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Objects of cultural heritage: review, register, laws. Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites



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(approved by government decree Voronezh region dated 04/13/2015 No. 275
“On approval of the regulations on the management for the protection of objects cultural heritage Voronezh region")

1. General provisions

1.1. The Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Voronezh Region (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is the executive body state power Voronezh region, authorized in the field of conservation, use, popularization and state protection objects of cultural heritage (regional body for the protection of objects of cultural heritage), including in terms of the execution of powers delegated by the Russian Federation in relation to objects of cultural heritage, as well as ensuring the development and implementation of public policy in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites.
1.2. The department is functionally subordinate to the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Region - Head of the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Voronezh Region.
1.3. The Department is guided in its activities by the Constitution Russian Federation, federal laws, legal acts of state authorities of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Voronezh Region, laws of the Voronezh Region, legal acts of state authorities of the Voronezh Region, as well as these Regulations.
1.4. The department carries out its activities directly and through state institutions subordinate to it in interaction with federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the Voronezh region, local governments, public associations, and business entities located in the Voronezh region.
1.5. The department has the rights of a legal entity, has its own forms, stamps, a seal with the image of the coat of arms of the Voronezh region, has an independent balance sheet and budget, can acquire and exercise property and non-property rights on its own behalf, bear responsibilities, act as a plaintiff, defendant, third party and interested party in the courts.
1.6. The property of the Voronezh region is assigned to the Administration by right operational management.
1.7. The Regulations on the Office are approved and amended by decree of the government of the Voronezh region.
1.8. The costs of maintaining the Directorate are financed from the regional budget funds provided for financing the executive bodies of state power of the Voronezh region, as well as from subventions from the federal budget provided for the execution of powers transferred by the Russian Federation, the execution of which is entrusted to the Directorate.
1.9. The number of employees, the monthly salary fund and the staffing table of the Department are approved by a decree of the government of the Voronezh region.
1.10. The official full name of the Department is the Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Voronezh Region, the abbreviated name of the Department is UO OKN VO.
1.11. Office location address: 394036, Voronezh, ave. Revolutions, no. 43.

2. Main tasks of the Department

The main objectives are:
2.1. Preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage sites located on the territory of the Voronezh region.
2.2. Development and implementation of state policy in the field of cultural heritage in the region.
2.3. Execution of government functions and provision of public services in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites, as well as the execution of powers delegated by the Russian Federation in relation to cultural heritage sites.
2.4. Coordinating the activities of subordinate government institutions, ensuring their functioning.

