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Open social studies lesson 6 people and humanity. Open lesson "man and humanity" lesson plan in social studies on the topic

With this lesson we complete the 6th grade Social Studies course. During the lesson we will talk about what humanism is, what values ​​are humanistic. We will also consider the question of what kind of society can be considered humane, what is accepted in this society. Using specific historical examples, we will look at how you can use humanistic ideals in your life.

Topic: Virtues

Word "humanism" contains the root homo, which means “man” in Latin. This word is not of Russian origin, but at the same time, you and I understand perfectly well that if we are talking about humanity, This means that we assume a certain set of feelings, qualities and reactions of a person to a particular situation. You are humane when you treat this situation from the point of view of goodness, justice and do not succumb to opposite feelings. A humane person does not try to offend someone or infringe on his own or someone else’s human dignity, because if the situation turns out to be such that you offended someone, then you acted inhumanely.

Thus, humanism is a worldview centered on the idea of ​​man as highest value. Humanism affirms the value of man as an individual, his right to freedom, happiness, development, and manifestation of his abilities. Everything that guarantees our freedom, our rights, can be considered humane or humanistic. It is clear that in this case it is difficult to give a clear and rigid definition, because human values ​​are constantly changing. What was normal and accepted 200-300 years ago may now be an anachronism, which can sometimes interfere with a person and be inhumane. But if some values ​​correspond to a person’s current views on the world, if these values ​​help human life, help preserve public organization and an individual approach to each person, then, of course, these are humanistic values.

Humanism is somewhat similar to the concepts of morality and morality; they are partially combined with each other, because Golden Rule morality meets the standards of a humane society. Humane Society is a society that values ​​human personality. This is a society that cares about those people who need help, and cares sincerely, and not as a handout. Help in our society is needed primarily by older people, since they have lived most of their lives and are physically and mentally tired. Such people need care and attention from others. If you smile at older people, if you treat them with care and understanding, and help them with basic things, you are simply prolonging their lives. You make them healthier, including physically. This is a humane attitude towards people.

Rice. 3. Elderly people need our care ()

Also, our help is needed by people with poor health, including sometimes our humane attitude can be manifested in not treating people with disabilities as for disabled people. In general, the word “disabled” has a negative connotation and can greatly hurt others, as if we are declaring in this way that this person is defective. Most people with disabilities fight against the public perception that they are disabled. They can also live, albeit partially, a normal human life, and this is what we need to concentrate on.

Humanism, of course, did not appear now; it is not an invention of the 20th or 21st centuries. People have been thinking about the nature of humanity, the human relationship to oneself and others for a long time. Many philosophers and scientists created their own advice and concepts of how a person should behave. The great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy put forward the whole concept of non-resistance to evil through violence. This is a kind of symbol of humanism, because if a person does not respond to evil with evil, then perhaps the next manifestation of evil simply will not happen. It is impossible to endlessly offend a person who does not resist you, who does not want to harm you. Such apparent weakness is actually an outstanding strength, the strength of a person.

Of course, you may argue that this cannot be true. After all, if I am beaten, offended, insulted, I must defend myself, and not silently endure the violence. After all, it is a biblical truth: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. But this does not always turn out to be the absolute truth. To convince you, it is enough to cite the example of a person like Mahatma Gandhi. This is the leader of the movement of non-cooperation with the British colonial troops and the British administration in India. Mahatma Gandhi was able, without any armed uprising, without blood and carnage, to essentially push the British out of India. After this, India became sovereign state. He was the greatest humanist of the 20th century, who with his life proved that non-resistance to evil through violence works.

It is also impossible not to mention in our conversation the name of such a great English humanist as Thomas More. In 1515-1516, Thomas More wrote his most famous work, Utopia. Over time, the word “utopia” itself became a common noun and turned into a designation for something beautiful, but completely unreal. Thomas More truly described an ideal, unique state in which all citizens were free. The inhabitants of Utopia chose their own rulers and officials. There were no taxes, there was no money and private property, there was not even hard physical labor. All citizens of Utopia worked only a few hours a day, and then enjoyed studying the sciences and arts. More did not just preach humanism, he was truly highly humane moral person ready to defend their convictions to the end.

