy doing risky things just for fun:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 54. I love music:
    • a) light, live;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) emotionally rich, sentimental.
  • 55. The most difficult thing for me is to cope with myself:
    • a) true;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) incorrect.
  • 56. I prefer to plan my affairs myself, without outside interference and other people’s advice:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 57. Sometimes feelings of envy influence my actions:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 58. “Size” is to “amount” as “dishonest” is to:
    • a) prison;
    • b) sinful;
    • c) stole.
  • 59. Parents and family members often find fault with me:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) no.
  • 60. When I’m listening to music and someone is talking loudly next to me:
    • a) it doesn’t bother me, I can concentrate;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) it spoils my fun and makes me angry.
  • 61.At times I these come to mind bad thoughts that it is better not to talk about them:
    • a) yes;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) no.
  • 62. It seems to me that it is more interesting to be:
    • a) an artist;
    • b) I don’t know what to choose;
    • c) director of a theater or film studio.
  • 63. I would prefer to dress modestly, like everyone else, rather than flashy and original:
    • a) agree;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) I don’t agree.
  • 64. It is not always possible to achieve something by gradual, moderate methods; sometimes it is necessary to apply force:
    • a) agree;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 65. I loved school:
    • a) yes;
    • b) difficult to say;
    • c) no.
  • 66. I learn the material better:
    • a) reading a well-written book;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) participating in a collective discussion.
  • 67. I prefer to act in my own way instead of adhering to generally accepted rules:
    • a) agree;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) I don’t agree.
  • 68. AB is to GV as CP is to:
    • a) software;
    • b) OP;
    • c) TU.
  • 69. I am usually satisfied with my fate:
    • a) yes;
    • b) I don’t know;
    • c) no.
  • 70. When the time comes to do something that I have planned and waited for in advance, I sometimes feel unable to do it:
    • a) agree;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) I don’t agree.
  • 71. I like all my friends:
    • a) yes;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) no.
  • 72. If I were asked to organize a fundraiser for a gift for someone or to participate in organizing an anniversary celebration:
    • a) I would agree;
    • b) I don’t know what I would do;
    • c) I would say that, unfortunately, I am very busy.
  • 73. An evening spent doing something I love attracts me more than a lively party:
    • a) agree;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) I don’t agree.
  • 74. I am more attracted by the beauty of the verse than by the beauty and perfection of the weapon:
    • a) yes;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 75. I have more reasons to fear something than my friends:
    • a) yes;
    • b) difficult to say;
    • c) no.
  • 76. When working on something, I would prefer to do this:
    • a) in a team;
    • b) I don’t know what to choose;
    • c) independently.
  • 77. Before expressing my opinion, I prefer to wait until I am completely sure that I am right:
    • a) always;
    • b) usually;
    • c) only if it is practically possible.
  • 78. “Best” is to “worst” as “slow” is to:
    • a) fast;
    • b) the best;
    • c) the fastest.
  • 79. I do many things that I later regret:
    • a) yes;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) no.
  • 80. I can usually work with concentration without paying attention to the noise people make around me:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 81. I never put off until tomorrow what I have to do today:
    • a) yes;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) no.
  • 82. I had:
    • a) very few elected positions;
    • b) several;
    • c) many elected positions.
  • 83. I spend a lot of free time talking with friends about the pleasant events that we once experienced together:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 84. On the street I will stop to look at the artist’s work rather than at a street quarrel or traffic accident:
    • a) yes;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 85. Sometimes I really wanted to leave home:
    • a) yes;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 86. I would rather live quietly, as I please, than to be admired by my friends:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) no.
  • 87. When talking, I am inclined to:
    • a) express your thoughts as soon as they come to mind;
    • b) something in between is true;
    • c) first collect your thoughts well.
  • 88. Which of the following combinations of characters should continue this series X0000ХХ000ХХХ:
    • a) OXXX;
    • b) 00ХХ;
    • c) X000.
  • 89. I don’t care what others think about me:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 90. I have such exciting dreams that I wake up:
    • a) often;
    • b) occasionally;
    • c) almost never.
  • 91. I read the entire newspaper every day:
    • a) yes;
    • b) difficult to say;
    • c) no.
  • 92. For birthdays, for holidays:
    • a) I like to give gifts;
    • b) find it difficult to answer;
    • c) I think that buying gifts is a somewhat unpleasant task.
  • 93. I really don’t like being in places where there is no one to talk to:
    • a) true;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) incorrect.
  • 94. At school I preferred:
    • a) Russian language;
    • b) difficult to say;
    • c) mathematics.
  • 95. Someone harbored a grudge against me:
    • a) yes;
    • b) I don’t know;
    • c) no.
  • 96. I willingly participate in public life, in the work of various commissions, etc.:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.
  • 97. I am firmly convinced that the boss may not always be right, but he always has the opportunity to insist on his own:
    • a) yes;
    • b) not sure;
    • c) no.
  • 98. Which of the following words does not fit the other two:
    • a) any;
    • b) several;
    • c) most of it.
  • 99. In a cheerful company, it can be awkward for me to fool around with others:
    • a) yes;
    • b) in different ways;
    • c) no.
  • 100. If I have made some mistake in society, I quickly forget about it:
    • a) yes;
    • b) something in between;
    • c) no.

Processing and interpretation of test results. The respondent's answers must be compared with the key.

  • - If the letter indicated in the key matches the letter of the answer chosen by the respondent, 2 points are awarded for this answer.
  • - For an intermediate answer “b”, 1 point is always awarded.
  • - If the letter of the answer and the letter of the key do not match, 0 points are awarded.

Processing for factor B (logical thinking) is somewhat different.

  • - If the letter of the answer matches the letter of the key, 2 points are assigned.
  • - In case of mismatch - 0 points.

Key to the test

The scores obtained in this way are summed up for each factor.

For factors A, B, C, D, K, M, N, L, the maximum number of points is 20.

