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General economic resources. Educational resources on economics on the Internet Internet resources list of literature on economics

The catalog of materials on economics is an attempt to systematize available economic information on the Internet in the following areas:

  • -economics and education,
  • -methodology and history of economic thought,
  • -mathematical and quantitative methods,
  • -economics and computer technology,
  • -economic data,
  • -macroeconomics,
  • -microeconomics,
  • -international economics,
  • -financial economics,
  • -economic systems,
  • -libraries,
  • -institutes,
  • -social sciences, etc.

Resources for Economists on the Internet by Bill Goff contain links to economic websites, statistical and economic data for the United States and around the world, sources of financial information, economic forecasting data, working papers and publications, including academic ones, sources of information about conferences, economic journals and newspapers on the Internet, economic societies and associations, research and academic societies, universities, colleges, business schools, libraries, vacancies for economists, economic, statistical and other software, etc.

Dr. Yardeni's Economic Network contains information on economic indicators, weekly economic analysis, information on the monetary and banking system, fiscal policy and the global economy. The site also contains financial and economic charts, the latest financial and business indicators, trends, analyzes and forecasts, archive searches, links to other universities, governments and publications, and other online directories.

List of economic resources provided by Larry Shankman.

The Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) contains Internet resources about education and research in the social sciences. Its economics section includes a large number of links to resources for economists on the Internet.

The Economics Division of the Social Science Information Network contains a large number of annotated links for economists, divided into large blocks:

  • - articles and scientific works;
  • - bibliographic data;
  • - books;
  • - companies;
  • - data sources;
  • - educational materials;
  • - government agencies;
  • - magazines;
  • - news;
  • - organizations and societies;
  • - research centers;
  • - list of resources for economists.

The Communication for Sustainable Future (CSF) website contains the following categories: ecology and environment, education and training, heterodox economics, international studies.

WWW Virtual Library: Social Sciences provides information online as part of the world's virtual library. The sites were assessed for the compliance of the information resources they provide.

AmosWorld is a leading website providing educational economic information. The site also includes the AmosWorld encyclopedic dictionary.

Encyclopedia Britannica provides information about web resources in the field of economics. Subject categories include education, teaching and research, history of economic thought, economic data and indicators, information about economists, government agencies, organizations and publications.

Economic and statistical resources on the Internet - links mainly to American sources collected at the University of Louisiana.

Economic Sources - The University of California website contains data from universities, journals and other publications, information from trade unions, links to databases, etc.

ECONlinks (Economic Links) were developed by North Carolina State University professor Scott Simkins to provide access to basic economic and financial information on the Internet for economics and business students.

The Scout Report for Business and Economics was developed at the University of Wisconsin for students, economics department workers, and librarians working with economic and business literature. Each publication, published twice a week, offers a select collection of Internet economics resources and other economic information.

Rutgers University, New Brunswick - presents several collections of resources for economists on the Internet: Economics Album - a catalog and guide to economic resources, and Economic Resources - a site presented by the Rutgers University Library, contains a wealth of classified data in the field of economics.

Web pages on economic topics by Christian Zimmerman (University of Quebec at Montreal). The breakdown is presented by individual economic topics according to the standard classifier:

The University of California Library includes an economics and business section, which contains information on money and banking, public finance and taxation, economic data sources, major economic websites, economic literature and libraries, and others.

The site of economic links collected by Wolfram Struve and Claudio Mazzoni contains the following sections: general resources, libraries, research materials in the field of economics, journals, economic services, databases, economic communities and associations, international organizations, software, other Internet resources in the field of economics etc. The site is located on the page of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zurich.

The library of a business school in the Netherlands contains information about Internet resources in the field of economics. The website of the famous University of California Berkeley provides links to several resources for economists on the Internet. Information about economists who have received the Nobel Prize can be found at the Internet Nobel Laureate Archive.

Materials on financial aspects in economics are systematized links to government, academic and non-profit organizations, periodicals and other sources of information.

FINWeb - Internet resources on economic and financial topics, also provides access to economic journals in electronic form.

Business Education on the Internet (BizEd Net) is a free information service connecting students, teachers, industry and information providers. The site contains a fairly extensive database of economic resources.

In addition to the above resources, international economic organizations provide on their websites summarized statistical data in numerical or graphical form, economic reviews, statistics, tables and charts, as well as comparative economic analysis by country and standard international documents.

