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OS school 2100 notes for every day. Based on the didactic game “Get Ordered”

School 2100. WE are from “SCHOOL -2100”. 2nd grade “School 2100”. Educational system "School 2100". OS "School 2100". Russian language lesson 3rd grade (School 2100). Federal State Educational Standard in the educational system “School 2100”. The main educational program "School 2100". Mathematics OS "School 2100" (3rd grade). UMK of the Educational System "School 2100".

We study according to the “School 2100” program. Russian language 3rd grade OS "School 2100". Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational system “School 2100”. Lesson literary reading according to the “School 2100” program in 2nd grade. Productive reading in OS "School 2100". Russian language lesson in 4th grade according to the educational complex “School - 2100”. Russian language lesson in 1st grade according to the “School 2100” program.

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Lesson notes in Russian language
according to the “School 2100” program


teacher primary classes

Pritvorova Vera Andreevna



Explanatory note I offer a selection of Russian language lessons according to the educational program “School 2100”, developed by me in accordance with the requirements for lessons for introducing new knowledge. The lessons were developed using works by children's writers studied as part of the program or familiar to children from extracurricular reading.


    Updating students' knowledge. Setting a learning task.

Students complete a repetition task. The list of tasks includes problematic task, which motivates the study of a new topic.

The teacher offers children a system of questions and tasks that lead them to independently “discover” the property or relationship that should be studied in the lesson. At the end of the discussion, the teacher summarizes, giving generally accepted formulations and showing examples of commented solutions to examples and problems of a new type.

    Primary consolidation.

In progress training exercises with obligatory commenting, speaking out loud the established algorithms of action.


Students independently complete a task to apply the learned properties, then check their work in class and evaluate it. Here it is important to create a situation of success for each child, so that he can personally see that he has mastered new algorithms of action (I can do it, I can).

    Solving repetition problems.

Repetition tasks, non-standard, logical, and entertaining tasks are offered. When solving these problems, the material studied earlier is practiced and consolidated, mental operations, ingenuity, and interest in the subject are developed. At the same stage of the lesson, children are proactively prepared to study concepts that will be introduced later. Here you can individually refine and correct mistakes made by children in independent work.

Russian language

2nd grade

Topic: “Observation of sign words. Developing the ability to ask questions.”


    introduce students to the semantic meaning of words that answer questions Which? which? which? which? and their role in our speech;

    learn to put questions to words;

    learn to notice the various characteristics of an object and name them correctly;

    enrich students’ speech with words denoting the characteristics of objects.

    Updating students' knowledge.

Vocabulary work.

Based on the signs that I will name, guess the objects. Write it in 2 columns.

Who? What?

      Slender, tall, white-trunked ( birch)

      Big, angry, shaggy, biting (dog)

      Long-tailed, chatty, white-sided ( magpie)

      Forest, fragrant (raspberries)

Complete the columns vocabulary words one in each.

What do the words that answer the questions mean? Who? or


    “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

When you guessed these items, what helped you? (Signs

these items)

The topic of the lesson is “Signs of objects.”

The objects that surround us have their own characteristics. Name

signs of the following items: notebook, textbook, chalk, pen.

Working from the textbook: exercise 65

Write it on a line separated by commas.

Check (written on the board)

    P Primary consolidation.

Work in groups.

1st row 2nd row 3rd row

watermelon mouse 1c . dress 2v . apples

…….. ………. ……… ………

What question can be asked from the name of an object to its


Write down the question and choose words-signs.


Think about the role of words in the Russian language -

signs? (Make speech more accurate and understandable)

For example, bring me some water (what kind?)

There is text on the board.

Winter has come. It’s… frosty. The forest is sleeping. Under …

the Christmas trees were hidden in the snow. ... shackled ... the river. ... residents

We've been preparing for... winter for a long time.

What's missing from the text? (words-signs)

Feature words “color” the text and help better

imagine a picture painted with words.

Write down the story, insert the appropriate words -


    Repetition .

Card work.

Remember “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin and

Complete the words whose characteristics are mentioned here.

Golden... Broken...

Blue... Grumpy...

Tall... Diligent...

Sea... Terrible...

    Lesson summary

Russian language Educational program"School 2100" 2nd grade

Topic: “Observation of words denoting action. Development the ability to pose questions to these words.”


    familiarization with the words that answer the question, what is he doing?

and denoting the action of an object;

    teach to reveal lexical meaning verbs;

    observe the use of verbs in speech to accurately express thoughts.

    Organizing time. Calligraphy.

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher draws the children's attention to a picture of an owl.- You see a bird on the board - “Wise Owl”. So today is a lesson in discovering new knowledge.- How will you work in class? (Attentively, actively, observe, compare, draw conclusions).- Many tasks will be related to the theme “Winter”. And a minute of penmanship too. Let's call the task “Patterns on Ice.”