3. Main functions and services of the Office

3.1. The department performs the following government functions:
3.1.1. Preservation, use and popularization of cultural heritage sites owned by the Voronezh region.
3.1.2. State protection of objects of cultural heritage of federal significance in accordance with Article 33 of the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 N 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (historical monuments) and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation"), with the exception of:
- maintaining a unified state register of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation;
- organizing and conducting state historical and cultural examination to the extent necessary to fulfill the powers of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects;
- coordination of projects for protection zones of cultural heritage sites of federal significance and establishment of requirements for urban planning regulations within the boundaries of the territory of a landmark;
- issuing permits (open sheets) to carry out work to identify and study objects of archaeological heritage.
3.1.3. State protection of cultural heritage sites of regional significance, identified cultural heritage sites.
3.1.4. Implementation of federal state supervision over the condition, maintenance, preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects of federal significance (hereinafter referred to as federal state supervision in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects).
3.1.5. Implementation of regional state supervision over the condition, maintenance, preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects of regional significance, cultural heritage objects of local (municipal) significance, identified cultural heritage objects (hereinafter referred to as regional state supervision in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects).
3.1.6. Making a decision to include an object in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation as an object of cultural heritage of regional significance or an object of cultural heritage of local (municipal) significance, or to refuse to include the object in the specified register.
3.1.7. Making decisions on changing the category of historical and cultural significance of objects of cultural heritage of regional significance in the cases and in the manner established by paragraph 2 of Article 22 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", decisions on changing the category of historical and cultural significance objects of cultural heritage of local (municipal) significance in the cases and in the manner established by paragraph 3 of Article 22 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation."
3.1.8. Approval of the list of historical settlements of particular importance for the history and culture of the Voronezh region (hereinafter referred to as historical settlements of regional significance), the subject of protection of a historical settlement of regional significance, the boundaries of the territory of a historical settlement of regional significance.
3.1.9. Establishing a procedure for determining the amount of payment for state historical and cultural expertise in relation to objects of cultural heritage of regional significance, objects of cultural heritage of local (municipal) significance, identified objects of cultural heritage, objects of historical and cultural value, objects with signs of a cultural heritage object, and also land plots subject to economic development.
3.1.10. Organization of work to identify and state registration of objects that have the characteristics of a cultural heritage object in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation."
3.1.11. Establishment of requirements for the implementation of activities within the boundaries of the territory of a landmark of regional significance, requirements for urban planning regulations within the boundaries of the territory of a landmark of regional significance.
3.1.12. Submission of a proposal to the government of the Voronezh region on the reconstruction of a lost cultural heritage site at the expense of the regional budget.
3.1.13. Coordination of draft master plans, draft land use and development rules prepared in relation to the territories of historical settlements of regional significance.
3.1.14. Establishment of requirements for the preservation of objects of cultural heritage of federal significance, requirements for the maintenance and use of objects of cultural heritage of federal significance in the case provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 47.3 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", requirements for ensuring access to objects of cultural heritage of federal significance (with the exception of certain objects of cultural heritage of federal significance, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), requirements for the preservation of objects of cultural heritage of regional significance, requirements for the maintenance and use of objects of cultural heritage of regional significance in the case provided for in paragraph 4 of the article 47.3 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", requirements for ensuring access to cultural heritage objects of regional significance, requirements for the preservation of cultural heritage objects of local (municipal) significance, requirements for the maintenance and use of cultural heritage objects local (municipal) significance in the case provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 47.3 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", requirements for ensuring access to cultural heritage objects of local (municipal) significance, preparation and approval of security obligations owners or other legal possessors of cultural heritage objects in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 47.6 of the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation."
3.1.15. Approval of reporting documentation on the implementation of work to preserve an object of cultural heritage of federal significance (with the exception of certain objects of cultural heritage of federal significance, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), objects of cultural heritage of regional significance, identified objects of cultural heritage.
3.1.16. Formation and maintenance of a list of identified cultural heritage sites located on the territory of the Voronezh region.
3.1.17. Determining the procedure for organizing a historical and cultural reserve of regional significance.
3.1.18. Coordination of the procedure for organizing a historical and cultural reserve of local (municipal) significance, its boundaries and the regime of its maintenance.
3.1.19. Approval of the boundaries of the territory of the identified cultural heritage site.
3.1.20. Organization of work to establish the historical and cultural value of an object that has the characteristics of a cultural heritage object, in cases and in the manner provided for Federal law"On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation."
3.1.21. Development, coordination and approval, in cases and in the manner established by the Federal Law "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", projects for protection zones of cultural heritage objects, as well as coordination of decisions of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the Voronezh region and local government bodies of the Voronezh region on the provision of land and on changing their legal regime.
3.2. The department provides the following public services:
3.2.1. Organization of the state historical and cultural examination in terms of the examination necessary to justify the decision (approval) of the authorized body for the protection of cultural heritage objects or a local government body, which is assigned to the powers of these bodies in accordance with the Federal Law "On Cultural Heritage Objects (Historical Monuments and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation".
3.2.2. Issuance of an assignment to carry out work to preserve a cultural heritage object included in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, or an identified cultural heritage object, a permit to carry out work to preserve a cultural heritage object included in the register, or identified object of cultural heritage, approval of project documentation for carrying out work to preserve the object of cultural heritage in relation to objects of cultural heritage of federal significance (with the exception of certain objects of cultural heritage of federal significance, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), objects of cultural heritage of regional significance, identified objects of cultural heritage.
3.2.3. Issuance of a construction permit if, when carrying out work to preserve a cultural heritage site, the structural and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of such an object are affected.
3.2.4. Issuance of a permit for the commissioning of a cultural heritage site of federal significance (with the exception of certain cultural heritage sites of federal significance, the list of which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation), a cultural heritage site of regional significance, an identified cultural heritage site.
3.2.5. Coordination, in cases and in the manner established by Part 3 of Article 36 of the Federal Law “On Objects of Cultural Heritage (Historical and Cultural Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation,” of project documentation necessary for carrying out work to preserve the cultural heritage site.
3.2.6. Providing information about cultural heritage sites located on the territory of the Voronezh region and included in the unified state register of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
3.2.7. Registration and issuance of a passport for a cultural heritage site of federal, regional and local (municipal) significance.
3.3. The Department performs and provides other functions and services:
3.3.1. Participation in the formation of the budget of the Voronezh region in terms of expenses for the implementation of the powers and functions of the Department, as well as subordinate institutions.
3.3.2. Carrying out the functions of the main manager and recipient of budget funds provided for the maintenance of the Department and the implementation of the powers assigned to it, including federal budget funds provided for the implementation of the delegated powers of the Russian Federation, in accordance with current legislation.
3.3.3. Implementation comprehensive analysis, planning and forecasting trends, substantiating the goals and priorities for the development of the field of conservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects.
3.3.4. Development, in accordance with the established procedure, of draft legal acts of the Voronezh region on issues within the powers of the Department.
3.3.5. Participation in the development and implementation of federal government programs in cases and in the manner established by current legislation.
3.3.6. Development and implementation of state programs of the Voronezh region in the field of conservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage sites.
3.3.7. Publishing, within its competence, normative legal acts - orders.
3.3.8. Carrying out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the procurement of goods, works, services for the state needs of the Voronezh region in the subordinate field of activity.
3.3.9. Carrying out, in accordance with the established procedure, the collection, processing, analysis and presentation of state statistical reporting and other types of reporting in the established manner in the area under its jurisdiction, ensuring its reliability.
3.3.10. Making proposals for the nomination of employees of the subordinate sphere for state awards, awards of the Voronezh region and industry awards.
3.3.11. Carrying out an economic analysis of the activities of subordinate state institutions and approving the economic indicators of their activities, conducting an audit of financial and economic activities and the use of the property complex of subordinate state institutions.
3.3.12. Organization of advanced training for personnel of subordinate government institutions.
3.3.13. Carrying out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on acquisition, storage, accounting and use archival documents, formed in the course of the activities of the Department.
3.3.14. Ensuring the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of protecting the rights of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of federal state supervision in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects and regional state supervision in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects.
3.3.15. Maintaining a list of cultural heritage sites located in the Voronezh region.
3.3.16. Installation of information inscriptions and signs on cultural heritage sites of federal significance in agreement with the federal body for the protection of cultural heritage sites of regional significance.
3.3.17. Organization of research in the established field of activity.
3.3.18. Preparation of opinions on draft regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents regarding issues related to the subordinate field of activity.
3.3.19. Monitoring legislation on issues related to the powers of the Office.
3.3.20. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets.
3.3.21. Formation of target performance indicators in the subordinate area.
3.3.22. Organization of examinations of projects of target programs related to issues within the subordinate field of activity.
3.3.23. Implementation of organizational and technical measures for the comprehensive protection of confidential information of the Department.
3.3.24. Providing mobilization preparation and mobilization of the Department, managing the mobilization preparation of subordinate government institutions.
3.3.25. Development of mobilization plans.
3.3.26. Carrying out proceedings in cases of administrative offenses in accordance with current legislation.
3.3.27. Inspection and photographic recording of the condition of cultural heritage objects included in the unified state register of cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
3.3.28. Consideration of appeals from citizens in accordance with Federal Law dated May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.”
3.3.29. Implementation of internal financial audit and internal financial control.
3.3.30. Conclusion and implementation of contracts (agreements) in the subordinate field of activity.
3.3.31. Implementation, within its competence, of counter-terrorism measures in the established field of activity and monitoring the state of anti-terrorism security of institutions in respect of which the Directorate exercises the functions and powers of the founder.
3.3.32. Execution and provision of other functions and services in accordance with current legislation.