For factor P - 40 points (add lines V and IX). The number of points from 16 to 20 (for factors A, B, C, D, K, M, N) is a high score for this factor, which means that the corresponding personality quality is clearly expressed (for example, sociability according to factor L).

The number of points from 13 to 15 indicates a certain predominance of the quality corresponding to the high score (for example, sociability over isolation).

The number of points from 5 to 7 indicates the predominance of the quality corresponding to the low score (for example, isolation over sociability).

A score from 8 to 12 means an approximate balance between two opposing personal qualities (for example, moderately open, moderately closed).

If the respondent scored 12 or more points on the L scale, then the survey results must be considered unreliable.

If the respondent scored more than 20 (out of 40) points on the P scale (tendency to antisocial behavior), then this indicates certain personal problems in some area of ​​life: in the family, relationships with friends, at work, in relationships with others). In this case, it is necessary to conduct an additional interview to determine how serious the problems are.

Factor a

  • - high score +A - open, easy-going, sociable.
  • - low score -A - unsociable, withdrawn.

Factor B

  • - high score +B - with developed logical thinking, quick-witted.
  • - low score -B - inattentive or with underdeveloped logical thinking.

Factor C

  • - high score +C - emotionally stable, mature, calm.
  • - low score -C - emotionally unstable, changeable, susceptible to feelings.

Factor D

  • - high score +D - cheerful, carefree, cheerful.
  • - low rating -D - sober, silent, serious.

Factor K

  • - high score +K - sensitive, reaching out to others, with artistic thinking.
  • - low score -K - self-reliant, realistic, rational.

Factor M

  • - high score +M - prefers own decisions, independent, self-oriented.
  • - low score -M - dependent on the group, sociable, follows public opinion.

Factor H

  • - high score +N - self-controlled, able to subject oneself to rules.
  • - low score -N - impulsive, disorganized.

In addition, this questionnaire allows us to identify the tendency

to antisocial behavior (factor P), which can be characterized by disregard for accepted social norms, moral and ethical values, established rules of behavior and customs.

The questionnaire also includes a truthfulness scale (Factor L), which allows one to judge the reliability of the results obtained.

Level assessment of factors (in points):

  • - 16-20 - maximum level;
  • - 13-15 - predominant severity of factors;
  • - 8-12 - average level;
  • - 5-7 - low level.

This technique is intended to obtain a more complete picture of a person and to draw up a probabilistic forecast of the success of his professional activities.

The questionnaire includes 100 statements arranged in a cyclic order to ensure ease of reference using a stencil. For each question there are three alternative answers.

The technique is designed to study individual personal factors in individuals with secondary and higher education.

Test instructions

You are offered a series of questions and three possible answers to each of them (a, b, c).

You need to answer as follows:

  1. first read the question and the answer options;
  2. Choose one of the proposed answer options that reflects your opinion and put the appropriate letter (a, b or c) in the box on the answer sheet.

Remember the following rules:

  • do not spend a lot of time thinking about answers; give the answer that comes to mind first;
  • try not to resort too often to intermediate answers like “not sure”, “something in between”, etc. There should be as few such answers as possible;
  • Don't miss anything under any circumstances. Every question must be answered;
  • answer as sincerely as possible. There is no need to try to make a good impression with your answers; they must correspond to reality.

Now please get to work. Your answers must be written in letter form either on the questionnaire next to the question number or on a special form.

Memo to the experimenter

Pay attention to whether the interviewee understood the instructions and is ready to sincerely answer the questions posed. Remember to answer all questions. It must be emphasized that it is not advisable to often use intermediate answers and reflect on them for a long time. If there are several respondents, they should not consult each other.

Test material
  1. I understand the instructions well and am ready to sincerely answer the questions:
    1. not sure;
  2. I would prefer to rent a dacha:
    1. in a busy holiday village;
    2. something in between;
    3. in a secluded place, in the forest.
  3. I prefer simple classical music to modern popular melodies:
    1. right;
    2. not sure;
    3. wrong.
  4. In my opinion, it is more interesting to be:
    1. design engineer;
    2. Don't know;
    3. playwright.
  5. I would have achieved much more in life if people had not been against me:
    1. Don't know;
  6. People would be happier if they spent more time with their friends:
    1. something in between is true;
  7. When making plans for the future, I often count on luck:
    1. I find it difficult to answer;
  8. “Shovel” is to “dig” as “knife” is to:
    1. spicy;
    2. cut;
    3. sharpen
  9. Almost all my relatives treat me well:
    1. Don't know;
  10. Sometimes some obsessive thought keeps me awake:
    1. Yes, it is true;
    2. not sure;
  11. I am never angry with anyone:
    1. I find it difficult to answer;
  12. You must register

    1. No one will see Woman, 23" or " Man, 31“.
    3. Rights in VK: “ Access to your friends list" And " Access anytime friends won't see

    Processing and interpretation of test results

    The respondent's answers must be compared with the key.

  • If the letter indicated in the key matches the letter of the answer chosen by the respondent, 2 points are awarded for this answer.
  • An intermediate answer “b” is always awarded 1 point.
  • If the letter of the answer and the letter of the key do not match, 0 points are awarded.

Processing by factor B ( logical thinking) is somewhat different.

  • If the letter of the answer matches the letter of the key, 2 points are assigned,
  • in case of discrepancy – 0 points.
Key to the test

You must register

To see the entire material, you need to register or log in to the site.

1. No one will see your name or photo in the test results. Instead, only gender and age will be listed. For example, " Woman, 23" or " Man, 31“.
2. The name and photo will only be visible in comments or other posts on the site.
3. Rights in VK: “ Access to your friends list" And " Access anytime” are required so that you can see the tests that your friends have taken and see how many answers you have matched as a percentage. Wherein friends won't see answers to questions and results of your tests, but you will not see their results (see paragraph 1).
4. By authorizing on the site, you consent to the processing of personal data.