Also, information of an economic nature can be found in economic magazines and newspapers, many of which have their own websites and provide a large amount of information on-line for free.

Administrative and Management Portal - the basis of AUP.Ru is a free electronic library on economics, finance, management and marketing in an enterprise. Publications and teaching aids, forums and useful links on economics, finance, management, marketing.
    Economics online - the goal of this project is to create a collection of links to WWW resources that provide economic and financial information for free online. On the site you will find a catalog of links to the best economic resources, news, information on economic theory, finance, statistics, archives of scientific works on economics, etc.
    Economicus.Ru is a project of the Institute "Economic School". Economicus.Ru is an economic portal whose main goal is to provide high-quality information on the widest range of economic disciplines. Works and biographies of famous economists, a professional catalog of economic resources on the Internet, an economic conference, educational and methodological materials for teachers and students of economics, a selection of dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books on a wide variety of areas of economics, the most complete collection of lectures on economic theory. The site is aimed at specialists and those who are just starting to study economics, and, therefore, it will be useful not only for students, but also for teachers of economic universities, graduate students and scientists.
    Informika is a state scientific enterprise created to ensure the comprehensive development and promotion of new information technologies in the fields of education and science in Russia.
    Everything about marketing - articles, books. One of the most informative resources on this topic.
    Economic server of Siberia. The Virtual Economic Library is being created within the framework of the concept of continuous economic education. The purpose of creating VEB is to provide access to a wide range of teachers and graduate students to methodological developments and scientific publications.
    Corporate management is an independent project aimed at collecting and providing methodological and analytical information related to company management, investments, finance and marketing. Among the materials on the site: analytical articles, books and lecture courses, business plans of real enterprises, manuals, links to other sources of information on the Internet. The site is aimed at specialists in the field of real investments, employees of consulting firms, economic and planning departments of enterprises, managers, and teachers of economic universities. Access to all information is free.
    The Scientific Network is an information system aimed at facilitating access to scientific, popular science and educational information. Sources of information are Russian-language scientific and educational resources on the Internet, publishing houses that produce scientific and popular science literature, large scientific and educational institutions, educational and scientific foundations. Information is available both in the form of a news feed and through a special search engine using keywords, authors, and titles of materials. The "Scientific Network" project is the fruit of joint efforts of the ROO "World of Science and Culture" and Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
    "IE: Economics. Institutional economy". The resource provides a selection of domestic and translated educational and methodological materials on economic theory.
    Russian education. Federal portal.
    The largest Russian-language collection of libertarian books and articles on the Internet. Books and articles by Mises, Hayek, Naishul and others are presented.
    The Socionet system is a geographically distributed database of scientific publications in the social sciences, which is unique in size, composition and mechanisms of formation and updating. All resources and services of the Socionet system are free for users.
    Portal "Financial Sciences"
    Personal website of professor, head of the department of “Microeconomics” of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation N.N. Dumna. (Topic: economic theory, new economics)
    Personal website of Professor of the Financial University A.Yu. Yudanov (topics: Microeconomics, competition, pharmaceutical market)
  • - here you will find economic news and be able to track trends in the economy, read current publications on economics and finance. Students, graduate students and researchers may find the teaching aids, lectures, carefully selected abstracts, notes, translations, texts of books, diplomas and dissertations posted on the site useful.
    Economics, Sociology, Management - federal educational portal. This is a non-profit project. All resources are publicly available. The purpose of the portal is to develop new standards for the organization and information support of the educational process at all levels of education.
  • Internet resources on economics:

    http:// www. akdi. ru/ - Agency for Consultations and Business Information “Economy”;

    http:// www. eeg. ru/ - macroeconomic statistics of Russia on the website of the Economic Expert Group of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

    http:// www. vedi. ru/ - macroeconomic statistics of Russia on the website of the Vedi Analytical Laboratory;

    http:// www. nns. rn/ analytdoc/ anal2. html/ - analytical reports on economic problems of Russia on the website of the National Electronic Library;

    http:// www. online. rn/ sp/ iet/ trends/ - reviews of the state of the Russian economy on the website of the Institute for the Economy in Transition;

    http:// www. exin. ru/ test/ doc. html/ - analytical reports on economic problems of Russia on the website of the Expert Institute;