4. Management rights

4.1. In its activities, in order to carry out its tasks and exercise powers to perform government functions and provide public services in its jurisdiction, the department has the right to:
4.1.1. Establish print media.
4.1.2. Request and receive:
- information on activities from subjects of the subordinate sphere;
- reference and information materials from authorities and organizations.
4.1.3. Use information resources of the Voronezh region.
4.1.4. Work with information constituting state secrets.
4.1.5. Bring claims to court in cases of violation of legislation on the protection of cultural heritage objects, issue orders to eliminate identified violations of mandatory requirements in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects, bring to administrative responsibility and exercise other rights provided for by current legislation when exercising federal and regional state supervision in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites.
4.1.6. Create advisory bodies, as well as raise the issue of creating interdepartmental commissions and councils for state regulation in the subordinate field of activity.
4.1.7. Convene meetings on problems of state regulation in the subordinate area of ​​activity with the involvement of managers and specialists of executive bodies of state power of the region, local government bodies of the region, public associations, organizations located in the region.
4.1.8. Organize and conduct conferences, seminars, meetings, exhibitions, shows and other events aimed at achieving goals and implementing assigned functions.
4.1.9. Take part in meetings, as well as in the work of collegial bodies created by decision of the executive bodies of state power of the region, on issues of state regulation in the subordinate field of activity.
4.1.10. Make proposals for the creation (establishment), reorganization and liquidation of state institutions, state unitary enterprises, funds.
4.1.11. Involve, in the prescribed manner, scientific, educational organizations, individual scientists, specialists from state authorities and local self-government of the region, representatives of federal executive authorities to resolve issues in their subordinate field of activity.
4.1.12. Own and use, with the right of operational management, the property assigned to the Management.
4.1.13. In order to highlight the state of the subordinate sphere of activity and make decisions on the main areas of activity, create a board of the Directorate, the composition and regulations of which are approved by order of the Directorate.
4.1.14. Act in accordance with the established procedure as the founder of state cultural heritage institutions.
4.2. Officials of the Department, within their competence, draw up protocols on administrative violations.
4.3. Officials of the Department have the right to access information constituting state secrets in accordance with federal and regional legislation.

5. Responsibilities of the Office

The management is obliged:
5.1. Comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Voronezh region.
5.2. Respect the rights and freedoms of humans and citizens in their activities.
5.3. Ensure, within its competence, the implementation of the functions assigned to the Department and the provision of public services.
5.4. Comply with the requirements of the Regulations of the Government of the Voronezh Region and the Regulations for the interaction of executive bodies of state power of the Voronezh Region.
5.5. Ensure the safety of official and state secrets, prevent the disclosure of personal data of individuals and other information protected by law.
5.6. Provide explanations to legal entities and individuals on issues within the competence of the Department.
5.7. Analyze judicial practice, submissions and protests of the prosecutor's office, expert opinions of competent authorities and prepare relevant documents reflecting the results of the analysis and proposals for improving law enforcement in the area under jurisdiction.
5.8. To defend the interests of the Voronezh region, the governor and government of the Voronezh region in the judicial authorities and other control and supervisory bodies, as well as in relations with individuals and legal entities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the area under their jurisdiction.
5.9. Organize, coordinate and control the activities of subordinate government agencies.