Humanism is the greatest concept. Is our human attitude to each other - an inevitable consequence of the development of civilization. If we want to remain human, we must become human. We must treat others the way we would like them to treat us.

Surely now you know the USA as a democratic country with a developed social system that fights for human rights. There is a place for the independent in this country. public opinion. Currently, the President of the United States is African-American Barack Obama.

But just 60 years ago, the United States of America was completely different. Yes, the same Constitution of 1787 was in force in the United States, which guaranteed the rights and freedoms of Americans. But at the same time, in the United States there was such a phenomenon as segregation, or racial division. In the middle of the 19th century after Civil War In the USA, slavery was abolished, and Americans were very proud that they themselves were able to overcome such a shameful relic of the past. But they did not get rid of the fact that the attitude of white people towards African Americans was derogatory. White people—the Yankees—were the backbone of American society; all those who were people of a different skin color, especially African Americans, were left out public life. There were special black neighborhoods for them. African Americans were not allowed to enter bars or any public establishments for white people, even public transportation that carried whites. Under no circumstances could blacks study in those educational institutions where white children and youth studied. To the highest educational establishments access to blacks was practically closed.

It is clear that democracy could not exist within such a society; this is absurd. If one part of the state's population is in fact oppressed, there can be no talk of democracy. At this time, an absolutely amazing person appeared in the United States, a humanist, who also proved with his life that one cannot resist evil with violence, but must fight evil according to human principles. This man's name was Dr. Martin Luther King. King was a Baptist minister, a very popular religious sect in the United States, especially among African Americans. First of all, this man was a public figure. He fought to ensure that the rights of African Americans were equal to the rights white population. The most famous is the famous speech of Martin Luther King, which he read to a huge audience (about 300 thousand Americans were listening to him at that moment). This speech was called “I have a dream”, Martin Luther King said that people should live in peace and harmony. People should resolve all their conflicts with words, not physical strength. But the most important thing that King dreamed of was the absence of differences between Americans by skin color, eye shape, language and other racial and national characteristics.

Dr. Martin Luther King received Nobel Prize world in 1964. The world appreciated so highly the activities of a man who tried to change a country that was not the most favorable for life at that time. King was eventually assassinated in 1968, shot by one of the people who were ardent fans of segregation. But his death was not in vain; it was a symbol of the end of segregation. Indeed, the United States soon got rid of this shameful social system. Now in America it is a shame to call a man a black man. It's considered an insult; the polite term is "African-American." All people, regardless of skin color, are equal, and this is the highest essence of humanism.

1. Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social studies 6th grade. - Enlightenment, 2004.

2. Kravchenko A.I., Pevtsova E.A., Social studies: Textbook for grade 6 educational institutions. - 12th ed. - M.: LLC "TID" Russian word- RS", 2009. - 184 p.

3. Barabanov V.V., Nasonova I.P. / Ed. Bordovsky G.A. Social studies 6th grade, 2007.

4. Nikitin A.F., Nikitina T.I. Social science. 6th grade. - Bustard, 2013.

1. Russian Humanistic Society ().

2. Morality and society. Social ethics ().

3. Racial segregation in America. The story of one victory ().

1. Complete the task “Test yourself” on page 212. Textbook: Vinogradova N.F., Gorodetskaya N.I., Ivanova L.F. and others / Ed. Bogolyubova L.N., Ivanova L.F. Social studies 6th grade. - Enlightenment, 2004.

2. How do you understand the expression “humane society”? What principles does it follow?

3.* Surely you have met humane and admirable people in your life. Write an essay on the topic “My Hero.”

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Slide captions:

Item of the plan Item of the plan Item of the plan Item of the plan Item of the plan 3

1. What is humanism. 2. Show attention to the elderly.

Plan point 1 Plan point 2 Plan point 3 Plan point 4 Plan point 5 ◊ 1. Read § 12. ◊ 2. Answer the questions in the “Let’s test ourselves” section. ◊ 3. Assignments in the “In the classroom and at home” section - orally.