    Updating students' knowledge.

Vocabulary work (based on the painting “Winter Fun”).- Look at the picture, try to see and write down vocabulary words in 2 groups: Who? And What? The teacher has these words written on the board and closed: skates guys frost girl coat boy weather skate - What do all the words have in common? (denote an object)- Which word is missing? Why?- Maybe it means a sign?-Lesson objective: get to know new group words and find out:

    What questions do these words answer?

    What do they mean?

    Why are these words needed in speech?

(continuation of work on the painting)- Make up and write down sentences about the children and what they do.

The boys are skating.Misha drove down the mountain.Kolya and Vanya turned over.Ruslan will go on a sled.

Words guys, Misha, Kolya, Vanya, Ruslan represent objects.- What do the words mean? rolling, slid, turned over, will go? - Try to pose questions from objects to their actions.

Thus, we have answered the first two questions.

Generalization. Words that answer the question what does it do?...denote the action of the object.


A game

Choose the appropriate word-object:

    Whistling, howling, blowing... (wind)

    It's drizzling, pouring, lashing... (rain)

    Walking, running, rushing... (man)

Conclusion: action words make our speech more precise, more understandable.

IV. Primary consolidation.

Ex. 85 (record with commentary)

V. Independent work with a test in class.

The student reads an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s poem “Confusion”:

The kittens meowed: And behind them came the ducklings:“We're tired of meowing! “We don’t want to quack anymore!We want like piglets, We want like little frogs,Grunt!" Croak!"

Teacher: - And what happened next, you remember:

The pigs meowedThe ducks croakedThe cats grunted the chickens quacked.

We will now correct this confusion and select the necessary action words.

The cats chirped The birds buzzed Horses quack The flies neighed Baby frogs croak The ducklings purred The piglets are grunting

VI. Repetition Students receive cards according to their options. There is a poem on the card.Task: insert suitable action words. Option 1. Option 2. Parting. Puppy. All I ………… for my mother: I was knocked off my feet today -For her……….scales, I have……puppy.For her……….to the doctor, Two hours for him….., Mathematics………. Two hours of it….., All the boys go to the river... , For lessons not...... I'm alone......on the beach, And I don't have lunch....... . For her, after her illness, it’s very early this morning. Not …. even in the river. ...... puppy from the sofa, For her I... hands, stood in the rooms….. ,some carrots... . ……. , ……, (A. Barto “Separation”) Everyone……. (S. Mikhalkov “Puppy”) VII. Lesson summary. Russian language Educational program "School 2100" 2nd grade

Subject : "Root." Cognates».


    clarification of ideas about the concepts of “root”, “cognate


    observation of the lexical meaning of words with the same root;

    development of the ability to select words with the same root;

    enriching children's vocabulary;

    education of communicative qualities.

    Updating knowledge.

    Vocabulary work on the topic “Trees” (birch, aspen, rowan).

- Guess the riddles:

In spring it cheers, in summer it cools, in autumn it nourishes, Warms in winter.

Alena is standing with a green scarf, Slim figure, white sundress.

In haymaking it’s bitter, And in the cold it’s sweet. What kind of berry?

What kind of tree stands? There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling.

What do these words have in common? How can you call it in one word? What do these words mean? (objects, plants, trees).

    Let's look at the drawings on the board.

Fig. 1 - an ordinary tree. - What parts of the tree do you know? (branches, trunk, root) - Which part of the tree is the most important? (root) - Why? (a tree cannot live without a root)

Fig. 2 is also a tree, but a family tree.

Grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, child - people who are close to each other, relatives. - Why are people called relatives? (They belong to the same genus, have common ancestors, or, as they also say, have common roots).

Fig. 3 – word tree. (Root - garden, branches – kindergarten, garden etc.)


Once upon a time many years ago They planted a strange garden. There was no fruit garden - He was only a word. This word is the root word It began to grow soon And it brought us fruits - There are many new words. Here are some seedlings from the garden for you.

Let's try to plant roots and grow trees.

    Independent work.

Students draw trees on pieces of paper and label the branches.

1st century run 2c. move


What part of these words is common (the same)? Conclusion: - The common part of related words is called the root. - What do we call these words? (cognate)

    “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

What else grows in the forest besides trees?- What do we like to collect in the forest? (mushrooms)

Exercise 347 (oral) – Read the assignment. Formulation of the problem : - What words are called cognates?- Let's read the conclusion.

F/minute. If I say a couple of related words, you clap your hands. If I name a couple of words that are not related, you stomp. Forest - forester, river - raft, wall - nail, cat - cat, garden - garden, house - home, dinner - table, house - smoke, field - pole.

    Primary consolidation.