6. Management Management

6.1. The management of the Department is carried out by the head of the Department, appointed to the position by the governor of the Voronezh region in agreement with the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects, and dismissed from office by the governor of the Voronezh region in the prescribed manner.
6.2. Head of Department:
6.2.1. Organizes the work of the Department in accordance with the assigned tasks and functions of the Department.
6.2.2. Submits to the Governor of the Voronezh Region for approval, in agreement with the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects, the structure of the Office.
6.2.3. Submits the number and staffing of the Department to the Governor of the Voronezh Region for approval by resolution of the Government of the Voronezh Region.
6.2.4. Distributes responsibilities among employees of the Department, approves job regulations for civil servants of the Department and job descriptions for employees filling positions that are not positions in the state civil service of the Voronezh region.
6.2.5. Signs documents on behalf of the Department issued within its competence.
6.2.6. Exercises the powers of the employer's representative for positions in the state civil service of the Voronezh region in the Department in accordance with the legal act of the regional governor.
6.2.7. Appoints and dismisses:
- employees of the Department holding positions that are not positions in the state civil service;
- heads of subordinate government institutions in agreement with the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Voronezh Region.
6.2.8. Applies incentive measures to employees of the Department and heads of subordinate government institutions and imposes disciplinary sanctions on them.
6.2.9. Resolves issues of business trips for Department employees.
6.2.10. Makes proposals for improving the qualifications of civil servants of the Department and on issues of formation personnel reserve.
6.2.11. Participates in meetings of boards and commissions of the Voronezh region government.
6.2.12. Organizes interaction with the Voronezh Regional Duma, the Voronezh Regional Court, the Arbitration Court of the Voronezh Region, the Prosecutor's Office of the Voronezh Region, as well as with federal executive authorities, regional executive authorities, local government bodies and organizations within their competence.
6.2.13. Considers, in the prescribed manner, cases of administrative offenses within the framework of federal and regional state supervision in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites.
6.2.14. Resolves other issues within the authority of the Department.
6.3. In case of temporary absence of the head of the Department, his duties are performed by the deputy head of the Department in accordance with the official regulations.
6.4. Cases of administrative offenses within the framework of federal and regional state supervision in the field of protection of cultural heritage sites have the right to be considered by the deputy head of the Department.

7. Responsibility of the head of the Department

The Head of the Department is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the functions of the Department in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

8. Reorganization and liquidation of the Department

8.1. Termination of the activities of the Office is carried out through reorganization or liquidation in the manner prescribed by law on the basis of the relevant legal act of the Voronezh region in agreement with the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects.
8.2. During the reorganization or liquidation of the Department, dismissed employees are guaranteed respect for their rights and interests in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Voronezh region.

Working with citizens' appeals - Documents

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Citizens' requests are accepted electronically

In the central part of the East European Plain between the Oka and Volga there is the wonderful city of Moscow - the capital of our vast Motherland. This metropolis is home to a lot of interesting places and cultural heritage sites. Moscow is visited annually by tens of thousands of tourists, many of whom come just for them. What kind of places are these?

History of Moscow

An interesting fact is that historians have not yet established the exact date of the formation of the future capital. At one time, scientists suggested that the construction of Moscow dates back to the 9th century and that the city was founded by Prince Oleg, but there is no documentary evidence of this version.

Therefore, it is conventionally considered that the city was founded in XII century Yuri Dolgoruky (son of Vladimir Monomakh).

Built in 1147, Moscow (the city was first mentioned in ancient Russian chronicles) began its rapid development. The reason was the favorable geographical location of the united settlements, in which Finno-Ugric tribes lived first, and after some time representatives of the East Slavic tribal union (Vyatichi).

During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the settlement received the status of a city and became the capital of the Russian state.

In 1682, Peter I became the Tsar of All Rus', and subsequently the Emperor of Russia, who legitimized the capital of the empire built in St. Petersburg.

Thus, from 1712 and for 206 years, Moscow was an ordinary city. And from 1918 to the present time - the capital.

origin of name

Before listing Moscow’s cultural heritage sites, it’s worth saying a few words about the origin of the city’s name. One of the assumptions is that the word comes from the language of the Finno-Ugric tribe: “mask” (bear), “ava” (mother). This opinion is based on the fact that in ancient times many bears lived in the area.

The most reliable theory is that the word "Moscow" comes from ancient language Komi peoples: “moska” (cow), “va” (river). This option is confirmed by the fact that natural conditions This area promoted the development of cattle breeding and, probably, a herd of cows always grazed on the banks of the river.

Megapolis in our time

Now Moscow is a world-famous metropolis with a population of more than 12 million people and covering an area of ​​2560 square meters. km.

Local residents are proud of their historical monuments: 566 monuments and 415 buildings related to the history of Russia.

In addition, the city has more than 60 museums, 105 theaters of various types and many other unique objects.

The oldest part of the city occupies 27 hectares and amazes with the beauty of its towers, cathedrals and palaces, which attract tourists from many countries around the world.

