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Refinery hydrocracking unit. Orsk Refinery began test launch of hydrocracking complex

4. Catalytic cracking
Catalytic cracking - the most important process oil refining, which significantly affects the efficiency of the refinery as a whole. The essence of the process is the decomposition of hydrocarbons included in the raw material (vacuum gas oil) under the influence of temperature in the presence of a zeolite-containing aluminosilicate catalyst. The target product of the CC installation is a high-octane component of gasoline with an octane number of 90 points or more, its yield ranges from 50 to 65% depending on the raw materials used, the technology used and the mode. The high octane number is due to the fact that isomerization also occurs during cat cracking. During the process, gases are formed containing propylene and butylenes, used as raw materials for petrochemicals and the production of high-octane gasoline components, light gas oil - a component of diesel and heating fuels, and heavy gas oil - a raw material for the production of soot, or a component of fuel oils.
The average capacity of modern installations is from 1.5 to 2.5 million tons, but at the factories of the world's leading companies there are installations with a capacity of 4.0 million tons.
The key installation area is reactor-regenerator unit. The unit includes a raw material heating furnace, a reactor in which cracking reactions directly occur, and a catalyst regenerator. The purpose of the regenerator is to burn out the coke formed during cracking and deposited on the surface of the catalyst. The reactor, regenerator and raw material input unit are connected by pipelines (pneumatic transport lines), through which the catalyst circulates.
The most successful, although not new, domestic technology is used at installations with a capacity of 2 million tons in Ufa, Omsk, and Moscow. The diagram of the reactor-regenerator unit is shown in Fig. 14. Figure 15 shows a photograph of a similar installation using ExxonMobil technology.
The catalytic cracking capacity at Russian refineries is currently clearly insufficient, and it is through the commissioning of new units that the problem with the predicted gasoline shortage is being solved. When implementing refinery reconstruction programs declared by oil companies, this issue is completely removed.
Over the past few years, similar, heavily worn-out and outdated installations introduced during the Soviet period have been reconstructed in Ryazan and Yaroslavl, and a new one has been built in Nizhnekamsk. In this case, technologies from Stone&Webster and Texaco companies were used.

Fig. 14. Diagram of the reactor-regenerator unit of a catalytic cracking unit

Raw materials with a temperature of 500-520°C, mixed with a dusty catalyst, move upward through the elevator reactor for 2-4 seconds and undergo cracking. Cracking products go to separator, located on top of the lift reactor, where chemical reactions are completed and the catalyst is separated, which is removed from the lower part of the separator and flows by gravity into the regenerator, in which coke is burned at a temperature of 700 ° C. After this, the restored catalyst is returned to the raw material input unit. The pressure in the reactor-regenerator unit is close to atmospheric. The total height of the reactor-regenerator unit ranges from 30 to 55 m, the diameters of the separator and regenerator are 8 and 11 m, respectively, for a plant with a capacity of 2.0 million tons.
Cracking products leave the top of the separator, are cooled and sent for rectification.
Cat cracking can be part of combined installations, including preliminary hydrotreating or light hydrocracking of raw materials, gas purification and fractionation.

Photos of catalytic cracking units

Fig. 16. Catalytic cracking reactor unit using ExxonMobil technology. On the right side is the reactor, to the left of it is the regenerator.

5. Hydrocracking
Hydrocracking is a process aimed at producing high-quality kerosene and diesel distillates, as well as vacuum gas oil, by cracking feedstock hydrocarbons in the presence of hydrogen. Simultaneously with cracking, products are purified from sulfur, olefins and aromatic compounds are saturated, which results in high performance and environmental characteristics of the resulting fuels. For example, the sulfur content in hydrocracking diesel distillate is millionths of a percent. The resulting gasoline fraction has a low octane number; its heavy part can serve as reforming raw material. Hydrocracking is also used in the oil industry to produce high-quality base oils with performance characteristics similar to synthetic ones.
The range of hydrocracking raw materials is quite wide - straight-run vacuum gas oil, catalytic cracking and coking gas oils, oil block by-products, fuel oil, tar.
Hydrocracking units, as a rule, are built with a large unit capacity - 3-4 million tons per year of raw materials.
Typically, the volumes of hydrogen produced at reforming units are not enough to ensure hydrocracking, so separate plants are built at refineries to produce hydrogen by steam reforming of hydrocarbon gases.
The technological schemes are fundamentally similar to hydrotreating units - raw materials mixed with hydrogen-containing gas (HCG) are heated in a furnace, enter a reactor with a catalyst bed, and the products from the reactor are separated from the gases and sent for rectification. However, hydrocracking reactions proceed with the release of heat, so the technological scheme provides for the introduction of cold VSG into the reaction zone, the flow of which regulates the temperature. Hydrocracking is one of the most dangerous oil refining processes; when the temperature regime gets out of control, a sharp increase in temperature occurs, leading to an explosion of the reactor unit.
The hardware design and technological mode of hydrocracking units vary depending on the tasks determined by the technological scheme of a particular refinery and the raw materials used.
For example, to produce low-sulfur vacuum gas oil and a relatively small amount of light oil (light hydrocracking), the process is carried out at a pressure of up to 80 atm in one reactor at a temperature of about 350°C.
For maximum light output (up to 90%, including up to 20% of the gasoline fraction for raw materials), the process is carried out in 2 reactors. At the same time, the products after the first reactor enter the distillation column, where the resulting chemical reactions light, and the residue enters the second reactor, where it is subjected to hydrocracking again. In this case, when hydrocracking vacuum gas oil, the pressure is about 180 atm, and when hydrocracking fuel oil and tar - more than 300. The process temperature, accordingly, varies from 380 to 450 ° C and higher.
In Russia, until recently, the hydrocracking process was not used, but in the 2000s, capacities were introduced at plants in Perm (Fig. 16), Yaroslavl and Ufa, and at a number of plants hydrotreating units were reconstructed for the light hydrocracking process. Installation of the installation is underway at Kirishinefteorgsintez LLC, construction is planned at the plants of Rosneft OJSC.
The joint construction of hydrocracking and catalytic cracking units within the framework of deep oil refining complexes seems to be the most effective for the production of high-octane gasolines and high-quality middle distillates.