    http:// referats- tv. stars. ru/ link/ - a list of Internet information resources (including economics) to help students;

    http:// www. libertarium. m/ libertarium/ library/ - Libertarium library. Books and articles by Mises, Hayek, and other authors, several collections, as well as individual articles are presented;

    http:// www. europrimex. com/ education/ center- line. htm/ - library on the Europrimex Corp. website. On-line textbooks, articles and reviews on various aspects of business;

    http:// e- management. newmail. ru- E-MANAGEMENT - full-text publications on economics, management and marketing at an enterprise;

    http:// www. iet. ru- Institute for the Economy in Transition. Books, articles on problems of the economy in transition;

    http:// www. marketing. spb. ru- I.Marketing - a site dedicated to marketing issues: tutorials, monographs, articles, software, conferences for marketers;

    http:// www. cfin. ru- corporate finance. Theory and practice of financial analysis, investments, management, finance. Anti-crisis benefit. Archives of the magazine “Audit and Financial Analysis”. Business plans of real enterprises. Investment analysis and project management programs;

    http:// capitalism. people. ru - crisis of world capitalism. George Soros. A book for everyone who is interested in economic problems, politicians and their advisers, specialists from research institutes and analytical departments, financial specialists;

    http:// socserv2. socci. mcmaster. ca/~ econ/ ugcm/3113/ - history of economic thought (eng). Texts of books by classics of economic theory in English;

    http:// www. econline. hl. ru- a collection of links to economic sites. Internet addresses of Russian and foreign sites with materials on various economic problems.

    Federal educational portal "Economics Sociology Management"

    / Single window of access to educational resources

    /linx.php Alekhine Library

    /soip_lom/ Integral portal Russian education

    Magazine websites:

    "Financial management": /fm

    "Auto business": /

    "Economic Strategies": /maaazine/

    "Economic Review":

    "Transport Information Bulletin":

    “Boss: business, organization, strategy, schemes”: /press/boss

    "CEO": /

    "Corporate Management": /

    Economic portal, whose main goal is to provide high-quality information on the widest range of economic disciplines.

    Gallery of economists- works, biographies, portraits of famous economists, from ancient times to the present day.

    Navigator- professional catalog of economic resources on the Internet. An economic conference is a place where economists, teachers, students and schoolchildren communicate, share experiences and help each other.

    Infotech- educational and methodological materials for teachers and students of economics. Joint project with ORT-Gunzburg (St. Petersburg).

    Dictionaries- a selection of dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books on a wide variety of areas of economics and related disciplines.

    Section of the site "50 lectures on microeconomics"- the most complete collection of lectures on economic theory, written by the best Russian authors.

    "World and Russia"- an interesting guide for discussions in economics and social studies classes in high school.

    "Microeconomics"- the book is the first complete course of microeconomic theory written in Russia.

    One of the sections of the site is the publication of M.A.’s textbook on the Internet. Storchevoy "Fundamentals of Economics". The book is an introductory course in economics. An interesting presentation makes it easy to grasp even the most complex theoretical concepts. The plot drawings made by St. Petersburg artist E. Panteleeva enliven the reading of the book and make the content of each paragraph clear. Historical windows provide fascinating journeys into the past of economies in different countries and allow you to apply the analytical tools you have just learned. Designed for schoolchildren, college students, technical schools and lyceums, as well as anyone interested in economics. The site is aimed at specialists and those who are just starting to study economics, and, therefore, it will be useful not only for students, but also for teachers of economic universities, graduate students and scientists.

    Portal "Economic Education", including the following sections: General issues of economic education; Higher economic education; Economic education at school; Virtual Economic Library (materials developed by employees of the Faculty of Economics of NSU within the framework of the project JEP 08508-94 (TEMPUS/TACIS)): Materials of conferences in the field of economic education, organized with the participation of the Economic Faculty of NSU.

    An educational and administrative portal, the pages of which contain electronic textbooks, teaching materials and scientific monographs on economics, finance, management and marketing in an enterprise, as well as mathematical and instrumental means of economics and management. Some of the material is located directly on the websites of authors or publishers.