Monuments of history and culture

The leadership of the Russian Federation pays great attention to the cultural heritage sites of Moscow.

On June 30, 2012, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev approved their list. It included objects of significant historical value.

The list was compiled with the participation of artists, historians, representatives of restoration services and the public. It consists of individual buildings, structures, palace and park ensembles, monasteries, temples, and is listed in all guidebooks for guests of the capital.

Popular among tourists are visits to the Moscow Kremlin ensemble, St. Basil's Cathedral, Novodevichy Convent, Arbat, Ostankino Tower, Tsaritsyno estate, Kuskovo.


This is not just the most famous landmark of the Russian capital, but an object of cultural heritage of Moscow and the oldest building that has survived to this day.

In the 12th century, on the banks of the Neglinnaya River, at the direction of Yuri Dolgorukov, the construction of a defensive structure began, which later became one of the emblems of the capital.

Around the Kremlin, built from logs, began to grow future city. The first wooden buildings, according to historical documents, were the Church of St. Nicholas, the Temple of Daniel the Stylite (a Christian ascetic, a saint in the ranks of the venerables).

All these structures have not survived due to repeated fires.

In 1326, Moscow Prince Ivan Kalita began to build a stone fortification. The first temple on its territory was the Assumption Cathedral.

The Kremlin has been rebuilt several times. Its territory expanded due to the construction of new structures. By the end of the 16th century, the complex acquired an almost modern appearance.

By the way, the Kremlin, like Red Square, is included in the list of UNESCO cultural heritage sites. There are three such significant places in Moscow - the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye and the Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent.

St. Basil's Cathedral

The main one is decorated with a building that attracts the attention of all tourists in the world - St. Basil's Cathedral. The beginning of construction dates back to 1555 by order of Ivan the Terrible.

At that time in Moscow there were many people canonized by the church.

Among the wandering hermits, the holy fool Vasily had special veneration, whom the royal nobility and Ivan the Terrible himself treated with respect.

Died in 1552. Six years later, a church was erected over his grave. It is believed that this building gave the name to the temple, built in honor of the victory over the Kazan Khanate.

The religious complex, which has survived to this day unchanged, is a temple structure of eight churches, symbolizing the eight days of the battle for Kazan.

Novodevichy Convent

Another building included in the register of cultural heritage sites in Moscow. This ensemble complex is located near Luzhniki (Sportivnaya metro station).

There is a legend that says that during the Mongol-Tatar enslavement of Rus', beautiful Russian girls were selected at this place for the Golden Horde. This belief explains the name of the current Orthodox women's monastery.

The construction of the temple complex dates back to the middle of the 16th century (1524) on the instructions of the Sovereign of All Rus' Vasily III (father of Ivan the Terrible). Its construction was timed to coincide with the return of Smolensk to the Principality of Moscow.

The temple is inextricably linked with the history of Russia: at one time it was in custody legendary personality- Boyar Morozova, in addition, on the instructions of Peter I, Princess Sophia spent 15 years within the monastery walls (under the name of Susanna), who did not want to voluntarily give up power to her brother.

Now tourists have the opportunity to attend a church service, explore the temple interior and spend time in the silence of the monastery park.

Visits by tourists to the Novodevichy necropolis, located on the territory of the temple, are allowed only as part of an excursion, where you can view the burials famous people. As already mentioned, this is the third UNESCO cultural heritage site in Moscow.

Old Arbat

This famous walking spot is also included in the register of Moscow cultural heritage sites.

In the city center there is the most famous pedestrian street, approximately 1.5 km long - Old Arbat.

Historical documents indicate that in the 16th-17th centuries, on the site of the modern street, there was a Kolymazhnaya Sloboda (craft village) for the manufacture of carts and carts - carts.

A more convincing version is that the word comes from short form“humpback”, which characterizes the terrain: a curved part of the road.

IN XVIII century Arbat was mainly inhabited by artisans and merchants.

In the middle of the 19th century, noble nobility began to settle here, and the street gradually became a quiet and peaceful part of the city, where stone and wooden mansions surrounded by gardens were built.

At different times, Sergei Rachmaninov, Alexander Scriabin, Lev Saltykov-Shchedrin and many others lived here famous people Russia.

Now Old Arbat is a pedestrian zone. Lots of souvenir shops among the museums different directions, street artists, musicians, singers create indelible impressions on tourists.

Ostankino tower

It is considered a modern unique structure. Ostankino
The radio and television tower, despite its relatively young history, was included in the register by the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects.

In 1963 (beginning of construction), the structure was considered the tallest in the world.
Now this tower is considered one of the tallest buildings in central Europe.

The tower, built over four years, began broadcasting television on November 7, 1967.

Tourists are given the opportunity to examine the Ostankino structure as part of a tour, where the guide will tell you that the height of the structure is 540 meters, and its total weight including the foundation is 51,400 tons.

Guests of the city can take a high-speed elevator to the observation deck located at an altitude of 340 meters, and also visit the Seventh Heaven restaurant. The peculiarity of this three-story drinking establishment is its rotation around its axis at a speed of one revolution in 45 minutes.