Photos of hydrocracking plants

Sergei Pronin

Hydrocracking is a catalytic process under hydrogen pressure designed to produce light petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel), as well as liquefied gases C 3 - C 4 , from petroleum feedstock (having a higher molecular weight than the resulting target products).

Using hydrocracking, it is possible to obtain a wide range of petroleum products from almost any petroleum feedstock by selecting appropriate catalysts and conditions. Hydrocracking is one of the most efficient and flexible petroleum refining processes.

Chemical basis of the process. The quality of the resulting hydrocracking products is determined mainly by the properties of the catalyst (hydrogenating and acidic activity). Hydrocracking catalysts can have high hydrogenation and relatively low acid activity, as well as relatively low hydrogenation and high acid activity.

Transformations of alkanes. When using monofunctional hydrogenation catalysts (which do not have acidic properties), linear alkanes are converted into other linear alkanes with lower molecular weight.

At the same time, when acidic and bifunctional catalysts are used, alkanes undergo cracking and isomerization via a heterolytic mechanism. On catalysts with high acidity and moderate hydrogenation activity, hydrocracking occurs at a high rate, and many low molecular weight isoalkanes are formed.

Transformations of cycloalkanes. In the presence of hydrogenating catalysts, unsubstituted and methyl-substituted monocycloalkanes are converted mainly into linear and isoalkanes.

When using catalysts with high acidity and low hydrogenation activity, isomerization reactions of six-membered cycloalkanes into five-membered ones prevail. In this case, the position of the substituents changes.

During hydrocracking, cycloalkanes with long alkyl side chains undergo mainly isomerization and decomposition of alkyl substituents. In this case, one ring of bicyclic cycloalkanes opens and they turn into monocyclic ones with a high yield of pentane derivatives.

Transformations of alkenes. During hydrocracking at the acid sites of the catalyst, alkenes isomerize and undergo decomposition according to the β-rule. In this case, saturation of alkenes occurs at hydrogenating centers - both the original ones and those formed during decomposition. That is, from linear alkenes during hydrocracking, low molecular weight aleknes of linear and iso structure are first formed, and then they are converted at hydrogenating centers into low molecular weight alkanes of linear and iso structure.

Arena transformations. IN In the process of hydrocracking on catalysts with high hydrogenating and low acid activity, hydrogenation of arene rings occurs. In this case, substituted arenes are more difficult to hydrogenate than unsubstituted ones. It should be noted that, along with the sequential hydrogenation of aromatic rings, the resulting saturated rings are split and alkyl-substituted arenes are released.

When using catalysts with high acidity and low hydrogenation activity, the conversion of arenes is in many ways similar to catalytic cracking. Unsubstituted monocyclic arenes are stable. In this case, methyl and ethylbenzenes mainly undergo isomerization reactions based on the position of the substituents, and alkylbenzenes with longer chains are dealkylated. When alkyl substituents are removed, alkyl carbocations are formed, which, after isomerization, undergo β-decomposition and are saturated according to the scheme described for the hydrocracking of alkanes, with the formation of a mixture of low-molecular alkanes of normal and isostructure. It is important to note that as a result of hydrocracking of polycyclic arenes, aromatic rings open and tetralin and indane derivatives are formed in significant quantities.

Process catalysts. The cracking and isomerizing functions of the acid component of the catalyst are performed by zeolites, aluminum oxide, and aluminosilicates. In this case, to increase acidity, halogen is introduced into the catalyst, as well as oxide additives, etc.

Metals of group VIII (Pt, Pd, Ni, Co, Fe), as well as oxides or sulfides of some metals of group VI (Mo, W) are the hydrogenating component of the catalyst. To increase activity, before use, Group VIII metals are reduced with hydrogen, and molybdenum- and tungsten-containing oxide catalysts are sulfided; In addition, various promoters (rhenium, rhodium, iridium, etc.) are also used to activate catalysts.

It is important to note that molybdenum and tungsten sulfides and oxides with promoters are bifunctional catalysts.

Macrokinetics of the process. At the first stage, macrokinetics are similar to the processes occurring during hydrotreating. At the same time, hydrogenation of alkenes occurs. Polycyclic arenes and cycloalkanes are then hydrogenated to substituted monocyclic ones, and the alkanes undergo isomerization and cleavage.

It is important to note that the hydrocracking temperature of 300-425°C is optimal. If the temperature is lowered, the reactions will proceed at a low speed, and an excessive increase in temperature is limited by the thermodynamic factors of the hydrogenation reaction and an increase in the rate of coke formation and an increase in the yield of light fractions and gas. At a pressure of less than 5 MPa, intensive coking of the catalyst begins. Therefore, for heavy gas oils and especially residual feedstocks, higher hydrogen pressure (up to 20-30 MPa) is required to prevent the reverse reaction of dehydrogenation of cycloalkane rings in polycyclic systems.

Hydrocracking in industry. The following types of hydrogenation processes are widely used in industry:

Hydrocracking of gasoline fractions for the production of liquefied petroleum gas, C 4 -C 5 hydrocarbons, in petrochemical synthesis and in the production of a light high-octane component of motor gasoline;

Hydrocracking of middle distillates (straight-run and secondary origin) with a boiling point of 200-350 0 C to produce gasoline and jet fuels;

Hydrocracking of atmospheric and vacuum gas oils, coking gas oils and catalytic cracking to produce gasoline, jet and diesel fuels;

Hydrocracking of high-boiling petroleum distillates to produce jet and diesel fuels, lubricating oils, low-sulfur boiler fuels and catalytic cracking raw materials;

Selective hydrocracking of gasoline to increase octane numbers;

Selective hydrocracking of jet and diesel fuels to reduce the pour point;

Selective hydrocracking of oil fractions - to improve color, stability and reduce the pour point;

Hydrodearomatization and hydrodewaxing.

Hydrocracking of vacuum distillate at units 68-2k

As stated above, hydrocracking is an efficient and extremely flexible catalytic process. This process allows us to optimally solve the problem of deep processing of vacuum distillates, as a result of which various types of motor fuels are obtained that meet modern requirements. In Fig. Figure 10 shows a schematic diagram of a single-stage hydrocracking unit 68-2k with a capacity of 1 million tons of diesel fuel and 0.63 million tons of jet fuel.