Item of the plan Item of the plan Item of the plan 4 Item of the plan 5 “Humanity - humanity, human attitude towards others.” Dictionary D. N. Ushakova

Plan point Plan point Plan point 4 Plan point 5 “Humanity is a system of moral and social attitudes that presupposes the need to show sympathy for people, provide assistance, and not cause suffering.”

Plan point 3 Plan point 4 Plan point 5 Humanism (from the Latin humanitas - “humanity”, humanus - “humane”, homo - “man”) is a worldview in the center of which is the idea of ​​man as the highest value.

Item of the plan Item of the plan Item of the plan 4 Item of the plan 5 Humanism is a system of views of advanced thinkers of the Renaissance, who were characterized by interest in man, faith in his capabilities and talents. From the point of view of humanistic philosophers, man is the center of the Universe, the best creation of God.

Item of the plan Item of the plan Item of the plan 4 Item of the plan 5 V.V. Veresaev Read the material in paragraph No. 12, p. 101, para. 3-5 and answer the questions: “1. What is a parable? 2. What idea did V.V. Veresaev want to convey to us in his work?”

Item of the plan Item of the plan Item of the plan 4 Item of the plan 5 a system of views that recognizes the value of a person, his life, freedom and rights; the principle of behavior that a person follows in his activities

Plan point 2 Plan point 3 Plan point 4 Plan point 5 “Let your mind be kind and your heart be smart.” S. Marshak

Item of the plan Item of the plan Item of the plan 4 Item of the plan 5 What periods is human life divided into?

Plan point 2 Plan point 3 Plan point 4 Plan point 5 Read the material in paragraph No. 12, pp. 101-102 and answer the question: How do you understand the words of K.I. Chukovsky: “Being with the young is our joyful duty”? Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Plan point 2 Plan point 3 Plan point 4 Plan point 5 1. How do you help your elderly relatives? 2. What are you talking to them about? 3. What did you learn and what did you learn from them? 4. What experience would you like to learn?

template source Natalia Vladimirovna Chernakova Teacher of chemistry and biology, State Educational Institution NPO Arkhangelsk region"Vocational School No. 31" ""

The topic of our lesson is “Man and humanity.”

Teacher: Today we started the lesson by explaining the concepts of kindness, humanity, humanity.

Now let's look at these concepts from a social science point of view.

What is a person?

How does a person differ from other living beings?

What is humanity?

What is humanism?

I asked you to look up these concepts in dictionaries and use Internet resources.

Notebook work: write down the definitions in your notebook.

Teacher's word:

Humane is called generosity, a kind attitude towards people, a willingness to understand another, the desire to see in him an equal, worthy of respect person.

Humanism – a historically developing system of views that recognizes the value of a person, his right to freedom, happiness, development and manifestation of his abilities, which considers the well-being of a person as a criterion for assessing the justice of society.

The origin of the concept of “humanism” is associated with the Renaissance (late 15th - first half of the 16th century), which you will get acquainted with in the next academic year. The Renaissance is a time when interest in man, faith in his abilities and capabilities were characteristic of a new culture emerging from the depths of the Middle Ages (familiar to you from a history course). The first humanists of the high Renaissance were: Erasmus of Rotterdam, Thomas More, Francois Rabelais, William Shakespeare, Miguel Cervantes, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Raphael Santi.

The content of the concept has changed throughout history, developing and enriching. But at the same time, the main thing remained - interest in the various manifestations of man, his activities, and creativity. The ideas of humanism have excited and continue to excite humanity. Many scholars devote their works to humanism, among them: Dahl, London, Solzhenitsyn, Dostoevsky, Pascal, Gorky, Ozhegov and many others.

Humanism - this is not only a certain attitude towards a person, but also his certain behavior. This meaning of humanism allows us to assume that all people are worthy of respect and have good qualities. Although, of course, the good inherent in people does not always manifest itself freely and unhindered.

What prevents people from always doing good deeds?(life circumstances)

True Humanismincludes a person’s responsibility for his deeds and actions. Here's how writer V.V. wrote about it. Veresaev in the story “Legend”: (the teacher reads p. 209 aloud to the student).