Mansion "Tsaritsyno"

The Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects included 21 mansions in the list of historically significant places.

The most visited is the Tsaritsyno palace and park complex (Tsaritsyno metro station).

The palace was built in the 18th century and was intended as the country residence of Catherine II. After the complete restoration of the cultural heritage site in Moscow (completed in 2007), this building is used as the “History of Tsaritsyno” museum.

On the territory of the palace there are the Tsaritsynsky pond and a landscape park, a walk through which will bring pleasure to tourists of any age.

Mansion "Kuskovo"

The Kuskovo estate is considered one of the favorite vacation spots of Muscovites and guests of the capital. The address of the Moscow cultural heritage site is Yunosti Street (Novogireevo metro station).

For 400 years, the palace building belonged to the Sheremetevs (representatives of an ancient boyar family).

After restoration work was completed, two ceramics workshops and the Kuskovo Estate Museum were opened in the building. Tourists will be interested in taking a walk through the French Park, which is considered the most picturesque and oldest park in the capital of the Russian Federation.

We can talk for a long time about the historically significant places of this wonderful city. The Moscow Department for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects has compiled an impressive list of them. But above were listed those that really need to be visited at least once in a lifetime by every person interested in the history of our country.

Objects of cultural heritage are immovable objects that have cultural value for the population of Russia, and are also included in the world cultural heritage.

The concept of the objects under consideration

These objects have a special legal status. The category of objects under consideration includes:

  • real estate with an integral part of painting;
  • scientific and technical objects;
  • objects of decorative and applied art;
  • sculptures;
  • other cultural objects that have value from the perspective of various sciences, technology and social culture, are monuments and serve as evidence of the original birth of culture and its subsequent development.

Objects of cultural heritage include: built-in real estate (memorial apartments), buildings located separately, as well as ensembles and complexes of various buildings, structures and other structures. Moreover, these objects may be completely preserved, or they may be partially destroyed or be an integral part of objects of a later period.

Legal framework of the objects under consideration

The laws on cultural heritage sites in force in our country include:

  • Federal Law No. 73-FZ.
  • The law of the RSFSR, adopted in 1978 in part that does not contradict modern legislative framework RF.
  • Regulations of the USSR Council of Ministers “On the protection and use of historical and cultural monuments” of 1982 in the same part.
  • Instruction No. 203 of the USSR Ministry of Culture of 1986, in the same part.

Signs of the objects in question

Objects of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation must have the following characteristics:

  1. Real estate. Thus, movable property a priori does not belong to the objects in question.
  2. Historical and cultural value. If we take into account only the “real estate” attribute, then the objects under consideration can include all apartments, dachas, and garages that exist in the country. Therefore, the subject of interest to us includes objects that have a certain scientific and technical interest (value) for various sciences and social culture. This value is determined in the process of historical and cultural examination, which is carried out at the initiative of the state.
  3. Age. In addition to memorial apartments and houses, which were recognized as objects in question as a result of the fact that outstanding personalities lived there, other monuments are included in the register of cultural heritage sites after at least 40 years have passed from the date of their creation or the occurrence of events of historical value.
  4. Special status. This status is acquired in a certain order by inclusion in the state register and state list by decision of certain executive authorities.

The presence of these 4 features in combination makes it possible to talk about the object in question as an object of cultural heritage.


All historical and cultural monuments under consideration are divided into places of interest, ensembles and monuments.

Ensembles are a group of cultural heritage objects that arose at the same time or complemented each other in the process historical development on one territory, as a result of their combination a single composition is formed.

Ensembles include monuments and structures located in areas that can be uniquely localized in territories that have developed historically, including those with religious purposes, as well as fragments of various settlements (buildings and layouts), which belong to urban planning ensembles; parks, boulevards, squares, gardens, as well as necropolises.

Places of interest include:

  • creations that were created anthropogenically or with the participation of nature;
  • the same fragments that can be classified as ensembles;
  • centers of historical settlements;
  • various places associated with the formation of ethnic groups on the territory of our country;
  • ruins of ancient settlements and sites;
  • places where various kinds of rituals related to religion were performed;
  • reserves recognized as cultural heritage sites.

Types of monuments

Monuments have a more complex classification. Let's take a closer look at it.

Monuments as objects of cultural heritage arose as a result of certain historical events. At the moment, they represent evidence of civilizations, eras when culture began to emerge and develop.

In this type, the following subspecies are distinguished:

  • separate various buildings with the territories in which they are located historically;
  • separate rooms for different religious denominations;
  • separate burials and mausoleums;
  • traces of human existence underground or water, which may be completely or partially hidden, as well as movable objects related to them;
  • scientific and technical facilities, including military ones;
  • works of monumental art;
  • memorial apartments.

In addition, monuments are classified into monuments of history, urban planning and architecture, and archaeology. Their belonging to one of the varieties is determined during the preparation of state registration documents for these objects and is established during the approval of the list of acceptance of these objects for protection.