These units operate at several Russian refineries for the processing of vacuum gas oils 350-500°C with a metal content of no more than 2 ppm. and under a pressure of about 15MPa.

To carry out a one-stage hydrocracking process of vacuum distillates, a reactor is used that has several layers (up to five) of catalysts of several types. In this case, the temperature gradient in each layer should not exceed 25°C, between individual layers of the catalyst. To fulfill this condition, a cooling hydrogen-containing gas is introduced between the catalyst layers through contact distribution devices that provide heat and mass transfer between the gas and the reacting flow above the catalyst layer.

A mixture of raw materials (with a boiling point of 350-500°C) with recycled hydrocracking-residue hydrogen-containing gas is heated first in heat exchangers, then in a furnace P - 1 to the reaction temperature and fed into reactors R-1.

The reaction mixture entering the reactor is cooled in raw material heat exchangers, then in air coolers and at a temperature of 45-55°C is sent to the high-pressure separator S-1.

Figure – 10 Schematic flow diagram of a single-stage hydrocracking installation 68-2k.

I- raw materials; II- hydrogen-containing gas; III- diesel fuel; IV- light gasoline; V- heavy gasoline; VI- heavy gas oil; VII- hydrocarbon gases using HFCs; VIII- exhaust gases; IX- regenerated monoethanolamine solution; X- spent monoethanolamine for regeneration; XI- water vapor

In the separator, hydrogen-containing gas is separated from the unstable hydrogenation product. The hydrogen-containing gas is sent to the K-4 absorber, where it is purified from hydrogen sulfide with monoethylamine. Purified hydrogen gas the compressor is supplied for circulation. Spent monoethanolamine is sent for regeneration. The unstable hydrogenate is sent through a pressure reducing valve to the low pressure separator S-2 . In the separator, part of the hydrocarbon gases from the hydrogenated product is separated. Then the hydrogenate is supplied through heat exchangers to the K-1 stabilization column for the distillation of hydrocarbon gases and light gasoline. The stable hydrogenate is then separated in a K-2 atmospheric column for heavy gasoline and diesel fraction. This fraction is taken through a stripping column K-3, and the bottom liquid (fraction >360 °C) is partially used as recirculate, and the main amount is removed from the installation. The bottom liquid can be used as a raw material for pyrolysis, as a base for lubricating oils, etc.

Thus, as a result of hydrocracking of the 350-500°C fraction, the following was obtained, wt.%: 88.03 – diesel fuel; 1.28 – light gasoline; 1.19 – hydrocarbon gas; 3.03 – hydrogen sulfide; 8.53 – heavy gasoline. Total 102.06% (including hydrogen used).

Hydrocracking is a catalytic process for processing petroleum distillates and residues at moderate temperatures and high blood pressure hydrogen on polyfunctional catalysts with hydrogenating and acidic properties (and in processes of selective hydrocracking and sieve effect).

Hydrocracking makes it possible to obtain a wide range of high-quality petroleum products (liquefied gases C 3 -C 4 , gasoline, jet and diesel fuels, oil components) with high yields from almost any petroleum feedstock by selecting appropriate catalysts and technological conditions and is one of the cost-effective, flexible and processes that deepen oil refining.

      1. Light hydrocracking of vacuum gas oil

Due to the steady trend of accelerated growth in the demand for diesel fuel compared to motor gasoline abroad, since 1980, the industrial implementation of light hydrocracking units (LHC) of vacuum distillates has begun, which makes it possible to produce significant quantities of diesel fuel simultaneously with low-sulfur raw materials for catalytic cracking. The introduction of JIGC processes was first carried out by the reconstruction of previously operated hydrodesulfurization plants for catalytic cracking raw materials, then by the construction of specially designed new plants.

The domestic technology of the LGK process was developed at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of NP in the early 1970s, but has not yet received industrial implementation.

Advantages of the LHA process over hydrodesulfurization:

High technological flexibility, which allows, depending on the demand for motor fuels, to easily change (adjust) the ratio of diesel fuel: gasoline in the mode of maximum conversion into diesel fuel or deep desulfurization to obtain the maximum amount of catalytic cracking raw materials;

Due to the production of diesel fuel by LGK, the capacity of the catalytic cracking unit is correspondingly unloaded, which makes it possible to involve other sources of raw materials in processing.

The domestic one-stage LGC process of vacuum gas oil 350...500 °C is carried out on an ANMC catalyst at a pressure of 8 MPa, a temperature of 420...450 °C, a volumetric flow rate of the raw material of 1.0...1.5 h -1 and a VSG circulation ratio of about 1200 m 3 /m 3 .

When processing raw materials with a high metal content, the LGK process is carried out in one or two stages in a multilayer reactor using three types of catalysts: wide-pore for hydrodemetallization (T-13), with high hydrodesulfurization activity (GO-116) and zeolite-containing for hydrocracking (GK-35 ). In the LGC process of vacuum gas oil, it is possible to obtain up to 60% summer diesel fuel with a sulfur content of 0.1% and a pour point of 15 °C (Table 8.20).

The disadvantage of the one-stage LGK process is the short work cycle (3...4 months). The following version of the process, developed at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of NP, is a two-stage LGK with an inter-regeneration cycle of 11 months. - recommended for combination with catalytic cracking unit type G-43-107u.

        Hydrocracking of vacuum distillate at 15 MPa

Hydrocracking is an effective and extremely flexible catalytic process that allows a comprehensive solution to the problem of deep processing of vacuum distillates (GVD) with the production of a wide range of motor fuels in accordance with modern requirements and needs for certain fuels.

Single-stage vacuum distillate hydrocracking process carried out in a multilayer (up to five layers) reactor with several types of catalysts. To ensure that the temperature gradient in each layer does not exceed 25 °C, a cooling VSG (quenching) is provided between the individual catalyst layers and contact distribution devices are installed to ensure heat and mass transfer between the gas and the reacting flow and uniform distribution of the gas-liquid flow over the catalyst layer. The upper part of the reactor is equipped with flow kinetic energy absorbers, mesh boxes and filters to capture corrosion products.