- Listen to the story called "The Stranger". Listen carefully and try to determine who the stranger is.

Stranger. Relatives gathered near Water. The submariner is talking with Voditsa. A diver and a Waterfall are basking in the sun. The driver plays the accordion. The Water Strider with Algae played out. The water jumps over the pebbles on one leg. Even SA Vodyanoy came. Everyone is waiting for old woman Voda. Wise Water came out, looked at the guests, and immediately noticed the stranger. She told him to go away to his family. A stranger came and became sad. Where should he look for relatives?

Who turned out to be a stranger among the relatives of Water?- Why didn’t the guests immediately notice the stranger?-Won't you help him find his relatives? (drive, start, wind up).

Conclusion : - Words with the same root have a common part and are close in meaning.

    Independent work with testing in class.

Students work using cards.- Cross out the “extra” word in each line. Write out only related words. Select the root. (Show sample). Squirrel, little white, whiten, Water, water, led, Leaf, fox, little fox, Elk, flap, calf, Mountain, hill, town, Dog, sand and sand. Where are the native words? (cognate)?

Examination . Name unnecessary words. On what grounds are you Do you think they are superfluous?


There is text on the board. Fill in the missing words so that they all have the same root.

Fluffy ones fell to the ground...... made the children happy. The boys built ... a fortress and played ... . The girls sculpted...

(Snowflakes, snow, snowballs, snowballs, snowman).

    Lesson summary.

What words are called cognates?

Russian language Educational program "School 2100" 3rd grade

Topic: “Diminutive forms of male and female names In russian language".


    repeat the concept of “suffix” and its meaning in the formation of new words;

    introduce new suffixes and their role in diminutive forms of names;

    develop the ability to form nouns using suffixes;

    enrich lexicon students;

    Vocabulary work.

Today is a holiday - Valentine's Day. This holiday is more6 centuries. Love is a strong feeling. It is capable of defeating hatred and anger, quarrels and resentments. Let those you love love you.- Open the dictionary. Find the words that you think correspond to today's holiday. Write them down. ( Holiday, festive, feeling).

    What feelings do we show towards our family, loved ones, and friends? ( Attention, kindness, affection, sympathy).

- In communication, in order to show our attitude towards a friend, towards a mother, to regret, to console, we say kind words. To do this, we very often give the word a diminutive meaning. How do such transformations occur? (Using suffixes).- Name them.

    Let's write in our notebook:

Daughter - daughter, son - ..., brother - ..., sister - ..., mother - ..., friend - ..., girlfriend - .... - What words did you get? (affectionate) - What is conveyed in them? (love, kindness) - Which part of the word helped form nouns with diminutive meaning? (Suffixes: -k-, -ok-, -hic-, - points-) Write it down on the board.

    Children's discovery of new knowledge.

When communicating, people call each other by name. They do it in different ways. Respectfully: by name, patronymic. Just by name. And, of course, affectionately. What are you affectionately called? Children name, the teacher writes some words on the board, paying attention to suffixes. Igor - Igorok, Nadya - Nadenka, Lena - Lenochka, etc.

The purpose of our lesson: to understand what suffixes can form diminutive forms of male and female names?

Problematic question.

Using the suffix -k-, nouns with a diminutive meaning are also formed (fish-fish, hand-handle...)- Let's see what meaning the names of people with the suffix -k- have. Sveta - Svetka, Seryozha - Seryozha. - Is this a diminutive form of names? (No)

Solving a problematic issue. - Let's do the exercise. 271.

Conclusion. – What is the meaning of nouns? with the suffix –k-? (a hint of disdain) - Is it good to use forms of male and female names in speech? with the suffix –k-?

    Primary consolidation . (Exercises in the formation of diminutive forms of female and male names)

Sentences are written on the board.Assignment: write down the sentences, putting the words in brackets in the diminutive form. (Masha) went with her friends into the forest and got lost. (Denis) threw the porridge onto the street and hit one citizen on the hat. A little goat runs after his sister (Alena).

    Independent work with testing in class.

Working with cards. (Poems by A. Barto used) - Change the names given in brackets using suffixes.1st century “One after another,” the boys agreed: Couples stand up - We will open an account: Two Tamaras, Let's count the complaints - Two Barbarians, How many will it be in a year? And with the dancer (Nastya) I got scared (Sonya) The boy is stocky." And sits quietly..."

“Hush, (Tanya), don’t cry: The ball won’t drown in the river.”

2c. “And the first grader (Kolya) “Let it be in the notebook Calling Smirnova (Galya) - C grades Say that he writes with sticks, but with eyes And I’m not the least bit tired.” U (Zoe)!..."

“(Lida) came forward, Lida takes the jump rope.”

    Lesson summary.

What suffixes are used to form diminutive forms of names?