The scores obtained in this way are summed up for each factor.

For factors A, B, C, D, K, M, N, L, the maximum number of points is 20.

For factor P – 40 points (add lines 5 and 9).

Number of points from 16 to 20(for factors A, B, C, D, K, M, N) is a high score for this factor, which means that the corresponding personality quality is clearly expressed (for example, sociability for factor A).

Number of points 13, 14, 15 speaks of a certain predominance of quality corresponding to a high rating (for example, sociability over isolation).

Number of points 5, 6, 7 indicates the predominance of the quality corresponding to the low rating (for example, isolation over sociability).

Number of points 8-12 means an approximate balance between two opposing personal qualities (for example, moderately open, moderately closed).

If the respondent scored 12 or more points on L scale, then the survey results must be considered unreliable.

If the respondent scored more than 20 (out of 40) points on the P scale ( ), then this indicates certain personal problems in any area of ​​life: in the family, in relationships with friends, at work, in relationships with others). In this case, it is necessary to conduct an additional interview to determine how serious the problems are.

Factor a

  • High score +A – open, easy-going, sociable.
  • Low score -A – uncommunicative, withdrawn.

Factor B

  • High score +B – with developed logical thinking, quick-witted.
  • Low score -B - inattentive or with poorly developed logical thinking.

Factor C

  • High score +C – emotionally stable, mature, calm.
  • Low score -C – emotionally unstable, changeable, susceptible to feelings.

Factor D

  • High score +D – cheerful, carefree, cheerful.
  • Low score -D - sober, silent, serious.

Factor K

  • High score +K – sensitive, reaching out to others, with artistic thinking.
  • Low score -K – self-reliant, realistic, rational.

Factor M

  • High score +M – prefers own decisions, independent, self-oriented.
  • Low score -M – dependent on the group, sociable, follows public opinion.

Factor H

  • High score +N – self-controlled, able to subject himself to rules.
  • Low score -N – impulsive, disorganized.

In addition, this questionnaire allows you to identify tendency towards antisocial behavior(factor P), which can be characterized by disregard for accepted social norms, moral and ethical values, established rules of behavior and customs.

Included in the questionnaire and truth scale(factor L), which allows us to judge the reliability of the results obtained.

Level assessment of factors (in points):
  • 16-20 – maximum level;
  • 13-15 – predominant severity of factors;
  • 8-12 – average level;
  • 5-7 – low level.
  • Diagnostics of communicative social competence (CSC)/ Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuilov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. – M., 2002. P.138-149.


1 DIAGNOSTICS OF COMMUNICATIVE SOCIAL COMPETENCE (CSC) Purpose of the test This technique is intended to obtain a more complete picture of the individual, to draw up a probabilistic forecast of the success of his professional activities. The questionnaire includes 100 statements arranged in a cyclic order to ensure ease of reference using a stencil. For each question there are three alternative answers. The technique is designed to study individual personal factors in individuals with secondary and higher education. Instructions for the test You are offered a number of questions and three answer options for each of them (a, b, c). You need to answer as follows: 1. first read the question and the answer options; 2. Choose one of the proposed answer options that reflects your opinion and put the appropriate letter (a, b or c) in the box on the answer sheet. Remember the following rules: do not spend a lot of time thinking about answers; give the answer that comes to mind first; try not to resort too often to intermediate answers like “not sure”, “something in between”, etc. There should be as few such answers as possible; Don't miss anything under any circumstances. Every question must be answered; answer as sincerely as possible. There is no need to try to make a good impression with your answers; they must correspond to reality. Now please get to work. Your answers must be written in letter form either on the questionnaire next to the question number or on a special form. Memo to the experimenter Pay attention to whether the respondent understood the instructions and is ready to sincerely answer the questions posed. Remember to answer all questions. It must be emphasized that it is not advisable to often use intermediate answers and reflect on them for a long time. If there are several respondents, they should not consult each other.

2 Test material 1. I understood the instructions well and am ready to sincerely answer the questions: 3. no 2. I would prefer to rent a dacha: 1. in a busy holiday village; 3. in a secluded place, in the forest. 3. I prefer simple classical music to modern popular melodies: 1. true; 3. incorrect. 4. In my opinion, it is more interesting to be: 1. a design engineer; 3. playwright. me: 5. I would achieve much more in life if people were not opposed to me 6. People would be happier if they spent more time in the company of their friends: 7. When making plans for the future, I often count on luck: 8. “Shovel” is related to “dig” as “knife” is to: 1. sharp; 2. cut; 3. sharpen. 9. Almost all my relatives treat me well: 10. Sometimes some obsessive thought doesn’t let me sleep: 1. yes, that’s true;

3 11. I am never angry with anyone: 12. With equal working hours and the same salary, it would be more interesting for me to work; 1. a carpenter or cook; 2. I don’t know what to choose; 3. a waiter in a good restaurant. 13. Most of my friends consider me a cheerful conversationalist: 14. At school I preferred: 1. music lessons (singing); 2. I find it difficult to say; 3. classes in workshops, manual labor. 15. I am definitely unlucky in life: 16. When I was in grades 7-10, I participated in the school’s sports life: 1. very rarely; 2. from case to case; 3. quite often. 17. I keep my house in order and always know what is where: 18. “Tired” relates to “work” as “proud” does to: 1. smile; 2. success; 3. happy. 19. I behave as is customary in the circle of people among whom I am: 2. when and how; 20. In my life, as a rule, I achieve the goals that I set for myself:

4 21. Sometimes I listen with pleasure to indecent jokes: 22. If I had to choose, I would prefer to be: 1. a forester; 2. difficult to choose; 3. high school teacher. 23. I would like to go to the cinema, to various shows and other places where I can have fun: 1. more than once a week (more often than most people); 2. about once a week (like most); 3. less than once a week (less often than most). 24. I can navigate well in unfamiliar areas: I can easily tell where is north, south, east or west: 25. I don’t get offended when people make fun of me: 2. when; 26. I would like to work in a separate room, and not together with colleagues: 27. In many respects, I consider myself a quite mature person: 1. this is true; 3. this is not true. 28. Which of these words does not fit the other two: 1. candle; 2. moon; 3. lamp. 29. People usually misunderstand my actions: 30. My friends: 1. didn’t let me down; 2. occasionally; 3. quite often. 31. I usually cross the street where it’s convenient for me, and not where I’m supposed to:

5 32. If I made a useful invention, I would prefer: 1. continue to work on it in the laboratory; 2. difficult to choose; 3. take care of its practical use. 33. I certainly have fewer friends than most people: 34. I prefer to read: 1. realistic descriptions of acute military or political conflicts; 2. I don’t know what to choose; 3. a novel that excites the imagination and feelings. 35. My family does not like the specialty I have chosen: 36. It is easier for me to solve a difficult question or problem: 1. if I discuss it with others; 3. if I think about them alone. 37. When performing any work, I do not rest until even the most insignificant details are taken into account 1. true; 2. average; 3. incorrect. 38. “Surprise” is to “unusual”, as “fear” is to: 1. brave; 2. restless; 3. terrible. 39. I am always outraged when someone cleverly manages to avoid deserved punishment: 2. in different ways; 40. It seems to me that some people don’t notice or avoid me, although I don’t know why: 1. true; 3. incorrect. 41. There has never been a time in my life that I broke a promise:

6 42. If I worked in the business sector, I would be interested in: 1. talking with customers, clients; 3. maintain reports and other documentation. 43. I believe that: 1. you need to live by the principle: “Time for business, time for fun”; 2. something between “a” and “b”; 3. You need to live cheerfully, without particularly worrying about tomorrow. 44. I would be interested in completely changing my field of activity: 45. I think that my family life is no worse than that of most of my friends: 2. it’s hard to say; 46. ​​It’s unpleasant for me if people think that I’m too unrestrained and neglect the rules of decency: 1. very much; 2. a little; 3. doesn't bother me at all. 47. There are times when it is difficult to resist feeling sorry for yourself: 1. often; 2. sometimes; 3. never. 48. Which of the following fractions does not fit the other two: 1. 3/7; 2. 3/9; 3. 3/ I am sure that they are talking about me behind my back: 50. When people behave unreasonably and recklessly: 1. I take it calmly; 3. I feel contempt for them. 51. Sometimes I really want to swear:

7 52. Given the same salary, I would prefer to be: 1. a lawyer; 3. navigator or pilot. 53. I enjoy doing risky things just for fun: 54. I love music: 1. light, lively; 3. emotionally rich, sentimental. 55. The most difficult thing for me is to cope with myself: 1. true; 3. incorrect. 56. I prefer to plan my affairs myself, without outside interference and other people's advice: 57. Sometimes a feeling of envy influences my actions: 58. “Size” is related to “amount” as “dishonest” is to: 1. prison; 2. sinful; 3. stole. 59. Parents and family members often find fault with me: 60. When I listen to music and people are talking loudly next to me: 1. it doesn’t bother me, I can concentrate; 3. It spoils my fun and makes me angry. 61. Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better not to talk about them:

8 62. It seems to me that it is more interesting to be: 1. an artist; 2. I don’t know what to choose; 3. director of a theater or film studio. 63. I would prefer to dress modestly, like everyone else, rather than flashy and original: 1. I agree; 3. I don’t agree. 64. It is not always possible to accomplish something using gradual, moderate methods; sometimes it is necessary to use force: 1. I agree; 65. I loved school: 2. it’s hard to say; 66. I learn material better: 1. by reading a well-written book; 3. participating in a group discussion. 67. I prefer to act in my own way instead of adhering to generally accepted rules: 1. I agree; 3. I don’t agree. 68. AB is to GW as CP is to: 1. PO; 2. OP; 3. TU. 69. I am usually satisfied with my destiny: 70. When the time comes to carry out what I had planned and expected in advance, I sometimes feel unable to do it: 1. agree; 3. I don’t agree. 71. I don’t like all my friends:

9 72. If I were asked to organize a collection of money for a gift for someone or to participate in organizing an anniversary celebration: 1. I would agree; 2. I don’t know what I would do; 3. I would say that, unfortunately, I am very busy. 73. An evening spent doing something I love attracts me more than a lively party: 1. I agree; 3. I don’t agree. 74. I am more attracted by the beauty of poetry than by the beauty and perfection of weapons: 75. I have more reasons to fear something than my friends: 2. it’s hard to say; 76. When working on something, I would prefer to do it: 1. in a team; 2. I don’t know what to choose; 3. independently. 77. Before expressing my opinion, I prefer to wait until I am completely sure that I am right: 1. always; 2. usually; 3. only if it is practically possible. 78. “Best” is to “worst” as “slow” is to: 1. fast; 2. best; 3. fastest. 79. I do a lot of things that I later regret: 80. I can usually work with concentration, not paying attention to the noise people make around me: 81. I never put off until tomorrow what I have to do today:

10 82. I had: 1. very few elected positions; 2. several; 3. many elected positions. 83. I spend a lot of free time talking with friends about the pleasant events that we once experienced together: 84. On the street I will stop to look at the work of an artist rather than at a street quarrel or a traffic accident: 85. Sometimes I I really wanted to leave home: 86. I would prefer to live quietly, as I like, rather than be the subject of admiration thanks to my friends: 87. When talking, I am inclined to: 1. express my thoughts as soon as they come to mind; 3. First, gather your thoughts well. 88. Which of the following combinations of characters should continue this series X0000ХХ000ХХХ: 1. 0ХХХ; 2.00ХХ; 3. X I don’t care what others think about me: 90. I have such exciting dreams that I wake up: 1. often; 2. occasionally; 3. almost never. 91. I read the entire newspaper every day:

11 2. hard to say; 92. For birthdays, for holidays: 1. I like to give gifts; 3. I think that buying gifts is a somewhat unpleasant task. 93. I really don’t like to be where there is no one to talk to: 1. true; 3. incorrect. 94. At school I preferred: 1. Russian; 2. difficult to say; 3. mathematics. 95. Some people harbor a grudge against me: 96. I willingly participate in public life, in the work of various commissions, etc.: 97. I am firmly convinced that the boss may not always be right, but he always has the opportunity to insist on his own : 98. Which of the following words does not fit the other two: 1. any; 2. several; 3. most of it. 99. In a cheerful company, it can be awkward for me to fool around with others: 2. in different ways; 100. If I have made some mistake in society, I quickly forget about it: Processing and interpretation of test results The respondents’ answers must be compared with the key.