In Fig. Figure 8.15 shows a schematic flow diagram of one of two parallel operating sections of the 68-2k vacuum distillate single-stage hydrocracking unit (with a capacity of 1 million tons/year for the diesel version or 0.63 million tons/year for the production of jet fuel).

Raw materials (350...500 °C) and recycled hydrocracking residue are mixed with VSG, heated first in heat exchangers, then in a furnace P-1 to the reaction temperature and fed into the reactors R-1 (R-2 etc.). The reaction mixture is cooled in raw material heat exchangers, then in air coolers and at a temperature of 45...55°C it is sent to a high-pressure separator S-1, where separation into VSG and unstable hydrogenation occurs. VSG after cleaning from H 2 S in the absorber K-4 the compressor is supplied for circulation.

The unstable hydrogenate is sent through a pressure reducing valve to a low pressure separator S-2, where part of the hydrocarbon gases is separated, and the liquid stream is fed through heat exchangers into the stabilization column K-1 for distilling hydrocarbon gases and light gasoline.

The stable hydrogenate is further separated in an atmospheric column K-2 for heavy gasoline, diesel fuel (through a stripping column K-3) and a fraction >360 °C, part of which can serve as recycle, and the balance amount can serve as raw material for pyrolysis, the basis of lubricating oils, etc.

In table 8.21 shows the material balance of one- and two-stage HCVD with recirculation of hydrocracking residue (process mode: pressure 15 MPa, temperature 405...410 ° C, volumetric flow rate of raw materials 0.7 h -1, circulation rate of VSG 1500 m 3 /m 3 ).

The disadvantages of hydrocracking processes are their high metal consumption, high capital and operating costs, and the high cost of the hydrogen installation and the hydrogen itself.

The processes of processing petroleum fractions in the presence of hydrogen are called hydrogenation. They occur on the surface of hydrogenation catalysts in the presence of hydrogen at high temperatures (250-420 °C) and pressure (from 2.5-3.0 up to 32 MPa). Such processes are used to regulate the hydrocarbon and fractional composition of processed petroleum fractions, purify them from sulfur-, nitrogen- and oxygen-containing compounds, metals and other undesirable impurities, improve the operational (consumer) characteristics of petroleum fuels, oils and petrochemical raw materials. Hydrocracking allows you to obtain a wide range of petroleum products from almost any petroleum feedstock by selecting appropriate catalysts and operating conditions, so it is the most versatile, efficient and flexible oil refining process. The division of hydrogenation processes into hydrocracking and hydrotreating is quite arbitrary based on the properties of the catalysts used, the amount of hydrogen used and the technological parameters of the process (pressure, temperature, etc.).

For example, the following terminology is accepted: “Hydro-treating”, “Hydrorefining” and “Hydrocracking”. Hydrotreating includes processes in which there is no significant change in the molecular structure of the raw material (for example, desulfurization at a pressure of 3-5 MPa). Hydrotreating includes processes in which up to 10% of the raw material undergoes a change in the molecular structure (desulfurization - dearomatization - denitrogenization at a pressure of 6-12 MPa). Hydrocracking is a process (high pressure - more than 10 MPa and medium pressure - less than 10 MPa) in which more than 50% of the raw material is subjected to destruction with a decrease in molecular size. In the 80s of the XX century. Hydrofining processes with a conversion of less than 50% were called soft or light hydrocracking, which began to include intermediate processes with hydrodestruction of raw materials from 10 to 50% at pressures of both less and more than 10 MPa. The capacity of hydrocracking installations (million tons/year) in the world is approximately 230, and of hydrotreating and hydrofining - 1380, of which in North America - 90 and 420, respectively; V Western Europe- 50 and 320; in Russia and the CIS - 3 and 100.

The history of the development of industrial hydrogenation processes began with the hydrogenation of coal liquefaction products. Even before the Second World War, Germany achieved great success in the production of synthetic gasoline (syntin) through the hydrogenation processing of coal (based on the use of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis), and during the Second World War Germany produced more than 600 thousand tons/year of synthetic liquid fuels, which covered most of the country's consumption. Currently, global production of coal-based artificial liquid fuels is about 4.5 million tons/year. After the widespread industrial introduction of catalytic reforming, which produces excess cheap hydrogen as a by-product, a period of mass distribution of various processes for hydrotreating raw oil fractions (by the way, necessary for reforming processes) and commercial refinery products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel and oil fractions) begins.

Hydrocracking (HC) makes it possible to obtain light petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fractions and liquefied gases C3-C4) from almost any petroleum feedstock by selecting appropriate catalysts and technological process conditions. Sometimes the term "hydroconversion" is used as a synonym for the term hydrocracking. The first GK installation was launched in 1959 in the USA. Most GC processes involve the processing of distillate feedstock: heavy atmospheric and vacuum gas oils, catalytic cracking and coking gas oils, as well as deasphalting agents. The resulting products are saturated (saturated) hydrocarbon gases, high-octane gasoline fraction, low-solidification fractions of diesel and jet fuels.

Hydrocracking of raw materials containing significant amounts of compounds based on sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and other elements is usually carried out in two stages (Fig. 2.22). At the first stage, shallow soft hydrocracking is carried out in the hydrotreating mode to remove unwanted impurities, which are usually catalyst poisons or reduce their activity. The catalysts of this stage are identical to conventional hydrotreating catalysts and contain oxides and sulfides of nickel, cobalt, molybdenum and tungsten on different supports - active alumina, aluminosilicate or special zeolites. At the second stage, the prepared, purified raw material, containing no more than 0.01% sulfur and no more than 0.0001% nitrogen, undergoes basic hard hydrocracking on catalysts based on palladium or platinum on a carrier - type Y zeolites.