All objects under consideration, depending on their value, are classified into categories:

  • federal objects - of particular importance for the culture and history of our country, this also includes objects belonging to the archaeological heritage;
  • regional cultural heritage sites - having special significance for the culture and history of a particular region of the country;
  • municipal (local) objects - having appropriate significance for a particular area or municipality.

In addition, particularly valuable cultural sites are identified, some of which are included in the UNESCO heritage.

Examples of objects in question in the world

Examples of cultural heritage sites are cities (Athens, Rome, Venice, Prague, Jerusalem, Mexico City), ancient palaces, temples, religious centers (for example, the Taj Mahal), the Great Wall of China, Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, Olympia and Carthage (their ruins).

Russian national cultural heritage

There are a huge number of federal facilities in our country. These include, for example, the Likhachev House in Tatarstan, the Vladimir Church in Cheboksary, the Caucasian Riviera sanatorium complex in Sochi, the building of a women's gymnasium in Krasnoyarsk, the people's house in Vladivostok, the State Bank building in Khabarovsk, the Trinity Church in Bryansk, Ivanovo, Kirov, the ensemble Resurrection Church in the Vladimir region, many residential buildings in the Vologda region and Irkutsk, the Lutheran Church in Voronezh, the ensemble of St. Basil's Church in Kaluga and a huge number of others located, including in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

There are also many regional and local facilities. Each subject of the federation has its own register of cultural heritage objects in which they are listed.

World cultural heritage sites in our country

There are 16 sites designated by UNESCO in Russia.

There are not many of these objects, so let’s look at them in more detail.

One of them is transboundary: Struve Geodetic Arc (Baltic states, Moldova, Russian Federation, Belarus, Norway, Sweden, Ukraine, Finland).

The center of St. Petersburg, which has preserved its historical appearance with a group of monuments associated with it. These include many canals, bridges, the Admiralty, the Hermitage, the Winter and Marble Palaces.

Kizhi Pogost is located in Karelia on the islands of Lake Onega. There are two wooden churches from the 18th century. and a wooden bell tower from the 19th century.

Red Square with the Kremlin located on it in Moscow.

Monuments of the history of V. Novgorod and its suburbs with many medieval monuments, monasteries, churches.

Complex of history and culture of the Solovetsky Islands. Here is the largest monastery in the north, built in the 15th century, as well as churches of the 16th-19th centuries.

Monuments made of white stone and located in Suzdal and Vladimir, consisting of many religious buildings of the 12th-13th centuries.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra (architectural ensemble) is a monastery with the features of a fortress. The tomb of B. Godunov is located in the Assumption Cathedral. The icon of A. Rublev “Trinity” is located in the monastery.

Church of the Ascension (Kolomenskoye, Moscow) is one of the first churches in which the tent is made of stone, which influenced the subsequent development of church architecture in Russia.

The Kremlin in Kazan is a complex of history and architecture. There are several historical buildings XVI-XIX centuries Civil buildings are adjacent to Orthodox and Muslim churches.

Ferapontov Monastery (ensemble) - monastic complex of the XV-XVII centuries. in the Vologda region.

Derbent with its fortress walls, the Old Town and the Citadel was a strategically important site until the 19th century.

Novodevichy Convent (ensemble) - was created in the 16th-17th centuries. and was part of the Moscow defense system. Refers to the masterpieces of Russian architecture; representatives of the Romanovs were placed here, where they were tonsured and then buried, as well as representatives of noble boyar and noble families.

The Struve geodetic arc includes geodetic “triangles”, which were laid down by Struve, who with their help first measured the large arc of the earth's meridian.

Yaroslavl ( historical Center) - many churches of the 17th century, Spassky Monastery of the 16th century.

Bulgarsky complex is located on the banks of the Volga south of Kazan. It represents evidence of the existence in the 7th-15th centuries. city ​​of Bulgar. Here we can trace the historical continuity and differences between different cultures.

Tauride Chersonesus with a choir - located on the territory of Crimea, was destroyed in the 14th century, after which it was hidden underground in the 19th century. excavations began.

Office for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites

In different regions of our country these departments are called differently. Thus, in the Oryol region it is called the Department for State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects, the Ministry of Culture and National Policy - in Bashkortostan, the Department of Culture and Art - in Kirov region etc.

In general, all of them are institutions (or also perform the functions of departments) for the protection of cultural heritage sites.

These bodies are regional, which carry out executive, administrative and supervisory functions in the field of protection of the above-mentioned objects, contribute not only to their preservation, but also to their popularization.


The objects considered in the article include various monuments, which can be located singly or collected in ensembles, as well as places of interest. In our country there are federal, regional and local in relation to national facilities; in addition, there are facilities in different parts of the country world heritage UNESCO. Work on the preservation of cultural heritage objects is entrusted to the relevant departments, departments, committees in the regions, and for federal objects - the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with its territorial representative offices.

Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage- sectoral executive body of the city of Moscow, authorized in the field of state protection, conservation, use and popularization of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, ensures the development and implementation of the city’s policy in the field of immovable cultural heritage. The department is accountable to the Moscow Government.

The main objectives of the department are to identify, study (registration and research) and preserve cultural heritage sites (which include individual monuments, ensembles, cemeteries and other objects).