12 If the letter indicated in the key matches the letter of the answer chosen by the respondent, 2 points are awarded for this answer. An intermediate answer “b” is always awarded 1 point. If the letter of the answer and the letter of the key do not match, 0 points are awarded. Processing for factor B (logical thinking) is somewhat different. If the letter of the answer matches the letter of the key, 2 points are assigned, if there is a mismatch - 0 points. Key to the test I 1c 11a 21c 31c 41a 51c 61c 71c 81a 91a L II 2a 12c 22c 32c 42a 52a 62c 72a 82c 92a A III 3a 13a 23a 33c 43c 53a 63c 73c 83a 9 3c D IV 4c 14a 24c 34c 44a 54c 64a 74a 84a 94a K V 5a 15a 25c 35a 45c 55a 65c 75c 85a 95a P VI 6c 16a 26a 36c 46a 56a 66c 76c 86a 96c M VII 7c 17a 27a 37a 47c 57c 67c 77a 87c 97a N VIII 8b 18b 28b 38c 48b 58c 68b 78c 88b 98a B IX 9c 19c 29a 39c 49a 59a 69c 79a 89a 99c P X 10c 20a 30a 40c 50a 60a 70c 80a 90c 100a C The points thus obtained are summed up for each factor. For factors A, B, C, D, K, M, N, L, the maximum number of points is 20. For factor P - 40 points (add 5 and 9 lines). The number of points from 16 to 20 (for factors A, B, C, D, K, M, N) is a high score for this factor, which means that the corresponding personality quality is clearly expressed (for example, sociability for factor A). The number of points 13, 14, 15 indicates a certain predominance of the quality corresponding to the high score (for example, sociability over isolation). The number of points 5, 6, 7 indicates the predominance of the quality corresponding to the low score (for example, isolation over sociability). A score of 8-12 means an approximate balance between two opposing personal qualities (for example, moderately open, moderately closed). If the respondent scored 12 or more points on the L scale, then the survey results must be considered unreliable. If the respondent scored more than 20 (out of 40) points on the P scale (tendency to antisocial behavior), then this indicates certain personal problems in any area of ​​life: in the family, in relationships with friends, at work, in relationships with others). In this case, it is necessary to conduct an additional interview to determine how serious the problems are.

13 Factor A High score +A - open, easy-going, sociable. Low score -A - unsociable, withdrawn. Factor B High score +B - with developed logical thinking, quick-witted. Low score -B - inattentive or with poorly developed logical thinking. Factor C High score +C - emotionally stable, mature, calm. Low score -C - emotionally unstable, changeable, susceptible to feelings. Factor D High score +D - cheerful, carefree, cheerful. Low rating -D - sober, silent, serious. Factor K High score +K - sensitive, reaching out to others, with artistic thinking. Low score -K - self-reliant, realistic, rational. Factor M High score +M - preferring one's own decisions, independent, self-oriented. Low score -M - dependent on the group, sociable, follows public opinion. Factor N High score +N - self-controlling, able to subject himself to rules. Low score -N - impulsive, disorganized. In addition, this questionnaire allows us to identify a tendency towards antisocial behavior (factor P), which can be characterized by disregard for accepted social norms, moral and ethical values, established rules of behavior and customs. The questionnaire also includes a truthfulness scale (Factor L), which allows one to judge the reliability of the results obtained. Level assessment of factors (in points): maximum level; predominant severity of factors; average level; low level.

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The article substantiates the relevance of communicative training for university students in an open and multicultural society. A variant of diagnostics (self-diagnosis) of the level of communicative competence of students is proposed, which includes not only socio-psychological, but also sociocultural parameters of communication.

  • Formation of communicative tolerance as a quality of a multicultural personality
  • The influence of additional education on the development of a teenager’s personality
  • Problems and prospects of teaching computer science in primary school

The need to develop the communicative competence of university students is due to the fact that among all types of human activity, professional activity occupies a very special place, in which issues of communication, mutual understanding and cooperation are extremely focused and significant. This is due to the general psychological structure of professional activity, where communication, expressing the actual communicative nature of this activity, is a system-forming component.

Today, the role of communication in the professional sphere has increased sharply, and the forms and means of business interaction are regularly improved. At the same time, in the conditions of an open society and national and cultural diversity, deep sociocultural contradictions have emerged, creating additional communication barriers in interpersonal and professional communication. Due to the fact that today any professional activity is carried out in a multi-sociocultural space where different cultures, values, religions, and worldviews intersect, students must be prepared for multicultural interaction and fruitful dialogue with representatives of different cultures.

Taking into account the modern sociocultural context, communicative competence is defined as an integral characteristic of a university graduate, which is a personal complex of knowledge, skills and business interaction skills, based on the value-humanistic attitudes of the individual and ensuring the effectiveness of communicative activities in a multi-sociocultural environment.

Possession of communication competence will allow a university graduate to:

  • quickly and painlessly adapt to production conditions and collective activities;
  • it is easy to establish contact and mutual understanding with colleagues, managers, subordinates, which will contribute to the achievement of personal success and career growth;
  • interact fruitfully with business partners, implementing comfortable psychological communication and a variety of communication strategies aimed at achieving compromise and cooperation;
  • to achieve the heights of self-realization in solving professional problems and the full disclosure of creative potential in conditions of “team” work.
  • in general, become competitive in the modern labor market in a multicultural environment.