Russian language Educational program "School 2100" 4th grade

Subject : “Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns.”


    improving knowledge about the noun as a part of speech: lexical meaning, declension;

    learn to analyze the material being studied and draw conclusions;

    create an algorithm for checking an unstressed vowel at the end;

    repeat previously learned spellings;

    develop spelling vigilance, attention, memory, logical thinking.

    Updating students' knowledge.

    Vocabulary work.

- The smallest unit of length /millimeter/ - Basic unit of mass /kilogram/ - Device, technical device, device /apparatus/ - A combination of several musical sounds of different heights /chord/ - A drawing that complements and explains the printed text /illustration/

What do these words have in common? /nouns with double consonant/ - Which word is missing? /illustration – 1st declension/ - What do we know about nouns?

    On the desk. The car drove along street Pushkin, and then area

Five corners. The little one was sitting on a branch... sirens... .- Determine the case of the highlighted nouns. What did you notice? /The case is the same, but the endings are different/.- Determine the declination. Let's put emphasis.- In sentence 1, the endings are known, but what about the endings in sentence 2, are they also unstressed?- What goal will we set? What should we learn in class today?/Understand how to determine an unstressed ending./

    “Discovery” of new knowledge by children.

    I invite 6 assistants to the board. /Students verbally decline nouns fox ( first 6 people ), horse ( other 6 people), steppe(next 6 people)/.

1 student. Nominative case. Who? Fox, ending A. 2 student. Genitive. No one? Foxes, ending s. etc. The teacher writes endings in the tables. I. fox horse steppe R. fox con I step And D. fox con Yu steppes etc.

What are the endings? /drums/- Can these words become helper words for determining the unstressed ending?- What rule do we know where the spelling of unstressed vowels is checked by stress? /about the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word/- How should you proceed to correctly write an unstressed ending? /

    Let's create an algorithm.

    I bet in n.f.. and determine declination.

    Helping word

    Let's return to our proposal. Can you now determine what ending to write?

    Primary consolidation. /Write in notebooks and on the board with comments/.

I dictate.Went to see a neighbor, swam on the lake, ran from bump to bump, from the surface of the river, flew over the sea, helped Aunt Katya, read about courage, far from the village, was proud of a friend, wrote about the museum.

    Independent work with a test in class.

/by cards /

1st century Let's wash, splash, 2 c. Once upon a time there lived a Clean Fly. Swim, dive, tumble The Fly was swimming all the time. In the tub, in the trough, in the tub, she bathed on Sunday In the river, in the stream, in the ocean, in excellent strawberry Both in the bath and in the bathhouse. . Varen. . / K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” / On Monday- In cherry liqueur. Tuesday at the tomato shop gravy, Wednesday – In lemon jelly. On Thursday - In jelly and resin. On Friday - In yogurt, in compote, and in semolina porridge.. /B. Zakhoder “Clean Fly/

V. Lesson summary.

We learned to identify unstressed case endings of names nouns - We use an algorithm. - What knowledge do we need? /be able to: put nouns into initial form; determine declination; learn by heart the helper words/.

List of used literature

    Series “School Library” by A. Barto “Where does the hero live?” - M.: Detgiz, 1959.

    Interlocutors: Prince. for students /Compiled by V.A.Levin/ - M.: Education, 1995.

    Series “My first books” Chukovsky K.I. Confusion. – M.: Children's literature, 1990.

    Collected works in 3 volumes. Volume 1. S.V. Mikhalkov. Poems and fairy tales. – M.: Children's literature, 1970.

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are running.

26 Feb 2012 ... Federal State Educational Standard The NOU puts forward requirements for the formation of... a reminder to teachers
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lesson solving design problems). .... As the basis for this type of activity
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training session.

First mathematics lessons 1-4, 7-9 in game form

Lesson 1 (paragraph 1.1)

Option 1

Based on didactic game"Border Guards"

Main subject goal: learn to combine objects into groups by color, learn to divide collections of objects into groups by color.

Teacher: Guys, today is your first day at school and your first math lesson. It will start with a game. The game is called "Border Guards". I laid out the borders on the floor. Inside each of them there is a magical country. Now I will appoint a border guard for each country and give him a “passport”. This “passport” will show who can settle in this country.

Misha becomes a border guard for this country. His “passport” shows a strawberry. What else can you call a strawberry? (Berry). Who will live in this country? (Everyone who can be called the word “berry”).

Sveta becomes a border guard for this country. In her “passport” there is a picture of a pear. What else can you call a pear? (Fruit). Who will live in this country? (Everyone who can be called the word “fruit”).

Alyosha becomes a border guard for this country. His “passport” shows a cucumber. What else can you call a cucumber? (Vegetable). Who will live in this country? (Everyone who can be called the word “vegetable”).