Hydrocracking of heavy gas oil fractions is used to produce gasoline, jet and diesel fuel, as well as to improve the quality of oils, boiler fuel and pyrolysis and catalytic cracking raw materials. Hydrocracking of low-sulfur vacuum distillates into gasoline is carried out in one stage on sulfide catalysts that are resistant to poisoning by heteroorganic compounds at a temperature of 340-420 ° C and a pressure of 10-20 MPa with a gasoline yield of 30-40% and up to 80-90 vol. %. If the raw material contains more than 1.5% sulfur and 0.003-0.015% nitrogen, then a two-stage process is used with hydrotreating of the raw material at the first stage. Hydrocracking in the second stage occurs at a temperature of 290-380 °C and a pressure of 7-10 MPa. The gasoline output reaches 70-120 vol. % for raw materials, the resulting light gasoline up to 190 °C is used as a high-octane component of commercial gasoline, heavy gasoline can be sent for reforming. Hydrocracking of heavy gas oils into middle fractions (jet and diesel fuel) is also carried out in one or two stages.

In the course of gasoline, obtain up to 85% of jet or diesel fuel. For example, the domestic one-stage vacuum gas oil hydrocracking process on a zeolite-containing catalyst of the GK-8 type can produce up to 52% of jet fuel or up to 70% of winter diesel fuel with an aromatic hydrocarbon content of 5-7%. Hydrocracking of vacuum distillates of sulfur oils is carried out in two stages. By including hydrocracking in the technological scheme of a refinery, high flexibility is achieved in the production of its commercial products.

At the same hydrocracking installation, different options for producing gasoline, jet or diesel fuel are possible by changing the technological regime of hydrocracking and the unit for rectifying fractionation of reaction products. For example, the gasoline version produces a gasoline fraction with a yield of up to 51% of raw materials and a diesel fuel fraction of 180-350 °C with a yield of 25% of raw materials. The gasoline fraction is divided into light gasoline C5-C6 with RON = 82 and heavy gasoline Su-Syu with RON = 66 with a sulfur content of up to 0.01%. The Cy-C^ fraction can be sent to catalytic reforming to increase its octane number. The diesel fraction has a cetane number of 50-55, no more than 0.01% sulfur and a pour point of no higher than minus 10 ° C (component of summer diesel fuel).

Unlike catalytic cracking, C3-C4 gases and liquid fractions of hydrocracking contain only saturated stable hydrocarbons and practically do not contain heteroorganic compounds; they are less aromatized than catalytic cracking gas oils. With the jet-fuel option, it is possible to obtain up to 41% of the 120-240 °C fraction, which meets the standard requirements for jet fuel. With the diesel-fuel option, it is possible to produce 47 or 67% of the diesel fuel fraction with a cetane number of about 50.

A promising area of ​​hydrocracking is the processing of oil fractions (vacuum distillates and deasphalted oils). Deep hydrogenation of oil fractions increases their viscosity index from 36 to 85-140 while reducing the sulfur content from 2 to 0.04-0.10%, coking is reduced by almost an order of magnitude and the pour point is reduced. By selecting the technological mode of hydrocracking, it is possible to obtain base oil fractions with a high viscosity index from almost any oil. During hydrocracking of oil fractions, hydroisomerization reactions of normal alkanes (solidifying at higher temperatures) occur, so hydroisomerization lowers the pour point (due to an increase in isoparaffins in oils) and eliminates the need for dewaxing of oils with solvents. Hydroisomerization of kerosene-gas oil fractions on bifunctional aluminum-platinum catalysts or nickel and tungsten sulfides on aluminum oxide makes it possible to obtain diesel fuel with a pour point of up to minus 35 ° C.

Hydrocracking, combining reforming and selective hydrocracking, called selectoforming, increases the octane number of reformates or raffinate (after separation of aromatic hydrocarbons) by 10-15 points at a temperature of about 360 ° C, a pressure of 3 MPa and a hydrogen-containing gas flow rate of 1000 nm3/m3 of raw material on a zeolite-containing catalyst with input window size 0.50-0.55 nm s active metals platinum group, nickel or with oxides or sulfides of molybdenum and tungsten. By selectively removing normal alkanes from kerosene and diesel fractions, the pour point of jet and diesel fuels is reduced to minus 50-60 °C, and the pour point of oils can be lowered from 6 to minus 40-50 °C.

Hydrodearomatization is the main process for producing high-quality jet fuels from straight-run (with an arene content of 14-35%) and secondary (with an arene content of up to 70%) raw materials. Jet fuel for supersonic aviation, for example T-6, should not contain more than 10 May. % aromatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, the upgrading of jet fuel fractions is carried out by hydrotreating in the hydrodearomatization mode. If the raw material has less than 0.2% sulfur and less than 0.001% nitrogen, then hydrocracking is carried out in one stage on a platinum zeolite catalyst at a temperature of 280-340 °C and a pressure of 4 MPa with the degree of removal (conversion) of arenes up to 75-90%.

At higher sulfur and nitrogen contents in the raw material, hydrocracking is carried out in two stages. Recycled raw materials are processed under more stringent conditions at a temperature of 350-400 °C and a pressure of 25-35 MPa. Hydrocracking is a very expensive process (high consumption of hydrogen, expensive high-pressure equipment), but it has long been widely used industrially. Its main advantages are the technological flexibility of the process (the ability to produce different target products on one equipment: gasoline, kerosene and diesel fractions from a wide variety of raw materials: from heavy gasoline to residual oil fractions); the yield of jet fuel increases from 2-3 to 15% for oil, and the yield of winter diesel fuel - from 10-15 to 100%; high quality of the resulting products in accordance with modern requirements.