Unfortunately, the current level of communicative readiness of university students does not correspond to modern sociocultural conditions, in which a person is not confined to a national cultural area, but is included in a boundless multicultural space. The ascertaining experiment conducted by the author showed that many students rely on national and cultural stereotypes in communication, demonstrate intolerance to other points of view and to criticism addressed to them, are disdainful of “alien” cultural values, and do not know how to build a dialogue with other ethnophores.

All of the above actualizes the pedagogical task of developing communicative competence among students, which should include optimal adaptive models of behavior in a multicultural environment, including the formation of multicultural consciousness, a sense of solidarity, tolerance, intercultural communication skills, and the ability to dialogue (polylogue).

Formation of positive communicative behavior of students is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires an integrated approach in the pedagogical activities of the university. An important link in communicative training is the diagnosis of students’ communicative qualities, which allows for systematic monitoring of the level of competence in communication.

In the context of a modern approach to the problem of developing the communicative competence of adults, where learning is considered as self-development and self-improvement based on one’s own actions, diagnosis should become self-diagnosis. In this regard, the problem of measuring the level of competence in communication cannot be solved by simply informing the subject about its results - it is important to organize the diagnostic process in such a way that its participants receive effective information, on the basis of which they can carry out the necessary correction of communicative behavior. Thus, measuring students’ communicative competence should become a process of self-assessment and self-analysis, and the formation of communication competence should become a process of self-improvement of communicative qualities during the process of studying at a university.

The proposed version of self-diagnosis of students' communicative competence is developed in the form of a personal questionnaire in the form of closed questions, including a five-point rank measurement scale. The validity and reliability of the diagnosis was verified by an expert survey.

The questionnaire consists of four main scales, which together include 50 questions containing relevant indicators of communicative competence. In each scale, the first half of the questions reflect the positive characteristics of communication, the second part - the negative ones: 1-10 - questions carry a cognitive load; 11–20 – questions determine the emotional parameters of communicative competence; 21–40 – questions determine the content of the behavioral component of communicative competence; 41–50 – questions reflect the level of communicative tolerance. Although certain indicators of tolerance are also present in the first three scales, it is advisable to separate the characteristics of communicative tolerance into a separate block of questions.

The individual score (generalized) is calculated according to the following scheme:

The more points, the higher the level of communicative competence.

Questionnaire for self-assessment of communicative competence

Attention! Read each of the judgments below and determine to what extent the characteristics of communication contained in them are manifested in you. We ask you to be sincere and as objective as possible in assessing your qualities.

Student's last name_________________________________________________________


No. Judgments (characteristics of communication) Grade
almost always In most cases Sometimes rarely Almost never
1 Objectivity is the main criterion in my assessment of other people.
2 I mentally put myself in the speaker’s shoes to understand what made him speak the way he did.
3 When assessing others, I strive to refrain from categorical judgments.
4 I can predict how others will behave in a given situation.
5 If others do not agree with me, then I try to consider the controversial issue from all points of view.
6 I strive to excel others.
7 I think that nationality largely determines a person’s character.
8 In assessing other people, I am more interested in their shortcomings than their strengths.
9 I am wary of representatives of other nationalities.
10 When evaluating other people, I compare them with myself.
11 I can “read” the feelings and intentions of another person from the face.
12 Even during heated debates, I try to be correct and respectful of my interlocutors.
13 I am confident and calm in front of an audience.
14 Striving to understand the interlocutor, I take into account his ethnocultural characteristics.
15 I try to show tolerance and generosity in any communication situation.
16 If my friends start discussing their personal problems with me, I move the conversation to another topic.
17 I easily lose my cool when I am “attacked”.
18 I don't pay attention to the bad mood of my interlocutor.
19 I feel insecure during the discussion.
20 I think there are both “good” and “bad” nations.
21 I strive for partnerships and dialogue in communication.
22 I evaluate the audience's reaction and change my behavior based on it.
23 During a conversation, I carefully observe the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor.
24 I easily cooperate with others to work together.
25 I know how to show my affection towards my interlocutor (audience).
26 I can logically and correctly argue my point of view.
27 During the discussion, I can admit that others are right.
28 It's easy for me to change the topic of conversation as the situation changes.
29 I know how to listen without being distracted or interrupting.
30 It is easy for me to communicate with representatives of other nationalities and cultures.
31 I strive to take a leading position in communication.
32 I feel constrained and tense when communicating with strangers.
33 I find it difficult to express my opinion or thought.
34 If I disagree with other participants in the discussion, I insist that they change their opinions and accept my point of view.
35 I don’t know how to correctly exit communication or stop it, taking into account the situation and the condition of my partner.
36 It is difficult for me to get comfortable in an international team.
37 I find it difficult to speak in front of an audience.
38 I find it difficult to work in a “team”.
39 I prefer to talk than to listen, to offer my ideas than to discuss.
40 It is difficult for me to find a common language with partners who differ from me in age, nationality or social status.
41 I accept people as they are.
42 I can communicate with people whose views, opinions, and behavior are different from mine.
43 I am friendly (friendly) even with people I can’t stand.
44 I consider communication with representatives of other ethnic groups and nationalities as one of the sources of cultural enrichment.
45 I am okay with differences in people.
46 I do not tolerate criticism of my ideas and opinions.
47 It is difficult for me to find a common language with partners of a different intellectual level than mine.
48 There is a type of people I can't stand.
49 It irritates me when my interlocutor denies the obvious.
50 Representatives of some nationalities in my environment are frankly unsympathetic to me.