All the other guys are residents of these countries. Now I will distribute “passports” to each group of 2-3 people (The teacher issues one “passport” to each group). Using these passports you will be able to understand which country you are a resident of and travel to your country. Border guards must ensure that no one confuses the countries. “Residents” have no right to quarrel with each other and with the “border guard.” If you cannot reach an agreement, you should contact your teacher for help.

The teacher distributes cut lotto cards to groups of students of 2-4 people in each group. Children look at them, discuss which country they should go to and complete the task given by the teacher. The teacher intervenes only if he is asked for help, or if the situation really, in the opinion of the teacher, becomes critical and requires his intervention.

2. Difficulty in the game.

All groups found their country, and only 2-3 did not. It turns out that their “passports” show a stool, a toy hare and a dress. With these “passports” they are not allowed into any “country”.

Teacher: (Appeals to those who were unable to participate in general game) Guys, what happened? (We also want to play, but they don’t let us go anywhere). Why? (Our “passports” are not suitable for any country).

(Addresses those who were able to participate in the general game). Let's help the guys. Maybe we should open a new country for them? But what will it be called?

How did we settle in our countries? (All the “residents” of the country had a common name, a difference). Let's take a close look at the “passports” of our guys. Maybe the stool, the toy and the dress also have a common difference, a sign? (Yes! They are all the same color - red!!!) What should we call their country? (Land of red objects).

We are opening a new “country”. We post a border guard at its border with a “passport” - a red card.

4. Game by new rules.

Teacher: (Addresses those who remained within the same “borders”) Guys, do you want to continue the game? What needs to be done for this? (Anyone who is red can move to a new “country”). What should the rest do? (Open new countries). Which ones? How? (Countries with color names). Open it up. How will you gather in groups? (By color.) Get ready, and I’ll take a look.

After the children gather in groups by color, you can give them new “passports” - cards of the desired color. It is better to hand over your old “passports”.

5. Training exercises.

Teacher: What have we learned to do today? (Split into groups by color, form groups by color).

Let's break into pairs and go to the tables. (It is during this lesson that children are divided into stable pairs. In this case, children can do this according to at will and mutual liking, and the teacher can later, after observing the children’s work, make adjustments and replant them in his own way.)

There are already open books and workbooks on the tables. Find the right page in the textbook, the topmost task. What did Vova Kolesnikov do? (“I planted” “flowers” ​​in “beds” according to color). We also have “beds” of flowers in our notebooks. Find them. Agree with each other (each couple sitting next to each other) and make the “flowers” ​​in the “beds” the same.

Only one more task is mandatory for everyone: workbook(No. 1): for development fine motor skills hands - you need to circle the “umbrellas” and shade them. This individual work. It is performed under the guidance of a teacher, as usual work in copybooks.


Lesson 2 (paragraph 1.2)

Option 1

Based on the didactic game “New Residents”

Main subject goal: teach how to combine objects into groups based on shape, learn how to divide collections of objects into groups based on shape.

1. Play by familiar rules.

Teacher: Guys, today the lesson will start with a game. The game is called "New Residents". I laid out “borders” on the floor. Inside each of them there is an “apartment” and a card that shows who can live in this “apartment”. There is a controller near each apartment who decides whether the “tenants” have found their “apartment” correctly. You also have them on every desk similar cards. Each couple takes their card and decides which “apartment” they live in.

Children look at their cards, discuss which “apartment” they should go to in order for the rules of the game to be fulfilled. The teacher intervenes only if he is asked for help, or if the situation really, in the opinion of the teacher, becomes critical and requires his intervention.

2. Difficulty in the game.

All couples found their apartment, and only 2 couples did not. It turns out that most of the guys have red, blue or Green colour, and these two pairs have images of squares (without color). With these cards they cannot enter any of the “apartments”.

Teacher: (Addresses those who were unable to participate in the general game) Guys, what happened? (We also want to play, but they don’t let us go anywhere). Why? (Our cards are not suitable for any apartment).

3. “Discovery” of something new. Formulating new rules of the game.

Teacher: (Addresses those who were able to participate in the general game): Let's help the guys. Maybe we should create a new “apartment” for them? But what will it be called?

How did we move into our “apartments”? (All the “residents” of the “apartment” had a common name, a difference). Let's take a close look at our guys' cards. Maybe they also have a common difference, a sign? (Yes! They are all squares!!!) What should we call their “apartment”? (“Apartment” squares).

We are opening a new “apartment”.

4. Game by new rules.

Teacher (Addresses those who remained within the previous “borders”) : Guys, do you want to continue the game? What needs to be done for this? (Open new “apartments”). Which ones? How? (“apartments” with the name of geometric shapes). What shapes do you know? (Children name the figures they know. The teacher hands out cards.) Divide into groups.