Hydrotreating processes are widely used in oil refining and petrochemical industries. They are used to produce high-octane gasoline, to improve the quality of diesel, jet and boiler fuels and petroleum oils. Hydrotreating removes sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen compounds and metals, reduce the content of aromatic compounds, remove unsaturated hydrocarbons by converting them into other substances and hydrocarbons. In this case, sulfur, nitrogen and oxygen are hydrogenated almost completely and converted in a hydrogen environment into hydrogen sulfide H2S, ammonia NH3 and water H20, organometallic compounds decompose by 75-95% with the release of free metal, which is sometimes a catalyst poison. For hydrotreating, a variety of catalysts are used that are resistant to poisoning by various poisons. These are oxides and sulfides of expensive metals: nickel Ni, cobalt Co, molybdenum Mo and tungsten W, on aluminum oxide A1203 with other additives. Most hydrotreating processes use aluminum-cobalt-molybdenum (ACM) or aluminum-nickel-molybdenum (ANM) catalysts. ANM catalysts may have a zeolite additive (type G-35). These catalysts are usually manufactured in the form of irregular cylindrical granules with a size of 4 mm and a bulk density of 640-740 kg/m3. When starting up the reactors, the catalysts are sulfided (sulfurization process) with a gas mixture of hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen. ANM and aluminum-cobalt-tungsten (AKV) catalysts are designed for deep hydrotreating of heavy, highly aromatic raw materials, paraffins and oils. Regeneration of catalysts for burning coke from its surface is carried out at a temperature of 530 °C. Hydrotreating processes are usually limited to a temperature of 320-420 °C and a pressure of 2.5-4.0, less often 7-8 MPa. The consumption of hydrogen-containing gas (HCG) varies from 100-600 to 1000 nm3/m3 of raw material depending on the type of raw material, the perfection of the catalyst and process parameters.

Hydrotreating of gasoline fractions is used mainly in their preparation for catalytic reforming. Hydrotreating temperature 320-360 °C, pressure 3-5 MPa, VSG consumption 200-500 nm3/m3 of raw material. When purifying gasoline fractions of catalytic and thermal cracking, the consumption of VSG is more than 400-600 nm3/m3 of raw materials.

Hydrotreating of kerosene fractions is carried out on a more active catalyst at a pressure of up to 7 MPa to reduce the sulfur content to less than 0.1% and aromatic hydrocarbons to 10-18 May. %.

More than 80-90% of fractions are subjected to hydrotreating of diesel fractions at a temperature of 350-400 °C and a pressure of 3-4 MPa with a VSG consumption of 300-600 nm3/m3 of raw materials on AKM catalysts, the degree of desulfurization reaches 85-95% or more. To increase the cetane number of diesel fractions originating from the reaction products of catalytic and thermal cracking, part of the aromatic hydrocarbons is removed on active catalysts at a temperature of about 400 °C and a pressure of up to 10 MPa.

Hydrotreating of vacuum distillates (gas oils) for use as raw materials for catalytic cracking, hydrocracking and coking (to produce low-sulfur coke) is carried out at a temperature of 360-410 °C and a pressure of 4-5 MPa. In this case, 90-94% desulfurization is achieved, nitrogen content is reduced by 20-25%, metals - by 75-85, arenes - by 10-12, coking ability - by 65-70%.

Hydrotreating of oils and paraffins. Hydrotreating of base oils is more advanced than classical sulfuric acid cleaning with contact post-treatment of oils. Hydrotreating of oils is carried out on AKM and ANM catalysts at a temperature of 300-325 ° C and a pressure of 4 MPa. Hydrotreating of oils on an aluminum-molybdenum catalyst with promoters makes it possible to reduce the temperature to 225-250 °C and the pressure to 2.7-3.0 MPa. Hydrotreating of paraffins, ceresins and petrolatums is carried out to reduce the content of sulfur, resinous compounds, unsaturated hydrocarbons, to improve color and stability (as for oils). The process using AKM and ANM catalysts is similar to the hydrotreating of oils. Aluminum-chromium-molybdenum and nickel-tungsten-iron sulfided catalysts have also been used.

Hydrotreating of oil residues. It is usually obtained from oil on May 45-55. % of residues (fuel oils and tars) containing large quantities of sulfur-, nitrogen- and organometallic compounds, resins, asphaltenes and ash. To involve these residues in catalytic processing, purification of oil residues is necessary. Hydrotreating of petroleum residues is sometimes called hydrodesulfurization, although not only sulfur is removed, but also metals and other undesirable compounds. Hydrodesulfurization of fuel oil is carried out at a temperature of 370-430 °C and a pressure of 10-15 MPa on AKM catalysts. The yield of fuel oil with a sulfur content of up to 0.3% is 97-98%. At the same time, nitrogen, resins, asphaltenes are removed and partial upgrading of the raw materials occurs. Hydrotreating of tars is a more complex task than hydrotreating of fuel oils, since significant demetallization and deasphalting of tars must be achieved either preliminary or directly during the hydrodesulfurization process. Special requirements are placed on catalysts, since conventional catalysts quickly lose activity due to large deposits of coke and metals. If coke is burned out during regeneration, then some metals (nickel, vanadium, etc.) poison the catalysts and their activity is usually not restored during oxidative regeneration. Therefore, hydrodemetallization of residues should precede hydrotreating, which makes it possible to reduce the consumption of hydrotreating catalysts by 3-5 times.

Fixed-bed hydrocracking and hydrotreating reactors are widely used and are largely similar in design to catalytic reforming reactors. The reactor is a cylindrical vertical apparatus with spherical bottoms with a diameter of 2-3 to 5 m and a height of 10-24 and even 40 m. At high process pressures, the wall thickness reaches 120-250 mm. Typically a single fixed bed of catalyst is used. But sometimes, due to the release of a large amount of heat during exothermic hydrocracking reactions, it becomes necessary to cool the internal reactor space by introducing refrigerant into each zone. To do this, the reactor volume is sectioned into 2-5 zones (sections), each of which has a supporting grate for pouring the catalyst, side fittings for loading and unloading the catalyst, distribution devices for the vapor-gas mixture, as well as fittings and distributors for introducing the coolant - cold circulating gas to remove the heat of reaction and regulate the required temperature along the height of the reactor. The catalyst layer of a single-section reactor has a height of up to 3-5 m or more, and in multi-section reactors - up to 5-7 m or more. The raw material enters the apparatus through the upper fitting, and the reaction products leave the reactor through the lower fitting, passing through special packages of mesh and porcelain balls to retain the catalyst. Filtering devices (a system of perforated nozzles and metal meshes) are installed at the top of the reactor to capture corrosion products from the steam-gas feedstock. For high-pressure devices (10-32 MPa), special requirements are imposed on the design of the housing and internal devices.