Classification of levels of development of communicative competence:

220 points and above – high level

180 – 220 points – average level with a tendency to high

140 – 180 points – average level

100 – 140 points – average level with a tendency to low

up to 100 points – low level

Characteristics of the levels of communicative competence of students

High level characterized by the fact that students have formed positive value attitudes in communicating with others, the desire for equal dialogue communication, goodwill, and a readiness for intercultural and interethnic contacts.

Students in this group master collaboration technology that implements the principles of productive communication, namely, they master verbal and nonverbal means of communication; are able to model various forms of communication (dispute, discussion, controversy, etc.); know how to find a common language with different people, are able to overcome their ethno- and cultural-centric prejudices, as well as adjust their own behavior in order to achieve mutual understanding.

A high level of communicative competence can be defined as the achievement of mastery in interpersonal communication, since mastery of it indicates the student’s ability to navigate in various social situations, correctly determine the personal characteristics and emotional states of other people, choose and implement adequate ways of communicating with them.

Medium-high level characterized by the fact that students are sociable, friendly, strive for dialogue and partnerships, to establish contact and mutual understanding with others, and are able to adequately evaluate their interlocutor.

Students have a humanistic orientation in interethnic and ethnocultural communication, and are ready to work in a “team”; have a fairly high level of empathy and tolerance in communication.

However, students with a medium-high level of communicative competence are characterized by the following problems: inability to use non-verbal means of communication, lack of mastery of the processes of self-regulation and emotional control; difficulties in logical argumentation, partial mastery of speech activity and verbal means of communication.

On average level of communicative competence students, on the one hand, demonstrate high communicative activity, implement a value-humanistic orientation in communication, strive to establish relationships of cooperation and mutual understanding with others; on the other hand, for this group of students, the obstacles to effective communication are:

  • inability to adjust your behavior taking into account the reactions of your interlocutors;
  • lack of public speaking skills, inability to conduct discussions, discussions, polemics;
  • the presence of ethnocultural barriers in communication;
  • the desire to talk more than listen, to offer your ideas rather than discuss others;
  • inability to clearly and logically express one’s point of view;
  • categoricalness in judgments;
  • inability to admit one's point of view is wrong.

The main problems in this case are related to communication techniques, that is, with a set of skills and abilities of productive communicative activities, however, the fairly high communicative potential of representatives of this group allows us to hope for good results in the process of targeted communicative training of these students, as well as in the process of their independent work on oneself in order to improve communication skills.

Average level of communicative competence with a tendency to low reflects the students’ desire for favorable and effective communication, for mutual understanding with business partners, but shows a lack of ability and ability to implement this. This group of students is characterized by a whole range of communication problems:

  • subject-oriented – object communication;
  • inability to adapt one’s behavior to the requirements of the communication situation and the characteristics of the communication partner;
  • constraint when communicating with strangers;
  • stereotyping the perception of others;
  • inadequacy of perception of the emotional states of others;
  • low level of socio-psychological insight;
  • problems in the use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication;
  • intolerance of other points of view;
  • “fear” of public speaking, uncertainty, constraint during joint discussions;
  • inability to choose the most appropriate way of behavior in relation to another person, the way to treat him;
  • low level of tolerance.

Many students with a medium-low level of communicative competence are socially active and do not avoid joint activities with others, however, they are not able to organize effective communicative activities based on partnerships, or show “flexibility” in communication depending on the individual characteristics of others. Some of them strive to dominate, while others, on the contrary, show conformism in the process of business interaction. What unites students in this group is their low general cultural level, which clearly complicates the self-development of their communicative abilities within the framework of their personal communicative experience.

For low level of communicative competence They are characterized by a hostile, arrogant, suspicious attitude towards other people, the desire to impose their point of view, and blindly prove that they are right. There is no desire for mutual understanding with others. Students at this level are characterized by: unconscious choice of behavior patterns and inability to provide feedback.

Empathic tendencies of the individual are not developed. Contacts with people with other ethnocultural and socio-demographic characteristics are difficult. Painful attitude towards criticism.

A low level of communicative competence is characterized by cognitive simplicity, which causes distortions in the formation of ideas about the personality of another, as well as pronounced intolerance: high categoricalness in assessing other people, irritation with the behavior of others if it does not correspond to one’s own standards. Students in this group are characterized by the desire to change others and adapt their partner to themselves, the inability to adapt to various communication situations, and poor adaptation to the characteristics, attitudes and claims of others.

These future specialists are not ready for joint activities, for working in a “team”, because they are not able to harmoniously “join” the team, overcome ethnocultural barriers in communication, do not know how to manage their emotional state, and are characterized by a lack of sympathy and assistance.

Students with a low and medium-low level of communicative competence are not aware of their communicative problems, they have no formed or weakly expressed motivation to develop their communicative abilities, which is a serious obstacle to the positive dynamics of the development of communicative competence in these groups.

Thus, communicative competence is a unique qualitative characteristic of the educational result of a university, since it is an effective tool for the socialization of graduates and their adaptation in a modern multicultural society. The proposed method of self-diagnosis of the level of development of communicative competence allows us to focus the attention of students themselves on the problems they have in communication, thereby forming their internal motivation to develop their communicative abilities and correct their behavior in interpersonal interaction.


