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Countless multitudes. My experience of methodological development in the Russian language (9th grade) on the topic Gogol: dead souls as a myriad of churches

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countless- untold wealth, untold multitude, untold treasure... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

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See excess, many, abundance, many, many... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. multitude excess, much, abundance, mass, vastness, abyss, abyss, darkness (darkness, that), heap... Synonym dictionary

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Uncountable amount. A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. Popov M., 1907. myriads (Gr. myrias (myriados) ten thousand, countless multitudes) a great, innumerable multitude. New dictionary foreign words... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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– Nikolai Vasilyevich, wasn’t it written by you? Here it is: “Ah! patched, patched!” the man screamed. He also added a noun to the word patched, which is very successful, but not used in social conversation, and therefore we will skip it. However, one can guess that it was expressed very aptly, because Chichikov, although the man had long since disappeared from sight and had traveled a lot ahead, was still grinning while sitting in the chaise. Expressed strongly Russian people! What is accurately spoken is the same as what is written; it cannot be cut down with an axe. And how accurate is everything that came out of the depths of Rus', where there are no Germans, no Chukhons, or any other tribes, and everything is a nugget itself, a lively and lively Russian mind that does not reach into its pocket for a word, does not hatch it , like a mother hen chicks, but it sticks right away, like a passport on an eternal sock, and there is nothing to add later, what kind of nose or lips you have - you are outlined from head to toe with one line! Just as a countless number of churches, monasteries with domes, domes, and crosses are scattered throughout holy, pious Rus', so a countless number of tribes, generations, and peoples crowd, build, and rush about the face of the earth. And every people, bearing within itself a guarantee of strength, full of the creative abilities of the soul, its bright features and other gifts of God, each in its own way distinguished itself with its own word, with which, expressing any object, it reflects part of its own character in its expression. The word of a Briton will echo with heart knowledge and wise knowledge of life; The short-lived word of a Frenchman will flash and spread like a light dandy; the German will intricately come up with his own clever and thin word, which is not accessible to everyone; but there is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate so much as something aptly said Russian word».

N.V. Gogol (wrinkling his face contentedly and somewhat coquettishly):
- Well, yes... And it’s not bad, one must assume?;) You yourself, dear friend, deigned to notice: this place is from the Poem in your enlightened time in school essays cited widely unusually.
(At the same time, Nikolai Vasilyevich hesitates and blushes.)

- That’s okay, the only question is, what word did people use to label Plyushkin? "A! patched, patched!” the man screamed. He also added a noun to the word patched, which is very successful, but not used in social conversation, and therefore we will skip it.” So what kind of “noun” is it, no secret?

N.V. Gogol (throwing up his hands, quoting himself):
– not used in small talk...

DW (talking to himself):
– “patched” – “patched” – “darned” – “darned”... (his face brightening). Gandon or what?!

N.V. Gogol (cunningly, like a recognized classic):
– In our time they were made from intestines... these necessary things were expensive... but they could be darned.;)

Learning to write a linguistic essay.

In the 9th grade, when passing the GIA, children write a linguistic essay. Writing a linguistic essay is a difficult task. Its solution requires a good knowledge of the means of artistic expression and the ability to see the features of the lexical structure of the text. In the 9th grade, the program includes 3 literature lessons and 2 Russian language lessons. These are objects that are connected to each other like the right and left hand. In order for children to understand and see more clearly the tasks of writing a linguistic essay in literature lessons, it is necessary to teach linguistic analysis of both poetic and prose text. I will share my experience. To do this, you can use handouts with cards with the following content:


Greetings, deserted corner,
A haven of peace, work and inspiration,
Where the invisible stream of my days flows
In the bosom of happiness and oblivion.

But a terrible thought here darkens the soul:
Among flowering fields and mountains
A friend of humanity sadly remarks
Everywhere ignorance is a murderous shame.

And in 1819 he wrote the poem “Village.” The poem poses one of the main political issues of the century. The poet chooses the technique of contrast.(ANTITHESIS, CONTRASTITION)Rich rural nature, generous with its beauties and gifts, “a haven of peace, work and inspiration,” is contrasted with “wild lordship and meager slavery” as a result of the unjust social system of Russia. The poet's voice brands serfdom, which “without feeling, without law, appropriated to itself with a violent vine the labor, property, and time of the farmer.” From the poem one can imagine the image of the poet: “a friend of humanity,” reflecting on the important issues of his time, enlightened, loving native nature and the people, the enemy of slavery.