5. Training exercises.

Teacher: What have we learned to do today? (Split into groups according to shape, form groups according to shape).

Let's go to our tables. There are already open books there. Find the left page in the textbook, the topmost task. How did the figures settle in the “house”-table? Discuss this in pairs and give an answer on what basis the figures settled on the floors, and on what basis - on the entrances.

After the task is completed, one pair from each row comes out and “defends” the result of their work. The guys in each row are thought of as one team, so they can complement and correct the work of “their” pair.

At the end of the discussion, the work of each row is assessed not only from the point of view of the correctness of the task, but also from the point of view of the demonstrated desire to achieve a team result, tactfulness, and clarity of statements of children in each team.

After this, tasks No. 2 and No. 3 from the textbook are also completed in pairs.

Here we once again discuss what we learned to do in this lesson.

Only one more task in the workbook (No. 2) is mandatory for all tasks. This is an individual job. This task can be either individual or paired.

All other tasks are not mandatory; they are completed if there is time left in the lesson, at the request and choice of the children independently. In this case, it is quite possible, and even desirable, for different pairs or individual children to complete different tasks, and then tell the class what they did and how.


Lesson 3 (paragraph 1.3)

Option 1

Based on the didactic game “Get Ordered”

Main subject goal: learn to combine objects into groups by size, learn to divide collections of objects into groups by size.

1. Play by familiar rules.

Teacher: Guys, today we need to put things in order, carefully put geometric shapes into boxes; they are on your desks. We will need these figures every time we build rows according to the given rules. Alena and Seryozha, you will receive a box (or package). Each box features a figure. In each box you need to put the figures that are depicted on it. Each couple takes their piece and puts it in the right box, and Alena and Seryozha make sure that only the right pieces get into the box.

There is one on every table geometric figure: either a quadrilateral or a triangle. They are all the same color, even better if they are simply cut out of white paper. Moreover, these are a variety of triangles (rectangular, obtuse-angled, acute-angled) and a variety of quadrilaterals (rhombuses, squares, trapezoids, etc.). All pairs have small figures, and two pairs have large ones (triangle and quadrangle). So big that they cannot be placed in boxes.

Children look at their figures, discuss which box they should put them in and independently complete the teacher’s task.

The teacher intervenes only if he is asked for help, or if the situation really, in the opinion of the teacher, becomes critical and requires his intervention.

2. Difficulty in the game.

All pairs placed their figures in the boxes, and only 2 pairs did not. Even if they try to place their figures on top of the box, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that this cannot be done, the figure is much larger.

Teacher: (addressing everyone) What happened? (These figures cannot be put away in these boxes.) Why? “The figures are big for these boxes.”

3. “Discovery” of something new. Formulating new rules of the game.

Teacher: Guys, what should we do? I only have one big box, and the guys have different figures. What should I depict on this box, or how should I sign it, so that I can later remember what figures are here? (We come up with our own designation for large figures).

Or maybe we don’t need so many small boxes? Maybe we can make one box for all the little figures? What should I depict on this box, or how should I sign it, so that I can later remember what figures are here? (We come up with our own designation for small figures).

4. Game by new rules.

Teacher: Put things in order according to the new rules. On what basis do we now have the figures laid out? (By size, large and small)

5. Training exercises.

Teacher: What have we learned to do today? Divide objects into groups by size, form groups by size).

Let's go to the tables. There are already open books there. Find the right page in the textbook, the topmost task. How did Vova divide the figures into groups? Discuss this in pairs and give your answer.

After the task is completed, one pair from each row comes out and “defends” the result of their work. The guys in each row are thought of as one team, so they can complement and correct the work of “their” pair.

At the end of the discussion, the work of each row is assessed not only from the point of view of the correctness of the task, but also from the point of view of the demonstrated desire to achieve a team result, tactfulness, and clarity of statements of children in each team.

Here we once again discuss what we learned to do in this lesson. Compare with the text in the orange frame.

Only one more task in the workbook (No. 2) is mandatory for all tasks. This task can be either individual or paired.

All other tasks are not mandatory; they are completed if there is time left in the lesson, at the request and choice of the children independently. In this case, it is quite possible, and even desirable, for different pairs or individual children to complete different tasks, and then tell the class what they did and how.

Homework: Open your textbook at home and tell your parents what tasks are on this page and how they were completed in class.

Lesson 4 (section 1.4)

Option 1

Based on the didactic game “Help your friends clean up the mess”

Main subject goal: clarify terms - size parameters.

1. Play by familiar rules.

Teacher: Guys, you have strips of paper on your desks: big and small. Vasya and Petya - receive a box (or package). Each pair takes their own paper strip and puts it in the right box, and Vasya and Petya make sure that only the right strip goes into the box. The boxes are marked with small and large sizes. This is done as agreed in the last lesson.