    Federal State Statistics Service. The main goal of creating an Internet portal for state statistics is to improve the information support of federal and regional executive authorities and other consumers of information on socio-economic development using modern information and communication technologies. The portal brings together network statistical resources of federal government bodies and organizations that operate statistical data, including the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). In this case, the annually formed Federal Statistical Work Program is used, which makes it possible to obtain comprehensive information on the most important indicators of the socio-economic situation of the country, develop different levels of budgets and forecast the socio-economic development of all regions of Russia. The portal provides a single point of access for all categories of Internet users to official statistical information on the socio-economic, demographic development of Russia, its regions, industries and sectors of the economy, as well as on the organization of statistical activities in the country.

    Information and analytical server “Open Economy”. This is a convenient communication environment for the economic expert community and the public involvement of professional expertise in the development and adoption of government decisions. Public expert discussions around certain areas of economic policy, held on the pages of the portal, become the breeding ground from which the foundations of effective government decisions have grown. This was realized due to the fact that the portal’s experts were and remain representatives of a wide variety of economic schools and views on the essence of public policy.

    Website Economics online intended for those who study economics or are simply interested in it. The goal of this project is to create a collection of links to WWW resources that provide economic and financial information online. Contains the following sections: news, theory, finance, statistics, articles, magazines, economists, miscellaneous. Sections are divided into Russian-language and English-language resources.

    Moscow Institute of Open Education. Departmenteconomy. The site's materials are devoted to economic education at school, teaching methods, include descriptions of educational and methodological literature, and also contain regulatory documentation for economics teachers. The site is aimed primarily at economics teachers teaching in schools and other educational institutions working within the framework of general secondary education. However, the information posted on the pages of the site will be of interest not only to specialists, but also to students, parents and everyone interested in issues of school economic education.

    Daily national business newspaper "Kommersant" - 16 pages of high-quality and timely information about world and Russian business, financial and business news, politics and changes in government, main events in society, culture and sports. Accurate forecasts and in-depth analysis. One of the most authoritative and influential publications in Russia for decision makers.

    Federal educational portal "Economics. Sociology.Management"- This is a system of thematic professional websites, designed according to a similar concept and operating in uniform standards for information exchange. This is a state information resource created by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2002 within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of a Unified Educational Information Environment (2001-2005)." All portal resources are in the public domain. The objectives of the portal are: providing wide and high-quality access to available educational products in economics; stimulating the process of creating innovative educational products; promotion of model forms of organizing the educational process; educational and methodological support of the educational process. The educational portal is, first of all, an educational and methodological center.

    ABC of finance. An educational Internet project with the help of which users can independently improve their financial literacy, both in the field of family budget planning and in the field of savings and investment. The site consists of several sections, each of which provides information to its audience: “for the School” - teachers and students; “for the Home” - for the adult population; “for Work” - for entrepreneurs and employers; “for the Organization” - partners and potential participants in the financial literacy program. On the site you can take advantage of free online consultations, as well as find out where to get knowledge in the field of finance in Russian cities and regions.

    "With interest on life." Website for an educational project, the goals of which are: to develop the ability to apply the concept of “percentage” when solving applied problems; develop cognitive interest and creative abilities of students; develop independence and communication skills. The project invites students not only to solve problems with percentages and to see the connection between mathematics and chemistry and economics. The project is designed for students in grades 8-10 of schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums; Team or individual participation.

    Dictionary of business terms. The dictionary contains more than 100,000 words and expressions used in the activities of market economy entities. You can search for the required term either alphabetically or by economics section.

    Website of the municipal educational institution of additional education "Berd Economic School". Organization of economic education at school. Materials on the topics of economic education of schoolchildren. Tests, assignments, competitions. Economic game "Siberiada". Also on the site are excerpts from the manual, which is part of the educational and methodological set “Elements of Economics”, developed for elementary schools. The manual includes detailed methodological recommendations for teachers who teach economics classes to primary schoolchildren.

    All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in economics. Website for information support of schoolchildren's economics olympiads. History of the Olympics. Composition of the Central Methodological Commission on Economics. Methodological materials with recommendations on the procedure for conducting the Olympiad, on the development of Olympiad tasks. Information about All-Russian and regional Olympiads. News, forum.