To Chaadaev (1818)

Pushkin's love for the Motherland is inseparable from the struggle for its freedom. The feelings expressed in the poem are accurately and vividly reflected in verbal images. Metaphors are expressive(Metaphor - hidden comparison) : “ Star of captivating happiness”, “While we burn with freedom”, “The wreckage of autocracy, emotional epithets(epithet is a figurative definition of an object) “An impatient soul”, “Fatal power”. There is a lot in the poemrhetorical sentences (Questions that do not require an answer) , they create a certain emotional coloring. The poem is richpolitical vocabulary: “ Fatherland”, “Power”, “Autocracy

The genre of the poem is a friendly message intended for a wide range of readers. The Decembrists widely used the message as a revolutionary proclamation. In the summer of 1819, Pushkin was in Mikhailovskoye and for the first time observed undisguised slavery. What was previously imagined from stories and books appeared before the surprised gaze of the poet.

Read the text.
Fragment of the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls"
1 . Just as a countless number of churches, monasteries with domes, domes, and crosses are scattered throughout holy, pious Rus', so
an innumerable multitude of tribes, generations, peoples crowd, dapple and rush across the face of the earth
.2 . And every nation, bearing within itself a guarantee of strength, full of the creative abilities of the soul, its bright characteristics and other gifts of God, each in its own way distinguished itself with its own word, with which, expressing any object, it reflects in its expression a part of its own character. 3. The word of a Briton will echo with heart knowledge and wise knowledge of life; The short-lived word of the Frenchman will flash and scatter like a light dandy; the German will intricately come up with his own, not accessible to everyone, clever and thin word; but there is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate so much, like a well-spoken Russian word.

Comment on the statement about the Russian language. Compare it with a fragment of “Dead Souls”:
Gogol's thoughts are expressed vividly, vividly, figuratively, and originally. No wonder “Dead Souls”
the author called it a poem.

I. Ilyin.

Teacher's comments for writing an essay.

Here are the key ideas of this fragment.
Firstly, Rus' is a “holy, pious” country. This is confirmeda comparison of the “countless multitude of churches and monasteries” of Rus' with the “countless multitude” of tribes and peoples inhabiting the earth. Moreover, Russian churches are taken as an undoubted model for comparison, uniting people, guiding them on the true path. At the same time, Gogol recognizes for any people the “creative abilities of the soul,” a gift from God. The main ones distinctive features the character of each people is manifested in the word and through the word -this is great
divine gift.
The last sentence of this fragment also contains a comparison through which the exclusivity of the Russian word among other great languages ​​is asserted. Exceptionality is in the extraordinarythe energy of the word, in its spontaneity, sincerity, naturalness.And the word of Gogol himself bears these bright features of the Russian language. The strength and expressiveness of Gogol’s phrase is given by apt, uniqueepithets, personifications, metaphors. How much does it cost to define German word How"smart-skinny"! One epithet describes the appearance and character of the people, their creative capabilities. This epithet also servestime personified, spiritualizing the word, emphasizing its defining role in the life of peoples.

Follow step by step instructions for writing an essay part C.

Read the quote carefully. Find out what properties of language, what linguistic phenomena comingspeech in a statement:about the richness, expressiveness, and precision of Russian speech; about the means of expressing thoughts; about the role of epithets, metaphors, personifications, comparisons, synonyms, antonyms, and phraseological units in Gogol’s language.

  1. In the introduction it is necessary to: formulate the position of the author of the statement; Express your attitude towards it. Words and expressions will help you formulate the author’s position: the author analyzes characterizes argues notes proves compares contrasts calls describes parses emphasizes refers to... stops at... reveals the content notes the importance formulates concerns claims believes that.. .etc. To express your attitude to the author’s position, you can use the following words: I really really can’t help but agree with the author of the statement, I completely agree with...I have to agree with...I share the point of view of the author of the statement, I support the author’s opinion, it is indisputable that the author’s opinion is that...etc. Remember that the introduction should consist of approximately 2-3 sentences.
  2. The main part can be started with the following phrases: Let's take a closer look at the words in the text... (we say the name of the author of the text). Let's turn to the text of the Russian writer... (name of the author of the text).. Let's prove this idea using examples from the text... Let's try to reveal the meaning of the thesis using examples taken from the text... Below we provide examples that confirm the words of the writer and your reasoning.