The story could be like this:the humane behavior of the sailors will be manifested in their correction of what they did on the island throughout their lives.

What is the meaning of the story told by V.V. Veresaev?

Meaning: a person's responsibility for what he does in his life.

Is it easy to be a humane person?

People have dreamed of a fair and humane society for centuries.

Humane Society –This is a fair society, in which the main thing is the person and his good. How more society can give people everything necessary for genuine human happiness, for various manifestations of the best, kind, bright in them (people), the more humane it is.

Conversation on questions:

What is your idea of ​​a humane society?

Work with text. There lived a man.

Think about it, who in our society needs help and care the most?

(weak - children, old people, abandoned kitten or puppy)

Why is it necessary to care for the weak?

Teacher's story:“The court of the Industrial District of Khabarovsk has begun consideration of a high-profile case of brutal killings of animals, in which two girls and their friend are accused.

Depending on their role, they are accused of cruelty to animals, robbery, insulting the feelings of believers and extremism. According to investigators, at least 15 animals and birds became victims of the accused.

The process takes place behind closed doors so as not to advertise the identity of the person affected by their actions and for the safety of the participants in the process.

During the hearing, animal rights activists held a picket outside the courthouse. Social activists unfurled a five-meter banner with the inscription “Knacker - go to prison.”

As Svetlana Petrenko, a representative of the RF Investigative Committee, previously reported, two minor friends from June to August last year, using sadistic methods, systematically cruelly treated animals, mutilated them and killed them.

Investigators also found that in 2015 and 2016, one of the accused repeatedly posted on the VKontakte page images and texts that offended the religious feelings of believers. In addition, from March to October 2016, she, together with another minor teenager, produced and posted on the Internet a video containing “scenes of humiliation of the victim’s human dignity based on his membership in social group" And on July 28, 2016, the accused girls committed a robbery against a resident of Khabarovsk.”

Fragment of the song. Eduard Khil "Song about a good man."

Creative work

Children's projects: “Show attention to the elderly”

Veronica Baryshnikova
Social studies lesson notes “What is humanity?” (6th grade)

Lesson summary"What such humanity

Guys, let's remember what we studied with you in the past lesson. (Fear, courage, phobia).

Who can explain what these concepts mean? (Fear is a negative emotion that occurs in response to danger or threat. Phobia is fear, a constant fear of something and a mental disorder person. Courage is the ability to suppress fear).

You had a d/z. You had to write down your fears and methods of dealing with them, as well as write down your courageous actions. (Speeches by children with their answers)

Well done to all of you for doing brave things and trying to fight your fears.

Guys, you have a short fairy tale on your tables, let’s read it and then answer the question.

The plowman plowed the land. The mole crawled out of his hole and surprised: a large field has already been plowed, and the plowman plows and plows. Asks mole:

- Why did you plow such a big field and you continue to plow?

The plowman answers:

– I plow not only for myself, but also for people.

The mole was surprised:

- Why do you plow people? Let everyone work for themselves. So I dig a hole for myself, and every mole digs a hole for himself.

What do you think this fairy tale is about? What is its meaning? (We must help others, not be selfish).

What do they call person who helps people? (Kind).

And what quality defines a good person? It has the same root as the word « Human» (Humanity) .

Right! And then what will the topic of ours be called? lesson? (« Humanity» ; « Man and humanity» etc.).

And the theme of our the lesson will be called"What such humanity (1 slide)

And now that you know the topic lesson, think about what you want to study? (What such humanity? Who is called humane? Is it easy to be humane)

What associations do you have with the word? « Humanity» ? (respect for people; kindness; responsiveness; sincerity).

Now let's try to formulate that such humanity? (Humanity- this is a moral quality that involves respect and sympathy for people, goodwill and tolerance). (2 slide)

Do you know that humanity Can you call it another word? (Not really). So this is the word "humanity". Have you ever heard this word? (Not really).

Let's write down that such humanity. Humanity (from lat. humanus – humanity) - love, attention to person, respect for human personality; kind attitude towards all living things; humanity, philanthropy. (3 slide)

What do you think can be called humane actions?