June 27, 2015 Emelyanov Alexey Alexandrovich appointed to the position of head of the Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage.


  • 1982 - 2002 - Department of State Control for the Protection and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Moscow (UGK OIP of Moscow)
  • 2002 - 2005 - State institution "Main Directorate for the Protection of Monuments of Moscow" (GUOP Moscow)
  • 2005 - 2010 - Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow
  • 2010 - present - Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow (Decree of the Moscow Government No. 981-PP of October 26, 2010 “On the renaming of the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow”)


  • Legal Department
  • Control civil service and personnel
  • First department
  • Financial and accounting department
  • One-stop-shop management and correspondence control
  • Sector information technologies and information protection
  • Department international relations and popularization of cultural heritage sites
  • Department of scientific and methodological support and organization of examination of heritage sites, their territories and protection zones
  • Department of Documentary Funds
  • Sector of lands of special historical and cultural significance
  • Department of control over the preservation and use of architectural and historical objects and organization of examination of documentation on the conservation of heritage objects
  • Directorate for the Conservation and Use of Archaeological Heritage Objects
  • Department of control over the preservation and use of works of landscape architecture, garden art and monumental sculpture
  • Chief engineer sector
  • Department of control over urban planning activities in historical territories, in zones of protection of cultural heritage sites and organization of examination of project documentation
  • Inspectorate for monitoring compliance with legislation in the field of protection and use of heritage sites
  • Department of State Customer and Investment
  • Department for organizing the use of heritage sites and their territories
  • Engineering and Operations Department
  • Sector for organizing and conducting competitions, auctions and requests for quotations
  • Department of maintaining the city register of immovable cultural heritage and historical and cultural reference plan
  • Press service sector


The Department of Cultural Heritage (formerly the Committee for Cultural Heritage) is constantly subject to criticism related to the loss and illegal deregistration of monuments (followed by destruction or "restoration", consisting of the destruction of the monument and subsequent "restoration" modern technologies, usually in concrete) under pressure from commercial structures

Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage

Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage- the sectoral executive body of the city of Moscow, authorized in the field of state protection, conservation, use and popularization of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, ensures the development and implementation of the city’s policy in the field of immovable cultural heritage. The department is accountable to the Moscow Government.

The main objectives of the department are to identify, study (registration and research) and preserve cultural heritage sites (which include individual monuments, ensembles, cemeteries and other objects).


On November 1, 2010, by Decree of the Mayor of Moscow No. 114-UM, Alexander Vladimirovich Kibovsky, who previously headed Rosokhrankultura, was appointed Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow for the term of office of the Mayor of Moscow.


  • 1982 - 2002 - Department of State Control for the Protection and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Moscow (UGK OIP of Moscow)
  • 2002 - 2005 - State institution "Main Directorate for the Protection of Monuments of Moscow" (GUOP Moscow)
  • 2005 - 2010 - Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow
  • 2010 - present - Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow (Decree of the Moscow Government No. 981-PP of October 26, 2010 “On the renaming of the Committee for Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow”)


  • Legal Department
  • Department of Civil Service and Personnel
  • First department
  • Financial and accounting department
  • One-stop-shop management and correspondence control
  • Information technology and information security sector
  • Department of International Relations and Popularization of Cultural Heritage Objects
  • Department of scientific and methodological support and organization of examination of heritage sites, their territories and protection zones
  • Department of Documentary Funds
  • Sector of lands of special historical and cultural significance
  • Department of control over the preservation and use of architectural and historical objects and organization of examination of documentation on the conservation of heritage objects
  • Directorate for the Conservation and Use of Archaeological Heritage Objects
  • Department of control over the preservation and use of works of landscape architecture, garden art and monumental sculpture
  • Chief engineer sector
  • Department of control over urban planning activities in historical territories, in zones of protection of cultural heritage sites and organization of examination of project documentation
  • Inspectorate for monitoring compliance with legislation in the field of protection and use of heritage sites
  • Department of State Customer and Investment
  • Department for organizing the use of heritage sites and their territories
  • Engineering and Operations Department
  • Sector for organizing and conducting competitions, auctions and requests for quotations
  • Department of maintaining the city register of immovable cultural heritage and historical and cultural reference plan
  • Press service sector


The Department of Cultural Heritage (formerly the Committee for Cultural Heritage) is constantly subject to criticism related to the loss and illegal deregistration of monuments (followed by destruction or "restoration", consisting of the destruction of the monument and subsequent "restoration" with modern technology, usually in concrete) under pressure from commercial structures. The department denies all allegations. Thus, in October 2010, during the construction of a hotel on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane in the center of Moscow, the cultural layer was damaged. The department denies that the layer was destroyed.

Immediately after taking office, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin fired the head of the Moscow Heritage Committee, Valery Shevchuk, and transformed the committee into a department. This was seen as a populist measure to remove an unpopular official associated with the Luzhkov regime.

see also

  • Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow



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See what the “Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow” is in other dictionaries:

    Moscow Department of Cultural Heritage- 15.13. Department of Cultural Heritage of the City of Moscow: exercises state control over the protection, use and maintenance of historical and cultural monuments in Moscow in accordance with Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73 Federal Law on... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

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