The volume of the essay is at least 70 words.

In literature lessons I think useful work in the following areas.

Visual means of phonetics of the Russian language.

Visual means of syntax: syntactic parallelism; a rhetorical question; exclamation and address; repeated unions and non-unions, etc.

Syntax has enormous expressive capabilities. Let's look at some of the figurative means used in syntax. 1. Syntactic parallelism is the identical construction of several sentences, when members of a sentence that are equally expressed are located in the same sequence:
What is he looking for in a distant land? What did he throw in his native land?
(M. Lermontov)
No one was supposed to know where the old man, driven by high desire, had disappeared, and the whole world knew where he was. No one was to know the intentions of his soul, and the whole world was privy to his secret plan. No one should have cared about his well-being, and the whole world began to worry about his temperature, wheezing in his chest, digestion, pulse.
(K. Fedin about L. Tolstoy)
2. A rhetorical question is a sentence interrogative in structure, but conveying, like a narrative one, a message about something. The message in a rhetorical question is always associated with the expression of various emotional and expressive meanings: Where, when, which great one chose the path to be more trodden and easier? (V. Mayakovsky) Who hasn’t cursed the station guards, who hasn’t sworn at them! (A. Pushkin) These questions are posed not in order to get answers, but to draw attention to a particular object, phenomenon, to emotionally express a statement.
The tension and expressiveness of speech are also enhanced by rhetorical exclamations: Eh, three! Bird three! (N. Gogol) Lush! There is no equal river in the world! (N. Gogol)
3. Appeal - bright means of expression in artistic speech. An address is a word or combination of words that names the addressee. Most often, proper names act as addresses, less often - the names of animals or the names of inanimate objects. The appeal is not a member of the sentence, maintaining its isolation. It is accompanied by its characteristic vocative intonation. If in colloquial speech The main function of addresses is to name the addressee of speech, then in poetic addresses they also perform stylistic functions: they are often carriers of expressive-evaluative meanings. Therefore they are often metaphorical; This also explains the peculiarities of their syntax.
For works fiction- especially poetic ones - are characterized by common appeals, for example: Clear stars, high stars! What do you keep inside yourself, what do you hide? Stars, concealing deep thoughts, by what power do you captivate the soul? (S. Yesenin) In some cases, a lengthy appeal in poetic speech becomes the content of a sentence: Soldier’s son, who grew up without a father and matured noticeably before his time, you, in the memory of a hero and father, are not separated from earthly joys. (A. Tvardovsky)
In poetic speech, addresses can be arranged in a homogeneous row: Sing, people, cities and rivers, sing, mountains, steppes and seas! (A. Surkov) Hear me, dear one, hear me, beautiful one, my evening dawn, unquenchable love. (M. Isakovsky) O city! O wind! O snow storms! O abyss of azure torn to shreds! I'm here! I am innocent / I am with you! I'm with you! (A. Blok)
Addressing other people creates ease, intimacy, and lyricism:
Are you still alive, my old lady? I'm alive too. Hello, hello!
(S. Yesenin.)
Figurative means of syntax also include special constructions of phrases of sentences or groups of sentences, such as non-union and polyunion.
4. Non-union consists in the deliberate omission of connecting conjunctions between members of a sentence or between simple sentences as part of a complex The absence of conjunctions gives the statement dynamism, swiftness, and allows one phrase to convey the richness of the picture. For example, A. Pushkin, describing the Larins’ trip “to the bride’s fair,” draws a kaleidoscope of quickly changing pictures and impressions that rush over travelers:
Booths, women, Boys, shops, lanterns flash past, Palaces, gardens, monasteries, Bukharians, sleighs, vegetable gardens, Merchants, shacks, men, Boulevards, towers, Cossacks, Pharmacies, fashion stores, Balconies, lions on the gates...
Painting a picture of the Battle of Poltava, A. Pushkin also uses non-union constructions that convey the swiftness of what was happening:
Swede, Russian - stabbing, chopping, cutting, Drumming, clicks, grinding, Thunder of guns, stomping, neighing, groaning...
The unionless combination of homogeneous members creates the impression of incompleteness, inexhaustibility of the listed series, and sometimes emphasizes the logical heterogeneity of the concepts being connected: Everywhere under the lazy wind there are turning wings of mills, manors, farmsteads, houses with steep tiled roofs, with stork nests, rows of low willows along the ditches. (A. Tolstoy) This is all in front of the house; But look what he has in his garden! What's not there! Plums, cherries, all kinds of vegetable gardens, sunflowers, cucumbers, melons, pods, even a threshing floor and a forge. (N. Gogol)