Exercise 1 (4 slide)

Read the situations and say how you would arrived:

1. You are walking down the street and see a crying child. What will your actions be?

2. You walk into the entrance and see a small homeless kitten. What will you do?

Guys, do you think it’s easy to do humane things? (Not really). And why?

Now we were talking about the humanity of the individual person. What else is humane? (Society) .

And what society is called humane? (Humane society is such a society, which took the principles of humanism as the basis for its development). (5 slide)

Let's read the fable of L. N. Tolstoy "Old grandfather and grandson". (6 slide)

Grandfather became very old. His legs did not walk, his eyes did not see, his ears did not hear, he had no teeth. And when he ate, it flowed backwards from his mouth. His son and daughter-in-law stopped sitting him at the table and let him dine at the stove. They brought him lunch in a cup. He wanted to move it, but he dropped it and broke it. The daughter-in-law began to scold the old man for ruining everything in the house and breaking cups, and said that now she would give him dinner in a basin. The old man just sighed and said nothing. One day a husband and wife are sitting at home and watching - their little son is playing on the floor with planks - he is working on something. Father and asked: “Why are you doing this, Misha?” And Misha and speaks: “It’s me, father, who’s making the basin. When you and your mother are too old to feed you from this tub.”

The husband and wife looked at each other and began to cry. They felt ashamed that they had offended the old man so much; and from then on they began to sit him at the table and look after him.

What do you think about this fable? Can you call it instructive? (Yes). What does she teach us? What did you feel, what did you think about? How should we treat older people? Tell me, can such a story happen in our time?

So who do you think is in our society most in need of protection? (Old people, children).

Let's now write a syncway on the topic "humanity", that's 3 for you minutes: (7 slide)

The first line is the title of the topic (one noun);

The second line is a description of the topic in two words, two adjectives;

The third line is a description of the action within this topic with three verbs;

The fourth line is a phrase that shows the attitude towards the topic (whole sentence);

The fifth line is a synonym that repeats the essence of the topic.

Guys, do you think we achieved the goals we set at the beginning? lesson? (Not really).

What did we not have time to study with you on lesson, where can I find the answers to them?

Guys, let's evaluate each other now. In your opinion, who can be given what grades? (children's answers).

Publications on the topic:

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28.10.2013 6775 0

Epigraph for the lesson:

The worse the morals, the better the moral teachings.

Valery Vorontsov - Russian writer

Lesson type:combined.

Target:show that moral norms create a pattern of human behavior in relation to other people.

Students should know that:

1)humanity means the embodiment of the principle of humanism in the everyday relationships of people;

2)morality is the generally accepted idea of ​​what is good and what is bad;

3)moral qualities make a person human;

4)The main task of moral standards is to create a pattern of human behavior in relation to other people.

Students must understand what:





5)moral standards.

Students should be able to:

1)explain basic concepts;

2)express your own point of view;

3)analyze statements;

4)justify your opinion.


I. Survey.

-Answer yes or no.

1.Abilities are innate human properties that manifest themselves in certain activities.(No.)

2.Abilities are a high degree of a person’s giftedness, manifested in a certain activity.(Yes.)

3.Will is a specific human property.(Yes.)

4.A person's character is manifested in his unswerving pursuit of the goal indicated by society.

5.A person is determined only by innate qualities.(No.)

II. Learning new material.


1.Morality and humanism.

2.Moral standards and actions of people.

1.Playing out the situation:

1)they did not give up a seat to an elderly person in transport;

2)friends called each other names;

3)They told mom a lie.

Then what was seen is discussed and it is clarified what was violated in these situations. The teacher leads students to understand what social norms are and how they regulate human life.

2.Lecture with elements of conversation.

-Why do you think people with different interests, characters, and views can not only coexist peacefully with each other, but also act together?

Over the centuries, people have created rules of conduct to live in society. For this purpose they used reason and feelings. Reason warned of the danger of chaos and hostility; life experience was passed down from generation to generation and made it possible to clarify and hone social norms - the rules of behavior in society.

-Give examples of rules of behavior in society that you know.

-Prove that social norms arose with the advent of human society.