  1. Martyanova, I.A. Higher education in the context of social and communicative problems of modern society: principles and development trends / I.A. Martyanova // Information technologies in science, education, telecommunications and business: IT+SE`07: Collection of materials XXXIV Int. conf. and a scientific discussion club. – Ukraine, Crimea, Yalta-Gurzuf, 2007. – P.276-277.
  2. Martyanova, I.A. Methodological and didactic foundations of communicative training for university students within the framework of cultural studies / I.A. Martyanova // Almanac of modern science and education. Issue 2: History, philosophy, cultural studies and methods of teaching them. – Tambov: TSTU, Publishing House “Gramota”, 2007. – P. 181 - 183.
  3. Martyanova, I.A. The problem of communicative education of student youth in an open society / I.A. Martyanova // Reality of Ethnicity 2008. Education and humanitarian technologies for the integration of ethnic, ethno-regional and civil identity: Materials of the X International. scientific-practical conf. RGPU named after. A.I. Herzen. In 2 parts. – St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2008. – Part 1. – P.255-259.
  4. Martyanova, I.A. Formation of communicative competence of technical university students [Text]: abstract. ...cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01. – N. Novgorod, 2009. – 24 p.
  5. Martyanova, I.A. Formation of communicative competence of technical university students: dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences 13.00.01. Volga State Engineering and Pedagogical University. – N. Novgorod, 2009. – 229 p.
  6. Martyanova, I.A. Formation of communicative tolerance among university students: a cultural approach / I.A. Martyanova // The reality of the ethnic group. The role of education in the formation of ethnic and interfaith tolerance: Collection of articles of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference (St. Petersburg, Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, May 20-21, 2010). - In 2 parts - Part II. - St. Petersburg: Asterion, 2010. – P. 75-80.
  7. Martyanova, I.A. Formation of a multicultural student’s personality in the educational process of a university / I.A. Martyanova // Almanac of modern science and education. - Tambov: Certificate, 2014.- No. 7. – P. 97-99.
  8. Martyanova, I.A. Formation of communicative competence of students in the higher education system: educational and methodological manual / I.A. Martyanova. – Ekaterinburg-Izhevsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009. – 159 p.
  9. Martyanova, I.A. Formation of communicative competence of students in the process of studying social and humanitarian disciplines at a university: educational and methodological recommendations / I.A. Martyanova. – Ekaterinburg-Izhevsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2009.–116 p.
  10. Martyanova, I.A. – No. 32.

Test “Are you sociable?”

Instructions:"Answer the questions Yes or No».

1. Do you like to talk more than listen?
2. Can you find a topic of conversation with a stranger?
3. Do you always listen carefully to your interlocutor? Do you like to give advice?
4. If the topic is not interesting to you, will you show it to your interlocutor?

5. Do you get irritated if people don’t listen to you?

6. Do you have your own opinion on any issue?

7. If the topic of conversation is unfamiliar to you, will you continue the conversation?

8. Do you like to be the center of attention?

9. Are there at least three areas in which you are fairly good?

10. Can you build a conversation, are you a good speaker?

Processing the results.

Count the points: one point for each positive answer.

1 – 3 points. One of two things: either you are silent (silent) from whom you cannot get a word, or you are so sociable that they try to avoid you. But the main thing: communicating with you is not always pleasant, but it is always difficult.

4 – 8 points. You may not be a very sociable person, but you are almost always an attentive and pleasant conversationalist. Sometimes you are absent-minded, especially when you are out of sorts, and thereby you can offend your interlocutor without even meaning to. Try not to show your friends your bad mood, then they will be kinder to you.

9 – 11 points. People probably find it very pleasant to communicate with you. And friends cannot do without you. This is wonderful! But please let the other person speak as well.


Instructions:"Answer the questions Yes or No. Put any mark in the appropriate box on the answer form.”

Question Answer option “Yes” “No”
Do you like to talk more than listen?
Can you find a topic of conversation with a stranger?
. Do you always listen carefully to your interlocutor? Do you like to give advice?
If the topic is not interesting to you, will you show it to your interlocutor?
Do you get irritated if people don't listen to you?
Do you have your own opinion on any issue?
If the topic of conversation is unfamiliar to you, will you continue the conversation?
Do you like to be the center of attention?
Are there at least three areas in which you are fairly good?
Can you build a conversation, are you a good speaker?

Diagnostics of communicative competence


Judgments Not really
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Processing the results

The survey results are processed using the scales listed below, within which the average value (from two questions) is determined for each scale separately. As a result, the sum of the average points scored on all scales is calculated:

  1. if the amount is less than or about 30 points, then you should pay attention to increasing communicative competence;
  2. from 30 to 60 points - special attention should be paid to some unsatisfactory aspects of communication, as they can significantly affect the effectiveness of management activities;
  3. over 60 points - demonstrates confident mastery of the communicative minimum.

Scales for processing the questionnaire according to the communicative minimum

Preparatory phase – questions 1,2

Contact phase – 3.4

Emotions in conversation – 5.6

Understanding phase – 7.8

Persuasion phase – 9.10

Completion phase – 11,12

Conversation control – 13.14


Instructions: “Indicate on a seven-point scale the degree to which you agree with the statements below.”

Judgments Not really
1. Do you always plan the result (goal) of an upcoming conversation with a person, the stages and methods of achieving it? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2. Do you often select facts, reasons and arguments for a conversation with a person that correspond to the characteristics of his personality and profession? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3. Are you able to get a person to talk, liberate him, and create a constructive, positive attitude for the upcoming conversation? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
4. Can you determine from a person’s facial expressions, intonation, and posture his desire to continue the conversation he has started? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5. If your interlocutor is in an excited or depressed state, can you help him cope with it so that it does not interfere with the conversation? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
6. If you yourself are in a state of excessive emotional stress, do you know how to reduce it without interrupting the conversation with your interlocutor? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
7. Can you find out a person’s sincere attitude towards a topic or problem that interests you? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
8. Do you know exactly what arguments and facts can convince this particular person to make the decision you need? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
9. Can you speak in such a way that a person perceives your words and thoughts without internal resistance and distortion? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
10. Can you get a person’s agreement in principle on an issue that interests you? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
11. After the end of the dialogue, do you tell your interlocutor about your impression of the conversation and its results? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
12. If you like the way your interlocutor conducts the dialogue, do you tell him about it? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
13. If some aspects of the interlocutor’s behavior greatly distract you from the purpose of the conversation or prevent you from concentrating, can you correct his behavior without causing aggression in him? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
14. Do you know how to control the flow of dialogue and finish it at the right moment? 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Processing the results

Communication phase Sum
Arithmetic mean (of two questions)