Such constructions are typical for calm narrative speech.
IN works of art authors often use polyconjunction, which consists in the deliberate use of the same conjunction in order to highlight (logically and intonationally) the parts of the sentence they connect and enhance the expressiveness of speech. Repeated conjunctions, firstly, emphasize the incompleteness of the series, and secondly, express the meaning of intensification: She was afraid of him, and did not dare to cry, and said goodbye to him, and admired him as. V last time. (I. Turgenev) Oh! Summer is red! I would love you if it weren’t for the heat, and the dust, and the mosquitoes, and the flies... (A. Pushkin) The ocean walked before my eyes, and swayed, and thundered, and sparkled, and faded, and glowed, and went somewhere - then to infinity. (V. Korolenko)
In the poem “Road Complaints” A. Pushkin uses this figure:
Or the plague will catch me, Or the frost will ossify me, Or a barrier will slam into my forehead A slow disabled person.
Constructions with polyunion are more common in emotional speech.
The skillful combination of non-union and multi-union in one text creates a special stylistic effect:
Their conversation is sensible
About haymaking, about wine,
About the kennel, about my relatives,
Of course, he didn’t shine with any feeling,
Not with poetic fire,
Neither sharpness nor intelligence,
No hostel for art...
(A. Pushkin)
Here, for example, is how I. Severyanin uses multi-union and non-union in the poem “My Russia”:
My godless Russia, my sacred country! Her plains are snowy, Her gypsies are nomadic, - Oh, isn’t joy given to them? Her impulses are fiery, Her dreams are advanced, Her writers are alive, Who have comprehended her to the bottom! Her robbers are holy, Her flights are blue, And our sun and moon! And these unearthly lands, And these daring riots, And all of them, all of their depth! And her nightingales, And fiery icy nights, And ancient, intoxicating mash, And goblets full of wine! And the troikas are wildly steppe, And these painted knitting needles, And these golden harnesses, And the winged ones, Their necks are swan-like steepness! And our peasant women, And their colored sundresses, And the voices of the girls, So Russian, dear, And young, like spring, And flowing, like a wave, And songs, bursting songs, With which our chest is full, And all of it, and all of it - My creeping Russia, my winged country!
5. Inversion - arrangement of words in a different order than established by grammatical rules.
With inversion (from Latin inversio - inversion), words are arranged in a different order than established by grammatical rules. This is a powerful means of expression. It is often used in emotional, excited speech, cf.: Summer nights are not long (direct order, calm, clear presentation). Summer nights are not long! Reverse order helps to express not only the message, but also the emotions of the speaker. This expressive word order is found in colloquial speech because it is emotional in nature.
Inversion acquires particular significance in poetic speech, where it also performs a rhythm-forming function. In poetic speech, even prepositions can occupy an unusual place:
In a clear field, in the silver light of the moon, immersed in her dreams, Tatyana walked alone for a long time.
(A. Pushkin)
Inversion affects the intonation characteristics of a sentence. Wed. two stanzas of Pushkin’s poem “Autumn”: in the first stanza (October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off its last leaves...) there are no noticeable deviations from the norm and the intonation takes on an even, natural pattern. In the second stanza (Sad time! The charm of the eyes...) the intonation changes, the inversion gives more expression and emotionality.
Please note that these word order rules apply to a single sentence (out of context). But in speech, a separate sentence is only a minimal unit and is connected with other similar units, so the word order may deviate from the norm.
Another figurative means of syntax is the period - such difficult sentence, which contains a number of uniformly constructed sentences (for example, subordinate clauses), usually beginning with the same conjunctions and having approximately the same size. A classic example of the period is the poem by M. Lermontov “When the yellowing field is agitated...”:
When the yellowing field is agitated,
And the fresh forest rustles with the sound of the breeze,
And the raspberry plum is hiding in the garden
Under the sweet shade of the green leaf;
When sprinkled with fragrant dew,
On a ruddy evening or morning at the golden hour,
From under a bush I get a silver lily of the valley
Nods his head affably;
When the icy spring plays along the ravine
And, plunging the thought into some kind of vague dream.