Social norms replaced instincts that were effective in the lives of animals, but weakened in humans. Just as instinct in animals contributes to their survival and procreation, so social norms contribute to the survival of humans in community with other people.

The first social norms that arose in primitive society were simple and categorical. Thistaboo -prohibitions. Society, through the mouths of priests, elders, and leaders, determined actions the commission of which was prohibited, since they posed a threat to the existence of the community, clan, or tribe.

-Give examples of taboos.(Prohibition of marriages between close relatives; prohibition of killing relatives.)

As the experience of working and organizing everyday life accumulated, customs developed.

Custom -This is a set of rules of behavior, the assimilation of which contributes to the success of actions in one or another area of ​​life.

Customs included religious rites and rituals, forms and methods of behavior during marriage, at the birth of a child, with death and funerals, with cooking, with agricultural work, etc.

Each new generation takes custom as a given, honors the customs of their ancestors, perceives their experience, and acts according to the model.

-What customs do you know? How does the role of customs change with distance from the time of their origin?

A new step, indicating a person’s conscious attitude towards himself, towards the society in which he lives, and towards the world as a whole, was the emergence of ethical or moral norms.

Ethics(Greeketnos) - the stable nature of a phenomenon, later - a stable order, human virtues.

Ethics - philosophical doctrine about morality, its development, principles, norms and role in society.

Ethics -a set of norms of behavior.(WITH.I. Ozhegov.)

Analogue in Lat. language -more- “morality”.

In Russian, the synonym is morality (from the word “nrav”).

Term"morality"more often used to refer to social norms existing in society,"ethics" -to denote the science of morality,"morality" -to denote the individual moral principles that guide a person.

The core of ethics is the definition of “good” and “evil.” In accordance with ethics, goodness should be the guideline for all human actions and actions.

The moral norms acquired by a person form the core of a person’s inner world and guide his thoughts and actions.

Exercise1 ./Any person always faces the need for a moral choice. In his actions, opposing motives often collide. He chooses between immediate interests, perhaps contrary to the generally accepted moral norm, and behavior consistent with this norm, but contrary to his immediate interests.

Have you, your friends, heroes of books or movies ever found yourself in such a situation? Describe how you, friends, heroes behaved.

Diagram 1 will help you answer the questions. 33:

Thus,moral standards- these are the behaviors of people based on the prevailing ideas in society about good and evil, honor and dishonesty, justice and injustice and orienting members of society towards the development of their virtues and virtuous actions. Moral norms determine not only a person’s individual actions, but also his life line in general, the goals he sets for himself, as well as his attitude towards other people and the community as a whole.

-Do you think all people have the same idea of ​​what is “good” and what is “evil”? Prove it. What influences a person’s moral attitudes?

Society protects itself, its integrity, the established order of life, which is based on the calling and protection of life values, the significance of which has been tested by the experience of many generations.

A person, having committed any offense, experiences remorse, but not always.

-Considerdiagram2 “Two ethical systems.” Name people you know whose life positions and life path correspond to humanistic ethics.

III. Consolidation.

Conducted in the form of group work.

1- Igroup.Explain the meaning of the statements.

1)“The essence of all morality is to consider human life like a game that can be won or lost, and teach a person the means of the game.”(Simone de Beauvoir - French writer.)

2)“Morality is a simplification of man, allowing, with the help of a scheme, to rise above the intellectual confusion and chaos of the inner world.”(Friedrich Nietzsche.)

2- Igroup.Analyze the statements.

1)“There are two moralities: one passive, which prohibits evil, the other active, which commands to do good.”(Pierre Buast- French lexicographer.)

2)“The four cardinal virtues are wisdom, courage, self-control and morality.”(Plato.)

3- Igroup.How do you understand the following statements?

1)“There is no other morality than that which is based on the principles of reason and flows from man’s natural inclination to goodness.”(Pierre Bayle- French philosopher.)

2)“The moral law is the instinct of self-preservation of society.(Alexander Kruglov is a Russian writer.)

The discussion can be concluded with the statement of Robindranath Tagore: “Even a gang of robbers must observe some moral requirements in order to remain a gang.”

Homework:§ 4; complete tasks 1-4, p. 26.