There is one strip on each table: either short or long. They are all the same color and width except for two or three. Moreover, all the short strips are approximately the same length (small), and all the long strips are much longer. All pairs have very narrow stripes, and two pairs have short but wide. Much wider than the others.

Children look at their strips, discuss which box they should put them in and complete the teacher’s task.

2. Difficulty in the game.

Teacher: (Stands nearby and watches the stripes being laid out. He agrees when long strips are placed in a box indicating large objects, and short strips in a box indicating small ones. As soon as a wide strip appears, he stops the game and draws everyone's attention to this strip.) What do? Which box should I put it in? (It is not clear which stripes are considered large and which are small).

3. “Discovery” of something new. Formulating new rules of the game.

Teacher: Guys, how can this be? On what basis did we all lay out our stripes? (Lengthwise: long ones go into a box indicating large items, and short ones go into a box indicating small ones). But these strips are small in length and large in width? What did we do wrong? (We didn’t agree on which stripes were considered large and which were considered small). Really! Sometimes the words “big” and “small” are not enough. We need to clarify what size we mean.

Our strips can be arranged according to two criteria: by length, or by width.

4. Game by new rules.

Teacher: Put things in order according to the new rules. Name the sign according to which we will arrange the strips, and arrange them.

5. Training exercises.

Teacher: What have we learned to do today? (It’s more accurate to agree when we divide objects into large and small).

Let's go to the tables. There are already open books there. Find the left page in the textbook, the topmost task. Which tree in Petya's drawing is the largest and which is the smallest? Discuss this in pairs and give your answer.

The teacher does not interfere in the discussion until the very end, until the results of the task are summed up. After the task is completed, one pair from each row comes out and “defends” the result of their work. The guys in each row are thought of as one team, so they can complement and correct the work of “their” pair.

If the children themselves come out to discuss the issue that it is necessary to clarify the size parameter, then the teacher simply directs this discussion. If not, then he leads the children to a discussion, leading them to the idea that you can choose the largest tree by height, then it’s pine, or by thickness, then it’s oak.

At the end of the discussion, the work of each row is assessed not only from the point of view of the correctness of the task, but also from the point of view of the demonstrated desire to achieve a team result, tactfulness, and clarity of statements of children in each team.

Here we once again discuss what we learned to do in this lesson. Compare with the text in the orange frame.

Mandatory tasks for all include only one more task in the workbook (any). All other tasks are not mandatory; they are completed if there is time left in the lesson, at the request and choice of the children independently. In this case, it is quite possible, and even desirable, for different pairs or individual children to complete different tasks, and then tell the class what they did and how.

Homework: Open your textbook at home and tell your parents what tasks are on this page and how they were completed in class.

Lesson 7 (section 2.1)

Option 1

Based on the didactic game "Order"

Main subject goal: teach children to establish order relationships based on a segment natural series numbers.

1. Play by familiar rules.

Teacher (Divides the class into three or four teams. At the same time, the number of children in the teams should not be the same, and no team should have more than 10 people): Guys, let's move a little. I will divide you into three (four) groups and place you in a certain order. After that, I will clap my hands, and you run away. I'll clap again, you must line up in the same order. The team that can restore order after running will win.

2. Difficulty in the game.

Teacher. After the run, the children line up in rows, and the question of whether they lined up correctly is discussed. To check the correctness of the task, the teacher writes down the order of the children in the team in advance and reads out the entire list at the time of discussion. If some team made a mistake, then we discuss the question of how the mistake could have been avoided.

3. “Discovery” of something new. Formulating new rules of the game.

Teacher: Guys, come on, I’ll give each team number cards, and each team will have them of the same color. Sort out the cards and line up in order. Agree who is first and second on your team...

4. Game by new rules.

Teacher: Let's play again, only now you'll be looking for your place using a number card. Again everyone scatters and then gathers.

5. Training exercises.

Teacher: What have we learned to do today? (Set up order by assigning each player a place in a row using numbers.)

Let's go to the tables. There are already open books there. Find the left page in the textbook, the topmost task. Tell us in what order the children go to school. Discuss this in pairs and give your answer.

Complete the second task from the top on the same page. Talk in pairs and use number cards to tell us in what order the children returned from school.

Select the task as desired. Let one row take the topmost task on the right page, another row - the bottom one, and the third - in the middle. The teacher explains to each row its task and gives time to complete it.

After the task is completed, one pair from each row comes out and “defends” the result of their work. The guys in each row are thought of as one team, so they can complement and correct the work of “their” pair.

At the end of the discussion, the work of each row is assessed not only from the point of view of the correctness of the task, but also from the point of view of the demonstrated desire to achieve a team result, tactfulness, and clarity of statements of children in each team.