Regeneration of catalysts is carried out by oxidative burning of coke. Regeneration is in many ways similar to the regeneration of catalytic reforming catalysts, but it also has its own characteristics. After disconnecting the reactor from the raw material, reduce the pressure and switch to circulation using VSG. For heavy types of raw materials, wash the catalyst with solvents, gasoline or diesel fuel at a temperature of 200-300 °C. Then the VSG is replaced with an inert gas (water vapor). In the case of gas-air regeneration, the process is similar to the regeneration of reforming catalysts. During steam-air regeneration, the system is first purged with inert gas until the residual hydrogen content is no higher than 0.2 vol. %, then the inert gas is replaced with water vapor and discharged into the chimney of a tube furnace under conditions that exclude condensation of water vapor (temperature at the furnace outlet 300-350 °C, pressure in the reactor about 0.3 MPa). Next, the catalyst is heated to a temperature of 370-420 °C by burning coke at an oxygen concentration in the mixture of no more than 0.1 vol. % Increasing air flow at an oxygen concentration of up to 1.0-1.5 vol. % the catalyst temperature rises to 500-520 °C (but not higher than 550 °C). By monitoring the decrease in CO2 concentration in the flue gases, a decision is made to stop regeneration, which is completed when the oxygen content in the flue gases becomes close to the oxygen content in the mixture at the inlet to the reactor. Steam-air regeneration is simpler and occurs at low pressures no higher than 0.3 MPa using water steam from the plant network. Water vapor is mixed with air and fed into the reactor through a tube furnace; flue gases are discharged into the chimney of the tube furnace.

Industrial hydrotreating and hydrocracking plants. Typical installations of the period 1956-1965. for the hydrotreating of diesel fuels were two-stage units with a capacity of 0.9 million tons of raw materials/year, type L-24-6; the hydrotreating of gasoline fractions was carried out in separate units with a capacity of 0.3 million tons of raw materials/year. In 1965-1970 Hydrotreating units for various distillate fractions with a capacity of 1.2 million tons/year, type L-24-7, LG-24-7, LCh-24-7, were introduced. Gasoline fractions were purified in blocks of combined reforming units with a capacity of 0.3 and 0.6 million tons/year. Kerosene fractions were purified in diesel fuel hydrotreating units previously equipped for these purposes. Since 1970, enlarged plants of various types and purposes have been widely introduced - both stand-alone type J1-24-9 and J14-24-2000, and as part of combined JlK-bu plants (section 300) with a capacity of 1 to 2 million tons/ year. The technological schemes for hydrotreating jet and diesel fuels are in many ways similar to the scheme for the hydrotreating unit for gasoline fractions - the raw material of catalytic reforming units.

Installations for hydrodesulfurization of boiler fuels, fuel oils and tars of type 68-6 are operated in reactors with a three-phase fluidized bed. The capacity of the installation, depending on the raw material, can vary from 1.25 million tons/year of sulfurous tar to 2.5 million tons/year of sulfur fuel oil. The process pressure is 15 MPa, temperature is 360-390 °C, VSG consumption is 1000 nm3/m3 of raw material. The AKM catalyst is used in the form of extruded particles with a diameter of 0.8 mm and a height of 3-4 mm. The catalyst in the reactor is not regenerated, but is removed in small quantities and replaced with a fresh portion once every 2 days. The reactor vessel is multilayer with a wall thickness of 250 mm, the reactor weight is about 800 tons.

Here are the names of the hydrocracking and hydrotreating processes of foreign companies:

Modern hydrogenation processes of the Union Oil company: the Unicracking/DP process, which includes two sequentially operating hydrotreating and selective hydrodewaxing reactors for processing raw materials - diesel fractions and vacuum gas oils to produce low-solidifying diesel fuel (pour point sometimes down to minus 80 ° C ) containing 0.002% sulfur, less than 10% aromatics on NS-K and NS-80 catalysts with a feed conversion of 20%; Unicracking process with partial conversion of 80% of raw materials - vacuum gas oils to produce diesel fuel containing 0.02% sulfur, less than 10% aromatics on the NS-K pre-hydrotreating catalyst and an improved zeolite catalyst DHC-32, the process can also be used in work Refinery with a gasoline option in the scheme of preparing raw materials for catalytic cracking; Unicracking process with complete 100% conversion of raw materials - vacuum gas oils with an end boiling point of 550 ° C to produce environmentally friendly jet and diesel fuels containing 0.02% sulfur, 4 and 9% aromatics on an amorphous spherical catalyst DHC-8 (catalyst operating cycle is 2-3 years), ensuring maximum yield of high-quality distillates, especially diesel fuels; the “Unisar” process with a conversion of 10% on the new AS-250 catalyst for effectively reducing the aromatic content up to 15% in jet and diesel fuels (hydrodearomatization), especially recommended for the production of diesel fuels from difficult to refine raw materials, such as light gas oils from catalytic cracking and coking; AN-Unibon process from the UOP company for hydrotreating and hydrofining of diesel fuels of the AR-10 and AR-10/2 type (two stages) to a sulfur content of 0.01 wt. % and aromatics up to 10 vol. % with a cetane number of 53 at process pressures of 12.7 and 8.5 MPa (two stages).