    Economics and law: Materials of the Novosibirsk Openeducational network. The site, addressed primarily to teachers teaching economics and law at school, includes sections: News; Project "Learn to protect your rights"; Projects, competitions, olympiads, conferences; Portals, electronic and printed publications; Current issues of education, economics and law; Educational establishments; Organizations, public associations; Innovative materials; Regulations; Consumer Law; Copyright; Man and Law; Labor Law; Law and the Internet. Both materials posted on this site and annotated links to Internet resources are provided.

    Virtual Economic Library, created within the framework of the Concept of Continuing Economic Education. The virtual library contains: discussed, agreed upon and constantly updated course programs at all levels and areas of economic education; teaching materials for courses taught online (mainly in hypertext format); educational materials that support the learning process at the universities of the network and recommended by the Methodological Council of the SSU; the most popular textbooks and other manuals that are not available in the traditional library of each network university, or are available in some libraries in a limited number of copies; an organized and annotated set of links to relevant Internet resources.

    Economic science of modern Russia. The magazine covers the problems of the general concept of prospects for socio-economic development of Russia, including issues of micro- and macroeconomics, financial and commodity markets, employment, development of sectors of the country's economy, regional development and federalism, world economy and international economic relations. In addition, there is an intention to publish articles on economic education and economic policy in the journal.

    Geography and economics teacher website. The author of the site is a geography teacher, member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation, a teacher of the highest category. Repeatedly took part in the work of admissions committees in geography at a number of universities, including MGIMO and RUDN University. Author of a number of textbooks and articles, which can be found on the website. He is interested in creating electronic lessons on geography and economics. The site contains educational and reference materials on the school course of geography and economics. An interesting section of the publication, which contains a bibliographic index of educational literature on economics. The site contains tests and questions on economics for grades 10-11.

    Economic theory on-line. This page is dedicated to new problems in economic theory. Here you can find an electronic economic library, from where you can download a number of books, both in English and Russian, as well as links to various economic sources, articles by authoritative and respected economists. The website contains a database of Russian economists on the Internet. A separate page of links to Internet resources, organized by sections.

    Open courses in economics and business. Distance learning system. An educational site with topics on economics, marketing, entrepreneurship, etc. Here you can test your knowledge by taking a verification test. a universal portal for economists. Economic news. Articles, abstracts, summaries, translations, texts of books. Analytics and statistics. Annotated catalog of economic references. Here you can find out economic news and follow trends in the economy, read current publications on economics and finance. Students, graduate students and researchers may find the teaching aids, lectures, carefully selected abstracts, notes, translations, texts of books, diplomas and dissertations posted on the site useful. As part of the project, an online store of business literature has been created, where a huge selection of economic literature is presented.

    The World and Russia - an electronic textbook for schoolchildren. Materials devoted to various aspects of social development, such as population growth, economic growth, progress in education and health care, urbanization, globalization, etc. Classification of countries of the world by per capita income level and analytical and geographical regions. Statistical tables. Glossary. The site has selected and analyzed the material necessary for use in lessons on global issues of our time, both in the course of social studies and in the course of general history.

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    systematize the material about the transformations of the early 19th century in a table

    During the reign of Alexander, a number of liberal reforms were carried out in Russia, attempts were made to alleviate the plight of the serfs, and order was introduced into the administrative structure of the state (largely thanks to the activities of the lawyer M. Speransky).

    And they took her and kidnapped her, put her in some kind of prison, and demanded a ransom from the television company. I say: Volodya, I always considered you a greedy person. A whole swarm of dung flies, horse flies and other blood-sucking insects hovered around her. The point here is that all sorts of Masyuks and Babitskys and all their Jewish brethren know perfectly well everything about the beasts. And I always wanted to say that in Russia pigs are treated better. And then I wanted to go to Moscow and kill all the bastards there.

    Why does a water bubble appear on the inside of the lip?

    A blister that has appeared on the lip on the side of the mouth cannot but bother the owner. If the cause of the tumor is an injury, the patient will feel a gradually subsiding acute pain. The mucous membrane will begin to swell and turn slightly red. Slight hyperthermia (heating) of the tissue at the site of injury, burning and itching are possible. Some patients experience fever accompanied by chills.

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    Various crafts began to appear in the 15th and 16th centuries. It is this period that is associated with the emergence of folk crafts. Somewhat later, in the 17th century, craftsmen began to create crafts specifically for sale. Entire villages and settlements worked on the production of folk crafts.

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