Here we once again discuss what we learned to do in this lesson. Compare with the text in the orange frame.

Mandatory tasks for all include only one more task in the workbook (any). All other tasks in the workbook are not mandatory; they are completed if there is time left in the lesson, at the request and choice of the children independently. In this case, it is quite possible, and even desirable, for different pairs or individual children to complete different tasks, and then tell the class what they did and how.

Homework: Open your textbook at home and tell your parents what tasks are on this page and how they were completed in class.

Lesson 8 (section 2.2)

Option 1

Main subject goal:

1. Play by familiar rules.

Teacher: Let's split into three teams (no more than 10 people per group). Each team - form pairs. The condition is this: each pair must have one boy and one girl. (The teacher divides the children into teams so that in some teams there are equal numbers of girls and boys, and in others - not equally).

2. Difficulty in the game.

Some teams were able to split into pairs, but some were not.

Teacher (Addressing everyone) : What happened? Why weren't all the teams able to split into pairs?

3. “Discovery” of something new. Formulating new rules of the game.

We count the girls separately and the boys separately in the team where there are equal numbers of guys. Now can you tell me why the other teams couldn’t split into pairs? (Girls and boys are not equally divided). So, if you can divide a group of boys and girls into pairs, then there are equal numbers of boys and girls, but if pairs don’t work out, then not equally?

4. Game by new rules.

Teacher: Teams, each get cards of two colors, and find out, without counting them, whether you have an equal number of cards of each color, or not. What new did you learn?

5. Training exercises.

Teacher: Let's go to the tables. There are already open books there. Find the right page in the textbook, the topmost task. How do you know whether there are equal or unequal numbers of birds in a picture? Discuss this in pairs and give your answer.

After the task is completed, one pair from each row comes out and “defends” the result of their work. The guys in each row are thought of as one team, so they can complement and correct the work of “their” pair.

At the end of the discussion, the work of each row is assessed not only from the point of view of the correctness of the task, but also from the point of view of the demonstrated desire to achieve a team result, tactfulness, and clarity of statements of children in each team.

Here we once again discuss what we learned to do in this lesson. Compare with the text in the orange frame.

Only one more task is mandatory for all: No. 6 on p. 17. It is performed in rows: one row examines Katya’s drawing, the other – Petya, the third – Vova.

All other tasks are not mandatory; they are completed if there is time left in the lesson, at the request and choice of the children independently. In this case, it is quite possible, and even desirable, for different pairs or individual children to complete different tasks, and then tell the class what they did and how.

Homework: Open your textbook at home and tell your parents what tasks are on this page and how they were completed in class.

Lesson 9 (section 2.3)

Option 1

Based on the didactic game “Comparing Numbers”

Main subject goal: teach children to compare the number of objects in groups.

1. Play by familiar rules.

Teacher: Let's split into three teams (no more than 10 people in each group). Each group must form pairs. The condition is this: each pair must have one boy and one girl. (The teacher divides the children into groups so that in some groups there are equal numbers of girls and boys, and in others - not equally).

2. Difficulty in the game.

Teacher: Tell me, without counting the guys, which team has more boys than girls. (Children make assumptions)

3. “Discovery” of something new. Formulating new rules of the game.

Teacher: We line up in pairs again (in the team where the guys are not equal). Let's note who didn't get a pair. Now can you tell me how, without counting, you can immediately find out who is more and who is less? (Children make assumptions)

Now let's test ourselves by counting the guys.

4. Game by new rules.

Teacher: Teams, each receive cards of two colors, and find out, without counting them, which color cards are more and which are fewer. What new did you learn?

5. Training exercises.

Teacher: Let's go to the tables. There are already open books there. Find the left page in the textbook, the topmost task. The teacher plays this task out loud and asks the children to discuss it in pairs and tell them what needs to be done. After this, 2-3 pairs are called, the task is discussed, and it is finally clarified what and how we will do. Let's do it.

After the task is completed, one pair from each row comes out and “defends” the result of their work. The guys in each row are thought of as one team, so they can complement and correct the work of “their” pair.

At the end of the discussion, the work of each row is assessed not only from the point of view of the correctness of the task, but also from the point of view of the demonstrated desire to achieve a team result, tactfulness, and clarity of statements of children in each team.

Tasks No. 2 and No. 3 are also performed. Task No. 4 is performed in rows (each row has its own drawing).

After discussing the results of the work, we once again discuss what we learned to do in this lesson. Compare with the text in the orange frame.

All other tasks are not mandatory; they are completed if there is time left in the lesson, at the request and choice of the children independently. In this case, it is quite possible, and even desirable, for different pairs or individual children to complete different tasks, and then tell the class what they did and how.

Homework: Open your textbook at home and tell your parents what tasks are on this page and how they were completed in class.

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