For reformulation (controlled hydroprocessing) of oil residues in world practice, in particular, the following processes are used: hydrotreating - the RCD Unionfining process of the Union Oil company to reduce the content of sulfur, nitrogen, asphaltenes, metals and reduce the coking properties of residual raw materials (vacuum residues and asphalts in deasphalting processes) in order to obtain high-quality low-sulfur boiler fuel or for further processing during hydrocracking, coking, catalytic cracking of residual raw materials; hydrotreating - the Chevron RDS/VRDS process is similar in purpose to the previous process, while raw materials with a viscosity at 100 ° C of up to 6000 mm2/s with a metal content of up to 0.5 g/kg are processed (for deep hydrodemetallization of raw materials), On-the-fly catalyst replacement technology is used, which makes it possible to unload the catalyst from the reactor and replace it with a fresh one while maintaining normal operation in parallel reactors, which makes it possible to process very heavy raw materials with an installation run of more than a year; hydrovisbreaking - the "Aqvaconversion" process from the companies "Intevep SA", "UOP", "Foster Wheeler" provides a significant reduction in the viscosity (more compared to visbreaking) of heavy boiler fuels with a higher conversion of raw materials, and also allows you to obtain hydrogen from water under basic conditions process by introducing into the raw material, together with water (steam), a composition of two catalysts based on base metals; hydrocracking - the “LC-Fining” process from the companies “ABB Lummus”, “Oxy Research”, “British Petroleum” for desulfurization, demetallization, reduction of coking and conversion of atmospheric and vacuum residues with a conversion of raw materials of 40-77%, degree of desulfurization of 60-90% , complete demetallization of 50-98% and a reduction in coking by 35-80%, while in the reactor the catalyst is maintained in suspension by an ascending flow of raw material liquid (for example, tar) mixed with hydrogen; hydrocracking - the “H-Oil” process (Fig. 2.23) for the hydroprocessing of residual and heavy raw materials, such as tar, in two or three reactors with a suspended catalyst bed; during the process, the catalyst can be added and removed from the reactor, maintaining its activity and degree of conversion tar from 30 to 80%; hydrorefining of residual raw materials - Shell's Nusop process uses all bunker reactors (one or more depending on the metal content of the raw material) with a moving catalyst bed to constantly update the catalyst in the reactors (0.5-2.0% of the total catalyst per day. ), in this case, two reactors with a fixed bed of catalyst can also be used after bunker reactors; if necessary, a hydrocracking reactor is included in the scheme to increase the conversion of raw materials for process pressures of 10-20 MPa and temperatures of 370-420 ° C (Fig. 2.24).

Major achievement recent years in the technology for the production of sulfur-free low-solidification jet and diesel fuels and high-index base oils is the creation of hydrogenation processes called “Isocracking” by Chevron companies together with ABB

Lummus”, which carry out hydrocracking with a conversion of 40-60% (oil), 50-60, 70-80 or 100% (diesel) of vacuum gas oils 360-550 °C or heavy vacuum gas oils 420-570 °C, reduce the sulfur content to 0.01-0.001% (diesel fuel) or up to 0.005% (oil), bring the aromatic content to 1-10% depending on the brand of catalyst (amorphous-zeolite or zeolite) ICR-117, 120, 139, 209 and etc., the number of reaction stages (one or two), pressure in the reactors (less than 10 or more than 10 MPa), the use of recycle systems, and also carries out selective hydroisomerization of n-paraffins. This process, in a mode with hydroisodewaxing, makes it possible to process heavy vacuum gas oils with maximum yields of high-index lubricating oils (IV = 110-130) while simultaneously producing low-solidifying diesel fuels. Unlike hydrodeparaffinization, in which n-paraffins are removed, in this process they are hydroisomerized. A distinctive modification in recent years of hydrocracking (with a high level of conversion) is the use of additional technological solutions for the removal of heavy polynuclear aromatics (HMA) from the recycle liquid (hot separation, selective adsorption of TMA, etc.) in hydrocracking systems with recycle. TMA (aromatics with 11 or more rings) formed during operation is undesirable in commercial products; it reduces the efficiency of the catalyst, precipitates on the colder surfaces of equipment and pipelines, and disrupts the functioning of the installation.

PJSC Orsknefteorgsintez, or Orsky Refinery, is part of the industrial and financial SAFMAR Group of Mikhail Gutseriev. The plant operates in the Orenburg region, supplies its region and surrounding areas with petroleum products - motor fuel, fuel oil and bitumen. For several years now, the company has been undergoing large-scale modernization, as a result of which the plant will remain among the leaders in the oil refining industry for many years.

Currently, the Orsk Refinery has begun a test launch of the most significant of the newly built facilities, the Hydrocracking Complex. By June, construction, installation and commissioning work “idle” and debugging and adjustment of equipment “under load” were completed at this facility. The total investment in the construction of this Complex will be more than 43 billion rubles; both own and borrowed funds are used to finance the project.

In the near future, raw materials will be accepted for the installation and debugging of all processes to obtain products will begin. The test mode is necessary to debug the technological regime at all facilities of the Hydrocracking complex, obtain products of appropriate quality, and also, among other things, to confirm the warranty indicators laid down by the licensor Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (Shell)

The adjustment of the mode is carried out by ONOS divisions with the involvement of commissioning contractors and in the presence of a representative of the licensor Shell. The main shareholder of ONOS, ForteInvest, plans to complete operation in test mode and bring the facility into commercial operation in July of this year. Thus, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, the Hydrocracking Complex is planned to be built in an extremely short time frame - the first work on the project began in mid-2015, and hydrocracking will reach its design capacity approximately 33 months after the start of the project.

The commissioning of modernization facilities will bring the Orsk Refinery to a new level of refining, allowing it to increase its depth to 87%. The selection of light petroleum products will increase to 74%. As a result of this stage of the Modernization Program, the product line of the enterprise will change: vacuum gas oil will cease to be a commercial product, as it will become a raw material for a hydrocracking unit; The production of aviation kerosene and Euro 5 diesel fuel will significantly increase.

The shareholders of the Orsk Oil Refinery pay great attention to the development of the enterprise for the long term. The global modernization of production, which has been underway since 2012, is of great importance not only for the enterprise, but also for the region, because the plant is one of the city-forming enterprises of Orsk. Currently, about 2.3 thousand people work at the refinery - residents of the city and nearby villages. Production update has great importance for the social sphere of the city is the creation of new jobs, an increase in the number of qualified personnel involved in production, and, consequently, increasing the overall standard of living of the plant and city workers.

PJSC "Orsknefteorgsintez"‒ an oil refinery with a capacity of 6 million tons per year. The plant's range of technological processes allows it to produce about 30 types of different products. These include class 4 and 5 motor gasoline; RT jet fuel; diesel fuel of summer and winter types of classes 4 and 5; road and construction bitumen; fuel oils. In 2017, the volume of oil refining amounted to 4 million 744 thousand tons.

The Hydrocracking Complex includes a hydrocracking unit, a sulfur production unit with a granulation and loading unit, a chemical water treatment unit, a water recycling unit and nitrogen station No. 2. Construction of the vacuum gas oil hydrocracking complex began in 2015, its launch is scheduled for the summer of 2018.