Just as a countless number of churches, monasteries with domes, domes, and crosses are scattered throughout holy, pious Rus', so a countless number of tribes, generations, and peoples crowd, motley, and rush about the face of the earth. And every nation, bearing within itself a guarantee of strength, full of the creative abilities of the soul, its bright characteristics and other gifts, each in its own way distinguished itself with its own word, with which, expressing any object, it reflects part of its own character in its expression. The word of a Briton will echo with heart knowledge and wise knowledge of life; The short-lived word of a Frenchman will flash and spread like a light dandy; the German will intricately come up with his own, not accessible to everyone, clever and thin word; but there is no word that would be so sweeping, that would burst out so smartly from under the very heart, that would seethe and vibrate as well as an aptly spoken Russian word. N.V.GOGOL"DEAD SOULS"

Our beautiful language, under the pen of uneducated and inexperienced writers, is quickly declining. Words are distorted. Grammar fluctuates. Spelling, this heraldry of the language, changes at the will of one and all.

Reading is the best teaching!/ A. S. Pushkin

Many Russian words themselves emit poetry, just as precious stones emit a mysterious shine... / K. G. Paustovsky

Take care of the purity of your language as a sacred thing! Never use foreign words. The Russian language is so rich and flexible that we have nothing to take from those who are poorer than us. / Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Russian language is the language of poetry. The Russian language is unusually rich in versatility and subtlety of shades. / French writer Prosper Merimee

The greatest wealth of a people is its language! For thousands of years, countless treasures of human thought and experience accumulate and live forever in the word. / Soviet writer M. A. Sholokhov



— In your book “The Holy Power of the Word” there is a subtitle: “Do not betray the Russian language.”

- Yes, because we - almost all of us - betray him every day and every hour. This is a terrible situation: people who speak Russian today crucify their language and mock it. And he is alive - absolutely alive; he's in pain. We forget that God is the Word. And Christ was crucified not only 2000 years ago. We do this to this day with our sins, including when we mutilate the words of the Russian language, when we add trash words into it. I have a large mailbox, there are letters that are absolutely remarkable in their frankness, sincerity, and depth of thought. One believing woman from Vologda writes that after reading my “The Secret of the Russian Word” (this book went through seven editions with a total circulation of about 150,000 copies - ed.), she began to have a completely different attitude towards the Russian language. The church-going, adult woman began to pay attention to what she was saying. She writes that she was horrified by some of the slang expressions that had become commonplace for her. She was especially struck by the fact that when she wanted to convey their meaning in normal Russian, she couldn’t do it. This is true. One of my least favorite words in current Newspeak is the word “cool.” No one has ever explained to me the exact meaning of this word. It's fun"? Then just say: “fun.” Is this "perky"? So say “perky.” "Original"? Say "original." You know, there is such an unsafe genre - parody, and many weeds in our language arise when we parody someone. What is a parody? In essence, this is subtle mockery. Of course, this cannot be done without pride: if I parody someone, I make fun of him. But there is such an imperceptible moment when the mask sticks to the face. What unpleasantly amazes me: many adults, when communicating on the Internet, write deliberately illiterately, mocking the Russian language, the word. Here is a photo showing a funny situation. And a comment (I know its author - he is educated, developed person): “laughing” (!?)… This is all, of course, from the evil one.

“Indeed, we have lost the sacred connection between our words and the Word; we do not think about the words of Christ: “By your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.” In the old days, Russian people, say merchants, did not give receipts. They gave their word. Millions of transactions were made without notary offices, legally formalized contracts, without any papers - the merchant’s word was enough. It was the highest guarantee, since behind it stood not only the honor of the merchant, but also his faith in the holiness of the word. To break the word you gave meant for an Orthodox Russian person to betray, to become like Judas. To break a word means to commit treachery, to break faith. You see, I am already finding examples confirming that Russian speech has an evangelical basis. Here’s another example: Paul Claudel, a French poet, playwright, one of the greatest religious writers of the 20th century, discovered that the Russian words “apple” and “devil” came from a common root.

— The famous German poet Rainer Maria Rilke said that all countries border on each other, and Russia borders on God.

— Another wonderful German, Walter Schubart, the man tragic fate, whose name we would not know, perhaps, if the Russian philosopher Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin had not read about him in a big lecture in Berlin, wrote in the book “Europe and the Soul of the East”: “An Englishman looks at the world as a factory, a Frenchman - as a salon, a German is like a barracks, a Russian is like a temple. The Englishman thirsts for booty, the Frenchman for glory, the German for power, the Russian for sacrifice. The Englishman expects benefits from his neighbor, the Frenchman expects sympathy, the German wants to command him. And only the Russian doesn’t want anything.” The Russian language is unusual, through it a lot happens in the soul - a Russian person begins to develop in it. This is why the neo-Banderots in Ukraine are so up in arms against the Russian language.

1. Read the text and analyze it according to the proposed plan. Find in the text examples of suffixal and prefixal ways of forming words. Tell us about other ways of word formation, give your own examples.

The Russian people express themselves strongly! And if he rewards someone with a word, then it will go to his family and posterity and to St. Petersburg and to the ends of the world.

Just as a countless number of churches, monasteries with domes, domes and crosses are scattered throughout holy, pious Rus', so a (countless) multitude of tribes of generations of peoples are multicolored and rushing about the face of the earth. And every nation that carries within itself a guarantee of strength full of the creative abilities of the soul 3 of his bright features and other gifts of God, each was uniquely cast in his own word which, expressing any object, reflects in its expression a part of his own character. the word of a Briton resonates with the knowledge of life; the (short-lived) word of a Frenchman will flash and scatter with a light sh. it would be so would be so smart, it would burst out from under the very heart, it would be boiling and lively..petting 2 like an aptly said..Russian word.

KV. Gogol

The Russian people express themselves strongly! And if he rewards someone with a word, then it will go to his family and posterity, and to St. Petersburg and to the ends of the world.

Just as a countless number of churches, monasteries with domes, domes, and crosses are scattered throughout holy, pious Rus', so a countless number of tribes, generations, and peoples crowd, variegate, and rush about the face of the earth. And every people, bearing within itself a guarantee of strength, full of the creative abilities of the soul, its bright characteristics and other gifts of God, each in its own way distinguished itself with its own word, with which, expressing any object, it reflects part of its own character in its expression. The word of a Briton will echo with heart knowledge and wise knowledge of life; The short-lived word of a Frenchman will flash and spread like a light dandy; the German will intricately come up with his own clever and thin word, which is not accessible to everyone; but there is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate so much, like a well-spoken Russian word.

In this excerpt from poems N, V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" many words are formed suffixal in a way, for example, noun in a word - word plus suffix -ets, since this is a neuter word with an emphasis on the ending, E is a fluent vowel, so it is dropped.

Noun a bunch of derived from the word a lot of using a suffix -esst.

Short participle scattered derived from the verb scatter using a suffix -n-

Prefix Many parts of speech are formed in this text, for example: adjective short-lived formed using a prefix Not-, verb will come up with formed with a prefix at-, verb burst out using the attachment You-.

In addition to prefix and suffix ways of forming words, there are several more ways: .

1) prefixal-suffixal: the formation of new words by simultaneously adding a prefix and a suffix, for example: birch- boletus, under- and suffix -ovik; window- windowsill, noun formed with a prefix under- and suffix -Nick, a fluent vowel appeared in the root O.

2)suffixless method: most often this is the formation of nouns from verbs and adjectives by cutting off the suffix, for example: swim- swim, green- greenery.

3) addition- this is a way of word formation using word stems, for example: physical education, sofa bed, nuclear powered ship, etc. parts of words or initial letters can be combined into a single whole: special correspondent, Moscow Art Theater, Moscow State University(abbreviation).

4) transition of a word from one part of speech to another, For example: frozen meat: - delicious ice cream.

5)fusion (merger) - a word is formed as a result of merging a whole phrase into one word: ever green- evergreen, mindless-insane.